HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-28, Page 2GYPSY SLAYS TORMENTORS Young Man Threw Stoney and He RC sponded With Buckshot. A despatch from $hawyille, Que.. >~;:y : Goaded to madness by the jibes and affronts of a half-dozen y4wng mer( who were tormenting Lin,, Mike Murphy, a gypsy-, 55 pars of age, on Wednesday night, eh, t and instantly killed two of tin it number, Harry Howes. aged 22, and William Dale, aged 30. Roth young men were killed by one shot aired print blank at a range of eighteen feet from an old nuzzle - leading shotgun. Howes was stantl- i.te immediately behind Dale, and . ther• hand, the two young men the discharge of buckshot, passed wits are dead were of quell fawil- completely through Dale's body and ies, and were themselves highly re- entered that of Howes. Both spccted, hence the yery strong dropped dead. The slayer, Mur- feeling which pre\ ails against phy, was arrested by a private citi- Murphy. ie.' and lodged( in the jail. His rift- was also jailed. charged with Laing an accomplice in the crime. Murphy has scarcely a friend in the place. For three years he has e'en's- defied the authuritics to oust jammed in an elevator at London, him from the property on which he Ont., and was fatally injured. The "squatted- i 'tl►atl•!}' outsidefhi' r: piiiit that the C. P. 1{. \„il the corporation limit at the south- adei twe new steamers to its Atlan- erl,•,• end of the town. There. in a tic fleet is reviled at St. John. miserable hovel. he has lived with Montreal Street Railway Com - hi; gypsy wife amid px'verty and puny has granted an increase of filth and 81111011 .1', a\uwcdly hostile ray to motormen and conductors. to everyone in Shawville. On the The London & Lake Erie Railway Company will run Sunday cars be- tween London and Port Stanley. Largo purchases of Ontario cat- tle by United States firms are re- sin nsible for the increase in the pace of beef. The Marconi Company are now CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM AL1, OVER THE GLOBE. 1'etetraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. THE WORLD'S MARKS FS REPORTS 1'11011 THE LEADING, TRADE CENTRE.'. Prices of Cattle. (:rain. Cheese and Other Dalry Produce at Hoene and Abroad. MARK TWAIN IS DEAD Famous Humorist Passes Away at His Houle in Connecticut. A despatch from Redding, Conn., l':1\:11).1. 131tEADSTUFFS. says: Samuel Langhorne Clemens Two Guelph boys were bitten Ly Toronto, April 20. - Ontario (Mark 11'wain) died painlessly at dugs on Thursday. Wheat -No. 2 mixed winter wheat, 6.30 o'clock Thursday night of an - James Parker had his head 81.00 to *1.07 outside, gine pectoris. He lapsed into coma Manitoba 11'heat-Spot No. 1 as 3 u'clec•k in the aftcrloun and n'•urrnr?1.09N4northern,It ((r-n7rt,.rl, t►aek,; Inke. party. Ful never recovered consciousness. lip( ring of navigation, No. 1 north was the end ..f a man outworn by ern. $1.05; No. 2 northern, $1.03 at grief and acute agony of body. Inky purrs. Wednesday was a bud day for the Cornmeriean No. 2 kiln -dried little knot of anxious watchers at yellow, 66e to 66%c; No. :3 yellow, kiln -dried, 05%e to GGc ; No. 3 yel- low, 64%e; Canadian turn, GOc• tt, 6.c, Toronto freights. Oats -Canada western, No. 2. 39',e, on track, bay ports. Fur opening of navigation, No. 2 C'. W. sleep he had known sauce he re - 38c ; e38e; No. 3 C. W. 37c, at. lake ports; fumed from I3eluruda, and on Ontario, No. 2 white, 36e to 36',•,e, outside; No. 3 white, 35c to 35%c, outside; 3s0;2".c on track Toronto. 1 Barley -No. 2, 53c to 54e; No. 3 • extra, 51e to 52c; No. 3, 40c to 47c (,rices may be gathered from the outside; Manitoba, No, 4, 52/c, on t ransactions, which showrattle track, lake ports. weighing 800 and 900 pounds bring - Peas -No. `2, to 76c. Lig from $0 to 8(1.50 per eent. Cows Rye -No. 2, Ole to OSc. and bolls quoted as high as $6.25 Buckwheat -Neo, 2, 51c.and $*6.00 per cwt. Trade in milk- A despatch from Cardinal says: Manitoba Flour -Quotations at ers and springers is light, but a While two men were engaged in Toronto are : -First patents, $5.70; few good cows base been sold as cutting up a pig on Thursday. Al------ second patents, *5.20; strong bak- high as $15 per head the market bort Hoboes, a farmer, living about est', *5; 90 per cent., Glasgow fo- this class of cattle 'ranging from twt mites west of this place. slat - freights. 28s. $45 upward. Yearling Iambs are (truly attacked N. A. Bolton with Ontario Flour -Winter wheat pat- quoted 50 cents lower at *8 and *9 an axe, inflicting wounds on the top cots for export, $4.05 to $4.10 in respectively. Sheep are very firm of the head and behind the ear. buyers' bags, outside. at $5 to $7 per cwt. Hogs are easy killing him instantly. It is said Millfeed-Manitoba bran, $20 per at $9 f.o.b. to *9.25 fed and wat- ronto. shorts, *22 per tun, track, Tu- crud. Ontario bran, *22 per ton; shorts, $2:3 per ton, on track, To- ronto. QUEER MURDER STORP. 151ruck in the Dark and Killed the Wrong Man. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A voluntary statement has been made by Reichert and Grabowski, the two l;alieians under arrest at .Morden, charged with having caus- ed the death of A. Phillips at Plum 4 i ulee recently by hitting him on the head. Both men have partly implicated themselves. admitting that they had designed to avenge thrrnselvPs, following a fight which had occurred in a hotel. Grabow- ski carried a heavy club, and to- gether they waited until Phillips ao.l a companion named McGinnis game out, and hitched up to go home. Then they attacked them in the dark. Grabowski gave the club to Reichert, and the latter struck Phillips in mistake for McGinnis, inflicting injuries which resulted in his death. It was so dark, he claims. that he still does not know whom he had hit, but his spite was against McGinnis. and not parti- colarly towards the dead rnan. A third party is said to be implicated also and an arrest is likely to fo!- SKEI ETON FOUND. Supposed to he Remains of Wm. Wilkinson, a Homesteader. A despatch from Prince Albert, sass: While gathering wood near the east of the city. James Murray ( :.rue across the skeleton of a elan. It is thought the remains are those of 1Villianl \Vilkinaon, a homestead- er Wilkinson disappeared last spring, and his brother, reporting IIO('TOR'S i00'I'l! RIR'1'1IDAV. Physician of France Who Says "Ent, drink and be Merry." 1)r. Hindle of Vulerion. France, accepting messages at Montreal for British points at twelve cents per word. .A Nesse! blockade is reported at. Sault Ste. Marie, owing to the re- pairs to the United States canal celebrating his hundredth birthday not being completed. at a dinner given recently in his Mr. McNicoll of the C. 1'. H. ex - honor by his fellow•-eitizeux, tlecuar- Teets that the mechanics of the ed: "All my lifetime 1 have eaten eastern shops will accept terns as what tasted good to into and have the western men did. drank as much of any liquor I pre- ferred as was wax] for me. I pity !!,use of my colleagues who think that long life depends upon the ab- stemious diet. Eat, drink and bo merry, that's my recipe.•-"fhe doc- tor has been mayor of his town since 184b, and up to two years ago was als•u active fire marshal. in 1908 11e rescued an old woman from a limning roof. At the dinner he de- clared smilingly that he had had the pleasure of attending most of were entombed by an explosion in COUNTRY PRODUCE. his patients both at their birth :old an Alabama coal mine. funeral. He has it in 70 years old. A woman believed to be suffering Eggs -20c to 21c per dozen in case Members of his family have held • from leprosy was found in a crowd- lot••, the post of town physician kir 200 a cl tenement in New lurk. Butter -The market for good qua - years. The Attorney -General of the lit; of butter is still very firm. Creamery prints ......30c to 32c United States has ordered an in Sea orator prints .. .... 25e to 26c vestigation of the recent bull move- fairy prints (choice) .. '24c to 25c THE NORTIII.ANi) OF PROMISE. mint. in cotton. Large roils .... .. .... 23c to 24c - The warship brake, invented by. I nferiur ............17c to 18c Tuella. Hours of Sunshine Daily on atl'Anattixn, has been tested on they Syup-7f1 to $1.10 per imperial Provincial Farm. C cited States battleship Indiana I gallorn. ►,nci has proved a success. 1 Cheese -13c per pound for large g r A despatch from Toronto say's: Ilr. Wilgus of the New York State cert rt was 15 degrees cast ..f Venus, There is bi promise in Ontario's 11 13}/c for twins. displayedn tail one and one -huff Thetawtre land, 'according to the report everyJuttoflfour iimmiigran t ato (the' Beans -$2 to $2.10 per bushel for degrees lung, and was in the fourth received on Thur•sda> by the I'ro-' {'rited States is an undesirable. primes and at :12.15 to $2.'23 per magnitude. bushel fur hand-picked. etseinl Bureau of t o1..nizatiun from William It. Hearst Chas issued a Potatoesppotatoes, Delaware atnt Superintendent \\ hit ton. who has' str.t•n(•nt endorsing I resident Taft r GREAT FLOODS IN SI•;111'IA. 45e per hag in ear lots, and 55c to GOc per hag out of store. the bedside. For long hours the grey, aquiline features lay moulded in the inertia of death, while the pulse sank lower and lower. but (alt, at night the patient passed frenl stupor into the first natural Thursday morning awoke refresh- ed, even faintly cheerful and in full possession of all his faculties. He recognized his daughter, Carrie (Mrs. Ossip l;abriluuitch), spoke a rational mord tie two. and. feeling himself uneo1 t:it for coiner•ation, w rote out. in pencil: "Give no. nay Flt(• es." 'Phew were hi. last w..ids. laying aside his gin-ses a:►d pencil, he sank first into rev- erie and later into final uncensci- onsness. There was no thought at the time, however, that the end wa. so near. Mark Twain died, as truly as it eat: he said of any roan, of a bro- ken heart. The death of H. H. Rogers, u elose friend, was a se) \•c re blow. The death of his daugh-' ter, Jean, who was seized with an attack of epilepsy last fall while in her bath, was an added blow from which he never recovered. It was then that the stabbing pains in the heart began. 1'AII3IER KILLS COMPANION. Suddenly Attacked N. A. Bolton 11 ith au Axe. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Asquith obtained a majority of 03 on his motion applying the closure to the discussion of the Bi.dget in the British Commons. UNITED STATES. A bill to prohibit oral bookmak- ing has passed the New York State Assembly. Between thirty and forty men VISIBLE TO NAKED EVE. Ilalley's Cornet Seen at Harvard Observatory. .\ despatch from Cambridge, Mass., says : Visible to the naked eye for almost half an hour, Hal- lev's comet was watched with great interest by members of the Hary- ard College Observatory early 011 Thursday. The emnet appeared in plain view at 3.45 a.m. and disap- peared front sight at 4.12 a.m. Front observations taken by Lee F. ('anlp- beli, of the observatory staff, the charge of the Go\ernu►ent demon - awl warning the American people stration farm at 'Monteith. This against permitting a renewal of Twelve 1)481115 Already Caused by farm is located 218 miles north of Rot sevelt rule. the Water. North Bay and 31 miles south of- 11 despatch hum Belgrade, Ser - C. ehrline, the junction of the 1'. & GENERAL. ciao says: Servia is again flooded N. 0. and National '1'runsconlint'nt- The military reservists in Eeua- tee disappearance, stated that he al Railways.. The report to Mr. dur are clamoring for wa r with had gone out with a gun one Sun -1 Donald Sutherland. director of col- Peru. d:., morning and was not seen of onization, shows that for the week The lawlessness of the natives in ter Later the brother's wife died. ending April roll there were twelve Hunan province, China, is spread - PROVISIONS. Wholesale quotations: - Pork -Short cut, $31 to 8131.50 as a result of torrential rains dur- enrora Indian. Johnson says that per barrel; cress, $28.50 to $29. in'; the past few days. At Kragu- he pushed his wife into the rapids Lard -Firm; tierces, 164c to jtvat , Allure the floods are most above the falls. It is claimed by 1t10-; tubs, 10:,';e to 17c; pails, e!i4 v(1e, twelve deaths have already lawyers that the confession he made 1034e: stocks very light. oct ur ed, while the damage to pro cat not be used against. Johnson in perty is enormous. The while a tr'al, and it is impossible to get country front Kragujeyatc to La- corroborative evidence against• hint. p(.t., a distance of twenty miles. as there eery no witnesses. "The resembles a vast lake. Several til- thing that makes me confess the laws have been inundated almost murder of my wife," Johnson said. to the tops of the 1 sex, and it is "MRS that, before I killed her, and feared that a large number of pee- when she told me that the intend- ed to commit suicide, site asked lac fol. a nice gravestone, and I prone isrd her i would get it. 1 hate net (r done so, and it has haunted me 1 syr her head 'n the ricer in ;eV dreams. and have hardly en joyed a peaceful night in all these cr yeti." an.' before death she stated that huur•s of sunshine every day and • the two brothers hadone away 21;F Smoked and Dry Salted Meats - . g 1-tio temperature went ns high as The lockout in the building tegt•ther. but her husband had re- 52 degrees. The Superintendent trades at Berlin will probably he Long clear bacon, tons and cases, turned alone. I.ater the brother1,•:_c: backs (plain), • tc to `21„c; stated that the fall whet(! and do- settled in the near future. bseks fpeameal), 21',c• to 22c; shout - emit railed typhoid fryer and diet( ver were looking well, the seeding Louis 1 ulham made a clean cross- ►, in Victoria Hospital here, and their sot the spring grain was nearly tin- country flight of 125 miles in der (lams, He to 14e I green only child died. the four deaths Isbell and the ground was in spirit- meats out, of pickle, le less than g 1 Frnnre breaking all record. tont erring within a year. Another k I blather lases in the 13attleford dis- tort. NEW SURGICAL M F:T11 OD. A Silver Wire Substituted fur the Knife. A dejpntch from Baltimore. Mtl., sass: I►r. E. H. Richardson of 7au1s Hopkins Hospital announced en Wednesday n new method in stir- gely recently practised with sue- euss at that hospital in operations for It disease of the kidneys. First. n blunt needle is threaded with a live silver wire. then an incision iv made about the infected part and 111•• wire is diawn sesaw fashion through the kidneys to the extent d( sired. By the old method. in which the keif.• was used, serious a.td sometimes uncontrollable hern- os rhnges were caused. The silver w tit method obviates this. as in - 1.1.841 of cutting through the flesh i1 works through the vessel or ar- t. r w•5 \v idiotic severing them. The tin Olod is pl•'lloance•d inynluable P40.719,679. a decrease of two tllll- f• r exploring the kidneys. lions. that Holmes' mind was unhinged by the purchase of the farm front his victim, believing he paid to„ much for it. He took poison last week in an attempt at au:vide. The tnt•rdcrer escaped to the woods. Ho was met by a boy named George Perry, whom he warned to keep away or he would kill him too. Tu this buy he also announced his in- tention of going into the swamp to kill himself. Ile thereupon plunged into: the swamp of about 60 acres uhich lies behind his farm. Bolton, his victim, was a man of about 40 years. He leaver: a widow and one son. MURDERER WILL 1:0 FREE. Confesses to Killing Wife, But No Witnesses • to Prove It. A despatch from Niagara Falls. N Y., says: A peculiar situation has developed here as a result of the alleged confession that he mur- deted his wife here six years ago, made at Waukegan, 111., on Sat- utday, by Foster Johnson, a Tuts- le: shape for seeding. Teti girls and sl. roan were killed sato ee . r b: a boiler es pl.;siun in an Anti- f1011x, smirked, 15; yc to (tic ; me- pl: a5 well as thousands .•t sheep --yrilium and light hams, 18c to lt+Nc; 81141 cattle have been drowned. Inc trim ►nxteh tau tory. heavy, 16'ze to 17v; bacon, 19',e to railway service in the district has 11011 IN ION RANK STA 'I'I.MENT. Jewels tallied at half a million 40c, bet ti entirely- suspended. ----- dollars have been stolen from the Increases Recorded in Ilrpasit'and I'sp••nski Cathedral, in the Klein-!11(►N'1'1{EAI. MARKETS. 111•NI::IR1• SCARED R1' EXODUS Note Circulation. lin, at Moscow. ---- Montreal, April 26.-- There is 1:tnigt•ation to Canada Depleting roil very little business passing in / the local flour market. Manitoba Agrirulloral 1 opnlutlon. spring wheat patents, firsts. $5.80: A despatch from 01.18118 says: du seconds, $5.30; winter wheat hillgr•Itiett to Canada is 111 looked patents, *5.50 to A5.60; Manitoba' upon with favor by all continental strong bakers. $5.10; straight rul- ('(0ntries. in Hungary. according '1:th (1!....6.697.1°'...(1!....6.697.1°'...(1!....6.697.1°'...she l."‘"in February . Ni- o1 living in the Token less, 85.10 t is naturally high. Eggs cost about .. $5.2:i; do. in },age., t.. the Dominion immigration offs ti• 4. !lip.".its stand at $515.273.11`,*2.40 to $2.50.111illfeed-Ontario cors, an order has for some months an icer•:Ise of about eight. millions. 75 cents n dozen, butter 50 cents a lain. *20.50 to 2 pound. good beef steak 50 cent, :t` 1 : Ontario Inid br. n in existence which prohibits Total note 41reulntiun was 1!t7.r,1515.' i filings, $2: to *23: Manitoba bran.' in future emigration to Canada. 122, ns compared with *7.1.521.1)411 (purl. 40 rents, and other things in f.21: Manit.ha shorts. *21 to $22: The reason gives► fur this order is 1n ,1. %11)15 month. ('all 1.8115 In proportion. 'The freight rates int.. 1:1st'. gt'aluun Inullillle, $:1:, to Iia:3:' th4, Yukon lure y4.ry high' tar -ingl that Canada attracts Agricultural C: nnd:c were hel►I to fhr value of ' nosed millic, $25 to $2S. Rolled Iat orris II 101 sma11 NUM' 111. elaswt eb".91:..7:35, a decrease of approxi- from $5(1 to, $115 a ton from the toys( clflts, x4 that hrAvy articles, bag. barrel. $4.05: do per whin it is especially desired to n ntcly two millions. ('xll (nano hag. *11.90: cornmeal, per barrel. , 1,1 t 1• in Hungary. and further. that elsewhere 1101(1 at. 6111:01,171.540. An ate often many times denser that►, $:3.40 to $:3.50. Cheese -01d (}i• Se Foch persons when onrr in the i►(o. inr:rase of len millions. Current they are outside. One woman ,. ► • -- -- -4' ktitiinert in ('alnnda stood at *Ii24.5',(s Paid tihy cents for a bathhriek,' 11'„r and fighters at 12�,c. Butter' minion find the attractions so great I - Old stuck. 25,e t.. 29c and m w • ILIA 1 hey rat ply 111,1rii 11 their •1 French 1111 expert says they., 0:,1, compared with $6022,454.53!). 1;'•111 board and lodgings may be' mi!ti creamery, :31st t0 31c. Eggs- t motherland, but tempt others 11 Are hundreds , f spurious lien: ('renal loans elsewhere totalled hal l for about a70 n nl.tlth, and a• tee'.-eted lots. 'lac to Ste and straight (4.114. thein. ).randt portraits ie !n5rrica. 111st-class dinner in n hotel may be 1(4cipts, 1!►e t.. lch• per dozen. -- had for *1 .r even less. Working-! Wren often "brach it' • in little nab- ir.s about two or three t.•gether, NEW YOIIK \\ Iil:\T 'I.\IIK1•:1' 111111 Ike 011 *2(1 a month. New Vork. April 26• Wheat- But wages 8" also high. Seven N..• 2 red. $1.1:31,, nominal c.i.f.; del lays n day is paid for unskilled, N,1 northnatern, *1.1:''.. (...beat., upo: ns n- an•i $1u 11 flay for skilled labor. i•1t iga1ion. Opti' n wh Female teachers in the schuu) draw weak and luut1 at the stmt under Several Charters s Made at All Unusual >e170 n month for twelve months, further 1i/initialhat un the weakT. figure at Fort William. 1 despatch from Ottawa says : The (,auk report for March. issued Is: the depni(ntent of finance. on \1'rdnrsday. indicates healthy busi- 1.1' ing in l ukon Comes Iligh-Jlisx- uess c untie ions. D4.mand deposit tress Amongst Workmen. 1411'1 st2. as compared E1:(:S 75 CENTS A DOZEN. l'll l S(1 N I:1) 111 I'I1.1.5. Tito 1lonlreal Children Eat Them in Mistake for Candy. A (lcvpatetl f r' to Mont real '•1' • : Simone. five 1' 1 , of age. and 1 t4 hires, three .1 ars 0141, ehildt••'n (,f ?di J. Edouard ('ailluux, Ontario street. east. died :5t their home on Wednesday nn'Ining from eating sugar coated pills. The children tl•ought the pills were candies and ate a large quantity. KILLED ON U. S. RAILROAD 1,099 Lives Lost in Three Months, and the Number Injured Was 22,491. ONE -CENT GRAIN RATE; and male teachers from *2t►0 a III. nth. Ordinary clerks get *150 A month, 11 n(1 11rst-e1xs5 ste110- 1;e/inhlrt 212('(I. There is no place in the wo)141 wherr it 4orkingnlan A patch from W,.'i.ingt.n. 11.1 fart sent bulletin shows A compare- n;In steady work is better off. but A large increase 111 the • • r what are called the "steam it Hoist br ren09m1nv1 that !herr 1.1•11,1'•r .f va•nnitir5 011 .1u•rlcir' 1, :..t. with 1114. electric lines on is little work ii the winter. and raih.ads is shown by the report f.) • ., . h iuleltit.tl.• traffic is carried. the demand for work is strictly :he quarter undid Dee. 31. 10(51. 8• I'•I.• total number .f Fel-sync 1.1114'11 lirlited. l:%cry spring quite a nunl- r.mpitted with the corrts;•II4I tl •.1 the electric Iiuie wets 26. 41i11 1,••e o1 naso, ut1, itrd by the tales charti r of luras, ;1 I.ull'•tit is..o. 1 1.42 were injured. in the 1114.1tlr rf et high wages in Dawson, make Wednesday by the 1104.1 s(lu14 41.!thyr. N.trn►her and D.reulhrr• their way t. Whitehorse and then 4 . umnercr ('o►vurission rh.' s alt iti ' 19' :'. Thr 'waiter herr reviewed 111081 duan the Yukon in small crease in the number ' f i. 1•„Hs v.:• .nr in whirl) there was a large :i►'c .1 .f :top. and in fhe untnl.r1 ..i v. Manor 1,f Oath- on the principal in;ur.e.l of 5.05. The total number 1 rs.iir ad,. and Ih•,'e classes of (esu ei p.•rl,, ns killed 1A• 1.11149. end the t+ltir'. 1.111. 11 .,'•vur mainly in the tut,o1 number inj.Ir.'11 Y_' e!'1 The fir:ght 's i.e th•1w heavier totals. I..'nts. Last year the (;.terrlrnent w -n• forcr'I to assist 11n silt•)! turn '•1r of the viol Fit ry by giving then( telief work at s co.t of 1...me $1G,W0. cables 8nd p041r Cash drinxr,d, but prices regained the loss on 1114ring _ by shorts and closed at Ili ii5 aged - ,\ dcspat. h Viol o11 \1 illiam v essel-owners put i l 1r 1.•,:51 - :nen to ' je net decline. •ay s : A rale 1? unr cent a bushel 1-4 n'mi•sien before the sltppis el 1.11' t; ST0(•K 111 \I1K1•:'I's. Fort \fill not to Butfuh for g"4.•: was hlr�te rn.ugh t4, war ! ' grair:: improbable though it Islay 1.401 the ,11040 N'•4; '.,11141 at' them (tontieal. April 26. C'.loicestu'.is w.t.l boats at Fort 11'illiant air fa. hr.ught R7.50 to 7R7.sS fair to gaud, sound, sr1era1 charters uete closed i•:); the alt.rnati\e of snaking t rate f*S.ss( to A6.40; fair, $5 14 $5..',11: .„ 11.er11.t•.tlxy ni this figure In that exporters ratld not refuse o► ((us, 06.2:,: bulls. *6: hogs. rin. .\u,rric8n \e'sels. The vessel -own sending their boats to Buffalo cmp- L.t: sows, $9.50: sheep steady tit 4 r- who closed the r.nttint' do Hirt 1 i\ and laying ..fl their (row. tint.) h ttt.7J to 16, while lata' sold a,1maket \Meet make money on the car -1, st 44x1 cargoes ye anailabl+. Ti.r e:.Sc t.' 49: valves lit -might alt the i..c•. and when they get their boats! (me 1e0t rate i, 1114. 1-1511!1. It has :back t.. Buffalo it is not likely. they ).1•r n figurer) out (hal, adding the Tutr.il' .Aptll 16. 'ili ;➢1e: -lar will send tarn) bock for more grillrt : "age. of the crew to 111e iusur'lnee . ;tinge fur the best quality of stn^r.1 at the ...tine rale. rates. a heal w1111 a eargo of grail! 8.115 heifers was f►etn *rotary to 37.1 'Pile 148-.n for the 'ema►kah:y I a' n .cot a bns•11el ir1 actual!._ 1•,si►:$ alsi 1111 idea of lir ni,eas .f t:.•• 01 • race ;•c• .., the frost that some re, n•�.