HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-21, Page 8A Dog
with a Muzzle ) LOCAL DOINGS. ,
t.��.t���� �1
and .t roan with an ill-fitting
snit of clothes are in the saute boat—
Both Handicapped !
If you arca nun with clothes troubles
:.ave TAMAN diagnose your rase. Ile
quite likely will prescribe A SLIT OF
ular price.
Ile does not send his gouda to out-
ot-town clothing manufacturers to be
THROWN toge'lici and Paltered off on
you for a CUSTOM MADE SUIT, but
makes the suits I. !tic own custom work
shop Insuring you a PERFECT FIT and
BEST :Volt }:MA N SI S 1 I',
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Yrsiness locals -- Read Them
Room Buys in Wools, Tapeatr.rs and
Velvets. The best ire have ever shoicnne3
to $40. Stewart's
Two medium elzcd, comfortable !:Doses
for sale. Apply at this office.
bering. Apply to W. D. Burke, Exeter.
King hats for men. We say they are
up-to-date. See there and you would
yourself. Stewart.
•e. Ovens Coeslsg.
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Burgeon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel, Exeter, Saturday, April 30.
all day. Masses properly fitted and
diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose treated.
Boys' and Men's Clothing. We would
rather show you than tell you abr,ut it.
Popular prices. Stewart's.
MISS r.,EWIS, Exeter.
MOTEL TO RENT—Apply at this office
26c. Special Irish Dress Linen, bonu-
tiful quality for was suits and dresses,
in all shades. Stewart's.
Steele Briggs Seeds are the best by
tilt. That's the hind ire sell. Stewart.
FOR SALE—In good condition—just the
thing for a student ar anyone else want
ing a bargain. Apply a' Advo^ate Office
FOUND—A watch. Call at the Advo-
cate Office and prove property.
EARLY CHRISTIANS.—Ezqulettely ill-
fustratvd by 200 life mnodcl and 1200
feet of animated pleturea—A Bloecoplc
Discourse cotoposed and delivered by
Mr. Herbert Itcoth, youngest son of
tleneral Booth. Sonic reasons why you
should eta and hear it,—Be-ause there's
no more thrilling chapter in human his-
tory tt.an that which tells of the for-
tunes of the early Christians; because
of the es tuislte beauty of these scenes,
to get whi^h no a -pones has been spared
Meatier. there Is no way you can hear
so much In so short a time about the
Soldiers of the Cross In the days o1
Nero. In James sr. Methodist church
May 8rd. Admission lac ; rhlldrer, two
for 25c.
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Public Worship -10.30 and 7.
Class i rvfce-9.3o a.nt.and after Morn -
Ing Service and Wrdeesday night.
Young Meet's Class and Catechumens —
Sunday at 2 p. m.
Sunda) School and Ulb'.e Classes— 2.30.
BpHor'n League—Tuceday 9 p. m.
Prayer Meeting—Thur*day 9 p. m
April 24th
The pastor will preach I the morning
to the Oidfellows and at night n err -
T1101 t0 the young men.
Tfte Sftop for p160
We have the finest lines of
Fancy Suitings
We are tilled up with the hew-
e*t and beet ,foods for the snak-
ing of clothing. and we do the
making in the best of style.
Morela.t YUAN,- Exattar
PItlVATE LESSONS—Miss G:ogory Sit
peepared to accept pupils i:. English,
Latin, French, German and Mzt!he1114t1, e
or will coach students for the midsum-
mer departmental ezaminatlons in any
or all of the High School metol sub :e ts.
Terms given onapplicatlo:h.
The military camp will open at Lon-
do:i on June 13th.
Mr. Herb. Waiter was off work part
of the week, owing to ilinees.
Tate east portion of the bowling green
his been rcl^veiled artd seeded.
Aire. John Mallett, who has been 11!
for the past two weeks, Is recovering.
Mind your own business and same day
you will be. minding a business of your
own. f
A game of football will take place
Friday evening between the married and
single men.
The steel amoke stack on the Roes
Taylor Planing Mill was blown down
by the wind on Saturday night.
Mr. James Creech, who has been 111
and confined to his bed all winter, was
able to take a walk up town Saturday.
Mr. Leo Foster has moved 'from Sar
tpta to the house owned by the late
Jeremiah Hearne!), London Road South.
The Oddtellows attend divine service
at the James Street Mfethodlat church
Sunday morning, April 24. Rev. Hobbs
will preach.
The Fourth Annual General Meeting of
the shareholders of the Exeter Ginning
and Preserving Co. has been called for
April 211th in the Town Hall.
'Mr. Wet. Arnold. Exeter, was in
town this week and took a bunch of
good horses out of here. Ile is doing
a fine business in Exeter."—Kincar-
dine Reporter.
Throughout the West they have been
having an old time blizzard the past
week. Int some places as tnuch as d
Inches of snow tell, while in Winnipeg
the street car service was nearly par-
A p:neo:t with broad nails usually has
a kind, getntle, bashful nature. Those
with narrow nails are both ambitious
and quarrelsome. White, entail nails in-
dicate conceit, obstinacy and dullness
of mind.
The Exeter Curling Club did honor
to one of theirTumber on Friday even-
ing last by tendering hint a compliment-
ary banquet in Wilson's restaurant. We
refer to Mr. R. N. Taylor, who leaves
next month for Calgary to reside. A
pleasant social evening was spent.
The garret or store room of the aver-
age home contains many articles that
::ave 'seen their best days," which
. ould. with very little trouble or ex-
pense, be converted into 'things of
beauty" as well as use with a coat of
Wood -Lac. Ask Mr. W. J. Ileaman for
Color Card.
Orly a small crowd turned out to hear
and see Brush, the magician, Saturday
night last In the Opera ]louse. The
weather was wet and v. ry unfavorable
and Saturday evening 1s a poor t'rne
for an crttcrtalnment of any kind. Those
w:to attended, however. were very well
pl:asci and agree that some of the
tricks were truly marvellous. It Is
regrettable that a more suitable night
had not been chosen.
Newspaper advertising is the cheapest
channel of communication ever estab-
lished by ntan. A thousand letters with
one cent stamps will easily coat 615
to circulate and not one envelope in ten
will b. opened. because the very 'menage
Is an invitation to the waste basket.
If there was any cheaper, rest assur-
ed that the greatest merchants in Anter-
ica would not spend individually sumo
ranging up to a half million of dollars
aed more a year In newspaper adver-
We understand that one or two of
our young ladies who were anxious to
sic the comet arose earlier than usual
the other morning for that purpose, hay -
!Ng previously earefully prepared a
piece of smoked glass to prevent Its
hrilliant rays from injuring their eyes
or browning their complexions. In the
semi darkness of the early morning and
by the nteilunt of darkened glass it Is
not strange that the fair ones were
disappointed. ]however, they are to be
commended upon the spirit that prompt-
ed them even If not upon the means
adopted. It may be stated that the com-
et at present is only visible by the aid
of a telescope. except when the atmos
;there is very clear, and then it is doubt-
ful if it can ba Been by the naked eye.
There are opportunities on the farm
to -day that the boy of twenty-five years
ago never dreamed of. The modern
farm gives scope for the boy's beat en-
ergies. His best skill ar,d intelligence
have every chance to display themselves
Tr.e consumer is denianding food pro-
ducts of higher quality and is paying
'tier prices for them than he ever did
:',re. To produce these in sufficient
.a.nitities to supply the demand. af-
fords an opportunity for successful ad-
vancement that no other calling affords.
Tr a boy who leaves the farm for the
city has only five chances in one hun-
fired of making good. No country boy
can afford to take a chance like that.
Stay on the farm. boys. The chances
for success there are many times great-
er than in the city` --
}HCL S' FORECASTS.—.'t regular per-
iod of storm cover a t:,r 2 nth to 29th,
central on. the 27th. Look for failing
barorn ter and renewal of decided storms
during this p=rlod. Moot Is 1•. apogee
and full on the 21th and thta w;1I pre-
eip'tate• storms early In thin perlod.
Muei cooler as April a ,da.
.ANOTHER 3TA1t.—Thrre has been is-
ead from tt.c office of the Toro't'o
Dtily Star t'.. first %treater of the :.ew
five -cent paper. rhante 1 'T .. Toro•,•o
Star Weekly." One nil,:'ht :latu-ally sup-
pose the newspaper field was filled to
overflowing, and 11..41 there could be
no flied place in the newspaper firma-
n, • t for even another star—but the men
agement have travelled to more ew-
e •s*ee than one under the banner In-
s. rib -d 'find a plate or mike otic. -and
they meant that there shall b' no excep-
tion to ('.is rule to putting 'The Tor-
o Ito Star Weekly" In the field. fir. Joe.
T. Clark will be the editor. and the pa-
p r has 16 pages.
Mr. Will Moncur of Guelph visited ::la
parents here Friday.
Mr. Fred L+licrington of Osborne left
Tuesday for the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLeod are visit -
nig relatives in Seatorth.
Miss Gardiner of Farquhar is visiting
her aunt Niro. A. Gardiner.
Mr. T. N. McGJlutn spent the former
part o' the we^k t:t Lonelten.
`Ir. Jas. %Vatter and Mr. Wm. May
!p.ni Tuesday in St, Marys.
Mr. J. A. Stewart spent Sunday last
:n London with Niro. Stewart.
Mr. 11. Spicier]) un and Mr. John Llun-
ktn were in London NI•anday.
Miss Laura Jory has returned from a
vials of morn! weeks in Sarnia.
Mr. Chas. Miners and lady friend o1
London were here over Sunday.
Tru?•ratan Elliott went to London this
week where he has secured a situation.
Miss Dolly Dickson has returned front
an extended visit with Montreal friends:
Mr. Wet Hooper left last week to
visit friends in Pigeon, Mich., for two
Mr. Paul Madge and son Martin of
Usborne left on Tuesday for Lethbridge,
Mrs. Baker, who has been visiting her
sister. Mrs. John Sanders, Stephen, re-
turned to her home in \Vinghant Wed-
Mr. Richard Welsh and Mr. Gilbert
Dow arrived home on Tuesday front the
West, whither• they had each taken a car
of horses.
'dr. and Mrs. David Langford who
have been spending the winter with
their daughter. airs. (Dr.) Roulston, left
Tuesday for Regina, Sask. -
Mrs. Geo Mantle left on Monday to
join her husband in the west. They will
reside in Lethbridge, Alta.. but for
some weeks Mrs. Mantle will visit Mrs
(Dr.) Rivers, at Raymond Exeter re-
grets to lose such good citizens as Mr.
and Mrs. Mantle, but wishes them ev-
ery success in the West.
Mr. John Charlton returned Saturday
from a trip west, bringing a mammoth
potato with hint, as an evidence of the
fertility of the soil in Southern Alberta.
The potato is of extraordinary size, be-
ing 10 Inches long and 6% inches wide
and weighs 4>t, lbs. It is on exhibition
in the window of Hawkins' Hardware
lir. bred itawden has moved into the
house his father recently purchased
from )irs. D. Kernick on Gidley street.
The Washburn 50 acres on the 11(0
concession of Laborite has been pur-
chased by Mr. Richard Camm who owns
tit? adjoining farm. The price pall was
The rain of Saturday and Sunday last
was welcomed by everybody. The farm- .
ere particularly were pleased with the
cop'ous showers that fell, as Inc land
was greatly in need of it.
The decorating of the walla in the aud-
itorium of the James street Methodist
church has been completed, and the re-
sult is a decided improvement. The
new windows are expected In three or
four weeks.
Mr. John F. Wein of Stephen got a
record price for a horse last week when
he sold a heavy draught, weighing 1900
lbs. for ;400 to John Coursey of Lucan,
who has since disposed of it in Winni-
p.g for $500.
We would draw special attention to
the horse and cattle show to be held
at Brucefleld, on April 29th, under the
auspices of the South Huron Agricul-
tural Society. The So.tety is offering
liberal prizes not only for entire stock
but for harness horses as well, and all
interested should refer to the prize list
published in our advertising columns.
Preston Dearing. son of Mr. W. H.
Dearing of Stephen got a nasty crack
on hle head on Tuesday at noon, while
sitting in his room In the High school
Department eating his dinner. Some
rnlschievous chap kicked a football In
the room, and it striking a hanging
lamp caused it to tall on Preston's head
Ile immediately came down town 10 a
doctor's office and had the wound at-
tended to, after which he was able to
return to school. and is now not much
worse for the occurrence, which might
have been attended by serious results.
Thee Board of Health has Issued its an-
nual notice to "clean up." This notice
Is chiefly intended to nuke the town
more sanitary. May we add a few hints
gathered from different sources to as-
sist to making the town more beauti-
ful ? The Council has done much along
this line Ln late years, and if it suc-
ceeds In making the streets more dust-
less, keeps weeds down a little more
thoroughly, clears ditches and wate r-
coursce acrd (tints lower branched trees
It will b? doing its share fairly well.
Hut individual citizens can do most of
all to forward the march of civic im-
provement. Not all desired can be done
In one or two seasons; but a little ad-
vance. each year will make a great dif-
ference in even five years. "One and
\11" get to work thaw and see what a
wonderful transformation can be made
during this spring month of April.
dgy morning last, April 15t1, the death
occurred et tier home on Slntcoe street
of Agnes Mary Hodgson, wife of Mr.
Jonas Sutton, at the age of 55 years.
6 months and 25 days. Mrs. Sutton
had b:en 111 for about six months, the
first month of which tim' she was con-
1i•:ed to her bed. but recovering some -
alp. was able to move abaut the
house until ten days prior to her de-
mise, when eh' again b -tante worse and
gradaally sank u, til death claimed Ler.
Porn in M1cGi..ivray Township she rceid
ed there at the home of her father, the
Pate Tho». ifoigeon. troll eighteen years
ago, when she utarrled hrr now bereav-
ed huebtn1 Two yr ars lit r lh y ittov-
ed to Exeter where they have mitre re-
set -d. Mrs. Sutton was a member of
James street Mcthodlst church and
cetetm-d by all who knew her. Resides
t is husband stir is survived by three
Ilutx'rt, Thomas and J. 11.
1' McGillivray and afro. Milner of Fat-
ten. all of whom have the sympathy of
nn'Ir many friends. The funeral took
p:ar' on Mo slay aftetrtoon to tt.e Ex-
eter cemetery.
U'i, C'h*pntan will be at the Central
Hotel. E•e er. en Wednesday. April 27
at 12 o'clock, with ,i iota of (alvre for
Vheat 1 00
Barley 48
Oats, :15
Peas SO
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton 1:1 00
Flour. per cwt.. family
Flour, low grade pet ew 1 :)'t
Lire hogs, per cwt
Short- per ton
Bran per ton
2 75
1 55
g 110
24 00
23 00
Dr. A. 11. Kinsman and Mr. Ed. J.
Christie attended an assembly in lice. -
sail Friday night.
F..ruilies who appreciate good 1 -ad -
tag, agriculturists who wish to be up
to the times, and fanners who prize
a good newspaper will learn with
pleasure in another column that The
Weekly Mall and Empire, a 24 -page
high-class weekly, is being offered as
a trial front date till the end of the
year (over eight months) for only 35
cents. This is undoubtedly the great-
est offer evert trade by a weekly news-
Piano for Sale
One good eecamd hand piano, American
make, nearly new $160, at J.PEDLER'S
Main Street south.
Cement, Lime,
Bran & Shorts
• •
R. G. Seldon, Exeter,'
sit Jek401. Jal:101 AIL ALAS& sik .ek
Feed and Seeds I
All the REST GRADES ',f
flour always on hand.
Breakfast Foods such as
Oatmeal,7 lbs for 250
Poultry Foods & Feeds such as
Wm. Rivers
Davis' Old Stand EXETER
Having purchased the BUS
and DRAY business of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, i desire to announce
to the Public of Exeter that i am
prepared to give you the best of
satisfaction in work connected
with the business. For the pres-
ent orders left by phone or other-
iCE. PHONE 25, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
A Good Supply
We etill have a Rood stock of
feed on hand. Any person re-
quiring feed will do well to
call and get their supply. We
always have plenty of the
Model Flour
which is steadily gaining tbe con•
fidence of tbe people.
It is Second to None.
APRILi.s a month of clean-
ing outside just as
well as inside.
Time to Stop
look, listen
About Wire
We are in the field this year
COIL, BARB, NO, 0 ,_ li•'1',
12, 13 WEAVING, also a full
Inquire now. It costs nothing and we are always pleased to grant
any information we have.
Mechanics' Fine Tools, Nails, Glass, Iron Pipe
and Fittings and Builders' Supplies
Tinsmithing and Plumbing a Specialty
We can quote you lowest pricer on
House Cleaning Supplies,
Garden Tools, Washing Machines, Wringers and Churns
Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store
One D.tor• North of Browning's Drug Ste r.', Exeter.
Special Discount Sale
of furniture
We are starting our annual discount sale, comprising every article in our
large and well assorted stock, which we are offering at a special discount for
Intending purchasers will consult their own interests by examining our
goods and getting our prices before purchasing their
Spring Furniture
We Can Save You Many Dollars!
Undertaking and Embalming a Specality
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Suits and Coats
A nice .assortment of Ladies' Spring Suite have just arrived in the
very newest shades and tailored in the latest style. They are very
swell and come at the lowest prices. Also another lot of Ladies'
Spring Coats in i'lain or Striped Fawn. Coreet Coating, long or short,
Our Ladies' Ready•to-wear Department is booming this Spring. Be
Bute you wear one of aur garments. They mean
Style, Fit and Econo my
Separate Skirts
We are showing some extra
values in Ladies' Dress Skirts
for this Spring. The styles are
enrirely new and every skirt has
a particular style of its own.
Voiles, Panama*. Serge. and
Broadcloths in all the leading
Ladies' Waists
An the new ideas are shown
here in our swell new waists.
Net, Silk and Fancy Lawn
Waists are shown herein abund-
ance and in all colors. You will
do well to see than).
Seasonable Millinery
Just a word to snake you think of your Spring Hat. Our Milliners
are showing everything that is new in the Hat Line. We have a large
staff at work and can make or trim hats on the shortest notice. A
nice Hat is one of the main attractions.
Ladies' Whitewear
The season is just here. We
have a big variety to show you
in Ladies Skirts, Corset Coven,
Night Gowns, Princess Slips and
Drawer*. The best are here.
Colored Petticoats
A nice collection of all the
new colors in ilnderskirts. One
suitable for any dress in Sateen,
Morie, Regal Taffeta or Silk.
Prices away down.
Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums
Do not forget us when house cleaning. We can *bow you tbe
largest alid best assortment ever shown in Exeter. RUGH—all sizes
and prices for any room in your house. CARPETS—the same way.
Remember we carry nothing but SCOTCH LINOLEUMS—the best,
and tbe hest is what you want.
LACE CURTAINS from 26e to $6 per pair
.. $2.75 .. Se Ile
ROBINRTTE do made up Frill side and bottom $1 "
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing