HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-21, Page 7NEW STRENGTH j OPPOSITION TO NUST It'i1E. HE 601' RELIEF 1 I RIGHT AWAY ' Indian Root Pills the Beard tlli Popular. + exactly meet the demand which so - If often arise. in every family for a { 1' the trtaticll(• about ti, %leap- Il.ed.r4u• to open up aud regulate year from the fuses of the major- the bowefe Wit only are they etre,- but ll( d3 Aid in Making Neff j DODD'S KIDNEY I'11.I.M CURE too in all ruses of t'onst,!•atluu. ,tv of lli.> pupulatlute of these !s- hIU\!'1 111+1..151': OF FIG IIT but they bele greatly in breaking Health -Giving Blood- lands f atik, the Olillgute (London) ue a (uld or LaGrtppe cleaning Monthly. It almost lucky as if YEARS 5'I'.1 N U 1 \ G. mut the system and purifying the blood in the eaMe way they relieve fashion was tending in that direc-1\G, or cure hiIiou.nes.. Indigestion, tiro Incl. Headache.. Rheumatism and u ---at least judging froul one's other common ailment.. In the aCCluallltallCCS. tulle.? acne,• of the surd; Dr More- na years are not far distant That's 11 hal They Did fur Williame't indian Root Pill; are wben Household Ra England oie uedt�rs Cf e an order lk forthe 1 ef l)DoddCalls. ' xliidney Pale are GreatRemedy Gleno. trot to wear init:.taches dllr-I siCt}ieltle." STOCKS. -- in., bu,iuess hours! This remark- l able oral"r afforded the public sol DIaplot on, giber! Co., N. B•'sionemlimanamvaimibagaimw -•---"CI�OiVYIV n.ueh auttlsC111Put that it (Special). -"When soon' April 11 (Special). -hen I began Ed . ward h Co. canoe/led. Hall was one of the ear• taking Dodd's Kidney !'Ills I gut Members Toronto Stock Eachenge. liC't towns in which the mustache! relief right away. 1 have fuund Safe Investments ;t,,,,:`,°,.,;a our ,dei sly was Worn among policemen --- the Dodd's Kidney l'ille a great meds- Nl,tCh C'u1111nittee passing a PesoUe ` j tteler.e. to -t..n•lin,; !,any h.nk-. Care. bays William 0. (Cain, : t1•ehtr.,•,vol t, lotion in i 1' J permitting them to wall known grid highly respected iu; ,,,,, r,,.w .nn,nt.hn_, 90 Day St., Toronto. "wear a beard and a mustache if : this neighborhood. and Mr. Cain i alikeitiontamaimaempaggiggnaliesiere thee thiuk fit." I has a very gaud reason fur slaking; The .read of a leading firm of : so emphatic a statement. Foil �' onAr,T str.t't:R AND POttrtrpt�R diapers in Regent street refused at eightgild .ttlf.kbought and sold. Trop- t(e I ; f years he was a sufferer from eyries incorporated and financed Witte out time to employ shopnlen who' Kidney Disease, and did nut seem far particular,. P. h Hairston. 2; ktann• Ing Arcade. Toruuh,, Ont. were a nnleta•rhe or those who to be able to gt.t relief. pnrted their hair down the middle.I "Why, I was eo bad," Mr. Cain AGENTS WANTED. Thr: prejudice extended to the liber- goes on to state, "aud my kidneys Yon ca MAN \v1T1! AMRI1'(ON TO al professions. Barristers had a' bothered me so that if I would go A eon high grade teas. Alfred Tyler. long fight for the mustache, and to- to pick anything off this ground 1, London. iN TtIE SPRING 1 B.tui; of England Order When Dr. Morse's In the spring the system needs toiling up. 1u the spring to be healthy and strung you utuet have new blued, just Its the trees suint have new sap. Nature dcnnulda it sari without this new blood you eel feel t.eut. and languid. You may hu: L. twinges of rehuulatisu► or the sharp stabbing pains of neural- gia Uf.en there aro disfiguring piu,ples or eruptions on the skin. In other cases there is merely a fee -ling of tiredness and a variable appetite. Any of these are signs that the blood is out of order -that the indoor life of winter has told upon you. %That is ne•'dod to put ;you right is a tonic, and in all the World there is no tonic can equal L-. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills actually slake new, rich, red blood ---your greatest need in spring. This new blood drives out disease, clears the skin and makes weak, easily tired men and women and children bright, active and strung. Miss A. M. Dugay, Lower Cove, N. S., says: "I believe I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. lay blood seemed to have turned to water. I was pale as a sheet; I suffered from headaches, and float - day it is not largely worn as ill would fall." But Dodd's Kidney; �1 GENTS-85 ieriee n ea Y EASY.Son OBight Et other professions. Pills cured him just as they have Absolute necessity to farmers. sorsa work The bishops in most instances op cured thousands of other sufferers of o coon. Pays for itself to one hour. posed it, and at the present time ali over Canada. They never fail' on�ta to -day. C. R. Adams Co., carnia, mustaches are not popular, more to cure Kidney Disease of any kind.' -7.- . -- / NORTHERN LIFE, ASSET R.INCL' especially among the High Church Nur once, but scores of times, they: (nm part. have gond nponlega for ex• party. In 1892 quite a sensation haul. vanquished Bright's Disease.: perienced Insurance writers. also f„r ing specs seemed to be constantly was caused when it became known the most deadlyof all kidne • trou• I Andre men w•hn desire to make money. y ' Address, dohs kondo llnnaging Director. 'refute nay eyes. As the trouble thee the then Archbishop of York bleb, while every day brings stories . Norehcrn Lite, t.undnn. out. progressed my limbs began to swell, did not approve of the mustache of cures of Rheumatism. Lumbago,{ and it was feared that dropsy had amen the clergy: !Dropsy )s and Heart Disease from' THE Li"tett TPtirL7 oto t ne l rn.i,irlt,le ti �y• l y 1,orn6t. Eudor-ed by foremo•L me.l ir..l n,.r4 seg is and that my case was hope- It was about 1855 that the beard various parts of the Dominion {trite ee weeku!ar.. R. LIN!)'1.tx, ttta,t'd) less. Up to this time two doctors movement took holdof the En lish : Other kidney medicines may cure 11"ntreal e, flu w' s peep e, The Crimean war had much Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure. • 1 b Id attended m but t !th Land ! T'1 G g v dal' K' i P I1 Z GAL VES lilse u"e klwrt .out tact log kept growing worse. It was to do with it. Our soldiers were ______,,p, - stea'e, knee. Heed Co„ Ltd., Torouto,lOat, at this juneturc I began using Dr. permitted to forego the use of the HE ANSWERED 'EM. Williatus' l'ink Pills, and after tak- razors as the hair on the face pro-, pig a few boxes I was much im- teeted them from the cold and at -led, An andlien wanted anted to be nilout naturaliz- rovcd. I kept on usingthe Pills tacks of neuralgia. IT__ - until I had taken eight boxes, when About this period only one civil -i blank. The first three lines had In the House of Lord, no quea- sily health was completely re- ian of position in England had this'll", following questions: quos- IName "Born ? and Busi tion can be decided on a division stored." hardihood to wear a mustache. This;unless 30 peers, at least, take part Sold by mnilliaty all ventsmedicine a b Balersx or sig was George F. Muntz, member of i neHe answered: Minard's Liniment fur Sale Everywhere. in the vote. Parliament for Birmingham. The{ .,Name, Michael Harris; born, --- Come to know folks by love and boxes for $:.50 from Tho Dr. Wil- en!lghtencd electors, however did',llhoro Reakticss is, DiseasQ you will not need to do much gnes- liams' Medicine Cu., Brockville, not take kindly to the bearded po- ye'- , business, booming," Wil! settle, -If one suffers from an Out. fitician. An officer candidate on! -'r organic weakness, inherited or con- slog about God. i r '1' y ' one occasion th received an intima- ! uOU C i l N C traded, there disease will settle Red, Weak. Weary., 'Watery Ryes. TWELVE MILLION i;U11Lt3. tion from the leader of his party V ,\ BURST when it atta(•ks the body. There- Reuoved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try I: is said on the authority of those that his mustache might prejudice! Murino For Your Eye Troubles. Yon BLOOD 1'1:5�1F.I,. foto drive out the pains that beset Will Like Murine. It Soothes. Me At versed in statistics that there are hien in the oyes of file rural pupa you, do not let a cold or a cough Your Drugging. YA'rito her Eye Books. hilus. The candidate replied that p 1 g Free. Murine Fye Remedy Co., Toronto. to -day 12,000,000 pupils on the ae-Says Danger .1voided nidrd and Culex harass you, and keep the respire- rolls of the Sunday schools and he ,'wvas 'rdeterrninexl to face it ('ought' in ,i Hour& tort' organs in a good healthy con - that they aro d'istribute'd among outclition. This you can do by using i The religion you can leave at. IS.1,000 schools and taught by 1,500,- '1`' A writer for the ruedieal press Di. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Pro- • llcane will never got you 11 home• „ states that coughing is responsible vel'tion is the wisest course. forever. 000 teachers. sOUNUF.f) SO I'IitsTTY.'' g g p_ •............ fur the bursting of blood vessels There is probably ns little poetry quite frequently. A cough or coldtit. +so.! Dtd R. They supplied the Menthol "Did you ever hear Badby Sal' round In ' chs D a i." Menthol platter, which THE MOTHER'S AID in the average British workman as means inflammation (fever) and any thing particular about loo Z" r.ti..e. taet.r.cl hnker)i. headache, neuralgia, in any class of alien in the world. congestion, and those in turn indi- "`u ; he reser was •very plarlicular I rheumatism an sciatica, AND CHILDREN'S FRIEND But "the etllnipotent baby" will cal, that the body is filo of poisons what he said about you." evoke poetic sentiment in the pro- anti waste matter. Simple relief, ___ Baby's Own 'Tablets are not in- sio.t nature. as found in patent cough inedieinos, tei.ded fur babies only. This medi- Some years ago a Nottingham- and whiskey, often result in more Ninard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. cine is intended for children of all shire clergyman, in baptizing a Hem than good ; as they causeTIDE .111:.1NI:ST MAX. ages. It Is gently laxative and baby, paused in the uli-Jst of the 'wore congestion. A tonic -laxative coulforting. Cures indigestion and set vice to inquire the name of the (emelt syrup will work marvels and ''Tile meanest rnan I ever knew," other stomach troubles, eonstipa- • infant, to which the Mother, with here follows a proscription which is said Mark Twain, "lived in Hauni- tion and simple fevers. Guaranteed a profound courtesy, replied : i becoming famous for its prompt re- hal He sold 1)18 son-in-law the half free from poisonous opiates. Mrs. "Slimly, sir, if you please.'' ' lief and thorough cures. 1t rids the of a very fine cow, and then refused Paul Carrier, Petite Mechins, Que., "Shady 1" replied the minister. , system of the cause, except it be to share the milk with the young says: "I find Baby's Own Tablets "Then it's ra boy, and you Incas ! consmluption• Don't wait fur con- fellow on the ground that he had the beat medicine I have ever used Shudraob, eh?" i gumption to grasp its victim, but only sold hint the front half. The for children. 1 have used them for ''N, please your reverence, it's begin this treatment, which cures son-in-law was also compelled to moFt of the troubles that afflict a girl." I some in five hours. Mix =a a bot- provide all the cow's fodder and to little Onex, (and have not, known "And pray." asked the pastor, I tie one-half ounce fluid wild cher- e'er ry water to her twice a day. tl.t'nl to fail). Mothers should al- "how happened you to call the child l ry bark, one ounce compound es- Finally, the cow butted the old %says keep them on hand." Sold by smelt it strange Hemel" (scree cardiol and three ounces plan through a barbed-wire fence, h_: medi,•inn dealers or by mail at •'% w• INV. Fir," responded the o- syrup white pine compound. Take and he sued his son -in -law for 25 cents a hex front The Dr. Nil. scan, "if you trst• uknow, our name twenty drops every half lour fur damages:" hauls' Medicine Co., Brockville, is Bower, and my husband said as' row. hours. 'Chen one-half to ono IF you would please your friends, Oat. ho•s he should like her to be called teaspoonful three or four times s keep your troubles under cover. .�-__--- Shady, !because Shady Bower (lay. Give children less according % a tare, the British have parti- sounds so pretty :" . to age. eulurir strong arms, which give thyro a great advantage in battles. I die -Steil with the bayonet. A SPRING EXHAUST. South winds blowing, Sap a flowing, Zephyrs puffing, Heifers snuffing, Whitewash splashing, Neighbors clashing, Duet u tlyiu', (Children crying, Marbles playing, liens all laying, (Crocus bobbin', Near the rel,in, Seems so sunny - Ain't it funny I Say. 1 wonder - Spring, by thunder! :\ Pill fur All Seasons. -Winter and summer, in any latitude, whe- ther in torrid zone or Arctic tem- perature, I'arinelee's Vegetable Pills can bo depended upon to do their work. The dyspeptic will find thein a friend always and should carry them with him everywhere. They aro made to withstand any climate and are warranted to keep their freshness and strength. They 1 d., not grow stale, a quality not possessed in many pills now on the slur ket. People are usually willing to do their duty, but they do not like to do too tnueli of it. Artse a aeM Irlyo dos'% tan to tate • tearpoea- tul of Painkiller mixed with • Elsa, of hot water int sugar. It surely prevent, chill.. Avoid nub. ►brutes, there it but one " 1'aiuklller "-Perq Davis' -too. and 500. You can let loose a lie in a sec- ond, but some have spent their live3 trying to catch up with oue. I11 fitting boots and shots cause coins. Holloway's Corn Cure is the IrOPE FOR THE DEAF -IN ACOUSTICON _ article to use. Get a bottle at once g one of tho not, tvie .1 the elegy t,tca: ace. + and cure your corns. In ilia tin ourhout the world. w-,ite f.,r .•sea• argue. Honer.) Aeoa.tic Cu., of Cana.a, Ltd., 4(i8 Yong* Street. Toronto. Your religion was born in the wrong place if the happiness of a child irritates it. They Sni.the Excited Nerves.-- Ner•ou't affections are usually ate ti ibutable to defective digestion, o.8 the stomach dominates the nerve sentry.. A e'.urse of I'arrnelee's Vegetable fills will still all ,lis - tit 1►anees of this character, and by rcitoring the rtoma.h to normal ac- ti.'n relieve the nerves fr.,m irrita- ti. n. There is no sedative like them sot in the correction of irregulari- ties of the digestive proc'eeses, no preparation has done so effective In (Great Britain the marriage w..rk. a. can he te,tined to by thou- rate is found to fluctuate with the sande. rise or decrease of exports and of estpleyment Mrs. Gabledey --"Sly ' 1 was a t tlhat Tsnn.etlnt Bets 1b%t meds you w-ekr1N the demist'+ 1hia AftPrrl.Mn, a'ed la.tw.raerr..irn,ir.,meh.rrkifyntttak.A,ieoY II•' fllg.l IIIc ke'ell Iny IIIV IIth ,yin's 14"p Ital.vm whoa y, er lb n.at I• taw Aad Bora, Itlobbs-".1 woman is always illo- gical." Slobl,s--"Of course she is. A woman will always expect you to remember her birthday, but never her age." tens for free simple to Cent. W, L., Na• tlenal Drug • Chemical Co.. Toronto. --- -'i'- Bickle's ,inti -Consumptive Syrup needs no recommendation. To all Thera is uo nourishment in the `` 1'0111 TRY u1:Auc1u ARI:Falx. -- 1 rc d f l•f l who are familiar with it, it speaks ,1 .. iron and wnrd.workmtt ,n, I.lner• MACHINERY. 1 a O 1 e w ICII YOU LISO !t *8 $ club. fist' itself. 1 cars of Ilse in the treat• englnoe, hnilere, steam pump., gasoline I!H'nt Of colds anal eolli*hs $nal all er'Kinin .'i , tri' dfur , t,)ntrartorf manhinerv, cin. Rend fur relalnsne of rfiections of the throat has ungues• over esu) marhirtee 11. W. PErftIE. t consider y(iYAfl11'1 L1::ik11'NT the if }Cour children ore trc►nit!rd Limited, Tnrouto. Mot'treal, Vancouver. tiunably established its place RE:FT Ltntm•nt in use. t«ith tvortnx, give Ih• m ylolft•'t _ -- I int ray f•w,t htdly Jnmmnd 1.1-1•. I (,r.ttri' Worm I'xterntinnt',r; s.t(r atnung the very best medicines for EDUCATIONAL bathrd it well with MINARDN LINIMENT and it was se wolf ail ever nett dar. sure and efft'ctual. Try it, and Tours very truly. marl; the improveulent in your T. 0. Nt'Nt1LLEN. child. • v ilial. able reoedy ... ee. trod uplsea. Tatra n whole hour. It n. arly killed 1t,■ sive. m' •• Mrs. Stillwater -"Yes, but rodit iiht have been worse. If he had .1 c:omplinu.nt that isn't eAagger- ad.' yon keep your mouth shutfor ate•d seldom maker a hit. hall that time it would have killed -- jou Without a doubt... Minard's Liniment Reli.•ss Neurslgla, %Ir. `ipung!'r (insinuatingly) -- 'The! is a g 1 cigar you are ern"king." lir1'itte'wald--' Yes. I'd give you the silt' retie of the Ilk devle•r '' Try this Sure Way To Dye Your ol.wh.. "ft r'o'ad lovas Or *PODS. Vee dsn't Aare to know rel.. t KING of cleth Irour taws a+e r rsdr et Wilt fly for All' e thane* et Mlatakss. AU Mort .e c-rit from ye'.r D: .i,•t i .;ler. Soc-.Die 1,•.1 and 1'.. :.et Free. The Jehnaen•R!oh.,dsen h '1 . '4 .. . •. 1 us. -Sir, 1 wi-ii '.. n1'ke your (laugh ter my reit` • The old stmt ii1•,ifatevf. "Ffsdii't .1"t' better see her mother first'" he aisk'il, gently. after thinking a moment. "I've seen her mother, end it doesn't Nlal.e guy diferenee--I'm wi'Iing to take the chlurceq"' ex- claimed the youth, with all ill' ar• d•'r of honest love. Applicant- '(Can't you help a poor man, sir 1 i need bread." Philanthropist --"Yen will have to ha A little niore explicit. 1)o you nt ed bread, or knead breed 1 Are yet' a hiker rho (+,aft, or a luaf'•r who begs'" IIs who courts in jest is apt to rani, later on, that lie cannot jest in court. "A grave yard gees*" to she ery of tottered .ng• for met^• .tis,. them reerry in the for, of ♦Ileo'. 1.on1 balsam eh"' h .t isnot with 411.:b �,..I effect Been in nwmtnmpt'•..•t early 'toot...ever aaxlect a cuugA. EXTR.1V,1U.1Nf'1:. New lodger (sarcistieally)-- -11 this all the soap then' is in the room?" Landlady (dervde.dil) • Yes sir; all I will allow you New Lodger "Wil. I•I1 take two Innte rr'Oltll. I ve Rot to wash my f t.•.' in the 111 ,1 lllllg." 1 \ t (eft I; \I1. 10 10, such diseases. If you give it a tri•tl 1 4Rx Trn: n1Rl:ar. rr,lnr �rw yell will IIOt regret it. Yell will i -A lvetem .•.,n.ta"• pro..',', rsr'•r a Gr.d It 23 cents well .(►vested. tn•lrur►ton: fee. ' ''l' rmnnletn „r•,; --" IfnnTA frnr: rr.r:hi o,••• yarn twelve to er¢hf ren dollar. ..rrkly writ for rota. ,l cynic is a 1Ua11 who, when a lost s inrrin !tE.olrr Rarbcr r'nlleg,•, "21 Qnrrn umbr- ala is returned to him. de � i'5't. Tnrnn•n c'I:!res that this i.s u reflection on its quality. h�inari'n Lin+nisi! rural Bird., Eto. Don't Cough! FOR SALE. 1 On RALE on Etc-RANCE T•rir,DiN,) lot. end farm land. on easy i.31r• 1 Went will h'iy w,. oorn pr-op.'rt• x 1 111. ktathow,, Rnom 11 12 73 Yonge ntrrr', Toronto. ASPECT OF rr SAVES 1 1' • Y! %un-liva spell. saving toy..0 1 Sup. p s. husband, wife or slue member of the family au.tsine s cut or a i•a.t scratch, w hizk fosters or t urns to blood. p ie.ning. Ite.uit--oaf work 1 What doe* tiratmean at pay day 1 Zsrn Buk prevents wotuvla, cut.. or injuries " t'.rning 1 he wrong way." Apply 11 immediately, and it ki!la the poison *ud starts heal;ng. Thera is *n- ether aspect. if you have in the 1anrily, ri•- z'nta,rilig worm, _ ulceration, or t any skin dieeaee. FL• try 'Lam. Buk Best -don't ep' nal �< utuney on eapsri• A meeting 1 You w.il h ivo to get Zara- I Bilk event - it now ;and ' t q t>Sp 1f neap. - 9 �,tL�,11'1 co.t/." `'n,/,{i the o th"r h �7:/WV �'O the otle,r things. Item- those persons Mr. A. M. $rook., Wellington Sty eet, Steelton, Ont., gays : -" 1f only I had got ..:un•I:uk at first, it would have saved the emcee of tl ,ilars ; as well as hours of agony." Mr. lir .ioka has been ceredofeczoma. Ho say s :---" My neck, chest and body were covered with the terrible disease. The pelting, burufng and smarting I suffered, none who has trot gone through It ca•t tell l Do•'torx' lotions, salves and proscriptions didn't do me a bit of good; ani from one thing to another I passed, only to find diem ueuleae. With Zatn-Bilk it was di'lerent, and without going through a long story, I can say that a few weeks' treatment with Mg great healing balm h.aled th+eores, ai• 1 rid mi for good of the terrhls e •crtns, wht•-h had held me to lis grip for over ten month,' I'• " 11 1 had npplleai 9ath.Rnk in the Ord plarsl instead cf try,n ti the o•h•r preparation e 0,11t1 hive eared myself a lot of money." So eve Stra B. Si. Redwril, of tl:.7 Prorencber Ave., 8t. Itonita^e, Winnipeg., Mr . Bidwell h-ai scot finger, which became pri•oned She m says :--"!tlecaeswollen and discolorel and my whole trot arched and throbbed violr,aly. I Calle I in a doctor and he lanced it. Yr.n rosy Imagine how I eiTered, and 'tint'. th• duo or's treatment the finger a:atu!e.,tered, and pct so bad that the donor advised r.:, to co into (he ba,pital. (fear.:,, it I did, !soy T.,14.1 rat It off, so retute.l. One day we were ed : ,.r.t to try Zam•Cnk, We lett elf cveryth5, Otte and gees this balm atrial. Well, it only took about four ds;a to dr,w out the eorence.1 Theo, bit by ba, it began to heal, and In leas tba,, nine weeks cion tint applying the Zorn sok the fin; er wu l,eatelard perfectly baaltb,. 11 only' I had got Zam•Iruk at first 1" All skin (nlnreM and di'eus, are cured by Zam•nak. F ,rma,eruptions, pimple., ulrrn, biles, helmet pttehe., rots, hove. scalp sorsa, chaps, eta, cannot resit its healing virtue. lata, box, ail dencdste end 'tore,, nr post tree from Zam•Buk Co., Toronto, fur price. Items, all iml rail,.,.- - is Your Hearing Cord Thr HEAR 0-1410N f: will girt y.,v the benefits of good hearing. Send for 'eco booklet. ghing particulars and nadirs of •ati'fied a -i'' Al., •peelal Offer for a Month's Nome Trial. THE anAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, .as Saadtna Avenue Toronto APPENDICITIS Cured without nprratior,' .ill '.oho nt' of. flirted with this disea .ot t .,h 1" his enrrd pernsanently, safety and guirkly with this great Iloine„pethin r.'n•rdr, which will be sent post•pafd anvr here In "the world with full ineirltctlon. for tieing so a, to effect s permanent 1 are. Price 52 Addie"• John T. Wilt, Homeepathls Pharmacy, Arnnrlor. Canada. Ravaros of Consumption AL1. 1-IER RELATIVES HAD DIED OF CONSUMPTION In the year l&?0, 18 years ego, Mrs. C. S. G"'net, of Neikirk, N,S„ w s. irn ted coed lien. All het relative. I.sd flied n( tonsure plion, Andthere was cit: y,nd:' anon !tint s',e WSJ go.r.,j the some way. /Whit p., r.t he, hgigged►uggetteJb,lr• Pays -bite. The doctor who shoed -d said P.yehi:r: was wwihlers; but 1 eife,ted a word -dolour'. E,Ihieen years after in. letter Leann= date August 14, 19011, Ain, Gran. r says, "I am L- t ., then 1 hat' Lees for yen. My lungs have tot troubl-d sue Pince I to -,k your Ireern.ot. My physicist 1e14 to i could tot take a better teak !baa PSYCIIINE, and l recommend it to s!1 who Are reff-ri'i4 leen Lund 1•ree'b!e And Gen. efal Del, 1 ly." er.4. b, o11 Drugless M. a Mier wile Dr. T. A. SLOCUM L1511TED, Use _ TORONTO SCRIP. I IR1•'1': NV RRAh1.4 ROUOIIl AND A •.,!•IImmediate (Wirer, E. 'Si"'�'�� King Nt. Raft. Toronto. f .1�.TEn - /a01"111 AFRICAN V.• R• •` v rants. 11tahret pare paid 1'"1 d Rote, r, etc St.. Torun bo alt bis; %mOKINE 1Olt &4l* obs Will i.stsotly relieve your shine throat. There is nothitg like it for Aethasa, Bronchitis and lung trouble.. (:owrains nu opiates. Very pleasant to take. Alt Dru,e3ee., 25 sew, a•rf,tu Rawl ware Reedy MO. lief ear.e the worst pals• In nate ON to twen•y m!n,l'ea for Headache rwhe tier stet or n'rvou',. Tr•,'h- .'he, Neons g'e. heumatisen. Lumbago. pain. and ws.kaw In the wok. tr•1r.e ur kl.+.neys. an,nne the Ilvpr, pieurt.f. ►welling of tr.• •tints. as 1 P,•n. , A: All, 24.4wt. - Peal,' Relief+t� la n lbw .A. r. f -r . rufM*aru' cure. Apr PRONOUNCED Si-}(EF:N r BOOST YOUR TOWN BY ORGANIZING At BRASS BAND ln(urmalIon tin tails sub}et:t with printed bistro:dons for s.i.a- teur tanjc and a printed furiu of C ssUtuUon and icy -Lairs fur bands, together wIth cur bfg c«talague, will he ma11c4 f411-1. on refines,. Address ?opt. " A," �'.'i1�NIPl:(, THE j�/(` '14:1`);.1";s4 '11'0 MANITOBA K. S. VVI LLI AMS + ON iARIU RA vvWrits for our Rrrl%M Price Litt Quoting special writes Icy Skunk. Fisher, Lynx, Muskrat. Red fox, cad high.., .r,rk.1 (*1 ,, (Al for all .1)0' 1u,de of row flue t props.: a.00r,Ment • ed (all lit :1)11 seenre 1 whey inn vele le ,r Our p.)lie7 Aa r, lartin n guarantee•, .r ebiJ,mrnl rrr"rnr•) eI oar ropr.fr' Trial Shipments Salleltee C. 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