HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-21, Page 4ezeter Abuocate, Sanders: S Creecu Plot a THURSDAY, Apr 11 $I, '14) Ito%) 1 OUR MONEY 18 BEING SPENT Owing t'' mismanagement. crookedness A:td graft many parts of the G. T. 1'. -are costing three times as much as they should. Bert are thirteen bnatances of ;it. and these instances have been proven No, 1 -Proper cost $4420, actual coat $14,638. overpayment *10,218 or 230 per cent. No. 2 -Proper cost $1735, actual coat $7,711. overpayment $5,978, or 314 per cent. Nu. 8 -Proper cost $1059. actual coat $4,198, overpayment $3,138, or 390 per cent. No. 4-1'roper coat $1616, actual cost $5,857. overpayment 14,241, or 268 per cent. No. 5 -Proper cost, $3440, actual coat $11,735. overpayment $8,295. or 241 per rent. No. 6 -Proper cost $4702, actual cost $10,803, overpayment $5,600. or 199 per cent. No. 7 -Proper cost $8755, actual cost $24,038. overpayment $17,273, or 255 per cent. No. 8 -Proper cost $30003, actual cost' $94,771, overpayment $54,787, or 192 per cent. No. 9 -Proper cost $15129, actual cost $13,270, overpayment $29,141, or 196 per cent. No 10 -Proper coat $3809, actual cost $10,462, overpayment $8,954, or 19l per cent. No 11 -Proper cost $311, actual cost $897, overpayment $385, or 123 per cent. No. 12-1'roper cost $3,124, actual coat $99204, overpayment $8079. or 194 per cent. No 13 -Proper coat $5944 actual coat $18,577. overpayment $10,733, or 183 per cent. On the whole thirteen cases the fig •urea are-Propc: coat *91.747, actual cost $243.45o: overpayment $189,1 7 1 ; or almost exactly 200 per cent. That is, the work cost thrice the proper fig- ure. And yet some people think that kind of thing 1s good management. NOTE AND COMMENT. A few general duties necessary in the spring to keen up the town's reputation a.s a beauty spot.. -Do not spit on the Sidewalk: resolve never to throw paper in the streets: 11 your awning is old, torn or faded. get a new o -ae ; ': you sidewalk. gate ar fence needs tepalrlu fly it ; tram up your lawn and boule yard; burn all the rubbish poesib7 allow no one to throw 1t on the streets get together and organize an improv t stent society. Every effort put to'•ttt o dollar spent to Improve our town's ap- pearance will be returned twofold. r g c - r BEEN GOOD FOR FORTY YEARS HYPOPHOSPHITES WHAT 18 IT GOOD EOR As a general `stem Tonic In Nervous Affections In Convalescence from illness In Bronchitis. Coughs and affections of the lungs. In general where ev itality, energy and appetite are di- minished. Only make sure of the quality of your Hypophnsphites. NyAI's name on it is a sure guarantee. Nyal'e Nutritive 11ynrphuaphites of the highest stnality and a big bottle for $i3OO. Don't trifle with doubtful goods,yon Can he sure of Nyal'+. We know jet what it contains. W. S. 11OWET, PRIIiJ. Chemist end Opt;cian EXETF:R ('hone :,i► 4-1-4-1++++44-11-1++4-1-1-144-#44-11-1. PIANOS To Rent $2 Per month & up Six months' rent al- lowed on the pur- chase price of a new in- strument. -8. MARTIN &SON Rxetet's Leading Muei'al Emporium l'1<►.v see noted for the ; Ie.!r of their goods tk++++s+++++++*w++++++++.. e1 18onr' of toe papers that are bullying i'•, -d a derlve large some from th i'a•,ii • Treasury altnually. Last yea to To.O0t) Globe received $7,122; the Toronto Star $6,171; Geo. Graham's Ilrurkville paper $3,900. The Halifax C.trocicle drew .10,800: the Moncton Transcript 312,600. atnd the Montreal Herald $72,500. The money is paid un - 'der the head of advertising and printing. A PLAGUE OF' WEEDS. -The annual Provincial report of the agricultural soc- ieties, just issued, records the fact that during the past year the number of societies entered In the standing field crops competition had increased 84 per cent. The reports of the Judges show that there is co:telderable attention be- ing paid by farmers to securing better and purer seed grain. and also to im- proved cultivation of the land and the eradication of weeds. The report _ex- presses anxiety over tete growth of weeds. "The alarming rate at which the perennial sow thiet.e is spreading ova -r the Province." it declares. 'calls for strenuous work on the part of farm- ers in combating lite subtle weed foe. Unless steps are taken at once to check it, In a very short time it will be found everywhere." HAY. e r Death of Mrs. Dunear..-There passed away to rest on Wednesday morning of this week. o.n the BMW Line. Coftcesslon 4. Hay. another of our respected and b•lovel residents, In the person of Mrs. John Dw:t:au, at the age of 86 years. airs. Duncan had always enjoyed good health until about a week ago. when she was taken down with an attack of la g ihp which developed Into pneumon- ia and gradually she sank until he cad tame. Born in Searboro', east of To- ruato. Mrs. Duncan carte to this town- ship with her husband about tweet)' years ago, settling on the farm on which she died. Mrs. Duncan was a woman of excellent qualities and en- deared herself to all who had the pleas- ure of her acquaintance. Her demise wiu ba much regretted by all. but none will miss her more than the sorrowing and grief stricken husband, who has the sympathy of all. She leaves no fam- ily, but !asides the husband she le sur- vived by three brothers and two sisters PREACHER .iND EDITOR. -A preach- er came to a newspaper man in this way. saying -You editors do not tell the truth. If you did you could not live and your newspaper would be a failure. The editor replied. -You are right ,and the minister who will at all times and under all circumstances tell the truth about the church members alive or dead, will not occupy till pulpit more that one Sunday, and then he would find it neces- sary to leave town in a hurry. Tho press and the pulpit go hand In hand w1 1. white -wash brushes and pleasant wordy. magnifying their virtues into' big ones. The pulpit, the pen, and the !gravestone are the great saint -making triumvirate." And the great minister went away looking thoughtful, while the editor turned to his .wbrk, and told of the unsurprising beauty of the bride while to Lact she was as homely as a mud fence. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science hu been able to cure In all its stages, and that 1• Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a eonstitu- tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in• ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mu••oua surfaces of the system, tt'erebv destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist• log nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One hundred Dollars for any case that 0 fails to ,sure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHEN EY a CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents, Take Hall'. Fancily ('1113 for constipation. •CIIEDITON. Rev. E. H. Bean of the Evangelical Church is attending t he annual sere 8io0 of the Canada Conference in Ber- lin this week. Next Sunday morning the pulpit will be occupied by Mr. G. K. Brown and iu the evening a pro- gram will he rendered by the two Bi- ble ()lessee of the Sunday School. - August Knhn of Stratford spent last Sunday at h 'me. -Fraser Brown was in London on busiuee$ on Monday. - Rev. J. Fiukbeiner, of Johnston. Pa.. occupied the pulpit ie the Evangelical chulcb on Sunday usorning and even- ing nn] preached excellent sermone. Miss Kellerman cf Dashwood and Miss Fenn of Parkhill visited friends in town Satur'day.-Sutker fishing has been the cyder of the day. S.Inne of our old sports forget to coupe horse fol dinner .,rad stayed ;,tory all day. Of course, h„use cleaning time wit+ on and there was some excuse. The 11 -h- ers -nen usually successful and as a re• stilt fish was the principal iteral on the bill of fare -Alonzo Hudgins ha. given his lawn fence a fr.•.h coat of p.inr, [11113 adding to the general appeal an. e of the prntises.-John 511/1.4 has had a hock kitchen built to his dw Ilntg.— Our tennis players are gen ;ng ready for their season's pia►ing.-Barnet Rau left for the West on Tuesday. He has been engaged by a town in Sas- katchewan to pitch hall far a set les of Ka11le4t11 . mer. -Quite a number of little tots commenced going to school list week. We wish them ev• err• soceose in their Sttldle+ and may the- receive a good foundation for life s :vork. -The Trustee Board of the Methodist church are considering to place new Iteate in the church. raise the 11 yor and pot in new windows. The expense will he considerable int when completed the hnilding will be thoroughly Modern and op to -date. - We are pleased to state that Fred Finkbeiner, who has been very ill of late, is rapidly rec'yv.'ring.-Mat thew Morlock is having the exterior r.f his vault in the cemetery covered with galvanized iron. Young Bros. are do- ing the work. -The Victoria Dty cele- bration Committee have had several meetinga of late and at the lest me_t• mg sub -committees were appointed. The concert committee will give our people* treat. Trevethit k & Ilodgies. our popular -trrtage defiler,. who made a record a tl • of buegtes last year, have again rr- ":eel a large consignment of up -to - (Ito burgles In the latest styles and d eosin.. They have all kinds to shoo.,' from and Intending purchasers wiry mak, no mistake Int calling and inspeet- Inc their Work. The sales they art ntsking Si p esent speak for themselves And they consider it no trouble to show you th Ir gods. -Miss inose F'lekbeiner a! Rerl'n hal been visiting her parents for a few days. -Mr. Anderson of Allan, Crag ha♦ b'en assisting Thos. Trove - 9 -k 1 n hi; painting and varnishing the ptat week. -Mrs Mathew wirier and airs. Bella Winer are visiting Mr. and Ire. Gilbert Dick of KIppen.- On Thursday evening the 14th Inst.. ', ut fifty guests !net at the home of N-- ani Mrs .Mathew Finkbelraer torel- h-ate tit slalleth birthday of Mrs.Fink- •.er. The rooms were especially cle- ated to- the ,ee%Iton Atli all did Jun- to the fi:.c supp•r prepared in honor o east)•.. Mrs FI•nkbctner was 'ented with a beautiful rocker by 1 -nos as wet; as other nitro- gt'ts •t tees were made by Mr. Ciaudc la • t ant Mr- J. ff. llo t matin to whi h h - re Ipi n' made an appropriate rep:y. 't • rent tinder of the evening was very 1 ' t • n•ly spent by all. We congratui- r ai s. Fi •k9el 10, upon having attsln- i •' t a age' of lila and trust she *111 • .iaare9 10 enjoy many mare years of rayl health sad happiness. GIIEENWAY. At the recent meeting of the Women's Institute a motion was unanimously car vied to the effect that a resolution be forwarded through the member for the riding, to Sir James Whitney, asking tate Government to support a bill for the enfranchisement of remarried women. There never was a time when folks relied as much on the newspaper to keep Informed of what was tor wale. Titat is one reason why advertisers are getting more response than ever to their advertisements. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR BALE. The underst_ncd is offering for sale that desirable Village property, being lots 13. 14, 15, corner of William and Waterloo streets. There is on the prem- ises a splendid brick house, small stable and other conveniences; also a number of choice fruit trec3. The prop- erty is first-class in every respect and Is well situated. Will be sold reason- able. Apply on premises. ALFRED BOWEY. Exeter P. O. PAPER HANGINC DECORATING SIGN PAINTING ETC., ETC. At this particular season you will need the hotter decorated, painted or some paper hanging done. We do it and do it Right and if you want Graihing. House and Sign Painting. Lettering, Show Card Writing we do it, in which line we do nothing but the hest work. Give us an Trial Garnet R. Heywood, EXETER AUCTION SALE The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD, ON THURSDAY, APRiL 28th, 1910 at 1.39 o'clock p.m sharp, the following valuable property: 1 driving mare, 4 year. old, Westside, 1 huggy, cutter, 1 cart, set e.ngle harness, t robs, 2 horse blankets, isheell.arrow, grindstone, blacksmith'. vice, straw cutter, morti-ing mahine, Ji,t saw, 1 bedroom sults, 4 bedsteads, 1 dresser, 2 extention tab es, kitchen cupboard, lounge, sewing machine, crib bed. reeking atoye, parlor stove, centre table, halt doyen cane bottom chain, 1 dozen kitchen chairs. rue bot tom rocker, 2 large rockers. WA's r cker, child's high chair, cradle, sink, ctoe1, plc - tuns, lamps, dishes, carpet, wood, fruit sealers. pots. kettle.. ironing bean', clothes rack, 2 tubs, wahl'oard, 2 barrels, hi h. -no, ,1 thoroughbred An• delusian rooster, hoes, shovels, garden rake, fork., potato* digger, daisy churn, ladder, cow chain 1 dozen carpenter's pike poles, •+n feet rape and pully and nun'ero,ts other articles, all of which nanst be cold without reeerre as the proprietor has deposed of his property and will shortly leave far British Columbia. _ TERNS •sill -rams of t3 aed under, cash, oter tie amount 7 months credit given on furnishing ap• proted Joint notes 6 per rent per anon= off for rash on credit amounts. F-. Bos:•euberry, Wm. Rohde, Auctioneer Prtprietor Spring Show Entire Stock The Annual Spring Show of !ital. lions and Bull., under the auspices of the South Huron Agricultural Society, will be held in Brucefeld Friday, April 29, 1910 PRIZE LIST STALLION! Aged matt stallion rt 11 `! 3 year old Draft :Hallos 0 4 2year old Draft Stallion ........ _._....,- 4 Percheron Stallion ....... ...... ... 1 3 2 Aged carriage Stallion, 16 kande and ,a sr . _0 4 2 3 year old carnage Statues. 4 Aged kosdeter stallion, 6 4 3 year old Roadster Stallion ... _ 4 3 _ H'R.+l:+ iN HARN►S.i Heat e Draft Team, 1s1•rize, Medal. doaated b7 tn. Farmer' Beak; 2nd. M. 61,4..4 Ag is ultural Tem. 1st praz..Ma..er•trarrieSculller, valu-d s! 111. donated by F. Tomlinson. sera e• 6.14, ',id. 64, 3rd. 12. Carr age Team 1s 63 0 P net* carriage 11ea.. .. .... 4 3 Roadster Teary 5 3 Single koa*ner . .. 1 3 • special -B. IW+enterry gives a mega] prise of 65 for the best ilarneu Horse, style and action considered. BULLS tired Shorthorn Bull. $S Hi t Sborthorn Bull. calved after Sept. 1st. tun-. 5 e 4 Shorthorn Bull. caned ager Sept 1r. lana a 6 4 Hereford Bu 1 .. .. 6 4 Polled Angus Rue, . ..s 4 Ali eshibitors mu 1 become mezahen of the So.41y by peytntel tethe Seere'ar, entnes wind be made with the Set -ret sty at Rom Maierr.'. 1ie•.' until 11 o'clock on the morning of the .0n. All prim money will be pai4 h7 the decretary at Rosadberr,'s Hotel. after the awards Pial• bre* made by the Jscgee. Arrangements will he made to bre ample stable e..- min -station for all home*. W it. 54,1.g5'4 Pe.- w D SANDERS Pres wforth fleeter ' DAS11\t'00D M. BRoKENaniti:, 1 5311 tt o.,n r.aN tl:v • KNCEIS. 1• .'t., W:14, 11, rtwa,;,. and all Legal Do,•ume• to carefully and promptly prepared Chartres moderate. issuer of ilarnage Lheraee. Rev. L. K. Eidt and family left on Monday for Berlin to attend the are - aloft of the annual Conference, -The !',lephone Co. has a gang of risen at work here 111 ,1IIting phones 1n Homo of vie houses In the L $!lags. -\it'. F'rtd. (tinker disposed of his property In the Village on Mo .day to Str. • John G. Get- g•r of the toweshlp of !lay, after which Mr. Banker purchased air. N•nt. Rolidc•'s property here, Mr. Rohde will on the 28th Inst. hold a sale of his 'effects, after which he will leave for British Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. Rohde will be much missed here as they are good cit- fzens.-Nest Sunday there will be no preaching 111 the Evangelical church, the pastor lacing in attendance at the Con- ference. Berlin. -Sonne people are very gnorant of the By-law in the township of Stephen relating to stock running at large on the public highways. Ther, can be seen dally a whole herd of cows roasting around, and some even let their horses out. This thing should be stop ped and will be too ere long. We pre- sume we have a pound keeper here. So to avoid trouble and expense it would b, well for offenders to take the hitt. -Mr. Thiel of Zurich Is working for sir. Henry Guenther. Jas. A. Green of Gelman, Bruce county was granted a divorce on Tuesday by the !louse of Ibmmons. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM TORONTO isa 685 and Return From EXETER , With 50c. added for admission to Canadian National Horse Show Tickets goat going April 25th, return limit May 2nd HOMESEEKERS' Excursions WINN[PEG $32100 and return EDMONTON 4a 2 5 0 and return Via Chicago or Sarnia and Northern Nay. Company Secure tickets and full information from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent, Exeter, or address J. D. MufONALD, D. P. A.. G. T. Rv.. Toronto. • Th. great practical training school of Ontario in three departments, Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy We eaglet graduates to positions. The demand upon us for trained help greatly exceeds the supply. The three most recently placed are receiving l0, 15/, and $100 per month respectively. Business men state our graduates are the best. Enter our classes now. Cet our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN Principal. Ontario Liquor License Act License District of South Huron Notice is hereby given that the Boast of License Commissioners for the License Distriet of South Huron will meet at COMMERCIAL HOUSE, iN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL —ON — SATURDAY. APRIL 23Rn, 1910 AT 10 A. w., for the purpose of considering appli, ations for Liquor 1.ieenses for the i.icense Year 101011. All person, Istereuetl will goy ern themselves ac- cordingly. JOHN TORRANCE, License inspector. Dated at Clinton on April 1st, 1019. Nott, a is hereby given that the persons whose names appear in the following schedule are applying for Liquor Licensee for the $.$cease Year 1910-11 and that the saese are not now Licensee wooer the Act or are applying for licenses for premises not now under license. Name of ;Kind of, Des nption of Name of Applicant License Premises Mont, Ipality W. PerkinsTavern Commercial I5 naall Jas. CozworthTavern queen's Benne H. Darrow !Talent Liuwn's Bayfield R.l.eathora �Tatern Monti in "Reefer 110.0e For the current yeu there were s•s enteen tat em and no shop licensee issued. The total number of applications for 1 , enses for the ensuing year is nineteen Layers and no oboe license's. Any petition against granting ik:ense to any applicant or premise* must be lodged with the und.ri;ned at least four days before the meettng of the l.kerase Board. JOHN TORRANC►:. License Inspector for South Huron hatid at Clinton this lot day of April, 1919. Organ and Piano Repairing and Tuning G. PEDLER, late of Chicago, has decided to remain in EXETER for some time !indefinitely$ and will wait on the tousle loving pnhlir in the capacity of piano and organ tuning and repairing. He has made it his life woi k and ira thoroughly reliable, guar- ente.•ing all woe It. Following are a few prices: New Strings. -'...c each Tone Regulating $3.00 tip General Toning $2,00 Key Levelling title !Overhauling from $I(► ro $25 New .\eti 'n od 114111111019 for Square Plano front $2,; to $:int Re•Vernishing. Polishing tlewving like new done at lowest figtires. Eatimate. on Pipe Organ Tuning & Repairing furnished un r.quest. All work satisfactory or no pay. Order. left at John Pedler's Residence ••'q•,1 Wets Street. et' A pE^u s.•; p a;FTik ',i1 t.•.en-e prompt attention THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORO`tTO ESTABL19itFb Igo? B. Z. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, 810,000,000 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 123 Ezeter isratnch-G. W. Ilai rtso:., Manager. Ilr:tnch also at Creditor,. ('LINTON-By the death of Mr. Join itch kenden Clinton lost one of its most highly esteemed citizens and his demise CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Rind You Have Always Relight Bears the Signature of 44-44. There is a ” right, way " of doing bus- iness and there is a " wrong way " of doing business. The It1011T \VAY of doing busi- ness le to bring your old truck, su^h as horse hair, rubber, Iron, copper. brass, wool pickings. etc., to M. JACKSON'S Main St., Easter Where you get the highest cash price and hellcat deala,,gs. F'OIZ S 1LE-A lot of Iron pipe o:: hand for fence posts. etc. removes a pioneer. lie was l:t LIsa year. A tamely of three daughters a.. one son survive. One daughter Is tl.e wife of Mayor Taylor of C11ntOn, and an other is Mrs. Rodaway of C1latetn. FATHER! MOTHER ! A business education is the greatest legacy you can leave your children. We get down to the bed -rock foundation of liv- ing business science, and assist worthy graduates to the choice positions. Enter any day. Individual instruction. Home study conrs- es in Senior Teachers' Matricu- lation and Commercial subjects. Send for particulars. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Easter Term Opens March 29. Write for particulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL Oftlehafr Always in the lead OCR POLICY has always been to give our customers the ad- vantage of any reduction our keen buying has allowed us to take advantage of. Our WATCH Department is most complete and at prices within the reach of everyone -$1,00 up to $40.00 -and same warranted from one to three years. Now is the time of year when an ALARM CLOCK does not come amiss. We have a floe selection of them. Tb alternating alarm repeats the call every 9 seconds Prices 75c to $2.50 and same warranted for one year. Our Repairing Department is most complete. Nothing passes our bands that does not re ceive our best attention, A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician Hyslop Bicycles $25 Everybody knows the fl•yaiop reputation when it comes to Bicycles. Last year we thought perfection had been reached, but this sea on we gu it unr• better, with moro of quality and value in $50 Wheels for $25 than heretofore seemed possible. Buying in enormously largo quantities and selling on the closest possible margin enables us to discount our own beat efforts with the lest (Bicycles ever offered for the money. You can order by mail with assurance of entire satisfaction. �en'1 1•)'Ir natn- aril ad Ire+s for Bicycle Folder. NYSLOP BROS., Wilted $ICICI[$ AILS TORONTO, ONT. / i