HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-21, Page 2I, THE MYSTERY CLEARED UP;
('f?:11''!1:1{ V. -(('cora)
-My dear air, you are too curi-
"Good ! I take you at your • 0U3
"1 confess it and am silent."
"It is I who take you at your "You would do bettor to wait un-
wc.rd. and to prove that I do not til he leans on the front of the bux,
feet the company with which you and then tell ole if you have ever
ar • trying to frighten me, I will de- seen him."
enure that I should be delighted to "Me! I come to Paris too rarely
have you invite this evening your to know the habitues of the Opera."
thief and her young associate." "It would in truth be better to
"Come, I give you back my ask the colonel if he has ever met
este em, and if I knew where to find with the young man whom I fancied
the persons you speak of I would I saw in that box. His name is M.
beµ them to join us. Unfortunate- de ('arnoel."
ly they are fled 1 know not where. At this name spoken by the
The woman, perhaps, has fallen in charming mouth of Madame do
to the claws of the Russian police, (larches, tho colonel involuntarily
whu have most likely sent her to
started. Anything might sooner
Siberia. The lover must have hat been expected than inquiries
crossed the seas, if he has not
from her concerning M. de Carno-
blown his brains out We need g
think no more of them and will stip °I'
without them." Nevertheless he must answer
"At what hour?" asked Mouria- without evasion, must reply by yes
tine or no. His professional instinct
"After the theatre -is it not, suggested the thought that it were
colonel 1" better not to cut short all possibil-
"Cortaiuly," said Borisoff, bow- ity of further inveatigation by a
ins. negative reply.
"You will think me very indis- "Is not M. de Carnooi the son
crcet," said, Muuriatine, "but I
have just asked a very insidious
question. You must know I am
nearly famished. I arrived this ev-
ening at, five, and had only time to
make my toilette and look for my
fFiend Borisoffat his club. We
found so touch to talk about that
we forgot our dinner."
'To come to the opera? What a
lover of music you aro!"
"1 lied telegraphed from St. Pet-
ersburg to reserve two seats, -the
fancy of one at a distance who wish-
es to enjoy a thorough Parisian life
without losing a minute. I counted
on the company of my faithful Bor-
isoff, but did not calculate on the
train being two hours late."
"Good! I understand, and it
would be a poor reward for your
frankness to compel you to suffer
tho tortures of hunger till midnight.
',%e will leave whenever it pleases
you, messieurs."
"What! you would sacrifice to
our appetites the remainder of this
"Willingly. The act is about to
conclude. We will leave before the
"You are as good as you are
beautiful. But, it will not, be for
your house, I suppose? You will
net bo expected so early as this?"
"My servants expect Inc always.
I have sent array my coupe, it is
"Anil i have not given orders to
n,, •'•tit," said Borisoff.
'•N. r. A (tack will take us
to Bt. •v in twenty minutes,
and i iter minutes, try fam-
ished , . s, you will sitdown
to tube
"Adopt. d unanimously," cried
M..uriatine, gaily.
The colonel thought no more of
opposition. He approved of the
hable "f the neglected dinner, for
i; ut.inierl now was that it was ex-
pedient to penetrate at the earliest
p, ssible ruontent the house of this
human who deserved to be studied
$tore closely.
She turned toward the stage and
Ai/peared to be absorbed in the last
Sirs of the act that was conclud-
leSuddenly, however, she took up
)10 t' opera glass and directed it to -
Ward ane of the boxes on the same
!tae. Two women occupied the
rent "f t his box, in the back of
Which t, as a gentleman who was
)careely yisiblo.
'' St range !" cried Madame do
[larches. '•I could swear it was
-Ali e said Monriaat.ine, jocose-
1C� •1- pour general of last winter
"1 ant not thinking adient that
pet onage, but 1 fancied i recog-
t►ized a young mein whom I Tittle
expected to see here."
"The friend of your Nihilist, per -
taps 1" so id Mou!jet in.•, stir) in a
bantering tone. "Nothing can be
seen .•f ht • but the end of his woes;
and as for the two woirlen, i testi
only see thsy are neither poling nor
pret ty. '
`'They are bourgeoises," raid
Burkett, "very rich and very cont.
men. who halt- taken a box for the
winter in the hope of being seen and
espoused by 50,110 rtlinecl princes."
"The resemblance is strange,"
continued the brunette to herself,
"but if it were lies it. would he
atrsnt;er still."
"1ur.ly, madame, this youth
1111) Clatter himself with having in -
spited an interest en your pact. if mar it is because one of niy best
Zia ktl••w you were at so much pains fr;end+, who is residing in Florence.
tc, identify him, no doubt 1►e would has charged Inc to find out what has
basten e ;low himself." become yf hien, and to deliver a
"I (1. eery much," murmur- box-" gularly and of a certainty from one'
ed Mfada ,..• •1' (larches. -Containing lore tokens 1" to three pounds will be ,added to
"You think t!.'n he has a reason ''1 know nothing about that, but �the weight each week, and the gen.
=yr co,:e,•al;ng hits+elf'" 1 kituw that you are insupportable, oral health will also imporve.
the bux and reclaimed their over-
coats, without having perceived
xitne, whu was pro,uc nadiug ate
loo end of the corridor.
' Hey !" said 1douriatine in his
companion's ear, "teas 1 right in 1
ad%i-ing you to approach this lady ?i
I caught your idea of confronting •
lite Carnoel with this jade. It is
bt ld, but a masterly stroke."
''.1 stroke in which 1 might be the
loser, did 1 not take precautions.
1 roust first see the house, how it
is guarded, and what servants she
has under her orders. If 1 scent
a trap, 1 shall wake a feint of go-
ing in search of Carnoel, and shall
return saying I have not found hits.
The affair will he ended for tie
right, but I shall resume it afte r
Guaranteed Full Weight
"SALADA" Tea is weighed by electric weighing
machines. The net weight is printed on every
package. We absolutely guarantee it to contain
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grocer empty a package and weigh it for you.
ai:other method. If, on the con- Sealed "SALADA" Packets guarantee full weight and res
No. 1 t George St., Sorel, Que. trary, I find that force could be em-
"For seven years I suffered from ployed with any chance of success, unequalled for goodness, freshness and fine flavour.
womb disease and dreadful torturingg I shall bring Carnoel in a carri- _ __
pains, and I had constant Dyspepsia atttl are with an escort of three good —
Chronic Constipation—the latter so had I of m
blades. I shall drive myself and without being sure ground." ! '1'h• ' "
that sometimes 1 went ten•dayys without ,, 1 ru,esSur - I want you chin•
action of the bowels. Six different doc- w;ll conduct him to the mistress of Oh, I feel confident of 11' dr, t to go to my lecture to uit;ht.'
tors treated me and for a year I was in the house. That will be the psy Chance has been on our side ; let 11. be rt -"`Couldn't you whip us in.bed, constantly facing death. Then elu,lugical moment, as M. Bis -uta make the most of it." "stead, just this Duce, papa !"
env husband coaxed me to try "Fruit- ntarek says, With a glance w•o may come, let us look for a hack,
a -fives" and the. medicine, and nothing detect whether there has been any ''3:d the colonel, pushing Mouria- "Mrs. Mulligan," said Mrs.
else, cured me and saved my lite.' tiny toward thegreat atairea Ginty, "is it well yet feting teas
(Signed) Mine. JOSEPH I,IIt3?1TI?. complicity between them. My throe )' 1,, << g S
Sec. box -6 for f:.5o-or trial lot ole+ solders will enter with me; (To bo continued.) day 1" lis, very well. "And
@throng?" 'Tis, quite sthrong."
ase. -at dealers or from Fruit -a -fives three others will guard the door 'Then p'r'haps it's able ye'd be to
Limited, Ottawa. and the street. We will search the
house from top to bottom and 1 I.,.
takes 100 livers to yield one bring back the wash -tub yez borried
and I beg you not to interrupt u1y gallon of cod-liver il
hope will make Many discoveries." r o. f last Mouduy'1"
"Your casket very likely," said
Mouriatine, "and as to this pre-
tended Madame de Larches-"
"We will bring her to my house
with the Carnoel, .he femme do
conversation with tete colonel."
"Madame," said Borisoff, •`I will
with pleasure undertake to for-
ward the box to M. de Carnoel."
"Ile has given you his address?"
"It was necessary he should do
so that I might send him the letter, chambrc, the cook, and the men
and if you would like at the same set vents, if there are any. We will
time to have my valet deliver tho empty the house in a few trips, and
box-" will then see what, is to be done
Thank you ; I promised to place with our prisoners."
of a former attache of the enibas- it it his hands myself. I confess it It is spirited, but if well con-
ey 1" ho asked. embarrassing Inc a little, for I can
('Yes, I think hia father was for- scercely go to hitt; but I can write,
merly engaged in diplomacy. Then and suppose he will not refuse to
you have met with the young pian'?" come to see me at my house."
"Often enough to recognize hint "Assuredly not, but it would be
if he were here." well not to delay too long, for he A CONVENIENCE '1'0 DROVERS.
ducted it must succeed, and in that
case the great chief will approve
it ''
"It will succeed. I shall not act
"Do you suppose it possible that
he could be at the Opera in com-
pany with the widows in that box?"
"1 should see nothing surprising
in it. He has, I believe, no for-
tune, and seeks, no doubt, an ad-
vantageous marriage."
way leave Paris at any moment." �. munch of the 'Traders Rank
"True; he must be in haste to
depart," murmured Madame do the Union Stook Yards,
(larches to herself. "What is to be Toronto.
done, then?" Tho new branch of the Traders
shc•uld sec M. de Carnoel?"
`'Is it really uuport.ant that Y' tt Bank which has been opened in the
said Exchange Building at the Union
"Ho! marry ono of those vulgar I3rrisoff, after a short silence. Steck Yards, Toronto, will prove a
ul_starts! I could nut believe hint "Will
capable of such a thing. Besides, Will you receive him this evengreat convenience to drovers who
business on the Exchange.
I was insane to imagine he would tog? ( The excellent connections of the
appear at the opera in au uncover- "Why not? Our interview would Bank throughout the country as -
e•3long box."`. be lg a«d need not intcrrul.t � slues its patrons of avert coin -
"Why ," n�
asked the colonel, as-
suming an astonished air.
"Because he cannot bo in Paris."
"One would infer from your
words," said Mouriatino, "that the
gentleman in question was for.:cd
to hide himself. Has he been guil-
ty of any crime ?"
"Madame," resumed Borisoff,
wh ' began to get a clear view of the
situation, "I can certify that you
arc mistaken. M. do Carnoel has
not left Paris as far as I know." "There is a compliment which 1
"He may have Bono so without hasten to deserve. I'ertnit me t.,
your knowledge." leave you for an instant. We neve
"Then he must have left this make sure of a carriage. The steel
morning, for I saw him yesterday." or we arrive at your house, the
Ir acknowledging that lie held sootier 1 may go in quest of M. do
intercourse with M. do Curium!, the
colonel was burning the bridge be-
hind hien, but it had become appar-
ent that Maclaine de (]arches knew
a great deal about the prisoner, and UNNATURAL THiNNESS
the best means of extracting what 1
she knew appeared to be to assume
the attitude of a friend of the
young man who interested her.
"You have spoken to him !" she
"Yes; 1 met him on the street
tit:e morning."
"And he did not try to avoid
en 1"
"Net at all. We have not oecn
intonate, but have held the nie: t
courteous relations. Wily shoul1
he have avoided nue 1"
"1 thought he roust have reasoes
for not wishing to meet with form
er acquaintances, and sun delighted
to learn that I was mistaken. Did
he speak to you et his present cir-
cumstances 1"
"Yea ; but with considerable re-
serve. Ho told one, however, Hitt
lie had abandoned a situation he
ha•i held and proposed to embark
for America. I offered hire a re
commendation to our censor -goner
al at N('w York."
"And he accepted 1"
"With gratitude. That reminds
the that I have not sent hien the
promised letter. 1 shall repair my
negligence to -morrow."
"It is very singular," said Mit -
damn de (larches, still directing her
glass to the box occupied by the
matrimonially - inclined widow's.
T1:en suddenly laying it down. she
said aloud: "1 was sure of it. The
young elan has Inst risen, and his
full face does not resemble M. de
Carnoel in the least.."
"He is very fortunate, this M. de
Carnoel," laughed Mouriatine ; "he
absorbs all your Thoughts. dight
we know when and where he made
year conquest !"
"Dear monsieur," sail the bru-
nette, with eyes of fire, dryly,
"your question is an impertinence.
N ) one has made my eonquest. if
I tun interested 1t1►nut this voting
our supper."
"Well, I can pass by his lodging.
If 1 find him there, as is quite like-
ly, I will bring hire to you; if no', week (market days), and a general
I will leave my card, with a word banking business is transacted on
to signify that I am awaiting hi:n those days.
in Rue Jouffry. Ho will suppose ire safety cheques are issued,
to be on account of the letter Tutt cheques cashed and deposits re -
will certainly come."ceived--n►oney is transferred either
"My dear colonel, if you woul'i l by telegram or mail to any part of
do that you would bo the mot ; Canada or the 17nited States.
amiable of neon," i
plete I3unking Service. The Branch
at the Stock Yards is open on
Mondays and Tuesdays of each
C'ai noel.''
"Perfect. 1 shall be ready on
your return."
The two lln.;,.i:uts hastened fr.•nt
By ('lever I'reeeription Which ('an
Ile filled at Any Drug
No Nerd lo be Thin Now as Reports
Show 'I'bis Method I;f-
People who are very thin and
scrawny ought not to he so. Un-
doubtedly they are more subject to
disease and contagions than the
normally fleshy. Thinness is usu-
ally accompanied by weakness, and
weakness subjects any one to colds,
coughs, consumption, pneumonia.
etc. It has been discovered, al.
meat by accident, that tincture ea-
dotnene, when combined in a pre-
scription with proper accelerative
medicines, becomes one of the most
valuable, effective and reliable nu-
tritive or flesh making teed:eines
knc.wn to science. It is especially
beneficial t•, men and women he-
teren the ages of sixteen and fifty-
five, who from lack of proper nerve
force and digestion, remain unde-
veloped in body, limbs, arms and
bust. A well rounded symmetrical
figure in man or woman indicate
health, magnetism. stamina and
The reader who wishes to add
from ten to forty pounds should not
fail to bo gin with this valuable pra-
seription :
First, obtain of any well stocked
druggist, three ounces of essence of
pelmet and three ounce% of syrup of
rhubarb in an 9 oz. bottle. Tlten I
add one seines. cotupound eesenee
cardiol. Shake and let stand two
hours. Then add one o:unt tint tura
cado,nene compound (not carda-
mom). Shake well and take one
teaspoonful befog each real. one
after each mel!. Drink plenty of
water bet weer% meals and when re-
tiring. Keep :up this troe emelt
Camphor Ice
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Fret n.a•k.
OHESERR000H VIVO. CO. ,Cone'd)
379 Craig et. W.. Montreal
Consider the higher real estate
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If sour dealer esnnet supply fon.
Dotify us snit we will gladly dlre.:t f,„1
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Decline uu
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