HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-21, Page 1ettf of le. TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. APRIL 21. 1910. NDERS & CREECH Great Slaughter Sale Of Ready -Made Clothing 100 suits to he sold at greatly reduced prices. If you are in need of a good cheap suit come to us. Summer Dress Goods Silk M u11s These geods are strong fur Ladies' Summer Suits and are very up-to-date to retail at 50c. a yard. Foulards . . A few only in blue, brown and grey. Pith have to see these goods to appreciate there to ret til ar 'moie a yard. Mercerized Ginghams,... In plaid patterns only, to retell at 15c. a yard. Millinery Anyone wishing an up-to-date bat should not fail to give us a cell. We have a competent milliner in the pet con of Miss Morlock. Trade accepted. Groceries We are mated for our good groceries -we buy nothing but the hest -give tis a cull and be convinced that what we say is correct. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE W. J. CARLING reefessls■al Cremds. DR • 0 F. ROI:LSTON, LD.S.; D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto t'nIxerdty. DENTIST Ulirrso -Over Ir.. k,' .1. e'arling•a Lsw UlRres. teeter. Telephone No. 5. ('lowed Wednesday &Iteru• on.. 46311. A. L KINSMAN, L D. B., D. D. s.. esor graduate of Toronto Uoive,Nty. DENTIST. tine sxua.•ted without soy pain, or any bad effects OWN over Madams a Staabury'. once. Pals stmt •.ewes. Medical HIt BRIGHT. Y. D., W. ('. P. a P , HONOR a Graduate of Toronto Unix sects., Two rears resident plrictas Royal Alexandra Iloepital, ere. Ogee sad Realdeoce, br. Amos' 01d Stand, Andrew Street, EIETEK. - DR. A. T. BOND. TORONTO, POST GRADUATE of New York font Orrluate College, ntrcessor to practice of Dr. A. F. )I►Ifoc, Exeter. Residence - lately occupied by Dr. Malloy, Andrew St. Office - Formerly the Elliot Lsw 0t11 -e, opposite Central Hotel. Ds. T. P. Yci.AUGHLIN Ras resumed reseal-, atter spending a year (Col - sage) at BID'S and Continental Hospitals. General peactle•wftb epeeist attention to Eye. (with refrae- toe) Ear Nose and Throat. Off. e: Da.haood, Ont. Legal . n10190,1 a CARLiNG, BARRISTERS, SOLICI lose, Notarise. (enceyanrers, Commissiooers Solicitors for Notions Bank, etc. Jorses.y to Loa■ at lowest rateecf in'ernt Otees. Maio street, Fveter, a. Caatts,, B A , L. R. Mateo, MONET TO LOAF. W. bay, a large amount rf priest* roods to loss Afars and village propertiea at low rates of Tate, OLADMAN a FTAN11t•RT,I BanMt.rs, SoIIcItore,ll►Ia et., Easter 01 13.8. PHILLIPS, Barran. LIcastae/ AsctiM.er. Wee attended In ail ,•art. 5atlefartioa ruaraa• Med moo pa) Tenna reaennat,Mall orders left 1 AfeoCM.0 .'e will M promptly att.nd.d t0. J. SENIOR Ascent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire insurance in lead. iasc Canadian and Britisb Oosnpnneea. Yain•8t Exeter. LICENSED A UCTIONEI'R WM. ANI)E1( ON. !Arr. sed Auctioneer for }Breen County. Terms re.sor.able. Date. ran tt made at tee Adro..atet aster. or henry Enter. Office, Creel: Iters. FARM FOR SALE. Ore of tie finest farms In t!sborne Apply to BANDiItn!< & CREMCIi, Ureter Cedar Posts for Sale We have t::c !heat quality of Cedar Post at ::;ale rate 'prices. G. E. HICKS, CENTRALIA EGGS FOR HATCHING From selected Barred Rocks. Male lords Mode' Farm breed. $3.23 per 100 or S0c. a setting. Also pen of Mod- el Farm Barred Rock ,lens, sweetie bred to lay, $1.00 per eetting. Will In- cubate eggs for you at a rcadonable price'. Baby chicks tor sale after the eoth of April. Two Brooders and Borne ,Barred Rock males for .Me. A call sol- icited. Orders taken now. -WILLIAM A e tM11ROOK. CREDiTON. TNT. FOit HALE Ccttage and three iota In Exeter, being Iota Nos. 55. 311. and 37. on the South side of Simcoe Street. On this property Is a frame cottage (brick foundatfon)con talr.ft.g five rooms and a good cellar. Mao a good well and n large stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The pro- perty 1s to be sold to wind up the estate -Apply to G1.%OMAN & STAN)lt'RT. Barristers, Exeter, Ontario. -- - FARMS FOR SALE TL.at choice farm, being part L.t 18 and 19. Con. 1. Township of Osborne, ::. the Village of Exeter. containing 100 (acres. Oa this property there is an up-to-date brick dwelling with all roti- rcrWets . large bank barns, with water In athlete. silo. drive house, Ire douse. and ell kluge of fruit. Rn acres In Gay and grasp. 6 acres fail w.teat. balance create, as! fail. Property( ;n a high state Of cultivation ar.d well adapted for a man doing a dairy butterwort or general terming. ALEX. DOW, of Euler, or T. CAMERON, .\uctioneer of Farquhar. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART- NERSiIiP NoTiCE Is hereby given that the part- ier.':p heretofore subsi.ttng between the undersigned as General Merchants undtr the name, style and firm of Qtr - ::•.r pros. in the Village of Exeter In e e' County of Huron, has this day been (Revolved by mutual consent. The bust- rerrs will be carried on at the same stand by William J. Ceritrilr. Dated at Exeter tree 4th day of April. A. D. 1910., T. 11. CARLiNG. W. 3• CARLiNG Wlti •-e LAwis I1. Dickson. THE EXETER CkeUNCita The council met in the Reading Room of the Town ,loll Friday, April 15th. Absent Councillor Luker. The minutes of the meeting held April 1st were read and approved. Mr. Robert Lcathorn addressed the council regarding the petition as pres- ented to the council at the last regular nt'•ettng. The reeve advised Mr. Leath- ern that the matter was dealt with at th,last meeting and that the council did not desire to re -open the matter. Mr. Deavitt desired to know If tho council were going to continue the lay Ing of Kranollthic walks. Mr. Dcavi was advised that If the council pr ceeded to build any walks that the peti- tions filed would have the preference. ;I'er Ileaman and Dalkwill-That the ei)commendation of the Board of Health that the chairman of the board be paid $3 per annum be granted. The reeve and clerk were appointed to look Into the matter and if found necessary that a by-law be prepared accordingly. Per Levett and Ileaman-That the clerk correspond with the local manager of Tile 13e11 Telephone Company urging that the phones be installed at an early date b:twcen the power plant and Fire Hail. Tho following accounts were read and approved, -W. J. Carling, account for supplies for lire. Delve .1.33: ifarvey Bros., coal for Town Hall, 10.20 ; Free Press, London, advertis:ng tenders for waterworks 5.00; Queen City 011 Co., Tnr'oata, gasollne, 4.49; D. Gillis, labor gathering stone 2.23 ; W. Wllron, draw ing tile, 1.73 ; G. Atkinson, cleaning the streets 1.80; T. Brock, Jr., ditto. 75c.; A. Bedford, ditto, 1.5e; J. Ogden, ditto, 1.30 ; C. 11. Homey, ditto. 1.20 ; ltd. Dav1a, team grading, 4.50; C. W. Cross b.tlence of salary, 1909-10, 2.00; John Cookson. labor at cemetery, $4.30; T. Fisher, insurance cemetery house, 5.95 11. Spackman, supplies cemetery. 1.20; Exeter Times, ?rioting check books for cemetery 3.00 ; Fred Kerr, brick for tem, tory, 18.00 ; T. Houlden, two weeks salary power house, 3.00 ; T Ifouldene street watering 6.00 ; amounting In all to 83.34.; passed o•: notion of Levett and Ileaman. Adjournment by Lc vett. Jos. Senior. nurse. ut'. IDEND NOTICE A Dividend of Seven pzr cent. on the fully paid-up capital stock of the Exe- ter Canning and Preserving Company, Ltd.. has been declared and will be pard at the office of the Secretary -Treasurer of the Company at Exeter on Friday the Twenty-ninth day of April, 1910. The transfer books and register of the Company will tri (lolled from the 23th to the 30th days of April. first., bout days Inclusive. Dated at Elena this 1310 day of Ap- ra, 1910. By Order, 1.. W. GLADk1AN, Stcrctary-Treasurer. TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF McG1LLIVRAY Tenders will be received by the under- signed for tho erection of 4 cement bridges -1 on Delancy's eilderoad, 10 ft ; 1 on Clandeboyo sideroad, 10 It ; 1 on 24th con., 10 ft ; and 1 on 20th con. 14 ft. Tenders to state a price per ruble yard. Specifications may be seen at thc residence of the Townseip Cleric. Tenders to be opened at Town Hall, West McGillivray, on Mollday,May 2nd, at 7 o'clock, p.m. The lowest or any tender not nece.earlly accepted. J. D. DRUMMOND, Tp Clerk MARSHALL MILLER, Reeve HOUSE ANL) LOT F')lt SALE A stcrey and a half frame house,con- talning seven rooms and summer kit- / Len, brick foundation. good well of spring water, one-quarter acre of Lend; situate on the south side of Hu- ron street cast. Apply to S. SANDERS Telegraph Office, Exeter. Local Items Mr. Alf Bedford day. et %. Besiege urday'. Mr. Roy Heftier hae r. awn d his pos- itron as butter maker with 11r. John H. Scott Rtv. \tt 'tlillyard of Geier lot uctu- was in Clinton Mon- pled the Main street pulpit on Sunday, 10". pis:or, Rev. Fear, being In Goderlch. Mr. L. 11 Dickson went to TI:edford \Vcdneaday as solicitor In a Grand hand trial, regarding Illegal s' ring of liquor. Miss Bertha GentUtet of Deaahw•ood, who has been employed in the Commer- cial, returned to her home In Dash - wool Wednesday. Lee Itletchford and Tont Jones have taken poaltions with the telephone gang and on completing the work here will go to Hcnsall and Windsor. D HT1iS Knight. -1.1 Exeter, on April 14th, to Mr and Mrs. J J. Knight, twin sone. Dwul.-In L'eborre, on April 18th, to Mr. aid Mrs. Geo. was la London Sat - Ernes. Jardine, a student. has engag- ed with Dr. Sweet for the summer. Mr. 11. Stephens) of London was •u -rt sit the Masonic meeting o;h nU. tl ght. k lese, O1 itl:ows are requested to meet t -the: Lae Roan) o;t Sunday at 10 . to ;:ttena divine service. '(Vor,' froA) Mr. Ed. Powell. who 1s on nip re:uuud the world, says that he 'v low 1n Manilla and is enJoying it t.:1.1 Mr. 11. N Taylor on Tuesday evening r..elgned as secretary of the I. 0. 0. F. and 1t. N. Creech was appointed to fill the porition. F'AitMS FOR SALE. Being composed of farm lot 27. Con. 7, Usborne. containing 64 acres of choice land. On the property there In a frame dwelling and barn. a never falling stream of spring water running across the farm ; also a gond spring well with pump ; 29 arres wheat seeded to grass; 17 acres hay and balance In pasture. This farm is well fenced with ten wire woven fence on cement Pests: thoroughly w:derdratned and well eul'- cd for general farming. Possession given at once. Also that choice grass farm. being composed of South half of lot 3, Con. 3. Ceborne containing 3o acres. This property 1s fenced with 9 wire woven fencing. and has a stream of spring water running across the property. Possession given on full payment of purrhesr money. 1f these propenes are not sold priv- ately on or before May 3rd. 1910, they will be sold by public auction with the faint stock and itnplenrents. on Lot 10, South Thames Road. t'sborne, on May 17th. 1910. Positively no reserve as the proprietor teas sold Ole Lome farm and has purchased a ranch farm In Alberta and In moving out at ones. For term. and particulars apply to lies. Madge on the premises. or to Thos. Cameron. Farquhar 1'. 0. ,'AUL MAIKGE. Prop HORSEMEN ATTENTION The eeaeoa 1's approaching when you will need your iwrscbills. THE ADVOCATE Is agalr, this year in the best position to give you the best of service. Our cuts are the best. We print you cards with taste and despatch. and at a very reaso:.able flgure, besides teens those who gel their cards here a two -weeks' notice of the route In the ADVOCATE (largest circulation In the district) Free of charge. which 1 i Steil! Iv worth more than, the whet( price of the ramie. Dr. Kinsman and Dr. Rouleton, 17on- tists, desire to again announce to the public that their offices are closed ev- ery Wednesday afternoon. Among the successful candidates at the London Normal for permanent sec- ond-class teaching certificates we no- tice the name of Misr) Winona Howard. A 13-ucefleld correspondent says ;-A sp+c'1al meetfn3 of the Brucefield foot - bail club was held Saturday n`ght,when it was agreed that the local Rovers go to Exeter on the 24th of May to play an eehibition game with a picked team of that town. Mr. Green, representing the Mail and Empire, was doing business In town a couple of days this week. Mr. Green was at one time the able editor of (tie Parkhill Gazette. He is a man of gen- ial quillttes and is well posted on the Issues of the day. Mr. Paul Madge on Monday last sold ilia fine hundred acre farm in thek town- ship of Usborne, South Thanes ,toad, In the 5th con., to Mr. Ooo. Williams of thc same township. The price paid was a good one, being $10,000, but Mr. Wl):tants has one of the best farms and b et equipped farms in the township. Tee court of appeal Monday morning last disrnisred the appeal of the Ontario Bank shareholders from the ref- orenee to admisaloa of the ,Sank of Mon treat to rank as a creditor. This means that the shareholders will b: called upon under theft double liability to mako good Pie deficit of $376,000 in the assets of the bink resulting from the liqui- dation. 3 J. J. White of Exeter, Ont., ar- rived 0,1 Saturday evening to accept ti:' poaitlon ae manager of The Outlook. Mr. White was editor and manager of the Exeter Times for several years, and counts highly recommended. Mrs. White and family expect to Join him in a short tan e --The Outlook. printed at Out- look. Sask. Mr. halite Brown of the Thames Road was in London on Tuesday attending the funeral of an aunt. Mrs. Jas. Dob- byn, who died on Sunday after an ill - nese of two weeks, In her 80th year. Ilcr husband predeceased her just three weeks, and in February last the eldest daughter passed away. etre. Dobbyn re- tn'inbered distinctly seeing the Haile:: comet In 1833. Ci,EVER COIN K. -Ask a friend to put a quarter in one pocket and a dine In the opposite packet. Tell hint that the quarter represents 20 and the dime 3. Now ask lam to (1Iple (tin min that Is In hie right pry keit and double that which ie le his left pocket, and then add these two products together. nin,ply telling you whether the result is odd or even. 11 It 1s even, then the quarter Is In hie right pocket. and the dime In the left ; if :t b: ,odd, then the quarter 1s iii his left pocket and the dime In his right. You may give any Valu? to the coins other than 20 ertrd5• provided that one number Is odd and the other even, the even number being given to the quarter. And you can of course use any other coins, so long ae you give them odd and even values. BEWARE OF THE ROCKS. -There are three rocks ahead of the praetl- ral young man who has hie feet upon the ladder and 1s beglnnlne to rise. First. drunkenness. which. of course, is fatal. Second. speculation. The bus- iness of a speculator and that of a matt ufacturcr or man of affairs are tint only dlsti.e1. but incompatible. The manu- facturer should go forward \ When there m y. e:ing the market prices. are goods to sell. sell thetn; when sup piles are needed. purchase them. with- out regard to the market price to eith- er tale. We have never known a spec- uletive manufacturer or business man who scored a permanent success; vie 1s rich one day, bankrupt the nest. The third to -'k Ie akin to speculation -endor- sing. There are emergencies. no doubt. 1n which Hien should help llleir friends, riens, but there le a rule that P o ne safo ; no man should place his name on the obligation of the other If he has ,.n' eutftcient to meet I1 without dttrl- m nt to his business. JAMES J. HILL SAYS. Jame. J. 1181, perhaps the best auth- or ity or. (atria: g and railroading or, this continent. hae stated that within a v: ry few years the United States +(111 b 1 o:ripened to Import wheat and flour. He quotes statistics to 'show that the ra:.o of the population ie Increasing rnur h faster than the production of food stuffs. grid draws the corcluston that in a very few years the United States will b• importing. Ile also states that Canada will 5: the great producing country of ,he 20th certor y. at,d that meet. of the grain and flour which the .Americans will import will be secured In thr Ctnadlan West. in this former - tion, it !e interesting to notice that from 10.1.000 to 200,000 American farmers are crossing into the Canadian West eery year and securing land. weer, will yet grow wheat that is to supply their old neighbors to the south. Dunn, a son. Sparlir,e.--eh, Thames !toad. on Apr!) 1301, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sperl- ing, a daughter. MA ItR(AGES Gooillts-Kllgallhi-At Parkhill, Aprt 12 by Rw. ler Dunn, Mr. Daniel Gooding of McGillivray. to Midst Eleanor Ktl- g-clltn of Parkhill. DEATHS Knight -In Enter, on April 130., the infant sons of Mr. and Mrs J. J. Knight. Sutton. -Ili Exeter, on April 15th, Ag- nes Mary Hodgson, beloved wife of Jonas Sutton, aged 53 years, 8 mon- ths and 25 days. Duncan -In Hay, on April 20th. rocs. John Duncan, aged 66 Years - Wilson -At Grand Bend. on Aprf 114th, Paul, son of Mr. James Wilson, aged 1t► years. WARMAN DISTRICT SASKATCHEWAN 10 Reasons for Homeseekers Locating Hero LAND. Plenty, fine loamy soil, pro during from 25 to 40 bushels No. 1 Northern Wheat, and 33 to 60 bushels to the acre of Oats. 11. ,.ANI) PRICES lows than other Districts, advantages considered. 111 ,'EST OF WATER (according to Government Analysis) obtained at from 13 to 23 feet deep. IV. This district Is noted for early seeding and early maturing of grain, thus avoiding summer frosts. V. An abundance of Hay, making It ;tit idc.,1 district for either grain or mixed farming. Vi. Unequalled market for farm and dairy produ, e. V II. Free from summer frosts, hall and cyclonce. V1!1. Educational advantages beet 1n the West, having cast• access to Public and High School and University. IX. Unsurpassed shipping facilities by the three Trans -continental rallways, also on the. proposed route of the Hudson's Bay Line, thus securing cheaper freight rates and quick shipments. X. Warman district the GARDEN OF THE WEST, the place to find health, wealth and happiness. Don't locate elsewhere before you investigate these laude. Fu''l i-forrnation rhect:oily fu, Mali d by THE VI I.I.AGE CLERK. WARMAN, SASK Men ! Do You Care If you don't -take anything in the way of clothes that hap- pens to be offered to you But if you want smart clothes, clothes that radiate style, that are dominated by the same spirit and life that keeps you young, resolve now to wear our clothes. They represent the new idea in clothes' making clothes to suit you, they become you, do you justice, are worthy of you, make you feel it's good to be alive -(NO OTHER CLOTHES CAN TAKE THEIR PLACE) - IF YOU CARE! NEW TiES, SHIRTS, IIATS, SIICES. Everything for the Mao : SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER cots Ihrimc&Slovc Slor� FOR YOUR SPRINC WANTS Cleveland Coiled Wire and Barb Wire Ideal Fencing -6, 7, 8 and 9 Wires AT VERY LOW PRICES GATES, FENCE HOOKS AND STAPLES Everything For Fencing Ouality and Amatite Roofing at $2.50 a Square Screen Wire and Poultry Netting -All Sizes Step Ladders at $1.00, $1.46 and $1.76 Curtain Stretchers at $ 1.00 Shovels, Rakes and Hoes DUST BANE Dusty Friday no more if you use DUSTBANE in 35c. Packages; Also in Barrels. HEAIAN'S HARDWARE 6 STOYB STORE