Exeter Advocate, 1910-04-14, Page 8A Dog with a Muzzle and a nt to with an ill•fittiug suit of clothes are in the sante iroat— Both Handlaoed ! I: you a., o man with clothes troubles have TAMAN diagnose your case. Ile quite likely will prescribe A SUIT OF DECENTLY MADE CLOTHES at a pop- ular price. He does riot send his gouda to out- of-town r lathing manufacturers to be THROWN together and Palmed off on you for a CUSTOM MADE SUIT, but tntk'a the sults la hie own custom work shop insuring you a PERFECT FIT and BEST eVORKMANS111I'. NEW SPRING SCITINGS OVEItCIATING3 AND PANTINGS .11ttUVING DAILY W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario ksiness Locals -- Read Them King hats for inert is the line we sell. See the new shapes. Stewart's, COAL ASHES.—Any person wishing a quantity of coal ashes nay have same by calling at the Advocate Office. For stylish up-to-date Suits for ,nen and boys at popular prices see Stewart. Reports come front every direction that "elODEL" Flour 1s the best they ever used. Two riled:u:n sized, comfortable houses for sale. Apply at this office. Berseford Shoes.—for style, comfort and wear they are unbeatable. Stewart's. gr. Ovens Corsiss. Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Burgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, Saturday, April 30, all day. Glasses properly fitted and diseases of Eve, Ear and Nose treated. Lion Brand Knickerbockers cur le.ys. Double seats and doul.le knrrs. They wear. Stewart's. LADY BOARDER WANTED—Apply to MISS LEWIS, Exeter. MOTEL TG RENT—Apply at tele o:fice Linoleums in 2, 3 and I yard widths? all the newest patterns. 1Ve fit and lay free of charge. Steuart. IF YOU WANT Graining. House and Sign Patnti::g, Lettering, Show Card Writing, Paper hanging and Decorat- ing see GARNET it. IIEYWOOD, Ex- eter. .Scientists have deduced the fact that 90 per cent. of the Infant mortality oc- curs among the bottle-fed babies. Pro- htbttfonlyts figure out about the same percentage among the bottle-fed men. HICKS' FORECASTS.—A reactionary sta-an period Is central on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd. On and touching the 22nd the temperature will rise sudden- ly to very warm. the taaron:eter will tall rapidly, and stbrrns of thunder, rain hall and wind will touch many placate in their qu'ek transition from west to east. The barometer will react to high- er, Immediately behind these storms, evil:ging a sharp drop in temperature, but the chance will b' short duration. Allowing three days on either side of Sundt)! the 24th, Is another seismic per- iod, In weeh current telegraphic re- ports will probably tell o: earthquake Phenomena in various extremes of the earth. CHURCH DIRECTORY JAMES -ST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. itichard Hobbs. Pastor Sunday Public Worship -10.30 and 7. Cass Service -9.30 a.m.and atter Morn- ing service and Wednesday nle',t. Towng M. n'e Class and Catechumens — Sunday at 2 p. m. Sunda) School a:rd Bible Clastics— 2.80. Epworth League—Tuesday 9 p. m. Prayer Meetlug—Thursday 8 D. m April 17th—The pastor will preach Morning and cvenieg—e1 ..g time ecr- mons. %+++++++++++i , 1 Tfto Sftop for en We have the finest lines of Fancy Suitings Overcoatings Trouserings We are filled up with the new- est and hest Koods for the mak- ing of clothing, and we do the making Jo the best of style. W. JOHNS Mean rsat TNt•r• Baster LOCAL DOINGS, Trueman Elliott has e::gaged as tail- or with W. Johns. \Jr. Win. Kuntz Iuts moved erto Mrs. Treble's house, London Road South. The boys have reorganized for foot- ball and have commenced practice on the s.•'tool grounds. Tae game laws ferLtd the shooting of muskrats during April. They may be traegei until April 80th. Miss Robb, teacher, was unable to at - •end to her dutleti at the school part o: the week owing to illness. Au aged Erni tte o: ti: House of Ref- uge, Angus McEachen of Tuckcrsrnlith. passed away ere Mar. 31st, age -1 81. The Oddfellows .attend divine service at the James Street Methodist church Sunday morning. April 24. ]rev. Hobbs will preach, '•%V. Hedden and family, who for some time have occupied W. J. Brook's farts, have moved Into town and taken up their ireidence."—Crystal City Courier. Don't be afraid of the comet. We ex- pect to take a dash through Its tall on May leth, but no harm will -orae to you if you have a receipt for 1910 subscription to The Advocate l:i your pocket. Remember the date. Mrs Charles Knight, who has been quite 111 for some Om-, underwent a surgical operation on Saturday The Operation was a success and the pa- tient, much to the gratification of her many friends, is recovering nicely A former Exeter young lady was star fled in Toledo, Ohio, on Thursday, April 7th, when Mtge Iva M. Box, the eldest daughter of Mr. Albert Boz, formerly or Exeter, became the bride of Harry B. Albon of the same city. Mina Box's friends here extend best wishes. The Medal contest department of the W. C. T. U. Intend holding a contest In elocution In the near future There will be nine classes of from 4 to 6 contestants, the one considering of children from 11 to 14. years inclus- ive, the other from 15 to 19 Inclus- ive Those who Intend trying will please give their names to Miss Murray of the public school staff According to the latest order of the provincial education department, all teachers' Institutes shall be held in October of each year. West Huron In- stitute Is usually held In May, and a change will be necessary for fu ture meetings. The fall month, we believe, is the bettor time, as Jt le nearer the bezlnning of the school year, and also will not make a break in the school work when approaching the examina- tIori tl,ne. Most o: the farmers of the vicinity have their seeding finished. This le re- mai.;.tably early; in fact, it is one of the earliest springs known in these parte. Among the oldest Inhabitants there are few who remember a March with such remarkably fine weather. instances have been many where the Weather Iraq beg rills enough to get few fields sown In March, but none where practically all the seeding has been completed. On Saturday nett Brush, The Great Magician, appears In the Opera house, brought here by The Jordan -Munro En- tertainment Co. Brush Is without a doubt the greatest entertainer of his class In America, and Exeter is a fav- ored town t,o secure hint. He does the most wonderful tricks and wherever he has appeared the papers speak in the highest terms of his ability to give you one or the most interesting eveningrjs or your life. The Jordan -Munro Com- pany gut on a high class concert early last winter and demonstrated that they are de2ervirrg of your patronage. ADJOURNED VESTRY MEETING.— The adjourned annual Vestry meeting or the Trivttt Memorial church was held In the Parleh Hall at Monday night last. The rector. D. W. Collins was In the chair. The report of the auditore was received and adopted and ordered to be printed for distribution to the congregation. Oonslderable unfinished business was transacted, and a hearty vo'c o' thanks was passed by the vestry to the rector, Ladies' Guild. the choir, tee retiring church wardens and bell .n.gcrs. 1 ATIIEIt DEAD.—Mr. Bruce Anderson teller in the Pank of Commerce here, rtcelved the sad news last week of the death ot his father, Rev..Jas. A. Ander- son. B. A.. pastor of Knox Presbyterian church, Ooderlch, which took place at Ottawa on April 6th, whither he had gone to attend a church meeting. La grippe was the cause of death. ile was to have received the honorary degree of D. D. the following day from the I'res- .trytcrlan College at Montreal. \tr. An- derson had been 22 years In Godcrleh. His wife. er sons and 1 daughter sur- vive. WEDDED .\ND AWAY --:. quiet :rouse wedding took place on Tuesday. April 12th. at high noon, at the henio of Mrs Wm Cudn.ore. efaln street. Exeter. when her daughter Mina Louisa M be- came the the bride of Mr }Larry W. Morton. son of Mr Wm. Horton of Flurondale The ceremony was per- formed by Rev Dr. Medd of forest in the presence of only a few tnunedlato relatives and friends Mise Maud lien- nhtgton, cousin of the bride. played the wedding mar ^, The b !de, who was un- attended, wore a beautiful dress of em- broidered swiss Atter congratulations and a dainty dinner. the young couple left for Letetoldge, Alta . where they will reside in fu'ure The very tent wle'un n: their many friends go with then; to tt.e.r Western home TIIE ENTRANCING STORY ute THE EARLY CiIRISTIANS.—Exqulrl ely 1 1- oaretel by loci lite model and 1:no 'rat o: animated pictures—.k Rioseopie Discourse composed and delivered by \ire Herbert lluoth, youngest son of General Booth. Some reasons wry you should tier and hear lt.—Pe-ause there Is no more Thrilling (-hap'e. in human his- tory then that which tells of the for- tunes of the early Christians: lrraurer or the et -u'se'r beauty of these scenes. 'o get *bleb no c -p nae earl be. spared 1'.e•ause there Is ::o way you rare hear so much In so snort a tete about the solders o: the Cross in the days of Nero. in James s'. Methodist rhurrh \t ty 3rd Admission 2.'rc ; e',I:dren, two tor 25e, Mr. Will Stewart returned to Detroit Tuesday. Mr. Jo}:r, Norry has gone to Clinton to work. Pert )fivers has accepted a posltto:. I:r Walkerton. Mr. Wm. LInda:sfelt visited his brother Caries here last week. Mrs. Frank Mallott, jr., and chlidree returned Monday from St. Thomas. eft s. :\1 ine.r is he:+ front Forest at c:tdlae her slater Mrs. Jos. Tutton. Mr3. Yale- returned last week front a vlsa,wlt'r her mother In Clandeboyc. \i r. Alf:el APs: o' Louden spent Tte rs d iy seelcine hinds with old friends in .3 511. 1 M I'ruce .lade:son was to Godetich t'tt,s wee:( ow::.; to the. deater of his :.t. her. M.s3 F'. C. Dewey o: Chicago Is via • icing here w'th her brother, Mr. A. itowey Mrs. Juhn Harmer and son Gear' or lear'ton are visiting with old friends in Osborne. Mrs. Arnold Moir left on Tuesday for Pincher, Alta., to join her husband who is station agent at that place. Mr. Geo. Mantle left Tuesday with a carload of effects for Lethbridge, Alta. Mrs. Mantle leaves next Tuesday. Mrs Robt. Down and daughters left Tuesday for the West to lain Mr. Down who went to Manitoba last week. Mrs. (Rev.) Collins is attending the W. A M. S. 23rd annual meeting of Huron Diocese at London this week. Councillor Chris Luker has gone to St. Catharines where he has secured a situation. Mrs. Luker and faintly will •:ollow later. Mr Albert Peuprase, who recently dis- posed of his barbering business to Mr Burke, left Tuesday for the West. where he intends remaining Mrs. Harry Hopper and daughter, Letlra, have returned to their home in Fkelzrave after a short visit with the •former's sister, Mrs. C. 13lrney, Mrs. James Willis leaves Thursday :o: London to spend a few days prior to going to Springside. Sask., to visit her sort Frank for a few Months. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McTaggart return- ed Tuesday from attending the funeral of a relative in London, Mr. John Wakeland, who died suddenly • o1 heart trouble. Mr. Wnt. Atkinson has resumed work al'er being 111 for a week. Mr. Frank Boyle has taken a position as barber with Mr. wen. Burke. - Several Ezeterites attended the Live Stock Show in Clinton on Thursday. Rev, L. C. McRoberts ot London and Rev. Hobbs exchanged pulpits Sunday. Mr. I'. Bawden has purchased the res- idence on Gldley street owned by Mrs. D. Kernick. Mrs. F. Fisher of \Villiam Street, is very 111 at her hong and undert the rate of a doct3r and nurse. Tne ladte3 In Colborne street Meth- oiist church, Brantford, have decided to take off their hate to church. Some farmers and stock men are al- ready turning their cattle out to pas- ture. This, 1t is staled on good auth- ority, 1s the earliest period In forty ?cars. The Exeter Curling Club held a wind- ing up meeting on Thursday evening last, and after the payment of all their accounts found that they had a nice surplus. Mr. G. E Anderson. District Deputy high Chief itatnger of the Independent Order of Foresters, assisted by Wm. Mcrryfield of West Moncton, Installed the officers of Ilensall Court on Tues- day night of last week. The death occurred in London on Fil- day last of Thomas Husband, 1:17 Elm- wood Avenue. Deceased formerly re- sided in Lucas whorl was well know;. In this. district as a grainer. bee..g eipert at the business. The fun.r.il was held on Mut:day at London. Tltre- eons and two daughters survive. The announcement was made by W. S. itrewster. M. P. P., that Inch. J. Ear rut had leen appoltrted license commlesloncr of }'Brantford, in succession to the late John McCann. The r.ew official Is a prominent Methodist. a foreman at the Verity Plow Works, and an ex -presi- dent of the Ilamilton-Brentford Banc - ball League. and a former resident o! Exeter. PRIVATE LESSONM—Mise Gregory 14 piepared to accept pupils In Ettellsh. Latin, French. Gcrm.tn and Mathcntatice OF will cosc't students for the rufdeunt- firer departmental examinations in any or all of the high School sub este. Terms given on application. THIOMSON—CRAIG CONCERT. ---Tic concert given In the Opera house. oe Friday evening. under the auspices of the Ladles Guild' o: the. Trivttt Mem- orial church was o: a class not fre- quently given in Exeter, and was a de- cided treat for those who attended. Un- fortunately the program was about an hour late In starting, owing to nonce baggage of Miss Thomsen being delayed 1,r transit. it, however. arrived about nitre o'clock In an automobile from Clinton, at which time !tee program commenced. The hell was 'comfortably filled by it most fashionable audience and that the program was appreciated was demonstrated from time to time by the generous and hearty apprause accorded the two artlets. Miss Jardine Thomson and Mr. Gordon Craig. who gave the entire program. Miss Thom- son made a most favorable impression. Iter voice is a powerful and sympatir- elle soprano, delightful to listen to and her unique selections o! English folk- lore songs were charming and Inter- esting. The accompanying costumes In each of the selections were appropriate ar.d Indeed catchy. "Young Richard," "Nobody Claming to Marry Me." "The Plus 'Kerchief." were beautifulie sung n•:d she was compelled to respond to repeated encores. Mr. Craig's literary numbere were well chosen and given 1:, a most crmeltable mtnnrr. His style Is natural and unaffected, and his inter- pretation shove a clear conception of the author's meaning. Prof. William brown o: Cilr,ton. who formerly pre- eIdel at the Trtvitt Memorial church organ. acted as accompat,lst to Miss Ttrontson's eclectio: e. and being a fav- n•:tr with an Eztrrr Audience at all titre. his effort, o:r tt.:e occasion were none the 1^ss pleasing and contributed muc 1 to the evening's pleasure. The greeted' amo'rnted to over 4113.00. The Committee In charge are to be congrat- ulate -1 upon the brlllivnt surdas o: the r •, , te•tak ,re to rrov'de so wortuy a• entertainment. EXETER MARKETS. 1 CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 1 04 1 07 Barley 48 52 Oats, 37 39 Peas 80 80 Potatoes, per bag 50 Hay, per ton 13 00 1400 Flour. ter cwt., family 2 75 Flour, low grade per car 1 541 1 66 Butter 20 Eggs 19 Live hogs, per ewt 11 05 Shorts per ton 24 00 Bran per ton 73 00 Th' ■•atent nt made last week by Amel u t Jarvis, President of the Sovereign leetk, that the bank may again open Its doors. has caused considerable sur- prise and interest. An item has been going the rounds of the newspapers. stating that a tax of 42 will hereafter be levied on every dog in the province, and a tax of #5 on bitches. This 1s incorrect. Tho Bill which was brought into the Legislature by Mr. Bowyer, provides for a tax of #1 on the first dog owned or harbor- ed, and 42 on each dog over one. The tax on the first bitch kept is #3, and 45 on each over one. One dog'Is enough for any Haan to keep..and that Is one too many if not worth 41 per year. Piano for Sale We good scoond hand piano, American make, nearly new $160, at J.PEDLER'S .Main Street south. r4i114111P911854)OOO��lfr7� —BEST OF— Cement, Lime, Bran & Shorts ALWAYS ON HAND R. G. Seldon, Exeter j wisi OG1ss &040W shaulik.egit• se/ FLOUR Breakfast � Foods Feed and Seeds 1 All the BEST GRADES of flour always ON hand. Breakfast Foods such as OATMEAL, WHEATLETS k TOASTED WHEAT FLAKES Oatmea1,71b3 for 25o Poultry Foods h Feeds such as PANACEA, OYSTER SHELLS, GRIT, CRUSHED BONE, LIN- SEED MEAL, OIL CAKE and FLAX SEED. Wm. Rivers Davis' Old Stand - EXETER Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY husinese of MR. WM. ARNOLD, i desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that i am prepared to give you the best of satisfaction in work connected with the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other- wise at TIIE ADVOCATE OFF. ICE, PHONE: 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech iT'S A LONG ROAD that hasn't a turn, and a longer one that doesn't conte our way. This null is making a Cour second to none. 1f You wan! Flour that will bake bread like "mother used to slake" you rant get It here. MODEI. is the old re,:able. For Flour that's always goof buy ours. HARVEY BROS. EXETER ONTARIO APRILiB a month of clean- ing outside just as - - well as inside. Time to Stop look, listen About Wire We ate in the Held this year with CLEVELAND SPICING COIL, BARB, NO. 9 SOFT, 12, 13 WEAVING, also a full line of POULTRY NETTING Inquire now. It costs nothing and we are always pleased to grant any information we have. A COMPLETE LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK OF Mechanics' Fine Tools, Nails, Glass, Iron Pipe and Fittings and Builders' Supplies Tinsmithing and Plumbing a Specialty We can quote you lowest prices on Rouse Cleaning Supplies, Garden Tools, Washing Machines, Wringers and Churns Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store One Duor North of Browning's Drug Store, Exeter. Special Discount Sale of Furniture We are starting our annual discount sale, comprising every article in our the a and well assorted stock, which we are offering at a special discount for NEXT 30 DAYS Intending purchasers will consult their own interests by examining our goods and getting our prices before purchasing their Spring Furniture We Can Save You Many Dollars 1 'Undertaking and Embalming a Specality ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Spring Suits and Coats A nice assortment of Ladies'' Spring Suits have just arrived in the very newest shades and tailored in the latest style. They are very swell and come at the lowest pricer. Also another lot of Ltdies' Spring Coate in Plain or Striped Fawn. Corset Coating, long or short. Our Ladies Ready•to•wear Department ie booming this Spring. Be mute you wear one of our garments. They mean Style, Fit and Economy Separate Skirts We are showing some extra values in I.adies' Drees Skirts for this Spring. The stiles are entirely new and every skirt bas a particular style of its own. Voiles, Pennines. Serges and Broadcloths in ell the leading colors. Ladies' Waists All the new ideas are here in our swell new Net. Silk and Fancy shown waists. Lawn Waists are shown herein abund- ance and in all colors. You will do well to see tham. Seasonable Millinery Just a word to make you think of your Spring Hat. Our Milliners are showing everything that is new in the Hat Line. We have alarge staff at work and can make or trim hats on the t:hortest notice. A nice Hat is one of the main attractions. Ladies' Whitewear The season is just here. We have a big variety to show you in Lodies Skirts, Corset Covers, Night Gowns, Princes, Slips and Drawers. The beet are here. Colored Petticoats A nice collection of all the new colors in Underskirts. One suitable for any dress in Sateen, Morie, Regal Taffeta or Silk. ('rices away down. Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums Do not forget us when house cleaning. We can show 7011 the largest and best assortment ever shown in Exeter. RUGS—all situs and prices for any room in your house. CARPETS—the same way. Remember we carry nothing but SCOTCH LiNOI.EUMS—tbs best, and the best Is what you want. LACE CURTAINS from 2&c to lb per pair TAPESTRY do .. *2.75 .. * se ROBiNETTE do made up Frill side and bottom *1 " JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing