HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-14, Page 71,000 LIVES IMPERILLEll°`'°`' U.11'I't:NINt:S Explosion on a British Ship Caused a Panic at Sea. :1 despatch (rein Dever, England, 'deck. Some (.f then[ were shock- says .t terrific explosion ccurred ii,gl, injured, aua one child was William Whyte, 1 d earl • on Thursday morningon the i killed. The hatch was blown to lit dish stc•atiur ('airnrons, off I1ragineet-. Futir hundred Winnipeg tailors to wheat 90 per cent. patents, t$4.- t!"' ('anadian Pacific Ituilwin-, who' ly the effect upon immigration this Ihulgeness, which wrecked the wu-I t terrible pante en,ued, the eu!i- are (01 arikc for higher psi. 20 to *1._J in buyer,;' Hacks, on is at the Waldorf tsturia, [Dade a year is bound to lw enormous. Last men's quarters, killing Due child grants, mostly Russians, running up The Miller ball t•• aboli-h race- track. Turoute, and *1.10 to $4.15 prediction on Wednesday the scar we had the largest innnigratiou and injuring a number of woolen silt' d,.wit, s<reantiug and oiIiIgiug 4i.tek gambling was defeated in the outside, in buyer,' sucks. Mande-, t western Canada ever had. We are and children. The steamer caught tl.. i, ha lids. Their terror ..as in- !louse of Centinons, ba flow, lir,[ patents, ,i,,70; ste- in�lithin a very short time the prey- getting u great many English, o and a panic ensued. in which vets ,..1 I►y the .uluuu+ of ;nu,ku. The Canadian General I.lectric Dud imams, $1,.24) to 155.:;0; and ;net of Saskatchewan will produce Sertch and Irish ---not city -bred, but Melt f.,ugltt ter the possession of'w-hich poured from the lulling',('•,rupaay will spend b15O,OttU in ad strong baker, mere wheat than Texas. Ind in the better classes from the coon K $3, on freak, 'l'., fifteen or twenty years," Mr. to Last year we got 90,000 Am- burning.: 1 n► tb.: boats, and hod t.. be beaten 'hull(. The eateaiu and officers made d.t eon to its Pete•rboro' works. reutu. buck by the crew to allow the we- it •fl ental efforts to calm thein:: Furl 4 bur. hill district has been \lanitubu 11'heat --No. 1 North Whyte added, "it will be pruritic- erieana; this year we shall get torn to be taken oft first. \ larce':utti then signals ..f distress were, thrown ()pen fur Ilonlesteading b•y. err:, $l.11j;, Bay •purls, and Nu. 2 ing more wheat than the whole abt,ut 125,090, and they are the number ..f the passengers were !:ul leen• up. !n the meantime another tLc Ihnuiuiun (;u.c•rnmm�t• Northern at II1.U:1!.. Bay ports. United States. We had fine crops b.,t settlers we can get. They come de 1 herr on Thursday night, many 1 I'\plosien u(91uitd ill the eugiue .. The Montreal Builders' Exchange Ontario Nleut -Nu. 2 mixed red las,. year in the three prairie pro."- ..ith their stock and their implo- de them in an exh,.tsted condition. room, injuria; several of the cu h:`, entered a prole..;[ at Ul.tawa' 11'u:t't or white, 81.0 to $1.08. inces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan 'melds and their cash. and, above in all, twentypersons were serious- gineers. .t>,.ti!rt the eight. -hour day bill, liurlev No. 2, vl to 550 outside;8111+ Alberta, wheat, outs, barley al;, with their experience in prair y, and not lett, than fifty slightly-. The 1C:c11'tw)ts and l' ,l;old ,1ea:n- 'I he first nu s:a •e sent from Port , fax all being excellent ie farming So they strike work at K t 6 Nu. a eat rap 51tu Lu , No. 3 at 49 K• Injured by the explosion and in the cd up quick(. and the captain de- .1p;lur wireless station .va, lrouit to ;, and feed, 47 to 4tk uulsidr. that put 1fetc ed good prices, and onee. They are settling chiefly in i l.anic that fulluweti. citlyd to t rausfe, all the pa,.; n- 11u►..r llattheNs to 1'rrsidt nt 'tuft. tats --•Nu 2 Ontario h't 37 t I farmers iu the position. sot.th rn .Alberta.,, H t t. .,c outside, and 39.14 40c on ►XL S ITEMS THE WORLD'S MARKE IS i'H011 A1.1. OVER 1'llt: [:Loft[:. 1t Ie„rai►hic Brief* From Our and Other Countries of Recent Evenly. t .\NAA. tlwa ltl:l'tll{is l'ftOli 111 1: LEADING TRADE: CENTRE:'. ['rices of Cattle. (:rain. Cheese aad Other Dairy Produce at Home and %broad. Ii ltE.14 )STi' 1' l 4. Toronto, April 12.--Flute'--\Vin- A GHEAT WHEAT OUTLOOK Vice -President of 0, P. R. Anticipates Great Future for Canadian West. A despatch from New Turk says of being able to (purchase more vice-president of K•'..• s an to travel. Consequent - The Cairnruna sailed on 11'ed ers. This was accomplished The Militias I)e ,artmeut has is- ; '' , rt9w t 4 o nesdayfrom London for Portland, s seedily, but was accompanied by . seed an order that military bands to and (ant -__.-- -__-- _---- Maine She carried 900 passengers, • scandalous scenes. scores of nllvi men refusing to ,fay with Dur -alta_ tack, T 2,. Canada WestNo. oats W., lambs at about ;c. Spring p K K 1 alt for No. and 40e for 3, , lambs front $5 to $8 each. Good for the most part iminigrants, and, tried to rush the boats, and many i,..1 militia bands are to be reduced, Bay ports lots of fat hogs at about 10e per lb. a general cargo. By good hick the of then[ fought with tho w-uuteu„ to the ranks. 1 fens -No. 2 for shipment, 79 to 1 ehamrrs Upland and Kanawha • tea 1ia,g and dragging thew tinder Mr. 1). I.. Rey, Consul -General '80c outside. P Hug prices eho100 a farther de- SS e- were close at hand when the Cairn feet. The crew battled valiantly fol Switz(rl•anel, is siting the city of (lye --No. o, 68 to 0811/c outside. clToronto, April-l2.s-Choice se - KING'S HEAL I'll GOOD. Officially Denied That His Majesty Has Had Influenza. s caught fire, and stood by and against thet A despatch from Biarritz says: 6 f. panic-stricken cue Montreal for $ib,000 damages. ria•, --51 to 51%c outside lected steers and heifers at *6.60 Sir James Reid, physician -in urdin look off several hundred passer -!grant.. using lists and feet auel was wounded in the cheek by a bol foe No. '2. gees and landed them here. Rey -!:v• ‘1(.:11)011 they- cwuld find. Not.le,( fired by a policeman after u flee to $7; good to prime butchers' at ar.y to King Tdward, who aceom era! of the first-class passengers' a few ofthe frantic ,Dub of Hien int burglar. I Corn -Nab 2 American, 68 to (;;i,90 to $0.50; medium to good Paried his Majesty professionally I K 8 GS c and No. 3 yellow, 05 to 05%c, to this place, said on Wednesday: ! ani1 lmerican cattlemen gage' were (ellad to the deck before the s butchers' at very to $,5.80. Cows and y: i Toronto freights. Canadian corn, bulls were very strong; one extra The King has not had influenza. ir thrillingdetails of the accident. A•hyst.erical, faint women and; GREAT 11,1'1'11\. �G2 to 02,-c, Toronto freights. cumber of women with children in child►rn could be gotten to the Mf . A. t '.resolutiont i Bran $22.50 bags, Toronto $ fine bull, 2,:380 lbs. realized 5.75. Therefore he is not suffering from .,? . their arms were sittingon a hatch,' heats. lit the stampede four ►er r squtl l s o pro Bran -$22.50 ,, to age orun o, Stackers and feeders at $5 to $5. its after-effects. Hr, is leading his I I hilit the Lords from meddling with. awl shorts, $23.50 to *24, in bags, 50. Calves were slightly easied, otos( life herr.'' Tho weather con when suddenly a violent explosion sots (.•1l or were pushed into the i nton)v bills passed in the ('urnmous' Toronto. Sheep and lambs steady and un- s, stormy, even Wintry. Con - hurled them to all parts of the !sea and were rescued with difficult; • , OH Thursday• --- changed. Hu its . • s4 OUert.l the Kingis outdoors leas JIr. Asquith's motion authorizin • COUNTRY PRODUCE. K " Ks. •: J 40 to 8) a0 f.o.- b., and 89.05 to Zt9.75 fed and wet- than he wishes, but the alarmist SHORTER HOl'R$, N1(:IIf:R 1!.11' STRETCHING 1'1' \011'1'11.+ the application of the closure to Apples -$1.50 to 82.80 per lar- ('red. stories about his condition are ab- ' _ ' the committee stage of his veto re- rel. according to quality. f surd. beaad of Men in Building Trade !homestead Entries fur Port (liar-' solutions was carried by a major- ` Beans --(lar lots outside, $1.83 to HOTELMAN SENT '1'O J.111.. in ':ermany. I chill hiarlel, 1 its of 8!. 81.95, and small lots at 82.10 to RlG BANKER INDICTED. l A despatch from Berlin says: The 1 82.20 per bushel. Four Months for Selling Without Another Sensation Sprung in Pitts - threatened p ! despatch iron) Winnipeg says:: UNITED STATES. IIuney-Combs, dozen, $2 to $2.- License. C p R oi5cera of the (:e.yernntent are do Hann stcaels are now open for entt;v' Lord Kitchener' has arrived in ;r0; extracted, 10,' to lie per lb. burg (.raft Acaudal. •ing what they can to• avert the in the fort Churchill district and Seat Francisco from Tahiti. haled Ha -:\'o. 1 815 to 815.75 A despatch from Niagara Fella threatened strike in the building the vicinity of Hudson's Bay. The : •(•Ile selling of cucuine to scltuul , uo track, and No. t2� at 812 to $13. Ont., says : For selling Igiquor with -1 A despatch from Pittsburg, Pa., trades. Some 350,000 men, mem- Winnipeg land office has just been children is said to be pre�"aient in' paled Straw -$7.50 to $7.75 on eat a license at the Queen's Park says' The grand jury on Wednindictment eei of the Socialist Federation of authorized to accept entries for , day recommended the indictment of Trades •Unions and the Christian lands that have been surveyed Philadelphia. t r;�ck, Toronto. Hetel, W. I). llashney, proprietor Frank F. Hoffstot, president of the Trades Unions, including builders, there, giving due regard to. the' The poor health of Andrew Car- I otatoes-Ontarios, 35 to 40c per wa j on Thursday afternoon !sen- Pressed Steel Car t'outpany, and carpenters, masons bricklayers claims of squatters and others negie is causing considerable anxi- bag on track, and New Brunswicks, tented to four months in Welland one of the most prominent business t J e? ' in New York. 10 to 45c per bag. Jai by Magistrate Fraser. He and laborers, have rejected the whose right of entry has been re- ';\ bill forbiddingthe use of fun poultry-Turke s dressed, 18 to pleadedguilty. Four months ago iuett in the city, on the charge that wage scale offered by the master cognized by the department. W. K g J 15 ha paid $52,500 to ('has. Stewart. build(+ • • The men seek shorter Beach, the first white settler to lo- het. puts i« 11'uahingtuu has been 13c per Ib. ; chickens, to lOc, and he was convicted on n similar a former select councilman, as s hours and increased wages, and in- er este in that country, who has been ' introduced in Congress. fowl, I t to Lc charge and fined $100. Trunk, bribe to be used in influencing silt• that the new wage tariff shall living at hurt Churchill for sumo It is reported in Washington that' --- Inas, i)ashney's bartender, was' passing Secretary Knox and Secretary THE DAIRY MARKETS. fined $100 for breach of the liquor t cuuncilinen in an ordinance be drawn up by• an equal number years, was the first to be granted ranting as city depositories three MlacVra h may withdraw froth rho; , , law He pleaded guilty to the of representatives of employers and Butter -Pound prints, 21 to lac ; P P an entry fur a homestead there by employed. The roaster builders - Dominion -- - -- - --- All ('abinet. , tube and large. rolls yrs c., 21e • in- a}large, laid 1►y Inspector Mains. have declined to agree to le nnitu- ti:y decided wage scale. 41 UhDESIRARLES DEPORTED. Forty -One Tramps Turned Out of Ontario. cru: rnnnuliun uovcrnmr.ot. t - \ bill 1st ant the Grand Trunk' -..`• .".e• .�..�, `; mineral rights are reserved by the fetror, 10 to 1St; creamery, 29 t , .g.., ---,..----. permission to enter Rhode Island 30c ; solids,27 to 28e per lb. ('7..1111NA'S HE.1LTIl GOOD. Government for the present, no waw passed in the State Assemblyt mineral locations being accepted. 1 J Eggs -199 per dozen. - on Thursday.- - 1 Cheese -13 to 13%c per Ib. for Is Able to Uftleiale at a Public Re- _.. Milwaukee's new Socialist Mayor large, and 13'/,c for twins. eeplion. OVER HALF .1 MILLION. h'ts announced to the citizens that : ` _ there will be no attetnpt to force a HOG PRODUCTS. :\ despatch from St. Petersburg h - A despatch from Toronto says: Population of the lily and District in\10 eni on whutltried to boycott the Bacon -Long clear, 15 - to Ick; a dt the(. best('possibleartrefautationsof per lb. in case lots; mess pork, *29 the recent reports that she was in to $29.50; short cut, $31 to $32. serious ill -health when on 11'ednes- Hams--Light to medium, 18 to day she received United States l8'/..c; do., heavy, 10% to 17e; rolls, Ambassador Rockhill. If- one may 15i c ; shoulders, 14e; breakfast judge from appearance her majes- bacon, 19 to 20e; hacks, 20 to 21c. ty had fully recovered her normal Lard ---Tierces, I•:' _ to l0'+c; corditiou. The audience marked tubs, 17 to 17 4c; patils, I7C. the re' urnptien of the social life of BUSINESS AT MONTiIEAL. the court in full vigor, which had been suspended practically since the wear with Japan. Forty-one undesirable citizens sero of Montreal.• sellers of kosher n'cat in • New deported from Ontario during .\ despatch from (Montreal says : Y.'rk's East Side on Thursday March, which is a larger number .1 statement wasuri Thursday morn- fought the police with hat pins, than in the two months previous. ing submitted to the Board of ('on. ntniket baskets and bottles. Most of the undesirables were try( showing the population of the . GEN Eli s\T.. tramps from the United States, ci:y and d�strict of Montreal. Meyor . They hang around freight yards and Guerin stated, though it gave but! Mount Etna is showing more ae- manage to get across into Canada tt•' approximate idea of the pupil- ti% ity. by stealing rides on the cars. Most latiun, it was ns exact 85 evould be Civil war is imminent between . of the deportations were at Wind- furtuished in any other way than two Abyssinian factions. sot' and Niagara Palls. The Do- minion authorities deport the un -of Uhr cats proper is given as 5:30,- , deeirabl,•s, but most of the work nue, and the suburbs as 62,000, 1. done by the proviucial pulite. 1: eking a total population of 592,- ----4. 000. • RAW.tGES OF BROWN -Till - by a strict census. 'i'he population The people of Peru are showing Montreal, April 18.--fats--No. 2 their desire for war with Ecuador ('nnadian rstern, 42 to 4.2'-2e; No. by enlisting it large numbers for :3 1I to 11',•:,e; Ontario No. 2 white, the defence of their ce,unt•y. .10c; Ontario No, 3 shite, 39e; On- _ ,1,___ tarie No. 4 white, 38c. Barley - g1' NEAR .%R 11'.1 LL.11'I:BI'R1:. No. 3, 60e: No. 4, 58c; feed barley. ale flour- Manitoba spring wheal patents, firsts, $5.80; de., Diseovery in Western Ontario secc,nds, 85.30; winter wheat pat_ r Goternment Hos Investigated Pest in Nova Scotia. A despatch from Ottawa -ass: Pr. Hewit, Dominion Entomologist, has just returned from Nova Srutia, where he has been ittvestigt,ting the • ecte-nt of the destructive influence , f the brown tail moth, which is ►illy, disastrous to nanny .,f the Diehards of the pr.. ince. 1:fforls ar• being continued to prevent the in. l.vt•c ,,f the arra :iffe •ted. Itlturis11 Tin 1 D GROWING. Brings Rush of Capitalists. enls, $5.5(1 to $5.60: Manitoba • March Statement Shotes Increase twenty miles down the Winnipeg in Imports and Exports. A despatch from Chatham says : strung bakers, *5.'0; straight rel- Riser, was found dead in bed de..pnteh from London sues: The discovery of n vein of hard ler!,, $5.10 to $5.25: straight rol- Thursday morning, his brains hat coal, seven miles north of Wallas,• lers, in hags. $•_.40 t,, $2.50. Feed- lite been blown out by a shotgun, Thr Marcel statement of the Board burg, has created great excitement. Ontario bran, *22.50 to $2:3; On- ,•• of Trio +. shows Inc,an era got 41,th licpresentatites of .lmerican espy-1turio middlings 1321.50 to 82-1; MMa- �leceatslu held in in hissu(fnds. from i,:;1,5(H) in imports, and $11,4.14,Ut)0 presentative are on the scene leasing •nituha bran, $22: Manitoba shorts, menma- deceased derangement.t the rim.' farm lands fur prospecting purpos-1 $23 : pure grain mouillie, 31 tc es, as fast as the signatures can bo • $33. [nixed nlouillic, *27 to 8.9. procured. The lease+ involve a1Cheese--White. 12'; t.. 12'„e, aril royalty to the limners of ten cents 'colored, 121; to 12',;5. Rutter-- SIIOT HIM$1:U' iN BED. Farmer in Winnipeg Ricer 1 sed (.un to Suicide. .\ deepatch front Ken••ra, Ont., says : Fred Henry, a farmer located in exports. The prineip►tl increas- es in imports were in foodstuffs and rae- material, and in export's in 41 anufncl.nred go ,.I- THE WONDERFUL "GALO" A N3W Preventative Discovered By An Illinois Chemist. .1 despatch frena 1)etr••i•. fu'b , - ti. it permanent S.. in the Nowak Aiass: .\iter a series of e'..ye'rrirtt'lll- 'al ..laltuu'y hent; l:atgt• pit era of m urine many nl.utls 1)r. V. Lot.. ,► les •.1 lamb, lisp and etc'n Henry \•,•.ak of .tu,.tin. III.. n,, t • undi,sccled rn•l:i%pre, eltieh n••uared ,.n N'edteac(lay that he has ,,,i,- ,tipped in (:ab.- menthe tangle which stopped the t►•alnsion.4 clears, +:: t'• *::.30. i die.o.•r•d a preparation of skim ave. :Ill perfectly fei11 in appear- Monday-. 'the rush from the States itaffllln, \I.11l 12. 4Ilu:tt is Unprecedented. CONCENTRATOR AT OTT 111'.1. per ton. iSeptetnb,•r-October creamery, eel' Guternmenl Will (:reel One to'I'e..l 1 t., 29c in round lets. and 21) to 29l.;c Cobalt Ores. -- - SEEDING I\ N I II I: IIF:�'I'. 1 in single f tickages : new milk ' creanu•ry, 31c. Eggs - 49 to •'ck• per Sic 11'r1%•4 I:rtrlier Than Ilan I:ter'.1' icn. Ben Knotts. :1 despatch (nen l .•:.ina, Seek.. says: Seeding is very general over the three Prairie Provinces, six 11 to *1.111; ; cash, No. 1 hard, works curlier than the oldest in- $1.I2'. ; No. I Northern, $1.10', to habitant lute known. Miany .\n►rri- 1ji1.1_'s ; N... •l Northern, $1.0-4%. cin farmers are utilising great true- 1., *Lite.: \o. :1 Northern. $I.•).', ti•,n engines drawing leash [plow• to ►?I.us',. ran In 100 -Ib. sack,. to break the virgin sell. So great 821 Fleur First patents. 85.30 to is the influx of Americans that traf $: :.it seeend eatett's. 135.10 t.. *5. - tie at the forts( gateway was in a;30; first clears. ei.::, to Atm; see- I"NITI;1) STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, April 12. --- Wheat May, *1.102„ 1., $1.10'.,; July, 81. - nine!' if used nv' a pre- aoc.•. the bodies wltla 31' almost to s.stive esereist•s a iseirlerftl ef- life tike liar, while the liee( ha, the Vet nt,.•n almost nil treater which fee ling :inti odor of fres,' meat. Dr. is ordittarily s:al)rt•t pr,:e.-s•• of Nowak believes his diseotery will decay. If a dead body be Mau. ►.ed re. tilutiotlize many laleltlstrie'• 1; far a few minute.• ill the pn•I►ar:t- a pre,ervntise of railroad ties the tiles of 'kimrn.d milk. which is preparation has air( ads pro% ed its worth and is now being nerd exlen 'iyel• by the Nauta t'.' Railroad. It known technically as •'(talo, it. will u'•train presere,l, the inten- to ,• claims. for ,let less than two limy he applied to stone. Irick and et ntori •s of. titre, an.1 i crhaps in ecncrete, and will I.re%enl digin" dret, ala ly. Nu peculiar 1. the effect tegration. Evaporated and tom 1.111. sr1)( 1. M1.1BF):I's, 1 plain.. 11,•'. T115 mothers with their y,.. IrNblr that in 1•enl►erlloa "kith!, ., Is. 0111' of that ((rill : Mfr 11'11111 r, seethe -lel by the inunervion that l.re,eed, it. he(•enlrr an 11rtitieial babies tt. re placed in the e.•ntr. o(I Mlentreal, .11,ril 12. \ les of the iii•. S1. .fohn luck i, ste.'I ,Ilip• t Perks k ('n.. i1. n;..,.If, an 14144 re /// tl.. .ar►on•a stnge•.i of deiclol.mcnt i.• p., wllicit defies ,Irt/•et.i.tt, while the rat.. tlnrk and eery Hurn au.l hc.1 cotyle .1, re said at shoo{ •:c b,eil•fnR plant wil! be rrtnbli-lied.! also he as c . ,,,,gator- Nr. sad ,le,•'t'. 1n the ('4.114 e.i 41ce Indy : the Ilse+l perils Itr'."n- paper be N'.,na;tel worked ti. put •'ut the tired peva' lb. Pretty gout a,iitn:I'. 1",e 'f ':r tin.erlllltellt (,ill pro. !des a' "'he" ,.1 Qaebe••. \I • 1)sv, •• •1 s, I,.otugltt to an litt,tp, stand retie... eete'-tigIt 'a.lder its *Mien. e.rral a the u.,rkers ' , S f fell srlrtn,t 't. :,',c, aloe( the common stoc'w Ir seh,id. e►(Ihrrr and half per emit. � 1.1 t!r and \1 . E. I . . ( St. .t pian. .;i{' and the r,•ntiilion in w6ieh the In [Dans .ether wove 'tittle- oleo id Several st.nek : :and stslle` t•• 1` r ,.•r :I►. Mlil,ii cow, ft,;n, 1 •t ::s,, els, ,,,, •irk •leek• of not l." a 11'• .•;1i , et- 1 In preps a t•• I,rgo e 1..^1. t..55 111,111 first immersed iii t t+e' 'it es priAtll•e• ()f ways wonderful were bel ree•I. i.et the town s' it is::.: 1u men t :10:,. 4 (tie, (t int ::'.•' 1!•2•• t14M1 feet. •11 i•l•en «..!:, •, .,:' •,' In ... . re "'plat[, of -Gab.- remains its condi things. sated. , t.• 6r ice lb. Sheep about ..' • c per 8., Ifobett Pt rets lbs f.t.n.luu 4 .' •arc 4,e •• ,o; ! 1 l ,. i , nk aid neva .1'1(11...V. Spring stead' : No. 1 Nortlrrn, car:•.a'Is store, $1.20: 11'intl•r, low - x.11' /:1) FROM P1111111ll1: f'l t:. ! low- er •• N .. s red. $1.14; No. 2. white, art l . l 1. tot " Lower ; Nn. a yellow. NO. 1 yellow, :,,i' .e : N... :t Inhabit:10e of Islnicall, Sagit.. ( ern. :.'►c : No. 1 e -on, .ie;c• : Nc :1 %larked heroicall)• w14ite. r2c. Ont., Easier: N., .1 despatteh from Lanigan, Mask., ? white, Nile: No. :t white. 17t- : Ne. says: Thi* town had the narrowest t white, t1le. )lnrle. Pet•el ;o escape in its history on Wedn.selav' c'altiner. 11.1 1., 134,• fret') almost total destruction bt a '-' .\ despatch front Ottawa says: It was n iunc•r•1 on Wednesday that the. 1►uminion Ge."ernnicnt ie about to curtst•ue:tan experiment- al ore concentrator nt Ottawa. alatty tests will be mnde with on'a from the Cobalt district. banks in which Hoffstot was inter- ested. - 4 SENTENCE SERMONS. Religion expires when it docs not aspire. Your rights cannot involve an- other's wrong. Goodness without motive is mean- ingless. The only dii inc call a trite Oran needs is a human need. The past is always l'oor to the ntan who has lived in it all his life. Love. for giving proves likeness to trod. It is a serious fault to know your neighbor's faults too well. Malice gripe the sword by the wrong end. 1'.0 cannel. sage the ship by throwing the compass overboard. Some people call children angels se as t., frrget their need of clothes. He never succeeds alio dare, not (aril . tiouie temp1aliens may be invita- tions to mural athletics. Discuseing the plans usually de- fuse the doing of the will. The ratan who spreads pessimism ought to go into mond quarantine. There's something wrong with pout faith if a nerd does nut prompt to a deed. The e.t'tcnte•lwith ili little ed iseldom thin s i ► any 4s r other respnect. You conever fine( the divide in a book if you toll' your hack on it in people Suntn ('hristiana think they have ti.e whole armor as roan as they bum a chevron. The mar► who does not know where he is sailing always cenaplsina of the winds. There is no such thing as divine sum iee t., you if Sett[ cannot make all service .lit ire. 0 IM1tENSE BBYDOCKS Sir Robert Perks Says That a Company Has Been Organized to Bpi1d Them. .\ despatch fr.,ul Ottawa sag, - : 4 relit racte.r now in dols ('neadn is t•, ha %r leo immense dr. I •ay• that a eetrtl,ally t.. leo! 1 Itie dot k+. One will he huilt at Levi- 1 dry ducks is being segistere.l -41n a.1d the other at Mt. ,John. The% IIhi. complicit ... he .491. ' 41 11141144 t, ill not !s' le*. than sax) frit long 1,l 1% ',let will hr repro .•„p 11 i..- I.•.e.1 a•':t Ii$1 feet .ri.le, and will lave a Title : ( an.tdiaal Par ti,. h: •i. 'Phos. (1.1 th of :;:, feet un the Al. It i••'.s'enuehn•ssy : the \Ilan Steneuship