HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-14, Page 6THE 1
IN PAIN FOR YEARS <de `"n ot'�p lease that
u' thing more about it.''
"FRUIT-R•TIVES" DRIP RELIEF "Kut if," said t1auriatine, "1 ���
r,_-_ sh••uld agree to aecopt it and glad- The native purity and garden freshness of
st = • !tour ,friend not to o midi `• `" -_ �r
• '� an l 1 cannot resent tris rccr.c. He - '` ° :``
;� `�'r ; scarcely knot s hies anti c•unFidering ' . � _ 4 .•,�+; •' •- • �
----- --- �•�'. �,�}. 4 111. 1„e;res, Nihilism is making he ''• .• -"'_
the well to be prudent,"
\Ch.tt has Nihilism to du (lith
t'se plcasa•1t party you pr.•1'erl
Hull du you knurl I am nut er.c 1 t
of tient gest.? Have 1 nut jure ac- - ► ai i
ktt••'t!edged that 1 knots- a woman
i who is, -and a thief if you please.
l'H.1PTLII V.-((;unt'd)let, este. eat, lel. liu►'is' 11 ; 1'ium thece 1•, conspiring is but
,,\luui inline, far from thinking of
.'"''`•• ant.' step,,n,
t lar bonne htlere! 1'1'llt is brit hot., vas seeking to recover the it
image that 1 undcr•tau,t. 1 bclie' e "11th} du sou lake pleasure iu
thread of an int et converse- ` MRS. FRANK CATON ili:lking game of us?"
yen. my near colony! ; gait ate net 1i, 11, and the colonel meanwhile 1 hrank'•i11r, Ont., l-sc•t,t.: , tsar. , ''1 speak vers. se+iously,"
political agent. Thr g'"'"al "a` a admired the Greek profile and gel- "1 suffered for years front liradaehes "'!then you wish to convince us is preserved by the use of sealed lead packets.
font. or not a foul either. Perhaps ' den t•(iulple'ion of JIadahle de ; and ),Biu its til(: beck, and I consulted thit' if we want to pass our eveiJltig
h• had reasons for caluimeiatiil. -. donors and took every remedy oetain- , „it1 sett we should ruts the risk : Bookton (Kith statistical hent) • tiring' \\'lty, ever" time 1 breathe
you. He knee I had eleerved'seu (''tudde• takitele ithontaa- relit -f. '1'hen1'crust ',•r falling into n den of revolution- "Do you know. old man, I've just :I ntnu'dies:" Rreekh,n "lis the
Sud(lcnis' she chnng4'd (ter anti- i takiur "lentil -a -lives the famous foul
and "a. jr:+lous. Now thus I ktu,.: twin and turned to" lid her ad••rer, l jui.•e tat Itts, and this was the only u'•: bandits 1" slit! Mouriatine, with leen reading up a lot of statistics er. at autefumes! Then 'thy in they
jit t "hat ground we are on, 1 may nletlicincthat e'rrdidtoe toil real giael. :, burst Of lnitghter. "Why net tray on present-das es....lit;, and f 1 14(44• of the census don't sou elitw
„•e. 1)o you knelt what I am think-;
t by the chance that has �I took nrcrra l.uAes eltulethrr, :uul t.. persuade us that we should hare batt learned reuuarkablc;cl; vest"
bet light us lege tiler this t - ''ling, • lm; of ," she asked abruptly. I nc,w 1 ant entirtly well of all rev Bread-
the fair of t;iese who sat do" n to
1 1:tia11 he in Paris only a few days, "1 only know that I am thinking! ful headaches and Lacka.rtie.".
cc a hoz, 6 for 12.So or teal bee. see.
(Signed? MKS. FRANK EATON, the table of I,ttc'rexttL P BargiuI,.
and wish to enliven lm dulness as Of you•" '•The \ihilists in etticuats etre'
At dealers or from Fruit -a -tit es Limited, • rill a11V140111'11e of anything- -the
liir. et if has said L-o--anything-even
to sieving their enemies with pais-
nuich as pes.iI!e. If the colonel "1 w as thinking of the tragic
n.." had been really the formidable Ferne of the fotn'th act Of this play. !
representative of a formidable po- a4141 that it is sem:etimes enacted -
lice. i should be. 141 my great re- under another ferns in real life. ' ; if ie wits sun to sur in that house encd "tines."
gra 1, deprived of the privilege of
"Hum!" sneered Mouriatine, , in Hue rte 1'igny, that you lutve uh ••1 ►car madame," said Boriseff,
receiving hint. "the possums have much calmed serve•(! wile had just &termite d on his line
"You would have had nothing to dee n since the day- of St. Ilartho- i of action, sun attribute ideas to•
I basks. 1 sup outs ata testa --
fear from him, for you do not con- leirew." ;rant or at home.'' hie that. have never entered my
spire against our government." 1 •"1)o you think so? Fur my part "At home? I thought sou Nelle•+hcnd. 1 and sours leu entirely fur
"How du you know?" asked Ma- I fancy nothing has changed. Bring' unl_ -herr' in passing.'' discretion. l should be delighted
dame de (;arches, with a smile that. together love and polities, and a •'!'hat is true. hut 1 have a house t'' follow yon ahs where, and for
'night have melted all the glaciers tragedy as exciting as "The Huguc- furnished as if I resided in it all ins pleasure of supping with you.'
of Mont Blanc. Lots" will be the result.`teP :the sear runout. It is not far from ne matter "here, would sup with
Lyes like yours do 'not- conspire. pose, fur example, one of rite \i- al! the conspirators in the universe .
They love."
• j htllsts of your country in leve with yours. Are you familiar with Huewere they guilts of the blackest
Jouff:oy Y
"You are right. Love is better an officer --an aide-de-camp of the: "Rue Jouffroy 1" repeated Bur-' el IIII'•
that, politics, and I care little about . tzar, for instance. She knows of isoff. t'1'o 11c rontinu• d.)
overturning governments. But 1 a plot soon to be dei eloped --the pa- i eyes, between the &nllevard
can't help pitying the proscribed,- lace is mined and is about to be Malesh(•rbec and the Avenue de
the exiles, and should not wish to blown up. Her lover is called Villiers. I have there a lodging not � Camphor Ice
live on friendly terms with thuse there on duty. He is with her- - is cc:ual t.. your palace in Hue de
who prosecute them." :about, to leave. She holds hint bark s-igny but •whi.•h sut)iees for mc,
1f you only knew them -- these' -ire questions her. And there she' alone as I ani,"
people whom you compassionate --"i! is reduced to the alternati. a of. . " \lid the general?" asked Men -
"1 do know them, or to speak leaving him to perish or betraying ri•.tiue, laughing.
mt re exactly, I have known seine the sestet of the conspirators."
"The general has never set toot
of thorn.'' ( ''That would recall to mind the there. thank llea.en. 1 tulerat-'d
"Where In Switzerland!" ask- famous fourth act," said the col- Ito"I us a travelling eeinpanion. 1
ed Mouriatine. omit, smiling. "but permit me to should not endure him in Paris."
`•111 Seitzerlaud and in Paris," say that you have much too roman-, "And you have given him no sue -
replied Madame de Larches. I tie an idea of these partisans in' cessc/rre
"What ! at Paris too! I thought_ petticoats. They arc the most pro- "`ever. I have declared my in -
the headquarters of these people -sae; people in the world on all sub- dependence and wish no roaster
was Geneva." jests, and would sacrifice every sen- even temporarily. 1 am alone. I
"1 supposed so, but I met some titnent to their interest or their repeat, and if you doubt it, I in-
ane here last year who was ver. pleasure. You are not aware, per- rite you to supper this evening at
ta:nly working for your Nihilists.' haps. that they have gone so far as my }mum,.
"She made you her confidante to steal. The Russian papers gave, •-leo you know that I have a
asked llorisoff, with an air of only yesterday an account of the great mind to accept?" said the
doubt. condemnation of half a dozen c ,Ione(, laughing.
"No. chance made 11u' acquaint- young and pretty women who took "If you refused, yeti would dis-
etl with a secret which I did not part last winter in an expedition i oblige me exceedingly, 1 should
try to penetrate, and this secret 1 directed against a banking -house. think you were distrustful of my
have intentionally forgotten. 1.4'1 Their friends had ul:ule an antler cosine, Iassure you it is excel-
-s talk of something more lively." ground passage -way to reach the lent, and the wines 1 shall offer you
'Willingly,'' said Mouriatine, vaults of this baulk, an<i obtained w;l not be improvised. 1 am ex -
"and we weld(' do well to lower possession of four or five million of ))e,.ted every evening al:d arrange
mar yeiccs. They are murmuring francs. All these rascals of both stents are made to include a few
age:list us in the neighboring box- sexes will end their days in Siberia, friends. 1 must add that I and a
es. a Id the men no more resemble Ira- horriblegourrnande.'
The prudent Ivanovitch was, oil than the women do the Valen- -Then you are perfect," said
moreover, of the opinion that it was We of Me erbcer's opera.•' • M••nriatine; "a pretty woman who
net a xpedient to attract attention ••iI is true,' murmured Madame l ,yes a good table is so rare."
at the tleetre when treating of de (;arches dreatnily, "the} do 1 am going to excite your en-
Cer•tain subjects. steal --but only 011 behalf of thew thnsiasnt. Know that I have a cel -
"Yen are right." murmured the cause."
!n(iy, with eyes of fire; "we are "What do you know about it ?" I fart of the first. order. I lupe sun
scandaliziu a our neighbors. and, 1 „ I oil no lungs. hesitate to conic ant!
}, R "One of them told INC so. ••
me raker, not listening to a note Had"she a lover i" try rely f said
of Meyerbeer's music. It is real "Yes, and 1 think there passed s1 companion
said not a word, though
between them something alining- his companion consnitell him "ter
sacrilege." g- his eyes. Ho desired nothing better
• Ire yeti very anxious to listen Out to the great Berne of 'The Hu - 'than to sup with the incomparable
14Chi, divine music:" asked M. guenota. brunette. but would have preferred
11vrisuff, who began to thing Ma- ••ileally 1 If you would ion that, it should be at his own house.
dame de (larches worth more. than hese the story I should be glad to
knee.. if I has slandered these; \I ll," she said, after a short
a': the operas in the .voted. i
"Exceedingly. though 1 know it piepee in declaring them incapablel i. WHY BE 84 THIN?'''
by heart," replied the incompar- of clovated sentiments."
rabic brunette, turning toward the • Ills. tilt' situation was not the --
siege, sante a4 in the opera. He was net •Iliirint•.' is 1-:nlhar•r:1s•"ine. I•nhe:ll•
The change was not acceptable a eunspirat•r. nor had his brother- illy ant) \01 \ at
oral Furmnla
10 !hi' two uaessietlrS. )lorisoff1been massnercd. lint his nlistres- Ni,tt 1 'ed ti like sib), risen one
fest reielly was enticed by the indis- t.ritcted of bitn 11u' sacrifice of les,
1'11 11 14441114 she had let drop: more- honor, and be 1'icided. to I brae round.. a 11 eek.
e1 ('r, hetit'oight her ravishing. He "in ether words, to make him- Every one ought til have come
teeth1 n0.er remember to have met self agreeable to her. he stele."
wilt' a eelnan who charmed hint so '•Smoothing of that sort. and the extra fleshod , the bony structure f
emelt, and at the sante time excited ur-fortunate young elan was cruel- of the body, both efee the take .;f
his curiosity. He was des eted lv punished. Ile was compelled to 'width and peopleseivesate.
bt.dy and t•1.111 1•• the g,yernment ore, lir at least h4' has disappeared. i Most till(( t)Cnp1C sensitive h,
1 t. • harsh, unfeeling criticisms
1*.. served.
.atI. it 1as had
intn and the wemen concerns herself ne. eleeh are constantly bring hurled
ef were about him.
Ke- this skilful au•.1 gallant col- •' Was he a Russian 1•' asked Mon- , fig fired by more forth ,ate AA ehs.
gm -
I. T.. please an adorable crca- riatine with an indifferent air.,livery 44114' pities a thin, bony
tut aid make use ..f his conquest••\e, he is: French. Bet 1 .11 11(150, bit horses don't know it
to regain the esteem of the chief of Paris enol du not knew the end of wl:ile thin people are beth pili..1
til.' Third Se•'ti'•n. what a dream! t;.•, story. 1 shuu)tl be glad to hear ,ul 1 tidiruled. It ought not to lee
Ile, the peint we,: netyet reached. lb, dentuenirnt•'' but it is.
'I'.e alralige 111+ hatt^rec se as 1., \tithiil prevents yell teem in -
t3 1 11 t II rounded figure, be it man
lir efit Iv the sit flat i,•(,. wti11l(i net '•glut:ng inquiries new that y(111 '
1n' .rl': ra..y , tr•11 1••1- thpletualls(1, 11441'.4' rr'tor)led,•' Or woman. <•.[CIte4 adfnirallfu • nut
a.1.1 he :tiniest dlspline' of suere•,. ..The %0111311 has Jri.bably left ruts for tier figure but for the
1144 Ilan I'aloe itt'h. who Ind tee 1 bt•gilt [yes, stink cheats, ted l -,
France, Besides. it efts 11 sorrow- cell . it:wrens carriage which ac•ce:n-
tetsgi. inee, encouraged him by look fns adventure. acid I carne to Paris early a well-notlnshed body.
111111 gest III r; while Madame tee for amu'"inept. 1 should like fur n Strength, health. beauty anti
(larehes. leaning ail the front et few dnvs to lead the life 44f n settee wound flesh nbeund, if the blood and
h: r 14..'., ea'( absorbed in a musical than, sem laugh! 1 am
411111 4' nerves get enough nourishment nut
re.ert 51•rio11•. 1 lens psi insane desire h, of the food eaten.
The 6)111!!1• hall V it, encore:teens R111'. 1e get irlt :xicstrd, to frequent This prescription aids nature;
that \laxime lrerger's was plewl- public balls.- .htlps absorption, digestion and as-
ja,: in the corridor like a lion wait- 1 '•\ot alone. 1 hero!" , helps distribute the
i,, •-
ler his prey. \1•h;• not! it would he the true bleed and nerve elements which
,1a:aime had decided t.i cetee • el %ray to . amuse myself. But 1 do make. sound Ilerh. (it t the ingr4'dl-
hem the depths of the orches[ t:1. net knew that 1 shall venter' " cute 81141 make it at home. and see,
thee 11. alight watch more tu'arl • Shoftld yo.t like 1.. be aeeoln he w very fest you gain in weight.'
(let suspicious creatures who • (telt ),at.ieel by two distort cavaliers a"', it a hail pint bottle, obtain:
lied his thought*. He was r ' it
1 1: Yen and vette friPDll yeti tiller ounces of essence of pepsin.:
itte i'1 hi, etlind it creed of roansmeanIl:tee either!' syrup of rhubarb.
111et, r projects. 114' 441`1..1 1:•�f' '•Pie,isely. 1 aS'llr('•vete stat Thee add one ounce compound es-,
to he,. -iaht of Mielat'u' '( ]t•et, 4, uld net de better. We :eek enly7!ence ea rdi'l, shake and let stand'
al -1 Rt the same time to 41.011) 1n' 1ltnta2etttent and w1)1 stet as ',.':dr et• tri( hours: then add One ounce
ins; seen by her. .% Pelle.' agent e. rt.. :yith tent sire.eels. '1:velure radon(:ne retnpunnd (not
w, uld have been la rpl4'trd hoe t•s' • If I was sure of it " cardamon). Shake well and take
attain this double end. mt/^h toner • •'1).1:1,t nethlnlr. When -hall we a Itnsptmtan' before nleal.4 and one
141asime, complete nes ire that he, 1,,'g u ! This el ening .''• after meal•, Also drink plenty of
wan in such matter.. who had al- + ••'I'.1is 1' ening t:1.'t4 :. no ;tiit•ke.l watt r between tnea)S and when re •
revs eidne off eerstrd in his ''r- hill noabere. ' tiring Weigh )ourself before be-
t.. + n:ars with the thief of the b:'lre• ( • We nla) sup, ue.ertheiess. and girniug. I
12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubcs
nom :,1- aenlhalnted. (•rr=h-•
luted. rainy hostas:. %Lite Oxide of Zinc,
eta. Rash for tvet'iai purposes. Write for
Free Va1:elIne t(,wk.
370 Oralg at. W.. Montreal
Cures Sprang Tendon,
Collar and Saddle Galls
raW:aN •r44.. tt:aai pegs
(.e. t., Ii41. 17'4
-1 have a.r.t ,our Fyn.:,, clan ..a a Fi.rung
7".....•n wet?, ,,...•1 nw:,. a•..1 1 •aur .uaa,.,.411
(.:..r 44.4 sada:* Was.- J. 11. Desists.
Spavin Cure
1.. Ne.,Ire !.. f.m.en.' i.toelmen. I.IW past
• sta.,. Con Pas Iiir..lty salsa
mIlli-.t.., of dekko* t r ►.nos o.rnr.
It ,t the s renal) tGt e,n tlaa), to,:r,eoded
tn.n to 411I_11.t.) .Ire atarla, It.;Jane, furl,
awl lnn.•,Ao.
Fe,•r 1.11.1.,., e•ar. , (. rn, lM h.lr wk:le.
As gone r e seen as 1•.. i....r.
ge.p Kestdall's .:.... ('rale. Ft. • Wee --
foe ►: w ho you r.•) .t , • •, 6,41.144. 1M • air
steer d.tk • A Tl.anw U.. 11e law»' -ICY fres
-et wr,4 r.'
11.1. J. Ittall►At t CO , rnnsher• falls, It.
F(:v.duug lemeis 1' r.t dollars 1n
boildtnq a Splendid lane cr barn
find Ilan drhbtrate17 *Nun it to
suffer fur paint.
Mart=n-,Senncr Paint
.a�,•.w.• • Hai
I 00 tee i'ure, I'rescrvca
11 her- tl-►,titery'rer. rotes of tie
wn.l w.th pure L...^rJ ot1. Iced a, .1
odor mann. thn Pudic.• absolutely
Ir,pere,r i.a l.malie char gra,
it teals wood frc•rn daru;r.es.-rnl-
ten's it from ,pli tine. eark'ne. tams
pan and fnn,t, hh,•mn/ heat and bins -
ing dust_ which bon the protease: of
decay and ruin. Cr.. yore pair t.'.ys
more Char, 1.0 er.ta w nrth et insurance
arsinst tite rave:+,scot lime.
The inerr,5erta of • fore taint are
It •11 known. In the r..a:•, t::e•// areear.
1..• t•e of i.'n•1, O,id•• of Z;nr pure
G•I,r1 well /trend t y ap.c.ati) adapt.
e1 n:arhlner7, and thinned with pure
le -seed 01 and pure turpennnedryer.
A 1uiidire ownct who faits to teen.
n1:. like Freer Irmkoreen.e •l ,.4, h., rM
rest,, pons(, w 'l ere his property valve
dreresse wh,l•• he 'rune aged sod
40,4145 wondering why.
Notify ue if your dealer cannot •-,p-
'I7 slut, welt gladly direct you where
oar 'gut to r a,: • had.
'•,.. Refuse All Sub:fffutes
11:,,,trat.d Ix.114t,
'Wm() Neartifud,"
and ln(erc,tlna
rrkr rani )'r,a
for the Bek lug,
O• The Mar:ia.St ccetCs.
iso 8.• re Po.• Pe 'wt
A givotiou vied the sante as lawns or taain
lir dia+Avin8 granulated sugar is water an)
oddicg Naiteine, a delicious syrup is made }
a strop better than ,nap:.. Y.pleine to sold �t
prorera. If not seed SGr for 2 off, bottle Baa
r et Tye book. Cratt•at Mfr. Co., s3..!,)., WTy
11' is Erne to get :.t 1'„intim. 11 is
Cline to .'boos note. SO many
brand% of paint are offered that lvtu
must be careful in your choice. The
oddest and most thoroughly tested of
all paints are
They +Card for slreog,h, durability and
beauty. ten 11 ands of honie'i Iron)
Cary llretun to Vaneeilver Island, and
in foreign lands. They ,t ill heautily
y o',r home, and thr pr.ee is reason-
able. 1)r.gt a card and ask u•, for
i, -oklel ••\\'• free. 11 is the hand•crrl-
r.t booklet ever i.surd on house paint-
ing. YOu should hive it.
4tt:.i liJNd .41.)
The Paint Makers, - Montreal.
Gasoline Engines
SIZES 2, 3, 4, 6 H.P.
They are so simple that the average farm
hand can run them. and are practically Fool
('roof and Frost Proof. Send to -day for
catalogue G.E. los, W. P. CO., showing full
line of engines for farm use. it means
money saved for you.
TERMS Special Terms to Farmers.
The E,1KADIAtt Fi4IRBAt:KS commit/. Limited, MONTREAL
Branches:-Tortnte, St. John, N.D., Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver
A Di,10,.44•_
ON 1111: luJ•AN Ift(,.Nf,
11 41'
ti 1.i
NC tt
'• .'ss�• •oeek t�a� 111Titd 1?I il1f
-' �•
t•Q 1.!.f ;ilei,. �`•'
1 "•.',4 1 �' ■ �'J'$1•�•11=+( i�{•LI 1 .I
la *-- �' t her
i. -16
A 0nt/nI11,v,4 4.44 -lAory 0,. pr•.,4 aA (trine 1s fust %alai v-p'•ted. 'asking this fans ',it
hostelry •L.• ....( •n4 •m,•t ny 1•> t.t• •.I 0.• tl,• (ht, N .lel• 4 u•w team• 1. the sawn.(
.It• ,•I 0.4 1-.1 morel •e•rngts p ,9 fee slat •
k • ) 0,m:w►nt.AA/ rein r.•. bath .tteabel with mei /aJ t fedi water (•least•
dike.. L, e•e•e oban,ha, t•erpa:atur• •e444l61•J l "rs.rm...lalt the lar• t •lem•Iftm•at is
-1- sm h.Atl.g 'e •l•,,bun• I. oriels room. (lel( pr1►14•aM t•apAat/ e') Writ* for lau.tratci
tto,, 4 1.1
Manager. D. S. V1llllli, President.
Canadian Appreciation
Lanrh:un Hertel, iw,ndon.
Gentlemen, --1 wish to expre'= niy appreciation of the 38
h.p. Daimler which you have dr•:i'ered to me. Before ship-
ping the car to Canaria I made :t three weeks' trial .fit, cov-
ering seine 1,200 miles. The aur ran perfectly, and I never
had the slightest trouble of any kind, and 1 think it quite lives
up to the many claims you make for it. The silence, smooth
nest of running. and power of a. -e( lc ration on hills is really
rcm:u kablf.
Ms petrol c(r.cnrnption was 1C toilet to the gallon. infllltl
sup a great deal of driving in traffic. The tyres show no sp
pre.•;41)4)4' signs of wear, and 1 think it will prove light on tyr".
I an) really delighted with the car.- Yours sinr•trcly,
fSisrned) ('. A. B(X1\E;, .+f Toronto, Canada.
"The most
Car of the
Th3 Daimler Motor Co., (19Q4) Limited,