HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-14, Page 51
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1853
Capital (paid up) $3,500,000
Rest Fund - - - $3,500,000
Has 03 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in Ali the
Principal Cities in tete World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON it CARLING, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Write for Free Seeds
We are giving away, free, with our tree beautiful
new 1910 Seed Catalogue, a package of D. do lt.'s
Excelsior Swede. This Swede has an enormous yield.
10 of the finest quality and most perfect shape. Our
new Catalogue is one of the most complete published.
If you prefer, we will send you a free package of Fur -
bank's Giant Crimson California Poppy or our
Asparagus Beet. If Interested write us today. saying
which you prefer.
Be sure and mention this paper. It is of interest to us.
London, Ont. 6
Make Eich Animal Worth
25% Over Its Cost
On 3 of a Cent a Day
Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the bots or colic, making
hens lay in winter, increasing the yield of milk five pounds per cowa day.
or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and vigor.
When you feed "stock food" to your cow, horse, swine or poultry,
you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm.
"TEEYour animals do need not mere feed, but something to helptheir
LEL" . / bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can et fat
2:O'Lk and stay fat all year round; also�tt�otprevent disease, cure disease and keep
eat -rest U ,"..er of them upROYALsPURPL� STOC1� SPSCIFIC .and dote, can do l It is
osy Oncrr es wings
G•a c,.c..ir, ,a Not a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner"
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECT !Ccontains no grain. nor farm products. It increases
yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two
weeks. it makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster than say other preparation known.
f Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when
fed with ordinarymaterials at ten weeks.
ROYAL PUPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to
plumpness almost magically. Cures bots colic, worms. skin diseaseeand debilityyper anently.
Dan McEwan, the horseman, says: 1 have used ROYAL. PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC
• ptrsistently in the feeding of 'The Eel,' 2.O'4 largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in
19Je. and 'Henry Winters.' 2.091, brother of Allen Wiatera,' winner of $36,11e0 in trotting stakes
in 19)1. These horses have never been off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Purple
• Specific almost a year ago. and I will always have it in my stables."
One SOc. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy
days, w•lu:h is a little over two-thirds of a cent a day, Most sto.k foods in fifty cent packages
last but fifty days and are given three times a day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC
i.gi:m bat once a day, and lasts half again as tons. AC. 50 pail containing four times the
umoant .,f the fifty cent package will last MIO days. ROYAL PURPLE will increase the value
of your stock 214. It is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulating the appetite and the
relish for food, assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh.s a hog fattener it is a leader.
It well sive many times its cost in veterinary hills. ROYAL. PURPLE POULTRY SPECI-
FIC is our other Speatie for poultry, not for sto.k. One 50 cent package wdl last twenty-five
h _ns 70 days. or a pail costing 1150 will last twenty -Ave hens 210 days. which is four times more
material for only three times the cost. It makes a ' laying machine" out of your hens
s ,mmer and winter,revents fowls login flesh t moulting time. and cu: ^s poultr • diseases.
Just use ROYAL. PURPLE on one of your animals and any other preparation on another
animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will say ROYAL PURPLE has
them all beat to death. or else backcemesyourmnney. FREE -Ask
your merchant or write us for our valuable 32 -page booklet on cattle
and poultry diseases. containing also
cooking recei s and full articulare about
If you cannot get Royal Purple
Specifics from merchants or agents. we
will supply you direct. express prepaid.
on receipt of 31 30 a pail for either Poultry
or Stork Specifics. yr i r
Make money a ting as our agent in
your District. Write fur terms. 1
Por sale by all up•lo-date merchants.
W. 1. Jenkins Rig. Co., London, Cts.
kept In stock by W. J. IIE.\t1AN, E\ET Eit, and HANLON & O'IIIIIEN (entrails
You Can Even
Do Your Toronto Shopping
Through "The Star"
The Star's "in 'Toronto Shops" Depart.
stent describes new and attractive offerings seen
in City Shops day by day, with the Toronto
Daily Star's otier to purchase anv of these
articles for out-of-town subscribers who send
the money. Many are taking advantage of
this Department.
"Of interesttoWomen" is;hesvell-deserved
heading of a special page in the'i'eronto Daily
Star. It is one of two and sometimes three pages devoted particularly to
women's tastes and is independent of the "Social and Personal" and
"Madge Merton's" pages, for rears popular features of the Star.
"Ot Interest ., «'omen" includes scores of little hint! on health
and beauty; the newest fashions in dress and house furnishings; talks on
ethical matters of particular interest to women; points ..f etiq•'ette;
suggestions for home entertainment; res•ipes; .sash• tncnus; advice and
suggestions on ail the matter+ that lit .lose t•, a woman's heart. They
will help sole household problems, and better still, stimulate and
interest the mind.
On ,he Woman's page, and throughout the paper, eurren' topics
are treated in a bright, newsy way that arpcals to the .vi.'e-awake
woman. You'd thoroughly enjoy the
Toronto Daily Star
$1.50 A Year
This poorest! ft** "Toronto Daily Star" together fee one year. $2.20.
tN/OOteeA%entetn tee grew. for 50:. eAde1 to oboe saisrrrpfron pr'co.
Jack Moore has rt\)ved into the Petty
111,y -hr. -Miss Myrtle Ilengough Is vlsit-
i:o in London. -J. and C. Mc•Dottell'a
black team took third at the Seaforth
Sprues Fair. -Miss Hood. who was at-
tacked by a mad dog last week, left on
Saturday for Tormttto to take treatment.
-Cleve Joynt, who hag hoes in the em-
ploy of John N'elstnlaler as salesman
:or the past year, has gone to Regina.
-John Donaldson, who 'toe been to the
harness business here for deafly two
Years, hoe gone to Port Quappelle, Sask.
Owing to death of a orothc•r It became
accessary for hint to e a out to manage
his estate. -Miss Lily McEwen went to
Toronto laat week. -Milne ltainie has
taken a position as salesman in the
t fidEstablished.
Children Cry
-- +
Council stet on April 4th. All mem-
bers present. Minutes read and appro-
ved. A number of accounts were paid.
0y -taws were passed dividing the
T )wnshlp into sub -divisions and ap-
p)!sling pathmastera. also to borrow
certain sutras of money to meet cur-
rent expenditure. Adjournment was mo-
ved to Monday. May 2nd at 10, o'clock.
;travel contracts to be let at 1 o'clock.
J. D. Drununond, Clerk.
At a large and enthusiastic ni'etlug,
helot in the enteral Hotel parlors, the
following officers were elected in the
reorganization of the "Irish Nine; -lion.
President. W. E. Stanley: lion. Vire-
;'tealdent, II. A. McEwan : President,
Albert McLean; Scc•'y, and Manager, C.
W. Ilawkshaw ; Captain. Frank Stanley
Umpire, W. F. liawkshaw,
Mr. and Mrs. N. 11. Morton spent Sun-
day at Jas. 11000:I'm-Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. Merry were guests at J. A. Iiolton's
on Sunday.--\Vork has commenced on
the dred.ht here. -Mr. Jae. Morton
spent the first of the week in London
and Ittaerso'1.-M r. Jack Glenn attend-
ed the marriage of Mr. Barry I[orion
and Miss Cudmore in Exeter on Tues-
day. -Mr. George Williams of Thames
!toad, accompanied by his sister, Mrs.
Whitlock, visited their sister. Mrs. Mil-
ler. on Sunday, who is still confined
to her roast.
- --
Following are the results of promotion
and other examinations held In S. S.
No. 11, Stephen. Nantes are in order
of merit. -Jr. I V. to Sr. IV.. Charles
Stephan; Sr. i1I. to Jr. IV„ Laura Step
han, Francis Lafond : Jr. III. to Sr. iII.
Jas. Lafond, Irene \Vlllert, P1ynard
Stephan. Emma Zeller: Sen. II. to Jr.
III.. ira Tetreau, Olive \\-inert: Jr. iI
to Sc, 11., Willie Stephan, Henry Lafotd
I't f1. to Jr. II., Ecron Lafond, Myrtle
Widen ; I't. I1., Henze! Wild; 1't. I.
to Pt. Ii., Eddie Qi'eb, Otto Stephan;
Antos Stephan : l't. 1.. Mertlla
:\dela Lafond. Sunuel l'rokenehire. No
on roll 21, average 17.
E. 11. Keyes, Teacher.
s\'I :\K Kit)NEYS
Kidney Diseases Cause Half the Com-
mon Aches and I11s of Exeter
As one weak link weakens a chain,
so weak kidneys weaken the whole body
.end hasten the final breaking down.
Overwork. strains, colds and other
causes injure the kidneys, and wtWn
their activity Is lessened t'te whole body
suffers from the excess of uric poison
circulated in the blood.
Aches and pains and languor and urin-
ary Ills conte, and there Is an ever In -
recoiling tendency towards diabetes and
and fatal Bright's disease. There is no
real help for the sufferer except kidney
ilooth', Kidney ['ills act directly on
the kidneys :utd cure every kidney i11.
Bengali cures are the proof.
Mr. \Vm. Hildebrand of N. E. part of
town, Hensel!. Ont., says , "I have not
suffered with backache since using
Booth's Kidney ('ills. and prior to that
I had frequently been unable: to stoop
or straighten up wit., stvete grinding
palms that would rates, net across the
small of the back and in the region of
the kidneys. Tate urine was highly col-
ored and contained a quantity of brick
dust sediment. This was particularly no
Beetle whenever i would take cold.
1 had used other remedies before t ry-
Ing Boot! 's Kiduty Pills but fou.id
Ilttle relief. i believe Booth's Kidney
fill* to be an excellent kidney r:gutat-
or and will gladly recommend thein."
Sold by i)ealers Price 50 tents. The
It. T. (tooth Co., L't'd, Fort Erie. Oat..
Sole (*.mediae Agents.
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, of
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
Apr. 5, 19 Jute 10, 28 lei. 9, 23
N. 3, 17, 31 Jsly 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20
tNve Toronto 2.00 p.m.
on abeam Jays
Through First sad Seeoad Clam Coaches,
Celoniat and Tourist Sleepert.
Apply to nearest C P.A. Meet or lents
R. L Tbompeoe. U P.A . Toroato
ASiI rot 6ouf.3Lgtu' rAVILR
"I Find Them Marvellous"
This la Kra. Chas. Brooks' Opinion
of "Little Digesters"
Isere I) a short but very convincing
letter which we received recently:
I have been using "Little Digesters"
for some time. I still use them and find
them marvellous, 1 recommend them
Low, Wright Co., Que.
Here is another letter, dated Nov. 9th,
1909, almost equally brief and to the
\Vould say that the box of "Little
Digesters" bus done me a lot of good.
J think they are all right for any
Stomach Trouble.
Trout Creel: P.O., Parry Si. Dist., Ont.
Letters like these are the best pose
sible proof that "Little Digesters" do
exactly what we claim -relieve and cure
Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all formes of
Stoat;teh Troubles. We are so sure that
"Little Digesters will cure that we offer
to hand your stoney back without hesi-
tation if they fail.
Put up in dainty little red boxes -
25e. at your druggists or by mail from
Coleman Medicine Co., Toronto. 37
Tire council of the township convened
!n the Town Hall, Crediton. on Mo.tday
the 4th day of April, 1910. at 1 p.m,
\11 the rnembars were present. Minutes
the previous ',letting were read and
Anderson -Yearley -That by-law No.
102 to repeal by-laws 148 and 149, hay
been read three times be pase.d and
%iat;ed by the reeve and clerk and the
seal of the corporation attached thereto.
,-C1a fried,
Andersen -Yearley -That By-law No.
10.1. being a by-law to commute stat -
c Jabot in the Police villages of Cred-
ton, Dashwood and Cottralta at the
t.tte of 75c. per day, having been read
three times be_ passed and signed by
the Rewe and Clerk and the seal of the
C-rporation attached thereto. And fur-
ther that Ily-lawa No. 104 attd 105 be-
ing by -saws to allow the South Huron
'telephone Co., Limited, and Dr. J. W.
Orate to erect, equip and operate a
telephone system on the highways of
the township of Stephen, subject to the
npeclflcations fixing the standard re-
quirements of Municipal telephone sys-
gtents as laid down, by the Ontario Bail-
qway and Municipal Hoard of the Prov-
ince of Ontario: and further in accord-
ance with art act passed by the. Legis-
lature of the provinc' of Ontario, in
the year 1910, cited as 'The Ontario
Telephone Act of 1910." having been
read three tunes, be passed and signed
by the ltewe and Clerk and the seal of
the Corporatfo:t attached thereto.-Car-
Tice follow'IttJ arc tete P.athmasters,
Poundkecpere ..:td Fet,cevlewer s appoint-
ed for the year;-Pathntaeters, Win.
1[uetable. Thos. Oliver. Dan. McCurdy.
Ed Knight. W. s\'hlteford, W. It. Elli-
att. Seth !frown, ltobt. Cttroll. Sant'1
1'resu•ator. Jas. Shapton. Go). Penhale
John Hepburn. It. Davey. Jer. ileantan,
EJ. Short, (leas. Box. Crcd. Stanlake.
Jos. Edwards John Ilirtzel, John Wein.
11. Oestreicher, J. Klunrp. E. Carroll,
W. Gaiser, M. F'Inkbclncr, J. Schwarz,
S. itrokenehlre, Jos. Keetic. J Flynn.
E. Lawson. 0. \lawit111ta y, M. Will.
S. Beaver (Mt. Carmel), I), O'Brien, i).
Mahoney, M. \laddeit. W. McCann. Jr.,
A Neeb, 11. Kraft, S. ;Morrison, N.
Clack, T. Keys. L. \Vlllert, J. Krueger,
J. iloulahan, J. Isrophey (Shipka). C.
Lochner, I). Mcisaac, E. Lamport, S.
Monocle., J. i[odgins. N. Pollard, I1.
Bestard, T. \Vebb. P. Raker, J. Carruth-
ers. W. Ilayter. It. i'ollock, A. Mollard
A. ['icrson. A. \Vt•bb, \V. Lovle, E. Mol -
lard. G. Lovie. .\. Hayter, (1. Devine. J.
GV-ctx;t•, J. Brenner, E. Gill. W. 0.
Reilly, J. McKeever. E. Hall. It. O'ltou-
rke, W. [scar. t•-. Grc:n, 8. Stanlake, Jr.
W. Sunders. L. Bader, 1i. Kraft. H.
Schroeder. 8. Miller. J. Rhode, C Wol-
per. 1'outtdkeepers ;--W. Moffatt. 11.
Shepton, W. 11. Gatser. 11. Cunningham,
J. Hickey, G. Webb, J. Edwards, T. J.
Amy. ('. F'inkbelner, I'. Baker, J. Bren-
ner, F. I'reeter. 8. Stanlake, Jr., W.
Zimmer, A. Moser, C. 11. Wilson. Pence
viewers; -D. McCurdy. I. 11111. E. (Islet
P. McKenzie. G. Mawhinney, E. King.
C. 11, Wilson, 0. Down. A. Hayter.
The following orders were paid ;-TP.
Clerk, McLellati's drait:ag award, }3,70
Jos. Itanes, serving notices of appeal.
re. Morrison. $1.27: C. Prouty. gratui-
ty. f2:, ; A. Iiodglne & Co., gas., t ct,3u ;
Wager Clark, rent for tile yard. 310:
Wm. White. removing snow. ei.50: 1'.
'nriebner, two rrntent culverts, 18 ; E.
palet. removing snow, $2.50: J. Guin-
an. Truant school book. e10: Tp. Us-
t,or .e. gravel. $2.50. Total .,rders,
$147.::. Council adiourtud to meet
May 2nd. next. .0 1 o'clock p. nt.
Henry Silber, Tp. Clerk
Children Cry
Miss Alvada \\-escloh returned 'o Lon-
dsn, atter a st.ort visit with her par-
ents. -The Lutheran church has been
equipped with a number of handsome
eler,rtc light chandeliers and other
furnlnshir:(s which add greatly to the
sppesrance.-The dedication of the cera•
orated Lutheran church took place on
Sunday lntlt. Itev. C. %arr,ke of New
hamburg preached the dedicatory ser-
rn -, in the morning and In the evening
h•• preached in Englis`t.-w. C. Callfas
exhibited his I[ackney stallion at Sea -
fort!: on Tuesday. and tank first prize.
-Mr. Geo. Thiel. sort of Mr. and Mrs.
A• drew Thiel and Miss Eta Prang were
united in marriage on \\'rdnceday of
las' week by Rev. C. C. J. Mans, at the
ho;nc of the held,'s era dmother. Mrs.
J. Prang. sr-Asses..,r Lipphardt has
:tectrly completed his work for the year.
-seises Clara and Mo;1Ie Schlab' have
g ,. to De'ruit.-Mr. Beaton of Clinton
has taker. charge of t':! school as Prin-
Death. -The death of Mrs. aegis N.
Denomy of the Bauble Line on April :trd
team, as a shock to her many friends.
She was In town on the Friday previous
and •es'm,d In the best of health .:.d
spirits. About q o'' lock or, Surdap she
Undoubtedly the best la-ewed on
the continent. Proved to be so by
analysis of four chemists, and by
awards of the world's great Exhi-
bitions, especially Cittc*ass
where it received ninety•sia points
out of a possible hundred, much
higher than any other Porter in the
United States or Canada.
suffered a paralytic stroke and before
12 etre had passed away. She leas'•s be-
sides her husband a large family of
c!.ildren, to mourn the death of a loving'
wife and mother. She was in the 49th
year of iter age.
GOSHEN LINE.-Louls Kraft went to
E-_etet Monday to ret his new wind
mill. -Joh:, Itag:er and sort are assist-
ing Jos. Amey seeding.-licnry Smith
is breaking a col' for John Williams.
The railway commission has decided
that express companies are not to be
liable for more that; $50 o:t parcels
lost unless specifically stated when the
,roods are left for delivery. when the
charge for delivery will b^ signet.
The following le the report of the Pro-
motion examination held In S. S. No.
2, Ilay, t otal marks given ;-I V. Claes-
Wilfrid Northcott 418 ; Ada fuse 377;
Ella Jones 358 ; Eddie Welsh 345; Emil
Willard 252. III. Claes-Willie Smith
441 : John Murray 421 ; Ralph Hawkins
4m2 ; Mervin Coxworth 371 ; Edna Ged-
des 287. II. Claes-Gretta Case 283;
Vera Jones 223; Willie Willard 19(1;
Herman Willard 149.
Geo. Mawson, teacher.
Children Cry
isriervirmr,er ;f1
Dander -off
Having received the so:e ag-
ency of that most remarkable
discovery - HUGHEL'S DAN-
DER -OFF -we are now ptepar-
ed to offer it to the public. This
CURE or money refunded, so
you take no chance. The most
obstinate cases have been cured
and it will cure you.
has proven, beyond any doubt, to he the
greatest preparation for the hair and scalp
that science has produced, a fact wltnh
thousands who have used it will u,tify,
Price SOc, 8 oz. Bottle.
orApplicatioa 10c
W. D. Burke, Barber
H►sting's 01d Stand, EXETER
h� cat)kattdsAIL aika ,atllka_s
The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter
in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron,
Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Rags, Etc.
All purchases to be delivered to HAWKiNS it SON'S HARDWARE.
EXETER, where the cash will he paid or trade given. Orders for collection
of scrap may be left at the same store, where Prompt attention will be given.
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
I am a woman.
I know woman's sufferings.
I have found the cure.
I will mail Ire. of any charge, my Immo treat.
meet with full instructions to any sufferer from
women's ailments. 1 emit to tell ell wortten about
this cure- > ou,mreader. for your-e•!f, your
daughter your mother.• or your sitter. 1 want to
tell you how to cure yourself at home without
the help of a doctor. Men canes! understand s om-
en'esutferings. What wo women know from ea -
patience wu know ,x tter than any doctor. 1 know
that my bonny treatment to a safe and Wirt- cure for
Leucorrbmaor Whitish discharge, l Icerat inn, Dla.
placement orEaIIin`of ttteWomb, Profuse. Scanty
or Palatal Periods, titular or Ovarian Tumors or
Growths, al •o pions In the head, beck and bowels,
beariugdownlNlings, ,creeping feel.
Ingap the spine, melancholy, desire to cry. bot
flashes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles
where urged by weakness peculiar to tor nett.
1 want to mend yon acemplet* 15 days treatment
•atlrely free to pruvn to you that y nu ran cure
yourself at home, e.islfy,qulrkly and sorely. Remember. !het it elll cost you nothing to give
the treatment complete trial; end It you should wish to continue, it will cost you only aboet 11
ccntAsweek,orlea; than Iwooentaaday. It will not interfere withyour work or occupation.
Jost sanding your aims and■ddresa,tell mohow you .utrer,Ifyoi I h omits ill .end youtftt
treatment for your easeentirei•fre,t,it. p4lainwripper.b retimal
re all. Iwill.o,endyoufree
•feost,mybook-"WOMAN'SOWNMEDICAL AUVISE� withexpienatoryIllustrationsshow
Ing why wont rot sutree. an1how they can easily ell rethemselyea athome. Every woman should
have it and loam to think for herself. Then a hen thedoctorsays-"Youmust haseauopera-
tlon,"you can dccidufor yourvelf. Thousands of women hasocured themselves withmyhorn.,
remedy. ltcure+ell, *Id or young. To Mothers of Da.ghters, 1 will explain a simple home
treatment which speedily and em, -scally cure-, Leucorrhtsa, Breen Sicknew, and Painful or
Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladle -e, leurupnese and health always result from ib. nee.
horever you live. I can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly
tell any stiRbrer that this none Tryst seat r.•slly carman women's diwssesand makes women
well, strong. plump and robust. Just coed me your address. and the free ten Mire treatmcot 1+
yours. also the book. Write today. ms you fogy not goo this offer again. Adder...
Does Your Flour, Madam,
Whiten Through Kneading
We well remember our little chat with Mrs. B., an Al breadtnaker
Said she ; " After kneading my dough awhile, / often wonder ham
" it whitens so noticeably :ender the hands. The more I knead and
"wor* it, the whiter it gets, more wholesome -looking. you know.
" That's a eery encouraging thing in FIVE ROSES flour which rue
• sadly missed elsewhere."
Maybe. Mistress Housewife, you've noticed it. too.
Bat an flours, alas: are nc1 FIVE
With flour from poor quality wheat,
poorly milled. there's no material
Improvement in the c .l,r of the
bread due to kneading.
ft's the levy that developed. Ma-
dam, no/ fee whim.
it's whiter dough you want, eakVer
Me longer yes s. neo.! ft. and
you want it so without
having your elbows hinged
and lubricated like John
L Sullivan's.
And FIVE ROSES. Madam.
rvspoeis beautlf;::ly to the
Ws/ exertion and in the
morning your dcugh is tp
as light as a cork.
The strong. live dough
,:rackles and snaps heavily
as you knead it down. Then the
snowy whiteness In the pans to i:e
proved and baked!
From the oven your crusted golden
Laves yield the aroma of freshly -
barked hi:kory rats that portends a
tooth-teastag flavor irresistible.
And the kiddyklns reed no other
call to breakfast. Madam lust fol-
low their noses.
• • • •
Don't let your neighbour
beat YOU at breadmaklnt.
You can so easily do bottle,
Mistress Housewife,
19y getting FiVE ROSra
So tell up your sl
Madam, and -
1,1Eg - l 111110111M