HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-14, Page 4Obz of er A1 u o t u t e, $100 Reward $100. Sant]ot- i .::uectr. Prota TH U1041).t Y. .11)1'i1 111. Tir rt $ler• of this paper w ill be pleased to learn that there is at least our dreaded disease that r.ienet been able to cure in aH its stages, and that 1' • 1 11 Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh cure is the only pwitise curs now known to the inn.lbott fraternity. Catarrh being, • constitutional disease requires a aw1U(itu- tional treatment. hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the 'twten', thereby destroyn'g the foundation of the disease, and gisin$ the patient strength by building up the cnnstitutton rid assist- ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so huge faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to -are, fiend for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY a CO., Toledo, O. Sour by all Druggists, 75 cents, Take If all'+ Family Pills for eoi.tipatiei. CENTRALIA Jas. IleJle•y. our barbtr, has closed up *alien aryl Telt fox rite Northwest. - ;itrs, !tarry Wlls;an, who was ttil at- ene1 wi !s typ.:osd fever. we are pleas - el 1 may. Is recovering nicely under the ireattneta of Dr. Orate.- Richard Sandford, who was Injured some time naagq is Improving. -The Epveurth Lea - gee anniversary was a grand sweeter. lt.cv. Robert Hicks of Credit et preach- ed two excellent sertno:ts on Sutrdey to good congregations. The tea on Mon- day evenlr:g was well patronized. large numbers la -lug prt'tsettt from Exeter and .Credito:, to whom eyelet thanks are duc. Hontc talent, consisting of Mes- are. Duplan, and Misses Vera &sectY Iva Essery, Laura Mutt, Elsie Pomeroy Male: Elliott and Nitwit(' Luxton, ac- quitted thctnsclve:, very c•redltebly. Ex - e'er contingent contributed )such to the pleasure and enjoyment of the occasion. Excellent addresses were given by $fessra. Thos. Il,a.:dford, Melvin South- cott and Rev. E. .t . FCar, while Mies Howey, elocutionist, Miss Delight Hobbs, as violi;:lst, and Mr. Herbert $outhcott, as soloist, gave great satls- J:action. The program front start to fin- ish was a most excellent one. The re- ceipts, over $30, will reple:dell the areae ury of tee League and put It in a good financial posltloit again. -)Iles Lilian Salton Is visiting her sister, Mra. E. Colw111.-a meeting in the interests of Baseball will he held in the Duffet•lti House this (Thursday) evening at H p. In. We hope fur a good attendance at texts meeting. GItAND BEND. !fes.ers. \\-in. Oliver and Harvey Dos- aenberry were in Exeter Saturday. -Mrs. Pfaff of Dashwood visited her mother, .,try. Ilse for a few days. -Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson and Children of Arkona viet:el around here Sunday and Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. 1!. Hamilton left Thurs- day for Pon Staiiley prior to their leav- bn.g for Columbia Monday. -Mr. Ware Oliver .arrived home from Torun - to. Monday. -The fishermen are driving sakes far their nets and are other- wise tn.ekl'tg prep:eratio pe for their sea- ea:t's iishing. KIRKTON. \try. Straw and their two bays from London, Eng.. have taken up their abode with Mr. Win. Kirk. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Shier. who have tx'ett vi31 1::3 around here for a month, have re'.urIle 1 to chs it hothc In Port Elgin.- atr. John McCurdy- was taken to the hospital at Toronto last week. suffering from )(Wiley trouble. and but slight hop'3 of ills recov: ry are esOrt.aitted. ,-Mr. Neil Malloy is se--ou31v ill and confii:eti to his bed. BEEN GOOD FOR FORTY YEARS HYPOPHOSPHITES WHAT 18 IT 8000 EOR'. As a general System rl'onie In Nervous Aileoti(rfls In Convalescence from illness In Bronchitis. Coughs and affections of the lung, In general where evitality energy and appetite are di- minished. Only make sure of the quality of your Hypnphosphites. Nyals name OD it is a sure guarantee. Nyal's Nutritive Ilypt'phot.phites is of the highest quality and a big bottle for $1.00. Don't trifle with doubtful goods,yon can be sure of Ny41's. Wo know just What it contains. W. S. IIOWET, PliOii. Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone 511 Raw Furs and Skins - WE ARE BUYERS of all kinds of RAW FURS and SKINS We Guarantee Honest Assort- ment, Highest Market Prices and Quick returns. WR PAY EV PRESS CHAROK$ Send for our 1409.1910 PRICE LiST FREE REVILLON FRERES 131 et 136 3COf1111., ft•str'•sl. ante uat at once for Our free atalogne and learn ;he ratan t our courses in Commercial, Shorthand & Telegrapby deit,r'ment• we have the Wiling ertet, al tea, c • h, • .f e'.aern Ontario (-owe*.. are lt, rough, instrttrters etpenenre•t and we swot a raluat es to positions, stridents are en tee al, carry week Youshould enter Noe D. A. if°LACHLAN Principal. D.S11WOOD 14 eirolieSsItIltI, DASIIe•0OD CONeeI I'/• EN!'F:B. Deets. wills, Mortgages and all Legal Documep•t.rarefully and {promptly prepared Charges moderate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. I. uis Schoeiuit her and wife of the I la. spent Sunday at Idea. aferner's.- John Kraft and slaters, Misses Clara awl Linda, spent Sunday at Zurich. A happy event took place on Wednes- day, April nth, wile;: Mr. Fred Dealing of Hensel!, formerly of Exeter, was mar r:e1 to Miss C a -Salina Steger, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Steyer, at the Lutheran church. Itev. Thur perforated the ceremony. We extend congratula- eels. Last Thursday it was apparently the c•muno:n talk of the town that your hum ble scribe had gone away to take unto hinted: a wife, and it is well that It was not the 1st of April, or the would- te• wise would have demonstrated the tact that they are easily caught. One thing is certain should such an event aver occur in the life time of your st ribe hell not feel under any obliga- tion to stake it known 10 any one In this burgh. nor ask their consent there- to. -The "Pinks" gave their supper to the "victors" in the !tame contest on Friday evening. at the home of Mr. Jacob Kellerman. It was, we believe. appreciated by all present, and demon- . striated the fart that although loamg It the securing of names they were equal to the occasion of providing an evening's entertainment for their Mende Alter the supper was dispensed with .t choice program was rendered In a pleasing manner. Itefore the evening closed Miss Ida Goetz, the Victorians Captain. took ter•aalon to thank her help ere for the efforts put forth, and spoke very highly of how much she apprec•t- a:e1 the evening thus spent. Rev. L. IC. Eid± talso spoke of the occasion, stat- in: that he had bean living to grieat eepe•ctatlon, bee the realization •was far itt excess of the expectation. The ev- ening was well spent and one which will long bz remembered by all presettt. CRB:DITON. Rev. John Finkbeiner of Johnstown N.Y., has been here the past week vis- iting his parents and brother, Fred. who ins been vety ill. We are pleased to state that Fred has made a decided change tar the better and we trust his recovery will he rapid. -A bus load of young people flout bete attended the social and entertainment given by the Epworth League of the Centralia Methodist church Monday evening. } All enj.tyed themselves very much. - Mrs. staid, who has been living in the village for several ears, has decided to give up housekeeping and will here- after live with het son, Levi, south of the village. Although Mrs. Stahl is an aged lady, she is still in splendid health and her many friends hope she will he spared for many years to conte. -The church sheds of the Evangelical church which were destroyed by the weight of the snow during the past whiter. have been torn apart. There is some talk of new ones being erected this coming summer. -1%'e are pleased to see Samuel Brown back at his busi- ness again, after his illness. -Miss Ida Ewald of Clinton is spending :a few days at house with het prett'nttt.-- Wtierth, 11 list & Co. finished the •et- ynp's threshing on Monday. The .seed drthle were sent out on Tuesday to put in the season's Crop. -The iutetior of tate Methodist church bas been remod- eled and now presents a very neat ap• peat•alice.- Harry Kuhn is talking of buying en autmmmbile in the near fu. torr. --James Lawson is haa;ug; the back of his shop painted and papered. He expects to convert the sante into an ice-cream parlor this summer. -11. Either, M.1'.I ,, has been giving the in- terior of his office same needed int• provements this week. -Jac. Rrtz of the Mtaddard hank, Parkhill, visited Charles and Mrs. rZIvicker on Sunday. -Milton Parker was relieving in the Bank of Commerce. Exeter, for ,t few days lest week. -Our peop'e are on the look out for Halley', comet. Some claim to have seen it just before sun- set. -John Wind has had the paper hangers and painters giving the inter- ior of his dwelling some neeeed re• modeling. --Mrs. (Dr.) Orme is visiting friends in London this week. ---Last Sunday was the Anniversary Sunday in the Evangelical ebnrch, Rev. Bean Preached splendid sermons Moth morn• ing and evening. Special collections were taken up to wipe out the debt of the trustee hoard and the greatest por- tion thereof was settled for 'wring the day. in the evening the choir furnish- ed the congregation with several fine anthems, -Jos. i1:4ist has flnishPd the erecliun of his brick chimney for his engine room. it is expected the brick and tile yards will continence work in e week or ten days' time. --Mrs. Heath- erly and Mrs. Martin of Landon are upending a few drive here, the guests of Mrs. henry Matz, Jr. -Miss Pearl M" tz entertained a number of voting friends at her l,irth-lay party on Tues day. A very pleasant time was spent hy all. aur tow:1 can toast of a nnev•hanical to ,tui, whose a rural under like rlre-um- itiUt'ee, it woul'1 tw' hard to find in Western Ontario. We refer to our gen- ial bl trksml'h. Alpert Morlork. who ban la .1 contple'e1 a 3t) t:orae pewee four I oder. four cycle gasoline engin*, for aged Sh'rtSpool Mill M so tau automobile. rianslderlhg that Mr. Shorthorn Hull, roily set after Rept• is1 !Ota, • \I ,rlo •k never Pad any practical train- Shorthorn null, calved alter Sept :, r as .a nt.trlil:tiat, and that he should t.•. ►'a1s ._... A e 4 make his awn patterns, his own blue- IirreL.rd Ito 1 .. .... . . • Polled Angus null • 4 9 prints and finally ranstruet the engl're withaut out•tlde help and aid. is remark- thl'. Etrly Last weer the engine was Rodney mn,tt•made with the Se. retry at Ros- set up acid naturally a curious crowd senbern's lint.? nnhi 11 reclo••h en the mn orn,g of s t s act";:da n^e t� s'e If 1t would the show. All price money will be pail by the 8s. retarc at w r k rate+ranked. 1t was a critical ltoasidberr, s Hotel, after the award. ha.. lt•,.n •: w !3r If manufacturer. but he ap- maMM theJn�`ea Arrar,eaw..nte sell 1. m.4. to hat arnpls .t►M. • !o have every ronfldenre 1n tele an ;mmodation for all horse.. w,rk. The e:tglnc started wlih foil w' n M•-LLaN. tare W t'.8tNDERA rare t'-' Utastturn of the rra:.k :tea S•aforth scary • ;vale ire", 1notlilM fele:unr ke* ,1 ka .$•,`,came it caused some o! the epee- 1 at ars to rut at the dem" and look I:: through Ute cracks, while the pistons were working at lightning sped. The engine has been attached to the mach - leery In the shops attd is found to have p:'wer to waste. Mr. Morloc•k is now p: oreedinY '511th the completion of his "Leo and it Is expected that when the tally slakes is fidget trip Halley's com- et will fide into insigetflcance. Albert is to be conrtatul.ateJ On his succeed. sod his many friends lock forward to the time when he will be able to give a practical dentonstratlo:t of file furth- er nteeh3nlcal genius. (Delayed ill tete mitts last week.) Rev. J. A. Schmitt of Berlin 1148 been in town the past week on buelness in connection with the Mutual Life Au- surat.ec Co. -School re -opened Monday a`tor• the its'cr holidays. -Niles S. 1t. Saulter of Parkhill spent last Sunday in town the guest of \Ire. C. K. L'luett -Henry Steltacher is havtog a kltchca built to t1:C> rear o! his civet Mite. Wm. Hellin of Harpley is doing the work for eine-Samuel drown is obliged to re- main home u:, amount of illness. \%c trust he we: soon be able t3 resume Ws duties in the star. -Last Monday was Council meeting. Among other bust ries$ transacted was the passing of by - ti W4 granting the Zurich Telephone Co a:td Dr. Orme• the privilege of construct ing telephone lines in the municipality. When these lines are installed they will be found very convenient for the people. -A petition has been circulated to have rural mail route alo::g the stage Taut( front here to the Centralia Sta- tion. -This 1. house cleaning three Ey- brywttcre people ran be seen busily en- gage' beating carpets and cleating stove pipes. The mark o' the house is a pitiful object thes3 days. Ile has a woe -begone look something like the poor dog with ills muzzle, -The roller skate :wleaace has struck town. Quite a number of the youngsters are using them and have bccom^ expert. -Chris i•'ahner had a vsluabte cow die Monday: R. fiowsen spent last Sunday at horse in Winghanp. .1e3. Heist has ro:npletei the erection o' the arta• brick eh!rtt:iey for his isle yatd.-=tucker !itLing has started and route o: the .31d sports Itavt• been very surressful,-Barry Beaver and harry Eilber have Clashed a leaning out the pro:ect:on tanks. In several in- stances the tanks were partially filled with ntuJ. The e:tgine was given a teat Friday evenitt, attd workzd satisfactory. At the tneitina of the baseball club a goodly number were in attendance and there is every Indications that baseball Is still the leading sport in town. We have all kinds of tu:aterial to choose a te:ern from and we are sure Crcdltoe will ntatntaln the lead as in former years Following is the resu • of the ele.•tion of office'is-I1r)1.. Pres.. 11. Ellber, M. P. F'.. lion. Vice. fres.. Robert Sweet ; \tanaget, Alonzo Hodgices; Assistant \ta:sage-, Godfrey Nicholson ; Treasurer, C. K. lttuett ; Captain, Herb. Young. Tne club is In a good flnunc ,titins:. having something like 8111; in the Trwcsury. it in expected that the boys will get together for Inactive as soon as passible so as to be in gond shape for Victoria Day celebration. Fred Fiekbeincr la at present very low and slight hopes of his rt- overy are eta aertained.-It t- ,te•rtained.-It Is with regret that the many friends of the Late Geo. Bloom .icid. teamed of lis death In 1Iyro:: .''est week. Mr. Bloomfield taught in the p:i1.: Ip.a1's room here some years :ago .and was a very efficient teacher, and highly reseet led by ail who had the pleaaiurc of Itis acquaintance. The widow and family have the sympathy of tine vicinity' In this their hour of sorrow rend bcic.aventcnt. -----+ CROMAItTY lit tee recent thu:tder and 'lgl't,.ing 'r'urna 1.1r. Jas. Campbell had a row k.iled by lightning. The same fie fa no i ilrhtened three teams of horses in the Ce'ds plowthg that they all ran a•.vty Mr. Wm. Butler's team dragged tem for sone distance and the result rn'1!it have be't, very serious had they not he stopped In time by !qts dons. whose team of colts had also ben .40 !riXiit'ned ae to escape. John 1:u lor's term or the adjoining faros go' away from hunt but ,)to danpagel was don'. The shock was so near that the -!feat of it were felt by Bert hurler In his ttec'k and shoulder for many emirs afterward. Spring Show --OF--- Entire Stock Me LI LL1\•IIAY. Nit. and Mrs. J. C. Dorman moved to mete residence in Ailsa Craig last week .cont tt•etr farm in McGillivray. and %ir. .1. D. Drumm.and has taken pos- session of the Dorntah farm. Lot l.1 ('ort. 7. which I:e recently purchasted. Mr. Drutnntotrd now owns 250 acme In the township. -Mr. John Plaskett lies ranted rile !anti on the 11th Cort. to air. J. %V. Doyne. M. 1'. 1'. Died. -The botiy or Niro. Agnes Reid Armitage, widow o! tl'e late Geo.Artui- ta:re o! Chicago arrived here last week !runt that city, Mrs. Armitage was a d.eu filter o! Mr. a:ut airs. John Iteld the dttt con. McGillivray. The de- aused died from an attack of typhoid pneumonia. Tee body was taken to 1:'.ar•khlll for intcrrnertt. WARNING. Since its Introduction into Canada the sales of Parisian Sage have been phe- nomenal. This sur:ess has led to many imitations similar tit name. Look out for them; they are not tete ge:tutee, See that tree girl with the Auburn hair is o:. every package. You can always get the gc::utile at W. S. Coley. Parisian Sast' Is the quickest acting and most efftelettt hair tonic in the world. It is trade to eoufor:n to Dr. Sanger - bond's (of Paris) proven theory that dandruff, falling hair, baldness and scalp itch are caused by germs. Parisian Sage kills these dandruff germs a:ui rcnlove3 all trace of dandruff It two weeks, or money back ; it stops filth.;; hair and itching scalp at•d pre- vents baldness. And remember that boldness Is caused by dandruff germs, those little hard working. persistent devils that day and night do nothing but dig into the roots of the hair and destroy its vitality. Parisian Sage is a daintily perfumed hair dressing. not sticky or greasy. and any woman who desires luxuriant and bewitching hair CAI: get It in twa weeks by using it. ;'n cents a large bottle. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY YS EM THE INTERNATIONAL ROUTE TO WESTERN CANADA Tbrouvb the metrop+lis of Chicago, thence via Duluth and Fort Frances or through Chicago and the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Patel. HOMESEEKERS' Excursions April I9thl May 3rd & 17th WINNIPEG $32 00 and return EDMONTON and return 42.50 Tickets good for 60 days. Proportionate rates to principal points in MANITOI3A, SASKATCH- EWAN and ALBERTA. Above rates apply on certain dates via SARNIA and NORTHERN NAV- IGATiON COMPANY. Secure tickets and full information from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent, Exeter, or address J. D. MrDONALD, D. P. A., G. T. Re., Toronto. Ontario liquor license Act License District of South Huron Notice is hereby gia.•n that the Boarl of License Commissioners for the 1.icente Distriet of South Iluron will meet at COMMERCIAL HOUSE. IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL -oN - MATURDAY, APRiL Man, 1910 AT 10 A. m.. for the purpose of considering appllcatlone for Liquor 1,Iren.es for the Lkense Year 1911 11. All persons Interested will govern t hems+•ie es ac cordingly. JOHN TORRANCFI, Lkense Inspector. Dated at Clinton on April 1.1, 1910. Notice is hereby guar that theesons os whe names appear In the following schedule are applying for Liquor Licensee for the laciest Year 1910-11 and that the same are not now Licenses under the Art or are applying for licensee for premises not now under license. . amps of - Rind ofiDe.rription of Name of Applicant Licenser Premises Munl• ipalit. W. Perkins ,Tavern ;Commerelal Airmail Jae. Cot worth Tavern'Qqoeen'e Ilensall 11. Darrow 'Tavern 'linen's hayfield R. Leathern Tavern i amino Exeter House' The Annual Spring Shaw of Stal- F'or the current year there were se'enteen tavern lions and Bolls, under the auspices of 1111,I no ship iI'ensr. ironed. the !south linear Agricultural NuciPty' The total number of applications for 1 cense' for the ensuing yearis nineteen tavern and no shop will be held in 'freest.. Any petition agels.t granting License to any Si w�A rsV��e�� applicant or premises must be lodged with the undersigned at newt four days before the meeting of the 1.1.ense Ro.r1. JOHN TORRANCE. License Inspector for /tooth Huron Dated at Clinton this le day of April, lata. Friday, April 29, 1910 PRIZE LIST STALLIONS Aged Draft Stallion .. le •1 $1 a year std Draft ittaillon e a 2 year old itraft Stallion 4 i 2 I'ercheron Stallion ..... 4 :t 9 Aged Carriage Stallion, 16 hands and oyer 8 4 Y 1 year old Carriage Stallt an _ .. 1 3 1 Ag.'l Roadster Stallion . 6 4 2 1 year old Roadster Mallen . 4 3 - HtiRttI 4 15 iIARNPS.r Hen, Draft Tea., 1st {.rite, Medal, donated by the Farmers (tank; Ind. he ktr1, 54. Ag• it ulturat Team. let prin., Msesey- •aarris Scuffle?, Tido d .' 1111. donated by Y. To•ultn..n, flrncin field, 2nd, 61. NH, 81 Carriage Team ,3', 61 $ 44 nee Carnage Ir r.•.. ......... 4 3 2 Roadster Team ............. 5 3 80 100 0. 1141'!"? .... 4 3 1 t•pe,ial H nrvenberry Rives • ,,•clap prise of ,t, for the )w.t Harness HMO, style and &Kion con.id•rel tit LLB Allethibitorsmo 1heroine members ofthe Sa.rely by Dayin>; $1 to the Seeraa.y Organ and Piano Repairing and Tuning G. PEDLER, late of Chicago, has decided to remain in EXETER for some time (indefinitely) and will wait on the music loving public in the capacity of piano and organ tuning and repairing. He has msde it his life won k and is thoroughly reliable, guar- anteeing all work. Following ere a few prices: New Strings 2.'e each Tone Regulating $3,001 up Oenersl Toning .... ..... $2.00 Key Levelling rote overhauling . . from $11) to $2.; New Action and Ifs n,nter• for S,1it ire Piano . from $2.5 to $311 Re -Varnishing, Polishing (leaving like new) done at lowest figures. Estimates on Pipe Organ Tuning & Rep -tiring furnished on request. All work satisfactory or no pay. order. len at John Pedler's Residence n, at Main Strut, .r O f'Eni.Elt, Eat{TY.R, will r , n • prompt atl, rat; n. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE BEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTA»L1SUED 1867 B. L. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALEXANDER LAIRD, Gecera, uanag.r I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and In the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers and others for the transaction of their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL way with equal facility. Accounts may be opened by mail and atonies deposited or withdrawn in this 122 Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison. Manager. Branch also at Crediton. According to the at,taouncenteut of Flora. Mr. Fieldtug Canada is to Issue silver dollar cotes at the mint in Otta- wa, something like the Atuerlcatt "cart wheel. CASTOR I A For Infants said Children. The Mod You Haro Always Bought Bears the fugnature of There is a " right, way " of doing bus- iness and there is a " wrong way " of doing business. The it[G11T WAY of doing busi- ness is to bring your old truck, su•h as horse hair, rubber, iron, copper. brass, wool pickings. etc., to M. JACKSON'S Main St., Exeter Where you get the highest rash price and lamest dealt,;gs. FOR S1LE-A lot of iron pipe on haad for fence poste. etc. CL.tNDEI)OYE A flux Social will bo held at the lone of Geo. Cunnlrgluate, Cott. 2, McGillivray on Wednesday, April 20th, in aid o: St. James' Sunday School. Everybod; welcome and a good time expected. FATHER ! MOTHER ! A business education is the greatest legacy you can leave your children. We get down to the bed -rock foundation of liv- ing business science, and assist worthy graduates to the choice positions. Enter any day. Individual instruction. Home study conrs- es in Senior Teachers' Matricu- lation and Commercial subjects. Send for particulars. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Easter Term Opens March 29. Write for particulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL ig Sale nI Pianos In order to reduce our large stock of Pianos we are going to offer to the Public for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS the BIGGEST VALUE for the mon- ey that was ever offered in Exeter. Below will give you an idea of some of the BARGAINS ! 1 Blundall P ' Walnut finish, 4 ft. 4 in. high, ivory and fano ebony keys, guaranteed for an unlimited tinie. Regular Price $250.00 Sale price ' $1 / 5.00 1 Dominion Piano Mahogany finish, 4 ft. 0 in. high, 7‘ oc- taves, specially de- • signed in the highest style of art. $200 00 Regular Price $250.00 Sale Price 1 Morris Piano Mahogany finish, 4 ft. 7 in. high, guaranteedAar for 10 years, ebony and $240• 00 ivory keys, Regular Price $300.00 Bale Price 1 Dominion Piano Pure Walnut finish, 4 ft, S in. high. This is the best piano manufactured by the Dominion Organ di Piano Co. Has been rented about $215• 00 6 months. Regular Price $350.00 Sale Price 1 Ennis Piano Mahogany finish, 4 ft. 7 in. high. Colonial de- eire $225.00 Regular Yrice $ SOO.00 Sale Price • We will deliver to your home anyof the above PiANOS complete, with STOOL and HANDSOME DRAP, on payment of $20, and you may pay the bylance due at $2 a week. S. MARTIN & SON, EXETER PIANOS TO RENT! .04).3000110.11001141)011 Always in the lead OUR POLICY has always been to give our customers the ad- vantage of any reduction our keen buying bas allowed us to take advantage of. Our WATCH Department is most complete and at prices within the reach of everyone -$I.00 rap to $40.00 -and same warranted from one to three years. Now is the time of year when an ALARM CLOCK does not come amiss. We have a tine selection of them. Th alternating alarm repeats the Cali every N seconds Prices 75c to $2.50 and same warranted for one year. Our Repairing Department is most complete. Nothing passes our hands that does not re eeive noir best Attention. A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician