HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-14, Page 3A GOOD MEDICINE j 'Inti 1: "l'is" a'loo1•Itol'. !STATEMENT. OF
FOR fIIE SPRINGihl'IIIeinemark blelil,lrin fJer�y1•o11r.d
Do Not Dose With Furgati%es----A
Tonic is Ill You Ned.
N,,t cxa try si:k but not ftcling
quiti• well. That's the way !nest
Isceelc feel in the spring. Easily
tiled. appetite fickle. sweet hires
henda0les and a feeling of depres
sit u. Pimples or eruptions may
ahl'rar on the skin, or there may
bo tw:nzes of rheumatism or neural-
gia Aey of these indicate that the
blued is out of order; that the in- ; king Edward IV. had no claim'
door life of winter has left its mark is' geological right to the English
upon you, arid may easily develop throne.
ini , more serious trouble. Don't : George Eliot left a wife and ehil-'
dose yourself with purgatives as ellen to mourn his gc laii.
marry people do, in the hope that The Teat Act of 1673 was passed •
sun can put your blood right. 1'ur• to keep Roman('alho!ies out of
gnh%ca gallop through the system , Piihlic-houses• •
and weaken instead of giving ; Henry I. died of eating paifreys.
atiength. Any doctor trill tell you E Louis \VI. was eelatimed during
this is true. What you need in the :be French Revolution.
spring is a tonic• that will make new (ender shows whether a mart is'
b!' (id and build up the nerves. I)r. masculine. feminine, ur neuter.
Williams' Pink Pills is the only James I. died from argue.
mettle:lie that can do this speedily. : An angle is a triangle to ith only
safely and surely. Every does ul two *ides.
this medicine helps Inuke new Geometry teaches us how to bi- 1
blood, which &ears the skin, strong , sr x angels.
the es the appetite, and maker Parallel lines are the same ells -
tired, depre,sed men and eeotnec Lance all the way, and d„ not• meet
bright, active and strong. Misr unless you bend them.
Mary linker. Tancook. N. S., rays ' pal11lleltigrain is a figure made
\V,lli:uns' Pink Pills have been •'f four parallel straight: roes. •
a great blessing to me. Last year Horse -power is the distance one
while 1 was attending school I be -'lease can carry a pound of water
came so weak and completely run in an hour.
down that I thought I would hale, 1f the air contains more ilia" 100
W give up going to school. I was per cent. of carbolic acid it is vet":
affected with dizzy spells and would injurious to health.
fah down at any time. 1 got half Gravitation is that which if there
a dt.zee boxe, ,f Dr. Williams' fink were none we should alt ily away. strange ideas,"
Pills and before they were half gone . raeuttm is a largo empty space ar
' tto whuin do you especially re -
1 felt my strength returning. By where the Pope litres, inquired uquid the missionary.
She t me I had used them all. the A deacon is the lowest kind ti!
••' ing you, the ultimate con -
dizzy sults were completely gone,, Christian. �um(r is regarded with sympathy. I was again enjoying good • 11 a find a few nwre of these us i ho Zlere he is considered very lucky.,,
health.", New York Sun's London eorre-----__ap..__
The London Daily News quotes
the following examples of school-
boy blunders which were sent in to
the University Correspondent for a
prize competition :
The earth is an obsolete spher-
Lord Raleigh was the first man
to see the Invisible Armada.
Shakespeare founded "As You
bk. It" en a hook previously writ-
ten by Sir Oliver Lodge.
Tennyson write "In Meinoran-'
-^- Memkars ioresto Stock Eachange.
Sale Investments ;`;�lt)for iii
18 SURE 1►ODD'S hill\tri
PILLS CUB 1115 111.1 HETES
Its* t •lwnha:w.ayhank.
.rnr ,.r• , ,��.t.a;. !o Say St.. Toronto.
I:ea. 11. 11'allcrnorl l►. of Rodney.
Feels I,ike a Ho) .gain After (LT I SILVER AND P011r•t'P►NF:
Again gold so', It. bought and •old Prop.
Suffering Erten the !lust Deadly ernes imnrpor:,ted and (1,.nerd Wrtt•
n for parts, alar.. 1'. P. Hairston. 25 Mann-
, ing Arcade. 'Toronto. Ont.
of 111dne) Diseases.
Rodney, Ont., April 4 (Special). 1)11) HE GET 1T
Al r. (leo. H. \\-atterworth, a Nu%y, \!r. Janus, 1 don't see how
well-known travelling hitles►nan' Willi your satiny you can afford to
wh(se home is in thus place, mikes suit.ke such expensive cigars," re-
am unqualified statement that he
walk' d a merchant severely to one
%% es cured of Diabetes by Dodd's
of his clerks.
Kidney Pills. "You're right, sir," responded
''les," Mr. 11'atterworth said Jam's. "I can't; 1 ought to have
when asked regarding his vitro,
"I,odd's Kidney Pills •need rue of a bigger satrry
Diabetes. I took thirty-sc•len box-
es in all but to -day I atm restored HIS STATUS.
to good health. "Well, my lithe man," enquired
"1 was also troubled with Rhea- a visitor pleasantly, "%cho are
mothers and Headache. my sleep you -le
was broken and unreft•/shing and "Flo the baby's brother: wa,
I was alerts% tired and nervous. the iugpnuons reply.
Bt'. Dodd's Kidney fills cured me
and now I fee! just like I did when j \ Purely Vegetable Pitt. -- The
1 was a bac." chief ingredients of I'armelee's
Dodd'S kidney Pills cure Dia -
;Vegetable fills are mandrake and
hetes because it is a :Kidney dis-' dandelion, sedative rind purgative,
ea" and there is no form o1 Kidney bat perfectly harmless in their at'-
di"case 1)("14" Kidney Pius will ' tion 'rimy cleanse and purify and
net, cure. Mr. Watterworth•s other i :vc a moat healthful effect upon
ailments were caused by disease`i the secretions of the digestive or
Kidneys failing lo strain imptlri ' Fxn•. The dyspeptic and all who
ties out of the blood, and Dodd's bttfer from liver and kidney ail -
Pills cured then' by cui'ilig' meets will find in these pills the
the licit Kidneys. 11,ot,t effective medicine in conceit-
- t.r:.telt furrn that has yet been of-
t-I;TIMATE CONSUMER. forcd to the suffering.
Icmarkc(1 the
cannibal king, "promotes soino A SENSE OF ECONOMY.
"Why clues a dog chase his tail?"
"Because he wants. to make both
ends meet."
Free is Our Readers.
Write Murine 1:r• Remedy co.. Chicago.
ter aA page illustrated lye nook Fr,P.
Sold by all medicine dealers or spondence:-- !Write all about Tour }:ye Trouble and
by Ittaii at .`,O rents a box or six I11 India a man out of ('ask nifty they COUGH they well 11)1%111.1ap to the Proper Apply•
Don of the Morins Eta Erni/Ale.. in Your
beset; for tl2.50 from The lir. Wit-, no marry a woman out of another Np.rial caw
Your nrntRirt will tell yon
('l'Ill.Il i\ ;> 1101'It`. that Muria• Relieve.; Hors Even. t;trength•
lions' Medicine Co., Brockville, cask. i et:o weak Eyed. Doesn't Swart. 13oothet
Ont Thomas Becket used to wash tins New Moate-{Inde}ru ►. Eye Pain. end pen• for sot•. Try It to
feet of leopards. [ Terre Eyes olid in Anhr'e Eyes for Mealy
ICllt this out.) Eyelids and Ora r:ulaticn.
CONFIDENCE. Romulus obtained the first -It.i
tens for Monte by opening a lona- Front Roston i'ress. He "Wonder why it is they al -
Caller - "Doesn't it worry you to tic asylum. Progress in inetli^al compounds ways speak of the 'blushing
think of your daughter on the q, ___ octet ceases, an(I now it is stated bride'?" She "Nothing very re-;
ocean '1" by a prominent medical men that Innikabte about it, considering the
Old Lodi' --"Land sakes, no. She KAISER'S F•AVO81l'E D1SHES• ally deep-seated cough or cold nit kind of Wren most wouleu marry."
can swims." - - - the lungs can bo nitn:tlty cured in ---
Wants Fresh 1 egelablet !:very five hours by the clock. 1)pllllll anal Month At1N
'1'�'-' Day. morphine have hen resorted to in
A NATURAL INCLINATION. According to a writer :n one of the past, as relief measures. lint -
"S::y, old chap, lend me 510." ,, now it is learned that the system
til;. most courtly 41f Perlin jour- must be treated to rid it of inlain boot nue in four of the dentia
Ny dear young friend, don't nal::, the Kaiser is %cry fond of ve
you know that this eagerness for t matron and cungestipn. A tonic` in the British N'Y are due to
gctab.es. laxative cough `yiiip does the work (ircwning. ��
money is very bad that money is. "I have so many gardens," he is
rlothiti r, after all, but trouble i" so quickly and thoroughly as to be
1 ' reeerted to have said to the Dais- , illic ost magical. What heretofore Minard's Liniment Cul e) Dardrufl. Z1►[ btst MEDtQit TOR �OtIGttSll►CIOS
"Yes. I know, but then it's my erin. "that surely you can let me lee taken weeks to cure can be ac- Should be Iftven a once when the
disposition to be borrowing trou- havt fresh vegetables every day." (,,,m )Dished in hours. Get this for
bit•," IBellows Are supposed to have
� He likes German beefsteak --that mala filled or mix it at home and been invented about 569 R. C. by a
'1'--- - i:. chopped cleat and onions fried. aiv ass keep it un band: One-half Scythian mechanician.
i♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦`1 Thi. he cats with lunched potatoes. ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one,
♦ It is. in fact, his favorite dish. His I Some persons are more. sneer
Sl URI /V CItILUkEN, ♦ ounce compound csh( nee cardiol
__- + Majesty cannot stand oysters since a.ni three ounces syrupwhile pine P -
lie was made ill once b} some. baked i lible to colds than I (hers, contract-
ln every .I-, I,P where Raby's ♦ nit Iluscs which an. august English compound. Shake the bottle ni)11 ing derangements of the pulmon-
4 Own Tablets aro used you will + i., Lame offered him. F%sh must take twenty drops elers half hour ars organs from the slightest cans-
.** find rosy. Sturdy, good-na- $ for four hours. 'then take one -!calf es These should always have at
h'reed children. because the ♦ ri. 1rr be Absent from his table, and to one teaaper'nfu1 time or four hand a bottle of lti"kle's :inti Con
♦ Tabiets cleanse the stomach ♦ he always cats quantities of it. times a da% until the system is sant rice Syrup. the pt.( sent day
and bowels, aid dig(stion ♦ , "It is gofel for the brain,'ca-
l"' purified and tunes u 1 Give chi! -
hit a P r P• f
♦ t sacs. "718 It contains plenty' of iI • el *reign remedy for coughs, ca -
and thus bring Perfect health.tire:. less according to age. One4 torch and inflammation of the.
},: ►horns. t
And you can give them with • I' f fi.l:njr will usually corp it whore Durr s It will effect a cure no me-
equal safety to the new horn • Ills early breakfast is at eight funiily, as the dose is small. g
♦ I o'clock. and then be enjoys plot►- ler how severe the cold may be.
4 baby' or the well grown child. You cannot nff, rod to be without a
1 Mrs. A. E. McLeod. 1V(rc,d tv the iia+Past lish and
ibutter, His '1! W11E GOT 11 IS SA LA II Y. remedy like Rickles, for it is the ALBERTA'S FINEST STOCK FARM
stock, Ont., says: "I have ♦ g "1 hear you command a ood sal- best.
tilted Baby's Own Tablets • 'meets are pancakes. with leinull- Ar „ g n1 Moe - end
n1 a, re• for sale at a soap.
• OH and sugar over them. He eats • y•----- For tt.,- and other farm hands in Albert,
4 „ince my baby was two week, + Ig 1'on heard wrong. Illy wife /1 PItOV190, write to Il,m n,uer,
old And have found them of
rat dl}, and does little talking cummanc►s it.' W .1 tt.NAMAR4.
• Bleat benefit for the ailments
while lit menta, but atter a hearty, Landlady-- I have strictly forbid wet:a•kawin, Allierra. Iauada.
♦ of childhood, especially for + repast he enjoys half an hour of del any smoking in this house. �� you WANT To KNOW
4 stomach and bowel troubles ♦ easy, familiar talk and a strong R' lief for Suffering Ftcn where• Exasperated boarder --'rhea why ta' r,tr,,,n. '.r•,••3 nnl•dd' tact• nl•.nt
and when teething." Bold • cigar. -Ile %yllOSI' life is made miserable d.lt't you stcri, the stove, Lunt
lineman Nature1 read Dr. forte'•
{ by Ihr hllffering thilt (OInP9 fi0.li lit- 'it'..n,l. 1.,...1 on tin rl•ttr- 0. pesters
♦ b\' medicine dealers Or l,1' + '1' itlfiestlnn and has not trier) Panne- et tort. Fr taro. Parentage, Mea,tt•,
♦ mail At `2 cents a Lox from t ' r Disease, and Freaks. It I. It.n fruit of 'A
♦2 \\'ISE LITTLE RODS. lee's Vegetable Pills dues not knots Year.' eenerienee lir a anree••f,n author
{ The Hr. Willi:tins' Medicine ♦ hu'x easily this formidable foe can *lid e,rartttlnnPr. Poll lir a,lvtrn neer.
4 Cu., Brucke;llc, Ont. + The uncle is telling the wise lit -enc. in man end f ad rnnl er.
he dealt with. Thee ills will re-
4 tie boy a fairy tale. P MnrP •lint rarf• Ilan tour d,wfnr wnryld
*▪ 4+4+4♦♦♦♦♦♦4+++4+♦♦♦♦ "Then the itrlllc'ess came closer neve where others fail. They are 1 wn• eueed of Acute Bronchitis by etre von for ten dollar, 1.t i rentor.+,
the result of 11,11 and patient study MINARh'V LINI%IIN7•. sail pier. sr,' to Iltn•tr-aeon. ',Nee. 1541.
r to the sleeping youth and kissedR i 11.,% of Italanda .1 II CASH RE! I. L. L. Hill Rook CO., 151 E. 1113f.. New Torts
Women are eligible to become" .'it) are confidently put forward as 1 wan cured rof Facial Neur;.lgaa l,1 11\
biro an the Diet+.
sluts bill.:8 APPENDICITIS
HprirRhill. N D till, 11 15301-‘
1 way mired of (•iron;, Rhc;amal:em b:
MIS5131)5 It'IMF:\T. eared with.,,,, operation, All win are •f.
Albert (•o, V.D. GEO. 11::O:,Fr I A+rtr,l w,•h that 4.'.• and wi•h to he
enr..l eerluanrotlr s.•f••Iv and quirk!,
with thio gr, et Ilomenp•thlr remedy.
which • ill +-.• rent po.t•paid anywhere
1n rhe wnr14 wi'h f1111 tnatruetanns for
flying •o s• r.. .31st • p.rmnntwt inure.
and ear. themsmlemp, Prier S. A,l ire••
ser to lir 15 scot. i had Kidney or in here wish ynll?' ask(d 111P yuling 11' nto`t of the criminal c'ourls „f John T. Walt, Homusnatwts Pharmacy,
• • 1nelin the presiding nmgi-trate , are Arnprlor. Canada.
For (every birth oceurri:lg at ,ea Bladder tremble. puttering at times intense sailor.
ps,in. I doctored cnnlint:alt• tint netting ltlttia'ts.
lllrre ate n{,out Iii deaths. I girt(' n.• "TPP bee, i led the' maiden,
permanent relief until 1 was F FK
err-nndrd to try Din Pills.- "(,•' Pn11tFe Meet. I'hit 1 the night
w•ilhin a couple lit 11n78 1 rtretved t 1 Perles tie S1 Yard Iona. The Damon• "Tho
�e ia, bet 11)111 lt'tt Weill 11 prOpuse an' r1a I. Sit nth^I 1.1.,•ter., vairh core 1•mtoig.t
Mliard'S Liniment Curet Burns. Eta. Front relief and after taking one box was he:; waitingto see whether he wins ba, kache..eialira, neuralgia. ete,are atm 4).put
_ t.n.plMP1t cured." op in .•n• > til roil: for physic' ane and family aa•
Month a cold atlets, and seem+ se
3 .r 1n.tes n, •-,ur throat. Are you aware t11it
secs a stabb..rn w•et /on: na( .1ted gild is cured
•,(b ACen'• Lnui Italsa:n l
F.\c'T AN!) 1•'INCY.
Every belle should try to give a
Fowey tone to society.
!''our pounds of grapes Make one
br.ltle of wine.
Nuns is infallible, not even the
The largest reosquitues live in the
arctic regions.
It is unkind to tell an old maid
to husband her resources.
The Australian death rate is the
lowest in the world.
Bod Blood -
to the direct and Ineeltahle r.ault
a.1 11 exnlar tie conetipat.d b••w«ts
end clogged up kidders and •tis.
Tb. undigested food end other t'asta
natter which t• allowed to aecura•
Wale poisons the blood a:.d the
whole et stem. llr Mor.r e 1 dean
R' of Ptii. art directly nu
•le. regulattti Diem t n th. 1.:1-
nrrs. giving em ease and .ti, •. th
I., properly filter the bind :.t 1
ori the skin. orrning Un the ivt•-t-
For pure btu, d and good beat k
Dr. Morse's
- -- Indian Root P111.
Very often the cheapest and poor A OF:N es t5 A DAY APT NO Kit
pmr,rncP ured•d Sells oc s,ltlsk.
lit.. production yields most profit. Ah.nlut' neer•-try to tarrurrr. 110.. w.rk
of :0 men. Pay• for il.,df in ore hour.
Write today. C }t. Adams Co:. barufas.
Some dealers with their own profit
in view try to "push" inferior pre-
patatiens when Zam-Iluk is asked
fo:. They talk about "just a,
glad," ur "practaally the same."
Not one dealer knows what. is in
Zant-B,i ' If any dealer tells you
Oar something el -e is "just as
good," ask }lila how he knows
When baying lam-Buk be sure
and bee the name oil the paei.et.
The name is prot(cted by law, and
therein lies your safety.
Marriage is a lottery in which the
rtir.iater takes no chances.
P r ahlllsta3,a, F'Ml 1115.., fIr, 1'•a. Sprains,
nothing •sinal• t1e fiunola odd ,eine:ly. Pirry
Dorm i,, Lill•,'. heap a Mitt:, a:ttwr• on
band. F. p1 tlly- a••od t. check ('hills au,l bleak sip
Colds. At all dru,;gidts.
It might be %•-ell to remember
that other pimple have just as much
right to their opinion as you have
to yours.
Company hire good npPetmg. for e
perlrneed in•,,rarep writers, •1..• ter
yo••ne men who de.,re to make ,nor. r.
Address. John lit Opp. Slun•git1R Dire .nr
Nortbcrn Lao Loudon, Out
„• AN 11.1' Lie -.11. A::n (.( N) • L
4,«lir•. i.iherat owl! rail- to t • •w1
r•.n apply by letter. ('nntineeesi L;1•
t.•-ur-aim.• r',sumony. Toronto. Corres,•�:n•
dance confidential
• WV earl, and ,. e!e•ar title to s 5`05
property. For pat•o•alare write to 1t' J.
teNamees. Wetarktw,n. Alta. ('an
sold. Imined c.te delivers, Roger*
A Co. ,to King St. East. Toronto.
rant. hone,. and s.1,1. 3'3 acre•.
Di, kin.on. Hoorn 20, It Prott ht . Toronto.
rants. Hiphet.t price paid. Fos •
Bore. &-Ott St.. Toronto
Iron and woodworking ma.-hinervr,
Pale, sickly c}tildi•en should use ; enelees. boilers. steam pump.. gasoline
Id other Graves' Worm Extermina- enrioes. electric muton, r.,•Irartori
n,nehlrnrv, Mr Send for rya(,!,''• na
tor. Worms are one of the princi- over ,oto marhin.s Si. W PF:TRIR.
cal ealuSCs of suffering in children 1•imite•d, '1'.rm,tn, Montreal, \'ancnuvr,
lied should be expelled from the
$y tit^m.
Acetylene torches for use in cases
of dense fog have been supplied to
the police -stations of Paris.
Minard's Liniment for Sale Everywhere.
Official figures show that the av-
erage ages at which men and wo-
men marry are rising.
wa Mot a from heated rooms to the •eta
nater air. and the change sets us notching. cur.
log winter e.1de is n••t h.tnl if you take Alien'•
Lnog Bakens. A neglected col 1. troublesome
.laad daag•roea
Save the Baby -Use
little one coughs. It Flcals the del-
icate throst and protects the lungs
(coin infection -guaranteed ►1416 and
very pal :table.
All Druesi.l.. 2S « ab.
Europe `•omprehen.i.n
�� British I�Ira, Pxten-
sive Continental.
1 9th Passion flay and
Eri s.el* 1' xt`.s•il' •AL VES Rala• Them WItneut *MI5
Withrowt'I rOa
(flu+tratmd l'rnxruu. tee e. Ii,.aa•NNd CO.1'ow 1.14. Tcrento,j.t.t►
F'+t'v TTIF R.IRRvr. TIATl1, Photo
i ."ilatn rnn.tanr pra.••t^-1 rarefni
1rNrnr.tnn1 few woes• en•nnlr••. rnnr :
roust. free• erp,i,,, ee •Pen tweir* to
ef'rh!PPn Anll:tr• we'3Iv• write for ref•„
lnrne Miler 11.rher course, ?lit pner•n
Fant. Toronto
1I on SALE OR ETCH AN(JE. 1111'11.D17. 41
lots and farm land. on .a.v pay.
tn.titc will hay western property. N.
M. Ifathewp. Room 11 1-2 75 Yongn street,
. layers. Very protitable. Free ciren-
Dara. frons all about Anconal and Leg-
i•••rns. Edntnpd Carlyle Apps, Hos 224,
Vi,P.Preeidert international Ancona Club.
Rrsntford. Ontario.
:,D%I:I!T'1,:kit. :8. f`111 1•:•11,.111 n1., bas
had s••reu years' 11 era: et seri
Purr of the bui!du,g It Ade, and been fe•en
year. in nn atrhitect'. (Abe,. f• rlrarnue
of cooling to 1'anada and would be Rind
to hear of n aittlatlOrl with a firm of archly
te, t+ lir builders. Experienced Measurer.
I • 1•,•11.•nt refereueee. Ccply -Toronto
each In.-ality basing ealee 10 gi •
g old plated or german' silver (.amu platPe
An premiums. Rat or muted, for umbrellaA,
whips. dors. grip., rite., which 1 will stamp
with ruatomer•a name and address. Wino
dolt dirplav 1,311. forwarded. Si h•cril�e
wlthiu davit to the Rome .lourno:l.
monthly, one dollar yearly. and rec. .e
i.oth platen as described Free. 11-ne• .•11
rnntifue ate(• year after eepirnt ion of or
prereet ealier. Address. .Tnurnnl Ag. •: >•.
hoe 6!. 51.tror. P U
pj1 i perly qualified dentists in Great
"Gee!" cried the wise little boy, a sur' Porreetr•r of disorders of the
"wasn't she afraid of germst" digs*tit's organs, frurn which so
_ tetany suffer.
"Fanny, your father has been
failing to remove es en the worst Ant. and talk to Mrs ,l Sint1�•nrt. they w:11ki111t 1 wend cut there for t
would do )n.? 58 she did take (ilt Pills
kind. hours.i" Ito opk>osed to my being
TT.,lloway's Coni Cure is a sped- CURED Il, ONE MONTH.
Se for the rem(,s:iI (if erns and if P►.ry w•,man. who. ha• homes lir
tract!. We have ne\•cr heard of its lcliddcr trouble, could eo v, 0,r rr,lir,
'The difference bete een a.w.•/nan Rrile National Drug A Chemical en..
tn.i a trills'. '211 a funny fel+o7t', (Ttept. w'.h Ibmhln, for Inc. rample.
I'1, that the Khoo reflects t.it!;- ut f) crop a box i bares for 52.50 at all
sprak;tig. while 3 w(•ulan speak! diatom.
aitlt.tut refler•t11:13 - "And the (lif j TradPamnn (w eariPd ht the im
ferenee between y••TI and a �glas•, i1•,rhtnity of cuuune•rcinl tra\P1lcr)
laid tit •1.x11• 1;ir., "i• t•,Yt the
RIA•• i- 1 ells! . ri ' ' 'For gno(itie' i rake take yourself
! .•f1' Your eve'rlitcling persi't('nce l8
-- ` ` enough to stake a fcll('W cut his
Try this To��'-' threat." Irrepressible Traveller --
''.1l,, now. sir, we shall do a bit of
• business. In addition to other
Your f things, i represent a first elatss firm
Way Clothes ! of cutlers. {.et• me obvw you tarn-
! plea of Puy razor.."
111tq. A. SIMPSON. or loses." ' Doris i Lawrence Co.. Montreal.
Sure t Dye
'DY -0 -LA
mcdrt roIIA`e',n os
YIN don't kayo to know w "at RIND r/
F„ 0., a, art of smog lir• Alt•
*ham* or Mistake*A!1 co:ur..:
to >.:nr Dr .k •1 er fle.'e- $••n;:• ••, •d
and 1se••'r et Fro, The Jehns•n•Rlehardwn
\Iyer "1 wonder why Itree nn ad -
el, .1 t'le •e' to his name after inhcr-
• a fortune :" (iyer "lie pro
tiettref out to 1,14 ow -n •illi'
1i that rich people are chi
:note ease than poor 1 •
1' e' •
An oyster is netfitto lie eaten
in,til four sears old.
D f) i) D S 1',,,.
` :R1JJNEY f
( ;,1
"ONL Via, t
43(.117 S oisrar it
N"t, bin fCTtS
1 \ L
Of all people who get married,
widowers are most aby of stating
their age.
A General Favorite.- in every
place where introduced Dr. The-
mes' Eeleefrie Oil hag not failed to,
establish a tepid atien, phe,yrina
that the sterling qualities which it •
possesses aro valued everywhere
v -hen they become known. It is in '
general uv•' in Canada and other
countries as a household medicine
and the demand for it each year!
Show• that it is a favorite wherever
The Alist tier. Parliament held
recently a record continuous Bitting
of SG hours.
Oar -
IS!+l 1: 11. I.e 1• ' MIn.N's Liniment Rellevea Ilepalgla
11r11t11T, RACWcy11711, TOM/
iia' , i INAt.1r>:IZA
ran Into tits "•:RIP"
1 *lid raft psosi t,
1, j'.a✓a, Inas WWI. WI. b,it get
♦�/' at . nN a belts, of
1.J 'Arm Ar• stintJ 1tICS.IRi' and pr.r.•tr
'+1 pne'lmnata• lir omen I.
if a1rns.1p ar,Ifert
",1 ' ed is the Cora•!ne
/ Ho•„•*holt n•rwlA•
int t m.g h C s u1 s
Pore Tnro•4 Stowe/snit
.Darin.' Peedso•,is •a I
lain. of all k:ula
THE LIIIOMAN TRUSS'. itl bo,td any redad'44
ro-:uw. I:u,lor•ed b> torr,,-. t maliral
% oto i••r pr'to-wArs. It LIN ts. (Keg•.11
�I•.nt •cal.
cne of th. ni'ce'r •.f the P'e•trrtl 1,^,a.
u.. floe•:nrbout thy, world VI w• 1., .313.
ln_ue (general A'•, u•hr Co.. of Canaria, 1.1d.,
•N T one* Street. Toronto.
Is Your Hearing Coad i
11E111 O PRONE will g:•e too Il,•
benefits of gond Veering Send 1„r 1.r•
booklet giving pert), Oats ar:I ratites
of aati.fi.d n.Prs Also
S RN's, Offer tor a Month's Home Triat.
?71 Suadina Avenue Toronto
'• I'SYC I IIF:. ' I•.c tettered ihn:uanda
of people to boorani health .rd strerith
whose, ondu,on had L -en r-garJed as h' pe.
Ira. It is a t--nic ar,d 11-sh•Inelder, rt a.
tasn,rgstun..Lie prop.rt+es as a
rur.6►r and permecidc. It wJi strend-1
and 1seal the weak turps, fro, ra tl'
i,5iegm, anti drive away the couj',, r
matt -t of how long stand ng.
" f'S1 ( 1 OIL" toner up the w!a -
system ar.d doves out du-ar, 1.11, it -
ckcsyyed betre and re.tnsts lust energy. ;t
we dao, will prevent and ward off the,
most sut•tle •it✓ase cit. eine 4 8.
Write (or a free Sample.
Tat Sale br an Orassi.fs & Ostlers W. a SI
err Ionic,
Dr. T.A.S UM
Reloreneet: Oeallnton Bank or
any C•Rtiwertlal Agency.
Wm/ for our NlvIeed Price Litt
quoting speclrl prices ter
Skunk, Fisher, Lynx, Muskrat. Rod Fox,
and h ah•-•' trarbet pr".s tar all o't.r
bind• of or Dir. A proper aaaor,ment
and full t p11P ■•. •:ne.l when 'nil •hl , to
ee Am policy •h.at,•fartton guaranteed
e► shit.m• n• rel,lrr.d s• .•lir 'spent'
Trial Shipmentl Sollelf•d
C. PiERCE & CO., limited