Exeter Advocate, 1910-04-14, Page 2•
Teisted that Juhn was the Elijah off.it+h to her, rt•rnained a backward/Jae great house in the aristocratic]joi
Jewish expectation. _apparently,! swain. Tole Lung had been her fa-! district of the town doubted as W
tui t weree,not wireason to accept thatI thatit rig at has l valued ter his' whe•hrr her n%cry rgeiit sue hiss,I *
i at true, tl•ir being that I qualities as a salesman, esteen•ed l Teen (,leaded sec►• urgent business, 1 1 they expected Elijah pers„Wally to • foe his integrity and high prin. 1 a.'d the worthy gentlemen, who Was
'return (Matt. 17. 10). But if their cioles. In the days of Molding w0 -(engaged at bteakla,t, eoudeseendedi
No N (
1an Will Find the Way of Life by Play hearts were pared fur such sh)ir-! itlot111•N,el, Mars.Mars.had learned to keito recei%e hila.
total truth, them they would hearor
iTesti for his wthh
, and fur him! "I understand that you arc the! ***********i
and 19 lie This generation —Jesus girt Noclother e„uldr e,tlulniny pa et�wter etener ith Street, snow in til, certain us'seasion oft 131
ing the Hypocrite With His Own Mind, 'rdt.--MDAINTY DISHdoughS.
: compares thele to children playing, .liars.. Reeause lie rt•earded tier as Garrett !” sale( Teri. getting to
Bird's Nest. --Make a for
'at weddings and funerals, in the above him, hoe e+er, he had not business uitheut delay. Tee gen baking powder bi cult, cell halt of
Theo h:r : I re. lila Lord oily I were better to be east out of market places. and quarreling over dared to tell her of his love. Ant- ticnlan admitted the fact. "Would it thin, slnead with Melted butter,
their games. it was with as littlebitu•us, and •if a praiseworthy ul-'ye,1 wine( tellies row \+hetlier be smear, and t Wi.IInun, thou rover
(,ud a.lh a 611y ntiud. !lark this universe as a eche( than to tied earnestness as this that the Phari dr'!•endenre, he had dctetmiin d that holds it ail the usual teua'ie.r'" seek- with the other half. They open
xii 36. I the hest place in a paradise of fools st,e,; accepted their telt iuuK ub11- tits' he snood make success. ()nn cel 'Pum. ea ily and are nice fur a change.
Is tiler all'. I. itional way of fns- ,kiwwng that we had been recreant giilions, artd complained of Hulse d,t le guile intended, if she Aonld He' (lues not," returned the gen.' Browned Potatoes.When the
tering an 1 gi:iei>; expression to the to truth, disloyal to our own wis sloe would be their leaders. John s take him. to marry her; but 'wrests' Heenan. "lie insetted, for some meat is roasting, and an hour he-
at'ligiuns life : The question tnay!duet, purchasing such a heaven 1'J' severe hermit life they eun,leuuied that day he lucaut le reach her Ic+el rens 'n hest known to himself, en a fcrr it is to he screed, boil the ,,u
Well bo UU.. life by another: Can ? at least seined
to that w'}IICI' as an evidence If demo!' pessessiun. ; in position and prosperity. teuethly telta,n' . .1s the place had t:i •,es in their 'jai•kets " Take
ursy ferns of lit. bo religious which I at toast scaled to us u lie. TI en, when Jesus adapted himself I• ired with this pie rpt' -e. he had i:,•.•, yseaut. fol ',.,tie time, 1 it t 09 the skins, roll in flour, and p!a••e
d(.eR Ian'. arise 1'i reSt Ul andt'e 111-1 Ti, he loyal to truth
is the fast
te. the mete tt'ynits experience, „f left the old Iiia n'' .ei 'iCe, and heti Ili. : have •t " , melte' the meat, taking ('are to
uletll't ,e•elf •ts ratiouall What' step in religion, to follow the light the crowd. they swung to their'(melted a shut, f• r liiw t•If iu an -Thuile ton:• sa'd Tum. "1 can make til lease nicely. Serve
siele Ituv*' ••\, to trust our eine- i we have the primary condition of" atter dei ing a few nlometts its
P •other, extreme and condemned him ether quarter. The light had hetet tee :•oe 111•• rl•as•N1.
ti• AR, ulll' ''•l! 'iieiits, e[ hopes, CX' i more light. Tirades as to any con-
s: ,r are tat s are indorsed and sus -1 as gluttonouh. ; ll)"It., ., 1,111 he Has wllllit)r!{ 11td, I, i' "'1l', (bough forcittly, he heat of the tire.
t ffiiee between reason and revelation: Vi•-dom is justified he her works through. The hope of years was ceplaitte•1 tete deists of Mr. liar- \pt'eile(. is a very de{ieious
touted h. the divine. faculty by rare (Ise vuporinga of minds that __.T•his is the practical test to which'eon-ing closer t•i realization with roti, and his avast ed abject. The ere-erve .foe serving with a rico
uhielt ,%c h,%t so fat found our way dare not trust the truth, that will Jesus bad put his Messianic claims.. every week of strenuous endeavor.: e.1 1 gentleman was sensibly meve(' i iteild. F'eel three or four apples,
in hI i not. begin the labor of following; in the message to •Juhn. ,1s he said assured of Tout's love. owing a be the recite!. ;mix ix then( with sufficient sttgtr to
'flat rho it which is only an l the light, seeking to show their to Philip on one occasion, "Believe flourishing business, she could of I linen n pr•putal to make,' i taste, add x little water and rthe
it slam • •r .Hinds that faint when-� faith in God by fearing to look at me for the very works' sake. ford to laugh at the threat of euntiitned Tom. •'Will you grant grated rind of a lepton. Stew ill 2►
eco, tt.e• are compelled to work • Itis ways. Whatever this perverse generation Barratt. So, at least. she thought. 111: a lease of the premises for the china -lined pan till soft, then allow
often lift itself with spiritual pride Even though all forms should thought, both John and Jesus were Some few" days after his visit, 1►ut+ ,t n,aindc► of the year? 1 will out to gel _ cold before serving.
tees de •who 'nintseek to dis Ito s souperish. though all our present no- vindicated by results. erer, she was sitting in the little of quibble about the (,rice." f tarried eggs prepared as follows
cover truth for themselves. It de-
tneed revision, though lice when she observed that work -I The subsequent e'onyersnt•iun was make a delicious dish : Bring one
rides those who reverence tho, alt history must bo rewritten, a mr.71 were busy in n shop imutedl st»Ictl .husuioss, but it was nuti.c- pint ,f milk to the boil And thicken
trio!' -o deeply they dare not trust, ►•nice within the true man still for- tl�o+0+o+w•0ro+o+o+0+o+ ately fa•'ine, her on the other side of able that whlen 'Com left tale house' it with a dessertspoonful of eurry
nue empty form or pretense, and bias to do other Chau follow the the street, This shop had been y74- . be was laughing. i powder and the same quantity of
aloe with pain and sincerity, are cant fur some Mont(. and hatm,a1 Tw'o days later the Profit Splash -'flour, Worked to a smooth paste in
seeking its path.curiosity urged her to snake In r was thrown into .i t► ,nz� o[ p
Many persona continue to think HE C'.1N DO NO CYPHER.
t i - I t • •e • • as- a little milk. When the mixture is
quiries as to the incoming tenant,' stun by the receipt of a month s hu- of the consistency of create. poach
el the Almighty as one who endows 1•I..1 is religion to him as tasel( - and the nature of the proposed be -•lice to quit. When he called on the. is it, ono at a time, a sufficient
human beings with reason and then • silicss.\ thud appealed led t o know.' old
gentleman he wag refer ',umber eggs. As coo a rans-
lush suing, to be loyal at an cost
OF IT goo curtly b f k d t
.Inflicts on thein religion so as to to the light we have. Behind the whitened windows a red to the new tenant. Tum rec•eiv- fee carefully to squares of buttered
make Furs of a perpetual conflict in Thousands are perplexed right • little army of fitters labored, at_ ed him with a smile. and, at bis toast arranged on a hot plate. Pour
their natures. They tell us that here, and for them all there is no- +O+O'"*+o pressure, all that and the succeed-' abuse, told him quietly that he was the sauce round the toast and
these two are contradictory, that thing to do but just this simple• "So you won't have mo?" ing two clays, to convert the inter-; net on this occasion dealing with a s' I've -
,you can only become. religious as thing—to turn the back on those' The laughing -eyed girl looked up tot to Knit its new purpose. Rows somal). Mr. Garrott departed, at Tasty fried bacon and cabbage
you are willing to deny the author- blind guide's iwho tell us that a ban- into the man's inflamed face and of gas -jots were fixed along the the stern request of a policeman, makes a good supper or dinner
sty and validity of intelligence. doge about the eyes is the garment • snapped her fingers. +' frontage. .e giant fraiuework, dot- vexing diet' veligeanee. -•; dish. First boil some nice cabbage,
This is a crooked world if such a essential to spiritual worship, and \`'Besse •I wed 1 must love :" she tel with) D"ks, was run up to the 'I'lle rest •'f the story is soon told. drain very dry, and eb,+p_ Pry some
curtention be valid; it means that then to step out baldly, trusting declared. "Just at present I'm not site wall, :our with it rising the • Seine trouble was experienced in rashers of bacon and lint on a hot
yo'► can only know that you aro that the light we have will lead to mat eying anyway. 'thanks to the veevet was out. Niers' knew that the ejectment and no little excite- dist(. Place the chopped cabbage :n
111,•1 t 1
fullness of light. l shop, I can rub along very well. I tail' upettiug of the shop meant collStent. At the sale Tont acquired the frying pun, fry it in the bacon
WHEN F;N YOl ('t ASF TRYING Here is the sublime act of faith, i dc•n't like you, Samuel Garrott, !" titian. Somebody intended to the fittings and fixtures very res fat, and place round the rashers.
not blindly to fling away reason, I pct., and never should. Apart sl;ure the trade. somahly. The following day the Pour about a tablespoonful of vine-
itn Lu• w anything att( all, that mindthe tett to believe that this little light, 'frotn. a bit in the bank, you h::ve She teas not unduly perturbed at slop was again open, "under new ger into the pan, give it a good
iutiuin has given to man a tl•is little ecce of tray we can Ree the knowledge. Where others in management."hs-.4):1
ut; up, then pester over the bacon.
with it telt to damn 'hits, but that P '' little else to your credit; and that's g
he ,.,i. he...saved by undoing or ig-!tu small eitd insignificant offer all, straight talk. Even now you swell t!1• immediate neighborhood at Between Short's and Long's Sus ; Vegetarian Roast Goose. -- faro
is the right way ; it has been given of liquor. Good -day ! I•'-nl busy." lieu's had tried and failed this man' existed for solve months a healthy and. cut in twu lengthwise a good
sol lir_ lis Creator's work" It i(1-� to las and we muxt trust it, to know was hardly likel • to succeed. She, rivalry. The notoriet iven to the sized vegetable marrow and remove
thee; , . however,'-.Ksja'cially favor -She took a file of bills from the fl 3 Y g
est 1t% ,hose who sack escape from that this is a right -world where weall as she ended, and calmly pro eetered herself that; it would not shop by the big Profit Sntnsher still , the seeds. Rub this over inside and
trnth'diyine and truth human aro C'cded to enter there in the opep' be ling before the shop was again' clings to it, and people still swarm flat. with salt and leave for an hour
the li ..,r of tltinkiug.it out. to let. That ni • siert
'i'i highs furs of worship, in,P'rh re -does a man more tru[ b"r' before her. The big,coarse • the worse, and, x ith (the morning, ;on, the Althouch to do
cr twds dor not to drain. Have pjeady some onions
with. it• doubt the must sincere and y featured man stood in the doorway: g, g. q bailed and chopped with a little
cite •• .t, is that which seeks by the tic rship the whole of truth than as of the little glass -partitioned office, swe smiling and bright as usual.' now get something for nothing, they' sage, add to them pepper, salt, and
he clings to the fragment that is. {•Iris at her as if stunned. ;illicit site drew up the blind, how- are attracted by the certainty that a little butter, and fill up the halves
lith . we luso to find lila further b ' g! , of the marrow with the mixture.
in him. Nowhere does he trust lila For some months this good -look- icer, the smile died out of lice face, competition means cheapness.
infinite more sublimely than when' ms; girl had appealed to him as eon- :ln(1 for some minutes she stood' Every Saturday night you will ('lose up and tie over with tape.
he stands on this confidence that ine ells desirable for a wife. In staring. On the windows of the op -1 race Short and Long selling against. Butter a pie -dish, place the goose
the little light he has from heaven. looks and figure she was "just his' pr'site Shop a startling announce- each other in hammer -and -tongs upon it, and hako inn moderate
is better than all the dim lamps mark," as he phrased it. Business 'melt appeared:
style, and Doth do a roaring trade. (wen till it is browned and leader.
that other hands may fashion, and association had eonvinced hint that Th •-• two proprietors are apparent-, Serve with n little white sauce,
b that light he will walk his way. ` "5:111 G.IRROTT' Dripping cakes err very nice for
y K 3 she wes very wide awake. He had;
ly the keenest iofv rivals. !
HENRY F. COPT. known her father, and when, at the
The Big 1'rufit Smasher, But comparatively few are aware tea, especially when there is a need
old n1Rn'a death, he learned that Opens here next Saturday. ready that Short is Long.—London An -;elf saying cooking butter. Put the
dripping into a large basin and
_.__ _____f_________ 1 cover it with boiling water the day
{ before you wish to make sour cakes.
1 SURPLUS OF PRINCES.ITake the clarified ((ripping and
Fele, which loves truth so well it
ail not go a step without her,
which seeks to pierce through forms
of words and through the garments
of tradit.iuu in which time has wrap-
ped the word of life and discover
the writing of the infinite fur them-
The Ile -".tion of John the Baptist.
Hatt. I1. 1-19. Golden Text,
John i. 38.
1't•1 I. This verse. belongs not
. is h u 1 t. follows, hut with the pre -
he was engaged in this very kind of
work (compare Luke 7. 21).
5. The dead are raised up—Luke
/Paces these events directly after
the restoration of the 5041 of the
widow of Nein.
The poor have good tidings
preached to them --In the syna-
gogue at Nazareth Jesus ltad men-
tioned this as the first of his nrin-
istties as Messiah.
G. Blessed is he -Happiness lies
with these who let ne uncertainties
as to Christ's Kingship stand in
the way of fullest allegiance to
teethe.; • hapte• front which our les- hint
see r „ last. Sunday els taken. 7-11. Concerning John- The pies-
:, When ,Jelin heard in the pri- tion sent by John would no deuht
son Ite.sides being a fortress, it had set 'the tongues of the multitrde
Lett'i .1 as a palatial it»idence, first wagging. They would testy the ite,,,0)14sely. "I'll have you, for all
to Herod the (hent, then to the st mint and hardship of the prison %'our airs:" ; er.d rabbits showered out to lila marriage, though �Sundhuerg (Ices drain for fear or five hours, then
pre ent Herod, 1ntipns. The all- ;life had worn down his spirit. But She turned and (naked Tiiut up crowd in hundreds. They slruply no- venture to suggest it. *+111 and mix with sweet crnaln or
l+l'iently fere access of the disciples Jesus shows the injustices ,,f such. She
clown complacently• swarmed about the shop like flies, ling F:dwar(1 has three daughters ric l milk. Made into small, round
a• their leader indicates some in -I tht,ughts by recalling to them the' "I'll settle up with stt," she fip,hting te) get screed. \I} takings nn•1 one son. 'fhc ('zar, too, has patties, a bit of whipped cream on
duigenre in the tetrnn h's treat kind of elan they had gone out into said. "H'e'll try and do without dropped to dext to nothing. 1 three daughters and one son. But. t"r' of each patty and garnished
t'lc wilderness to see and hear. , you•'• wouldn't meet it. 1 had sense there are six imperial (',erntln grin- wit.i► parelry makes a do hetoits dash
Surely, he yeas no vacillating reed He struck the desk with Iris eat ugh to see that fighting on his ces and only one princess; and King f"^ a "luncheon."
shaken with the wind, then. As Blenched hand, upsetting the count lines meant rushing wilfully int" Gee.rge of Gree.., has the sono and Oysters and eittehron;ns - A quart
for cowardice, look for that ined piles of silver. • harkru pt.ey , and he's kept it tap,' one daughter. of host oysters, half a ran of mush
kings' houses (\(aehaerns, our ex
"Great Scott: I'll make you' with underselling, and sonic new, 1 remarkable fort is that the rooms, n heaping tablespoonful of
ample), but nut in him whowas gln'i to crawl to me s" he etirtl, dodge; ever since. It certainly prt.gl•n•v of the House 11
of ,heiizul butter, pepper, salt, and cracker
clothed in the rough raiment of purple fnc,.,) means shutting up the sloop f,,r ole, lest is persistently nolle; that of crumbs, a cupful of milk, one heat -
camel's (All's And, if you are "[%trrtV_e11C pounds ten,' she ie all\w'ay' ;elle: Relllam)ffs 1(x persistently re. en egg. i.ay 2i startum ti oysters
questiva asked in the true spirit of 1 que stiening as to whcthl'r John is, marked, as she felled her cheque• -f "What's his object?" cried 'Com ' mufe• ni n loitered bake dish, S(1150)11
the Hebrew prophets. Sunni' have worthy to be classed us a prophet, h,,,,l•• '•Kinkly receipt the state- the man's throwing his money The heeds of Euro wan states peeper and salt, sprinkle aith'•hu1,-
•ttributed it to the despair nater- remember that he is more then a rel nt 1 nwav recklessly. He knows how ),,• ,rev \nun,, \tiro Emperor- P' d nlllshreinln, cover wit 1 milk,
she lead determined to keep the old tci supply Fruit, Vegetables, lest:, savers.
sign up over the shop he had 4'071- Poultry, and Rabbits of the best.
I fide-ntly declared that she would I.%en;yborly who spends a bob gets
make good, and, 1n his capacity xs a rabbit free: Come in your
wholesaler, had not hesitated t0: thousands!" i , scrape. off any sediment. Place half
Itu�at Scions( ees Thicker Than a pound of flour in a haste, work
* * * I Prhncesaes. , int' it three ounces of dripping,
Toni hong walked from the bay-Swnc interclitinq vital statistics'
hale a pound of mashed potatoes,
window of the sitting -route al►oye,cunceruiug F;urupean rulers and lien ounces of sugar, and two ouh-
t.he shop to the side. of the little theirdescendants have been cam- tee of currants. a teas/imag-
who was bending forward in piled and published by a Swedish fat of baking -powder Addh and u pinch
a low chair and gazing fixedly at savant named Sundbuerg. oftsalt. Moisten with milk a oder-
the fire. His figures show that the muni-; a stiff dough and bake in a mucter-
`'It's a crying shame. Mary:** he her of imperial and royal person_ ata oven.
declared. "The fellow ought to be sig.'s has more than doubled in fifty ('ottage ('lee?c. In the winter
hanged! And I'd like to do it :" :years, increasing from 727 to 1,505. sour milk is not always to be had,
''Oh. he bas inc right enough:" Princes as a class have more as Milk will not thicken as quick -
she said bitterly. "There's no sot;a than daughters, the proper ly as in sarnrnrr. Buttermilk will
fighting that sort of thing. When t•(.n being 119 to 100; while itt the make just as Wile cheese. Put in a
he started that first Saturday 1 ordinary ranks 1)f lift lex; hays are jar sI t on back of souse to brat
Wryer thought he would keels it up.' bore. to every 100 girls. This may slrew•ly. 11'hen entirely separated
Everything he sold was under cost,' account for some of the nlorganati,• Pi"? off whey, tic in thin cloth to
trust her.
He had met her often, and with
each sleeting his resolve to make
her his wife had strengthened. So
far in his experience, what he ha4
i wanted he had generally got. !Ie
Iwas that kind of lean. No suspic-
; ion that she would refuse hire had
fu, a moment entered his mind.
Prosperous, able to place her in an
en% iable position, he had imagined
that he lead but to ask to be ac-
ccl.ted. Her scornful rejection bit
1411', his consciousness, and filled
h..•n with insensate fury.
' • You hussy !" he rapped out
ntent of John. His disciples proved
tbeir loyalty in many ways (com-
pare \lett- 9. 11 and \leek 6. 'lit)).
We can imnRine with what e•ager-
ne=s he week ed their tidings of the
universally di.eussed works of the
3. Art. thou he that cometh? -4
all. aches from the long impris- prophet. Not only did his prephe-
(mimeo. But this is to overlook tic teachings upproximal0 most
the heroic' ane:et in which the Bar- closely those of Jesus, but. he was
tist was east. Ilii difficulty was, the forerunner of Jesus. and his
not that he had formed :t4 hillier- beptizer.
feet c•encrption of the Messiah. Ile 'there bath not arisen n greater
wee not (Inc t.1 those wit • 1�,•+ked —Jesus did not overlook the Hittite -
ler regal splenti:'►s and conquests. tions of John, but, in saying he that
Hut he did look for the "ax" and is but little in the kingdom of 'tee-
the "fare" of the lefertuer (Matt.
a 10 and l:'1, awl the sacrificial
sets of the -Lamb of shod" (John
1: '1'}e• acts of whielt report u':rs
brought to hitt, on the other hand,
were perf,•rt, e'I at the height of the
p, polarity of iesus. and bare u')
'milks of a reformer ter a suffering
Messiah. Hie qu•'sti'vt, therefore,
was not rgtiitslt•11t, t" a denial. but
one of impatience. He wanted t•1
dare all uncertainties settled :1s tr,
ltrhrth •r his work hail t►(`cn for nee
thing. and they were to look for
entailer, nr whether this was :tette
ally the Messiah of elions the tort•
phels bad spoken.
1. ,1.''ns Answered Reit rence In
paha ge. like Ise. 3:). 5, and ill. 1,
canine.. anyone that, though
Jesus (Fid not hay directly, • l nor
the Messiah-' Jelin a mild be sate
Iffiest u ith the truly Mesei*nie char
atter et the works.
Provoked to 1111nd rage by her in- i you're placed. Ne knows you're a King Et ancis Jeeeph was tweets-- d•'tled with Irnttrr. 'l'hr sup Inyrr
difl•eteme, he leered in her face. Iwoman. Why should he want to fete he espoused Duchess laizabeth 'h..ulO br nmrist with hulk in which
"1•e,n hear I' he raved. "i'II bring ruin to you.(" of !lava ria. who was seventeen., Re egg has been beaten. Season
stake you glad to crawl to nue:" I "He wished to marry ate. and 1 King Edward. King (ieorge and with, pepper. salt, anti butter. Bake,
She proceeded calmly to fill in;' tent him packing,' she (•enfrssed• ; Emperor William n1l leek wines e'er'''. 111."."1 minutes, then
the cheque. When she looked up. "He threatned to tnake me glad to, when they weretwenie two, their lie's, n. Pass erste
the and lemon
he had goer. (crawl to Ilial. Now you knew." brides he:11g eineteerl, sixteen and "it•. It ltl '.el'►iIlt;.
"What a brute !" she said, smil-I Tont stared at her for some sec twenty • three rehpecti+else APPL
i e. "F'anc'. bring tied for lite te.unds as if dazed; then he slowly TluecefF:tnperor 11•illinn)'s 4ol)C,! .1111.E IdiS11ES.
the Cries ti Piinece Pti71'r Eitel and! .apple ( hlllney.--Twelve sour ap-
I'Iin(•r :luknstus N•i11 an,. hn'l 1'1,•...'411ni (I :'nine, three )Y'nper)
eCaI'( eiy- fettle• Of agi' s'he'll alai rlr,l• (el,e 11.1"11, 1.11e rllp of chopped ral-
F:tirepean rulers tin not re•leh a' tin'.. one pint of eater vinegar. one -
tete old age: their a'.er•ige tern: of half cup ++t'•urltult jelly, two sewn
It's to be dune: the beggar's get
wills ecce(( huskily. ''It's all right, life ie sixty-three yt:artr. 'Phare of sugar. the juice of fo:lr lemons.
An}"hon. But we've go 1e try 7441(1 1'1,14 111•%'1' been A ("ntetlarlal: 414g1)• 011e t.abt'•spe,nful enz'h gr
of ound
get level with (inrrttt. He mitten t etch nr ('%'en prince. ginger tad sn!t (level), one fourth
shut yoit top. I don't. quite see hew
teaspoores! cayenne. ('hop npp!r ,
'"'''f onion, old peppers (ery foie ; add
vim is greater than lie, he showed that :" l advanced. and put his hand gent -
that the greatness of Juhn belonged She placed the cheque with tale ly en her shoulder. When she
to an epoch of preparation, and stuteuu nt ut nu envelupr, and ad- locked up at hint he saw that her
lieut.,. outside the tcalized kingdu►Il dressed it. eyes were glistening.
of heaven. To br one of slight im ",1ohn :" she caller{ through the "That's all right, Mary''' • he
ltanct' in this kingdom Was to trait to one of her shopmrn..d .Jilstl, 1
exree 1 in great nes,. the greate't of go and pont this letter."
the 01,1 order. * * • • •
1.2. Thisls apes to "various inter- Along the whole length of the
prctat:un)'. It al74y mean that. not h,:sy, brilliantly lighted High
men who enteNain uncert:sintics Street nu patch showed brighter s" mtrh, he can nfTunf ti cheek Whets lace contains sire to be ylnegar and jell;�tanrrd Irlinsirernmrents•r
about his Mo.sia+hip, but Wien of than that where for folly years the ewes. The thing wants quit•tly washed baste :t narrow' strip of el,,, hen. ; a(Id hgdi
f•'reetui cons i'' 1i„n, whit) stern: the sign. ".1u1Iu Short. Fruiterer, thinking abort. Just go '+t, and tolt.1111 along levet outer edge. and ellet e•rok another haul. Stora as
gates of the kingdom like an army Po itteter end Fishmonger” had keep a brave fare. if there's a le- it remain until the washing and canned fruit. liclicions.
above w
he • leging a r'It►', 1111' the nuts \till(, II' : r lhsl1131+' 1 en thethe(1144 111 :1( to itch It. we'll f111(1 it. 11ry ing piect's' is enlnpheted, and Apple P11,I:tine. Pare and quar-
(r,.tn the days of John til•' lklptist, the will stocked shop. That eight '1'•)tn did quite ;a lett yea will 11(411 yoltr curtains straight te, coati k a11p1ea to cover % ole
Arai :sleetywill take it. When Santee? Garrett. in his of thinking. Eta hearseurn he puzzled x31.1 1hey ,vitt net sag. qr:e l.• — plotting pan (grease it with
I.;. Lake reverses the order of Wok rage. threw out hie threat to in vain ..but. unexpeetedly, an ----- butter tiro; 4..r any kiril of fruit,
ti eee tee \er5es (I.tlke 16. 10), and ter irte el lurking and business like Wets, whlrh suggested a pessibb' 1i tligll 'Oats are I/1111)041 in the but try the snobs.; first. Then take
teak)•s it den i hat Jest', means to lit 11' women who owned the shop chant •e ,of Ave rt1rlq the calamity, neto.r*' and you run short of there, en. tabl'•sp.wig cl •,1 better, en(• -
say that before .Juni] all was pro tl:•' High 51i'eel was :t yel,y (crow shot into his bran(. The hope it try this atternetivc . Take a wA[ half (.000 n1 whale sugar or
1711ey or the f:ingd'/1r7, 81111 .John pellets ;matter.!itemisedwas fall'1 rn.)ilgh. in all (•.l"tile, ce;er the tee, %illicit has' brown. nae half (•lpful of water,
ptenehed it a+ A present- reelily, no :It ta•s•nty-set en. Milry Solt troth, but before he slept be had been bitrteed Ivey!. with a thiol layer oar rueful of neer, ear egg (•'r two
lenge,ire he pr- 7)!letlell, but toe *,i hull waitlllg t{„• wird ,.f the re-oke1 ' lH11 tI to the test. of salt. 31,e. ll•,1%t euly the Week- 1: letter :f cheeped, 't'4• teanr%o•tll
Tilt tit intrs which %n 'et. and hear entered by %;;•fence. MOH Alio WO long 4111'' +e„rl her Nest meriting he was out betimes, et ed rend •.1 the 1% irk tesposecl. i,iclit fel of hakieg /mettles. Mix ail and
• 1 is to he rrnlernher(11 that three 11 This i, Elijah .h' IIs Iollowe(1 1, %c, And who, fur reamers which eaRrr, if m•'t (cry 4anguiuc.til(' candle. find if, ari11 give a fain' p•+sir o%rc the Apple,.arid bake. Use
broe• Il
k] epee Ie•e(e while the u: . \1a
pile'; of 1. I. 5, anti in seemed good Whitt(, alt/o.',1311ilo ("01 '1 The staid stook h le at art stc'i'l light e.!1 eight. nei., cream or whipped cceatu.