HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-04-14, Page 11
Spring is Here
and we are offering
Extra Special Lines in
House Furnishings
A Mighty Sale
Window Shades
Regular $1.25 Blinds for 85c
" 1.00 " 75e
„ 80c „ 65e
., 60c " 50c
Curtains Carpets
We have an exceptional line At prices which will defy corn -
of Curtains from 50c to $3.75. petition. Come and see them.
We are selling hats to make
room for other goods.
Regular $2.25 Hat
for $1.50
It you want a cheap hat, come
to us.
These are all nobby goods.
Wall Paper Linoleums
A new line just arrived at. the
right price and latest patterns. prices which will surprise yon.
The very latest patterns at
We are going out of this line and have a number of
Shovels, Forks, Axe Handles, Hinges, Hooks,
Etc., to Sell at Cost.
Paint, Varnish, Etc.
Highest Pt ete Paid for Produce.
rr•t .iI•■al cards.
Honor Graduate of Toronto t'nl-eraty.
OSeee:-Over Dicksor. a (arling'e Law Ott ee.
inter. Telephone No. '..
Closed Wednesday afternoons.
A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. a., D. D.11,.
SReaor graduate of Totosto Ueleeeser.
ono eat.octed without any pale, or say bsd erecta
Mei ever Oledmaa a 8tenbory's otace, Male street
1.1.• R 11111011T, M. D., M. C. F. t 81 iIONOR
Graduate of Toronto Velvereity, Two years
eseleb,nt ph�yel1ciao Royal Alsaaodra It ital, etc.
OSce sad Residence, to Amer' Old stand, Andrew
Street, ZIETLIt.
lJ of New York Pont t;ratuateCollege. .w ,*rr
to precti-e of Dr. A. F. Malloy, Exeter. Reaidentr
Lately oc.upied ty Dr. hallos, Andrew 8t. Mee -
Formerly the Elliot Law 0115.-e, opposite Central
Dtt. T. r. treLAL'oHtlx
dos reeumed prv,tlre after rpendlnf a year (Col -
lige) at British and Continental tlotpnata. General
ptactice w b ape !al attention to Eye, (with refrac-
tion) ler Nose and Throat.
tot e: Deshwood, Ont.
NM Notarise, Convvyan' ere, Ccmmiesloteere
Sellcit•n for Nelsons Bank. tee
■easy t• Leas at lowest rate! of Inures)
Oakes, Main stmt, Exeter,
S. Oa USA. B.A.,
L. B. lentsos
Ws lave a lame amount et pr!. ►te fund, to spas
Aram and relege propertie, at low rates of *We
Ian f.ten, tloliciton,Mals K., Rioter Os
v B. S. PHILLIPS, REs1 11
�L4c•aaN Aetc tI•a t.
!.ki.ttend.d 1..11 parte. Patbtactioa jsaras•
taNers•p.l. TermwIIs reasonabe �'sAll
orA�tnw left
es Ma
Asset Confederation Life Assurance
Company. also Fire Insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -8t.. limiter.
WM. ANDERSON. l.i,. *ed Aettloneer
ter /furor, Ceur.ty. Terms reasonable.
Dates ran be made at Ite Advo -ate;
taster. or henry Vltber's Office, Cred-
Cedar Posts for Sale
We Lave tee tlneat quality of Cedar
Post et moderato -prices.
0. E. HiCKS,
I•'rorn selected Barred hocks. Male
birds Model Farm breed. $3.25 per
100 o: enc. a setting. Also pen of Mod-
el Fenn Barred Rock Piens, specially
bred to lay, $1.00 per setting. Will In-
cubate eggs for you at a reagionable
price. Itaby t nicks for sale after the
20th of April. Two Brooders and some
Barrel hock nl a1ce for sale. A call sol-
itltei. Orders taken now. -WILLIAM A
Cottage and three lots In Exeter. being
Intl. NO.. 55. 56, and 57, on the South
side o' Sieve* Street. On this property
is a frame cottage (brick foundatlon)con
tali.e.g five rooms and a good cellar.
Mao a good well and a large stable.
Good garden and fruit trees. The pro-
perty 1s to be sold to wird up the estate
-Apply to GL\DttAN h ST.1NBUi3Y.
Barristers. Ezetcr. Ontario.
Teat choice farm. being part Let IR
a7 -.d 19. Con. 1, Town.' it: of Usberee,
''.e Village of Exeter. coetatning 100
a, res. On We property there is an
up-to-date brick dwelling with all cott-
vet fences : large bank barite, with water
in stables, silo. drive house, ice house,
and all kinds of fruit : 6.1 acres In hay
and grass, 6 acres fall w.teat. talar.
rt: wet amt fall. Property in a hlgn
state of cultivation and well adapted
for a man doing a dairy butanes* or
general farming.
Exeter, or T. CAMERON. .\uctlo:ser of
NOTICE is hereby given that the part-
nereeip here'ofore •ubeistirg between
the undersigned AP General Merchants
under tilt- nano'. style and firm of (lar-
llr.g Bros. In the Village of Exeter In
the County of Huron. ata• thew day been
dtmsotved by mutual consent. The busl-
t.ese will be carried on at t, -,e sante
•tard by William J. Carling.
Dated at Raster thew 4th day of April.
A. D. 1010..
it. Dickson
One of t!.e finest farms In reborn,
Apply to SANDERS 1 CREiACH, Ureter Winclie-Level.
Local Items
Tile season 18 approaehlttg when
You will need your horsebllls.
THE ADVOCATE Is again this
year in the bast position to give
you the best of service. Our cute
are the best. We print you cards
with taste and despatch, and at a
very reasonable figure, besides
giving those who get their cards
1.ere a two -weeks' i.otic•e of the
route in the ADVOCATE (largest
circulation in the district) Free
of charge, which le itself 1s worth
more than the whole price of the
R al'er Roes. the slayer of Percy Park
1118on, the Usborne young --tan who alias
killed on De:. 9th last ,n a shack near
Ramore, New Ontario, was placed on
trial for his life at North Bay last
week and convicted of murder.
Constable Rowell took the witness
stand and told o= the story that Ross
told him when arrested.
The men had a quarrel over some triv-
ial affair, and, according to the pris-
oner, Parkinson had threatened to kill
11039 said that he took his rifle and
m -ot at Parkinson.
The constable swore that Parkinson
had a wound In its right car, and that
the bullet which caused the wound was
found embedded In the wall of the shan-
ty about two feet from the g!•ourtd
welch, in his opinion, would go to
show that the dead man had been. lying
down when he was shot at. When last
eeen Parkinson had $75 on him. and
when the body was found his pockets
were empty.
On Dec. Oth Ross went to the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Richards, near by, and
despite the protests of Mrs. Richards
stayed at the house all night, and in
the moieties paid Mrs. Richards j):10
back board that he owed, and gave the
children $2.
I'ractically no defence was put an and
the Jury declared Ross guilty of mur-
der, the judge naming May 20 as the
tate o71.13 els.ut o:, A plea of insanity
tuts since been made and doctors will
eznnl:ne him.
A dog belonging to Mr. Samuel Brock
developed rabies last week and on Sat-
urday became violent and threatened ser-
ious results. elr. Brock had noticed for
some days that the dog was acting
strangely, and fearing It might be mad
he shut it up in the barn. It remained
in the barn until Saturday, when in
some way it got out through the loft.
It then went to the field where the men
were engaged In building a fence. They
noticed that the dog had torp off its
Muzzle and one eye was missing, It hav-
ing apparently clawed it out. One man
struck it with a handspike but the brute
was not ntuch Injured and started off
on the run. with the men In pursuit.
They followed It for about two miles
when it got out of sight. and at last
accounts was still at large. ,going to a
westerly direction.
Of 2:17,,690 homesteads entered in
Canada during the past ten years. 44.91
per cent. were by Americans.
\tr. W. J. }Retinae has just received
a stork of Wood -Lac Stain from the
nanu(artuners. The quality of this
stain is the highest that se iehre and
human skill have ever produced ; For
,floors, furniture and woodwork it has
no equal.
Tile flee weather brings to mind the
question, -Where shall 1 go Lor a
holiday or perhaps .a "wedding trip",
and as it le necessary In order to se-
cure comfortable accommodation to en-
gage rooms In advance, you are rccont-
mende! to stake application to Grand
Tt-unk Agents. or address J. D. Mc-
Donald. D. 1'. A.. G. T. sty., Torpntto.
Tenders will b^ received by the under-
signed for the erection of 4 rement
brldge.-1 on Delancy's sideroad, 10 ft ;
1 on Clandeboye slderoad, 10 ft; 1 00
24!h eon.. 1n ft ; and 1 on 20th con.
14 ft. Tenders to state a price per
. ub(c yard. Specifications may be
seen at the residence of the Township
(:1eric. Tenders to be opened at Town
Hall. West McGillivray, on Mot.day.May
2nd. 'at 7 o'clock. p.m. Tho lowoat or
any Reeler not necessarily accepted.
J. D. DRUMMOND. Tp Clerk
see ueel y. April 1n-11o'r, Property In
lenuc1 Id. oet,ed by Wm. })Iron. Sale
at 2 o'clock. B. 5. Phillips. auct.
A etch:: aed a half frai n" !.nuse,con-
tatnieg :eve.t rooms at,d surxnrr kft-
cttet hrt: k foundation, good well of
.pri:.g water. one-quarter acre of
Land . situate on the south side of Hu -
roe street east. Apply to S. SANDERS
Telegraph Office, Exeter.
The undersiened 1s offering for sale
that desirable Village property. being
tot• 13, 14. 15, corner of William and
WA'erloo etre-tn. Ttere is on the ;trent-
lora a splendid
stable and other
number of choice
e•rty 1s filet -c
to welt sl
a VA... t
brick house, *;nail
cenvenir,.ces : also a
fry t trees. The prop -
every rcepeet and
tw sold reesor.-
e e.
. Exeter P. O.
1 Mr. Wm. Fraser has accepted a pos-
ition with the Ross -Taylor Co.
Her many friends will regret to hear
that Mee. Jos. Sutton la still very 111.
Dr. Kinsman alai Dr. Roulston, Dost-,
:;ti, dea:re to again announce to the
pubes that their offices are closed ev-
e-•• Wednesday afternoon.
T -ie delivery horse of elevates. Wil-
son Bros. •made a dash f.ar liberty
went- left standlig ih front of the store
oil Tuesday afternoon last, but fortun-
ately for the owners It was captured
to ante to avoid damage.
The death occurred In London Monday
of Mrs. Jas. A. Thomas, ,piece of Mr.
David M'll of Exeter, In her 55th; year.
\1: a. Tho71113 tits beets a frequent vis-
itor In Exeter and will be sincerely re -
tel by all who had made her ac--
qu-.int tire.
The lima*. North \Vester(t_and Went-.
c -ti lepton Tel -graph Companies have
made A decided change In their night
nteasage rate. Fifty words may naw be
Rent for 25:., the old rate hang 25
word. for 25c. -,or a cent a word. Mes-
sages to the United States will be at
the .sante ratio.
Mr. Jas. Sweet, Jr., an employe in the
Advo -ate. Office, eve with a painful ac-
cident on Tuesday afternoon last. Ile
was engage 1 1 t running a Gordon Pres*
and In some manner got hos hand
caught etetwe:tt the platten and the feed
table, with the result that the second
fon ,er on the right hand was broken
just above the nail, and the third fin -
ler was badly bruised. Unfortunately
it will be some time before he will have
t'tc use of the injured hand again.
Ml99 Luekham, who has been visiting
Mrs. W. S. Ilowey for two weeks, re-
turned to her how a t Arnherstburg on
Monday. Niles Luckham Is a clever
musician and presides at the orgna In
Main street ceurch Sunday evening, to
the delight of the co:igregat[on. Mr.
Wilbur James of St. Marys, who was
also a guest at the hong of Mr, and
Mrs. Howey, sang a touch appreciated
solo at the evening service.
Last week Mr. L 11. Dickson was in
Thanes teord and Thorndate as solicitor
for etre R S Lang, who was defendant
In caves brought on by the inspector of
true, the charges bang that his pack-
eee t:ad falsely m orked ceetaln barrels
o- applta stepped last fall. Decision
has been given since against Mr. Lang
the fete being $10 and costs. Mr. Lang
hag appealer the cases. Several more
caeca are to b. Wel 1:t West: -re Ontatlo
oae being an Exeter on the 22nd.
FOR MALE -:n goof conditlor -just the
miter for a student at' any else wait
Ing a bargain. Apply a'. Advocate Office
morning last three horses belonging to
Mr. henry ltowe, London (toad south,
while lett standing near his home at-
tached to a cultivator, ran away. Get-
ting on the road they started towards
town at a breakneck speed. They had
not proreeiled far before overtaking Mr.
John Bowden, who spied them just In
time to turn out and thus savo himself
and rig. Proceeding with unabated fury
they overtook Mr. John Essery, who
was driving to town, but who was not
so fortunate as Mr. Bowden in seeing
them coming, the top of his rig ob-
structing his view. consequently the
runaway team collided with his buggy
and he was hurled Into the air. At this
pol:,t one of the horses fell, thus- bring -
leg the others to a sudden stop and
averting further trouble. Fortunately
Mr. E.etry cecaped with only a few
slight bruises. but it is only miracul-
ous how he escaped with his life. The
buggy was •Ilgittly damaged, but oth-
crwlw• little damage was done or In-
jury suatalned.
Cleo. Chapman will be at the Central
ilutel, Exeter, oft Wednesday, April 2u.
at 12 o'clock, with a carload of calves
for sale.
A board meeting was held an the Town
Hall at A p.m. on April 11, with all the
members present. The following 1e the
order of business duly submitted and
approved, -Per chair, minutes of prev-
iews meeting. iteports of Committees, -
Teachers' Supply, Work divided in the
Primary Class by the addition of Miss
W. Howard to the staff and the division
of the primary roost. Per principal. Im-
prove! conditions noticable In the prim-
ary department with the division of the
work. Miss Robb expected to return to
duty Tuesday. April 12th. Per 11. Hus-
tonthe board's delegate to the Educa-
tional Association, Toronto. the drift of
oiucatlonal thought towards extended In-
dustrial training. the change of (he com
pulsory attendance act to an age limit
of fifteen or sixteen, the urgent need of
rural trusters' conventions, the wide
aliference In the cost of public school
education and High School and Univer-
sity work. and the need of a Larger
proportion being spent on Public school
work as illustrated by the cost of 1)1.75
for Public school work to 40 to 60
dotter/ for High school and University
training. teachers' contracts to be
made unvoidable except at the end of a
farm. and the lessening of bomewlork.
Per R. Martin and F. W. Madman that
the extended report submitted by our
dee-late be gratefully adopted and hist
expenses in connection therewith paid.
Per S. Martin and T. 11. Cmllrtg-That
Ii. Huston and F. W. Madman bet a
committer to confer wit', the council
In reference to a re -adjustment of the
Iloard's flnaecial position with the 911-
►a;e, with any ogre:me t arrived at to
be reported back to the Board for con-
sideration and . dorsenten+t before tak-
ing effort. Per F. Wood a,td S. Martin
-Thi' the iimltei woe of the school
campus tw given to the Exeter Football
Club (Dr. Reuleton representa'Ive) for
prartlee until further notice. i'er T. H.
r!trlirg. *djournntent.
J. Grigg, Sec.
Tile old-time darktes are without a
doubt among the moat superstitious
people that inhabit the earth.
Brush is the mule owner and proprle-
e'or of a ntlsterious mustache that Is
t'a envy of the :nage-tan at least, and
creates no little continent from people
on the street, and on this occasion was
,attr:'cthne Its usual attention.
It was a Saturday afternoon in Mie-
sls3lpp'. The negro cotton raisers had
came to town with big bales of cotton
to market. The streets were crowded
with blacks, mules. oxen, two -wheeled
carts, little old wagons, and occasion-
ally a white cotton buyer. Brush was
out tektite a little walk and teeing a
nice sample of white fluffy cotton on
the ground near by picked it up and
Started to pullitex it as Is the habit
with the buyers to sac the length of
the fibre and quant;; of the product.
All at once Brush stood still with sur -
prints and pulled front the cotton a
twenty dollar gold piece.. }le was care-
ful to hold it .3 It would glisten, being
conscious that a half hundred black
coag werir turned his way. He tucked
the coin in a .safe place. and went on his
way. On the return he was reminded
of the cothcideet by the pointing of fin-
gers, the whispered conversation and
wild looks turned his way. Sonne of
their eyee fairly ran out on vines. He
reacted over to one darky and pulled
from his tattered coat a dollar, from
another a half and so on around un-
ta' he had more money than he cared
to be bothered with and so stated. He
took eels alter coin and threw them
hither and thither. He overheard one
half-oc.'rted--to-death negro say if 1*
throws one into my clothes I will run:
Some moments Brush let one drive his
way and then said. "I guess 1 had bet-
ter keep that coin." and made a rush
for qtr. Darkey, but he might as well
have tried to catch a scared deer. That
darkey just took to the middle of the
road and made for his country home.
Brush never learned whether he found
the coin or not during a protracted
search among has old clothes atter un-
lressing at home, but it Is pretty cer-
tain he did not. One old darkey In tate
crowd was heard to say, "Alt woodn't
let that mane touch dos nigger. He is
too crafty; he would spoil me and ala
'as got to put In a crop next yeah,
-*huh." in the Exeter Opera House on
April 16th.
It has just been announced that the
entrance examinations will be held a
week earlier this year titan previously.
According to advices she dates set are
June 22, 23, and 24. Pupils desiring
to write will apply to the Inspector be-
fore May 1st.
Mr. and Mee. Geo. Nielson spent
Sunday the gums of Mr. John \\'tate
ford hear Granton. -Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Gunning spent Sunday the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. John Foster. -Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Hodgson and sou Willie
spent Sundry the guests of her sister
etre. James Cottrill of Elimville.-The
W. M. S. held their annual meeting at
the church which resulted In the re-elec-
tion of the 'tfllcero, viz. -Pres., Mrs.
John Hodgson; vice. Mrs. A. Gunning
cor.-3ec., Miss Bessie Morley ; rec.-sec.,
`Mira. F. Gunning.: treas.. Mrs. J. V.
,Wilson. Arrangements have been made
for the coiventeen to b3 'held here on
May 5th when a splendid day of miss-
ionary work le anticipated by all.
Most of the Farmers its this neigitbor-
hood are through with their spring
ieel1113.-Fall wheat and young clover
'lave wintered in excellent rondition.-
\t:. F'ros Williams has moved to Grand
!teed. -The \losses Sherritt were visit-
ing their sister Mrs. Archie Webb of
tate A. 13. Line on Saturday last, -Miss
Etta. Beaterd, wl.o has •pont the winter
In London, returned home one day last
wdek.-MIrs. Thos. Faille is on the
sick list. Inflammatory rheumatism Is
the cause. -?1r. and Mfrs. Tom Love
spent Sunday evening with friends in
I3zatwster.-Mies Lottie Wein spent a
few days last week with her friend Su -
ale Dtsjardine of the A. 13. Line.
llorlon-Cudnvere-In Exeter on April
12th, Mr. Harry W. Horton, son of
\Vnt. Horton of Hurundale, to Mises
Lulu M., daughter of Mrs. Wnt. Cud
more, Main street. Exeter
Dearing-Steyer-At Dashwood, on April
6th, Fred Dearing of Itensall to Mies
Christina Weyer of Dashwood.
Albou-Box-In Toledo, Ohio, on April 7,
by Rev. Howey, Ilarry B. Albon, to
Mlee Iva M., eldest daughter of Al-
bert Box, formerly of Exeter. -alt of
A'rmitage.-In Chicago, on April 2nd
Agnes Reid, widow of the late George
Armitage, aged 34 years, formerly of
Bch concession of McGillivray.
Worden.-At Staffa, on April 3rd,
Elizabeth ;Moffatt, relict of the late
\Vnt. Worden.
leading. -In McGillivray, on April 4th
Wnt. J. Kadin,, infant eon of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Kading, of 7th Con.
M^Eachen.-At the House oe Refuge, out
March 31st, Angus elcEachen, of Tuck
eisinith, aged 91 years.
Men ! Do You Care i
If you don't -take anything in
the way of clothes that hap-
pens to be offered to you
But it' you want smart clothes,
clothes that radiate style, that are
dominated by the :game spirit and
life that keeps you young, resolve
now to weal' our clothes.
They represent the new idea in clothes' making
clothes to suit you, they become you, do you justice, are
worthy of you, make you feel it's good to be alive -(NO
NEW TINS, SHIRTS, HATS, SHOES. Everything for the Man!
Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER
Cleveland Coiled Wire and Barb Wire
Ideal Fencing -6, 7, 8 and 9 Wires
Everything For Fencing
Ouality and Amatite Roofng_at $2.50 a Square
Screen Wire and Poultry Netting -All Sizes
Step Ladders at $1.08, $1.45 and $1.75
Curtain Stretchers at $ 1.00
Shovels, Rakes and Hoes
Dusty Friday no more if you use DUSTBANE
in 35c. Packages; Also in Barrels.