Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-31, Page 8A
with _ lf__ _ _1 I LOCALLOCAL DOINGS
ir3=�' Earl Blackwood tato gore t0 Sombre CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY
ivir�3. Miss Olive Jones 1s visiting in Brant- I FIFTE� rAB[ ss
and a ratan with an ill•fitting
bait of clothes are in the satne boat -
Both Ha ilc d !
If you are a man with clothe. troubles
have TAMAN diagnose your case. Ile
quite likely will prescribe A SUIT OF
ular price.
Ile docs tot send hilt goods to out-
of-town (belling manufacturers to be
THROWN together and Palmed off on
you for o CUSTOM MADE SUIT, but
maks the sults 1.1 lila own custom work
shop insuring you a PERFECT a IT and
— - -.w•
Merchant Tailor,
3xeter, Ontario
Mims Locals -- And Thom
In Black, Grey, Brown, anti Neu'
Blue. Set the New Diagonal Serge.
Just the thing for your new suit. Stew-
A farm hand wanted at once. Apply
at this office.
A look wisl convince you that we have
the bat assortment of Dinner Sets in
town. 7:75, 10.00, 12.50, 16.00, $20.
Two medium sized, comfortable houbes
for sale. Apply at this office.
Howey's Drug Store for Formalde-
hyde, Blue Stone. Chloride of Lime, Ly-
sol Phenyl, Zenoleum. and all the pop-
ular disinfectants.
Ladies' Rain Coats—just the thing
for Spring wear. New motor styles.
New fawn and green shades. Price $10
at Stewart's.
11ow'cy'e D:ug Store for spring tomos
Something new in Underskirts "Raga!
Taffeta—wear guaranteed." Looks like
silk, but wears Letter. See then, at Stew-
art's. 2.60, 2.76, 3.25.
Leave your order early for !tot -Cross
Buns at Stathant's.
3f11.1.iNF.Ii I'. 11'e i►iritr' yeti to see
cur Spring 31illinery. We have every-
thing Mat is newest and best in 11.4 world
rf fashio►l. .1t Sit1( I
Oe. Ovens coalss.
Dr. Ovens, Iw•udon, Eye and Ear
Surgeon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel, Exeter, F etnrday, April 2nd,
all day. Glasses properly fitted and
diseases of Eye, I':al• and Nobe treated.
Al 1'RENTI('E \ANTER. --A' On:c to
tear:, I.artr:,I:,'.-\V. I). BURKE.
I'ern:.fl cr Fotm.tldehyde for ,,mut
on all kinds of grain sold at llowey's
Drus Story.
MiSS LEWIS. Fetter.
Albert Poott., son of ticnrral IJooth
will be 1n James Street church 3rd o1
May. and give his far nous lecture, "The
Early Mistletoe" Watch for particu-
Wall Paper—.ill the newest ideas
arta! designs art shown. We have them
to suit any room. .41 Stewart's. be,
8r, 10e, 124c, 15e, '20e, 25e.
JAMES -ST METHODIST CHURCHRcv. ilicr,ard 1 !ebbe, Pastor
Sunday Public Worship -10.30 and 7.
Class Set vice -9.:10 a.:n.and after Merl,
Ing Service and Wednesday nie;t,t.
Young Mr re's Class and Catechumens -
Sunday at Y p. m.
Sunday School arid 1;ib;e Classes-
Epwor'0 League -Tac eday 8 p. m.
Prays' Meet Ing -Thur sday 8 p. m
April 3rd -The pastor will preach et
boli morninl a'.d evening servlet,.
T40 Sftop for deo
We have the finest lines of
Fancy Suitings
We are tilled up with the new -
vet and best goods for the tusk-
ing of clothing, and we do the
making in the beet of style.
Morellos, Tnllmr• easter
. as
.���,�� a. to work.
}logs are 9.67. tole wr::k.
Do ::ot sell your brood sows—!.acs
:11 be a good price for months yet.
It 1e up to you to cicala up yowl back-
yard now that spring has opened up.
Rev. Mr Morden will preach at pre-
paratory service .n Ctvcn Presbyterian
'-arch un Friday evening.
won ., $2 ta- u:; du;a and $3 ort
bitches there should be a weeding out
of the useless rare this year.
Mrs. Thus. Livingstone ot near Sea -
:Ore'. was the guest of Nir. and Mrs.
F u.. YeJ!a•a• at Mount Pleasant Cot-
Mre. Wm. Dearing, who has been re-
siding on Main street, has moved to
ter house on Elizabeth street. vacated
by Mr. Richard Remmer.
Mr. Chas. Disney of Stephen is cor,-
:ONO to his home through iItt eee,fronl
a general breaking up of the system.
He 1e 9.' years of age.
Elsewt:ere appears a communication
from Fair Play" who apparently be-
iieve3 ti.at ]Rev. Mr. Hobbs should go
after the seller of tobacco) as well as
t'..c user.
-Well. what did you think of the
Concert Leat :,ight't Was it not spiC -
did7" This will be heard on Saturday
April 9th, by all that attended the
Good Friday was a quiet one in town
ceoept for the noise of th- shooting on
the Gun Club grounds. Mary people en-
tertained relatives and friends, while
otters went away for a visit.
In London last week Judge Elliott
gave a decision in a case that a cot-
ton tall Is a rabbit and not a hare. Ac-
cording to this decision the law for
care deco not apply to r: tion -tail.
The Women's Mlseiortary Society of
James street church gave a pleasant en-
tertainment in the church on Monday
night wheat an excellent program was
rendered and a tea served.
Mr. John Walper of Exeter North has
taken over the Exeter -Mitchell mail
route f i um \'r. D. Gibb. John le a
steady and reliable young man and
st ould make a succors of the business.
A farmer is row reckoned as rich of
poor acc.ndin o) the number of hugs
he has for sale. One man sold a batch
the other day and received enough cash
to pay a year's rent of a 700 acre farm
Sr arc your tickets as early as pos-
sible. The plan can be seen at A. Mar -
,\hand's Jewellery store. A large num-
ber of persons have signified their in-
tention of taking seats and the t]omtnit-
tee anticipate a successful affair.
Mr. Eli Snell this wc_k purchased
'rote the Isaac Carling Estate the 30
acres of la.:d west of .Carling street
betwe'n !lures and Sanders streets.
Part of this land has been used as a
recreation park for many years, and
it will be learned with regret that Mr.
8:.f it iutcnds breaking it up for :':is
year at least.
It is not very safe to sae much about
the weather, as a great r hangs nuty Colo
place between the time of writing and
when we go to press. but we venture
to say that no aurti spring as this has
teen known 111 this district for many a
aur. We are not yet out of Marcia
but we have already had about ten days
of ideal weather -Waren. bright and
r' cerful.
Trac Second Degree Team of the Exe-
ter Lodge of Oddfellows went to Sea -
forth on Good Friday and took part 1n
the Lodge of Instruction. when a most
pleasant and profitable day was spent.
Ten rar,dldates were made arquainttd
with the mysteries of the four degrees
the work hem: exemplified as follows.
-Initiation. by Clinton: First. by God-
erir h : Second, by Exeter and Third by
Reaforth. The work was well put en
by each of the teams.
Exeter had a little dog scare or. Sat
urday. An unn,uezkd cur was lylr,g co:
the side of one of the streets, bleeding
at the mouth, and Ctle1 Bissett was
notified. The chief has been carrying
his revolver ot late for just such a Job.
but had no occasion to use It before,
and on attempting to s`,00t the dog he
was surprised to find the revolver would
not go off. ile then wont to procure a
gust and the dog now starting off, he
gave chase but the brute was too fast,
and atter a couple of miles tramp he
returned without his dogshlp. We utt-
at11 1011 aYttls 5 t3 7)14) a'tt pllsls.tap
revolver In shape. and ham been pract-
ising in the back yard. however. Mr.
Iliseett, who doesn't mind telling a yoke
on himself• says from the result of hie
practice most doge would be salt at
twenty yards. se it took to, shots to
'.it a mot* the size of a dog twice.
MOTHER DEAF;. -On Saturday. Mar.
19th. Mrs. Sillcry, one of the pioneer
citizens of Staffa, answered the (all of
dealt,. Though for sottetlntr• the sun of
f life had Ixyn gradually looping to-
wards the horizon. her demise was un-
'Npretrd. tier husband predeceased her
several years. She wan always a ron-
siete:It member of the Anglican church
'•.''enrc the It.'erment took place Tutr-
day. She leaves to mourn t,cr death, t
dtu'htcre. Mrs. Robert Sadler. \arm.
\Milian Sadler, Mrs. Joh:' Livl ngetone
Mrs. David 11111. Statfa. Mrs. David
P:u r. Moe. Itottelt ifoggar'h. Cromarty
etre. Gen. Kydd of Winnipeg. and Mrs.
waiter White, Ilarnlota. and two sons,
ttobrrt of Usborne and Richard on the
Traere died •1 St. Joseph hospital. Lon
don. on Mart h _'.th. Elizabeth Jane 1till
/skived wife of Thos. 11. Reavely of
Barnes'. A rad feature connected wil`,
t'e death of Mrs iteavely Is that ;ser
husband now lies In (Tatham Hospital
with pneumonia •nd could not be told
of the sad death of tole wlf,. Mrs. Reeve
Iy was sick only a short time and her
drat.. can a• • great •hock to the
whole community. She leave* t0 mourn
ter loss a husband and two little
girls. one aged els years and a baby
one (ley old: aloe) two 'lettere, Mrs. D.
%booting. Vancouver. B. C.. aed Mr*.
T. Weed. Flirt. Mich.: and five broth -
ere -W111 of Stitt•villc, Mich.. Richard
et Stephen . Thos. of Huse City. Mich.;
Frank tool Ernie of Port Huron. The
funeral was held on Sunday tart from
tee reetd'•nre of her brn'',tr. lticha'd.
Interment ;rig Otter 10 the FalrtteId
cee.tet'ry sect wa• argely attended.
err. Geo. \Ve_kee returned to
York on Monday.
Mr R. E. Pickard a:,d run left last
week for the We et.
Miss !retie Handford of Whitby tbl-
teee fe ho'n-- for the holidays.
Erast Taylor of London Is home,
M:':- some.vr..t under the weather.
Mr. J. J. White returned Friday from
Parry Sound. where he spent the past
Mrs. W. Goodrson arid son Jack of
Sarnia are visiting at the home of
\ire. D. Johns.
Mr. H. T. Phillips of Ravenswood
sle.:t a few da.a of this week visiting
his parent's here.
Mr. \Vnl. H. Jo:res and family left on
Saturday for Regina. Sask., to make
their future home.
Mr and Mee. Richard Renuner and
Mr. and Mrs. Itenr ie left on Tuesday
for the West to reside. •
Mlseee Martha and \t"lunle Carling of
Brantford are visiting their parents.
\1r. a::d Mrs. T. 13. Carling.
Mies Victoria Miners and Mise Win-
ona Howard, students at the Condor.
Normal. are home for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eaeterbrooke
left here Thursday last for Galetta,
where they intend making their future
Mr. and Mrs. Henry John Kestle and
Mr. and Mrs. Hat -ley Sanders returned
Monday evening from their visit of sev-
eral weeks in Kalamazoo, Mich.
Mr. Geo. Holman of Egmondville Is
convalescing nicely from his recent
!;hese and visited relatives here 'hie
week. Mrs. Batman was also here.
Mrs. 11. 8. Edwards or Sarnia re-
turned home Wednesday morning g after
spending the Easter vacation at Mr. E.
Jory's. Miss Laura Jory accompanied
h. -r.
The teachers are holidaying this week.
-Niles Johnston at her home in Tor-
onto, Mise Sleeth and Mies Robb at
Seaforth and Miss Pennock at Wing -
Mrs. Will Amy of Burford, accom-
partied by Mrs. Bert Amy of Brantford
spa nt the Easter holidays at the home
of the fornter's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
E. Jory.
-- —
The Concert announced last
week, under the: auspices of the
Triv;tt ?Ocelot nal Church promises
to be the moat artistic perform-
eracc Civea 111 Esc ter for mono
MIs, Jardine Thomson In her
original program of Old Folk
Sone, and Early Pictorial Songs.
rerde:rd ire the quaint coatunte of
their age, will prove a setons; at-
This talented musician has ap-
peared with some of the leading
singers of the world, including
Watkin Mille o:, hie las' Canadl-
art tour.
Mr. Walter Gordon Craig ap-
peared In Goderich a short time
ago and the expressions of .op-
prcciation were genera). Sc.
what Toronto paters say of Lis
Miss Thorpaoir and Mr. Craig
in thclr joint recital in Exeter
Opera (louse Friday, April P.t!
Miss May Jewell sperm Easter with
I lc:.call friends.
Mrs. McGillicuddy spent the holidays
i:, West Lorne.
Mrs. Halloway or i'eterboro holiday-
ed with relatives mere.
N1r. 1'. ilawden atteedcd the content
demonstration In London Wednesday.
The spe+ ial music furnished by the
James stre't choir on Easter Sunday
was much appreciated.
The great wed factory of D. M. Fury
& Co. of Windsor was destroyed by
fire on Goad Friday.
Mr. W. D. Burke last week purchased
Mr. A. Pentpraee's share in their bur-
bering business and took possession on
Monday. Mr Pemprasc tote some in-
tention of going west.
Reeve William Bowden arrived home
Good Friday from England end Scot-
land. having had an enjoyable trip.
Ile and Mi. Mossop of St. Marys pur-
chased five fine entire horses which
were brought to St. Marys.
Mr. Thee. Johne ham moved Into the
house on Gidlry Street vacated by Mr.
Sidney Sanders, who has moved Into
his own house 0.1 Huron street, while
\irs. Hidden hat. moved Into'tte house
she purr based from Mr. W. 11. Jor:er.
Tne ('onunitte of the Concert to he gtv
err under auspices of the Trivitt Mem-
orial Church have Incurred a groat cz-
per.sc In securing the ecrvlres of MtRR
Jardine -Thomson and Mr. Craig and
the following is the price of Tickets -Re-
move.' •rate Otto. others f:rr. and
In the hurry to make the change Isom
the Bruce train to the Sarnia train at
Lucan Crossing one day last week an
old lady. Mrs. Moore. whose destina-
tion was Flint. Mich.. did rot heti e
the steps and attempted to climb the
abutment, with the result that she fall
and injured herself severely.
Mr. Thos. Oke. formerly of Eseter.
has taken over the hotel Cee 11 In Lon-
don. situate o:, Clarence street. roar the
G. T. it depot. Mr. Oke Is well-known
111 this district as a most popular and
obliging hest and visitors in the rite
will consult their own Interests by be-
coming guests at this popular hostelry.
in another column appears the adver-
tisement of Mr. C. Weller. late of Chl-
(aen, who has taken up the work of
Plane and Organ tuning and repairing.
}1e has mode this line his life work
and au•ty arrd ie thoroughly reliable
1n every way. Anything entrusted to
his care will rtcrtve his prompt •nd
beet attention. See the ad.
A dog brlonging to Sant'l Cud'nort.
t'rberne, writ mad on Tuesday morn-
ing •nd was Immediately shot. The dog
Paid twill acting rather strangely for a
couple of day* or more. •nd thea more -
leg was stot. with trio rabies. Tots Is
the firer rase In this neighborhood.
Other dog• of similar actions ere briteg
closely watched. It le thout;tnt the hot
wtattcr of the last few days, to:et'rct
with the does bring ri uzzt,d. • e' c: abl-
er,r form to ge • suffir•nt supply of
eater, ie the r.ou,' of the care.
Potatoes. per hag
Hay. per ton 13 00
Flour. per ewt.. fastrily
Flour. low grade gel cw 1 Set
e hogs. per ewe
Short► per too
Bran per ton
1 06
2 90
9 e6
24 00
23 00
alar storm period extends from the 2nd
to the 6th of April. It will trim: in by
rising temperature. falling barometer
and growing cloudir:ess over western
stions by the grad and 3rd, and during
the 4th to 6t1 these conditions will pass
eastward attended by storms of rain,
hail and wired. In northern parts late
snow squalls and heavy elect will be
natural and probable. A reactionary
storm period la central on the 8th, 9th
and loth. Unsettled and threatening
weather will continue from the previous
period and storms with low barometer
high temperature. thu:lder and wind will
prevail. Excessive warnut, at this time
with much euntldi:y and mugginess will
i:aure heavy hall storms in many local-
ities, with possible tornadoes. Careful
observers L, every locality may easily
determine whether such storms are ap-
proaching them long before they strike.
by carefully noting prevailing conditions
and gathering storm clouds. Do this
habitually at all storm periods. Much
cooler with frost will come from the
IOth to 13th.
Can only be gotten from the beat flour
-The followinc brand, are uneacelkd
--Try a hundred r,ett time ) eu tate -
Try One of These :
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
PURITY (Western Canals Flour Mille)
Leal, your order', or call up
Phone 2
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
MNyd 11141011 tl�
Feed and Seeds
All the (BEST GRADES r,f
flour always on hand.
Breakfast Foods such as
Oatmeal,7 lbs for 25o
Poultry Foods & Feeds such as
Wm. Rivers
Davis' Old Stand - EXETER
Having purchased the BUS
and DRAY business of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, 1 desire to announce
to the Public of Exeter that 1 am
prepared to give you the hest of
satisfaction in work connected
with the business. For the pres-
ent orders left by phone or other-
iCE. PHONE 2u, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
and benefit yourerif and tastily by ue-
int MODEL flour. It bakes •o much
better and goes so much farther than
ordinary brands.
means better bread. btsculto cake. pie,
etc.. In your home and more of them.
too. Order a sack to -day. The nest
time you need flour you'll insist on
having the MODEL beard even i1 it cots(
terve. Rut it doesn't.
NYE Wine
The daily drudgery of sweep-
ing with a corn broom with its
clouds of dust and back -breaking
effort will prematurely age any
woman. Tile use of a
Bisset a
sweeper will conserve your strength and by
confining all the germ -laden dust within
the sweeper case, will aid in preserving
the health of the entire family.
You can procure a high-grade;Bis-
sell for $2.75 which will outlast forty
corn brooms costing from $12.00 to
Headquarters for
Washing Machines,
Wringers and
Hawkins' Stove & Hardware Store
One Door North of Browning's Drug Store. Exeter.
Remember the Name ---
Rowe & Atkinson
Bear in mind that at their store is the
place to buy FURNITURE. We have
a fresh car load in now and every-
thing will be found at the RIGHT
PRICE to SUITE the purchaser.
Give them a call ..,
'Undertaking and Embalming a Speoality
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
New Arrival of Dress Goods
Every Day Brings Us Something New!
This is the time of the season when you are all looking for some-
thing new and natty. We have a beautiful range of exclusive patterns
in dress or suit lengths.
All the Season's Novelties
are shown here in abundance.
Black and White Checks
are very popular this season.
They make up very swell and
are very becoming to any lady.
All sizes in check for
266c, 60c. 75c and $1 per yd
Black Voiles
are very strong again for a
real dressy lady.
They are very fine in their
weave and come in plain or fan-
cy satin stripes.
Prices 60c, 76c, $1 41 $1.26
Your New Spring Hat
should have the touch of Fashion's best style
and it can have it at a moderate expense if purchased here.
Our experienced designers will suggest your particular
becoming style in a bat.
Our Milliners are very busy. Come along early and
they will attend to your wants.
Special $1 &d Gloves
We have secured a regular
$1.25 French Kid (:love that we
are making a special pt lee on of
$1 per pair -colors black, tan or
grey. Every pair guaranteed.
New Spring Coats
Just arrived another shipment
of New Spring Coats.
Nice, short, jaunty coats or
the long ones. Striped or plain
Coyert Coating.
$5, $7, $8, iii 10
Room Rugs are All the Go !
Never before have we had such a season for Rugs. It ie easily seen
we lead the town. as business talks, and our businees this Spring is a
surprise to us. Small Rugs or Large Rugs will be found here to snit
everyone. If you need a Rug for any of your Rooms do not fail to
consult us, ea we can save you ntlooey.
Rugs from $ 1 up to =40 each
We also carry a Beautillil Range of
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing