Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-31, Page 6iNE MYSTERY CLEARED UP ;
t H.\ l'•1.1 -:1t \ .--(Ci/111'(1) : it, t,y ut \tax Iii -the more :un i
.;,I; -tied of hat.: g sero )1int, foil in
bait. fencing with Mine. Yalta.
flow dors it happen that I find hint
here dressed in the last ex: relnr of
fashion and dining at the dearest
restaurant in Paris This fencing -
master must love good Nines and
hate money in his pocket, and tine
Its suffering myself to he seduc-
ed by this woman 1" asked the col-
onel, ironicallt.
Yes, and ie profiting ht Ann•
superiority over her. You clot read
Ler haul and she cannot read
yours. You will go only so far as it
suits you, and, huaeser great her ,.,•t,iitc•ss trust pay her prufesst,ts KKlrN1 V TRC►UBL1 and the doctor
cunning, she will at last let you {,,.iter than generals are paid in Rr.'C we ap but "Fruit A fives' saved
fi::et ant her t nlrterable point. He 1'rauce.
But that he should be on 1«y life. 1 am now over eighty years
side•, ha.9u ally in me. WhenWhenof age and I strongly recommend
Lou e
U'1n►s of intimacy with Borisuff is "Print -a -tiers" fur constipation sad
I met her last summer in Switzer indeed inexplicable." Kidney Trouble".
lotto I took care to assume the ap" \\lrilst ?liaxirne was holding this (Signed) JAMP.S DIN(:WALL.
pcarancr of a liberal Russian, and 5oc a lox•ti for f: So or trial box. 2ec
envy to hake liber -
tut nlunoloquo, conversation was r -'
net. ed at the table of the two Rus_ —at dex e,ta or fru Fruit-a-tiva
it would be
alarm still more pronounced until Limited, Octans.
1 have gained completely her cunni- clans.
"If you could Auc.(td said
"1f she saw you with me she
wtuld scarcely be ready to recog-
ni2e you as a thorough partisan of
Ler own."
"Oh, I shall not speak extrava-
gantly. 1 shall be gut erred by cir-
cumstances. What 1 want is to dis-
cover whether this young man was
really concerned in the theft, and
if not, I have an easy way out of
the situatio 1, which will comprom-
ise no one.,,
•'And you propose to begin oper-
ations this evening at the opera?"
said Borisoff.
"Yes, if we meet the lady, as 1
hope. But, tell me, don't you think
that young man looks at us rather
oftener than is necessary—the one
who came to ask you about M. de
r•noel : "
"Ile is a madcap, not wcrth oc-
cupying our attention."
"So be it, but if you take my ad -
ice we will raise the siege before
h•: is through his dinner. The youth
annoys tae, and under other cir-
cumstances I should like to make
him feel the point of my sword,
grumbled Mouriatine, outlining the
lunge with which he would be
pleased to gratify :lfaxime.
At the sante instant Maxime was
stn tick by a sudden recollection:
"Ah! parbleu ! I recognize him
now ; this roan is the fencing -mas-
ter of the countess. Yet no -1 must
be mistaken,—hut that cast of fea-
ture. When once I have seen a face
I don't forget it --it was the change
of costume that perplexed me. 1
even remember her calling hint by
Lis name --a Polish name." remainder his dinner, \\'hili detainee llorgeres thus comptroller s office, not without
could not break off abruptly from his
gathered up his, recollections having pulled up the collar of`,- 1 ' his partridge, scarcely yet touched, overcoat to disguise his black era
j1]1.ilriatllle shrugged his shoulders and precipitate himself into the g
and said to ('ul. Borisuff : "Bah! I street, without being remarked lw vat'
need not be disturbed about hien. The dress he wore suggested to
The young ratan is not thinking of the ver} persons whom he wished • hue an idea.
us. Let us ask for coffer and light to watch unohselt'ed. Instead of taking his seat as Hsu -
Co he resigned himself to suffer
our cigars. \Ye will take a smoke Chile departure, determining at the al, he would remain in the passage -
on the boulevard." surae time to cut short his sitting, way: of the orchestra until he dls-
"Y'ou said you expected to meet covered the colonel and his cool
and with that view taking double union, and when he had useer
this woman at the opera. \lay I 1
ask on what you funnel this hope, muuthiuls. He ascertained at (t faired in what part of the hall thes-
having Coale titraii;ht from St. glance that they went toward the
having eorg 1" boulevard. and promised himself to
Peters"I could not be expected to be follow them from afar up to the Mr, WHY YOU ARE T111N ;
so will informed as to the dispul,i anent of separation, when he would f to v' To GF:•r FLESt1Y.
t io.l a Parisian demoiselle will give all his attention to the fencins(-
tnake of Ler evening. sing. All I can of master. The colonel was now the
blur is that veninWednesday is her day countess' business, but he alight
for the opera; there me then and roust st'uly the proceedings of
p a hireling of the countess surprised
tl:; rices that we will meet her in familiar intercourse with liar
three- not, we will find her some-
wht re to -sorrow or next clay." isc'li•nevrr occurred to
V4 .t are bent on presenting me, him that
than : asked the colonel, after a this fencing -master acted, perhaps,
pause employed in sipping the cul on behalf 1.f the counts+s, and in
fru that had just been hefted. truth there appeared little proba-
bilityinterthat a subaltern of this class
There was silence for Rtrtera! nue- would •be entrusted with the pri-
nit-nts. The two were observing gale conftdene. of a creat. Lady of
each other. At the other end of the t• icy Avenue ole Friedland.
hall was one who observed them "The Frenchman i`; distanced,-
both while apparently absorbed in s:1ic'. huris�lff, on reaching the bun
n partridge which had just been 1'ttar(1. "We hate time to finish
Rrry1.1 our cigars before going to the
'•'Th,• more 1 lt�.,k at that wan,- tilt at re."
Especially," replied Mourin
tii.e, "as I have taken the prec•itu-
"more-A-TivCs'•. THE IIAMotls
JaIMES Dt$$WALL. tea.
Williamstown, Ont. July 27th, 1908.
"'I suffered all my life from Chronic
Constipation and no doctor, or remedy,
I Dreg tried helped me. "Fruit -a -Lives"
promptly cured roe. Aire, last spring
I bad a bad attack of BLADDRR an
I WI I e seated, ttould place himself so
as not to !use sight of them.
This mianoe•Ut re, was successful.
From his ambuscade he discerned
theta installed in the orchestra, and
he w•uuid remain in the post he had
cht•sen till the curtain r•tse.
The two were engaged in inspect-
ing the boxes with their glasses,
anti, having taken a rapid view,
Jteuriatinc said to the colonel:
"She has not yet arrived."
"Are you certain she will comer'
retorted Borisoff, not sorry to find
his e•�n,panion's sagacity at fault.
ertain 1 no. One is meter cer-
tain What a woman will do; above
alt, a woman of this sort. But it
is not late, and I do not despair of
seeing her appear during the sec-
ond net."
"And you
think she
will come
alone 1'
'•Very likely. .:\t Geneva she
went everywhere without a cava-
lier. They called her the Solitaire."
"Ds; the lady understand Rus-
sian 1"
"She pretends not. tint I do .not
believe it. And I need hardly say
that, I shall not make use of our
national tongue to speak to you
confidentially in her presence."
•':16 said Borisoff, "there is a
woman entering, on our left, and a
woman truly." .
all4 accustomed to
iiouriatitie, "in suppressinf, this passive ubrdi-I "It is stir, my dear sir," mur-
creature without disttu•bance, you en-ce. They are as mute as tisk, and, mored Mouriatine. "I should re-
w<,uld regain the reputation for al'tl}� ready to act. luumptly. Htui'eognize her anywhere, were it only
skill which the affair of the casket. 1 mistiest to get rid of the Prenth i by het eyes."
has somewhat impaired. It is the man, 1 had but to speak the; lei
are wonderful. truly; 1
darusel in question who tmist be ttt,ii1" have never seen such before." - Cheer ere ;OM greater crltle obtainable.
sent to Siberia, not M. de Card `'But you have contented yourself: Then you have not met with
d" lint antler>taud tthy 1 have ntttl would you invest, say 1`00 it we
renlarkctl lel', or is hi she has not' geoid Orme to Son ht. a series of
ilOCl," with shutting hint up 111 it cellar.' : }1t.,• ''„ ahaohttr•iv rnrreet record.- of Eurnlcplua
1 beer. pointed out to Ise, ,Tiither growths P 1st, That h” 'i teres
"Parblcu !" exclaimed Rorisoff, I 'That tyould have been useless.; "Never; and it astonishes me. If , . win raw to neer to inrines in diameter is
"I begin to believe you are right. i I have installed him in a large hall this marvel is a femme galante, 1 1 have already said that she is P
gg10 years and are worth from 11 to 1 • exrh,
. an apparition that only appears in 2nd, that the wend k tea hard and durable
Let us settle and leave. It seems which s^rtos me for a library. 'The,• Paris
t I is (]!� ('-,•radian Oak or hickory. and
to Inc this Frenchman is watching"doors (lours of this apartment are all ( the+u• ts, d of doitnrP are being
us surreptitiously, aur! I want to made fast •and guarded. The win . i Prnwing this 'ritnbur, and 4th.
I three
throw him off the track." dotes look ont on a garden, and are i at the
Mouriatine was of the sane' thirty feet from the ground. To, ter. yon P
Dyer, 114 King
opinion. He called the waiter to fly, or to communicate with any one'
settle his bill. , would be impossible. 1 have no
„ neighbors."
"It, is unheard of, growled
Maxime, cramming down his truf ,They had just arrived at the;
ties to maize an end of thele. Place de )'Opera. Had either of 1
"Borisuff and the,countehs' fencing- the, two turned back, he would have,
seen Maxinne, who had just set foot!
master are intimate friends. And
on one of the shelters illuminated
this Borisuff is a secret. agent of by the electric light. Having fin -
Russian diplomacy; a spy, to call
ished his dinner, he had dated off
things by the right name. She is in a chance pursuit of the two Rea
no conspirator that 1 know of ; but sians. He had sped in every direr- t
sly; knows, perhaps. those who are, tier, and perceived them at last, just
or at least those whom Georget as -I as they were turning the corner of
siated to steal the casket. Is this the Place de )'Opera.
pretty professor betraying his mis-1 •'They are going to the opera,"
tress'? She also has secrets, per he murmured. "Decidedly they are
haps. Who knows if she is not sel
hag thorn to this man whom we be- `litinl be. I am not dressed and
lune confined Robert de ('uruor.l 1
shall be taken for a provincial or
Parbleu ! I know what to be at. She foreigners
et., but I mast knowt.what these
made me promise not to act against are about.
Borisoff, but I am not engaged to Insune was a subscriber to the
to provide
shut my eyes when I meet hint. 1 1 himself nwith nd lna ticket.
d not t cHe suffered
have the right to -go where he goes, the couple he was in pursuit of to
and even to follow a monsieur of his' para on in advance, and, five min
acquaintance.' ides after they had entered the
He would gladly have sat•rifiecd door, presented himself at the
thed of 1 i li lner but he
The Finest Flavoured Tea
"SALADA" is hill -grown tea— grown on planta-
tions high up on the hills in the Island of Ceylon.
The leaf is small and tender with a rich, full flavour.
is always of unvarying good quality. Will you be con-
tent with common tea when you can get " SALADA"
1 Treat
For fifteen days if von do not veinal* con.
finue, coats you nothing. 1 ata Curley
Catarrh. Dsafucas, )lead Noises, and Throat
ttout•Ies. with • remarkable
new treatment. 1 want to tend
a course of my treatment with
two instrument.. to every'ut-
terer. by mall. all charges Pre-
pald, to try 13 days.
.► T t, Atreea
ISA Treatment
F.r••1 a•. woes,. site. e•r .n, 1,,.
.h ......-,s-_ Irl.t ,.,.,aunt ,.d.r u,t.g tau ae-
,t.i,Af.n tr ,. u, cu•
Or. N. 0. Coffee, (4'' Des Moines, Ia.
$ Crowing $
Hardwood Timber
l► }eery reader knows the increasing.
11 scum -14y of Hardwood Timber and its'
conse.tuent increuae to value In the near
ei Hardwood to -day is et absolutely nen-
W Casa ry in the tnanufa,•tures. us cosi
iron and steel. 11 simply mutt br had or the
nations C^e•atret indu-tries are at ,•take.
There are dollars wrapped up 'n
evert. stick of llardeend that ran
he groan to 10 inches or et% er in diameter
anytime anywhere but when it ran ba
grown to this size iu 10 rcnrs and grown
fou right nn the main lines of railway
and within easy reach of the two groateet
manufacturing cities en hie Western coast.
is exawinicig
extraordinary persist -
directing her
RP our
3rd, that
made by
that you ere guaranteed
original investment
years. Would
write at once to W.
otic ; Tcrc•nto.
time,• your
end of ten
w'arreo, Oat.
Pett. Ilth.
"1 hat a horse that
had a Spavin f.,t a
:ung time and I had
tiled nearly every kind of medic ilk
when s neighbor told me to vise
Kendall's Spann Cure, which I d:'!
aad M tete. wsneersalty."
Keadarl'a Spavt■ Cure is no
nutnedeapctimeut, but 1►th- world's
standard remedy for all Swci:infs,
Soft Hunches and Li -mese'. in horse
aad roan.
Used the wort 1 err+ fat 40 years.
P.very (arrur, stoak,uan, express
man. livery proprietor and horse
owner generally should keep it
always on hand.
gi a bottle -41 fnr $ ask yo,,
dreier for free copy of ou- hook "A
Treatise On the Itor•r•• "nr write us
DR. S. J. IRIND41.11. CO. 50S
Duisburg F'al1M. - Vermoal.
LO(:1(•.tI. E('Z1:N.1 CURE
ENDORSED Ill" I'111 •I(I.t\Ss
lir. R. A. Fulkerts, of Duluth,
11 nil., tells of Itis sucee:r, in treat-
ing, patients with i). I). I). Prescrip-
're crip-
tion: yottr visit--- gives the thin person the sante ah.
'there was a man herr suffering "ln that. cash 1 should hate grow II sorbing qualities possessed by the
Iron) eczema for the last fourteen to the opera alone, for i am bent 1 naturally fleshy.
year., and 1 applied the l). 1). I). upon rnakine use of this opportu-1 Everybody is abs!:t the same, but
trtattncnt. 1 also applied it to a • Hitt to meet the lady in question.; certain elements and orgr.rs of
man of West Duluth, Minn., who lint on going to your house [was ! blood and nerves are cu•firient and
has been suffering with Eczema in tolyl von would dine at your club,, until this is corrected thin people
his feet. anti the second treatment 1 s., I fount von without di(lirulty. will stay thin. The nutrition stays
in both cases cleared the skin al- i it i in that beautiful Rue de Viitnt in the body after separation 1.) the
h.t .1 aIi oltltely. The first applica- mansion that toll have shpt tip your dlg(Rlit-r funitient; instead of pass -
t , ,. is a balm. and its soothing ef- { Itrisomer ,'" nig through ionised, when this vain -
is beyond espressi.•n, 1 shall ( ••Y'(•s,'' said i;olisoff, "and 1 bets ab'e 1reatme•,t of htrntied midi
nt•ter be without it, and shall uoe • t•, o to believe that he is out of the eines is used. Practically no one
it among Illy patieitt3 altogether." 1 read, nt at) pursuit. The ll•rntr is '.111 remain thin who Ryes it. for it
No matter how terribly you sof- I large :end !•onipletei isolated. 1'stit;ltlirs the long felt need.
ter from eczema, "It rheum. rinq- bat e tirade interior arrangements; Mix a half pint bottle, thr-c
t• ours. etc.. } iu t‘in feel ins! 'mil) , facilitate tt atrlifulncis and pre - Ion .ees of essence of peps,.), and
r•o1 the(' and the il. 11 :Il lug ••el ::t , vet flight. My prisoner is as well - t1. rt (' owl(es of syrup of rhubarb.
1 nee when a few N (lr.{'• .�f this e(see-t�u::r11r11 as It he were shut alp 111 a 1 ena.I .d one ounce compo.ind re-
poi:f►d ,.f oil of ••,:t•t t .• • • • ,s. Cis t '; Tees at St. 1'etersbtlr,t.'• r,•t.te c ardiol. Shake and let stand
r . 1 gly trine. ft•• , ; I t:.• l;nt." it -timed 1lotnintir.e. tat' hours. Then add ono ounce of
1 ('. all Cacao t I .• • , t- have ltt`e't obliged to take tlt•t•ttile eadOrtlt`11e compound (net
: rite trial Isa,••• •.t It. ,1, 1). .., ,I•,tt:r.tit•s into your e.nfi" ear(inntont). Shake well and fake
1 - t' .n writs t • : i„ I • 1). h. it teaspoonful before and after
1. •n:• re, ll• ! i•l:. t W. L., :'3tlh, my serlatr . are n:l 0!01 malt. 1)ri.tk plenty of wafer hr -
7, t.:. 't S' . To! or :lellt,'rns ;Moil's, I to a tsteer r... 3l• awl when retiring.
1 • t sale by all druggi>.:s. (loner otdur of tho Third )'araC ivn, YVeig.t before beginnin`.
Discusses ('asses of Thinness and
Gives Nen Method of increasing
Weight and Rounding Out the
Prescription Accomplishes Wonders
A treatment which anyone can
prepare cheaply at home, has been
found to increase the weight, im-
prove the health, round out scraw-
ny figures, improve the bust, bright-
en the et"es and put new color into
tar cheeks and lips of anyone is ho
is too thin and bloodlhrr. It puts
(it. sh on those who have been always
thio whether from disease or natur-
al tendency, on those who by heavy
eating and diet have in vain tried
to inert ase ; un those echo feel well
01 t can't gel. fat ; and on those who
tion to procure chairs just below hate tried every known method in
ti•'• lady's box." I Vain. It is a powerful aid to diges-
-•I ser you have thought of et --'tion, nutrition and assimilation. It,
elything. However. if you had not assists the blood and nerves to di,-
foatnd enc, which might easily have tribute all over the body the flesh
been, since 1 was not anticipating' elements contained in food, and
Caii:zph4;tr Ic:c
12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes
Car, '• ,.m. Ito -tacit. 5lruthn,and. t arbo.
leted, t•amphoratt*t, w hate Oxide '•f Zinc,
eta Farb lar special purfa+sta. tiro. ler
Free Vaseline It.,ok.
379 Craig at. W.. Montreal
Consider the higher real estate
value of well painted butl.lings,
Compared with unpainted ones.
Don't p^rtpcn• painting —
every day does its damage and
piles up costs far repairs.
l00% Pure
is 11,e chrap>•t. Ahaolntety vire
and unadniteratnd, it wears M •t,
Ienka hotter and t;•trw further, gal-
In, for Killen, than any other paint
at any prit0. ••s'►ea eyes• . - •
f undecided wl.ach paint to me. write
us today for the name of mer dealer
nearest you -ask him about the written
guarantee that hacks everyelalrn as
make. for our paint -a guarantee th..t
mer ally protects yea. -
Dtn't e•oerin'at when rrrtatety
Cost 1 but a free rents mon.. There's •
Mofn.Seneyr Pd,d for every purpose -
for house. been, vindc ill, pumps. mfr.
0a. carriage. cultivator and plow. -paint
for wood and paint fur Iron -the bat
that skill and money can prouure.
if yam:. darter cannot sun r.y you,
notify us and we will gladly direct you
t0 titer. our parts are to bit had.
Declir:o A 1!Serbs: f::•'.- -
•4 Write for I:IIA:trate.
"t, tib boo`tlot. "Porno• -��7t Bccutifal.•' t
ir.trr.w(inS ••
=1,*� card. Free
~ the asking.
�'t1a M: -Ila -Sower Cc.
Mont, -s1
ell(v,-- IIOw•
SR the
1 F:
Massage -way
A flavoring nscd the same ay lemon er'ani11
by J,.•st icing graaylrttd sugar in water aaa
adding Mantrioa, • dehe}ons syrup is mads an
SI syrup better Men inapt*. Maplelnr is sold 1ff
gross. If not send .C, for 2 oa bottle aa.
rector book. Crescgut M(a. Co., ,l.attir, We.
It Will
Astonish You I
1!'.enbeef t• is astonished at the
mai cllons gain that . onus to their
lc. .,nd to tlleniseltes by the use of
1'. nt t'ou t!,ink it tto1Jt1 he heater for
• •quirt' shout these pt
floor painls--they , oat too much,
f t.•. 't e;..T dear saint. --they rust ton
i;. 1'.• lt.,.n•a)'s I':,ints, sold at
..• the t,1;'..1 f•t•rt. for correct paint.
, .•.uc a hoodsome booklet oil
t r p,u:;tingg 1 ou should hate it.
\1`.t,- us for Booklet "W." t1'e will
it free.
F••,•bti,% cyst-,
The Paint Makes, - Montreal.
Fairbanks -Morse Casoline Engines
itr,rrn+r,umph, re (son karat ,•, •.e-..1oi'• ,•r•- ,• r,..
per'stly doreiuped to Inert 1Ite neeits 4.1 the f»,inc, and w .' i en,I,!e %cis • • • •t •r L,h .• - -•
sun he'pyon worn inn e m .u,y oat of )aur hum then ever 1,1u+e. (iet t 1u run
from ..t an up 1••.1,1r *a) by milting out 1h1s complete advoai•w. •. t .••.•I •eu.Unt• ` r
est.b rue (1 1'. . e, N' et n
ST JOHN, N. 8 roarl•ir0,
A near
()11A,1 •
UI(:tri .,i, lanotr t.1 ,,2•
P.1e, tptioetic yap
a Catarrhal Peter. •"
TJlra;. i In Lc••f,.
Greatest t•rail ./rr,1; : -
e.h to lest a•,:: 'tit.. 9y { I .
4.4 ...els •
8PONN N,; 5It1.11.t !
.: ,tltk tL4 ltur : � •
Cc shoot, Indiana : l �.
A» 151s very teninrktl•le preparation IS now
called, Is the g, :,test 1'. nxtlrutlnnal Itemrdy
ever known for 110(4 Sillies. t'olta, lallloof
and all nit-er hours: also irl'teinrr-r an;ans
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}.nisonon. nr InJud01:5 nt.nire rain. Ir to its
('tenosttlon. Stony persc•.a are now t.rkir,t;
FF'OiIN'H for F.a Grippe. Cold., (sough., Kid-
ney Trouble. etc., and It Is always safe. it
expels the 1)I,nase Ocrma from the bode;
at Is directly n,t the !floral rfun.1 (I trait.
i OIIN' +
Is now raid by neatly tt• Ty dtstg-
riL t and harnrsa drab r In the land. tool Any
can set it for y.r,:. Fifty cents raid St.v9 a
bottle. and 26.00 and 1111.00 the doze n.
Record or .%virtual Sales.
Int Tr: r . 1,0.1 Donn a Sold
fnd 1'...r 4."t.•1 '•
"rel Ytar 9,258 '•
4th Y4 air . 19,1:,0 '•
nth )year 40.254
flit Y, ar 72.280
7th Year 100.7,12
811, Year 124,! tt )
f•th Year 1T2,4113
10th Y.;Ir 221,760
11th t"e:te ••97,420
12'' t . nr 378•'462
13th t'fie 108.720
1115 1'e:sr 6'3 269
15th Yrvr .,. 407,351
Itend -co ....r Rot k'• 1 of twelve
e', -g
tor Grimy on1 nlitinca. 11,,,.
All Wholesale Drduoists
Sgohin Medical Co.
(.Hf MISTS AND bt(:1! vir11 OGIS TS