Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-31, Page 5The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1866 Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000 Rest Fund - - - $3,500,000 Sas 85 Branches is Canada. and Agents and Correspondent* in all the Principal Cities in the World. A aaNERAL RANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current tate. - EXETER BRANCH • Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DIOILSO r & CIaLINO, .Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Massager, Now to Bet Free Seeds We want to send everybody Interested Ln saVdsains or tantalite our new free 1910 Seed CattalNu.. If you wilt write us to -4q. we win Include. free, a package of our Etta Beet. Title Bet la most dellcioUJ. set two distinct dishes frost one vegeta Use the ribs as Asparagus -he lesnaa as Spinach or greens. Our Dew Catal one of the most complete published this 0 you prefer. we will se free free - our Burbank's Giant � - - Peppy. or D. &H.'s Es Swell*. In- stead of the Asparagus Beet. Let us know to -day which you want. Kindly mention this paper. It Is Itrtpert- ant to us. PARCH £ HUNTER SEED CO., Ltd., London. Ont. 4 fr s Make Each Animal Worth 2Plo Over Its Cost On of a Cent a Day Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curutg the bets or colic. making tens lay in winter. increasing the yield of sailk lits pounds Por cow a day. dr',storied run-down animals to plumpness and elder. When you feed stock food" to your cow. bone. /wise oe poultry. you are asersty teed ng them what you are envied ea yn you, owhen, Your animals do need set mere feed. t eiramesing to isNp (Mir aced stay taaies get tt al year rouUM* good nds �dsstalitt si t0 eed �'t aa��.t. Sue Mase aaeltalit aa nisi caa d r� p tib s. RVhem up YAL Pul.ri. Mahe edam sad doss. it is castle an Owe* Rota "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" "Thi t• Lerrrst Wiener of any neer ON G,e Citcrie, 'o4 ROYAL. PURPLE STOCK SPE 1 i coetains no grain. nor farm products. It increases yietd of milk from three to Ave pounds per cow per day before the Specific hes been used two weeks. It makes theeeaa��I and acids flesh faster than stay Other preparation known. Young calves fed with ROTAL P RPLS are as large at six weeks old as they would be when ted with ordnnarsonste rials at ten Limits. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up r -down animals and restores them to plumpness almost magically. Cures bots. colic. worth ddi a 1 n ti Dan tRct'wan,thehorseman, says: "t have used L Pt Pt.SSZOCf�iFIC persistently in the feeding of 'This E•1,' 2.02 largest winner of any pacer on Orand Circuit in 1905, and 'Henry Winters.' 2.051. brother of Alien Winters.' winner of $36.1100 in trotting stakes in 1904. These horses have never been off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Purple Specific abnost a year ago, and 1 will always have it in my stables •" oyalvTOCK NPuRrYplCIe One i,It. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days. wh.:h is a little over two-thirds of • cent • da Most stock in ft y cent ackget IAst hat tifty days and Are given three times a day. LOYAL PUR STOCK SPICIFIL! iiR1 :en b.itonce aday, and la its half again as Ion!. A11.50 nail containing four times the Amount of the tifty cent paak'5. will last 280days. ROYAL PURPLE will increase the value of year stock 1St It is an astonishingly quirk fattener. stimulating the appetite and the relish for food, assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. Ma hog fattener it is a leader. It will save many times its cost in veterinary bills. ROYAL. PURPLE POULTRY SPEC!. PiC 14 our other Specific for poultry. not far stock. One 90 cent package will last twenty.fise h,•1s 70day s. or a pad costing 11 50 wittiest twenty-five hens 250 days. which is four timesmore material for only three tames the cost. It makes a -laying machine " out of your hens simmer and winter reventsfowls losing flash t oulSin time. and u: -s poultrydiseases. livery package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK sraGIIPIC or POULTRY SPRCIPIC is guaranteed. Just uta ROYAL PURPLE oft one of your animals and any other repar. ti non snothir animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will say them all beat to death, or else bsekesmes your money PRIM -Ask your merchant or write us for our valuable 32•page booklet on cattle and poultry diseases, containing also ROYALrPURPLE ST'OCKiand POUL-- TRY SP*CIPICS. if you cannot get Royal Purple Spe. li:i from merchants or agents. we will supply you direct. 'aortas prepaid. on reie,pt of 1t 90 a pail for either Poultry or Sti..k Specifics. Yoke money a ting as our agent in :Our district. Write for terms. Por sale by all up-to-date merchants. �. L Jenkins Mfg. Co., Loadoa, Cu ROYAL PURPLE STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS and tree booklets are kept In stock by W. J. (IRANIAN. EXET Elt, and IIANLON 5 O'BRIEN Oentrall* MANY CALL IT "The Best Fdltoeial Page in Canada" The Tomato Daily Star publishes every day sin columns of editorials and editorial features -and there's not a dry line in the six columns. John Lewis. author of "The Life of John Brown" (Morang's Series) has tew equals in Canada. He is by many considered to be second only to Goldwin Smith as master of English. Joseph T. Clark, known as "Mack" when he was editor of "Saturday Night", is known throughout Canada as a keen, clever and witty writer. His cables and letters on the British elections from England, where he was sent by the Star, have wttracted wide attention. Two things to be specially noted about all the Star's editorials are first that they are always fair -no bitterness or biased partizanship -and second that they are never dull, but deal in s bright way with the subjects In which you and your neighbors are interested. in a :ighter vein are the "Chronicles of the Khan" - delightfuily humorous -pathetic studies from real lite, particularly rural bis -"Uncle Walt's Corner" of clever poetry in prose -- - and "A Little of Everything" --.that you can always count un for a pleasant ten minutes. A regetar reading of the Start Editorial rage is 1:: keep man informed on every topic of live interest to Canadians. Why not subscribe now t f1.50 A Year This paper and tie "Toronto Daily Stir" tognfFer for One rear. 32 20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen picas 15r 50c. added to above subscription prices. Toronto Daily Star 7 ZURICH J. U. NIerr.er or Elmira i• u, town 31 present. -Mrs. Bernhardt of Preston Is atoning h.'r parents at the Lutheran Parsonage. --Mrs. E. Stoskopt and Nils. Matilda Johnston spent Easter with frlends in Baden and Beriln.-Mrs. W. Fi. lioftnlau lett on Thursday morning for Mllverton to visit her slater Mrs. F'utkbeiner over the Exalter holidays. - Nlcholas Foster. Jr., has leased George Broderick's farm on the Babylon Line for a year and takes possession April 1 rt. -The Itcv A. D. Wachter assisted ltev. Mr .}lean or Creditors In revival meetings. ->Iles 1 irtdlar•.d, whose terns as teacher In the public school has ex- pired. was prearnocd with a sultab!y eitzraved a nit Spocl , by !ire s6101 u a or the senior roost. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA McGILLI VRAY. J. Wesley Mark. son of Edward Mark who has been principal of Sebrinsvitle ve:scol, leas accepted 11.0 principalship o f one of Brantford's schools at $10u • incnttt.-The death occurred on Nfon day, Mar. 21st, of Mra. Geo. McFarlane it the family residcnre, ith Can. of M-- (;illtvray. Mars. aferarlane has been 111 but two weeks with la grippe. She was .t daughter ot the late Geo. Shtt.ley of Cirllsle, at which place she was born and brought up. She was married to Mr. ltrF'.-rlane fifty-one years ago, and her 'one since her marriage was but a s':ort discs rcc freta tier childhood !tome. -ems- GRAND GRAND BBENLs Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brenner visited at Drysdale on Saturday. -School closed Thursday for Easter holidays and the teacher, Mr. Dodds, left for his borne in Seaforth Friday. -Mr. Wm. Oliver arrived home from Toronto Thursday. -G. Lawson of Toronto visited at Jess. Gill's on Saturday and Sunday. -Miss Jane Bestard of Detroit visited Mrs. E. Brenner Thursday, -Mr. flee of Dashwood visited with Mr. and Mr's. Fred Ilse Friday. -Mr. Frank Gero- mette held a wood bee Wednesday. - Mr. Sam Gratton moved from Ontario St. into one of Mr. Holt & Tiedeman's houses Thursday. -Mr. Marian from near Port Franke. moved here Friday. -Mr, Lawrence Carrier of Seaforth visited his parents for a few days lust week, -Miss Emma Geake of Toronto visited her sister Saturday and Sun. day of this plass.-Mr. Heiman of London was here for few days last week. -Mr. Soutbcott, who bas been visiting in London the last 3 months, returned here Thursday sad will live in his own house. -Mr. Tennant of Louden was in our burg Friday. -Mr. Ewrey Carrier of Godericb spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Carrier. -Miss Watson, Klondyke teacher, left for ber home in Sarnia Friday. -Mr. James Brophy visited et E. Gill's Wednesday. -Mr. Joseph Gill was in Zurich on business Monday. -Mise Mills of Stratford is visiting at Mrs. Wus. Patterson's.- Mr. H. Smith was in Parkhill Monday -Mrs. Ilse still continues quite ill. SIGNALS OF DISTRESS. Exeter People Should Know How to Read and Recd Theis. Sick kidneys g ive many signals of distress. The ere retio:,s are dark. contain a eedl Blest. Passages are frequent, scanty, painful. Backache 1s constant day and night, Headaches and dizzzy spells are fre- quent. The weakened kidneys need quirk Help Don't delay. Use a special kidney remedy. Boothe Kidney Pilis cure sick kidneys tasckactrc, and urinary disorders. ltensall evidence prom s this stateni'nt. \Ir. G. Scott, of Main St., itensall,says - Fit -fluently 1 would suffer with a rnlsstable, dull b,icka:lle in the region of the kidneys. There pains woul-1 come on me when i would do any stooping or lifting a;id would cause the rite'h Into nvenicn• t. I had tiled et4o y rem• cdi's to found little rah.,;. I nook cold very easily and It would settle In my back, and the urine would 6110w a high• cal rotor. 1 learned of Booth's Kidney Pills through an advertisement and pro- curing a bolt at Nr. Hemphill's Drug Starei commenced treatment. It was a vriy short time before the pain had ;ma: from my back and It had strength- ened. I Leel grateful In recommitting Booth's Kidney Pill• alts an Ideal rem- edy." Por sale at W. S. Cole's Phar- macy. Sold by dealers, Price SOc. The R. T. Booth Co., Limited., Fort Erie, Ont. Sole Canadian Agents. MINIPHIP 0 fm') CURES CATARRHASTHMA, Ereeckiti. Creep, Cough and Celds. ee emery back. 5014 sad glesaatse/ b W. 4. MLR, EYI>'!t'f11A. HOMESEEKER$' EXCURSIONS WESTERN CANADA :e4117ri4 .ar cit: LOW ROUND TRIP RATES 00180 DATES Apr. 5, 19 Jess 14, 28 A4 9, 23 nay 3, 17, 31 July 12. 26 Sept. 6, 20 TWIOUOU SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST tear* Tomato 2.00 p.m. es above day. Through First asd Aecoed Claw Cosebes, Colosist and Tourist Sleepers. Apply to cearest C P.R. Agost or write R. L Thompson. U.P.A . Toronto. AU roe Bi'• tAu?Itg, 1 11LINi3ALL l \\", henry a:.d wife of St. ttarys ale visirilis relatives here. -Mrs. McDonald of Kincardine, has been visiting Mrs. Ituchanan.--Dr. J. liic$weu went to To- ronto last week to try •his Council Ex- amination -Tom Kyle, who went to Saskatoo i a short time ago, has return• ed. -Gen. Harburn, who has been 1a1d up all winter with liver and toomath trouble. Is ails to b^ oLt again -Mr•. James McArthur moved last week Into the residence she nchased Slnelr n A:tred street. -Fred Mil ils httendstamoovingrecehistly tsushne•spur10 another store owing to the present one teeing needed for a sample room. -Mr. I'ruter of Milverton has Vt.rchxv'd J. Donaldson's harness business and tuck possession fart week. -Thos. Sherrttt of Make move.1 here last week onto the fan,; he recently purchased from the estate of t1.t• late Jailer McArthur. - \11ss Margaret Bonthron has take:* a position as stenographer in a Tor- onto law office. -The pool tables have tell removed and lugrani .i Jonnston are tekinZ the building down. -J. Weis - miller contemplates going West short- ly. -Work on. the new hotel will be com- menced shortly. It Is to be a very stand some structure, adding touch to the ap- pearance of that part of the town. -We understand that Robert Clegg, Station agent at Kipper, who was taken to 1.4911 - dun Hospital and whose condition gave his family and friends great anxiety, is out of danger. -There is a plan on toot to put Henault' and Kippen churches under one pastor, and place a young Irvin over Chtselhurst, Bethesda and Sessmith.-W. Perkins has presented a petition to the License Board of South Hurons dsktng for a hotel license for his hotel which is being completely re- modelled. The board meets on April tf;trd.-Ernie Steacy, who has been in the store of his uncle E. Ranntel for the past three years, hag gone to Clinton to take a position with the Morrlrh Clothing Co. -E. Schaffer. Mrs. C. Troy- er and Fred Manna went to Toronto on T.Iuraday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Noah Schaffer, who died suddenly at her t. -tine there. LUMLEY. Seeding has commenced in earnest In this vicinity, T. J. Verifier being the first on the list. -Mrs. Jas. Morton Spent Faster in London with her niece Miss Jennie, and other friends.- Miss Lillian Williams of Vancouver arrived here on Monday to nurse her sister, Mrs. M. V. Miller. She was acconlpan- fed home by her slater, Miss Edna of WlnntpeZ.-Mr. and firs. Thos. Jack- son and son Master Glenn spent the Easter holiday■ with Mrs. Jackson's mother here. -Quite a number of the Ladies from this locality attended Mrs. Envaaa Stewart's sale of household el- fe'ts on Monday afternoon. --� W INCI IELSEA Mr. Newton (lark of Chatham llust- neaa College spent the holidt.ys at his bonne here. -Mr. Geo. Jacques returned TI ursdty from a course in the Dairy School at Guelph. -Mrs. Elliott and her dau_rbter Miov Laura. of Thedford aro :he guests of the fornner't, sister, Mrs. Thos. coward. -Miss Lynda Hunter of 1.0114011 visited friends 11i \l-Inchelsea this week. -Mie. Nelly Heywood of St. Marys high School ie h,rne for the vaeatlon.-Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kehr spent the holidays at Chediton.-lira. R. hicks and Mrs. John Andrew were guests of firs. John Shut" Tuesday. The following is the report of the I'ro:lin'to?, Examination held In S. S. Hu. 6 (:.borne, rn March. 1910. The names are given In order of present standing. Only one pupil failed ') nn.ike the required mark and he de during part of the examination. En- trance Class -Pass mark 320 Emma llcywood 565, over 75 per relit. Sr. IV.• Pass 320, Edward Kellett 523. LCrccry :,oil. E. Coward 456, John Brock 4411. Jr. 1V.. pass 320, 1Srlc Coward :171. Roy Goulding :166. fir. IiI.. pass :t:W, (lordon Duncan 540, Hardwick Curnlel: 506, Dia Cornish 478, Imla Heywood 474. Lloyd Johnst 471, May Clark 410. Sr. Ii.. pass 240, Myrtle Washburn 3134 Vera Heywood 15:1. Lewis Clornlsh 319 Mervyn Wilson 75. Jr. Ii.. total 260. Francis Heywood 215, Viola Bell 210, Gordon Delbridge 202, Willie Routley 201, Willie Skelton 180, Alden Creery 139. Sr. Pt. 11., total 260, Rhea Sfnaie 194. Jr. Pt .11., total 250, George Johns 225. Mervyn Glsnm 223, Percy Coward 202, Lorena Johns 201, Alvin Andrews 177, May 11erWeed 109, Wesley Hey- wood 145, Kenneth Reeder 114.-Jcssle A. Hamilton, teacher. --- GREBNWAT. W. J. Wilson, J. P., and Mrs. Wilson were surprised o•n Monday night. \larch 21st. by a houseful of neighbors and Wends who gatherd to say farewell to theta prior to fruit Heaving for ('ipt'vllle A't:s. Mr. Wilson came here 10 1972. rut down a place In the forcer .ilid bunt a general Mott. and did an extensive business since: he assisted nnsterially in building a church and orq.anlzl•Ig a Sunday School: he ably filled the posi- tion of Secretary Treasurer of '1:e Truster hoard acid was also a faithful taal preacher on the Grand fend cir- cuit. Mr, W. T. Glen. was appointed rhalrnnan and called fir. and Mrs. Wil- son forward when lir. R. lIutchlnsor: read an appropriate address and Mr. John :Merritt presented Mr. Wilson with a 'ane suitable rnsraved .and Miss VI.iry Hutchinson handed Mra. Wilson a handsomely bound copy of Shakespere's poems. Mr Wilson replied on behalf of himself and wife io a few choice word• thanking his frlends tor their support And appreciation. The riot of the even- lof was ape,t 111 music and re:ltations by Miss Carrie Wllsoo acid Mrs, W. A. Wilson and Mr. John drown. -Mr. a:.d Mrs. Wil,.o,: Jett Wednesday followit.; for their home lit the west. where they will homestead. -Mr. ar.d Mrs. lly. \%Irkert move.] truck to heir old :ionic In Greenway last week. -Miss Mar Wil- son 1 as retul: 1.1 from .t visit With fr:ends In Thorndale.-1lrs. Hobe. Eng- Iteh has ben n o,nii.n'd t o tt'c house with la eriert.-Ed. Engllen oC Cairo. filch, spent the past week with friends here. - Mr. Jas. II. Love and .\. C Love tett for the west o:1 Monday. going to Moose kaw. They took a car of horses and im- plements. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ASK ion 9 (LONDON India Pale Ale Pte3udlced and unscrupatous rendots may suggest others hist Cosapste it sat way you will- purity. free.totn from aridity- patatabteuess- I,aba't's Ale is Surpass- ed by none. equalled by few -it sbt'st hill the oti_e 31 !.est imported bran Is WHALEN Mr. and Mr.. Seth Brown of aeon -olio were the guests of the latter's cousli.. Mrs. J. Wright on Sunday. -Mr. Mae - Wells of London is visiting his sister. Mrs. Harry Sutherby this week. -Mrs. David Parkh,Smn of St. Marys to via• Ring with her mother. -Mr. Ben. stutter of Ingersoll spent the holidays here the guest of J. Wright. -An Immense crowd of Wren Iron: the various places around hers attended the auction sale of Mr. D. Hodgson on Thursday last and It to needless to say that everything went at high-water stark In price. The first mare sold brought 3247', while a sow with a two weeks' old litter sold for 373. Mr. Jos. V,'hite wielded the ham- mer. -The fanners think that seed ttme has conte and they are hard at ,work. Presentation and Address. -On Fri- day evening of last week the residents of this community gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hodgson to bid them farewell and .show their esteem for the family. After a pleas- ant hour of social chat Rev. Watson called the gathering together and a choice and selected program of singing readings and speeches was rendered. This beteg over Mr. Francis called Mr. and Mrs. Ilodgson and sots Lloyd for- ward and the following address was rend ;- Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson, and Family Dear Friends :-Assuming that our in- timate acquaintance and tried friend- ships will warrant the privilege, we have taken this opportunity ot assem- bling in your home to spend a social hour with you before you leave els, to form new friendships and aseoclatlone In another place. We are sorry to lose you front our midst, but we are .cheered by the thought that your new home will not be far away and so we may reasonably hope to have you otteli back with us- slid we assure you a hearty welcome when ever you may come. \\'teen everything is moving on to its usual course we ..re apt to forget how much we owe to each: other arid the power of our Influence for good, or over 1110)1 with whom we associate. but when old associations are being hrok- e:t up and partings are drawing near we realise the truth that no man liveth to himself, and now when you. are about to leave us we realise the place you hold in our esteem and affection as friends and neighbors. and how stud: w" shall nrisa you In social and chrtstian work. especially In Sabbath school and choir will your places be herd to fill. We ask you. Mr. Hodgson. to ,accept thins riot : you Mrs. Hodgson, this tea set and you Master Lloyd, this fob, t:ot for their Intrinsic value, but as remind- ers of old friend's. who will not soon fargct your faithful and lovtis; Serv- ices. and we trust that they may fo- l:.ttey years c•ontributc to your happi- ness by the memories they • invoke. Wherever your future lot may be rase we wish you au molly years of happi- ness and prosperity. crowded with 0o.t's choisest hie.,Iii'e, and when this lite Is over may you each experience a mint sunset • tit• western sky bright. with a golden light of a sure and cer- tain 'hope'. and may each of you. \Vitt, Lei111 u:t.hrinktl,K Cense to rise Jvrda,i•. tido', And raki:.j roe hand or the Savior. Go up on the heavenly side. Signed on behalf of your aid rlends and neighbors. Albert (luani:r4 George Squire. it you have an article for •ale in Ex- eter and you neglect to let the people Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GRAND TRUNN SYSTEM HOMESEEKERS' Excursions to Western Canada Throuvb the metropolis of t`bicago, thence via Duluth and Fort Frances or through Chicago and the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. April 5th and 19th WINNIPEG $32,00 and return EDMONTON 42.50 and return Tickets good for 80 day'•. Proportionate rates to principal pointe in MANITOBA. SASKATCH- EWAN and ALBERTA. including certain points on GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY. LOW COLONIST RATES TO PACIFIC COAST DAILY UNTIL APRIL 15TI1 Secure tickets and full information from .1. J. KNIGHT. Depot Accent, Exeter, or address J. D. McDONALD, D.P.A.. G. T. Ry., Toronto. know it, rani you altogether blano there when they send to Eaton's for it. PARKHII1.L-One of tI:e oldest :and beet known rcai:tort* or Parkhill. Mr. Winton: Dickson. died o:. Good Friday. .Mr. Dickeo:c. who was 44 years o_ ago had been a resident of Parkhill since 19119. He was a merchant for a num- ber o: years aid int -r- conducted :a l -u Se insurance business. 1 WAS IN BAD SHAPE" Sat Little Dliesters "Have Dens Weeders for Me" Isere is an experience with the first part of which you may be all too fa- miliar. Mr. slosh Smith, of North Seneca, Ont., writes about "Little Di- gesters:" "Having been troubled with Indigos• tion for a number of years, I have tried nearly all kinds of pills and tablets for Indigestion only to be disappointed. "Seeing your tablets advertised i thought 1 would give them a trial, and Must say I am glad I did. Before tak- ing them I was in bad shape. Bad taste in my mouth mornings and so dizzy that I hardly knew how I would put in the clay. Everything I would eat would seem to sour and ferment, but after taking "Digesters" I can say they have done wonders for me." If you know what the first part of this story means why not learn the re- lief and delight which comes from the use of "Little Digesters?" "Little Digesters" ars positiveli geaesatesd to ears all forms of Iedi. ratios sad Dyspepsia or yam soaey will he Weeded. 35e. at year druggists or by mail from Coleman Medieise-Co., Tomato. ,M Five Roses, Madam, Gives You Better Pastries Cheaper Who started that motheaten, he'shiskered fallacy, Madam, that the best all-round family flour should be made from .soft J+n'er wheat r Then, again, what really good cook would risk his reputation on such a t4*.ts oaf l Once again we as::, who war, :t ? For, comltlg from the heart of he .4.1r1, sun -ripened Af inito45e2 Spring WJkncl. for bread unbeatable, for pastry peerless--- bt+::otd F'VE ROSES, Madam, ready to prove them wrong, wcePaly wrung. Think of th ..,•„ nz, Maelam. hoth in ,b.,.'t., 0,:14 do;frrt • • • • Soft wheat. meana •wore stent/ and 4ss flatii•rons per Irtir. If It's starch yor want. Madam, and not Eiden - star"ch Is cheaper and FROM pl rrlb111 i. paLeoes. Wheaten flour Is vale -d for its protein ea+hpr• •suit h is Me *sol f rPcrf,fr f. And Manitoba wheat is ever so mach raker!, glr,!en and protein than rhe S'att winter article. IMMAD CASABA • • • • "A1 course. Madam. you .already know the wonderful breadataffs in the FIVE ROSES barrel. But think of the pastrlea and the goodies yoss -1a'd oak fram It. Take any standard recipe. - sash luar,t:ties of shortentr.g, water. salt and other Ingredients Then. owing to its /treee. dbsorernr Tower. you req etre ONL FIF7II LESS OF RVE RO.;F-S than of sn :ailed "pastry •' flour. Just mix your dough and set askie awhile before rolling. and roll atm - roe than tisual. And for the same reason your cookies a:rd cakes, vI's'.r /resker, nicer wire:, hci.a'tse FIVE ROSES A. itis t - muislure. Your F;'/!. RO3ESpios. your cakes,tisc . s. griddle cakes. all rx.rr'a..1 that ,z- c'ynor 0' • v' erf•".. rt tar lar. kieg seise y 1 :c" sawn! Perri. And 11r1 ;n•rar•atly r.• r hither, 5 :'Mrrr, rr'ter. 'x)rr ielittf, appears/kir. The baking aroma gives you an Idea of the flavo: Is there any perfume to ccrnpar a with flu l c c rotes from shot cv' n fu'1 of F!VE POSES go.xites? You sniff blissfully and tt.ink not. • • • • If you want more rear:el with labor - more c,:r'• , ,s, more tiling dat :''s 11.0'e'np••r, e and tro•Itle. and •noney. - Then. Madam. you wall/use, FIVE ROSES. LAM M fa WPM 1RU/Il4 G.. t/R-1>1MIUM (r