Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-31, Page 4abateter Advocate,
Sanders & Creeca Props
'THURSDAY. Mar. :II. '10
11. S. i:cparinleut
F' ,ret 111. -Honore, 1.. G. Watson 80
C'. Pickard 73. Pass, W. Monteith 71 ;
L Martin 71: E. Copeland 70 ; W. Birn-
ey tits. No. on Roll :lel ; average attetl-
11 e•24.
W. di. \Veldenhanuu:-r. It. A., l'rlu.
Urin 11. -Humors, S. Petty 76. friss.
B. lioggarth 73.8 ; E. I{unkln 67.1 ; It.
Daring 65.3; C, Copeland 01.2 ; ,E.
'Case 62.3 ; G. Passmore 62.3. No. on
Roll 36 , average atter•dar.cc• 22.
E. M Robb. Teacher.
Form I.-1{onore, P. Brown 74. Pass,
1. Itannle 74 ; F. Welsh 73 ; I. Esaery
73 ; V. Geiger 68 ; H. Glenn 68 ; M.
Oar -line 65; M. Darch 84 ; 11. Wood 63;
A. Willis 62; S. Geiger 62; S. South-
coa 61.
Commercial Sr. --S. Giilles 74; G.
Hooper 60. Jr. -P. Dearing 72; C.
Harvey 67. No. on ILoil 46: daily av-
erage 34.
.1 \1. Johnston. I.c 1,1r
P. S. Department
Room IV. -Sr. IV. -Honors. J. Seldon
92 ; G. Blanca 88 ; N. 11111 87 ; B. (M-
lles 83; J. Walker 81 ; M. Morgan 90 ;
-D. Hall 80; J. Davis 79 ;'L. Ifarepy 76
F. McPherson 73. Pass. V. Rowe 72;
I. Rivers 71 ; N. Jones and A. Beverley
equal. 70 ; R. I3alkwlll 64 ; F. Arnold
63; W. Smell 64.
Jr. IV. -Honors. B. Walker 79; I.
Sweet 78 ; F. Rowe 79 ; S.:1urdo.i 77 :
M. Case 76. Pass, 1{. Give: a ; U.
H)dgert 71 : E. Day 69; L. Taylor 337 ;
LaBelle Handford CO. No. on roll 41 ;
average attendance 35.
C. Vesper, teacher.
Sr. 111. -Honors, W. Manson 87; M.
Heywood 84 ; A. Knight 90 ; O. Darts
79. Pass. O. Macdonald 74 ; A. Day
74 ; A. Bell 7.2 ; J. Follicle 71 ; E. Bow-
ey 71 ; M. Knott 62 ; B. Hodgert 60.
Jr. 111. -Honore, A. Mack 94; P. Jack-
s):t 82. Pass, M. Ruston 68; 1.'. Dew-
ey. 67 ; E. Davis 64 ; Sf. Seldon 62.
No. on rail :32 avera:-e attendance 27
J. Murray. Teacher.
Room V1. -Form 113. Jr. -Honore, L.
Zuefle 88 : M. Vincent 99 : B. Hornet'
94 : G. Fitton 77 ; D. Houlden 75; K.
Weidenharnmer 7a. Pass. G. Wella 69 ;
O. Kunz 68 ; G. Ford 63; D. White 04 :
M. Gladman 63.
F'ormll. Sr. -Honors, R. Cornish 94:
A. Taylor fir1: M. Pickard 9:3: 41. Welk-
e- 91 ; M. ifardy 80 ; W. Jacobi 80 ;
V. Welsh 77. Paas, L. Walker- 74; M.
nay 72 ; M. Kidd 71; E. Johns 69;
A. Davis 67 ; C. Detroit; 66; G. Carl-
ini 60. No. o:1 R ill 32 . avera;e at-
tendance 30.n.
II. N. Kinen'an. Teacher.
Jr. Pt. 11.-11onor3. V. 110 t 94 ; T.
Conner 83: E. Mage' 93 ; W. Gilles-
pie 84 ; E. Wells 82; J. Davi/ •79
Houhden 78. Pass. C. Salter 69; J.
Bowcy fits ; I. Davis en. 0
['t. I.-1ionoro, C. !leam.tit t;4: M.
Harvey 91 : 1'. l{arnoss57: E. Venom{
17. Pass. H. Kunz 61. No. on roll 49:
average attendance :3:3.
H. G. Pennock, Teacher.
Room VII. -Jr. 11.--f{onore. V. Sweet
ea: M. Sharp A6 ; 11. {iasis 143 : V Mar-
shall 95; C. liar,tess 53 • M. Morloek
93; P. Collingwood 82; I. Easterbrook
82, B. Rivers 81, A. Cornish He, W.1 ierI-
den 79, L. rainier 79. W. Davie 77, \V.
Brown; 76. Pees, 11. Gould 71. L. Ik'.ar-
in;; 60, D. C'oarlton 61. Sr. i't. 11.. Hon
ors. 11. Jack,o:t .3t, G. Harvey 92.V.
Jones 92, 1. Zuefle 89. A. Deter; 81. K .
Knight 84. V. Mallen 93. N. Norry HS,
E Taylor 77. Pass. C. Sanders 66. Nu
, ; roll 4:1. .average 34.
A. Sleettt, Teacher.
by New Absorption Method.
If you suffer front bleeding,
itching, blind or protruding
Piles, send Inc your address, and
will tell you holy to :tire your-
self at home l;y the absorption
treatment ; and will also send
sotne of this home treatment
free for trial, with references
from your own locality if re-
quested. Immediate relief and
permanent cure assured. Send
no money, hitt tell others of
this offer. Write to -day to Mrs.
M. Summers, Box $40 Windsor,
Hunters and
Mt teststflll.nt,
Quick Returns.
by shipping their
Raw Furs and Skins
•.?A901/M0• OPTS
the old reliable Firm of the
Fur Trade.
134 sad I14 ;until 4t. 11•nteasI.
Ask for our Free 1909.1910 Price List.
•write u, al once for our free �s*al •",,. and
.'seat 1h- 11t+1re .4 one
Commercial, Shorthand a Telegraphy
department.ra'e hese t'e leading. strati. at
tra,,ao. healorwoetern (retina. Cberw
are thcrongh. in•truct.r. eteer*eww el aw,1 we
assist graduate. to pneitinns 't,dent• are en
,erinr es try we.a 1•.••r .ho-+i.l ester NOW
Bow's This P
We -,ler *.,e Hundred Dollen K. art fir any saes
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halle catarrh
V. J. CHENEY a Co., Toledo. 0.
we the undersigned have knows F. J. C'hrney los
the taste years, sad believe him perfectly boaorabie
in all immured transactions and snap' ially able to
•ares out any oblige:hoas made by his ern
Warne, Muses 4 Maavrs,
Whol..ale Druggist., Toledo. 0
[fall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di
wetly ea the blood and mucous surfscs. of the
system. Tu.tirnonial.eent free. Price 7L.;. per Wt.
Ile. Sold by all Druggist*,
Take Hall'.Family Pale for corm ipatron.
The Liberal Association of South 'fur -
on held their annual !acetify," In Bruce -
On Monday last and there wan a repre-
eentative attendance.
Offirnr3 were elected as follows ;-
Han. Presidents. Fred Hess. Sr.. Zur-
ich ; Alex. Mustard. Brucefteld ; Dr. J.
SlxcDi:rrtt:id, Ilensall ; President, Harry
Snaith. Exeter ; Vice -Presidents, flugh
McDonald, Hem/all ; Jacob Kellerman.
Dashwood ; Wm. Murdock, Brumfield:
ste-'y, J. G. 3tanbury, Exeter; Treas.,
Joel, Murdoch, Brucefield : Township
C ,airiren. Usbonee. Robt. Gardiner. Far
qu**ar ; Stephen, Sarni Sweltzer, Ship-
ka : Hay, Chas. Fritz, Zurich; Stanley,
ltobt. Delgaty, Bayfield; Tuckersmlth,
Ed Peppel, Brucefleld ; McKillop, John
\1* -Dowel, Seatorth , Goder(ch. John Tor-
rance. Porter's Hill: Exeter. Samuel
Martin ; Heneall, Donald Urquhart ;
Bayfield. Murdock Ross, and Seatorth,
las. Watson..
The ueuar resolutio'ts of confidence 'n
the governments at Ottawa and Toron-
to were passed.
Addresses were delivered by Messrs.
M. Y. McLean, M. P.. and F. G. Inwood,
Provincial Liberal 'Secretary.
Mrs. McCoy and daughter left Tues-
day for Loudon, their future home. We
wish them happiness and prosperity- In
their new home. -}flus Mabel But),nurse
of Detroit, Mr. W. H. Butt of ,Toronto
>fedical College, Mr. and Mrs. Ethelbert
Mutt and daughter of Detroit. all spent
Easter under the parental root, the
Methodist parsonage. -Miss Katie Ell-
iott has arrived home and will spend the
rummer under the parental roof. -Perry
Cove. when loading his car for the North
west, sprained /its ankle so that he
could not make the trip, but fortunately
Wm. Luker was able to take the car out
and the owner expects to follow in a
week or two. -Mr. Itlehard handfeed
had a couple of ribs hooker' the other
day, being crushed by a colt in the
,tall. -Mrs. 'Frank Hicks, Toronto. vie -
'el over E,a)ter with her father -In-law
'1-. Richard Hirka.-The services of
Sunday were of an interesting character
:al were well attended.
Report of Promotion Examination in
C entrali t Publ*r School for March. -To
1r IV., M. Heamxn 84. It. Hanlon 77.
T. Sr. 111 . D. Brook), 84. 1.. Abbott
83. H. Elston 76, L. Baynharn 73 G.
Hanlon 67. S. MrF'alls 55. E. Culbert
; To Jr. Iii., 11. Eeuery 78, R. Mills
73. V. Davie 09, F. Ilutetable 63, L.
Hi• ks tau. -F.. M. Pomeroy. teacher.
1:AR(41711 A it.
Dr. and Mrs. liouze of Atwood spent
o week or two a; :le. home of .the Uat-
ter'e father, Mr. 1Vna. Stewart. - \\'e
have ) new min un th trail route. Mr.
John Walper of Exeter North having
taken over the route from Mr. Gibb. -
Mr,. Stewart had a sale of farm stock
and implements on Monday. -Plowing is
general here now, the spring having 0P-
(' 44.1 up vary 4 arly.-Tw'a f unities of
I{,ll•inders arrived here on Tuesday.
through the Salvation Army. ated have
•'ayaged as farm laborers. They do not
;peak English but ,are tidy. thrifty and
respectable lookln3 people. -Mr. Walter
Ke .l eke of near :Sunshine broke two
ba recently by falllnrt against tier
elle of a .lelih. He le recovering and
s now able to -atte:ad to his lighter
T re Ann:ve: nary Services of the
ties' .3 d Society were very eurrcers-
ul on Sunday and Monday last. Itev.
It )ht. lurk+ of Crediton preached ex-
cellent sermons both morning and •r-
enin; of Sunday. while the Easter Sup-
per of Monday night was a most enjoy-
able affair. The ladles have an envi-
able reput•atlon for provtdlns good
r .inga to eat. and this was no exception
tee rule. Tile program rendered af-
ter the sup,o was a eho:ee one and
con,iste1 of .addresses by Rev. 1(1,-k.,
t :r pastor 1(e,. Watson. and the junior
p*;tor. Mr. A. Butt, and songs, reading.
et:- by Miss Haiti( I(u•cter, Mrs. Chas.
Joh:*.. Mier F.11a Heywood, and ',freers.
\redrew Butt, Bruce Cooper. E.1. Jenne.
It Oa. Wilcox and Garnet Miners. The
p• *'e eels amounted to about d30.
The annual Vestry meeting of Holy
Tinily church was held In the Parish
Hall on Moeday evening. After the min-
ute' of the last .meting were read and
1porov'd. and the auditors' and war-
deuo' report, were read. the elertioe of
)faker'- for the t hsuing year took place.
W. T. Ilawkahaw was re-eltrted vestry
clerk . Christopher Hodgt:*s, the rec-
'oC: warden, and James Stanley were
.arlln elected ape wardens. The Marit-
al standlna of the church Is t.* ex a -'
'cot condition, there hems a surplus
very close to $271. -The rernalr,s of
Timothy Dorney, who lose his life last
e. e'er by falling through :a man -.*ole
*:11' o: the Winnlp'•J fire halls. were
3*: url,t here on Dbonday sial weir in -
.erre at St. Patrick's relnetery . 1114-
-lulph.-Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McLean.
the Orntral Hotel. are spending the
-arildays At Day City. Mlrh.-Itobert
'soddarr. principal of the high school.
veno res;et,e1 hl, position a month alto.
"ere, tele week for Elora to accept
• r•lmller po,lllon.-Mia, ida Arnuta'a
ctve.a or. Saturday for Monkton, where
.'*e will en3age to her Initial position
is to cher in the public schools.
Por Infants and Children.
Tb. Kid You Nan Always Butt
Bears the
Signature of
SEEDS FO1t SALE. -•We be to an-
-:ounce to the farmers requiring seeds
teat we are . iterrng for sale a large
stock of Iced clever. Alslke. Timothy.
Blue grass, Alsike and Timothy mixed
and Alfalfa, Clover seed which were
'opts Tally sehcted for oar retail tr.tde
and cannot be sutpissed for purity and
germination. Get our prices before
making your purchase. We have also
a quantity of "King Giant" seed oats
for sale. This new oat Is from
Lusden and was the admiration of all,
who saw it growing last season. It
Is a heavy cropper, stands up well and
ei sections were coudltloi,e were favor-
able this past seaeo:. yielded 81 hue.
to the acre. If you are gulag to try
a new oat precura a few bushels of
Ole variety. A call solicited.
C. ZWICKER, Creditor).
The beautiful weather of the pas
week has been something very unusu
al and we live in a dread of having a
set back. Everywhere the farmers are
seedi° and in many instances the
ground has become too hard for culti-
vation. -Mr. and Mn. Garnet Baker
were presented with a kitchen shower
on Tuesday evening by their young
friends. A very pleasant time was
spent by all. Mr. and Mre. Baker will
leave for their new home in Wood-
stock in a few days. Their many
friends wieb them all joy and bappt-
nesa.-Russell Andrews of Bluevale is
spending a few days in town renewing
acquaintances. -Rev. Robert Hicks of
the Methodist church took charge of
the services in Elimville Sunday. His
work in the church here was taken by
Mr. Andrew Butt of Centralise who
made a very favorable impression. -
Wm. Sambrook and son Nathan made
a business trip to London Monday. -
Mrs. August Ewald and son Ezra. and
Mre. Henry Moto and daughter spent
a few days In London during the holi-
days with their daughter.. -The fol-
lowing spent Easter out of town: Rex
Graham in Hamilton; Richard How -
sen in Wingham; Milton Parker in
Harrieton; Herb. Silber in Lucknow.
Ira Brown in London; Gottlieb Brown
in Chealey; Misses Mabel Weuzle, Liz-
zieWolf and °lassie Hill in Detroit.
The following were in town: August
Kuhn of Stratford, Sam Voelker of
Detroit, Fred Harris, Frank Finkhetn-
ere Misses Mary and Lucy Young of
London, Sylvester Wuerth and Harry
Trick of Wingham, Mrs. Finkbeiner
and daughter of Milverton. -Mr. tend
Mrs. Towers of North Dakota are vis-
iting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweet for a
few weeks. -Wonder what attracts a
couple of young fellows from Exeter
here. -James Lawson gave his auti.
mobile a trial spin the other day and
finds that it works to perfection. -Ed-
die Winer of Hanover attended the
funeral of his grandfrther Tuesday.
DEATH. -Death has removed rom
our midst one of our respected citizens
in the person of Matthew Winer, who
passed peaceful) away on Saturday.
March 28th, at the age of 71 years, 11
months. Deceased has been i11 several
years but only recently was obliged to
take to his bed. He was up, however.
the day previous to bis death and hie
sudden decease came quite unexpected
The remains were interred in the
Evangelical cemetery Tuesday after-
noon. Rev. Bean officiating. The local
lodge of the I.O.F. took charge of the
funeral and members Harry Eilher,
Chas. Either, Herb. Young, Paul
Shenk, Chris. Hoffman and John
Sweitzer acted as pall -hearers. The
flowers were very beautiful in
particular. The deceased leaves to
mourn his loss, a widow, seven sons:
John of Manitoba, Wm. of Crediton,
Wesley and James of Marlette, Mich.;
Matthew of Fort William, Nelson of
Sandusky, Mich.; Paul of Flint, Mich;
five daughters: Mre. Jones, Marlette,
Mich.: Mrs. Eli Link, of Winnipeg
Mrs. Martin Link, Begot. Man.; Mre.
G. Dick of Kippen and Mre. Hohmeyer
of Hanover, to whom ie extended the
sympathy of the entire community. -
Harry Beaver is placing a ceiling of
Southern Pine in the Methodist
Church. When the work ie completed,
it will be s decided improvement:
School closed for Easter holidays on
Thursday and the teachers are
spending their holidays at their several
homes. -Rev. A. D. and Mrs. Oisohler
called at the parsonage on Saturday
afternoon. Rev. Giscbler Assisted Rev.
Eidt on Tuesday and Thursdaynights
in the revival services now hed in the
church. He will also preach hers on
Sunday next. morning And evening,
while Rev. Eidt will take charge of
his work at Zurich. -The Y. O. A.
program on Sunday evening was well
received. -Mr. J. E. Burns spent
Sunday with his family at the home
of Mrs. Witzel.-Mr. lick Stier has a
very prollitwhle cow. Last year .be
brought forth a pair of twin calves,
whicb he sold to Mr. 'Tam Baker for
seven dollars, and on Saturday last
she again brought forth triplets. which
be sold to Mr. Charlie Beaver for ten
dollars. Who says raising calves don't
pay? -Mr. Jacob Finkbeiner visited at
the home of his brother on Tuesday. -
Mr. George Merner is all smiles, a .on
horn into his home is the real cattse.-
Mi.e, Lily Davis of London and her
brother Roy of Ails* Ctaig spent their
vacation at their home Dere.-Mr.
Percy Humble of Sarnia spent
Saturday evening end Sunday with
especial friends in this piece. We
really believe there's a goin' to be
something doin.'-Mre. Cyrus Lucas
and children of Elma Township, who
anent Easter at this place. left for their
hotne on Wednevday morning. ---Mrs.
Miles of Sarnia is at present visiting
her parent. in Ibis place. -Mise Katie
Bender. of London visited her home
over Sunday. --Mr. Oliver Greybiel of
Milton ansister, Mise Violel, of
Uryndele, ,pent their Easter vacation
at their home in this place. --Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Rettechen visited friends in
Crediton on Tuesday --Mre. John K.
Ehlers spent the Ka.ter with friends
in Waterloo. --The Miese.a (label of
Shuske.peare are visiting their sister,
Mrs. Emerson Gabel. -Mr. William
Lindenfeld le at present visiting at
the home of Mr. Charlie Steinh.gen.
1(RF15 STER.
Mr.. Turnbull continue, very ill. -
Mrs. Turnbull. who got her arm hrok-
em, i. improving very slowly. -Welter
England and wife visited on the town
line es couple of days last week. -Seed-
ing ii the order of the they around
here. At present the weather is sum-
mer like. - Young Wilbur' is very low
with lung trouble and is not likely to
live. -Mrs. 1'. Baker is on the sick list
at present. We wish for her a speedy
recover.-Mts. Ed. Gill of Riverside
Farm visited her father, P. Baker. nn
Monday. -P. Baker was in Parkhill on
Saturday on business. -John Luther
has moved to the farm he rented from
Mr. Elbarrow.-Jos. Gill and Arthur
Baker went to Zurich Monday on
Tt.erc was more than the usual
amount of stir in the Village on Monday
.t ht last. t t*e orcael0.1 bet g the gati.-
t•rins In Aberdeen Ball of about 150
of our citizens to do honor to Mr. Will.
Moore. who recently sold his hardware
business here. A choice program was
rendered, consisting of speeches ex-
preasive of sorrow at Mr. Moore leav-
ltty Ktrkton and beat wishes for tole
future prosperity and welfare, singing
etc. Luncheon was also served. The
evening was most enjoyably spent by
all. -Messrs. Hackney & Madge have
taken pos.essioi of their hardware bus-
iut•ss re-cently purchased from Mr.
Moore. We bespeak for them a good
share of the trade. -Mr. Alf Hawkey,
who had his farm rented to Mr. C. Swett
zer, has again taken possession of the
same, while Mr. Sweltzer has takers
John Sutherland's farm.
Pronnotlon Examinations An S. S. No.
1, Usborne.-Sr. III. to Jr. IV., honors
Willie Strang, Wilfrid Dougall, pass.
Hazel Down, Elva Harvey, Oliver Itow
ratio; Jr. III. to Sr .111., honors, Ce-
cil Barris, pass. Flossie Nell. Harvey
Nell. Ross Dick. Sr. 11 to Jr. III., hon-
ors, Elgin Itowcltfte, John Dougall pass
Vere Dell, Maggie Strang, Frank Jar-
rett, Mira Dew. John Gibb, Katie San-
ders. Jr. 11. to Sr. II., 'la Alltchell,
Clifford Mote. Alice Dick, Laura Nell
Lorne Oke. -W. H. Itydall. teacher.
A Simple Treatn,nt that Will Make It
Truly Fascinating -W. S. Cole
Guarantees [l.
Nowadays every up-to-date woman has
radiant hair.
What a foolish creature a woman
would be it she lust the opportunity to
add to her attractions.
Yet in Canada to -day there are hun-
dreds of thousands of women with
harsh, faded. characterless hair who do
not make any attempt to improve it.
In Paris mos' women have beautiful
hair, and In Canada all women who use
Parisian Sage have lustrous and lux-
uriant hair.
And airy women reader of the Advo-
cate ran have attractive and lustrous
hale in a few days' tinea by using this
great hair rejuvenator, Parisian Sage.
W. 8. Cole sells a large) bottle for
30 cents and he guarantees It to ban-
ish dandruff. stop Lalling hair and itcn-
scalp In two weeks or money back.
Parisian Sage is ail rdetl hair tonic.
not sticky or greasy.
Auction Sale
Household Furniture, Etc.
The undersigned auctioneer has received instrur•
tions to sell by public auction on the premises.
North Street, Exeter, on
Saturday, April 2nd, 1910
Commencing at ! o'clock sharp,
the following valuable property, sin.
2 bedroom suites, mattresses and spring; S cham-
ber freta; bedspread and shams, pillows, etc.; dog.
bedroom and kitchen chain, set of quarter oak din.
Inst chairs. nearly new; 2 rockers; parlor tables;
couch, nearly new; carpet sweeper, sideboard. kitch•
en tables, dinner set, odd dishes, pictures. odd aril -
cies, etc.; base burner with oven. nearly new; a
number of quart sealers, all kitchen utensils; tea
kettl., tubs, clothes' wringer, lawn mower, wood.
potato'., quantity of old plank, forks, upsides, crow•
bar, sledge, !set of wbieetrees, t n.ekyokss sad
other articles too numerous to mentios; draft colt.
to months old; lot on Main at known as the old
Bowling Greets; Si dos. hens.
TERMS-- All gums of 810 and (lnder, CASH; over
that amount 6 month' credit will be given on tune
eels' approved Joint notes. a per cent per snauut
off for cash on credit amounts. Terns of real estate
mode knows as day of sal..
Auctioneer Preprietor
Auction Bale
Of Valuable Household Effects, Etc.
Toe usdwsigned Auetlossse has had Ike fol'owing
household heslts» placed is his bands he sale by
public sellas, K 11188 ELLIOTrt! 21181011.7101,
Oarliog Street. Exeter, on
Friday, April 1st. 1910
At Two O'clock p.m., the following, vie:
&ITCNZS-Table, cabinet, 9 chairs, stove. ! bread
! !snipe, K eon pk tis., etesw•r, 41.4 pas,
wnk��l x g 6i.4•s, [nils,. nosh !tab.,
kswI, seal or. ass, bsekerw. spe(sklse, bo.,
rake. seem shovel, 6law roUl pia, walk dish,
-lets,, tea holt* psis 1M, 1 of pips and el.
bow 6 dem .eakt% sloths'
et, ell eau
DINING ROOM -Table, s chairs, eideb.ard, clock
PARLOR --3• tee parlor salts, couch, centre ta•
bk, ! tockors, 7 Octours..
1111D -BOON -2 hos beds. ! 1.11 of aMtr..s..,
springs, !dreams. ! wash stood.. 2 toile seta
t'ALPIMO, ITV. -Wool, salon and dale carpet.
t!tantrums, huede sad curtain polies, 9 white sad 3
wood pole.; stool •saga, neatly new.
ITEn1W 01881
B. M. Phillips. Auct.
Organ and Piano
and Tuning
G. PEDLER, late of Chicago,
has decided to remain in
for some time 'indefinitely) and will
wait on the music loving public in the
capacity of piano and organ tuning
and repairing. Ili' has made it hislife
work and is thoroughly reliable, guar-
anteeing all work. Following are a
few prices:
New String, 25c each
Tone Regulating .$304) rep
General Tuning $2.00
Key Levelling .500
overhauling .front $10 to g'Li
New Action and lianuuets
for Squ4te Piano from 8225 to 4131)
Re•Verni.hing, Polishing (leaving
like new done at love t figure,.
Estimate, on Pipe Organ Tuning
A Repairing furnished on request.
All work satisfactory or no pay.
orfere left at
John Pedier's Residence
-a•.•n Yarn Street, or 0 .sot.►,g, 1:RRTKR. win
.e .•,eprt,-p' vet -n:: 'et
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve, $6,000,000
Arr have recendy been completed under whish the branches
Bonk are able to Issue Drafts on the principal points
in the fonowtna countries :
Faroeyt Islands
Fr'ch Cochin -China
Great Bitain
PYRpise Islands
South Africa
Straits Settkmeats
Westiea Irl
and elsewhere
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison. Manager. branch also at Crediton.
Auction Sale
Er. R. S. Phillips, Auctioneer, has been instructed
tosell by Public Auction at
SATURDAY, APRIL 2ad, 1910,
at 2 o'clock p.m sharp.
the following valuable property:
LOT 74 and 79 on Andrew street, LOTS 3! and 33 on
Maio. oo which 1s a small brick house and tram*
barn, a good well and a choice lot of trait tress.
Also Part LOTS 10, 11, 19, the old woollen Mill
Property, os which is a good trams homes. contain-
ing 8 rooms in first-class condition. small stable,
There is a " right,
way of doing bus-
iness and there is a
wrong way " of
doing business. -
The RIGHT WAY of doing bus'-
*tess Is to bring your old truck, su^h
as horse hair, rubber. iron. copper.
brass. wool picking.. etc., to
main St., Exeter
Where you get the highest cash
price and honest.dealt,,ge.
FOR SALE -A lot of Ira, pipe
hand for fence poets. ete.
good well of water and a very good orchard, all
good state of repair.
TERI16:-For terms of u1s apply to 8.8, Phlllipe
Auctioneer, or will be made known os day of sale.
A business education is the
greatest legacyou can leave
your children. We get down to
the bed -rock foundation of 11v
ing business science, and assist
worthy graduates to the choice
Enter any day. Individual
instruction. Home studycones-
es in Senior Teachers' atricu-
lation and Commercial subjects.
Send for particular..
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
Easter Terni Opens
March 29.
Write for particulars.
Big Clearing Sale oi Pianos
In order to reduce our large stock of Pianos we are going to offer to the
Public for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS the BIGGEST VALUE for the mon-
ey that was ever offered in Exeter.
Below will give you an idea of some of the BARGAINS !
1 Blundell Piano Walnut finish, 4 ft. 4 in. high, ivory and
ebony keys,RSale d $175.00
for an unlimited time. Regular Price 25. Sale priprl ce
1 Dominion Plano Mahogany finish, 4 ft. 8 in. high, 74 oc-
taves, specially de-
signed in the highest style of art.
Regular Price 250.00 Sale Price $200.00
1 Morris Piano Mahogany finish, 4 ft. 7 in. hi b, guaranteed
ivory keys, Regular Price 300.0100 *Sale Price and 240.00
1 Dominion Piano Pure Walnut finish. 4 ft, 8 in. high.
This is the best piano manufactured by
the Dominion Organ & Piano CO. Has been rented about $215.00
8 months. Regular PriceZ35Q.00 Sale Price. •
1 Ennis PianoMahogany finish. 4 ft. 7 in. high. Colonial de -
Regular Price 3 .00 Sale Pelee $22500•
We will deliver to your home any of the above PIANO8 complete,
with STOOL and HANDSOME DRAPE. on payment of $20. and you may
pay the bylanee due at *2 a week.
Regina Watches, when sold
without an Official Guarantee,
and by other than an authorized
agent, are liable to be Second-
hand Watches, taken in trade
or procured in some other
second-hand way.
1 am the only authorized
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issue an Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada.