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Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-31, Page 2
THE OO19WMON OF SAINTS would and could do that would betput a tinybit of butter con each -__� Mcs,►ah to them. Compare. Matt.. marshmallow. This makes theta EARTH AND THE COMET In the last half of the lase ee0• I1 2-5. brown quickly. Serve as soon as tuts- lei um. el,, int biding returns, 28. He was come into the house --taken from the oven. --- I11'tellut.•d the (Thele of the His anxiety to reach home had been! Pr:t a ws. --Tw•o cupfuls of sugar, 11'11.1'1• '1'11E CHANCI:S of A ealth's orbit. Froin this Prefes- su great that eve the forlorn con one half cupful of maple -yrup, one, tar Picketing infers that Ke dhuuld Sign dation of these wretches had not de- half cupful of cream. li.yl until a COLLISION UE.U,1.1 ARE. expect i' Lr >.uuck by the t•1 11 of No Sign May Be Upon Their Faces Save lased him. till, they had kept s hall can be farmed when drop- a visible c,,niet ;u about 4U,- ♦ right uu till they were at his very tied in cold water. Remove from - ' lM)Q years, and. I,! eouu puKtoO t he Sign W ith in of Sincerity dour. He hardly needed to ask los the fire, adding a tablespoonful of and 11 Happened. What 'thea; of the head once glustion, nor they to answer. 'Their butter, and beat until creamy, put - pet - .t Subject Which Histurhr IN-I.tko,000 \ i:.\ItS. Misteney was proof of their sin- ting in a cup of chopped nut meats Since comets' orbits are more thick - than ty• awe a teaspoonful of vanilla. I)ro, Marl!' 1'eryun'. ":fact an highway shall be there- c.,mes all other souls seeking the I 1 J Iv di,tribnled near the eeliptiethaq the Ma. of h'ilinese.-Isaiah, xxxv.lsnn►e way and gladly hails as teach- 29.tTouched . .their eyes -The int, buttered tins and set outdoors in other region, ..f the sphere, the 8• ler and master those who walk be- - ma• i est sympathy and kindliness of to caul. Un May 18th next the• earth will c..11ixions would occur tulhrr more foie Kith coufidrnt tread. To him atteh an act would give them assets -.Peanut Brittle. -Two cupfuls of be Plunged into the tail of Hallo •s' frequently than this, but hard!,v us The wont j► that can be a,tinedease that it was not f• r'lnck of R to gulls it not worship at all; it is all great souls are religious souls. pith granulated sugar should be put into, c"►„et, and the head •.f that holy utteu a, once in :l,+1lN).Ot1U years Wht'ii all other measures tato been that he brushed theta aside in his a granite saucepan and allowed to; !viii be but 15,00.00.1 miles away. It and since it hes been estimated that either superstition or a foolish Niue©baste toget hack. Their faith; iiult, being stirred constantly to is but natural that a thinking thin leads a man to think he can, tried by this at last he knows them, ( g man, animal life has existed upon the have a little private deity, the one r=id they lead out the souls of men, would be correspondingly strength-1avoid burning. When the sugar is ahc,uld ask : Is there a po,sil,ility earth for shout IOl),WU,IA10 )enrv, a coed. all melted pour over peanuts which th;it the earth seat/ encounter a considerable number of collisions, deft,, all to himself or to his little'By this same sago he know, all,' circle. If you do not praise fur true worshipers to -day, are they �0. Their eves were opened - have been placed in the bottnul of c ,runt and char e.,: to to ;i frightful ptrhops as mans as :,n, must have Blindness is common in the East. It; a shallow buttered pan. mid ' asks the Scientific: .\merican. . t:1Leii ,l.lee during that iutervat, is 111e.at High always you do not praise ++ilh him seeking the life that is life is traceablepartly to the intense Marshmallow Fudge. -Two cu) Curiously coon !i. it ,+a• Huller ' 1 ' hie,, ever; periodic praise is the u:.teed. Is life to them just the , I ) g i r: i••,. I icktrinR's upiuion, evi pasu►ent of heartless tribute. 'chance to love and serve and tinct Blare of the sun, partly to lack of foes of brown sugar, one cupful of himself who fir -t poiu;e.l oat the 'Ienr;� +e ithtut prudueinr ,uvv ,env fisc meaning of all living? He finds cleanly habits. • milk, one-fourth cake of checolute. Poss'hility. IChi�to:,. Xe„to., , '• ri.••,- r••.ults. igious Religion is not a srasoual matter. Rt. S read abroad his fame -Ono Boit until a soft ball can be furme(i-stwee .;sor in the I.uea=ia., eh ear .•i 'l'1,,••t•l n ,li••us of the tidal of as though one might be rrliatter hin.se !f bediug with them, whatever of the pold commentators ' when droppedie, t- ,.f , .,.;.,•t , „ere I,:►s'eel a to lt,l tongue theymay speak or whenever praises; in cold water. Takes mathematics at Cande•dge, ,;a- - on special 'occasions and free from Rtheir disobedience, calling from the fire, adding1 u true im.iirintien at other's, or as: thee may bow, whenever some great R thelll'. a tablespoon- 81Dirsrd at a chariot of tine wl►,ch '" r' I,euU� crate. I,tl•ne .,[ e., uelai,y truth or noble ideal flashes before: „preacher asters and evangelists." i fel of butter. Let the mixture, flared up in his day, that Halley masses. It seen„ utiteni,.liing that thuug6 there were periods when one them. Strictly charged them -Tire exactt stand about a minute and then beat; wa= prompted to look closely into a roan of I,a list•e's Konderhil ma- uug6t to be religious while it would; fGleek here is veryuntil creamy, adding1 net he good form to manifest thia'ov troland stlretaches this them sternly, his's. marshmallowa. Pour in buttered te�a ltliienlresultHthuts c�►tleled to comet, cote-holed poKers .Mould nut taco tel.denev at any others. No man ; . , ; ctueludan that a body like a cionet, t Ion of the saints. They speak no I brows and shaking his head, say- tins and cut in squares, when passing through the descend-. ehirh can sweep through the entire Is truly religious who is not always ing See! Let no one know about lug node. hadapproached the. solar system without (ieriu► •in religious. shibboleth save that of the soul that; it '' The crowd had alreadybe-earth's tiro)' 4 a I asks the way to the life it knows to'path within a sem;diameter' single one of its members, roust One hastens to say that this does, Icome unmanageable with excite- THE LAUNDRY. of the earth. Naturally, Hallev•bate, a plass so small that it cannot be before and reaching out hands not mean that we ought always, or, of love calls on all others to find ! tnent. Te Whiten Tea Towels. --Save all wondered ,chat would have happen-' anI'I'er Inhl1 ;Meet the waters of the indeed ever, to s(en] to stagger j 32. A dumb man --Either deaf or the lemon hulls, drop then] in the ed had the earth and the comet euro►• •1s it 15, conic ts are more under the weight of the world's ini- THIS LARGER LIFE. Idumb, or Moth. If the last, then, vessel in which you boil the towels, been actually close together in likely to bo captured •bs planets quities or to be engaged in the pen- whatever gives larger meaning. as the man was also a lunatic, the add one or two tablespoonfuls of their respective whits. Assuming' ec »- iJiteilrss the cornet families of ,Iu- encc of pious sufferings. It does to life, whatever brings us nearer: miracle was a threefold one. borax, and it will whiten them won. the coinet'S mass to 6avc been colo-; Niter and Saturn) than to derange u.e•an that the truly religious man! our goal, whatever solves our prob-I 33. The demon was east out -Sec derfuily, and there will be a clean parable "''``' ,,__t i., member, .. e solar system or to so byes as in the steady conscious -penis, strikes off our shackles, notes on lesson for March 13. freshness about them that is de - /ICS? .if a high and heavenly, joy- breaks clouds before our eyes, helps 31. By the prince of the demons sirable. ou.e and loving life. ' us to look up. teaches us to step eal;teth he out demons -This is at Iron Help. -When ironing rub Religion is not the peculiar pri-, forward, though it be done for but least an unconscious testimony to soar. on iron to keep from sticking vilege of seine persons. It cannot; a little child. that is true religious the reality of the tniracle. Beelre- to clothes. be limited to certain sections of so- ,service and there tho hand of God. bub (Luke) was the name given the, Keeping Shape of Clothes. -To eiety nor can it become the exclu-' is seen. chief of the evil spirits. It was a prevent clothes front getting out of Sit'l' possession of To have felt this meaning in life, contemptuous phrase, meaning in shape in laundering, be sure to iron ANY GROUP OF PERSONS, to have taken it in terms of the in- the old days of Israel, "Lord of, with the straight of the goods, This th f fitrite, to see that this is religion, • flies." The accusation of the will pull thein into shape and pre- that have been, and ho concludese I auroral glare•. and • There are little Zions of a score of for this alone is the divine way of Pharisees was equivalent to a vent stretching of the bias seams. thr,G "if so large a body with so ru + :111?Tl:Olil(' I)iSi'L.\. ti fanatics who believe they have cur- living, is to learn a contempt of the' charge that he was in league with Especially true of children's aprons +at the time, but whether these pail a motion were to strike the t railed to themselves all the piety • petty bickerings of minds that the devil. that have a bias scam at the sides. earth- thing by no means iuv ,os - in th(+ universe, but the tides flow - strive over words, that fight over -_siIJe-the shock mi 1 were really associated with the on outside just as hill sad dee) as definitions andWashing Black Stockings.---Ile- beautiful might reduce this'comet or not cannot definitely be I pictures of their• number the length of timeyou take world to cve1 gods, to feel an impatience to be ong stated. At all events, it may bu itee„,15e Herr, is Khat he is, with - one's way and at one's work when to wash white ones and rub accord- ITS ORIGINAL CHAOS.'' safely held that on flay 18th next 1 deeps that mach beyond alt our these would stop us with their ingly. There is nu garment Korn none of us will be sly breathing of the fact l"IOME requiring the caro in cleansing as a Hence Holley nut only dispelled that rte are literally breathing the pli;lmx.,phi+►! soundings, with trifles.black ung the stocking, bemuse you can- the superstition and the terror , heights that no seer has yet fully; This is a way we all mnv take • no,Khich once followed in a comet's to I of Halley s comet. Krum th;s • • notsee dirt is no reason there is it testy w ell be inferred that the livened for us, with reaches of his test stands at its beginning save it none. Do' not wash in hot water, i wake, but also pointed mit n Nessa „ilei tales of the possible erects of +• bring telly dimly felt by the soul be the test of honesty, no tribute IN****** but lukewarm. Would suggest five bilary which the superstitious dark rind never revealed to others, scan ':ave that of love, no restrictions ages had never dreamed of. It h'c i triuus gases, tales for which the is •1 relig;ous being, one conscious ante those that ao high a purpose minutes to one pair. }hate had nrttspnpers are very largely respell- It new stockings ruined in the first' seemed to Heeley not iniprubsble ; sihle, are utterly without found*- , his un.erfcct' -that is, of his lends us cheerfully to impose on' wash. Once improperly and hurri-i that the earth had at some remote gr(::ter and infinite possibilities. ! out stlt•es while all alongthis way Bread Baking. -No doubt Ulani P 3'tperiod been struck by a comet, i„1�„ It is true that a comet's tail b wily washed longruins them forever., mpdxed of poisonous and as - out to him ;i:! life is the reaching eutues the broadening felowship of a woman has found her bread loaf; Linger long at the washboard. No -I tarsen, coming upon it obliquely,' J,1;� xiatin hydrocarbon vapors out into these possibilities. spirits, the high joy of service and in rising in the: winter after work- thing but good soap and washboard hn l changed the position of the axis R n ap rs and ]n :(•arch for larger life, in the; in: J•iration of an enlarging life. . ing it on the bread board, which of rotation, the north pole having of apes the actual amount of toric is rl success, ,ami is se small that Khen the rndraeor to - find himself, he wee-, liL'\ ltl 1'. ('OI'F.. 1 is usually cold. To Hyoid this, Nur I originally, he thou ht, been nt a [.attic Helps. -Soften Water -- g earth is brushed by the tail of Hat - chase tin one, heat it before the Heat but do not boil a boilcrful of point• not fur from Hudson 's easy. - = i fir.. and you will never find your ('he more recent ince,ti arsons of Ha• l - ton' cornet, the composition ..f the THE SUNDAY SCHOOLriater; add two tablespoonfuls of q atmosphere will not be so affected her confessing her story• baud stilted. Instead of using i► [v.,, In a few minutes a scum oris- }let in and Sir George Darwin cum BeIle of good char -Mark inh,rrns peer , which chills quickly, but a Nle tele upset any such theory. that a chemist could detect it. us that she shrank back, "fearing wide crock, Always heat itnon the soap rend with a me,n, then add ' Flaminarien has drawn a vivid pie - and trembling." To be discovered stove,3sea,, noel wash saner as for soft Since Hailey's time the chance of te.re in his La I -'in du Monde of the place the bread in it, and water. Perfect Is- harmless to clothes a collision between the earth and „,sable elle: t of passing through iiN'1'Iat\.tTiON_1L LESSON, in this way was to be put to Aherne cover with n piece of woolen bean- and u sayer of sell) a cornet has engaged the attention- J before the multitude. But it was k(c. with the result the bread is J ' of many astronomical rnnthoHatici-; a tail highly charged with, vapors. • •tPU11. 3. the only way Jesus could rid her ready to bake much sooner than: -"-' Ht.has shown u+ terrified human - TABLE superstition, and show her it was usual. A slate :tub, such as is • aria Laplace, for example, paint- T.\BLh. DO\'TS.it% gasping for breath in its death her faith that had made her whole, used for roofing, also makes an ex ed the possibility of a collision with straggle with carbon monoxide gay, 1,e.snn I. 'file Power or 'froth. and not any magic eflie•rrcy in tie, cellent bread board, and can often The fullowinq brief rules should the earth so vividly that he startled killed off with merciful swiftness by b practic•ed three •tirnee n do} : Iii.: day and generation. He drew cyanogen. and dancing joyously to Mail. A, Nett. golden ' st, hull tassel.Do not eat rapidly, and never cat a picture of a cornet wli. e' plass R R ,, be •got for nothing. It can he heat -an suer th nd danci produced by The woman wits made whole cel very hot and placed under a' Kith a knife. i was retell that n tidal wave Some Mark ;r. _e;j, fruit ,,,at hour ---This cure became eroek or pan of dough to assist slow' [)e Hot (Ill lip food in Small J)1CC ; i3,000 tor 14,000 feet high inundated the eons . , ,itu of the atmosphere in - notable. 1n early tradition Stans bread in rising in winter. es on the plate. ; the world. with the result that only t ' nitrous oxide ur dentist's 1 Verse 1.1. .1 ruler --Murk and that the woman's name was Veru- Nut Bread. ---into four (upfnls of Do not. sup soup noisily nor from the higher peaks of the Himalayas "laughing gas." No one of any I. ke give him the taller title, "cul- ossa, and her Morar was in Caesarea (lour star four teaspoonfuls of bilk- file end of the spoon. oar: the .\Ips protruded. Lclattde hvnrmen sense sl1,iele, be alerm(•d y • • of then synagognc•. His duties Phil and that she was there-' ing powder, one cupful of sweet Do not leave spoon in teacup. ; created a panic by n similar einsi,l b`' these nightmares, particularly 1 a1 re to preside over the synagogue feie.a (centile. 1t the gates of her. milk, one and a quarter cupfuls of Do not put food on the back of, enation of the subject in a paper "hen it is considered that so dia i as a eeiter tf worship, maintaining house, in the fourth century, was R pphew:tisk. thin Ir, a comet a tail, sugar, one cupful of nuts, two well the fork. ! Khich wits intended fcr pre<c►►tati.:n t ••• .ler unci choosing thecae who were to 15' seen a monument represent- beaten eggs, vanilla flavoring; this Do not put potato skins, fruit - i„•fore (he Academy of Science, but that stars can be seen through it to participate in the services. He int thin. scene• is very stiff. Put into baking pan, parings, (or any waste on the table -1 which Kati not read. Such was the without diminution in brightness. tt":t a maul of high rank. • 23. Flute -players, and the crowd let stated twenty ieintitex spread n cloth. !popular excitement, that he felt -• '1' ----- 1Vor.hip ted hip, Paid hire slid' staking n tumult-- -111 this confusion' little butter over the top, and bake 1)o not leave the table until meal. himself eon;trained to allay the' l'![IIhEl) 11'1'[•1[ .ttittI:V. rttet.lul homage a nem are wont was in keeping Kith ancient sus pearl} an hour until done. Try is over. public fears as Kc•II as he coned in to girt to kings. i Loin Mourners and musicians were with straw. Do not read if others are at the. n soothing article published in the -- -- My daughter is even now deed-- hoed to make lamentation and table with you, j ('areae lie araiire. The masses as-; t'onlle•rl•eer!e en ew Dreadnought(' Thi is an ahbreviuted Eerie of the dirge. The crewel of theta is an ct i- Cern Bread. --One cupful of corn.Worked Poorly. '. meal, one cupful of fluor, one cup De nut hesitate to take the last stoned by both Laplace and LIIlandr Flury. 1'ompare the faller state_ dunce of the wealth and station of ful of sweet milk, one egg, one piece that may be offered to you. are so preposterous that their During the recent trials of the Hent in Mark and Luke. +Jurors''heaping teaspoonful of baking pow- It is presumed that there is more. theories are no lunger seriously C(.11inRwood and the special tett 11). His disciples .1n unwieldy ll 24. The damsel is not dead, bort Iter sifted with their and meal. One Du not bend over the plate, drop. considered by any sane astronaut r. trier of the Vanguard, battleships ere wet Eel out w ith Jetius, but he slcepeth It must be enticed: 1.! tablespoonful of sugar, two table- Pine; the head too low, thrusting the SEVERAL ( 'OM ET SCAIIE,S. of the new 1)readnonght class, an permitted only Peter, James, and That she was actually dead, in the spconfuls of melted lard, 'one tea-. elbows out, or sitting with the back exua••rdinar;y defect value to light, John to go with !din to the ruler's 1ser.se that life had flown (real her sp„ootid (,f salt. turned toward the person in the Since the day of Laplace and l,a- The trials of both tessels wise• house (Mark s. 21, 37), 'Leidy. The mourners, indeed, I Fruit or Coffee Bread.- -Two cup- next chair. batiste there have been several vera• geeeralty satisfaeturs , but in each "_0. A wonlaua-Note concerninglaughed Jesus to scorn for his fins of sugar, due cupful butter, I)° not grasp the blade of the et scares. liiela's comet classed instance the condensers did not a,'t her disease: (I) That it was regard- wr•rds. 'Moreover, the miracle lose trice eggs, two-thirds cupful of Or. knife; hold it by the handle. tae. earth's orbit on October 20, sru•,othly. investigation showed ed as incurable by ordinary midi its point if the girl was only asleep Jeans molasses and one Iryel tea- Do not pour tea or coffee into a 183Y. When that fact was nnntnnc- that they were Partially choked cal treatment, and was given over in the ordinary sense. Peter was ;I'd socia bea• t'one n light, one cul)- (saucer to cool, nor drink (1'1111 a ed, Europe was in a ferment. The, tfith ashes, and the cause of the to be dealt with In charms; (2) present, and the accounts of the fol strong coffer, unr cupful raisins, encer. orbit (if the earth was confused tr.•l.bles was soon re,enled. thee for twelve ye,,r-e, to use Mark's event must have come from him ! 1)t not lip the piste to obtain the with the rat tit itself. Such %vas the in the process of improving en ironicai phrase, she "had suffered and Luke, a physician, says expli- r„ic i tr)'fml ieos tx, uncfotir-lialf cuP lase remnant of the sou paella excitement, that lragt t�•. trsskls of the Ki • I'.d+raid tui citron, spices to taste, tour cups,P• R many things of many physicians" cite% that "her spirit returned." Do not bite mouthfuls from took it upon himself to compute the tele, the esti expellere were fixed an 1 only 'grew worse- ; (3) that 2. Jesus invariably looked uponln�tmedmixing ingredients in orderlbread; always break it. (►c•>~sil,i!ities of a collision. He throurth the bettu►ns of the tau hal- rh • was considered ceremonially death a e n strep. The early ('kris- Nut Bread --Four eit ;fuls of `lour Dc not tastes a napkin at the pointed out that the earth did not tleships, instead of at the side. AS unclean, and Hi -rehire ire was harsh- tians followed hint in this (Matt. 27. i neck nor tuck in into a buttunh., a four teaspoonfuls of baking pow- J , reach the exactspot where the coin- in the case of the King Edward. Iy i toluterl tram society. 52; Acts 7. 60; I Thess. I. 13 13), id. •r. one cupful of granulated sugar,! Ing' it in the lap. et had intersected the earth's orbit. 'Inc object of the alteration was to Caine behind hire ('hr e,tem 25. Ile entered in • Together with • one cupful of chopped English wnl-f Do not play with fork or spoon, until a stonth later, on Novrn+lx r avoid leaving a track of ash dust, Say'. .She was nshnnled on account the three disciples and the Parents nuts, one egg beaten light, two cup.ior 3111'. notother article. 30ti►, on which date the euniet vas as has sometimes ore -erred in lino of her affliction, accounting herself of the child. Lake's details aro fnls of sweet milk. Mix all t,gkth•; take lnrge rloutllful.t nor 60,000,000 ,milt -s away. Incidentally weather, when poetdcred dart has to be unclean." suggestive and touching. It is of er, pour in greased ea'' too heartily ; health demnrl,Js lir Pointed out that. a collision was fl,•nted on lite surface of the water Border of His garment --livery intcre•st to compare this miracle of medial( hour. Bakeone and come- !telt you eat slog Ise Good manners always happily remote. He thought to. da‘,,. Jew, aerurdinj{ t•• the requirement re':.terrectitn with the other oto lull( hauls in a slow oven. t go }rand in hand. g were %es•i'!'- and thus disc lased the in Nwelte•rs 15. a:, Kere on the four (Luke lit; John iI). Those , , health that the chances of n meeting whereabouts. have. Breakfast Puffs.- Sift toRcthcrI Spread the napkin over the knee, ab• ut tine in 211,0041.000. Itabinet,1 I ens calculated that by pine - eel ems of bis cloak a tassel which: etc trouble in n..eepting them till cone Pint flour, dap -half cupful of hr,ld the [ark with the, handle in the un the other hand, thtt•tett that n oi, the expellers in the bottolt,', c►[ i. , + reminded him of the summands of I wilt believe Jesus to be the reser- Sugar, one heaping teasp••onf,il of ' hollow of the left hand. When it ('„elision was likely to take place the tw o , essel•e the discharged (mass 1 Jt hot'.ih.J of salt. mice in alien( 15.000.000 year•. More [ In this portion of the rection and the life. is used in the right hand have the, 1[ rc (, dint would damp through and bilking pdwelcr, teaspoonful gatment it was thought a special 27. Jesus passed by from thence There add one egg and water enough prongs upward, holding it between recently the entire problem bats, sink ••i.t of sight. But it now ap aanetit resided. --He had enjoined secrecy upon the to stir thee,] up. Bake in gem tins til•• thumb and finger. beer considered by Professor W. H. ! pears that the expellers were plat- '; 21. If I . . . touch his garment-- little company who witnessed the in quick oven. Nice served with Pit kering of Harvard. By a col-, ed too tietr the inlet (rem which Iler fetth was colored by the super. miracle, for he knew what would maple syrup. USEFUL HINT lisinn he nndertitnnd9, first, that th• rirc•nlatinq pump (rel th• Hain ) stilton peculiar to her age, but it happen as soon as it became known any part of the earth strikes any' eordrnserv• The action of the was faith. ('olnj;are the story in that he had caused the spirit to re- :1 basin of cold water Placed in alit ,,f t1,•• comet's hind; es an iemolpumcaused the rliachargcd aeries AcG:, 19. 12. turn to the girl's body. So he has- ('.1N1)Y, an oven will soon lower the temper- that nits Past of the earth strikes, to be sucked lip into the condena- 22. .ferns turning and seeing het teres to return to his own Moore. atu.e• t',e alter condensed point in thetert, which could not, thercfurc, tie- - Though the crowd pressed closely TWO blind men followed tarn - ,� Divinity ('ands. Two capfuls Bilk will k• ep sweet Ionjrer in a head (the torr) as distinguished cute the required amount of a 1.'r. of••n him, Jesus •dcreeted the swift, sti ry peculiar to Matthew. though ,��,11lated wrnp, super, a/• hnitonuph,l we -half ,lt,fe�l shTheapan han,ls tsli»itJn pitcher. (roto the larger !owlet's. What The dhe ha,p will probably re• ne •wits tug at his cloak, and per- a number of similar mirneles aro re i ►e dipped in the average! size of a visible comet's su!t in the bat;leships being d 'eked i teivedd in it a call for help. The vended by the (IosJ,els. 'Their cry- Coed: till it threads re little, this cold venter before reeking Paster, bend may be. we have no mean, of at d)evoupert wits] a view to r.lee- worns.n hoped to escape unseen. The in„ oto. Have mercy on us, th„❑ 1"'tor in white of (Inc egg well hent- 'T palish glass use aquaammonia knowing. Young estimates that inn the expellers further away f' -.•m disrip' ,, hoped eagtr to get to the Louse son ..t Daviel, dors not nese. 111; 11 en : 1.%eat till creamy, then add one en cloth or sponge and polish with foe a telescopic comet it nyerogo'. the circulating wimp, and this will of Jair,►s. rentonetrated. But imply dint they {relieved nee'. the i ,,,of.ii anlnirts chopped tine. e•rt pnJ•er• from •10,(r(x) to 100,000 miles in die ` Jerue was not satisfied; his eympa• Messiah. The fame of hie wander -I T''nsted Jlarshmall;,vcs.-Toa.tcat \ small quantity of green sago nveter. 'Tho head of the great cera • stonin;eeesig. dr las their rnmmis- marsh,nallows are debt -lees server) elnecd in the pantry will drive away et. of 1811 was 1,200,000 miles; that• The ('ollineeise J"., engine shafts the had hero 'reused : "Some ono w.:rkinq had stirred in there a' did rouser me." And when he dis- tils. lupe that le might relieve them,,( as f'1!le,o, I lace each nenrtihnts1-'(Iasi alts. of Holmes's comet in 1892, 700,O00',t,,.e, !. „ cotered who it was1ovs on a square a reek. r ami before' To preserve ffowers pet little miles, and that of nake•d-eyo Come a fo rsii to 1►e nesetj i he insisted on their mi le and an}•body who placing in the u;ck oven t ► • r Merely, and conSielertlhle alteratiutra P g 9 to oast sal putt? in the Mater. cis generally over 100,000. Ihave been tour) necessary. assumption which we now know to pre,duee tidal effects. have been utterly beyond reason)' The plunging of the earth in the he concluded that their mutual tail of Halley's comet naturally gravitation would have caused a • causes needy to wonder what will change in the position of the earth' be the effect upon the inhabitants in its orbit, and, consequently, i❑ of the earth. �llelllal' pIISiagr3 oc the length of a year. This train cysi, red itt 1'+1'1 and 1�3(i1, but no one of thought led hip] to consider what' t+:, • the wiser until lung deer. Surae c resulto an actual collision i'-tionomers claimed to have notice 1