Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-31, Page 1ittet iSpa TinarrT-Tinav YELL et EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MARCH 31.1910. It. St NDERS & CREECH' The Old Reliable s We are showing this week a large range of New Goods 4 which have just come to band. Among them are those Up-to-date Shirt Waists for Ladies, also White Skirts ---Nobby Goods, which we wade note of in our last ad. You should see them before making your selections. M -t A Word to the Young Men ! IF YOU NEED A Fancy Shirt or Tie, Hat or Cap, We have just opened up a fine we have them just the style you require. range of up-to-date line of Men's Shoes, very stylish, something to talk about We have decided to go ont of the READY MADE CLOTHING and if you want a snap give us a call. Highest Price Paid for Produce. CA.RLING BROS. BCRP! The general public will take notice that I am doing bu8inees in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Rags, Etc. All purchases to be delivered to HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE, EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may he left at the save store, where prompt attention will be given. M- WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. rr•fiesstiossl Cards. DR- G. F. ROULSTON, L.D,S,: D.D.fi. Honor s;radaate of Toronto University. DENTIST ofaces:-Over Dirksoa S Carling's 1.►w Ott: es. Ezetet. Telephone No. f. eland Wednesday afternoons. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. D. 8., D. D.8.. onor grad ace of Toronto L'oiveriete. DENTIST. bath extracted without any pain, or any lad. ed1 DSC* orer O1ad17.1n & StatAttry's omce, Malo street fsI W,. Medical P1Are0 AND CUTTER FCB SALE. A new first -clave Piano cr bale cheap: A1EC cutter. Ailey to W. Arnold, Eseter. FARM FOI1 SALE. One of the finest !arms In t'eborne Apply to SANDERS & CREEC}1, Exeter EGGS FOB HATCHING From selected Barred Rooke. Malc birds Model Farm breed. $3.2:, per 100 or 50e. a setting. Also pcn o1 Slod- el Farm Darted fork Hcr,e, epeelally M. BIGHT, M. D., M. C. P. a8., HONOR bred to lay, $1.00 per serine% Will In- cubate eggs for you at a rcaronable price. Paby . h:icka for rale after the 20th of April. Two 33ruodere and sem* Barrel Rock males for sale. A call eol- n. Graduate of TorontoUolesrsit Two years reddest physician Royal Alexandra H�oepital, etc. Odes and Residence, Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, EIIITIIR. D*. A. T. BOND, TORONTO, POST GRADUATE of New York l'ost Graduate College, successor fa D►, `ence- 111. MalloF. y, Andrew 8tdO1Bee- Feessrly tis tot Law Ohre, opposite Central D`, t, P. MoLAUGHLiN )Wileamod practice atter speed a year (Col• b ieb pied! Cit onaloss to 27e. (with r ft.c• M) & Ness sad Tbroat. Mee: Dasbwood.Oat. • DlOfiI0N a °LINING. SA1a&iR IEWB. rlOLK71 Me, Notaries, Co.veysaoers, Ooasat.4osere isildless fa Moieties Bask, Me. fantasy is Leas at Iowan rstersof Istereft Oscqs, Malo Kre+t. Easter, a. Oaat,tss, iSA., L. N. Promos OMIT TO LOAA. W. bsve a large amount of private funds to lose etrs hesad village properties at low retie of Tater OLADMAN a STANBUET,I Barristers, Boliciton,Matn it.. Eseter Os B. 8. PHILLIPS, E=ATER. Licssse4 Asctleseer. Paler attended Is all parts. 8atlsfactloo gnan.• teed or so p. Torsos reasonable. All orders lett at Advocate �Mce will be promptly ette.ded to. 1ILfONF.T TO LOAN ON FARSI AND VIi.L.te.F ` Properties at lowest rates of tote rest. ERNE -f ELLIOT. elec. Orposite Central Hotel. Exeter, Ont. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead - Lis Canadian and British Companies. Main -St.. Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSON. Lir-cooed Auctioneer Ter Huron County. Terms reasonable. fates can be nude at the Advo -ate, Reeler. •r Henry Silber's Office, Cried- ttsa. Cede Posts for Sale We have the finest quality of Cedar Poet at moderate -prices. 0. E. Ii1CKS, CENTRALIA SEED BARLEY 500 bushels of >tanthuria eed barley grown trom 'elected sled for three year also 100 bash* ir cf seed peas. Prices on aplicatton.- W. D. SANDRA!). Satter, Onts kited. Orders taken now. -WILLIAM A SAM)3I1OVK, CREDITON, ONT. FOR SALE HORSEMEN ATTENTION Tie atasoal Is approaching when you will need your horsebllls. THE ADVOCATE is again this year to the lest position to give you the best of service. Our cuts youcards are the best. \1e print with taste and despatch, and at a very reasonable figure. besides giving those who get their cards here a two -weeks' notice of the toute ii the ADVOCATE (largest lit ulat'.on In ttse district) N tee of charge, which In itst1. Is worth mom than the whole price of the cards. Local Items Fishing is good sport in the river at present. Miss Hilda Preszcator of Stephen is le_.rnhut millinery at Mr. J. A. Stew- art's. Sirs. Richard YelloA and eon Edward visited over the Holidays with Mr. Nel- eon Northcott at Strat'ord. Mis• Laura Hewitt of Anderson and Mt,s Elvina Bock of Zurich were visit- ors with Mtes Chowen last week. Mr. James Crease!) has recovered sonne- woat front his illt,ess aid is able to be up for a short time each day. Teat welcome spring flower. the common dandelion. has already made its appearance. Mr. Ell Snell ttavltsg seen one on Mar. 26th, which is much earlier than usual. Mr Thos. Yellow has purchased the aeon of the late J. W. Hodgson on the Lind con. of Usbornc. and Mr. John Frayne hal bought the fifty acres toe - tonality: to the late Mr. Hodgson. Mrs. Thos. Bissett of Usborne and Miss Edith Brown were In London dur- ing the we'k attending the funeral of the wife of their nephew, Mr. W. W. Bayley, which took place on Saturday. Mr. arid Mrs. Bayley had been mar- ried only about a year. To gear MISS Jardine Thompson will be alone worth the niortey you pay. She has sunt; before Out qua:t. a suffirll ant guarantee of professional ability. Do not fail to hear her. Str. W. G. Craig is also an elocutionist of Al standing. and Toronto papers praise hint hisIly. Cottage and three lots in Eseter, being lots Nos. 55, 56, and 37, on the South side of Simcoe Street. On this property is a frame cottage (brick foundatton)con talnhat five rooms and a good cellar. Also a good well and a large stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The pro- perty Is to be sold to wind up the estate -Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURT, Barrtatcrs. Eseter, Ontario. HEREFORD DULL FOR SALE. Thoroughbred Hereford Buis for Sale, months old. First -clave animal. Also will take a number of cattle to feed straw. SIIEJ1WOOD HUNTER. Lot 1 . Co! 4. Usborne . Centralia P. 0. WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS FOR HATCHING. stood utility etra1r1-$1.o0 for 13 egge ,: 3 settings for 42.50. Incubator iota 94.0(1 for 10n. Fertility guaranteed. C1IAS. F. HoorER, Bea 157. Exeter, Ont. HOt NE :\ NI) LOT 1'311 SALE A stony anal a Lail frame housc.co:.- taining seven rooms and summer kit- : hen. brick foundation, good well of spring water, one-quarter acre of ;and ; situate on tic south side of Ilu- ron *treat east. Apply to S. SANDERS Telegraph Office, Eseter. PASTURE FOR CATTLE A number 01 cattle will t* taken for raeture. WM. 1.1. VLATCHFORD FAitMS FOR SALE T'at choice term. being part Lat 16 a, -,d 19. ton. 1. Township of Usborne. In the Village of Eseter, containing 100 acnes. On this property there is an upto-date brick dwelling with all con- veclences, large bank barns, with water in stables, silo, drive `louse, Ice house, and a:1 kinds of fruit; 1t accts In hay and grass. 6 acres fall w;.sat, balance ptcaec:i aft tall. Property In a high state et cultivation and well adapted for a man doing a dairy t'utfr, . or ge-.eral farming. ALEX POW. of Piaster, or T. CAMERON ,tucttoneer of Farq l'.ar. Mr. Frank }3 wden has taken a pos- itlo'. In Montreal as druggist. )4r, Richard Welsh left from Mitehell with a load of horses on Tuesday, go - iii to Togo. flask. CHILDREN'S AID. -Rev. Hugh Fer- guson, agent for the Children's Aid and Humane Society of Perth Oaunty. is about to receive :torn Mr. J. .1. Kelso Surtrintcndent of Neglected Cat11Jr,1,, a Veal, of five little bays and a brother and sister, along with an active boy and two sisters. Thisbe wtehlto to adopt any of shear or other desirable children should apply at once to Rev. Hugh 1•'er- •;usctn, Stratford, Ont. --- EASTER VISITORS IN TOWN. -Ales Elle n Brown or Detroit ; Mrs. Amy of 1to, 'ord: Mr. Art Woad of lido ton 21: ' Fret i'e.,:,ale o: Landon; MIs. 11. II'twkins of Walkerviile: \t'es \Vcst- 1oid o: Wyonting, Miss Ethel Sweet or St. Marys; Mr. Geo. Willis of Lon- don; Mr. Frank Cornish of London ; air and Mrs. Jol,n Newcombe, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kelly of Stratford; Mr. Rea. Elliott and daugnter, Mise Paul- ine of Norwich; Mrs. Rog. Samuel of Highgate: lir Barry Huston ot Clin- ton; Mr. Thos. Raker of Pott Huron; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iteaman of Lon- don . Miss Epple Re k'e of St. Thomas at Mrs. Chas. Knight's; Dir and Mrs. Wilson of London at W. D. Clarke's ; Misses Mary and Bertha Mack of Tor- onto; Mr. Fred Armstrong of Paris; Mrs. W. Seldom and son of Ingersoll ; Mr Herb Gregory of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Inwood o1 London; Miss Luckhant of Amhcratburg with Mrs. \V. S. Flowey ; Mr. and Mrs. McCallum of London at Jas. Sweet's: Miss Clara Davis of Ingersoll: Mise May Davis of London: Mrs. Susan Elliott of Lon- don ' Mr. and Mrs. Heady of St. Marys; Mr. acid 11re. Carter of Ilderton and Mr. and Mrs. Omer: of Shakespeare at D. (aobbledick's ; Miss Muriel Evans of Ailsa Craig ; Mrs. Milner of Forest at Jos. Sutton's: Miss Vera Rowe of Londott ; Miss Lois lllntey of Wind- sor; Mrs. Buckingham and Mrs. Robt. Southcott of London ; Miss Emma Heid- eman of Ingersoll and Miss Annie Held email of Stratford; Mr. Case Howard of St. Thomas; Mr. Wallace Fisher of London; Mies Carrie Scott of Cromarty Miss Laura Jcckell of 1'Cibrldge ; Mr. and Mrs. John Ratcliffe of Clinton :Silva Merrill. teacher of Ilderton ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ptawden o' Loran; Mr. al:d Mrs,. Dart o' 'Windsor at Peter Raw ,iest's ; Miss L. l Iu:iter of London ; Mr. Jas. Spacknl111 of Shedden. 1�ST11Y MEETING. --The annual Ves- try rneetin% of the Trtvitt %temorlal ci.urchwae held inn the School Hall on `.t.i:iday evening last• with the rector, itev. Collins. in the chair. There was x goodly ituntttcr in attendance. After the preliminaries were dealt with the Rector reviewed briefly the work of the past year. which showed the church to be in a health; condition. The finan- cial statement was read by the People's warden, Mr. J. J. Knight. which show- ed a deficit of $220.03; the total lc- celpta being $1400.57, and the total ex- penditure $1629.60. The following of- ficers were elected for the ensuing year ; People'• warden. C. Ii. Sanders : Rec- tor's warden. G. IS.. Harrison : Auditors L. II. Dickson and N. D. llurdon ; Se- lect Vestry, L. Day, L. H. Dickson, T. Sanders. S. Swe rt. J. J. Knight, Thos. Hawkins. Thos. tae, N. D. llurdon : Stdesnten, S. T. Dobler, D. Wood, Thos. Sanders, Thos. Caere, P. Rowcllffe, Dr. McGillicuddy. E. Ell'ot. The business of the vestry being over the meeting re- solved Itself into a congregational meeting, when )te..re. L. H. Dickson and N. D. Hurdon were elected Lay. del- egates to the Synod. ?BED 1N BELOT,AVVr-Mrs.,Charlet. Birrey received woid on Wednesday of last week tr,at !az ;.ether Mr. Robe it Stonehouse at Belgrave was suffering front an attack of pne•untonia. On Thuraday ntontiag she left for that place but on Sundae Ire died. having been sick only a 'ew days. Having re- sided here with Mrs. Blrney for sev- eral months about a year ago he be- came known to quite a number, who will much regret to hear of his deatLn lie was about 79 ce.s's of age: EXETER PEOPLE aWAY FOR THE HOLIDAYS. -Mrs. Goodison, Miss LtLa Johne, Mrs. W. W. Taman and Mrs. It. N. Creech at London ; C. II. Sanders and Mrs. MicAvoy at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Me•Toggart at Myth; Mr and Mrs. H. Ogden at Detroit ; Mrs. John llawkshaw at Toronto; Mr. and Mts. Geo. Hawkins at Port Huron ; Sirs. John Blatchford and daughter at Lucan' Mre. John Snell at Ingersoll : Mrs. August Guhr at Stratford; Mr, arid Mrs. E. Rowcllffe at London ; Mr. and Mra. Jno. Pedler at Aliso Craig; Mrs. Itowe with her daughter Mrs. Lamport at Clande- boyc ; Mre. W. 1'. England at Shakes - pare ; Mrs. Miller at Toronto ; Mrs. T. II. Mcc`altunt at London ; firs. S. Fit- ton and Gerald at Buffalo; Miss Lily Westcott at Toronto ; Mrs. Wm. Hawk .haw and Miss Jean at London ; Mrs. Ed. Treble at London ; Miss Gladys Bis- sett at Paris; Mrs. Piper In London ; Miss Lizzie Sanders In London: Mrs. It. Quanee and Morrie in London; Miss Melinda Wolper In Hamilton ; Mrs. \Vnt. and Mrs. Roger Northcott In St. Thomas Garvey Acheson In London : Mts. ida Rowe and Mies Lulu Martln in St. alarm; Mr. and Mre. G. A. K.. McLeod in London T• I following is the report of S. S. No. 1.t. 11.0. and Stephen. for Marcn, toRetherwOr, tt,r promotion cxaml.la- 1 ons, -Sr. IV.. Horace }Taff 905. Ir. iV. to Sr. IV, twat 665. pass 333, Grant Hooper 337,; Sr. ill. to Jr IV.. total .i_ i. pave •11:t. Ethel Smith 7,615; Jr. 111., Lina Stare) 296. Maud }Itrke ..!13; Sr. 11 to Jr. 111.. total 400. pass 200. Clarice Hooper 262. Willie Hooper 252. Mid. 11. to Sr. 11.. 'oral 360. pass 180, Alice l'taff :32:•. Norman Carrick 320: J-. 11., Ethel Carrick :,57. Alma Dear- ing 5411, Cora Ford 160, Moodie- Mc- Donald 150.-M. Parsons, teacher. SETTLERS' ONE WAY EXCURSIONS To Western Canada. April 5 and 12. •Ia Grand Trunk Railway System, from stations In Ontario, Kingston and west to principal points in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Particular attention Is called to the. tact that low rates apply to cettaiil points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway a new territory full of 'Golden Oppor- tunities." secure tickets and further In- formation from Grand Trunk Agents. or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A.. 0. T. It.. Toronto. Ont. VILLAGE PROPERTT FOR BALiL The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable % Mate property, being lots 13, 14, 15, corner of William and Waterloo streets. There 15 on the ►rent- Ise• a elltlendkl brick house. small stable and other convenience•; also a number of ender fruit trees. The prop- erty 1• first -Blas. In every respect and Is well situated. Will be sold reason- able. Apply on ➢rends►•. AL}'kYD 1IOW1i,T, /titter P. 0. Exeter Gun Club's Annual Shoot FRED KERR WAS 1111111 DUN D. BRINTNELL TROPHY \WINNEIt The Huron Indian" Gun Club of Es eter held their annual shoot on the club grounds on Good Friday. The day wag a remarkably fine one and the shoot was attended by a large number of shooters from a distance as well as a good representation of the club members. Hiatt average was won by Fred Kerr with 109 out of 120. Event num ber three war for the Gun Club Trophy (vender )tw- woo bclub Jll f 1 a anda 9. a 1 R'e tern tarn). o e and the rhanipio::trllll+ of s Donald Rrliitne 1 0_ Chlaeihurat, who with Dr. Cassidy of l'ttrolea made a straight 20, and in the nttas-and-out both lost the first bird, both broke the second. but Custody fell In the third. thus lentil's% tine trophy and champion shin with Mr. Printnell for thin year, Following 1s the result 1:t detail. - Shooter 20 2e1 214 _ta shot a'-Hi1 20- 12at -109 A BREACH OF THE LAW. F. Kerr. Creditors J. E. Casitelon, Clinton C. Fritz. 'Zurich 11. Flat -tie -lb, Eseter .1. F.. Hovey, Clinton S. Fitton, Eseter 11. E. Ctoate, Brampton 1). Itrintrell, C :lselhurat M. l'roderlck. Petrolea John Trieteser. Exeter 11. A. Scott. Harrow 8. A. Webb, London Dr. Cassidy, Petrolea Well. Johns, Exeter Dr. Kennedy, Ailsa Craig W. E. Sanders, Stephen J. Huriki:,, Thames Road J. Pasenwre, lienaail J. Dodds. Scafortt; F'. Trlebner, Exeter F. J. Peaker, Bramplotl G. M. Dunk. Toronto. profeesiunal C. Thompson. Hamilton, profesbtonal, 20 19 18 18 15 17 19 19 18 17 14 14 11 17 18 14 19 12 10 14 11 19 16 20 17 1'J 14 19 17 16 15 11 1a 1:t 16 16 1:1 17 14 14 16 15 11 14 19 18 18 1,1 18 17 17 1 5 1,- 20 18 18 16 14 20 14 16 16 13 11 12 t2 19 17 17 16 17 19 13 16 19 1S 20 19 16 17 13 18 16 16 18 16 13 12 12 19 17 18 14 17 141 19 16 16 19 13 19 19 18 14 Iii 17 17 10 15 13 D 11 19 16 17- 12e) 17- 120 13- 120 16- 120 17- 120 1t- 17- 14- 1 5- 18- 17- 13- 13- 15- 13- 15- 15- 10- 9- 15- 18- 12o 12st 1212 1'20 1_0 120 120 1'20 120 120 120 120 12(1 120 1'20 120 120 -109 -101 - 99 - 99 - 99 - 91, - 98 - 87 - 96 - 94 - 93 - 90 - 91 - 89 - 97 - 77 - 77 - 68 - 67 -110 -102 THE PUELIC. SCHOOL BOARD kindly request the names of all new pupils enterht3 for the Easter Terni to be handed in to the Secretary before six o'clock p. fn. T'tureday of this week. Tae sittings In the Public School De- partment are few and the Board re- quire at once to know what further pro- vision Is necessary. -.1. GRIGG, Sec- rctary. To the Advocate, I see in the Report of School Board proceedings. published in your valuable paper last week, that an account for stationery supplies, amounting to $7,8.1R was paha. The account was pre- sented by Wilbur Martin. a son of Truotee Martin and his partner to huilitess. Is Bart In accordance with the law ? Flag not Trustee Martin be- come disqualified 7 Is he not liable f)1 a penalty of 920 for c•aeh and ev- ery meeting he has attended since the account was presented and paid. and does he not continue liable to the 920 p.nalty for every meeting he may hrre- tfler attend? Have not our officials. Municipal and and others, been running things as if tars owned the town 1 Ratepayer. -- - - BIRTHS Medd-At Wi.:cheleca, on Mar. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. \V. G. Medd. a daughter. Godbolt-At Winchelsea, on Mar. 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Geu. Godbolt, a son. Delbridite-At Winthclr•ea, on Mar. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Gto. Delbrldge, a eon. Welsh. -In Hensel), Mar. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. John \Welsh, a son. Allseon -111 McGillivray. Mar. 22, to Mr. arid airs. W .\llisoe:, a daughter. Neil -In McGillivray. )lar. 23. to Mr. auti Mfrs. Geo. Nell, a owl. Brock. -In Usbon:e, Mar 24t11, to Sar. and Mrs. NI. Brock, a son. T'•aeupsost -On the Boundary of Hier teat, to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thomp- son, a daughter. Saler.-At Kirhton. on Mar. 14, to \1r. and Mrs. Silas Shier, a son. ('1uM1tl'NICATION 11F. TOIIACC" Dear Mr. Fd,tor.-Mlgi,t 1 ask for a .'trail spare in your valuable papsr for few remarks on the burning siuts- tion of the day In Eseter. i refer to Rev. Mr. Hobbs' address in James•st church on Sunday. Mar: n 20t't. to smoking. how, Mr. Editor. 1 ant one that 11kes fair play. and after having read Mr. Hobbs' address the only ro:t- rluslon that i could arrive at was that It was very one-•lded, 1n so far Utat while politely informing smokers that if they continued In this habit they would have Mile chance of getting to Heaven, yet on the other hand, trays absolutely nothing about the retailing ,f tobacco In this sr any other town. What 1 would like to know Is this. it the smoker rarnot get to !Leaven what are you going to do with the ,man that sells the tobacco for smoking purposes? Surely 1f smoking Is a sin selling the material tot a smoke le also a sin at the very least. and yet al- though 1 believe there are at least ell retail rs o[ lobar•a in this town that attend James street church. this side cot the question seems never to have teen touched upon by the reverend gen- t lama n. i remain, Mr. Editor, yours. FAiR PLAT. DEATHS Winer -I: Crediton, on Mar. 26, Mat- thew Winer, aged 71 years. 9 months and 29 days. Reavely-In St. Joseph Hospital. Lon- don, on Star. 25, Elizabeth Jane 11111, wife of Thos. 13. Reively of Sarnia. aged 88 years, 7 months, 21 days. W(Uiams-lit Step:tea, Mar. 18(0. Mies Annabcll, daughter o" Mr. ani Mrs. bred Williams. aired 6 years. and 6 months McLaughlan. -At Cromarty on Mar. 19, Dot.ald 1teLaugalau. aged 78 years. Sillery.-At Staffa, on Mar. '20. Mrs. W. Sillery, aged 74 years. \iu,tard.-In 1libbert, Sat. 2415, Janet Mustard, aged 69 years. i'ridc.-1n Ailsa Crate, Mat. 21st. Mrs. S. !'ride, aged 11 , years . McMillan. -1;2 Alisa Cr.tlg• Mar. 20. Mitre Lucy McMillan, aged be :rears. Mc F.trlace.-1n MrGl;:ivray. Sear. 21st. Sirs. Gto. NI( 1•'at Lou, aged 76 years. Sir F'ariaia.-ill Ailsa Crate, Mar. 23rd Mro. Ab't;ai1 )I.rFarlanc, aged 71 yrs. CanipbcIl-ln Blaushard, on Mar. 17th, Capt. John Campbell, aged 88 years. ltuhlltson.-In St. Jlarys, on Mar. 18th .tl, s 11)binso:1, aged To yearn. Men ! Do You Care If you don't -take anything in the way of clothes that hap- pens to be offered to you • But if you want smart clothes, clothes that radiate style, that are dominated by the same spirit and life that keeps you young, resolve now to wear our clothes. They represent the new idea in clothes' making clothes to suit you, they become you, do you justice, are worthy of you, make you feel it's good to be alive -(NO OTHER CLOTHES CAN TAKE THEIR PLACE) - IF YOU CARE! NEW TIES, SHIRTS, HATS. SHORN. Everything for the Man l SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER PAINTS, VARNISHES & STAINS wE HAVE MARKED up the biggest and moat complete stock of Paints, Etc., ever brought to Exeter. •▪ • t Miaed P�inU io IOc, tGe, 20c, :iu�. 60e. wed 66et1mll V.reDh BWe• ..... 16e. abc. �6c �eA 86c 1Pq Ifie. !Ik �Od ?bt nYhe� � � � ausM 86e �aA ep froo 6c up to �1.6f Mixed Paints in 10c, lbc, 20c, :k)e. 50c, and 66ctinsll's Varnish Stains ......15e. 25c. 46c and 8be i0c. 15c, 2Oe and 2&c inishes 26c and 46e naels 8bc and AOes frogs be up to $1.50 ASE TO SEE COLORS Sap Pails, Sap Pans, Spiles. Everything for Sugar Making llE&ILI'S IILRDARE & STOVE STORE A.WAa, era UAW Wood cook Stoves.