HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-24, Page 61
Oh, THE E f i l:k l"1'A(i t: OF MADAME
cif '1'1:I! V. '(,it'd) -
1$e leaned toward the colonel
who, on hearing the word, said:
"It is useless, Illy dear Ivan; but
tell ale, you are sent, then, on an
catraordinary mission ?"
"So extraordinary that the gen-
eral allowed lee only two hours to
make my arra►1g.lnents."
"And what is its !airport "
"Yourself, IHV clear Alexis Step-
"Me :.,f what am I accused ''
"Of n(•t:lig:'dere, or rather im-
prudence. It ,eelt13 you placed all
yarrtt it papers in a casket
and had the singular idea of de-
ist siting it with your banker."
• "1 could -not but believe it a
safer place than my own Louse. 1
was known to the Nihilists who Mayo 1
agents everywhere, and was uncer-
ta,r of smile of my people."
"It is not the less true that the
bot; has been stolen. and doubtless 1
by those w•h4)Se measures you ap- hinder you from thinking of plea-
prebend." sure while in Paris.'►
"True; and I was wrong not tO
render an account of the atiatar to
those who have :t right to knew. 1
had reasons for acting thus. which
I will explain presently. May I
ask by whom the chiefs have been
so well instructed ?"-
"Yon do not suspect.? There is,
however, a French proverb which
asserts that one is never betrayed
but by his ow -n."
w-hich you now 1iu(1 yourself how to
dispose of him. He eveu declared
that you were un the point of de-
spatching hint ley- the secret 1110s10g
that are made use (if on great oc:ca-
si(orts. And I will not conceal from
gull that he animtadverted warmly
upon yonr course...
"Criticism is easy, but 1 should
like to know ulna the rascal would
have dolls' in illy place. It is trite
that, despairing eif extracting any-
thing from this ('arnoel, 1 had
t heught of sending hien to Siberia,
but 1 have abandoned the idea. If
you could indicate to lite a method
of disposing of hint without com-
promising raising anything, yeti would
Stratford Centre, \Voile Co., Que.
"I have been c(,.uplrtely cured of a
frightful condition of it v Ston'ach
through the w-t.ntlerful fruit medicine
'Fruit-a-tives'. I could not eat anything
but what 1 :,tttfurl•t1 :Lw f 111 Iain 110111
Aly head at i;rd ince-cantly.
1 way: told to try 'Fruit-a-tivc.' send
sent for six lx.res. Now 1 atn entirely
w•(•11, earn eat any ordinary toot] and
never have a l Iradache."
5(x•. a hex, 6 for $,�.5o, or trial Ivor,
2.5c. At all dealers or from Fruit-a-
tive• ].united, Ottawa.
)!lige 011' itifinitely." silent."
"Well, we %rill talk over all this "That tall young roan
et dinner. And after dinner, if you ether end of the hall V'
wilt, we will go to the opera."
"1 see with pleasure, my dear
Ivan 1vanovitell," said the colonel,
atlghing, "that business does nut
at the'
ition. It was thus that two months
.11.f., she was 1►cre openly, under the
protection (if one of our generals;,
wi► i was here uu furlough.
"I roust at least kuuw her Warne,•'
it:1'n ture', 111,risoff.
•'She 4•11 isges; it frequently. When
I rnet her 1. was Madame dr n(tr-
ebes. Here she has a,,u.ed. 1 ant
told, some vulgar name. Bat had
you been ke•tter infurm►td of what
tiaespires in the camp of adven-
turtsses, thi , one could not haivu
failed to attract your attention, ton
say nothing of her beauty, which
is mane Ilous.,►
"I cerifes' I had not even a sliFl►i-
ciun of her existence," said the col-
c.nel, somewhat piqued; "and un-
til the contrary is proved you will
permit me to doubt the fact of her _
—._Ei(antral$I:'J;t$1ou"i!iliffllrie '1
soo.,r mosameamiasswltaAaallr ,,
Page Pence. wear It, ,t—ti,.!. s f •r f.a:ans, Parks. Farms and Valk( a.l.s. MOM nti'e1 cf Pa:e
hence' alar 7'1.000 Pone (;:e• , r; ,•: in 1,t• in Cntrnda. Our 1910 hen, cs e: a heti. r thane:. 1'n;is
Cates fur 1910 base Galvanized Frame. (;rt our latest pries and t►.>ok -t.
I.r,ti'c�t f• gete tuantslactntrt• its l•at:.'.t!ii
ane; stolen alt papers."
11.1 I! 1: t It1:111'1' 1_111.1: SI1(11t LNG.' in less than 11 wreck.''
"She has net taken them W11.11- `'Great S((tt, elan :' 1
.lnuual statement of the British, to put him ill haul, 1 watt t..
gage him'
ha , 1 i
he: eau hand, but they were stolen
by her orders and under her in-
stI ilctions."
"Then she knows me 1"
"She has possibly never sten
you, but she nlus•t have been aware
of the nature of year casket, and
Of the deposit of this casket with
your banker. Around her swarm
111!4 nts obscure but well informed
a11,1 always rea•ly to d4, her kidding.
tit r1'1 %% lilt
t nll'rica .1 s•a r:ince 1'onl!►a It y .
: i t tent i, 11 is directed to the annu-
al financial statement of the Brit -
America Assurance company
given in another place in to -day's
issue. The profits em the year's
trading amounting to $'213,111.50
give evidence of the satisfaetury
corditien of the company's nffair�.
The surplus to policyholders stands
Ile had but to make a sign and the, at, $91.�,hu:3.5,,. The !►rcmium in
(11 1 t wits brought to her.'' wine was $I,65$ 239.65 and out of
"1-•,u admit. then, that this this were paid fire losses of $839,-
('11rnoel was of the bund, ane! that 1)01.2(1, and other expenses of $660,-
"Yes. He is the nephew of artwas net wl'l►IIE; to secure him 1 517.0.1. Interest and either re-eeipt�
y "On that point1 1111 not yet set- and took into his lewd ye` ate given as $51,74.-2
3.15 send this
tel(lay to dul=stior nin
►e a� to \ t tlee! It i5 possible that hei{:►v(' !rings; the proftt5 tip to IIIc very
I had dune with M. de ('a111oP1 1 indicsttious, unci nay oral 0 hair s;atisfdeter}• .• mount mentioned
asked him out of my house.
announced that he would send
`'.111 gees together perfectly. You his seconds. I have not seen the
shall see. 1 have reason to believe brat ani not without anxiety w
wt shall not lose our evening. But regard to that madcap."
le' us begin 1)y preparing ourselves. "He Sequa little inclined to p
M; appetite is voracious, and I a quarrel with you. See, he
mean to do justice to the cuisine taken a seat at a distahl'e, and (i
I14, (.*,well thcrn nndesigne(lly. 'fhi l ah,.,,.. The British America Assns.
lady is Very skilful in rnaking per- since company was incorporated ill
'1111• sons speak. 'fhe thing is to assccr- I133s. and sine(' the• ulguni.ntintl the
ith tar') whether she hurl r4'latIons fire loses paid have reached the
\1111• rile vonItg 1111111, ale(! (if that 1 enormous sum of $33,620,764.0f.
iek c•.'11 easily satisfy myself."
"1 Saul curious to know how." +
has .hear :llcxis Ste!►unoa itch, you (111': 1{ ('til N1sSS SPIRIT.
_► , shall see, and 1hat shurtiy. 1 came "1 say.— cried the busines, man
ane wants of 1'runcr. not appear to notice you." 1,..--:-- .- r �_ ___ .r_:-• --- �e . _
Whilst talking they had reached
a.. • ....� w clear up this matter. +, e.-! Int ll•'t(•CLIVC, ••!3('.111(' fellow has
It was true. Ma I)orgen s, i you wish, we will begin this evert- been representing himself as :1 col -
the fashionable cabaret recently whom chance a had led there
opened on the :1 % enue de l'Opera• to his promise to the countess, was • • 11'hc re 1" tili(-
�, in mere lu.,n(•y than alley- two
, h•ue ince. lector of ours. He hal keen r-=t-
Ilorisoff desired nothing better not thinking of resuming with the. .fit t•he opera. Thr lac!•w•ill lees
"Betrayed by my own ! 1 have than to enter, for he was greatly eolenel the stormy conversation of p y l of the leen we have, and 1 want
here neither friends nor relatives." annoyed In this bombshell that had previous. . wady be there. She has returned caught as eoliskly ase yeti call.''
r • the day previous. Ii( dict not.look ;l cavalier, gaol
You have an intendant, my dear fallen into his life and this de'sul_ to Paris without to "All 1'11 have hint in g
• • tory conversation .ltinn� unnerve:1 hien. toward !{orisuff, mer the latter to -`!plead her nets in the bola' of cap -
Alt -xis Ste panow'itch," said the en-' ware! hien.
voye, laughing. Wine unties the Most discs( et i tui ing a Russian sufficiently high In
"'Vac•ili ! what ; this knave has tongues, talc! 11•_' hoped that tit ruble But the companion of the colonel place to serve without s�uspectingt
been actin the s pv on me and dor- • this representative of the treat had attracted his attention from •,•
h(. . Why should! you not 1►' this
K f i the first, and whilst afTesting to he Russian 1"
IN sponding with the department!" f chief would unmask his real pus- absorbed in the menu. he cart -1«--;
"He was authorized to do so, ('•'��e• I .you are mad! You have just
ler glances at 1I4►uriatine. •;arid that ,lit• knows what my tic -
that. i can inform you. Yon nmst Ivan Ivanovitch spoke French as 1
es be aware that, in foreign part; tlueully us his awn tun tie It is strange," he said to hill- c•ueation is in Paris."
5 ! g , anti or- self, "surely I have seen that face "The more reason for her sc:ek-
esi..�::ially, each one is watched,--- ,der ed his repast with an ease which sonl0where--anti that riot lc.►It 11_4, .. .
l;unetimes by a comrade %bm n he gained him the esteem of the wait- €:in;, to connect herself with you. If
either. I have a memory fele faces, 51-1•. has not already tried it, it is
is himself chargedwith overlooking. ors. and this one is nal eunlrTlonpl:lc:c'. becuse the occasion has not pre -
It i5 a1 system of mutual obsery a- I:l
\o one supposed hire to be a lie' certainly
tion, against which it is useless to Iitasian until the, end of the lust rtaillly has not a l rrnch' Srnted itself. • Remember, she is
k'lead. Probably he is Russian.: persuaded you will take her simply
recriminate. And I enjoin you very course, when the colonel. who had since he is diningvritlt that scuun
earnestly not to let fail your anger hitherto confined himself t? cur for a femme l ulante, ti1)c will not
s suspect that you know anything ,,7_..._
upon this subaltern who was, after scot trivialities, in endeavoring tot (111 their part the two it►rcigncrs,;aI tit her. She s;upp0scs hl•r�elf to R � � � � `�` '�
'1`111: 110\l.1. 1,! t
• Wet (lei they 1110110, .l ilnrny,
w 1.011 1hey say money talks
"1 ((11.uo unless it's the wonder-
ful way it says good-bye to ver."
r:0P3 t r1tt: S»i $65
ari.ts !JILT.tit=7Y
BELLS i014
For t'.mp;ne. Cream
.i.parstocs. Chum.. W..► ►l..
ole. Free Trial.
A.1 fose.t.be••al)..s.a,
BISON MFG. co.. s5 York St.. CITRI-PIL ONT.
-cwt. ttS't Kt0tVtVt FOR ci_liGRSOC,34..DS
• For the baby of len means rest for
both mother and child. 1.ittle ernes
like it ton - - it's so palatable to take.
Free from opiates.
All Dru,rtii.ts, 25 cents.
A flavoring the retire es lemon er can:ll-,
Iiy dhsolvtng &tannia;td sugar in water end
tschling'laulelne, 5 delicious :mots mead ar.i
a ►y -cul. L.t' •r than maple. Nap cine is Fold by
pr„rrt]. if not send 5n- for 2 us. t.ottle :.c1
it tip' 1,04 k. Mfg. Co., Seattle. W„
, ___ _
E c CWiA11ser,41,1m
.11 tAl. I'[VER
AND ill tYOSt:
Corea the rick and acts as a Inevent ire for others. Liquid glien on the
tongue. Safe for brcind mares and all of hers. nest kidney remedy; 5(: and
SI a with,: 15 and $10 the tlo;. n. S'.1 t►s- all drt,:gi,•ts and horse oxide
h.u. , Distributors: All Wholesale Drug Houses.
al., simply exercising his fund l+ act the conversation batek to the had resumed their drinking, and have all the advantage, and asks 1 n WILL LL •," ,,1( wan n,„ke y..r,1
tit t,.,'' . interesting topic took the precau- i talkie in Russian a before the ar-'F /\ �'�”'
sense a c .•.. • .amongst its ►1.`i rhb0r,.
A nothing better than to attract the O ? t•
''1 will beware of dein so. He tion to return to his native tongue. ,
R rival of 11laxinle. • 11 will tell (41'tanc!;t1,.1 ro: evil►•about
11.40!.! be capable of inventing ea- • He first questioned 1Iouriatine
"Let us forget this valla most formidable to her sect. p P
lunsnies on uur to altngr. himself.. aclteit l , with regard to the chief R gl nttetnnn t hi't is, as veva luteal know. their
you' self.. It.will make ,on happier 111
Perhaps he has already dune so, and ce; fain e.m ;I ►yc s :)f the Third and return to the woman of whom; _ our borne.
!Inethud. These ladies ingratiate 1 )
{.►r [ suppose he was not satisfied Section, and if there had ~till lin- we were speaking. We have era-: themselves, by every means With the ' 1 r _ :�' _ . ' ,
11 sloe to anfipus,t that it is site who enenli05 of their sleet, that they Inst ;r-'... f', ;; iii �l'Irt, �'
t., narrate the rtoi;s of the casket 1" igeied any doubts as to the smitten- esinducts everything in Paris, nod surprise their secrets :1m:1 hinder y :;41--- '(�r=., FiaiTISrly CPairits
"He wrote that instead of open-; tieity of the mission with which said 111111 firmly convinced that she or t ll,•ir action. They have t 1►►ass one • , - a .1.11.r;,-'�
1' 1 an intelligent inquest you had . Mouriatine declared himself chars(- I r,.,t,ize• t the theft a>:� t ' -'-1-- „�,:'� t '. ,
f your l'atiket, j.., t 111 the enemy's 5i (ultl .. :111(1 thus print; ' i •.,,ur :41111v. -i I.• .
tit to work very clumsily." eel they must have been dispelled' g .. • I v• w�- ►
•1 ou s;ay she is hunch '' that they tic•comPlish so nlu4•h �' `" 'i•1
'''1'11011 he has static! that I have by the first replies of that. person- .. it i� ne"rr ,f. ►.►int. 1'(11 ar wenn.. ur( 1n
1' renrh by birth but of Polish t,;S', buying this old established, well known
la7dehold upon a young man who ,age The rtlluy0 wall thoroughly harm. Now is the time to pay them X.:-';‘,,1
Or, '.t1, a ,1, intimately connected,•• , hr.4nd• Always genuine and +,t great
I. I inliul: , back in their ow 11 coin. �- �:
v:'aS suspected eif being 111e aCCmlll ale'tlltairlle(t with the 111',31 Scorer „ .� J a. t 1 ''. a lot tone :mil beauty. Volt can
I f• with all lilt enemies
of III1sAlu. / 'stye oar h meisoss• t,,, ,
f the administration .. ; (To be c•t,Iltinued.) 1..4'1 li(u,e
1104 ('f the thieves 1" I machinery (.
} Hr has told ell. Ile has exposed which he re )rc-ent('d. Evidently It is very extraordinary, if she, - _ i ; i• nixing 10 help .. . w4,t.• u..
P l lives in Paris, that she has not been l• ( `i
th•' means to whirl' you had re- he played an important role in the ,► t ( t_ :1 c for Booklet ••t'..•
course to obtain possession ofmarked out. HOW "�-N � � FOLKS
! his political police. "She has only recently been de-! (;AN ( i 1 'I' j 1.1 1 Y
person 1111(1 the embarrassment in 11 was the new -comer who took nnt.ncetl to the Third Section; hut
uo the thread of conversation Where v ►u might have Wier with her, forN‘.0 - -- ,
1t.1\ks 1s Uri 1:1.111'I:ItM 01' it hid been dropped un the houle- riling
oil Di I.i►+wI
she must have been revolving round Sl:lrllint: Itcsi;sl!- 1'ut• } 11•,!t till �
111 It 11F:S111 Itl'F:s. var(1. V0i%, :;u to speak.'►
_-_ "Sly dear sir,— he said, Pouring "In the world ill which i move?"
Witilollt the sill ws of %•111' alild tile colonel out the dozenth gla'eli ►•N41, 1111' dear .1lex it ; you move
the necessary facilities for (1.t1IIg of eliqued, "i must protes;t in Wel(,,ply ;n the frac, and it is a mistake.v'
business very little progress can be 11nee against 811 intention whit:" Oils chief said soto me the a►ening
made in any country. you might attribute to rue. 1 did before my departure."
Phil► 1'01111I0 :11111 ft+►tlnel• Out 1111-'
perfect Figures.
Simple Prescription Given.
Without our enterprising Il:(irks I Int elope' t•► I'itris for the purpose ..
For 11'011)011 :l'!cl 1114'11, t(►(►, for!
l I "What should i frequent to (hair matter who can never appear
ready at all times to pro ide the f 01 s ,istitining your stewurd against, s;,t isfy hien ?"
fat ilities with a quick 1ransaetiol► 4 f y''4'• 1 d(► not 01'7 wish to are Fin), •'.111 of the):), inelndial the half stylish with anything they wrier, he
busine's ; ready at all times to ope;, 15.14! yell Illay eou,►t on his rrnlaill' %latch you have entirely neglect-
of nh;lorthinness and An-
Isr.tnc'he"F in the most. 4ut-of the- 'ins- ignorant of the nature of my ed.,' Rularity, thi . 5011en;rtlkalilt pec s.criP
a•av Plaee5, the progress and ' Itis.ian. He need not suppose his
tion is destined to solve the prob-
grt'W Ih of this country (luring the (lenu1(i81i005 1)1110 1)04 11 11510710(1 14)
111,,1 ton years %„1i1(1 have 1)eeil !at 5t. Petersburg. 1{ilt we will eon-
Kt(11tly retarded. au!1 together whether something
1•,►4ryane can recall 11(►w quickly better may not 1)0 dont'. itllport-
the hanks i 5Jouded t', the need of
stable progressive Banking condi-
ti(.ns, in the Yukon w hen that Dis-
t riot was opened be►Int' yea rs ago
A latter and more recent example the discovery of the thieves, we
exists in the. P077 dlraneh of the innst ext( 11(1 our operations. it
Trl.ders Bank recently opened at is the chiefs we must reach And not
1'e reupinr. 1 tit' miserable subalterns who do
'1{0e:11)1,e 11101'0 w 15 nothing to kill. .1s a bounty soaker for the
he l0•trn. (1 111•'14'. You know as well figure it is simply wonderful vhi...
as I do that in this country the. it adds bright nrss to the ies. and
femuo galantes aro' not engaged color to the cheeks and lip.. It
ire Politics, esspeeiitll% foreign Poli- requires na particular dieting, hut
ant papers have been s+tol"n from tic•• They snake the most 44 519r
Art as an aid to nature by its !►e
3(41!, that is unfortunate, but it is w'11i11111' . we Russians, but they do (radia, action on the nerves a:id
not an irreparable disaster; and in- not 0( 11.plre against 4►llr govern- bl,od supply. The blued and
stead of e-7nectitrat:rig ourselves on /lent."
net yrs (lista over the bods. :111
"There are rxcePtions, and the tip' nourishment e,r fle ah building
person whom 1 have (mentioned is elements obtained from the food.
ore." The trouble with thin People has
"Then this person is a demoisel- always; been that they do not eh- '
'1'111` Porcupine Branch of the ; no' even know the real end o1 the` 1e -a cocotte, to sapea!: 77705e pre- 5.►r1► (r'retain enough /,f the fleshy
Traders ilaltl,1 was opened before exleral►le sect with which they are cicely ►, u18110r to make then) gain in weight
IP►4 11 proper transportation faedi 'tiflllialted. ' "She is an irregular but not erne•e►0r ton normal extent; but this
114 - ('4)111(1 he had opt tied nt a tinge' ''These chiefs= 1 hoped to arrive of the creatures whom one meets new discove14y 4•f blending certain
when regardless of the future of at by pursuing the simple soldiers, everyw 11e re. She is very little harmless drugs is a r( relation to
1i1'• district nothing but a hen.% ars 1 1 persist in the belief that it known. (t might be said, never seicnec, and hundreds have gained rilisli- in doing buiness could be ex- tlls (arn►rl leas been concerned in (►ver, that she is intermittent, for from ten to forty Pounds in a few
(veered 1►y (1)0 Hank --4,P( tied ala, , 11.1 theft of env Papers, it was a w'n alis does not alwt:ys reside in Paris. weeks. There is no danger of I)e-
t11..•n the nerd was greatest-- when 'tuna who ins=tigated hien. al1(1 11 Ivo- S1, • is to be seen at Nice, at Mona coming too fat. When you get the
it :Is 1110.11 n0Cesgary to faeilittttc !15►n Weeny ing n high Piney alt the e.t, at Geneva, send her je►urneying9 right weight then stop using. HEQ.0 OFFICE,
Aiming 1ransa.•tions, property ns••'riati4►11. have always one end. it was nt (le- 'Ilie general health and strength
ttaosfers 811(1 transmission of Cash, "Perfectly reasoned: but You neva that slie w;14 pointed out to is greatly improved in anyone from
1)l ed, and i)oeuments in conned- have not the slightest conception nl•' inapt summer." tate age of sixteen to sixty. 11'omen
tic!) with the opening of this 1)i5- who this woman is. Between our- ",11i : you know her then by stc►on get plump. with well rounded
t'i4 1. selves, my clear .1 lexis, since you aii 11t 1' arms and full blast, nod Wier) be -
The lbsnk` 175113' 1r'1ly he Paid to have het a in France you might !nye—Bettor than that. i got present- come straight, strong -looking and
1►c ••ur nation builders and to their used more sagacity. Thus, we have eel by one of my compatriots, whom healthy. -
credit it may also be stated that no known at home that you have been Salic hal bewitched and must have In a half pith 1. .ttic get three
',otter Banking System exists at the occupied with :a number at Itussi ruined. I had some suspicion that muco' of essence of pepssin and
pr, sent time than that, that at pre- an, who, reside in or Pass through 'tie %7s enrolled among the Nihil- three minces syrup of rhubarb.
Fent obtains in ('an8(1n. 1 i'atvia. who are not wort h fillet TV- I,f% 1011 tht'1-e were no proofs, and Tl,en acid one ('1500e compound es -
ti) the North P0rti4►n 0f New On in: it is wellnilr'1 certain that 1 did not concern myself about her settee cardiol, shake and let stand
tario the Trader. Bank has el string the a- Nihilist ras. ii!'( fire directed s('rionsi%. This winter we have re- two hours. Then n(I(1 one ounce.
of 11rane'hei that afford exceptional in this ('mint ry by a Frere', w "sewed detnilr(1 report./ of her prat- tincture radon), n0 compound (nut
e►Pl-ortunities fur prompt and safe wan, and that this woman • but ; e( e(lings. Thanks to her ch'trae- eat(1810410). Take n t•''. o' aid
methods of eetiduetinir i►llsiness. ,(1.at is the Matter. Illy rte:11. 11:011(1) ti•,• .,f Pleasure-aeek4•r net one before and after Ineals, :ti)' It
before beginning. f
The Paint Makers. Montrn al
Fairbanks -Morse Casoline Engines
These engine• a•r .►n rim .In thele n s,er.t•ze farm hard ran ..ra-ate the n 114.•y (r.• r • .+•
;..•.:ropy deereh.ped to enoyl II.e n«e.1...f the 1 .,mer, and wail en rete r..,a i•. ►w 1•,'., rah .r ono..
*WI he.p yon rain n,n•r u,,.ney out ..f Iour f.: le thin e,er he!,►:e. fiat to a 1) 4r,' V t•o, run p.,"r
f.ore i., es up l•••.1,t.' a .►I t.y cutting ..tit t514 eotaplete adearti►emr,tt anal .ea,l .., f
f It114100e 1i F. o$ 11 e a •►.
A 1.775,: •
INCC)f4F'OfATE O A U. 163
rnccy now have Branches at Mil(1- i Y(.1s are not listening.— .11.1,441s her, and elle has every fn -
bury. Sr.,ult Ste. Marie, North Bay, i • • I:xeusr mie," said r•,ri.eff, a s (itity for a ennecting herself with
1�4.1'Clllllr`C, .1lfathe' ii aed I1,lilrs-luvi.tleninll who 1•rlt(•1r(1 in '1 ouw; flit se Russians from
:•tl!:'• distracted my Attention for .t 11)4. }1,.11(•1/4 1.► extract %aluai.le inf-,rnla-
Fa,t friends are
, 11,1.1'1
STATF'.!ENT ('01) 7r,N1.2 Cflr)iI1C OEC. 31,
(Inc.4rn.•d Preen; 411,1 and other Liabilities .. • . 7,1(41,3041, (,j
$4021.171 IR
`urplus to Pali, y•hol:tc'r, $ of 0162 Si
Lo••►s,ee paid since ineorp,►ra(ion in 1P.;.3......... Q:4r:(14.rk..2:15.,721.:(1.....0.....)
ewestereis tFire Prenfnints r..(.�
Fire Less, .... . $8,p),o(4 io
E:apen.en fremo,5 *7 0.1
1. 1 Q•1. ; I i.�
$r.,s .1`'`t ;3
Interest anal other 12 •. ••.p( • • • . 71.723 ( i
Profit on Year's Trading
W. 11 MEIKI.R, Coner.t' NIA nag 'r. 1'. 11. SiMS, tier ..tet•.
Application for Agencies at uni('presented joi►lts to 1.0 ed-
dr.sstd to the Secretary.