HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-24, Page 5The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1955
Capital ( paid up) - $3,500,000
Kest Fund - - - $3,500,000
ash 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current tate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DIoaaoN & CARLING, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Writ* for Free Seeds
We are giving away, tree, with our free beautiful
new 1910 Seed Catalogue, a package of D. & In.'s
Excelsior Swede. This Swede has an enormous yield,
Is of the finest quality and most perfect shape. Our
new Catalogue to one of the moat complete published.
If you prefer, we will send you a free package of Bur -
bank's Giant Crimson California Poppy or our
Asparagus Beet. If interested write us today, saying
which you prefer.
Be sure and mention this paper. It is of interest to us.
London, Ont.
Mak, Each Animal worth
25% Over Its GosI
On 3s of a Cent a Day
La.-ersf Wn...rr of
any facer en
Gree Ctrruit. 'o8
Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the bots or colic. making
hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds per Sem a day
or restoring rundown animals to plumpness and vigor.
When you feed 'stock food " to your cow. horse. swine or poultry,
you ire merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm.
Your animals do need not metre feed. but something to help their
bodies get all the good out of the feed you sive them se they Can get fat
and stay fat all year round: also to reveat disease, cure disease Lid keep
sand doffs all . It 1,
Nota "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner"
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPRCI iC contains no grain. nor farm products. It increases
yi-1d of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two
1 weeks. It makes the m!'Ik richt and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known.
Young calves red with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would bs when
fed with ordinary materials a ten weeks.
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to
plumpness almost magically. Cures bots, colic, worms, skin diseases and debilitypermlnently.
Dan iMcl?wan, the horseman, says: "I have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC
psrsnstently in the feeding of 'The Eel.' 2.04t. largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in
1901. and Henry Winters.' 2.00, brother of Alien Winters.' winner of 136.600 in trotting stakes
in 1991 These horses have never been off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Pu•ple
• Specific almost a year ago. and 1 will always have it in my stables."
oyal Pu
One Sir. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal
drys, w1n_h is a little over two-thirds of a cent a day, Most
stock foods
last hut fifty days and are given three times a day . ROYAL
i. given but once a day, and lasts halt again as long- A 1h 10 ail containing four times the
.em runt of the fifty cent package will last LNOday:. ROYAL PURPLE will increase the value
..t y Jur stock 251.. It is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulating the appetite and the
relish for Rood, assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. Asa hog fattener it is a leader.
It will save many times it:cost in veterinary hills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI-
FiC ,s our other Specific for poultry. not for stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty.five
h rn t 70 days. or • pail costing 51.10 will last twenty-five hens V10 days, which is four times more
m.ttzrial for only three times the cost. It makes a " laying machine " out of your hens
s,mn:er and winter,prevents fowls losing_ flesh at moulting time. and tu: •spoultry diseases.
Just use ROYAL PURPLE nn one of your animals and any other pr
animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will sayRO
them all beat to death. or else btckcomes your money- PRIM -Ask
your [nerhare or writ- es for our valuable at page booklet on cattle
and poultry
�pseedis(ases. containingr�also
ROYAL receives
STOl CK and rs POUL-
If you cannot get Royal Purple
Spedttrs from merchants or agents. we
will supply you direct. express prepaid.
on receipt of 51 10 a pail for titbit/. Poultry
or Sto-k Specifics.
Make money a tins as our agent in
your district. Write for terms.
Por sate by all up-to-date merchants.
W. L Jeaklas Mfg. Co., Lulu, Cu.
eraration on another
• Jota, Ford Las been la poor itealtn for
the past few days.-Itev R. Millyard of
Godcrlch occupied the pulpit of the Meth-
odist church last Sunday. -Golfe Hudson
(tae moved into the house owned by Jac'
Shepherd on Itichnto::d street. -\V. Pep-
per, who ha• been working J. 13. Stew-
art's tart& for the past ten years, is
leaving to take a farm near Walton. -A.
.e. Morrison of Brandon was in tow,.
List week and shipped four cars onions
to the West. -Dr. 131atchLord was Isere
o,te day list week visiting his parent')
Frank Blatchford and wife. Ile was
0:r his way to Fort William to pract-
ice Lis profesaiu::.-Sate Swazey woo
Las been waking for J. 13. McArteur
fei' some years, has gone weat.- T.
Palmer has purchased W. Perkins' pool
tables and outfit and intends continu-
ing the business in the McEwen build-
trr..-Fred Sntallacombc has purchase]
the store a:,d dwelling owned by Joe.
Ctse, and now occupied by Geo. Stirling
as a meat shop.
Marriage. -The reaideuce of Mrs. J. R.
Beek was tete scene of a pretty wedding
on March 16111, when her daughter. Mil-
dred O., became the bride of E: J. Hot-
ter. of Melville. Sask.. Promptly at 1
o'clock tl.e bride who was given away
by Mr. E. itanr,le, took her place under
a floral arch. The cctemo:ry was per-
formed by ltev. Millyard. The bride
was attired it! a becoming gown 01
cream. and carried bridal roses. After
ccr,gratulatione a sumptuous reprise
was partaken of. Tae groom's gift to
the bride way a tiandeoate fur-line,l
coat ; to Mlss Pearl, sister of the bride
who played the wedding march, an opal
ring: to Ola Cook, the pretty little
rine bearer, a gold beaded bracelet. The
bride's going -away gown wan of dove -
grey chiffon cloth. with black !rat. The
happy couple left on the evening train
to visit among friends until the latter
p.rrt of the month, when they will leave
for their future home in Mfelvllle. where
Mr. }totter is a hardware merchant.
Children Cry
FIRE sT CLINTON-On Sunday last
the residence of the lat. Chas. B. hale
was burned to the grou'id-caused by
the explosion ,f a letup. Tnc :louse was
one of tho first built iu Clinton. A rate
collection of books. stamps and coins
was destroyed.
You Will Never Have It as Lotrel
You Have Dyspepsia.
Just as Lung as you have dyspepsia
your food will not properly digest. and
the nutritious elements In the food will
not be extracted or absorbed, and Im-
poverished or watery blood will follow.
This condition, may not be apparent
at first, but it will conte Just as sure
as the suit will rise again.
Any stomach ailment, Including all
forme of indigestion. can be promptly
cured by using Mi-o-na tablets. a scien-
tific treatment unsurpassed.
It stops fermentation. belching of gas
and taste of sour food almost at once.
The (nighty power of M1-o-:ta to 11,-
vigorate and restore the stomach to per -
perfect condition is known everywhere.
Mt-o-na cures by building up -by b. tt-
lsh[ng the cause. For thin people it is
a great flesh builder, because it causes
the stomach to give more and purer nu-
trition to the blood. It cures sea and
car sickness and vomiting of pregnancy
almost Immediately. W. S. Cole sells MI
o-na for 50 cotta a large box, and guar-
antees it to cure or Honey back.
.n a
kept In •t.xk by W. .1. IIEAMAN. EXETER. and ILANL.ON & O13111EN Centralia
You Can Even
Do Your Toronto Shopping
Through "The Star"
The Star's "In Toronto Shops" Pepsrt-
ment describes new and attractive offering seen
in City Shops day by day, with the Toronto
Daily Star's offer to purchase any of these
articles for out-of-town subscribers who send
the money. Many are taking advantage of
this I)epartment.
"Of InteresttoWomen" lithe ss ell•deserved
heading of a special page in the Toronto Daily
Star. it it one of two and sometimes three pages .!evoted particularly to
w•.m-n's tastes and is independent of the "Social and Personal" and
"Madge Merton'(" pages, for nears popular Features of the Stir.
"01 interest to Women" includes worts of Incl` hurt on health
and beauty; the newest fashions in dress and house furnishings; talks nn
ethical matters of particular interest to %%omen; point. of etiquet•e;
suggestions tifr hone entertainment; recipes; daily menu,; advice and
suggestions on all the muter, that lie close to a woman's heart. They
tvi:l help solve household problem:, and better still, simulate and
interest the mind.
On .he Wonsan's stage, and throughout the raper, curers• topics
INV treated in a height, newsy ss ay that appeals to the %%i le-ai%ake
woman. You'd thoroughly enjoy the
Toronto Daily Star
11.50 A Year
TAie oy*rowl this "Tomato Doily Star" fog th.r fee ens left. $2. 20.
Oew'asttood feenfsrn Pen given for Sot. added to oboe* pwbaer'ph,n pnce.
(morayMacer-aN1l ■
Bronchitis, Croup. Coughs and Colds, or
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
Apr. 6, 11 Dae 14.2$ Ay, 5, 23
Rap 3. 17.31 Aly 12, 26 Sept. 6. 20
Lev. Tweet. 2.00 e..•.
en above days
Through First end Mero•d Chas f.ssebes.
(oloa % sad Tourist deepen.
Apply to Dearest C P.R. Attest it write
11. I meson. D.P.A • Toronto
Manure liners
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
1 Overhead Conveyors.
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
can be installed as cheap as
Ilumber and last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
4 Tbeee tbree things are great F
ere for farmers and ne-
e farm.
y ale by
Wm. Gilles)iie, Exeter
s c�ltl�,
3 lhoaes Little Di/esters-
Entirely Cured
It was a lucky day for Mr. Pays,
whose portrait appears below, when ke
saw a "Little DIgesters" advertise•
meat in the paper, for it marked his
first step on the road to healtb. Read
what be says about it himself:
King, Ont., Nov. 12, 1909.
Gentlemen, -
Having suffered for three years with
Indigestion, nothing could relieve me,
having seen your advertisements in the
paper for "Little Digesters," took
three, was entirely cured. I feel con-
vinced that anyone suffering with saute
will not fail to try "Little Digesters."
"Little Digesters" are dainty little
tablets compounded of the purest and
beat ingredients for the relief of
stomach troubles. They are positively
guaranteed to cure even chronic cases
of Indigestion or Dyspepsia or money
will be refunded.
In little red boxes --21e. from your
druggist or by mail from Coleman Medi-
cine Co., Toronto. 34
At the last meeting of the Ladies'
Aid Society of the Methodist Church,
Mrs. S. McCoy was presented with an
address and a carving set by her lady
friends. Mrs. McCoy moves to Lon-
don ebortly, and while we regret her
removal from amongst us, her friends
desire3 to show their appreciation of
her valuable services to the Aid. -The
W. M. S. held their annual quilting
bee in the basement of the church on
Tuesday afternoon, when nearly SO
women prepared a Dumber of warm
quilts for the Society's Christmas bale.
Every year this Society sends a bale of
clothing to the Deaconess' Home or
some mission field for distribution a-
mong the "strangers within our
gates," or the natives of our own land.
-Mrs. Winer, near Fairfield, is selling
her place and household goods on the
5th of April. -The Alexander family,
who have been residing on the Jerry
Neaman farin, have removed to the
Northwest, leaving last Thursday. -
The Easter services in the Methodist
Church on Sunday nextroml 'sea
be of an unutinally interesting char -
actor, a song sermon being conducted
by the pastor and choir.
.11111. -
Messrs. Wm. Weber and Harvey We
her left for Cleveland last week.- Miss
Freda Thiel of London is here visiting
her parents, Mr. and Sirs. Henry Thiel.
.-Mr. and \irs. Wm. Thiel tueve engag-
ed with A. G. Smlllte of Tucke•rsniith for
the summer. -Jos. Kipper of the 14th
left List week ferManituba.-Ed Dodman
and (.entity and Geo. Urease& leave for
the west erste week. -Joe. Dow..on has
moved Into the dwciiIng rerettly vacated
by \\'ret. Srttrnrk. and John Gallnan has
nicved to S. Itannlc's residence. -Albert
Schwalm. son of \Vni. Schwalm. has
been awarded $4etni damages for in-
juries received last summer om the C.
N. R. In New Ontario. -Norman Holtz-
man of Waterloo is home this week and
will shortly leave tor the west.- The
Mennonite congregation have purchased
a lot Cron) Mr. Oscar Koehler at the
North End and intend erecting a church
30 by 50 feet, of ',cement or, brick. -biles
Luella Ruby of New hamburg Is visit-
ing with her aunt Mr.. Fred Wltwer.-
J. J. Merrier intends taklhg a trip to
the west shortly. -Rev. Itobbs of Exe-
ter delivered his popular lecture. "The
Triangular Man" Tuesday evening. it
wag thoroughly enjoyed.
India Pale Ale
Brewed from se-
o-lected hops, choice
barley malt and
!sere spring water,
with Ore 111110,1
rare. Bottled at
the brewery depots
to ensure roper
handling. That is
why Label" s ,A'e
i, equal to the tin -
est. surpassed by
none, though it
Cost, constuttet .+sly about halt as much as imported gothis
Ke:irady-Doup -The borne of Mr. and
Mra. Samuel Doupe was the •scene of
more then the usual stir and excitement
un Wednesday. Mar. I btti, the occasion
bein;t the marriage o' their daughter.
Miss Sarah. to Mr. P. H. Kennedy of
Outlook. Sask. The ceremony was per-
formed at n o'clock 1n the presence of
about sixty guests. by the Rev. Veal
of Dorchester. The bride was given
away by her father, and entered toe
parlor to the strains of Mendelesotui'a
wedding starch played by Mies Gladys
Seiler. The bride looked charming, gown-
ed in navy blue silk and carrying a bou-
quet of white roses. The ceremony over
and congratulations extended all sat
down to a sumptuous supper prepared
for the occasion. The dining room was
decorated with white ribbon and red
bells. The many beautiful, useful and
valuable presents manl'eeted the esteem
in which the young couple are held.
They took the train Saturday for Tor-
onto to spend a few days before leaving
for their home in Outlook The Advoc-
ale extends cougratuletlons.
etc'. Wm. Gliver and sou Ware left fur
Toronto Monday whore the latter will
receive treatment 'or being bitten by
Mr. Tledernan's dog a little over a week
alto. -Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of St. Jos-
eph. visited at Mrs. Roberts' Sunday. -
Mr. itobt. Hamilton spent a few days
with his eon on the 5th of Stephen. -
Miss Pomeroy, who has been with Mr.
Amos, left Saturday for her home In
Fullarton.-Mr. Campbell, fish Inspector
of Sylvan, was here last week. -Mr. H.
Hamilton nt•eved his household effects
here Monday. -Miss Ida Daley is visit-
ing at Wnt. Amos'. -eke Green of Thed-
ford visited his btother Cyrus last
week. -Jonas Green passed through
last week with hie furniture to Brew-
ster where he has rented Mrs. Elliott's
ttarni.-Mr. and Kra Jos. Brenner
were In Parkhill on business Saturday.
-Mr. H \t'Illert of Dashwood was it,
our burs Friday.
A very pretty wedding took plate at
the home of the bride's parents on Wed-
nesday of Last wick when Mr. Geo. Wal-
lace of Downle and Mtge Christina Mar -
Kellar. were united In marriage. Rev.
It. G. Mackay perforated the rerentony.
Ti, bride who was given away by her
fattier looked very pretty In her dainty
white silk dress with over lace trim-
ming. The groom's gift to the Ir'de
was an antetttyst broach with pearl set -
tingle which she wore. and carried a
handsome nom -vitt of white rose.. and
fern. The bride's sister Slims Jean
at'er.dei tier as bridesmaid. %lx. f:0.
\Va1lar, supported his brother.
Whet is have again taker, the place
the runners. and syrup staking ,is the;
order of the day. --Mr. Dan Kinsman
spent Sunday with i.dgar MccJuecn.-
Mies A. Maude Dickson of Seatorth is
visiting relatives here.-\irs. John Mc -
(mete' has returned from a pleasant
visit with relatives 1n Wroxeter. -We
are• sorry to report tn:st Mrs. \t.
Millet is not enjoying good health. -Mr.
John Glenn disposed of a fin,' young
team for the handsome sunt of 14:.0
to a Mr. MrKeller of Cromarty. -Wil-
bert Parker has ri.ttegrd with Mr. t -ern.
ilobkirk for the summer.
SCHOOL REPORT. -The to:lowing Is
tor report of S. S. ?jo. 2• 1taY.\for Feb
\V. Northcott. 59. F..WeIsh
4.1. A. Case 42. Ella Jones 4n. E. \V11 -
lard 24. I11.. J. Murray •115, \\'. Smith
no. 11. Ifawkit:s 5.. M. Coxwortt. ".1.
E Geddes 47i,1'. Willard 29. 11.. Vera
Jo,ies 69. (1. Ch se 65it. Willard 49, W
\\'lliard 44. M. C -i se :11.--(1!0. MAWS",
Children Cry
Spend your own &tones In your owii
way. -Dae It not seen strange to you
that a dealer who tries to su batitute
w •advertised article,
when you ask i an adv` ted I ,
ie o
at.ould assume that you are trot eap,rbne
of spending your owe money? Show
hitt that you are by insisting on get-
ting what you .rsk for and refusing
any substitute. Substitutes pay hint a
larger profit, otherwise he would give
you what you ask for, without question.
Manufacturers of advertised attirles pro-
duce large quantities, bettrg enabled
thereby to manufacture cheaply and
furnish the public with high grade
goods at the price or inferior at !at!
t utee.
TUCKEItSM(TH-The beautiful Ironer
ut: Mr. a::d Mrs. \Vph. Elgte of Tucker
smith was the scene of a most inter-
esting event on Jfarctt 1tIth, when their
eldest daughter. }flee Jessie E. became
the bride of \Ir. John Forrest of Al-
goma. TLe g:,.,iii's gift to the bride
was a handsome se: of tura. The fat-
her's gift was a cheque for 1150. She
also received a cheque for 525 and
numerous other r'ostly gifts. They will
reside In Algoma.
Children Cry
Of time and energy cep be avoided
by the use of our Classified Want
Ads. Time and energy represent
good dollars in tither; Do not ex-
haust them in an aimleu starch for
good help. Vie our Want Ada. and
the help will come to you.
The public will warmly lecicom i the
clew 1910 Edition of that indtepens-
able booklet ' 50110 Facts About Cana-
da," compiled by Frank Yet;h. whose
wrlthegs and Lectures on Canada are
widely known. The popularity of the
publication le shown by Its sale of near
ly 50,000 copies. not only In ('anada,
but through the Empire, and Indeed the
world. The 1910 Edition teentalna a
large percentage of new matter. under
such heads as -agriculture, nt nhrg.
banking, trade. railways, wheat groa(l rt;
ertucatbon, religio:ts, etc., while a new
feature Is a budget of Empire facts.
The (rook is a revelation of the riches
and resources o' the Dothinlon. 1t la
Published at -5 cents a copy by the •
Canadian Facts Publishing Co.. (187 Spr
dtna Ave.. Toronto, Canada. or nwy tw•
turd front Newsdealers.
Their Great Conttrnrela1
'There is as 'ewe' difference between
ttwroughbred acid ordleare plants as tve-
twectn thoroughcrrd and ordinary ani-
mals.- This stattenent is imide fay D.
M. Ferry & Co., of Detroit. the great-
est flower and vegetable 1 reeders fit
the country. and uppeere 111 Ihel: gilt)
Annual Catalogue just Issued. They
.ergu, for the great value and economy
of thoroughbred seeds. "Any [undamen-
tal natural law which appltei to ani-
mals applies a 1ually to plants." A
good (tow 1!. e•. a thoroughbrl► e.ete,
Ito more turn a poor one. bu' ntty give
t'w•ire as mu," nutter fat. "Gaol blood"
makes as mire, difference with corn :es
With Cows. ltu' thorouenbret planta,
like thoroughbred animals, are not pro-
duced In One or two gereiAtlona. for
no !ratter 1•:1,w superior an lndtvldual
of common oright may be, its pro,tenY
are as a rule like a general run of its
antecedents. Htnec the need for set -Is -
men like D. M. Ferry & Co. They
have experie see, the tut plant breeding
equipment in the United States. and
the business acumen to sell only such
seeds as huve been bred from the
choicest stocks Lor &any generations.
D. M Ferry & Co's Seed Annual for
1910 may bei had free of charge by
writing tot hem at Windsor, Ont. It,
contain• Much of Interest for those
who think.
Do You Ever Make "Jelly
Roll, " Madam ?
When we were just about no high, ours was an Insatiable sweet
tooth for " jelly roll " and such like.
Sometimes, however. the cake wouldn't rot right, broke on the
turns --mother was unlucky" those days. and the keen critics
didn't insist on *he biggest piece.
Mother, you ate, didn't know flour --took whatever 'he. grocer
offeredd--aLw took her (_hones.
Do YOU ever make " jelly
roll." Madam ?
Is It alwaya a &orf rt •:nt.
even layers el r. g`: porous.
golden creme, without
wreaks or h uns:gt•tly?
Why doean•titrollover soft-
ly, and smoothly we: Ines
crack and hr-ok i:' ap .t
of'he csref'il'tnePt3 behind
the dainty napkin. f
Ail on account o' 'he in
nate " cuwsdnesa" of , heap
• • • •
There's anslosncrry, Madam, a,volrvr
foot In FIVE ROSES flour respon,i
Ing to your every •Iturt
The strength and ;ousels of FIVE
ROSES hold your batter together
In the long •well g• eased pan.
Bakes evenly, gtvirg smooth tea
lure, soft. golden crumb. spongy,
porous and yteld;ng no holes nor
lamps to vex the soul.
And when y• a 'urn it cul
en 'he damp rapid's and
spread the under side with
lam ^r jell it ,!oesn'r jet
sent- scoot nor usrby.
And when you roll It gent-
ry. rhtle the kidlets watch
this nose critical proceed -
Ing there is no crock nor
break In the perfect smooth-
ness cf the surface -'es o
per/fees 'v i.
• • • •
Mighty hard to make " Jelly
roll " like rho( Madam and it's fm -
possible with shaggy gwal.ry flour.
But it's easy 1; you •.t se FIVE
ROS7S. Easy to make meltleg
purl paste. flaky pie crust, tooth-
some rolls and good;es galore.
Be flourwlae. Madam. join the 11.4 -
lions using FIVE POSES.
It you are s^,•.s'omed to
flour rho' result, . seem itkt Ice"
But yo : wrsi use FiVE POSES.
IASI M 9M WNW EOM d.. IIS.. IIM11/a1