HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-24, Page 4(fleeter rate,
Sanders at Creech. Proper.
Nene: AND COMMF 14T.
Tee agriculturalist is optimistu dust
crow. And he can well altord to be.
Look the field over carefully. Has there
eve. been a time in the history- of this
cou:;try when the market end of the
tarsi et's busirreas was as aatisfactora
ae it is riget now ? Pru•ea are trig►..
the yer is right on the spot lookinii
for the goods. Horses, cattle. sheep,
hogs, poultry, in tact, nearly the whole
lis: of what ths. farmer has to sell.have
only to be offered to be sold right oft
the bat. The one fly In the ointment ie,
that the farmer has so little to sell.
The country is wet, cleaned up of Pvr•ry
thing in the stock line. It will be pretty
clear salting for some tine: to eC:lee. It
is easier to get out of stock thea. to get
into it again. In atsy case, therefore, it
will be a year or two before things get
back to normal, so far as production is
co:icerned. It looks as if the consumer
would have to pay p:t•tt:. dear Lot his
beef. lamb and pork for :a good white
Many a man would lay down his lite
foe his wife or children, but would al-
most have a Lit of apoplexy over a but -
to:, off a shirt or a mislaid paper. And
tt.ere are women who would die at the
tatake for theft husbands, but who have
an almost u)tcone.:lous habit of nagging
the poor man from morning tilt tttght.
"Stranee, isn't it?
Even at this time of the yeas when It
is supposed to be a little dull our bus-
1:le3e men continue to cot:vitlee cuHtont-
ors that they t.. ve the goods they :seed.
Cor sequently tlu y get the trade. Read
the advertisements le The Advocate and
Neer. go to the stores advertising their
ware+.; and put the advertisers to the
Last. Tell them you saw their advertise-
ment In tee :\dvucet'.
is consta'ltly in receipt of. anonymous
news items and letters. For the benefit
of people wt:.) do this sort of thing
we must say that :le suet, consnsunica
floes will b:. published. Just seen your
name as a guarantee that the rte tses
are correct. Your signature treed not tw'
Eng119`t is a queer language. Teti a
man that his speech was breezy aril you
pat hint on the beck : that it • wits Just
wind a'rl you insult hint. Cali hint a
heel head and he i3 plea9.•1 ; .e flat-
head. and he probably b' a•• ,c ••n a your
eye. You may epzak of hi a wee r wett-
ed intelligence, but do not intimate that
he thinks in circles if you wish to re-
tain his friendship. Ile will smile if you
flay he 1s polished. but glare at .,you
it you assert that he is emeeth.
It has been shown by statisticians
that its the United Status '-n 189a $.3.42
had the same purchasing powor as
$9.12 in 1910. wlilce mean3 that it
costs alitoet three limes as much to
live now as it did thirteen years ago.
We can hardly sec how this can be,
however. some brines may have treb-
led in price, but they are few. Flour
Inas not. Butter and eggs. and illna! s
have at leant doubled. Wearing appar-
el has increased about a half. but no
more. Rents have got up abut one-
half. In fact ate arty all per-: ssitlea have
increased considerabi' . but to nay they
• nave trebled seems rather exaggerated.
For Infants and Children.
TIN Kind Yea Have Always Bought
Bears the Z,
Signature of
Spools! Nettoo.
Spanking does not cure children of bed-
wetting. There is a constitutional canes for
this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, tion e40
Windsor, Ont., will send tree to any mother
her secreadtul home treatment, with full
inatruc tions. Send no money,but write her
to -dry if yen. children trouble you in this
way. Don't blame the child, the chances
aro it can't help it. This treatment also
cures ad'ilts and aged people troubled with
urine difficulties by day or night.
write us et once far our free catataaue and
'learn the nature of our ^nurse. in
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
departments. We have the leading, practi-•al
training sehsol of Western Ontario Course,
are thorough, instructor's experienced and ••
assist graduate, to positi•,n. Students are •n
tering every week. You de 'u:l enter NOW
Quick Returns
Honest Assortment
Correct Ilarket Pricaa Paid
for all kinds of
Send your collection, to
es'.e••a»so ,sus
The Leader in the world's
Fur Trade.
134 .l 06 A:cltt 1 Street. flentreal
Our 1909.1410 PRICE UST FREE
for the asking
wit PAN' K'rrll 3 Cf1AR(itS
How's This
We offer Our Hundred Dollar. tteeard for au'. cast
yr 4'.crrrb th.t cannot be a ured by flail . Catarrh
V J. CHENEY a Co., Toted. U.
We the u„d,r.igued have known F. J. (7herie) tot
the last 15 years, and heltes a him perfectly honorable
in all budinr.e trans, lion. and Anaucially aisle to
carry out any obligations nude by Dia firm
WALot.O, btt+.a. & MAR. is,
Wholesale Druggist., Toledo, 0
lf.lt•.aCatarrh (',nee it taken internally, sting di
reetly on the bead and rnu,ous earfaees of the
av*tem Teatimotualsaeut free. Price 75e. per bet.
tie. Sold by all t)ruggiata,
Take lead's Family Pillet ter cottxtipation.
T.il•; F.\1%rER CeeUNCit,
Friday. Mar. 1 Ste,. 1 e to.
A retular meeting of the Mu .icipal
Clued' o: the Village of Exeter was
held in the Town Hall, a -ting reeve W.
J. Heamntt it: the chair. The minutes
of the previous meeting .dere read and
approved. A communication from the
Bell Telephone Co. retards placing
peones in the Fire Hall and Water
works power house. granting free use
3: same way read and on motion of Le -
vett and lie;kwiil the offer wasaceepted
the acting reeve and clerk to reply to the
same. Certificate No. 2. In favor of F.
W. Farncomb for $200, waterworks ac.
was read and granted. Mr. Glad.nan
addresge i the council regards cot res-
puridettee of the Gould Shapley Muir Co
Hrart•tford, the engines.,, Mr. 1•'. W.
l'.►r, conn!., nod i.itnself, reeards tune
lucre' for the er.c;1u41 of the water tower.
Per Levett and Balkwilt-That the Com-
p any be advised tnruugh the engineer
that the 15th day of April, 1910 is the
date set for tnent to have the material
le the ground, and the same trust bel
erected within 70 days thereafter. -
Cie rrled.
The following accounts were read and
pissed, -W. J. Bissett, nleala for tramp
50c ; T. Houle( n 2 weeks care of w. w.
plant $e ; \\•. J. Bissett, st,ppites, 50e ;
T. frock. sr. labor, 2.75 ; A. Bissett,
Libor. 2.75; 11. Huston, fire insurance
waterworks plan', $10 ; C. T. Brooks,
ditto. $10 ; J. Senior. ditto. $10 ; S.
Hardy, ditto on building, $10. -Passed
ort motion of Luker and I3alkwill.
T. G. Creech paid to the council $`_7.-
• t' in payment of ice removed front the
water pond. Adjournment by Levett.
Jos. Senior. Cleric.
A meeting of the board was held in
the Town Hall, Monday, Mar. 14th, with
all members present. The following is
tee order of business duly subnnitted
and approved. I'er Cltair-Minutes of the
previous meeting. Reports of Cottunit-
teo3,-Wood-that 42 corder had been
received. Repairs- that repairs re-
quire] to doors had be 2r. completed. The
Teachers Supply -That Miss Robb .en
sick leave had returned for duty. Per
Principal -that about fifty had been ab-
sent front echo)! through Gerntart eleas-
lee and Oat the disease was still spread
ing. Also that Houle cases of (scarlet
`_ever were in tee village and some pu-
p:ls were abseet from that cause. -Per
T. B. Garlins and l•'. \\ ood-That the
Principal's report be accepted.
Per F. W. Madmen and le. Wood -
T`tat the cleaning and thorough dlein-
ftc't:on of the school b, left in the
hands of the Grounds and Sanitary Cbtn
mtttee Per F. W. Gladman and H.IIue-
ton-That F. Wood and the secretary
be a conun1tte: to secure such seeds
and bulbi as they ntay de'nn desirable
wtt't authority to snake such improve
menta to the front as may commend
thevi,gelves. Per T. 11. Carling and 1•'.
W. Madman --That the very favorable
reports of the H. 8. inspectors be adopt
-it. I'er 11. Huston- and T. B. C:arlittg-
Taat the offer of 1h. Vt.i3oti Shield by
the High Commissioner for Canada.
Lord Strathcona. be gratefully accepted
and that a donation o' $5 to the Brit -
eh and Foreign Sailor's Society
t ct juih wt ontt the shield la to b' re-
ce:vel, be for warded with the accepta;
Per F. Wood and T. B. Carlin; that
Miss Gregory be paid tee suns J' ?eel
:3r eubstttu1e service* for Minn Robb
abient throuel. sickeels. Per F'. W.
Gladnt in and It. Ilueton that the follow-
ing piyments be approved; -T. Hartnell
to ac( cunt wood. 1100 ; balance. $99.00
Ttn;'e, rtperts and suppli.s, 13.50 . W:1
bur Martin. school supplies. 5e.114 ; S.
Fitto.t. lock, t3.r3. Adjournment.
J. Grigg. Se'.
SielF.I)S FOR SALE.-- Ws. be t.t ats-
neEutace to the farm 're re,iuirtrrz needs
tett we are elf( tee; for sale as large
sock of Iced driver, a.lelk . Timo!Iiy,
Blue grass. Alaike awl Timothy mixed
and Alfalfa. Clover seed which were
'specialty selected :o: our retail tr ide
and cannot b -r suit, t „ss. 1 for put I' y and
germination. Get our prices before
making 'our purchase. We havr alma
a quantity o: "King tiia,at" wird oats'
for sale. This new oat Is from
l.usden and was tee admiration of 'all.
who saw it grows, last season. it
is a heavy cropper. stands up well and
its sections were rwnditM,,e were favor-
able this past se.iso:. yielded 93 bus.
'o the acre. It you are going to try -
.a rlf•W oat procuro a few bushels of
t'.is vestcty. A tall solicited.
C. Z\V 1CK fat, r'redito•1.
Sap'. running. Our farmers hey,
have beet, kept busy the past week cook-
ie.: maple syrup. The quality is excel -
!eat and quite a treat to the town's
p', I'`e.-Miss Kate Zwicker of London
to assisting in tee millinery department
e: C. /..wicker. -We ate pleased to learn
that Mr. John Mauch is recove'-ing
• ''al his recent illness. -Dr. Orme has
hied) wiring his telephone line to tine
Rout's Poundary and Leona the office to
hio hour the past wok. S. Davis of
Cantrell-. is erecting the line for him.
We understand that h, intend brara(•h•
:71.? out nortl, end west from Isere. The
.0 one system w.11 b, vcty convenient
to our gauntry pe"pie.-A nuntte.r of our
•itizer)J took in Iter. Hut in London this
e'rek. They speak vi r> !Oath!, of the
pe-formance.-8ehoot will close to -day
(Thursday) for the Easter holidays.
Wee `Rothera aed M:ea Love w111 spend
the holidays et their homes. Blyth and
Parkhill re epee tivt ly.-Mise Tillie Wintl
and %ir. Wm. ilr.rwe have retooled !ionic
':oma from Dttnlit, where teey have
to . , visiting relatives tar a few weeks.
T ey were acco;npartie'l uy !tarry Wind
• ,n vi :heti his parents for a few dare.
annul bushiest, ,pectin'. of the
Evangelical church will be held le the
t,.i3^.meat of the church -lei' >fotidey,
ttsaster Monday) at t4► a. n,. Cbtesider-
able inaportert Lushness will be traruact
el and a good attendance should be on
hand -Tuesday was niillir.ery opc'taing its ,
town. The ladies were busy aird even
some of the teen took a peep its the
door to see the wuuders of this season's
head .ear. The destine are very pret-
ty, with flowers in abundance. Tile
poor old mart will have to dig down
very de -ply. but he might as well grin
acid bear it. Coe •r up old boy. house-
cteanlnn tirtie is almost on hand. -Ii.
Eilber, M. P. 1'.. made a business trip
to Toronto on Tuesday. -The little
daughter o: Mr. at.d Mrs. Thos. fled -
den, which hos been very 111. Is rapidly
recovering. -On Friday evening last
the annual meting of the Crediton Am-
ateur Athletic- Association was held
the Fire Hall. A goodly number were
11, attendance. The following were elct-
ed officers for the present year ;-lion.
Presidents, 14. Felber. M. P. 1'. and Writ.
Lewis ; free., C. K. Iiluntt Vice -prey.,
Ira Brown ; See'y, Alonzo Hodgins ;
Treas., J. G. Young. The association
has about $130 in the treasury. It was
decided to celebrate Victoria Day this
year. arid a committee was appointed to
make further arrangements. The Vic-
tor' 1 Day celebrations in the past have
been a decided success and we know
teat 1910 will not fall behind in keep
ttte its standard o: excellence.
Baker -Beaver -Oa Wednesday. Mar.
23. a quiet but pretty wedding was sol-
emnized at the home o: Mr. C. Beaver,
Crediton, when Ids daushter, Vivian Ed-
ell., was united in marriage to Mr. Gar-
net Baker of Woodstock, formerly of
Crediton. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Robert Hicks, while Miss Myr-
tle Clark playe3 Lohingrtn's wedding
tio.resh. only thy tininedi:atc r' latives and
friends of the contracting parties were
•7:-e3ent. The bride was given away by
her fattier and was bac•orningly attired
in a gown of Duchess satin and carried
:► gnu fuer o: bridal roses. Her youn'.-
est sister, Mies Ella. attended her, wear
ins a beautiful bow,t of corn colored
mescaline and eel ryete a bouquet of
daffodils. The groom was supported by
\ir. Fred Dyer of London. The presents
were costly cold numerous. showing the
Melt esteem in which the young couple
are t;cld. The bride went away , in a
smart tailored suit of grey .with hat to
in tch. Mr. and Mrs. Baker left on the
five o'clock traits amid showers of rice
and good wishes to l:)erlln, Toronto and
other points. They will stake their fu-
ture he me in Woodstock. The Advocate
extend cott3ratulations.
Staler nrtkirh,r Is the order of the day.
-Mrs. F. Barry is visiting her daugh-
ter, titre. Jas. O'Itouke in Lendon.-Mise
Minnie Ktuitey epet.t a few days last
wee .c, the : uest of her brother. Mr.
Jag. Kinney of llarpley.-Mr. B. Curt-
nineearnt wa:r in Godcrirh on Saturday.
-etc. Henry Pfaff of Stitpka moved to
Keiva last week to Mr. Peter Kraft's
-arm-Miss Ella \Vitzcl spent :i few
d aye I•c^t week with her sister Mrs.
Lamport of Crediton.
Address and I'resctttatloct.-Tile home
of Mr. and Airs. J. R. Doyle, Oen. 13.
was the scene of a frle:idly gathering
last Thursday. w!sen a number of the
neighbors acrd friend,' aHseniblc•d to 1/1e1
them farewell. express regrets at their
departure arid present then! .it11 an aad-
drers and two easy chairs oe the eve
of their departure to the West. Mr.
and Mrs. Doyle were taken wholly by
aurprtse but Mr. Doyle o:s behalf nf•
himself and wort:ly wife trade a Ault -
able reply. Followers'; is the address
which was read by Mr. It. Cunningham.
Dear Friends. -\\'e have gathered
stere this evense for the purpose of
bidding you farewell on the eve of your
departure from anion; us, after being
,cumbered as our closest Dictate and
neighbor' during your past life. Your
removal is a diatlnct loss and one that
will be hard to fill, and we truat that
y au will be bountifully blessed by the
o= all Good in your new :vont•• 1::
t 'e ...eat. Although we will be separ-
ated more titan in the past, we know
gnat your thoughts wits often revert to
t ;e old ho.ne acrd Inc lotrg associations.
To ezpr•e;3 a slight token of your as-
:wiat'.ons with us during these long
years, we d'',ir.' you to accept these
c',:eirs ' a a remembrance of your old
frienda and rhe•igt,bors in ()titmice which
we trope ntay b• enjoyed by you for
ntley yews to ccrnle.
it is Spring% is .ttort rd place for the
ru'c of blood (lineages. However, 1t
c'u'11 ' money." and lots rt` It, In take
a ( cur 40 of treatment there. it 44170
utter time. Ve ry few people ca'; t;ct
away front their work f t: 't,rr' 'o
t*.Ive months. The pr,i::1 w. went to
tnske is this -it takes tint to .•u:'.' .1
Ad case o: bland t rou'ilr.
1' you haven't the tl:n• and money
'3 ^,o t o 1101 Springs. we reeom'oe'td
you to take Nyal's Blood Purifier.
It is a cornahinatioti of standard renc-
Jtea. that is guaranteed free frort
'.•rrnful ingredient -a.
We do not charm it in be ,. specific:
t',ere is no otic remedy that will dire
all (ewe. but we do claim it to b' tltr
nee -era true spaei:ie for all ski:, nerd
blood diseases w, Iver *old
Pace --One dollar.
W. S. IIOW EY, Piun. 11.
Chemist and Op!Ici.a't.
Eimer, Ontario.
If so, ereeptiort.:l opportunities ere
naw brine offered by the Grand Truiik
Railway System (via Chicago,. in the
way of "Col.inist Excursions." " Sict-
tier's Excursions," and "IIonteseekers'
E•rcursions." The former rates are one
wry vec-ond (•Inas applying to certain
p)lnts in California. Mczieo. British
Columbia, Oreton, Washlogtorr, etc..
daily u.ntll April 1 ith. The Settlers ra-
t'] arc also one way second class and
apply to principal points in Saskatche
wan and Alberta (Including certain
pants on Grand Trunk Pacific itail-
vy iy). and 1., tlte:t March 1", 22. 29,
Apia :.tl, a:rd 12th. TO, tiorne,eokers
rates art round trip second class ay-
p_yln3 to principal points In Manitoba,
Siik'tehtw.atr and Alberta (includi,lg
ce-t tee polies on ;he Grand Trunk Par•-
'_ir Railways. April 5, 19, ete, •arid
range from Winnipeg and return $32.
to il4dmor;ton and return $42.5O. Tick-
ets rood tar t',u days. Me-ure tickets
:conn Grand Trunk .Agents, or address
J. D. McDot, aid. Dist. Pass. Agent, To-
ro;oto. Oirt.
ct)�I V UNIC'ATION-Of late there have
tla•ert false reports regarding ttte rear -
rime of one of tt.e young ladles of our
('OIIttraWlltY. These incorrectsta'e-
met.ty, being without foundation, should
out be made. as (acts statement rag trd
ins such matters should have a basis
before being made by atryorte. Other
statements have been made which are
liktwise untrue. People staking su':h
statements should feel a sense of
Suitt in doing so. --READER.
Mr. Archie Routledge is at present
at bis home in this place. He leaves
on Monday for the West. -Mr. and
Mrs. Saito Kraft left on Monday for
their future home at Tyner, Sask.--
The Confirmation Services in the Lu-
therixn Church were held un Sunday,
when a number were confirmed. -Mists
Luella Ruby of Hamburg is at present
visiting friends in this place. -Mr.
Routledge has got moved into bis
house be recently purchased. -The
name contest in connection with the
Y. P. A. came to a close on Saturday
night, the result being that the side
headed by Miss Ida Goetz won out by
87 names. they having secured 1,710 ;
and the side headed by Mise Milligan
securing 1,028. The loeiug side roust
now provide a supper and an evening's
entertainment for the successful ones,
which will be done, "we venture to
remark," with as good will as was the
canvass. The net result as a whole
was certainly a grand achievement,
the snug sum of $335.75 having been
gathered in this way. -Mr. Daniel
Schroeder moved to his farm on Mon-
day. -Mise Vera Brokensbire has been
unable to attend school during the
past week, she having had an acute
attack of eczema on her face. -Mr. E.
M. Brokenabire was in Zurich on
Tuesday evening. -Mr. Charles Will-
ert has sold his farm he recently
bought of Mr. William Neaman to
Mr. Daniel Ziler. -Two good frame
houses for sale, situate in Dashwood.
Apply for terms and particulars to E.
M. Brokenehire.-Rev. L. K. Eidt is
this week holding prayer meetings
each evening in the German language.
-The Y. P. A. will give an Easter
program on Sunday everting in con-
nection with the regular preaching
Auction Sale
Mr. B.1;. Phillips, Auctioneer, has been instructed
WW1 by Public Auction at
at 2 o'clock p.m sharp,
the following valuable property:
LOT 7b and 79 on Andrew street, LOTS 32 and 33 on
Main. on which is a small brick Douse and tome
barn, a good well and a choice lot of unit trees.
Also Part LOTS 10, 11. 19, the old Woollen Mill
Property, on which is a good frame house, contain.
ing s room. in ant -class condition, small stable,
good well of water and a very stood orchard, all in
good state of repair.
T1:RMS:-!'orteruss of ode apply to B. S, Phillips
Auctioneer, or will he made known on day of sal.
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Auction Sale
-OF VALUA1tl.E--
Faarnl Stock and Implements, Beee
Household Furniture, Etc.
The undersigned Auctioneer has been natructed
to offer for sale by Public. Auction on the premises
Lot 12, Con. 2, Tp Hay, on
Wednesday. March :30th. 1911)
At one (Yclock p,m., the following. viz
110114Esalleavyidratt mare, 4 years old, in foal;
are( r 4 s or old, and filiy 1 rear old. both by Non
Parole; heavy draft Ally 1 year old. felly 2 years old,
Roadster 2 year, dies ingmare, 1 years old.
f'ATTI.E-6 cue s in cal to thoroughbred bull, 2
newsy calved Cows, 7 steer. rising 2 year. old, 5
spring calces.
Implements -Frost and Rood binder. Sylvester
Mower, Deering drill, new; sulky rake, binder,
walking plow•, pair diamond harrows, scuffle?, new;
l'ulper, cutting boa. horse power, Jack; single cutter
new; lumber wages. pair bobsleighs 2 wagon tsars,
wheel barrow, Uockshut diak, sleigh bot, sugar
kettle, a nnmber of swarms of beta, 5 tone of hay. a
quantity of household furniture, torkn, shovels.
spades, chains. mad a quantity of other °Refill arta
ckt too numerous to saestios.
TFRMM of itay, Crash; All sums of Its and wide.;
••ash; over that amount Smonths' credit on furnishing
approsed joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent per
annum of for cash on credit amounts.
Auctioneer Proprietor
Auction Sale
Of Valuable
Real F.etate and Household Furniture
N. M. Phillip.., Lieessed Asctloeter, has bees In-
structed by the un•levsigned to sell by public An'.
tlos at
I.ot 4, Con. 2, STEPHEN
on TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1910
at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp, the following;
HolOtEHOLD lit'RNITURZ-Red Room Suite, a
• ted rereads, spring and matter*, centre table. 6
ane chile, drop leaf table, square table, clock,
base burner, coal, rook, wood or r osl; glass cup -
'board, dish!, sed glassware, tea set, a quantity of
' arrer, and mats. pictures. table cloths and table
napkin• and s tonality of beddisg. 16 ben. and a
quantity of Maple Wood, saws. Reeder. tools and
other articlee too numerona to mention.
REAL 1:/TAT!. There will sago be offered for
sale al the Paine time and place the 10 sere* ed land,
being part S ►i of the above mestioned Lot. There
is on the premises a good Krick house, barn 24x40
ft., woodshed, hen house, feed soft and hand water,
never failing weal, gond orchard. $ mile from
aehonl, 1`e miles from church. Possession given at
Tt: able -Real Etats made known on day of sale.
('hattele all sums of S.: aad ender, cash; over that
account • months' credit will be given on turelshisg
appeased joint notes
Auctioneer Proprietress
in the NI atter elf the Eat tate of I)orn•
thy Mcnonell. late of the Vill4ge of
Exeter, in the County of Huron.
Widow, alecease(1.
8.'714'3. ie her&e rt,ven that all 1p•rstne P. Inc
see •'s`ire or d•man'is a,rainst the late la rothe 11,-
Irnn.lt, who .lied '-n or ar.wt the etla day of rehr't•
air. hair, at the Village nl Pinter atnr•.s14, are r.•
(emre4 to ss nd Ly pert prepaid nr to 4.!lv'er t., John
E Mci onell, of II•nsale list , one o1 the Executor
of the last will and testament of the asl.l .'.•'•eased,
their names ant addressers, and hill parti' Wart in
wntinor e• their • lsims and stat•'neuts of their ar•
ro"pts ar,•l the n'turf of the ee eiritiee. if a.,y. h -I.1
by th•rn.
IOW eon. a further ii, en that after the
1?t I)sy of .trail. 1910,
the sari F,t.e,rtor$ will pr rieel to rlt•tnl" rt• the
smote r.4 the said d..'es•ed among the peewee( emit- 1
led thereto. Rasing rcganl .only ,i, tee chime of
writ. hty •1 ..'
11 then has hj t►bti"e. and that the 1
mei Executors will not he Iiatif• for the s.'d ap.'ts
nr any part there^f fn ail), persons of elms. Maim
they shall not then hss•etervive•t nnti,e I
Dated at Hensel) t4th d.• eit Myrrh, 1910
J. is M1i)0NEI.1.. Ra••'ttnr
'roe \ ;flag. Prep• s of tee late lasr the 11,-Ilen•
tee, rate nr sill '10 •aehans•'-1 for fr.rm Prat erty
Apps? to
s• R. WALKIa, Pzesitlest Paid-up Capital, $10,000,094
►>snsa LAIRD' a•O•ral Illisallog I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a moat convenient
way in which to tarry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Degmark, Fragce,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy. Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payab:e at current ratt'v.
The cheques and all infortnation regarding them may be obtained at every office
off the Bank. tit&
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
Auction Sale
The undersigned auctioneer has received insteuc
tions to sellby public auction on the premises,
Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp,
the following valuable propert r, sit.
Norse's -horse riding 7 yearv, by Lord Zetland.
horse ricin$ 4 years, Percheron; Aired mare, home
and mare rising 3 aad a years. respectis ely, by Non
Parole; aged team,bt .Yampeon; driving mare.
Cattle - 3 cows rising 7 8 and 5 years, respect is ely
and 4 8 year old heifers, all in .•alf; :1 e -year-old
steer., bull 3y re old, bull 1 year old past, •leryey
heifer, rising 1 yew, e. steers rising 1 year.
MILCELLAtEOUS-About 15 Tons of Hay, De
Laval Cream Separator, a number of Bee Hives.
There is a " right
way " of doing bus-
iness and there is a
" wrong► way " of
doing business.
J t. tr: DON i;bl., Hosea!!
The R1'iIIT WAY of doing busi-
ness is to bring your old truck, eu•h
as horse hair, rubber, iron, copper.
braes. wool picking a. etc., to
Main St., Exeter
where you ifet the highest cash
price and 1. Cheat dealn.igs.
FOR SALE -A lot of iron pipe on
hared for fen po.at a etr.
Poeta eiy no reserve a., the proprietor has feu;eI
his farm.
TERMS --All tutus of $5 and under, cash. orer that,
amount 8 months credit • given oa furnishingap
proved joint notes. 6 per cent per annum ofor
cash on credit amounts.
Auct. Prop.
A business education is the
greatest legacy you can leave
your children. We get down to
the bed -rock foundation of liv-
ing business science, and assist
worthy graduates to the choice
Enter any day. Individual
instruction. Horne study conrs-
es in Senior Teachers' Matricu-
lation and Commercial subjects.
Send for particulars.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can.
Easter Term Opens
March 29.
Write for particulars.
Big Clearing Sale ot Pianos
In order to reduce our largo stock of Pianos we are going to offer to th'i
Public for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS the BIGGEST VALUE for the neon
ey that was ever offered in Exeter.
Below will give you an ides of some of the BARGAINS
1 Blundell Piano Walnut finish, 4 ft. 4 in. high, ivory and
el)ony keys, guaranteed $175.00
for an unlimited titue. Regular Price$250.00Saleprice
1 Dominion Piano Mahogany finish, s ft. 6 in. high, 7 ► oc-
taves, specially de-
signed in the highest style of art. $20.O0
Regular Price $25O.00 Sale Price
1 Morris Piano Mahogany finish, 4 ft. 7 in. hi b, guaranteed
for 10 years, ebony and
ivory keys, Regular Price $300.00 taste Price 24O00
1 Dominion Piano Pure Walnut finish. 4 ft, 8 in. high.
This is the best piano manuflctured by
the Dominion Organ & Piano Co. Ras bees tented about 215
8 months. Regular Price 1181110.00 Sale Price......... 1� .00
1 Ennis Piano Mahogany finish. 4 ft. 7 in. high, Colonial de
ari c e $225.00
Rpgnlac Prico 6300.00 `tale Price
We will deliver to your home anyof the above PIANOS complete,
with STOOL and HANDSOME DRAPon payment of $20, and you may
pay the bylance due at 12 a week.
\ a
c.‘041- AGeave,
,44 h
Regina Watches, when sold
without an Official Guarantee,
and by other than an authorized
agent, sire liable to be Second -
Hand Watches, taken in trade
or procured in some other
second-hand way.
1 am the only authorizes
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issue an Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada.