HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-24, Page 3FROM A SHADOW
11 the Change Dr, Williams' Pink
Palle lade in a New Bruns-
wick Woman.
"In places they were almost per-
pendicular. hare)) did they offer
a crevice to sere as foot er hand
held, and jutting paints and firm
set boulders were too widely- seat-
teted to be of much help.
• "In this his natives; land the Es-
kimo has a decided advantage over
the white hunter. His lifetime of
experience has taught hint to scale
these ice -clad (heights with a nim-
bleness and ease that are astound -i
'Anaemia bloodlessness - is a in- He is quite fearless, and even;
Ira ublo confined largely to women the mountain sheep is not his su ,,,
at:ei growing girls. Its victims are n. e:l.
pale; they lose all strength --the tic riur as a climber.
i('ast exertion greatly fatigues thein
and they suffer continually from
fate dathes and depressed spirits.
1\ethiug will cure anaemia so
quickly Gr hO surely as Dr. Wil -
hares' Pink Pills -they have cured
thousands t,f eases, riot only in (:an-
ada. hut throughout the whole
to odd. 'I')tey do this het-auic they
make gout! blood. Among thete
cured by these Pills is Mrs. T. ('hal-
Amer Hartley, East I' lorence; ille,
: B., wile says: "At the age of
sixteen I fell away to a mere sha-
dow: I had scarcely any blood and
slhhered hen: all the distressing
syut touts of anaemia. Doctors did
het help rile in the le ast, and acting
vet the advice of a friend I began
taking 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills.
they effected a remarkable change ti:clt,ughly familiar, but he cannot' "My husband benefited so much
lemy euuditiun ; indeed I really be t"ta from how far it is froone point from taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I
ieve they saved my life, as 1 have to another. Often «lien
they told decided to give them a trial, and
been well and strong e\tr since I
took them. I also recommended the ate a place we were hound for was though } have taken only three
Pulls to neighbor's daughter who very close at hand it developed that boxes I aro well dnd can wear nay
so aarly hrbo down, and they we were far frolr, it. This they aie shoes and do nearly' all my own
wnever sure of and cannot, indicate. housework. I cannot cav too much
also completely restored her "The Eskimos have a white roan for 1)odd's Kidney Pills."
/wealth," 'stung to death' from every pe,int•' 1h dd's Kidney Pills snake weak
Every woman and growing girl of view. They not only can go to Kidneys strong and sick Kidneys
aheuld take Dr. Williams'Pink :sleep pr inptly, but sleep soundly, µc11.
Pills occasionally. If you are ail- :and
Ing from any of the ninny troubles ' well as they travel, when car- �.-
cumstances permit. They get sus -I
which afflict your sex they will ter.ance, too, by eating hard frozen The trouble with the self-consc•i-
wiil protect. your health and keep
cure you; if you are not ailing they I �\.zi1i its arid seal meat or blubber. ons saint is that he in ver knows his
This I could never def, for it is so true self.
strong on flavor that it invariably
1T11 -►1•l' DOD 'S h111\;.% t'1l.i.y
1)11) 1..011 JN1. t'•1M11.1. '
Cured ('has. Bell of Ititetinlatia»r
and tliN Wife of Inflammation of
the fsidnes' Mrs. lieu's State -
"As if by magic, and with little N'. ]tit Range, Digby Co., N. S•,
a1;1•arent effort, the two Eskimos :lar. 14 (Special).- •That 1)odd's
new up the slippery walls, far out - Kinney rills cure the Kidney ills of
stripping tile. How they did it I' suer and women alike is shown in
shall never know. Nu:v and again the cx o S e.f Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
1 was forced to cut steps in the ice Bch of thi, place. A short time ago
or I should inevitably have lost my' I)cdd's Kidney Pills cured Mr.
footing and been hurled d' wnwar•d Bell of Rheumatism from which he
several hundred feet. to the rocks had suffered for ten years. This
bet'eath. icd Mrs. Bell to try their! for In-
"! was astonished even at nay- fti:ntmlatien of the Kidneys. and she
own progre,<:, and who n 1 paused makes the following statement :
most art' pant•. Boit there was no! "1 was t l'i.uhled with liifliiilima-
rnerit,kry pallit . }gut there was no tion of the Kidney: for twenty-four like it too -it's so paletehle to take.
turning hack and one look robbed years. Stone few years ago 1 got Free from opiates.
the of my desire to try it. %verse and wa- laid up for a long • AU Dri+a,riata, zs cent,.
Eskimo has no conception; time. When 1 was able to be up
c f distance. He is endowed with' again the doctor told me I must on
certain artistic irigtine'ls which en-' tie account do any work. 1 suffer-
able him to draw a fairly good mart; ed from Dropsy and my feet would
of a coast line with which he is swc!I so 1 could not wear inv shoes.
Paint Without Oil THE DOI: BEDFELLOW. Dr. Morso'a
- --- One 11 hti (las Tried It Says He Indian Root Pills
Remarkable Plscovery That Cuts Hail :1 God Night's Itest.
Down the Cost of Paint Seventy-
Pive Per Cent.
A •':a.,••nl u,sou'.t••turer has , .e -ed a
11r ••.s v1 u...1 1Ni A n•.. Lind of p..,..t %it!. •ut
t.•• •,f e,•1, !ls . a. s it PO..(111,410i11 1s la a
y powder and all t:,..t is ie uired ,s c.rl.t 'eater
to ivaka :a paint waterproof. bieprut.t awl us
eu.4btwc111 011 paint It adheres to any surf.t.•e,
\•'• .,i -t •^e et tsar:. iip;eat. and vii
p'ts ••'•tt,.1ti
rHe I' wt1 oneJ.pte,fl'4 a, . Toront . Ort ,
l• r tctal•.gue and full inl.,n,r.iti• ,i .h .w iui ,o+.
bowr )uu 1.•:.n ' ' * ►t•e..,l w tu) duals<. It t h
tn.lt� \lauti.,n tl:;, ;,aper.
'[!1E bf.S't %TOM TOA @MRS kfi ttIS
For the baby often means test for
both mother and child. Little ones
you well and strong. 1)r. Williams'
Pink Pills are sold by all dealers nauseated rile, though I did sue- A ('ill That is Prized. --There haves
In medicine or direct at 50 cents a ' ceed very well with raw hare or been many pills .put upon the mar -
box or six boxes for ,'?.50 from The : deer's meat when 1 had it." ket and pressed upon public atten-
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ,_, tion, but none has endured so long
ville, Ont. WOlt'1'il hNOWIN(i.
LIVE C'HIEFLV ON 1:1`H. I Simple Remedy Thal .tny One ('an
Ninety per cent. of the papula- Prepare. at Ilomc.
tion of Western India depends on Must people are more or less sub-
fi,h for sustenance. China is a jest to coughs and colds. A sim-
great importer of herring and other ple remedy i.ltat will break up a
halt fish, and Hong -Kong receives cold quickly and cure any cough
,000 cases of it a month. The that is curable is made by mixing
Jni anese have a very fine herring tA, ounces of Glycerine, a half'
in their waters, which they catch in ounce of Virgin ,Oil of Pine cont -
large quantities, but they consider peuund pure and eight ounces of '
it so valuable for fertilizing that pure Whisky. You can get these in
they will not let, it be sold as food. any good drug store and easily mix
---ir•-- thein in a large bottle. The niix-
IT ALI. DEPE-NiDS. tore is highly recommended by the
"!Ire von going to send your son Leach Chemical Co., of Cincinnati,
to college •!" v:hc, prepare the genuine Virgin Oil
"Not if it is as hard as to send of fine compound pure for dispen-
him on gall errand to the grocery." sing•
A frothy should never give her
child a sleeping draught, soothing
mixture or opiate of any kind ex-
erpt en the advice of a doctor who
hay Seen the child. :111 these things
contain poisons and an overdose
ivat kill the little one. When you
gi% yeti ( !tild Baby's Own Tablets
tc.ii have the guarantee of a gov-
erl•ment analyst that this medicine
docs not contain one particle of
opiate or narcotic and cannot pos-
s.hly do harm --but always do good.
'1'}•:1 •Tablet t promptly cure all sto-
rn::cli, eshow''1 and teething troubles,
and give healthy, natural sleep.
Suld by lne(l:eine dealers or by trail
at 33 ce•its a box from The 1)r.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ile e he Fh:tkec at public opinion
nt•t e, t, ekes it.
"A t;r:rr1(d Medicine" is the en-
ceiniun) often passed on 'fickle s
At.ti-('onsilniptiv ' Syrup, anti when
the• re -hits front its use are consid
e red. II borne out by ninny per -
Son •. µ110 have employed it in stop
pini: es -ugh? and eradieating colds, !
is is more than grand. Keptin the
heu•e :t is always at hand and it
ha tt.► e q sal as a ready remedy. !
If veil has not tried it, do so at
'�• - -
THE .tGI1J' I':Sh11t11.
ilahlt Enables 11irn to scale
Height %Vitt! 'iii pricing Ease
•1n all my a xl.erience 1 had'
neer encountered a rougher, more
d!fl'eu11. country in which to hunt
than in 1:1)eslncre Land," writes
Ilea. Whittey, of rook- Peary
Nine, in Out ing. "Ordinarily 11
ehrul'I have belirsed these ]noun-
taitl ai(ioa, with walls of smootti
tcck sheathed with a crust of hard
ice And snow, quite nnrcalablt'.
t•li thls To
Sure Dye
DY7- L.
evt,• llMlgOS Cr GC,`Jr.,•
T•u` 't isyt $ knew µha! Mho -1 r' • t
et. r"' are ma'i.• r( SAM. ;�. • :t a Al L-
a *N t_ol MhlaAe•• All toi , .r
Jet LJ $si.t to Dealt' .S.... -I- • t ...!
_;,•-,i;oltiet . The Jehnst,'1•Riehard$On
•. kat uo.
Sparrows have three broods a
.1 girl in a eozy corner is worth
two at a pink tea.
It should be every woman's am-
bition to live up to her best photo-
The largest gold coin is the loof
of :Annan. it• is worth $315.
\1'e know diet perseverance is the
price of success- but if we should
c.nit• understand that it is always
payable in advance!
Petroleum, when first discovered,
was sold in small vials as a rheu-
matism cure.
A good way to annoy a girl is to
ask her, when you see her in a new
dress. where she got it dyed.
A Manayisnk. Penn., m:ni hasn't
spoken t,t wife for fifteen years.
Ise explain, that he doesn't want
to interrupt her.
R %I) hl('k 111OM A 110hSE.
Mr. I. S. Kelly, of Maarkerville.
Alta., say.: ''We have proved
Zam-Buk of great value on the
Tann. I was kicked by a horse
and sustained a nasty wound, which
nnlly turned to an epcn sere.
This caused Inc considerable pain.
but as soon as Zain link was ap
Laird. I got relief. In a short time
'latielluk completely healed the
w onnd•
"My father sustained a had burn
on his Irg, which for a Ising time
W( 11lil not heal. lain ltuk healed
'1. and brought on a covering of
r.c•w, healthy skin all over the
weaund in :a few ,lays."
lam- Kok is a sure cure fur all
skin injuries and diseases, piles 1
etc. A11 (li-uggists and stores at Mk. a
box, or pest free from Zarn- Buk
Co., Torero,. for price.
--- �'
Regular ('ustorner--"'fhere used 1
t.► he tato or three little bald spots•
on the crown of my heal, nay
back. Are they there yet ?"
Barber -"No, sir; it ain't So bed
as all that. Where those spots used
to he, sir, there's only one now."
A witty Frenchman writes in a
Paris ncw'piper that "a French
major is a man who hrl' three me-
dals. The third was giyrn to him
because lie had two. the secend he-
eatls!e he had one, and the first he•
cause he had nada."
More.eco leafless cnn only be made
Of gnat*kin. The s=ecret of its de-
lightful odor it unknown in F.ur,.pe.
Simard's Liniment Curet Barna, au.
or met with so much favor as Par-
nlelee's Vegeti'hle. fills. Wide-
spread use of them has attested
their great value. and they need no
further advertisement than this.
Haying firmly established them-
selves in public esteem, they now
rank without a tee- r in the list of
standard vegetable preparations.
. Vices and N i rt ti•'9 both renew
their youth as theyare exercised.
Tyke 1.%x irtvj i:tt'►\tc► I)-,i•i'n* Y.a}.1rr,.
I► -n •--1.t• refun•t rn •uey if it f.i1, to ours. i \V.
(11:oy K's angostura is on etch box. 25a.
He who thinks he is a debtor to
none is usually pauper to it11.
Minaret's Liniment fir Sala Everyw;1i ra.
Religion never means much until
it is more than all religions.
Imitations Abound, but insist upon gettlnt the
E^,,,;i•,e 1 h,: r+ i I." Sleuth,,] feaster It Gas
Moo 1 the teat of )e..ri. It curet ,rthea and pains
quicker tb.ut any plaster.
No man can silence his fees till
Le can silence iiia,>elf.
1 Medicine for the Miner's Pack.
--Prospectors and others going into
the ruining regions where doctors
are few and drug stores not at all,
Shaul(( provide themselves with a
supply of 1)1.. Thomas' E elect ria
Oil It will offset the effects of ex-
posure, reduce sprains, and when
taken internally will prevent and
cure cold ti and sore throat, and as
a lubricant will keep the muscles
in good condition.
You nes(r fled yourself lentil you
lose sight of yourself.
Free to Our Readers.
Write Marine Frye Keened) ('n (-hirer %
for 4E rage Illu.tratr.t Eye nook Free.
!Write .11 abort Tour e Trouble and
they will advise as to the Proper Applin -
tion of the Mririn, Eve Ttemedie. to Tont
Special ease. Your Druggist will tell you
that Mimi... P..•li.•ses Sore Eyes. Strength•
ani Weak Fye,•, Drean't Smart. Soothe,
Eve Pain, and *elle for 'Sac. Try it itt
Your Eve. and in Rehr's Tyra for Scaly
Eytllde and Granulation.
1)ftott the little kincinesse' do
most for the anis ersal leve.
These two desirable ttii ali(i(a-
tions, pleasnnt to the tate :and at
the sable time effectual, are to be
fentel iii Mother Graves' \,•..rut l.x
terniin:it•.r. Children like. it.
Nellie. just
(cat, ,t.anding behind
t},ilik 1 es.r saw
She-- If u,h. dear ;
yourself I"
DO y1,n trap or buy
Fut SI 1 aro t anada's
lane-- t dealer. I pay
highest prices. Your
chioinen•r soiicited.
I pay moil and ex-
press charges; remit
ppromptly. Also large,t dealer in lieefhidrs.
Shee skins,etc. Quotations and shipping tags
sent free. 9
The other day an old gentleman
rushed into a railway station, and
said to the first porter he saw -''Is
this (say train 1"
"\o," said the porter. "It be-
l(:trgs to the ra:lwa y company."
"You blockhead." said the gen- Much is being done in these days
tlen►an. losing his temper; "1 ' to stop the ravages of consumption,
mean, (10 I take this train?"
"You'd better not," said the por-
ter 'Mere has been two or three
trains missing by this company
lately. I'd ad\ ise you to be very
cautious now, 111y good Alan."
Perhaps the final test of any-
body's lose of (legs i� willingness
to permit them tel Make a camping
gr• 1111(1 of tate bed, says a writer in
the Atlaiitic. There is no other
place in the world that suits the
doe; quite as well. On the bed he
is nate frunl i,e :u1; stepped tii••,ti ;
h•, is out of the way of draughts;
lie has a commanding posit ion f rota 1 C
which to survey 'what goys on ill the'
world, ;died al'uve all the surface is stt;>rt4y
tuft and yielding to his outstretch-
rel limbs. \'o mere man can ever iffirillamainglaggazimmalau
b.• so comfortable as a dog looks. eft Co.
Some persons object to }laving a Members Toronto Stock Ezchangn.
dog in bed at night, and it must Silo Investments tt"`` r••• weekly
be admitted that lie lies a little "�� •'irtY;..•.ii n:,r,,ier,
ht :as it ' 1111 ode's Iitubs • but why ►,e i:dtdl 31 (., ataudinl1Oany bank.
y N'e haws ror.•e 1 to
5.► ItaSe as to prefer comfort to cent- ••ur ne'e t,nil,lin;r, 90 BaySt., Tcranto.
pal.ionship! '1'o Make up in the dark
u►i tltt and put your hand on that
\ta[Ins Sof t. body, to feel the beat-
ing of that• faithful heart is not'
this better than undisturbed sloth?
The hitt night's rest I ever had
was once when a cocker spaniel
puppy, who had just recovered from.
stomach ache (close one to two soda
taints) and was a little frightened
b, the strange experience, curled
u fr ou my shoulder like a fur tip-
pet. gently pushed his cold, soft T FARC THE RIRTIRP, TIADE-
nose into my neck and there slept J .vstem r'-,nutaof rr,efire earefnt
sweetly and eotl)ldly until morning. truirne$Ion: few •rr^k• rnn.nlcle r•nnrse11:
lew+lsr fr„e: gr2dnste• Parr tRPio! t�
•trhtern dollar* weekly • write for rata-
Inene. Motor Aarher ('allege, !IS Qn,.a
Fast. Toronto.
are not a new and untried remedy
e,ur eras+dlarb. r• u.ed theta. Emit
a century air.., before Confedera-
tion, they were on sale In near'?
every drug or tr. oeral store in the
('anada of that day, and were the
recognized cure in thou: and. of
bonen for t'oual;•ati•4n. 1i .tigiss.
tion, Bilionenes.. RbeumatOatn and
]:,.tire•►• and laser Troubles. '1'o -
day they are Just as .•ffrettse.
Put t(. rel,sble a' ever, : noth-
ing better has yet been d• i iced to
ure Common Ills
A Few Shares for Sale
1u one 1,1 the 1k•-1 1,••:., e••,m!.u+ie. in
(,tntd:t eu, est), tdrins : only j," o o,lowri•
Money to Lend at s!' ., .appr..rrc1
secu+icit.. Apply fur part cuter. t
M. J. KENT, flux 419, 1..nri ,s, Ont
w Formula (Cures Coughs. ('olds,
Bronchitis and Hoarseness
in Five (tours.
('1 '1'O HIM.
but probably nothing has been so,
effective as teaching the public how I
to break up a cold and cure;
coughs. bronchitis, tonsilitis, etc.,
with simple horse -mixed medicine.
A laxative c•eugh syrup, free frotn
whiskey is the prime need. A cough
indicates inflammation and congcs-'
tion and thee-, in turn are due tot
"See here," asked the cautious an excess of waste and poisons in
stranger, "if I decide to stay here the system. A tonic laxative cough'
for a week how much is it going to ' syrup rids the system of conges-
cost me?" tion, while relieving the painful
"You can answer that best your- coughing. Get the following and
self," replied the clerk of the , mix at home: One-half ounce fluid
Florida hotel. "How much have wild cherry hark, one ounce coin -
you got •'" pound essence cardiol and three
ounces syrup white pine compound.•iplis No!rri!EI:N Lief: A''!'1'.s`ra
Shake the bottle and take twenty; Company have good nl,enir.gs fog
experienced insurance writers. nate tog
drops every half hour for four; young nit•ii who desire to mnkt• money.
UNCLE Il,ItA ,' • }lours. '('hen one-half to ono tea- sldelreK•, .►nttrt Milne• Dlnnnging Director,
S:11'S • spoonful three or four times daily.! 11Northern Life, London, Ont-.
"A great many times it is the ad- Give children less. according tot ADY AND GENTLEMEN sisF;N•rs en
vice that you don't. git that does age Cut this out and save it for rel( rich looking Jnp. ruga at $1.13
incyou the most good.''
friend. - 0001. P. A. l'onwaty, 1'•iterbiovke, tic,.•.,
writes: Sold 30 the first day. 23 the ,,creed.
eje Yrni cart do as well. Write for ev(•1us:v0
territory, and 110Iqua' ruling plan- K.
Do not seek in Others what you! Condon, Rug Syeciulitt. Stoningtoo. Maitre.
rants tx. ieht and •nidi 3't acres.
Dickinson. Room 20. 4.3 g.•, t• St.. Toronto.
1-o1d. good for 320 acres Western
lands in,nle diate delivery. Rogers h
Co.. 30 Toronto St . Toronto College 1,119.
`I ACP INI 1(Y 11EA!KAIARl:l:it`t. --
t Iron and synod-wurkinr rnachiner♦
enpincy• boilers. steam wimps. tr:.snline�
engines. eleetr ie motors. metra. tnrM'
tntu•hinerv, et(•. Send for eatalor►te of
r!vnr 1100 ma• bine. II. W. PETV IF:,
Limited. Toronto. Montreal. Vanc••xiver.
t ANV,%SSEI1S WANTED. II1011 GP k1)5
teas. ;lured Tyler. Importer. twin
perienee ne+•deet. Sells nn s.t,•lrt.
Absolute roscjsity to farmers. Does work
of 30 men. Pays for itself in one (lour.
µ•vitt• to -day. ('. i:. Adams Co.. Sill -nits,
Minard's Liniment Ci -rel Dandruff.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
here woo! 11 IN 11:1) ri LINIMENT for
Croup; found •nota:ng equal to it: surd
(•11 re.
Ilawkshaw, N. 11 , F'.ept. let. 1:31
Suspicion grows that t he goose
that laid the golden egg was a hen.
AFhytbtan iso',t always at hand. °nerd ynnr.
ie:1 .4R.tin-1 :sudden 0 'nag :Vitt nr•.1ds t.y keeping '
b..ttle v, 1'ai.'killer in the house. As .id eat,. U•
lute•, there is but one "Painkiller"- Ferry
Davie'- 1:,c and Stet.
Non' but the brave can 1i'e with
some of the fair.
Si ill waters run deep, an(l gen-
crnlly gather the most mud.
Think what you please, but keep
tnus,t of your thougtitst to yourself.
You can't always judge of n man's
ort:ancc front his waist measiure-
111(nt •
The man who does his humble
beat sh•euld 1)c respected --except
wizen he trig to sing.
It is heartbreaking to get turned
dawn, i,tit Still more heartbreaking
not t•, 1,e able to turn anything up.
PII.1'.`4 CUOMO IN 6 11r td DAYS.
PA7•n ()Isl'•tS"ir is enaranteol to cure any
e.•s •,t t:e , 't..
Wind Woe tin • or Protruding
Piles is 6 to :4 days er money refunded. We.
Ever know a sneak thief to steal
into a house and take a l.:it}►.
look Minard's
et that
me. 1 don't
anyone so plain:-
lain:''you forget
T l'
Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
1i\ a fast, a 11( 1x(11. in time it
yet.\ ;low•.
Pills That have Benefited Thou-
sar,d,. ---Known far and nenr a, a
n r" remedy in the treatment of
i11(lsee •t it,n and all derangements of
tl,•• -t.+mach. !iv( r and kidneys,
Pa'•lnc'l(•e'st Vegetable ('ills hare
brought relief to thou'ands when
other specifies have failed. 1a -
numerable testimonials can be pro,
ducecl to establish the truth of this
assertion. Once tried they will lie
ftennd superior to all , •ther pills in
the 1 roatment Uf the ailments for
ebich tlicy are prescribed.
it is n pretl steep (1)1111) np tit'•
ladder of fame, and therefore a
pretty ea•y it,attert(. tumble eff.
lees Of no1Ms, ro.gh sn'1 pais In the 4'0 ies.y
rim mean e.•n•u:nptlon. tort .are 1,,1.1 flan.. AI'en e
to I ottg tltl-len 1 • ••.ee•, the 'r,th .arid hmtl. irflatn•
Y: air pawrketi• Not s gr:aie , t et'yiotn Mit.
conceal in yourself.
That Tormenting Cold thtt made you wretched
Ia!: wi.:ter w l , 1..1 0 •u,u l..tck if y•,u take Al:ett e
Lung t:.ils.trn when y .ur th..,.al i, raw ..u1 sore.
This a•lrnirable reined, is (tee 114ta upiuta. fate
is in (Uwe.
It's a case of long suffering ss hen
a giraffe has a sore throat.
When all other corn preparations
fail, try Holloway's Corn Cure. No
pair whatever. and no inconveni-
ence in using it.
M )
ssit11 alacrity 7
:lpplirant 1 girl•rally prefer., pa-
tent Sw'edl►1•rs, rtltitn.
you clean rooms
Sand for free sample t• Dept. W. L., Na.
'Waal Oruj • Chemical Co.. Toronto.
Is Your Hearing Coad?
The III, A 1: ()PHONE will Os ,• s.oi the
benent• of K,•,•d heat -trig Send for tree
booklet. r .v,ng part 1. Marr and own,.
of safi-f. I u°er. A1••.
Special Offer for a Months Home Trial.
.:4 Spad►na Avenue Toronto.
PILES PretruBlind, Bleeding,
Piles wit. klyeding, Itching,
.ted pet nimietitly eared by
tile most st•ientifit• and economical remedy
Price a' (0 6 for t n,:►,'• .1
re pt of i•r,r r
ICA Queen West.
e."4.1/1 M [e6 f e1•'J.1 C�t
10Saninis:test of � 1
Kidney.. of the
! a A ,t P r, of the a4
(sweats, or the
tines, Fore '1 hroat,
roi ckitla. L.iSl-t t
reett,int , rot:p, Ca-
tarrh. intlnenan, Head
$cee, ''nothatha. Nest
rattles Tthe,trn*tiem. Coll( Uia. ague Chile. ('litir
baste•, rroteblte. quickly
evicted Sy -sigq ,Rilist th\.''1
�T r) 6^99 1r•) acres in the Towr•hip of
rarn,ine, in the County of M 1,llr.eat,
nod. rich sandy lnr•m, 31 2 acre.; orchard.
i '•2 ctorev frn•re house. 2 frame barns and
other nnthuildings, at few ind• to pnhlle
CI lion], and rasa.• to 1,1111 'eh. 4 mile. from
Stra'hrnv tnnrket and IL 11 St,ti•►,•.
`' 0. (.'72 °A A('R1•:a IN THE TOW'5IIT1'
of Pin', ori, in the ('nn•ety of Ox-
ford. sail, black '•lav loam. ' -t• mer inn•
crote lion,.. fremc l,i.nk barn with etabl•
1ng tender, other outbuildings. building!
nearly raw end in rood repair, situated
on brave'. rn•rd 1 rile• fr'^• Wnnricfnrlt
market and R it Station. Thi' ether -tier,
Merl appear. in over 200 n.. tere.pers.
Inr,nirer• will plea.. stats the pvpc" in
whi'•1+ thry ally 1111. a,lverrinerrent The
We.tern Real t:•rate Fxrhang", 1.,tnited,
78 f):,rda• L,•nelnn. n►.►
GAL VES Raise Them Mltnout wit•
lt•r ltet Pres
:-tea e, prigs* 5s. 1 ('n, Ltd., T„rout .,;Ostl.
THE LINOMAN TRUSS w i!1 ly.!.1 ,any reaucibl•
erni:t. 1:n•t• r-w,l h) f •rrul0 t medical t1r.•A,
Tito for t•arttcnar. it. I,INI)\IA\, (Reed)
ne ,.f the nta.vels .•f the e'r, t•ira sits.
u use th-••ua,t,ntu the world. w rile fur rata.
!•.viae. General Ar•,o-li. Co., of Cana la. Ltd..
abs Yuaae street. Tur.,uta
ia111trllttt'• 11;tir I'runioter
Crows Hair on any Bald Head
f1n calx ar fp,. poi), �,tnt•-on . 1►r,t; fir.
1 :.'lief. nt, T. �nlll �. (•.1'1 , ..r (ler• \1'„ fait
11:;1' f ..rlrlr.f r n 1'.r •(•.lyre•.' e',, r. r11
eneed without operation. .A11 v, 1,o are of.
red till fhi• •II•. a-• and wl-b to be
rurr,l r''rmatiently, saf.1v and 'tui. Sly
with Ihl• cr. at ilnrenpathi•• terrify,
which will be •ant rw)rf Paid at'vwhe►e
In the world 1.!'5 fn11 in•truetIon. for
n•ing on a• t.. eRert a permanent 'tire
Pr ire e? a r1Ar,•••
John T. Walt, Honten'iithlo Pharmacy.
Arnarlor. Canada.
Coltl► ate the most denger,ua of all
forma of &seas?. A neglected cell tear!'
to Brom liit s, Cnruumpcon, Pneumonia.
"Cough.'" are the resu,t of irritated bron-
chialtuarr. "PSY('111NE"cures (1)11214
by remot ng the irr.t.t.ng 1•altic;ta and
1ieahnll th- Inflamed membrane, 1t is a
prmiexl- and destroys the tubercle germ.
1t is a ton;c th,; at•entheas the lungs, the
liv.r, and tares up t',c system. It makes
fcrbettet health in all conditintsof h'unan.
tty. Get ,tr'n•rawl the cough willti.aappear.
"PSYCI-11 IE" ntsk-s weak people
strong. 1t CM'S comet .r1 the west nbdu.
rate kind an,1 Lreaks up a cold is a few
Write for free Semple,
ser Sale t'? 'n D►.rsi•••+1 ('•,fere S}. A SI
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