HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-24, Page 1ettf iltrot te. Tws STT -Tout Y& . EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MARCH 24. 1910. NDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable We are showing this week a large range of New Goods which have just come to hand. Among them are those Lip -to -date Shirt Waists for Ladies, also White Skirts ---Nobby Goods, which we made note of in our last ad. You ehr.uld i•ee thew before making your selections. A Word to the Young Men ! 11? YOU NEED A Fancy Shirt or Tie, Hat or Cap, we have them just the style you require. We have just opened up a fine range of up-to-date line ot Men's Shoes, very stylish, something to talk about We have decided to go ontof the READY MADE CLOTHING and if you want a f:nap give us a call. Highest Price Paid for Produce. CARLING BROS. WALL PAPER mommemommumw This is the season for wall paper and this the place to buy it. All going at Half Price and all new paper LACE CURTAINS We have a nice lot o Lace Curtains from 45c to $3.50 a pair All Other Goods Going at Cost Price for the next two weeks. Come here for IIAlit=A1 NS Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. We Keep Nice. (lean, Fresh Groceries K. N. ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF P(tsT•OFFIC I: -- 000040 a 000 -**%%'x• 7-3 . sh aressItetaal Cards. „TA TO LOAN ON FARM AND VILLAGE .(( F'reptrttes at lowest rates ct interest. pR• O. P. ItOULSTON, LD,S,: D.D.S. FRNEer ELLIOT, Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Oft.* Opposite Centre) Hotel, Exeter, Ont. DENTIST O•css:--Over Dickson a t'arling's Law Ott, es, g.tt.r. ?.kpbone No. 5. Closed Wednesday afternoon& Cedar Posta for We gaDS. A. 11. EIKIMAX, L D. S., D. D. S.. llSower graduate of Teessto Udverlsty. We have the finest quality of Cedar DENTIST. Peat at moderate 'prices. eft breneed without say pais, or osy W deers G. E. HICKS. Sestet. ss Si•TOMMws s ataabuury'o o/er. Kele *Wert CE7'17'RA LtA 8 s�Ofedse4.01 Tomato Usllier li h ,R HONOR O reddest 1[tsMet>phydclann Dr. mos' 016 Stand, £c sew Street, EXETER. asd, Andrew DA. T. BOND, TORONTO. PostGRADUATE of New York Poet (Iraeluate College, succeeded to practice of Dr. A. F. Malloy, Exeter. Residence - lately occupied by ler. M.11o), Andrew $t. °dice- Formerty the Elliot iAw (Mf,., opposite Central Bold. Da. T. P. NcLAt'ORLiN Has resumed pre•tka atter spending a tear (Col lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General practice w, b epee Sal attention to Eye, (with refrac• :los) Ear Nose and Throat Office. Dashwood, Ont. Legal . DiOE110N t CARLiNG, BARRISTERS, SOLICi ton, Notaries. Cons ryas• en, ('orniniadoaere tloUclton for Motions Bank, etc. ■cosy is Leas it lowest rates of Is1enN Once', Main street, Exeter, IL Oaat.tss, a A , L, a, Thomson MOSSY 10 LOAN. Ws Yes a large amount of private fonds to less Was sod sIllage properties, at low rotes of later OLADMAM a STAIN SUET,. as►rteten, aotklton,Yain et., Easter Os IL S. PHILLIPS, Barran. LIe...ed Aactls.see. Seise attested Is all parte. tlsUshetles ggeoasra.. Seed ee ee p.. Terme rwo.sWs A11 ..gees left .t AOeseM.OSee will he promptly atteeded t.. J. SENIOR Agent confederation Life Assuence y, also Fire insurance in lead - 11t eadian and British Companies. Main -8t., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTiONlIER MM. AND1SitSOM. Lir( ',gird Auktlo;)'r T^o eug itr, 1 Hertford Roll tot .gale, for Huron County. Tern i, realm/thin., =: r c•tt!.e rad. First -cats, animal. Dates ran be made at rte Adeo•.lc. klec will take a rr,antb.r of cattle to Ureter. or henry 1leilber's Office, Creel . 1 teed etraw ail F,TI\WOOD )1C'NT/CR. S'IANO AND CUTTER FOR SALE. A new first-class Plane for sale cheap; also utter. Apply to W. Arnold, Exeter. FARM FOIt BALE. One of the (inert farms 1n Ceborne Apply to SANDERS & CREECH, Exeter EGOS FOE HATCHING From selected Barred Rocks. Sfale larder Model Farm breed. $3.25 per 100 or 50e. a setting. Also pen of Mod - ^1 Farm Barred Rock liens, specially bred to lay, $1.00 per setting. Will In- cubate eggs for you at a rcaetor:able prier. Baby chicks for sale af;'r t!.c 1Otr. of April. Two Breeders and some Barred hock males for sale. A call sol- icited. Orders taken now. -WILLIAM A SAMI3ROOK, CEEDITON. :)NT. FOR SALE Cct'age ar.d three lots 1n Exeter, being c is Nos. 33. 36, and 57. on the South side cf Simcoe Street. On this property ie • frame cottage (brick foundatlon)con tair.trig five rooms and a good cellar. Also a good well and a large stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The pro- perty Is to be cold to wind up the estate --arPiy to GLADMAN & !3TANBURT, flar'istete. Ewer, Ontario. MEED BARLEY '." r bus' .tie of Manchuria seed barley ercwn front selected sad for three year also 100 busty le of seed peas. Prices o'r alriratlo•'.- W. P. SANDERS. Exeter, Onti ►IERF.F'ORD BULL P'D l SALT. .aim lir I nn Lot 1. Con 4, t; *borne ; Centralia P. 0. BE CHEERFUL -DON'T KNOCK Stolle, and thc world smiles with ' Knock." and you oo alone: For the the:rlul grin Will let you In Where the k'cker le never known you, Growl and the way looks dreary. Laugh. and the path 's bright. For a welcome Willie 1''II a SUPHi.lnc, wiriie A frown d!,1113 out the ligiit SILT, and toe world's harnron1oue, Grumble. a,id things go wrong. And all the time You arc out of rhyme with the busy, bustling throw. Kick. and there's trouble brewing. whistle, and life Is gay. And the world's in tune Like a day la Jut,e And the s'ou'ls all melt away. Local Items Be careful how you abuse the old licit from now until Easter, or there will be 00 eggs for you. Mr. Mark Salter will move shortly in- t, the house awned by \L. Richard Gould on Sen!ur street. The Standard Loan Company has dis- pesei of its business in G3derlch to the Union Hank which had not a branch in Goderieh. Mr Jake Finkbetner, the genial host- ler at the Commercial House, is taki'lg tis annual tete-day holiday with vela- ttves lir and around t.reditorr. The report conies in that on Monday a farmer on the Thames Road was In the Heid plowing, and doing a good Job. Mar. 21st 1. early for even this favored section. Sir. Elmer Rowrliffe, who conducts a barrel shop in London, was In town Tuesday and while here engaged tl.e services of Mr. Mac Vincent, who will ieavc for that city shortly. Messrs. T. Hawkins & Son have now got comfc.rtably settled In their new .).erdware store. one door north of Ilrowning's Drug atom. The preini,es have been nicely fitted up, .with plate glass windows, eollahcd counters ,t,,1 sl iIvies, metallic ceiling, etc., and a neat office In the rear, making altogeth- er a very attractive and convenient herd ware store. Re:•ent!y Miss ,Unci Vosper. daughter of Mr. John Vosper of (anlpbcllford, cousin of Mrs. Samuel Sanders and Niles Cierra Vosper of Exeter, who graduated as a Puree hi bt. Luke's. New York. at Christmas, died In that hospital ur typ',old fever. She was one of the nurses under the supervision of miss Eva Carling, formerly of Exeter, matron ,f the hospital. DELEGATES APPO1ttTED.-At the meeting of Lc Liberal -Conservatives of Usberne in the Central )Iotel on Satur day last tfessra. John Deibridge and Simon hunter were appointed to at- tend the Dominion Convcntion in Ottawa in June, with Slesara. Tilos. Iiunkin and Joseph Hawkins alternates. SALE REGISTER Saturday. ,'tpril 2 -Household Furni- ture, etc.. the property of lir. t3eorge Mantle, North St.. Exeter. Sale at 2 o'clock. Wm. Anderson. auct. \VIIITE WI ANDOTTE EGGS FOR HATCHING. Good utility strain -$1.00 for 1:t eggs or :1 settlugs for 42.50. Incubator lots a $4.00 for inn. Fertility guaranteed. ("HAS. F. HOOPER, Box 157. Exeter, Ont. TO THE FARMERS Before buying hordes see the carload of horses that W. .trnold is shipping to Fleeter on Wednesday. the 23rd. WM. ARNOLD HOUSE ANL LOT FOR RALE A pony and a halt frame housc,con- l.rinlnt; Rt Vc:i rooms and sunnlcr kit- chen, brlc k foundation. good well of spring water, one-quarter acre of land: situate on the south side of Hu- ron street east. Apply to S. SANDERS Telezraph Offlcc, Exeter. PASTURE FOn CATTLE A numletr of rattle will be taken for pasture. WM. NI. DLATCIIFORD TURNIPS FOR SALE Nei' 5.)0 bushel, o: turnip» in fleet Lisa ' ondltioo. Apply to 11. ELWO1t- TifY. Exeter. V 1LI.AGF. PROPERTY FOR SALE. unrterstzried 1e -.Hering for sale that desirable Village property, being lots 13, 14, 13, corner of William and Waterloo stre'ts. There le nr. the prcm- ises a splendid brick house, small stable and other cotneniencee ; also a number of crane* fruit treks. The prop- erty is first -(lass In every respect and 1s well situated. W111 be sold reaeon- able. .tprly on premises. ALF'iRED DOWET, Exeter 1'. O. FARMS FOR SALE TI'.at choice farm, being part Lat to and 19, Co:). 1. Township of Unborn. In the Village of Exeter. containing 100 aeras. On this property there Is an up-to-date brick dwelling with all con- ver•ler es : large bank barna, with water In stables, silo, delve :rouse, ice house, and all kinds of fruit : 6. acres In hay and grass, 6 acres fall w,teat, balance rwweet est fall. Property In • high state of ultivatto't ar,d well adapted for a doing a dairy butanes' or general i Exeter, or T. CA\ Farquhar. ALEX. DOW, of R'JN Auctioneer of Easter without a dozen eggs does not seem right, but the price is the ■tleker. Fred Kerr of the Exeter Gun Club got the high average at a bhoot in Bramp- ton last week, breaking 190 out of 20-r• ti: the seventh event he broke 25 straight and won the Mayor's Cup. lie won several other articles In other events BUSINESS CHANGE. -A business :hanee was Made last week between Mr. F. J. Wickwire and Mr. it. N. Rowe, by which the former gets the general store bush:earl which Mr. Rowe has been eonclut tin: nortt, of the Poat Office, and Mr. Rowe gets Mr. \Vickwir•e's farm on the f ondoll Road north. We understand Mr. P. W. F. Beavers will conduct the t: re busir.ese. b1ARIt1ED.-The Carrot River Journal of Me'fort, Sask., makes the following :efercnce to the n-arrlagc of a former E':cter young lady.-' A very quiet but pretty 'wedding was Halet:l:tlzed Tuesday \farch )5th, a: six o'clock, p.m., at the faun residence of Me. and Mrs. Wm. Trevethirk amidst the immediate rela- tivea and friends, when their daughter, \IrsY Edna Irene, was milted In holy w iloek to Mr. Walter Nelson Attrilf, of this place. The bride who was given away by her Lather, was ably assisted by her slater Gertrude, while the groom was attended by his brother George. )rev. D. 11. Kennedy officiated. After the ((rerie:my all sat down to a dainty and well spread wedding .upper." The Advocate Joins with the friends In Exe- ter and Melton in wishing the young couple all gond things through life. EARLIER TRAIN SERVICE. -It Is states that the travellers of London will shortly take up the question with thj Grated Trunk Railway of having the rnorrdn; train ou thc Huron and Bruce leave Leedon at 8 o'clock instead ot at d.:ut. It la claimed that this '+could be a great convenience for the travellers, and would eatable them to get over the northern towns a great deal quicker and give them a chance to get better eonrertlons. Another matter which it is stated will be brought to the notice ot the railway is the crowding of the cars ,n all the branch linos on Monday morn +-y. it 1. clal n id that owing to the rust: of travellers. In addition :o the 0-1011 traffic, that it is lmposetble some t:,t:es to secure beats, and that at the best of times the cars are badly, crowd- eJ. The railway will be requested to to foretell extra care on JL.rnday morn- ings. ST. 1'.'.T)tICK.-The lecture or talk on S•. Patrick by Rev. D. W. Coll:Its In the Towit Hall on St I'atrice's night, Thu 'e day Lott, proved very Interesting and le struciive. The hall was well filled ant all enjoyed the lecture, nt the course of whit). the speaker gave an excellent re- sume of tho rellgicus lift of the peapl.'. of the British Ialts :n the early rentur lea. the influence of the patron saints of Er.7land, Scotland, Mater a'.d Ireland on the lives of Lha inhabitants, with particular reference to that of St. Pat- rick. who was born in the little village or Dumbarton, in what is now called Sr otland, was taken pr Ieuner to Ireland ae a boy and remained six years. af- ter which he effected his escape, ami returned to his home wl.cre he .toiled ror several years, and then returned to Ireland to Christianize the people. A WORTHY CITIZEN I'ASSE-I AWAY -Death on Sunday removed from our midst another of the pioneer residents or Fleeter, a marl noted for the strtrt- est Sate:city and honesty of purpose, and a ntost worthy and estim- atilt• citizen, 1r; 'he person ot George Lewis. who died at ht• home, Main street, on Sunday last at the great age of 89 years, 11 months, and 22 days, The deceased was a man possessed of remarkable vigor and strength nearly all his lite, scarcely knowing what a clay's sickness meant 1111 the last few years, when. from time to date, he was taker. down, with an internal affliction, most severe, and It was thought on two or three different oceasloes the rad would surely conte, but It was 'willed otherwise and in a few days ire was our around again as ar'!ve and cheer - fat ae ever. itut the last attack was u i:nlstakabl• and the once rugged form save away to the severe strata caused by a general breaking up of the sys- tem and the curtain of death was wrung down upon his kindly lite and the spark fled on Sunday morning at 9.211. Mr Level. was born in Devonshire. Eng -I Land, ht 1820, and at the age of 2: married Mary Hancock. in the year 1836 he lett his native country with tate wife and famt,v for the United Stat- es. where he remained four years. Ile then tnovel with his family to Canada, first settling ht the township of Stephen on a bush farm on eon. 16, whlch he cleared, and In other ways he ^on= trlbuted much towa,ds making the fine towrehlp what It IS to -day. Rtegidin,t here for 113 years he moved 0) she 2nd Con.. one mile south of Crediton. and resided there for 16 or 17 years. when he moved t 3 the form one mile youth of Ezeter, where he remained till 0.' mov- ed to Exeter several years ago For many years he was assessor for the township of Stephen, when duty he performed with much credit to himself and also to the townei,ID. When about 20 year, of age he was converted to God and from that time on acted as local preach- er. He always lived a Godly life, tear,Ing hie ehi,drtt, and others by es - ample and precept and the world has been better for his living. He was a strut and consistent member ot the James street Methodist et urch and was always faithful In l,le attendance at .the eery - Ices. demonstrating a keen lntereat In God's work. He leaves to mourn his death a Until), of three daughters. his wife having predeceased hint 14 years. The family are, Mrs. Lamport of Mel- lta. Man.; Mrs. S'Immel oe Waltsburg, Wash., and Miss Martha at home. all o' whom have the sympathy of their m''ny friend,. The funeral took place to the ®zetsr cemetery Tuesday. KILLED IN SNOWSLIDE.-Word was Ifeeelved by Mrs. John Essery, Exeter, this week from her niece, Mrs. Maude Hicks Landwehr at Seattle, of the death of her brother, Milton Flick• (soh of .Mr. Itobt. Hicks, for many years a )(wilier in Exeter) In the big snow slide early thi• month at Wellington, 1n the Itoc•ky Stouutalna. Muton, with scores of other passesgers in the train, were killed without a moment's warning while asleep o:, the train at night. Toe remains were identified by Mr. Fred. Trebleson of Mr. Win. Treble of Eel eter, and taken to Seattle, where they were Interred 111 the Mount Pleasant cemetery. Mllton was about 2(i years o: age and will be well remembered by many of the people of Exeter, who will sympathize deeply wlti, the bere.av- el family. EASTER WEDDING -A pretty Easter wedding' took place al the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Richard Remitter, Elizabeth -et. 0:1 Tuesday afternoon last, when their daughter, Sties Leah. was married to Mr. Arthur Rennie, eon of air. Alex. Rennie of Hay Township. The bride's gown was of Liberty satjn, , trimmed with seagull), and she carried a bouquet of Easter Illlte., while the ;bridal veil was trintmei with orange blossoms]. The Solna away dress was of navy blue. broad cloth with hat to matc•h..The bride, entered the parlor on her father's arm to the straina of MendelsAohn's wed- ding march, played by MIss Edith >faudson. The ceremony, which took place at 2 o'clock, was perforated by Itev. Hobbs, the young couple being statlone.1 under an arch of evergrcms prettily decorated with pink and white carnations. The groom's gift to the bride waa a beautiful silver cab.aat. Toe Guests present numbered about hirty- five. and were front Pafktrf:i, C.'editon, Zurich, t'rumar'y, Ghlselhurst, Essex, Hcn.sall and elsewhere. The presents formed a magnificent array and com- prising articles of use, beauty and value. The nappy couple left on the ev- ening train for a short honeymoon trip to London and Niagara Falls. On,thelr return they will shortly leave for the Welt. wnere they intend making their future hone. The best wishes of their many friends will accompany them on their honeymoon and tor their •future happiness and prosperity. BIRTHS Jeekcll-In Montreal, ore Mar. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. James E. Jeckell, forme erly of Exeter, a daughter. Nell. -in MrGlilivray, on March 18th, to Mr. and Mra. Fred J. Nell, a daughter. Rollins. -At Ailsa Craig, on Starch 14. to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rollins, a son. Stewart -In London, on Mar. 18, to Mr. 1 and Mrs. Ed. Stewart, formerly of Exeter, a eon. WANT .41)5 AUCTION SALES PRIVATE SALES WANT ADS.. and AUCTION and PRIVATE SALE NOTICES Ir, TFIE ADVOCATE bring better results than are obtainable throw_ 0 any other medium in tate rtiatrir.t. \Vhy? Because the .‘d - vacate goes into the hands of a tar large: number of people than g11) °Our nudlum. Very Lew homes 10 many miles fall to re- ceive The Adve ate weekly. 1t you want anything, or have anything to Dell you lose more than we do by not placing an advertise- ment In The Advocate. We are ready to print your sale bills o:, sliortest notice and at most reas- onable rates. MARRIAGES Rennie-Rentnter.--At the home of the bride's parents. on March 22nd, by the Rev. )rich. Robbs, Mr. Arthur Rennie, son of arr. Alex. Rennie, Hay, to Miss Leah, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Rammer, of Exeter, Attrilf-Trevethirk-In Melfort, Sask., on Mar. 15. \\alter Nelson Attrilf . to Miser Edna Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W nt. Trevethick, formerly of Exeter. Forrest -Elsie -In Tuckcrsmtth, on Mar. 11311., Mr. John Forrest of Algoma, 10. Miss Jessie E. Elate. Sinclair. -Cousins. -:\t St. Marys, oi, Dfarch title Miss Famiy Mae Cousins to Mr. Daniel Roy Sinclair - Minaret -Robinson -In Wlratlpeg, Sunday March 20th, Mr. A. Sproat of Saska- toon, to Miss Edith Robinson, former- ly of Exeter. Kennedy.-Doupe.-At the residence of the bride's parents, air. and airs. Sam- uel Doupe, Kirktoa, on Dfarch 16th, Sarah E. Doupe to Mr. 1'. H. Kennedy of Outlook. Sask. dotter -Beek -•lit Hensel), on Mar. 10, Miss 7'Iildred J. Beek to Mr, E. J. .tot ter of Melville, Sask. Ross -Towers. -In Hibbert, on Mar. ale Elizabeth Towers of 1-tibbort to Mr. Samuel Ross ot Dinsmore, Sask. DEATf1S Lewis. -111 Exeter, on Mar. 20th, George Lewis, aged 89 years, 11 months, and 22 days itobineon-In Saakatoon, on Mar. 18th, C rarlle, the only ho:: of Mr. And/ Robinson, formerly of Exeter, aged' 11; years. Men ! Do You Care imsomsommor If you don't -take anything in the way of clothes that hap- pens to be offered to you But if you want smart clothes, clothes that radiate style, that are dominated by the same spirit and life that keeps you young, resolve now to wear our clothes. They represent the new idea in clothes' making clothes to suit you, they become you, do you justice, are worthy of you, make you feel it's good to be alive -(NO OTHER CLOTHES CAN TAKE THEIR PLACE) - IF YOU CARE! NEW TiEt3, SHIRTS, HATS, 8110ES. Everything for the Man ! SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER PAINTS, VARNISHES & STAINS WE HAVE MARKED up the biggest and most complete stock of Paints, Etc., ever brought to Exeter.. •. ; . Ready Mixed Paints in loc, 15c, 20c, Mc. 50e, and 6&e tins Campbell's Varnish Stains ......15c, 26c. 4bc and )3bc Varnish 10c, 15c, 2Oc and Mc Wall Finishes 2:M and 46c Floor Enamels Me and 00c Brushes from be up to $1.80 ASK TO BEE OOLORB Sap Pails, Sap Pans, Spites. Everything for Sugar Making HEAIh'S & STOVE STORE Wanted, Second Rand Wood Cook Stoves.