HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-17, Page 8MEI and it man with an i11•flttieg suit of clothes are in the same boat - Beth Naedicaped If you are a roan wltt, clothes troubles have TAMAN diagnose your case. He quite likely will prescribe A SUIT OF DECENTLY MADE CLOTHES at a pop- ular price. He does riot send his goods to out- of-town , !.thing manufacturers to be THROWN together and Palmed oft on You for a CUSTOM BADE SLIT, but mekcs the suits I. hie own custom work shop !insurers; you a PERFECT ! 1T and BEST WORKMANSHIP. NEW S,'it1NG SU1TINGS OVEIhCOATINGS AND PANTINGS ARRIVING DAILY W. W. 'l'AMA N Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Iusleess Locals -- Read Them Ladies' New Spring Coats are here, in black and fawns. Just the kind you want for Spring, $6, $7, $8. MAN WANTED 1.• A farm Land wanted at once. Apply et this office. New Spring Shirts for men in 1910 pattern. These shirts are trade to fit and are good washers. Prices $1, 1.25. New Black Silks just urrie d, lonely sojt tatfetta, extra fine finish, suitable for coats and dresses, 36 in. wide -price $1, 1.25, 1.50. Two medium sized, comfortable houses for sale. Apply at this office. CARPETS & RUGS -The largest assortmeni of carpets and rugs ever shown in Exeter at prices: Carpets 35c to 1.35 per yard, Rugs 6.76 to $40. 250 CEDAR POSTS and 228 bunches of shiezlea for sale. Apply to DICKSON & CABLING WALL 1'.1 PE1I S -Our new null papers surpass any we hare ever shown. *t,/ All the newest ideas and designs are shown, Sc 8c 10c 12ic lbc 20c 25c. LOST -A Rug on Mar. 8th between �tle Metropolitan Ilett) and H. Smith's, I' Lake Road. Finder kindly return to this office. Ladies' and 3Ien's Footwear. We are sole agentsforISS CANADA shoes for women and t)ti llf: RESFORD shoes for men. Reerrt pair yuaranteeel. Prices $3, 3.50, $4, 5.00. CLF.\RING Oi:T SALE OF BANK- RUPT STOCK at the Exeter Bargain Stcre Ribbons, laces. ernbrolderles, waists. fancy collars, belts, ctr. 150 men's fine top shirts, all slug at 65c.: 28 dozens men's neckties at 15 and 30 cents; rubber and linen collars at halt \ �te : 27 teen's sults, sizes 33 to 39 1 /lose than halt price; 240 pairs of shoes l./ m.urufar tutee's sample*. at less than wholesale price. All these goof!. must be hurried out to make room for anoth- er stork. 11. W. F. BEAVERS. Successor to the late J. W. Broderick. • X41-rs. E. Christie and Miss Grigg were ' "In London Friday. A. Stewart and 1. 11 Cterling ware e -1n Lo)ldon this week. A meeting of the Exeter Lave. Powlir,g 1 Asecctat'o:i is called for Friday even- Intl at 8 o'clock. important business. Mitten (':ark of Wincnclsca intends leaving from Exeter on Thursday for 13nfty. Rank.. to join his brother Ed., '- and fosses i i a general store business. c CHURCH DIRECTORY JAMES -ST METHODIST CIIUitCH Rev. Richard Hobble, Pastor Sunday Public Wor.hlp-10.30 and 7. Class eetvtce-teat) a.m..n:rd after Morn - Ing Service and Wednesday Toueg Mt n'e Class and Catechumens - Sued.ty at 2 p. m. Sunday School and Bible Classes- 2.30. Fpeortt League -Tuesday 8 R m. Prayer Meeting -Thursday 8 p. m Mar. 20t01 -The pastor will preach mornln:S and evenit.g. Subject at night. -*The Evils of the Tobacco Habit." `.9.6-11-144-9444.11111.11.9* Te Sftop for Men We have the finest lines of Fancy Suitings Overcoatings --AND Trouserings We are filled up with the new- est and best Kood, toe tbe soak- ing of clothing, and we di' the akin/ io the best of style. W. JOHNS Mir'wat Tttlter- Ismer ter l.eeseprseprarIVesierssss• Owen Atkinson went to London this EXETER MARKETS. week. , . alias Frances Davis returned :o \Pbtg- CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY zi 415.# 4kallkalk*#41111 tit Fr,day „ea wc-•k. Mr. Mark Mealtime is quite 10 at tris r.cntt. Mrs. Rich. Quance Is 111 of Pleurisy at her horn.. Rea. Hobbs pica( "(IR on Tobacco )text Sunday night. Mr. Ambrose Cottle teas b_.en on the a:ck list this week. Mrs. Frank Mellott le tea oveieig like- ly from her recent illness. Mrs. Chas. Perkins and Mr.. John Northcott arc on the sick list. Spy nal music is to be furnished ,r Malt street church next Sunday. W. Bradt of Ezeter North has been engaged by W. 11. Levett In his office. Rev. Hobbs will deliver his lecture on 'The Trlart;ular Man" in Zurich on tine 22nd. Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows will take part In the Lodge of Instruction at Sea - forth on Goad Friday. Mrs. Hodgson of Usborne has moved into the residence on 'turon street, Ex- eter, until recently occupied by the late Sirs. Harris. Mr. Geo. Srnallacombe, who has been sufferite from an attack of pneumonia for some time, is new on the Mend a:;d gives promise of recovery. Card of Thanks. -Mr, Wrn. Hooper de- sires to thank the friends and ,teiRh- bore for their kindnesses during the illness and death of his late wife. Mrs Daniel Kernick, who was taken down with a severe attack of paralysis at Flint. Mich., a few weeks ago, lag sufficiently recovered as .to be able tq sit up. Mr. Arthur John Ford has rented the 100 acre farm of his father, Mr. John Ford on the North Boundary of Stephen and the latter will have a sale of his stock on the 26th. after which he will move to town. The calendars issued by tete depart- nteal of education for the year 1910 show 210 school days for public and separate schools; 199 for high ehcoole and collegiate institutes and 214 for rural schools. Sam R. l3alkwill, a former resident of Eaate-. got the nomination on the Urn - :on Labor ticket for Mayor of Tacoma, Waz i,, last month. He has a good show to win as tine }tetornt party en- dorsei him as well. If you bee a dog standing of' his head in a snow bank or playing Tommy Lo:.etoat up and down the street, or sitting In a miserable heap with his head against the wall, or wildly claw- inC, at his head and face, it is not a c.a.( of rabies. He le mad about his muzzle, that's al). Reader, when you are preparing lotto your trading just pick up your home paper. glance at the advertising columng arid sec who wants the. trade. It is safe to say you will save money. Tne man who advertise" certainly has induce- ments to offer you or he wouldn'e ask you to call before buying. Mr. Geo. Snaallacohtbe received the earl :sews this weak of the death of his bro liner. Thomas, who died in Crystal City oat Tuesday ).est, atter a protracted :11 - 'less from heart and liver trouble. Mr. Snt.11acumb: was a former resident of Exeter and Iiia denies will be learned 'Nits) much reg ret by ills friends here. Those who attended tac illustrated lec- ture In the Town Hall, Exeter, on Wed- nesday evenitig last, delivered by Mr. Bowen, under the auspices of the Exe- ter Branch Bible Society, were well pleased with the entertainment,. which proved highly instructive. _Over 100 views were givetn, and they were the best that have ever been shown in Ex- eter. The old officers were re-elected. Pres., R. N. Creech: vice-presidents. the resident ministers: scc-treas., N. D. ilur don. That all the farmers are not going west and that many of thane still be- lieve In the ability of tie sol: of old Huron to return them value for t. t r labor was amply proven here on Thur. day. whc Mr. Richard Murphy 1 cid his aa•nus) spring delivery of Massey-liar- ris machinery, and the town was a very busy one all day air. Murphy informer us that no Rise than 56 loads of mach- inery were that day delivered...by the farmers of this district. Th� is little doubt that the Massey-Hsief• machinery is of the best, and there 1s no doubt that "Dick" Murphy 1s one of the best men In the business. LEC'T'URE ON ST. PATRICK.-Rter. D. W. Collins will deliver a lecture on "Rt. Patrick" in the Town Hall, his Teens - day evening, St. Patrick's D cshnnNn- ing at A o':lock. The haur % 'made at 9 u'l1o'k .•s as not to .onflict with the Amici meetings. admission Free. MARRIED AT LUCAN-The marriage !oak place on Saturday last. \l.,r. 12. at 2 o'clock p.m., at the home •tt the bride's sister, Mrs. Chas. Isaa-. furan, of Miss Those M.. daughter of Mrs. Wm. Dearing, Exeter, to Mr. Percy Webber of Usborre. The affair was , a vety nu:et one, the only atte titian' 1 •In3,lfitle Miss Leda Isaac as ringbear . while the wedding march was play y Miss Della Isaac. Rev. Carlisle performed 'he ceremony. After the ceremony Mr. .t --d Mrs. Webber retuned to Exeter and drove to their home 0:t the 3rd of Ste- phen, where Mr. Webber bas engaged with Mr. W. D. Sanders. The young router have flit toi, ratu,atiens awl best wishes of the:r many friend.. with whom the Advo -ate )gins. HICKS' FORECAST.. -A regular storm period, as full of storm reselb- ititlee as any In the month, is central oa the 24th, sztcndirg from the 22nd to the 27th. The Mercury equinox also r.dds Its strength to :hie ricked. .full yicon roti the celestial squattall" In) tee rr Idst of this period, on the 25th. Tropical storms of the natup' of hurrt- rarte'e aced tornadoes w111 natural routeward, with a boreal counterpart of blizzard" of •set and ■t,ow to the north ward. The crisls of this period *oil .triter ptocresstvcly from west to. east font the 24th to Iles 27th. Wates and -rec. Witt:1;, three days of noon on the 25th is another very marked eit!4,nie period. fi.rthguakes In various sec- tior;a of the glove will most likely be attendei by volcanic disturbances hr vol rank regtous. al.o by abnormal oat. nee and electric currents, and mail- room flashes of auroral lights in the northern melons. A general and sev- ere cold wave for March will nrnst like- ly come out n' the nerth.rst. and sweep far into the •eutheastrrt parts of the country t*teeee ten' 2et!r •nd 20".. Pc o t guard ag,l'1,t such phenomena. ,nt on r'rida_ . - Mrs. it. E. }fuatan has returned from a visit 1n Toro:rtn. MI. fete McDonald was here front Wal lale-!,ura over Sut,daY. Dr. Cowan of fun len was In town Wednesday on business. Mr. 1\'m. Tapp was a vi ,!tor le Lon- don a few days last week. Mr. L. W Palmer was in London part o: last week un business. M. Thos. E. Handford and wife we:c 1n St. Thomas t=est week. Mrs, 11. J. Glanville of London visited her mother hue last week. at- sere. Itobt. Sutton and August Guar left fol the West Monday. gra. Jo'.natun and two eons of Sarnia visited at the Rectory this week. Frank Jones bas engaged to work for the \lassey-Ilarrlet Co.. Brantford. Mr. Richard Welsh of Kalamazoo vte- ttcd has norther here during the week. Mrs. E. 11. Vrouman and little son are visitors at Mi. G. E. Anderson's. Mies Pearl Tetrcau of Dashwood is the guest of her aunt, ales. \V. 11. Jones digs Evelyn Gill left Thursday to re- sume Iver duties as nurse at Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. (Dr.) McDowell of Listowel is u visitor at the home of Mr. \V. J. ttlesett. Elder Elliott went to London Monday where he has secured a position in a hake shop. Mrs. W. D. Mace returned to Toronto on Friday, and they Iett this week for \Vlnnlpee to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Madge, after a two ntcr:ths' pleasant trip to California, re- turned honk last week. sfr. and Mre. Chas. Dennis of Vancou- ver are here visiting the former's par- ents, lir. and Mre. Jae. Dennis. Mrs. Irwin, of Norwich returned home Wednesday, after a visit with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bissett. Douglas Stewart left this week for Toronto to accept a position with the McLean Publishing Co., in their offices. Mr, and etre. Thos. Daynaan returned Last week to Whitewood, Man., after spending the winter with relatives here. lora. Fred Hill and Mr). Wm. Prod - acre returned to their homes In Tor- o:tto and Landon, respectively. on Sat- urday. - Mr. John Caldwell and wife, and the latter's brother, Mr. }herb Ford, left Friday for the West, to reside near Lawson. Sask. Mrs. Locke went to Loudon last week and was there jolted by Mrs. W. T. Acheson and the twine, who will accont piny her to Boston to visit for a time. Mrs. Geo. A. Young and little eo:r. Stirling, have returned to their home in London, actvmpatnled by Mrs. Young's parents. Mr. and airs. James Beer. Mrs. Geo. Chambers and Mrs. John Ctambero, who have been visiting friends around Exeter and Crediton. left for their horn_ In the West last Tuesdav- Amonf; those who left for the West this work to reside -Garfield Hodgert, Janis Gould and sons Ed. and Clayton, Mrs. John Treble and sons, Robert and Frank and daughters, Violet and Della. Thos. Morrison. Them are people who say, "It's a sin to smoke, t,a chew, and to drink," and they'll backbite there neighbor, critleize their preacher, ttd blacken a inan's or a girl's charachout turning a heir. The wor c le full of just such people. SOLD STORE -Mr. 11. J. Glanville of London Mouth, for feel of Exeter, has sold his store an sidence to Mr. A. Bodkin of Lambeth. CARD OF THANKS. -Mr. John Presz- cator, Stephen, wishes to convey to the neighbors and friends the sincere thanks of the faint f the many kind- nesses shown 0t ring the Illness and subsequent death of their mother. MOTHEit DEAF. -Mr. Chas. Blrney re tcive3 word on Wtel::.„day of last week that his mother, Mrs. }founding, was lying at the point of death at her biome In Windsor. Mr. Ilii icy t k the train Thur"day morning n rived there In time to aur his mot r alive, but elle sled on Saturday. Mrs. hounding had been le very poor health for sometime hedge her death was not unexpected. LEFT HIS FRIENDS BKHiND.-it. T. t'inner, junior at the Motions Banke quietly left town on lerljay last on an excuse to see his father In Clinton, and nothing has been heard of him sea*. On investigation it bas oeen roved that he owes three orKt hundred torero about town In an s ranging from 45 to $10o. If It is a rase of t; ufne "skip" the job was well done. TRle 1s only one rare lase of a •. ni ratan Iiv- 1r_t at a elunneei rate. A 111011 GRADE SCHOOL. -The three factors in the acquiring of an education are tear:,er, test -book and student %ver since Its ineeptlon the Clintontininess ('olleZe has secured teal -here of the widest enp'-r(cnce and ripest H. larehip Th' text -books used are the 1,t publleh el, consequently 'heir gran -ales have received the beg p tiona, and their success has unrivalled. This .••ttool receives additional prestige by Wing affiliated with the CQntmercial Ed- u"ators Associate,» of da, whir)) comprise Clanada's greatest chain of High Grade Modern Actual Business Schools. The Spring Term openings are Mar. 29th and April 4th. 1101.1 WEEK. commencing Sunday :text, Mar. 20th, will be observed in Trlvltt Memorial Church by special services In the (hurt h daily. The lint of subjects' are the "Seven Sayings on Tee Cro-os" and arc as follows. -Sunday 11 a.rn., "Pathe forgive 1hr•nn for they know not what sty de", 7 p.m. "To- day shalt thou th me In Paradise"; Monday, 8 p.nt. "Witold thy nether, be- hold thy con" : Tuesday 8 p.m. " My Owl. my 0o4. why halt thou forsaken ma" \Pclne.day A p.m. "1 thirst": Thursday 8 p.m. "Father. into Thy hands 1 commend my spirit". Good Ftidty 1u.70 a.m. "ft Is finished", 8 p.m. A apeelal service for inert, subject "(Wield the nears." The rector. Rev. D. W Collins w111 rendurt all services. CASTOR IA ]tit Ideate GM Clam Th l W Tu Um Ain's ORM iasis tete &gnat are of ; ; ]LI Wheat 103 106 Barley :en 5 Oats. :iti 39 Pear Si} 83 Potatoes, per bag 50 Hay. per ton 1:1 (V 1400 Flour. per cwt., family 200 Flour, low grade per ew 1 50 155 Butter 20 �Rs 24 t, ve bogs, per ewt 9 90 Short. per ton 24 00 Bran per ton 4s t10 THE BEST Bread Can only be gotten from the best flour -The tollowinv brands are unexcelled Try a hundred next time you hake - Try One of These : JEWELL (Ontario Blended) PURITY (a\etttri, Cana la Flour ]tills) Least your cyders or rail up Phone 2. R. G. Seldon, Exeter ckaNboacroaostmaamm i RAND TRUNK SYs EM EASTER Excursions Return Tickets -=at- Single Fare Between all stations in Canada. also to Detroit and Port Huron, M ich. Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y. RETURN LiMIT MARCH :10, 1010. Secure tickets and full information from J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent. Exeter, r address J. D. McDONALD, D.P.A., 0. T. Inv., Toronto. 1 9 1 1 1 diaabaalthagb elealficralkeek al FLOUR t Breakfast Foods Feed and Seeds All the BEST GRADES of flour always on hand. Breakfast Foods such as OATMEAL, WHEATLETS & TOASTED WHEAT FLAKES Oatmea1,71be for 26c Poultry Food" & Feeds such as PANACF:A, OYSTER SHELLS, GRiT, ("RUSHED BONE, LiN• SEf:D MEAL OIL CAKE and FLAX SEED. Wm. Rivers 1i Davis' Old Stand - EXETER Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, i desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that 1 am prepared to give you the best of satisfaction in work connected with the business. For tbe pres- ent orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 24, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech PLEASE THE 000K and bei efil yourself and family by us- ing MODEL flour. 1t bakes so much better and goes so much farther than ordinary brands, THE URE OF MODEL FLOUR means better bread, biscuits. rake. pir, etc., in your tone. and root* of them, too. Order a sack to -day. The nest time you need flour you'll inslet or, having the MODEL brand even tLt cost more. Put nt doesn't. HARVEY EXETER ONiTA R IO "Le1hy Not eve your Boay a spring /ousecIeaning? It is reasonable. You stay indoors too much all winter- you breathe the foul air-yov sleep in close rooms and you eat too much. to fact your winter life is pretty much artificial and unnatural. Then why not renovate your whole system this Spring Take a Short Cut to Youth and Energy Nyal's Spring Tonic is the Thing Sulphur and Molasses were grandmother's way. She also scrubbed ber fingernails off every Spring. But Nyal's Spring Tonic is a regular up-to-date vacuum cleaner by comporison. Glues new snap and vim -puts lite and spring into your musoles-makes you feel fit and ready. If it isn't, worth a dollar a bottle you can have your money back cheerfully. W. S. HOWEY, Phm.B1, Chemist & Optician, EXETER - - ONTARIO Remember the Name --- Rowe & Atkinson Bear in mind that at their store is the place to buy FURNITURE. We have a fresh car load in now and every thing will be found at the RIGHT PRICE to SUITE the purchaser. Give them a call .,, Undertaking and Embalming a Specality ROWE & ATKINSON 1 The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Spring Millinery TO -DAY OUR FIRST SHOWING We shall have the ple'asuretn•day and fallowing days of introdu- cing N in the New Styles tallSpring - in Sprit K Millinery, and we invite our friends to come and see what Fashion dictates this season. Never have we en- tered a season with more fascinating Hats. Individuality speaks from every one of them. WIDE BItIM TURBANS, TOQUES & ROUND SHAPES Come along and leave your order early for your Easter Hats Shantung Silks One of the good wearing nov- elties for Spring. This is a good wide silk with no end of wear and makes a beautiful Spring or Summer dress. All the new colors of Alice, Tan, Buff, Natural, Wie- tena, Amatbyst or Raisin. Popular price 50c yd. Linen Suitings One of the moat popular fab- rics we are showing this Spring. Plain or Striped Linens in ell the new shades. Plain or Fancy Rep in the good selling shades. Holland or Mercerized finish are both good sellers. New Net Waists and White Waists Our New Waists are arriving every day and we ate ready to show something very new in the waist line. Dainty Net Waists with fancy trimming in white, cream, ecru and black- every one a new design. New white Waists are better than eget. All tbe new ideas are shown here. You wHi he delighted to see them. Have ON to War with Your Easter Suit or Bonnet Wall Paper Talk Housecleaning for Spring We carry a complete stock of Wall Papre e from ecbespeet to tbs most eapen. ve In a0 abs latest Iesig s and beautiful colorfast,. We have many new and ioespeeNve deign, for every room la your bows. Consult us on the Wall Paper Question. It will pay you, You can have your selections from the laripest stock ever *bows in Exeter. Our Wall Papers are used by the Majority. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing