HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-17, Page 7AN AVALANCHE AT FIELB°°'VS ITEMS Remarkable Escape of a Locomotive Crew in British Columbia. A despatch from Vancouver, 11. C‘. says: :\ (tesce nding avalanche engulfed a liecomotive and brought an engine crew close to death :.t Field tett '1111.-.1:1y. The slide origin- otul on an ice field in the mountain (fully south of the railway. ltlrl,:u' end:: rcctivieg its fief impetus in a precipitou. drip of ,et oral hun- dred feet frau a remote place on the summit. It swept straight down the gully until deflected by a was engulfed in the e, .t•ntnus batik bond into a diagonal course across of tightly -compressed snow. Alain- ' the, mountain slope, crossing the 1siize remembered M1,ere Putt •rson railway trick near the western ex- het; stood. A rescue party was treulity of the yard, three-quarters quickly formed, and rescued him S,f a toile from the station. after ah hour's toil. He was un - The switch engine was envulup- conscious when found, one leg was el in a. cloud. \Vlien the slide brckcn, and he was bleeding from passed, the front part of the ma- the iiiutl► and ma:. chine was protruding from the dyke shaped embankment of snow fifty ft.( t high. t.steuding across the railwa;, t„ a c.r1,>ideratble dist•auce on both sides. ',The ni'n it1 the cab, Engineer Mcl'ree and Fireman William 1.andernutit, teeth escaped. Foreman Iainprize found liberty b, crawling through the cab win- (Iov, and t•litebirtg un tilt. dente. The engine tender. 011 which Swlchnulu 1). K. Patterson stood, JOY KI1.1,1:11 HER. Woman Had Just Reeeived $5.000 for slime Property. A despatch from South Norwalk, Conn., says: "Killed by excessive joy" was the verdict in the case of Mrs. Mar' 1:. Hendrick, who dropped dead here on Wednesday !milting. Mrs. Hendrick had just received $5,000 in cash for some property from 'Genua C. Bush, the purchaser. As the bills were count- ed out in her hand her face flushed, and when the last ytllow•back drop- ped Mrs. Hendrick gave a sigh and sank to the floor. She never spoke or moved afterward. The coroner states that joy stopped her heart's 111114,/1. Mrs. Hendrick, who was 50 years old. left a large and well kni wn family. 1/"11,1, It 1:111. I It F: .1,1'5,000,000. Britain's Estimated Expenditure Shows $30.(H)0,0110 Increase. ,1 despatch from London says: The civil service estiinates for 1910- 11, which were given out on 'I'rurs- day , with a total element required of upwards of $3`.:4,1)•;0,000, show, like this navy and arn►v estimates, a marked iru;rease ill ti'o national exeenditure. Should the Chanccl- icr's budget provide for the usual consolidated hued caarges, the grand aggregate expenditure which the Chancellor will have to meet wil' be upwards of *955.099.000, or nearly $.10,000,000 in excess of la•et year. Tho civil service estimates int lode $16,100,000 for old age pen- sions. - - Il.1NGED .1'1' Nil NCE .tLIIER'1'. John Reset I'ay'1 the Penalty for Triple Murder. A despatch from Prince .Albert, Sask.. says: John J(esci walked to the scaffold on 'Thursday tnorning without a quiver or the (east sign of fear. Hangman Holmes of cll- 'f11O MEN .1N11 HORSE LIST. Double Drowning le the 3iurray River, P. F:. 1. A despatch front ('harlett,•tewn, P. 1.. 1., Kays: On Tut sday night L 11 31eLaren of St. John. travel- ler for the Canadian Drug Com- pany, and .\ngas Martin of Murray River were drowned in the Murray Mr. 1'. 11. Illingworth, the new Hirer about half a mile from the Junior Lord of the British 'freas- village of the same name. -me_ !try. w•a4 elected t'•ithout opposition }sten, accompanied by Martin. the Shipley division of Yorkshire. driver of the team, left Iltutray Hatbor North at 10 o'clock t., drive 111PP1:\1\Ga FROM AI.1. 011:it .111 F: GLOBE 1'elegi•.i )hie Briefs From Our 09n sad Other Countries, of Recent Events. CA N.31).1. A new round t h •. world service wig! be inaugurated l,•.' the C. P. It. '1'!te number ._,f patients taking 1'::: teur treatti nt in Toronto is twenty. Raines is spreading and the area under the dog -muzzling regulation may be enlarged. TUE WORLD'S MARKS rS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TIt-1UE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle. Crain, Cheese aid Other Dairy Produce at lioate and Abroad. L'ItEADS'IUFFS. Termite, Ma r. 15. -1 lemur-\1'in- te: wheat 90 per cent. patents, 84.- 23 to *4.30 in buyers' sacks on track, Turonto, and $1.15 to :11.20 outside in buyers' sacks. 1lanitoba i-&•kering, director of the Harvard I to another, and the scenes will be flour, first patents, 85.70; second Observatory, says: "The corset islren•mhered for generations. Hal - Patents, $5.20 to 85.30, and strong at present in the twilight Fegion. I4\ '5 comet has been noted fur its bakers', $5 on track, 'formate. It is in the line of the sun, and its bulllant displays. alfanituba !Wheat - -Nu. 1 North- brightness is dimmed by the lustre! "'There is absolutely no (hugger ere. $1.12%, flay hurls, and Ne. of the great centre of the solar syn.. ` to the earth from, the cornet. The l Nc , " tem. Resides, it has not yet at- l earth is going to shoot through ate taintd its greatest size. When it - tail like a cannon ball through our makes a traverse of the star it will atmosphere. The idea that any hart attained its maximum hrilli- harn► will come from the poisonous sues. 'flout will be on May ail. It i gases is ridiculous. 1Vhrn the will be visible all through April,' comet is nearest the earth we shaft but will be at its brightest in Mfay. be 14,000,00(3 utiles away." WATCH FOR IIAIAJEY'S OO11ET It Can Now Be Seen With an Ordinary Field Glass. .\ despatch front ('ambri Igo,! • .\ bout that- time, if clouds vit. Jl,,s:., nays; Hailey's comet outs . ►''•: obscure it, it hili he u dazzling nut'• be seen on nights when condi- l iltht, About a third of the heuv- tiens are favorable with the aid of; will be colored with a fiery Prof. 1(1. Its great• flashes tef light will an ordinary field glass. I E. C. t play from one part of the heavens h. Edmonton is te Inlitt have a packingRIi► rthern at $l.lo:, Bay ports. ('o.. at a cost of half :t'u,illita'. Ontario Wheat --No. 2 Mixed red Two dead Indian,, with no metrics s1"toter or white, *1.07 to +11.08 out of violence on their bodies, were side. found in the wood, ,leas' St. Ste Nw� Barley -No. 0, 33 to 3(k outside; Oen, N. li- u 3 extra, 53 to 51e; No. 3 at 30 to 51e, and feed, 44c outside. (hlll:.\'f BRITAIN. Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, 38 to 31)1. tett and 41% to 420 on track- - ----' - English doctors have discovered a Tuionuo, CanadaWest vats, •l2c steers and heifers sold nt *6 to $6.- wife, both aged about 50 years, to - new disease, which, they say. is to: Xu. 4, and 41c for No. 3, Bay 35; choice butchers' at, *5.50 to K5.- gether with their son, iiged t) years, due to an affection of the appendix• t were found suffocated in a small An English scientist has estinnat' Peas -No. S room in their house at Atmore, el that. the skull of :t woman found $ fur chore( ewes, Kilkerrin, recently. .1 pot of fire atl Gibraltar i-• at least a6rtes,tku) years I stood in the centre of the floor. al:1. The preparations have been com- pleted for 1)r. Harriss' tour of the Empire next year with the Sheffield Choir. per s. 00; medium to good at $1.50 to 2 for shipment, s2 to • 3.40. Sheep and lambs advanced, 83a outside. the former to G lye --No. 2, 67 to 68c outside. while lambs reached the $s.60 Buckwheat ---51 to 52c outside for mark. Hogs continue to advance, N'. 2. an(. were quoted as high as $9.50 Corti -No. 2 American, 71c, and for special selects, fed and water - No. 3 yellow, 68!-<c, Toronto ed; ordinary selects were quoted freights. at (59,15 f.o.b. to $9,40 fed and wat- Ilran-822 to *22.50 in bags, To- tied. runt», and shorts at $2.1, in bags, Te.ronto• __.1; COUNTRY PRODUCE. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE UNITED STATES. on the ice to Murray itiver. That Three men were killed in Pitts - wit; the last seen or heard of then, burg by the collapsing of a wall. 'fhe railway equipment canlpun- ie, in the United States are being flee dell with orders. Archibald 1{nir, formerly of To - till 10 o'clock Wednesday meriting. w1ett someone noticed the horse's head in a hole in the middle of the river. The empty sleigh, attached to the dead body of the horse, the rout--, was arrested at Cincinnati men', caps and Mcl.aren'a valise oe chant., »f bigamy. were Found on the spot, and later The earnings of flit IStaudard Oil Marlin's body was recovered by Company in the last twenty-seven grappling, but. Jlrl,at•en's body is pars amounted to a billion dollars. not found as yet. The net earnings of tine Ameri- can Tobacco Company for 1909 aim -muted to 50!'. per cent. on its FOUND 10111'1'NE IN RIVER. Cun,111011 stuck. The 1'0rllbil1C elf automobile cout- Nctt Hampshire Ilan Made a Lathy paries which is being organized by Diseovery. J. P. Morgan & Co. will have a ca - 1 dispatch from 'Manchester, N. pita! of .,ver $90,000,000. H.. says: 'thief} thousand dollars' Phomas Edison and his associ- worth of ambergris accidentally at• s have scetared injunctions giv- picked up itt the St. Lawrence Ili' leg thein control of the nrinufuc er was the lucky find of it Manches- ter alIre, _ t • p of moving picture films in the ter painter recently. while on :t fish- 1 0ilell States. i' g trip i': (.'anatdat. The man, who The papermakers employed by did not give his name, called at the fire lnternatirmal Paper ('umpany State. laboratory in Concord uti ut S;uatoga and Niagara Falls, N. Tuesday, and learned the value of • li , r e gorse an strike in sympa- the peculiar substance. with his tie. with the men at Glen's Falls brother, the painter was out on the and Corinth. St. Lawrence one afternoon when -� they saw the strange gray object in GI:NERA L. the water. Believing that it was hire did considerable damage to sr.rne furor of an animal, owing to .the new German battleship Posers. its color, they tired two shots at it, »Ild then hauled it into the boat. '1' The lump weighed 38 pounds. 1 \ \ t 1'1'11:5 !'lilt 1111111:\. 11'11'1:1) 11'7' 1'-1MI1.Y. deputation Frees hales Should he the Sante u, for lien. gina officiated. Mesei was in the'Scarlet Fever'sTerrible Devasla• \ despatch from Ottawa (ass: be:,t of health and said lie was ready tion In London Honie. .1 deputation repre»enting the Na- to (1ie. He weighed 189 pounds, :\ des 044e}t from London, Ont,. tional Oounri1 of "'um"' waited hacin4 d f0 since his commit- I 1 ' r t. H4 murdered his em )Io}er'says: Three children dead within upon Sir 1Viffri,l Laurier on Wed - I n week hurl a fourthdying is the n("clay and asked that the rates the hitt •r wife and mother in- terrible d•••... :41en that scar)t t ft.- charged for (lovelorn( :it annuities hast at (hull Lake, He killed Mrs. Go... Thorburn with an rise. ver has mmol, in the family of It H for woolen be made the •sone ns Ile then killed Geo. 'i'herburn, the hus- band, and Mr:. .tt•\iver, Th'rhurn'- neelit r -in-law, DRANK WOOD 111.('01101,• ..Tito Indians Found Bead in Their tamp. Void Ili' I mini h. Further Proof. Pt (i.-71:gt,-?t from St. Stephen, N. l0 Congress, B.. s;:•s: 'There is little doubt that l fru,» 1'.;1 1 ,; ton, 1►, :Apples --$2 to 53.50 per barrel, according to quality. Beans -Car lots outside, $1.45 to *1.95, and small lots at $2.10 to $2.20 per bushel. Honey --Combs, dozen, *2 to $2.- 50; extracted, 10'/., to 1lc per lb. Baled Hay ---No. 1, $14 to *15 on truck, and No. 2 at $12 to $13. Baled Straw -$7,50 to 87.75 on track, Toronto, - Potatoes—to 50c per bag on t1:dto track for Ontarios, e tgechnicxl3,000uttl at Banbridge, County Down, fur the erection of &sone -story annex. The Hamburg -Amerika Line have ordered three steamships, each of 12,0(10 tons, from the firm of Har- land and Wulff, Belfast. ,\ cattle -drive took place recent- ly at ('lOondroun, 511110W11, 011 the lands of M. J. D. Blake, who re- sides at \Voodlawn, ('astlegruve. One ratan was killed and three seriously injured by the fall of the scaffolding, while working on the Convent of Si. Louis buildings, Mt•n.,ghan. Mr. Alexander Campbell, senior Assistant -Inspector -General, Royal Irish Constabulary, tit headhuar- NEWS BY MAIL FROM 1111. LAND'S SHORES. Happenings In the Ewerald isle Interest to Irish - wen. of I'oultrv-Turkeys, dressed, 18 to 19c per Ib; chickens, 15 to 16c, and fowl, 12 to 13e. THE 1)-\IRY MARKETS. Butter --Pound prints, 21 to 23c; tuba and large rolls, 20 to 21c ; in- ferior, 16 to 18c; creamery, 28 to 211c, and solids, 26 to 201,0 per Ib. Eggs -Case lots of new laid, 27 to 28e per dozen. Cheese ---lac per Ib. for large, and at 13%c for twins. HO(; i'Ii)i)F( 18. Bacon--- Long clear; 11'; to 13e per lb. in ease lots; mess pork, ters, Dublin Castle, is retiring after $Y's to $1:3.30: short cut. $29.50 to a service of •12 years. ?;:0 Several of the old thatched Hums --Light to medium, 16 to 70.uses at Chapel bane. Naval), 10%c; do., heavy, 13 to I5/c; collaI prod recently, the occu rants in tells, 14% to lige; shoulders. 13!.1 1 to 14c; breakfast bacon, 1,ae' t„ end-. case having left the houses 19e ; bucks, 191 to /s an baro or two previously. The historic residence of the Lurcl -Tierce•, 10e; tubs, 10%e; Rev. pails, 16%e, —` BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, March i5, --Oats-No. ('auuulian 1Vestern, 1)',,;e; No. 3, of Ireland) who left Irish purls dur- 4:;'_c; Ontario No. 2 white, 43,14,e; frig last month wa., (according to Ontario No. 3 white. 12 to 42%e;,tie Ilegistrnr-General's return) 015 Ot,ta1)4 No, 1 white. n to •11 e. (:3 6 mal"..; and 239 female's). ilauley -N.,. 3, 60c; No. t, 54e; feel The annual ploughing match held those for annuitir•4 for men. In- h:ul.;y, 56c. Flour • 1Ianitel„i by the ('u. Tyrone Farming Societe Gies.,, of '''1 city. The tiara de,ith ' Spying wheat patents, firsts, 35.1;0; was held recently and was one of look „ti place 1Vednesday night, Of s•urance statistics indicate that wie cl..•, second •, 35.30; !!'inter wheal th ` most successful events Dt the lite children whir were take', to the mega lite- lung. r than mm�, and patents, $3.:ro to $5.60; Manitoba kind ever held in the Omagh dis- cospital, only u e will probably re. Levee the rate; for annuities are strong tinkers', $5.10; straight rol- tr,tt• coyer. slightly higher than thew colleetec{ lets, *:,,10 to 33.25; straight rol- Mr". Colvin. an inmate of the from ►nen. The Premier promised lyes, in hag, 82.10 to $2.5o, Feed Uron,ore West Union Hospital, \1! i11:1111111 F'OR 1'1:.1111. to consider the l:uiie+' request. -Ontario brats, :►22.:,o to *23; On- 'Sligo, recently received a telegram -'1— C. 1'. It. MAIN LINE IU,01'KED. Snowsllider Are Numerous in the Rocky Mountains, -\ despatch from Nelson, B. (1., says : The main line of the C. 1'. R. is now completely blocked by the numerous snowslides, and all trains now gD round by the Crows Nest. On Thursday morning a slide oc- ctured nt (,lacier, seven telegraph pules in length, or over 1,000 feet, and thirty feet deep, and so filled with rocks and trees that removal is difficult. General Manages: Bury's special train is now some- where in the mountains, but it is entirely cut off by slides. CZAR'S N .1 RRO 11' F:S('-11'F:. Street Car Fender Crazed 1Vhttc11 of His Carriage. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: Emperor Nicholas had a nar- row escape front an accident. on Tuesday evening while, driving Is Lite dowager's palace to visit itis mother. His carriage proceeded at a rapid pace from a side street. in- to the Nevsky Prospect, when sud- Jc my n swiftly moving street ear appeared, the ft oder of wilt& grazed the wheels of the Emperor's carriage. G. T. P. .17'1..1 N'I'l(' EINE. Mr. C. M. Iln,f'y Intimates 7bst Then. 11111 be None Jitsct Vet. .'s despatch front Loudon says: sIr ('. M. Hays, interviewed „w Chas. Goldsmith at Lissoy, the Wednesday, said the (fraud Trunk h(•me of the eltildhoed and boyhood !'&ethic wuu1•1 wail till the line carte of Oliver Goldsmith is to be rector-aluost co►upleted "before we seal» ed by the Westmeath Co. Council• scriousty on Atlantic boats." Ho The number of emigrants (natives 8/11d the line. ought. to be through Yellow Head !'ass by the close of the year. 'Mr. Hays estimates that there will be 25 per cent. increu1;e in immigration into Canada during 1910. . - tario middlings, $23.511 (0 *21; Ma. from King Edward congratulating nitohn bran. 822; Mnititoba shorts, her en her attainment of the hun- t' 1 un-111 N.%111TE 1;' i'1.11111:11. 823 pure grain muuillie, *31 to *33; dredth birthday. _ mixed muuillie, *27 to 11129. Cheese Mrs. A. O. ('omyn, of ilcllinder- 1h.• 0%0 Indiums+ who net,. 1uttnd r , s.., By n prnc 01)ani- 1"1:,117. hammier \e;i•1) Blown to --Westerns, 121,'; to 12'ie. Butter ry County Galway. wife of Mr. A. dead in their rnntp At 1,33 r'eri• •' 1.n,,i-• 1. he 'I,b •• ,n,tu,((e4 of 1111.41`,4. --Choicest creamery, 25% to 26e, ' D. ('omyn. 1.r,nd ('olnmissioner, station on 1Vedn• slay were , ,. t 1;1e Hou-•• Nat if Committee on ar,d fresh receipts, 24 to 25e Eggs n't'I granddaughter of Daniel of woc(I alcohol. They lett 7e t1'' (1110. 721) tlecid((1 ngainslt bestow r 1 despatch from Vne1,uvei says: --Nett laid, 49 to 30c per d•1zen, O'Connell. the Irish Liberator. d ed Friday. taking with them bottle. , f rim sun) reward upon (••!fuss ee•I,•) I . nncs from a fire kindled tinder a ( nu.idenly recently. so called bay runt and cor(bal, Iear:t 'veld he had fere. •. 1 r•,;-1''ii)i► in a vacant lot at the inter- t'NI'I'I:T) STATES 31.11,1'.7:Ts. The New rt• No. 1 (4: a. Dowry) which is largely wood alcohol. The ,,,••1 I�r.,,•f. that he discovered the `tion of 41(1(0ia and Wilson Buffalo. \Iarch 15. Wheat -- Iteral 7)istriet Council have just empty bottles were found in camp. N. ,Ili I',.'.• roads fired n hos of ,iyiintrtite used filer rug wheat, steady ; No. t ,North - vision a scheme for the pro- •blasting, 4a nsint(a terrific explo er:1, carloads store, $1.21' W'in- vision of 26 laborers' cottages at an ;,•n on We Inrsda} afternoon. " tc, NI). Y red. 81.22: \io 2 w 1 'f estimated cost of $33,000• This is Fiv© Large Armored Ship3 and Protected Cruisers. Frank Hammer, engaged in blasta c' the• third scheme for the distrirl. int;. wns struck by debris and lit- $1.23. ('ern --No. :3 yellow, 63c; \0 4 yellow, 59%c: iso, 3 corn, The Congested Districts Board ernlly cut open, but not killed, 1{c t;,ll�e; _No. 4 corn. 59c;cis) N». 3 whUn, hnte eornple`i•d nrRotiati\)ns for the` was hrumgltt into the city in a 1.,zt- f1(•4 Opts+--N;o. 2 white, 49',:;c: pnrchnse e.f the W'inds(,r !?state. u., ter rear and token to the 1 oq 11011, C'astlebar• 1' i ?lave• on which pats . t (veil die. He is forty toe Ilyc-Ngo. 2 on teak 115 \ - .there is a Targe number of grazing F land farms containing 5Ot) acres. 1 H•• i 3 white, 48%e; No, 4 white, 77' .c years old and u11,nnrrred e c , . D. ,3i Five Spring, $1.07 to $1 13 -------y,-_ Minneapolis, March 15.--Wheat---t the ('its Commission in Dub - May. $1.11'.f; July. A1.13'• to $1,-`l,•1 recent iv, Thomas Doyle was FO I. It 11 EN 81.111.1 II1"1EF. g::�;; cash wheat, _No. 1 hard, $l _ found guilty of th• manslaughter of his sister 111 i to $1.15' ; No. 1 Northern, „Lou phin4. and t,en- A despatch f ' -u1 London sat • - an increase .,f 3,010 inen in the ).,r I' • II \I illi ai Slatting al Itagg.'d $1.131 " to $1.11' ) tercet! to 15 years' penal senihtdc. 1 / , ; No. • _Northern, natty estimatc,.:thiah base je-t s ,,,•1 u/ the na'.v and the corn - been 8I.tl'/ to $11.12`, ; X. :3 Northern, Tit' prisoner metre 1 In the Boer *1.07% to a! I. te)',, !Iran -In 100- i1'nr. lb. sacks, +12 to r3YY.5u. Floor -- At .1rva (('Dunt'. Cavan) petty r'it et patents, :�5. 10 to !15.(30; sec- se!=ions reeently, a number of peo- on l patents, 85'20 to $1i.•10; firer Plc were brought nl, on sutnn,nns clears, `11.35 to 81.45; second clears, 11) cotltleetlen with the recent riot '13.1,1 to 81. t0, at Arra. A t)osse.of over 60 pellet, The issued. amens: to over xi11. I.'• , m disri0g 1911 of tw•, floating tNu1.1'00, which is an increase of ,•ks to accommodate the Inrg• set nearly £5,000,000. The new con I,:,ttleships. These will he statiorg- struc•tion fur the 'oar will cost e I at Portsmouth and Medway. £13,279,580. against .1;4,4,3.191 dor- 1 Reginald McKenna, First Lord inn the past year. The new pro- of the Admiralty, in an espla)la- gKramme includes five larger armor-; tory statement, aon••nnees the for• ('hates. Cohn!!. .1 despatch from Cobalt says: Se•tera! nlen engaged at Ragged chutes h)• t he Cobalt Hydraulic Power Co. had a narrow escape from: a fatal aerideut ,q Wednes- day rnornir,g. Four foreigners rd slops. lite )rutec'.ed cruisers. 20 were badly injured. and removed I In►atioo of a flew nnta1 tnobili•7:Ition to (01)411 hospital. one with n tulped'►-boat destroyers, and adepartment and a permanent navy broken leg. another with a broken nntnl►er of submarines. On :April war council, consisting of the first arm. and all badly cant about the t there will be under construct on S••n Lord, As preti•lent, the diree- i,hcad and body. Only meagre de- seven blttIrsltips. three armored tot.: of the tin%:.! antel,eenee• and • ••` lint It appears the staging on which ,Q, the enppurts b: en def(ctivs. tntls .•Ire' knu trio -era. nice pr..tecte:l cruisers, I nnyal mfobi)ication departments and I rm.., f( - X37 destroy•• -s and nine ,submarines. } .taer n ar•ia14, :o dell %%oth all teat 1 they were ♦Lc vstin'i tcs furthertaaut'Ide for relat ni t , pr. 1,11:14 •al ler tre1.'CyatlenilY itt LiVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, March 15. -- Choice steers brought *6 to *6.13; fair to geed, $5 to $5.50; fair. $1.50 to $3.25. Hog?, $10.10 to ,110.25• - '1,.. 11'11111\ 1'.1'1'11.1.1' 111 II\ED. Lighted Oil Lamp I-p..el Over Mrs, Benjamin Murk'. Dress. A despatch from Ottawa says: Through the upsetting of it lighted coat) oil lamp nye r her dress, Mrs. Benjamin Stock of Riverdale aven- ue. Ottawa South, was so badly bio ned on Tuesday evening that she diet' shortly afterwards in the (len- mil Hospital. in enileuturing to extinguish the flames Mr. Stock was severely b':rurd alio1,t the anus +ri i hands. Huth are aged people_ They lived alone in a small house, ✓e STO111' OF "1\ iNK STA!\, Pens and furniture used in the signing of famous treatirs and do- cuments recall .\rchtbald Forhes'i experience after Sedan, says ti a Ldn ('hr-ni(•le. .\fter tvit p�a. ingocNnrtpeieon'se it.tcrt•iett wit it ntarek at n WaySislc cottage and his subsegp.ent surrender, Corby. and a fellow war correspondent slept at the chateau which the falli n Far • prior had occupied the night hc•- foto. The b(•rlroon, we, just as Na- poleon had left it and by the beet the open honk with which he hail rear) himself to "7 -elr. It was f t 1• tor's "bast of the Ba runs," ting at the adjoining r: riting t,1 !e. Forbes wrote his de., ,ateh t,hil•t his companion gnaw4r1 nt it Lace ware draftee into the district sur, , hone, their sole remainder of t, •1. the °erasion. ! Irate at the little eating it fur I. .\t Cavan Quarter Ses.i••119, , •''1. h,` fl,i',7 it Cc:•'s• ths, r• " '! awls Judge Drummond, K. U., awarded apse: the ;ill:: land into ;,l:;•.t.. 800 compensation to be levied Ai Ferber teas. dipping !!Iden the ' County Leitrim at large, at Forties r -visit' .7 the rhatea11 a claim for the alleged ntaliciotts month or !'o Wet the ink st;t;n vial/ Sows, $0.10 to $9.25. Sheep, $7.75: 'mining of a quantity of 'tri and pointed te.t'as 9111'od hr Nal:: •I^• 114114)4, *7. forming imt'lements. l,,r.'s rage on learning (be Cercesn Toronto, March 13.-A few picked' .\ man named Canavon and his tur;:tv of i.oace. 1 . •