HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-17, Page 6THE MYSTERY G1FRD UP ; OR, THE HI:RITAGl:. OF MADAME \'ALTA. ( !1 ;1 ...1 1; I1'. I, I. ylulcl:lti . "'Phis morning 1 t uuld an ►Iwcred you, bat 1 have just prom- ised the euuntess that the sc•c•ret should rest between us two." "Of mile also slice exacts stt'rery That house is full of mysteries " "I begin to think so. 11'(' will ab - teen) from mutual questionings. 13,.t 1 may at least ask what course see mean to take. What will yeti t`.LV to your father. ter Vigno••v ? My uncle is persuaded that all i; satis- factorily arranged; Vignory rests in absolute security. 1)o you in- tend to leave them to their :11a ('(►1s1 lice al) ilh re -)cut to .11. de Carmel.' asked "vele are then on his side ask- ed Mlle. I)orgeees with en:e t u. "1'hs ; 1 ant even astotlishl• 1 that I should have ghee in for an in- stant to the foolish suspicions that were so easily admitted." ••boor friend 1'ignory does not think with you.- "1 ou.'"1 feel I,ss sure of Vignory since the countess has touched on cer- tain inexplicable points in his con- duct." • "Ah.! at last !" cried ,the girl. "Then 1 niav speak. You will un- derstand inc when 1 say that in a moment of anger and despair I en- gaged iuy-self to this man, but 1 at Doomed to Suffering RESCUED BY "FRUII•A•TIIEt" CNARL[S OARH!TT. Esa. Harbor att I:c,ache, 11a1ch :.1, 1909. "1 suffered terribly fr.,tzt liilicttsness and Dyspepsia for ftftertl yet' , was treated by physicians and took many remedies but got no relief. Then I took "IJr::it•a-tit•es", and this medicine comuielete•ly curets toe w•ht 1t et•et with:ng else fhilcd. To all sufferers from Indi- gestion, 14i1iotisness and Constipation, I (.iron;,lv n►l:ise them to try this fruit medicine" Charles Barrett. sec a Lox, 6 for $2.5o --or trial Lox, 25c. At all dealers or front Fruit -:t -disks Limited. Ottawa. On entering the parlor of the club, he found there a young man of tine presence and elegatltly dressed, wits welcomed him by a phrase in the Russian language. ---a phrase more significant- than the 1118 rk un the visiting card. There e as no longer rt' in to hesitate. The ue" coater belonged to the political police, and occupied, too, a high place in it. The question, was, why had ice come to Paris, and ltorisoff exl„•ri- ene ed a vague disquiettte.te. "M1 dear .pexis Stepanowiteh," said the unknown, addressing him, aecording to the natil►nal custe'ID, he his first name followed by the Christian naive of his father, this is not a favorable place for talking; let us dine together at a public house." "Willingly," replied the colonel, e ht► felt the necessity of putting on a good countenance; "which would you prefer. 11ty dear----M(Ilriatine?" ''Say halt lvatli,sitel►. Let us go tt.--Iiegnon's, Avenne de 1' Opera. T arrited this morning after sixty hours of express train, and 8111 in need of refreshment." The colonel • !towed his compat- ! riot the way from the antechamber, and hastened to dun his uvcrceat. :1s soon :1: they were on the bon-, would die sooner than marry- flint. • • 11'hat nlig;ltt not. have !winlet ard, tt hi. h in this lucalit} was "\t replied Alice, "I shall tial If he had any heart he would never: g.ained.e said the colonel ti, hit:; riuitc se lit:tr} . the newly arrived n,: father to day that I have have accepted what 1 had to offe•ri self, "if, instead of directing tl; enr h('gran thin. �t111 in Itusstan ---indifference and a large dewry•'efforts tow'are) this t<etltl r man 1'tell cl.. i►e`t know me, and d(► changed my mind and do not inean to marry." '' Diable• ! your father might take ye,t• at your ward. You will not 111►:• rt .\ Vignory. hat neither '.t ill yen n1:trty Robert... "ft is my dcare-t wish not to )11:1 rl•v at all." •' ly dear Alice. 1 believe you de, ryes say what you think ; but this is not, a moment to d've.eiss it with you. One word, however. 1)o not come to any decision for a few days, Ms i aire,ve all du not declare your- self. it is more than will be need - t'.1 to decide what course to take in Camphor Ice VASE! FOR CHAPPED SKIM AND LIPS, COLD SORES, WINDBURN. 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes Crpiletitn, ltnrcte1. Me•nlhniaua, l'arto- toted, ('amph.►ratee:, 11 hitt. t t: id. rf zinc, (er. Eich for spteiul l•urp,_•_a. 11 r.te fe: Free Vn-clinc CNte£tBROUCl1 MFC. CO. Cons'd) 379 Cragg St. W.. Montreal If R His resignation is but ealculatieeii :' t,•(I est 1'ee<►g;tll!.l-` ill(' Ilaill(' of \lUlllla All Wt holes:ale 1)rototlst• h1u carefully lv8tehetd the clerk; his gentleness, baseness." , tine. '('hitt is not surprising. l was and �nlete of the banke, : per- 'SPONN MEDIC/XL CO.,"You go rather far," 'aid Maxi t stationed in our Polish provinces Tare; "but I hat+ Wit tit! heart to tempted there is yet tiro(, l aul he•f ttllile you were with the general aat, Chemists and ©acterietOniets tempted to think Vacili is r e►ht blame you, al+/l. l repeat, fou may' and that he mast he releas.d •.. St. Petersburg, and 1 returned to Loose Tea Loses Flavour It not only loses flavour, but worse than this, loose tea takes on new odors, such as coal oil, molasses, onions, coffee, soap, etc., --to say nothing of its exposure to the suis, dust, dirt and air. Therefore for your protection 11 is sold only in sealed lend packets -never in bulk. 111 RlGtIT WAY In all cam•r•vul DIS rrMPER, PImlKEYF,tItNFLt;FNZA. COLDS, e1C. to all h,r-,., l•:.••.1tr•a,• r•.1 .. etail:cns. IS 7W "SPOIIN THEM" on their t•n;1Jun or in the frtd put SIx.Mi•s Liquid Compound. Give the r• mrdy to all of then,. It art', on t he blood and gland. It routs the di,ca>:e 1..v • a 1a Iaiutt t he disease s: rms. It _M ards off t he trouble no gnat ter how 1her are "exposed." Ah• t solutrly tr•-.• t,••n, ant-11•:nt; iniuru us. A child can -afely t.•6•• it. •5'.,c and *1.00; $S SO and $11.00 the dozen. Sold by dIulpibts and ba:cess dealers. 111slrlt,tttur•i count on Inc. H( se t:e a re at the ,riving his word of honor to be si the department when you went. Boulevard Hatt -111:111. 1 do nut i, nt, con(•erning the past mo'.lt h.'' thedd. My malt is, my dear :pexis, know that I shall see y,e11 to -mor- r t I to act with yeti as comrade. 151►all ; Chea` i►erpleaities occupied (el:; t. row. Write to Hie if a0' thing Oc Ih.risefi all the evening and nit lit il1G begin by shelving;` you Puy keit curs to make you wish for 111 : and: after his conversation with _ . ole ten 1)Owcrs,---they ars, however. at then, perhaps, 11:ia.• he able to tell (�arnoel. 'Che�il• eff(�ct was .0 rtt_ y'�,ur disposal wlu11 you �� 1-1t. yen what. the e('ulttess desires ole duce hila -to coenterin:uld the jeer- \tcanw•hile,� shall I give you t.t(' to conceal fur the present concern -Hey to Siberia. in truth, he feared t►asstcord ing Robert de ('a rnuel•" ! being reproached for having taken .,• "And I," murmured Alice, lower a measure' of dila sort of such titles - you' tles- Rig; her voice, can perhaps tell tieD1Cble utility. He decid'�1 to UNNA•1-URAL TN_INNESS ---h--. r have r seenr t/•n11)urize and to connect himself EASILY CUIlRI-. -. )• 111GirC closely with M. l ll,rgert' in -- • 1 oiler to study the habits and Tela- Icy ('lcvc't 1't c•eripilon �1 bleb Can of those around {lint. :► i(t as Be Filled :it 1 n Ifni•, After the explosion that followed h. felt -the need of distraction, he score. the inconsiderate visit of Jiaxime' had his horse saddled and ,t silt to ___. 1)c.rgcres, Col. I3orise,ff quickly re -1. Boris attended by a Kneen N(► Need to ice 'Thin No 1% 8s I{►•ltetl•t• ttttned to calmer sentiments. His: tet announcing his intention to d•ei Shoe This Method Et - fit, of anger did not last long where oet andto return probably •�uitc 1 ( 111 t house." CN-11'T1'it V. grave interests were at stake. and late. e such was the case now, for he had His ride was (narked by no loci- I,(,,,1►lr who. :1 re very thin and to determine a delicate question on tient and had no effect of enar►'n.: he' se tin - which he felt himself very much in, hint to collect his ideas. 1.1e �a.iet sera"e (eight net ttr dc,vhtedly they are more subject to lc. dark. The proceedings of this to himself that he might at any time hare-bratined Maxine proved no- k' Pelta>�eti from an cn+harrissillb disease ;and rontAg;iuus than the thing, fogless it were that an al- 1 1 g normally fleshy rhinos tis usual- toSit:en by lihel•atin ► 1f . .l►� (:ar . • ' weakness, d )• a Tenet 11, creel, 1.e ,. . weakness subjects any team to colds, c ai le( by ter('e in a the )coughs, consumption, pneumonia, house in the Kee de Vi mt . Thr• fixing in itis 1;livuir-fain tt hied 1• :'t g supposition was so unlikely, it, extricated him from More diili• 1i etc. It has been discovered, Almost could scarcely gain credence any- positions, he returned to the co% by accident, that tincture cado- w-here and need net give him very with a tranquil mind, proposing t►, mcne, when combined in a prescrip- serious concern, and the seconds of Mass the evening according to his ti ►ll with proper accelerative inedi- J' R gnot having shown fancy. I demes, becomes one of the most ut:u Uur eyes valuable. effective, and reliable 110 - day, at twelve o'clock next: He dismounted at the door of his,triticr or flesh making medicines day, there was no longer reason to club, and intending to dine '.in -1e. ,known to science. it is especially expect them. I sent away his horse and groeltn But concerninghis prisoner, M. Ile found what he sought, a plrecc be' eftcial to men Wild woluen be- tween the ages of sixteen and ftfty- Borisoff's anxieties were great. He :It a whist table, and that molt: i•R lttt', who from lack of proper nerve ce•til(1 nut keep hien in(Ieftnitely. hould alar his satisfaction 'te 'Lail f(i.ee and digestion. remain tirade ►,either ceettld he release hint w ;t!1 unusual good -luck. and when ht 1c,lc►pcd in body, :il•lh arras and otif. exposing; himself to thee ditmce'r ruse to make his toilette for thea 1•_ bust. A well rounded symmetrical ({tca,l('(ll►li'1!ot send u)tilml !to ,` i tela, a .IttKwas lhis 1ha1 it�ltodmake +le up n figure ill man or w•.r,l.an indicates the order for which hail been . party here from four to six. and 1n health, magnetism. stamina and given 1 happiness. as n last resource, did not remedy, that case•his valet de chanlhre t1•l.1 •Che 1c8cler whit wishes to add at, � thing. it was to est the difli(•ul- rot(li'rs to bring him his dr, ss 1 ' from ten to f••rty pounds should ty'. not to resolve it. I'thc evening• tee fail to begin with this valuable Besides, in his last intcrvi( w• with; He was patting the finishing ,le'e ri •ti•,n him, Hobert de (;arnoel had spoken j touch to this telilette, tche11 a card 1 }'flat! obtain elf any' well atuckecl i With so ►Hoch energy and earnest- was placed in his hand front :l gen-(ll+lggi-t. three ol+nceq of essence of ties that he succeeded in casting, tlemiln ttll11 1vitht•II t,• speak with pepsin and three eeunces a►f sy'1'1111 of skeins in tit•Iain(! of his jailer. ► Lien i ti urgent business. Che name rhubarb in an R uunee• bottle. 'Cho•n In the capacity of secret agent, wile ntik '•w n tie him. and the card 1t(lti one wince ce,allp( un(1 esaefice this 1111' tat► was Ar(•nstvined to I ,.tk h:,(. a eel uli:►r Merk in the c(rrnrr• i c11clieel. Shake and let stand two at affair~ Inset all points, and tot (Y)llite surprised tel see this sign,, Ileetlrs. 'Then acid tette wince tiltctti,e diens,. his batteries as ofi111 a:31 whirl, was it11(11rst,i••d only by the ('aciunle'n/� eoulpeeund (nut c8r(i:t- attat•hes ief the Third Secti•en and teem) Shake well and take oiled! by those only of a co rutin grade, t(,,zspte(►nf111 before each nlr`:tl, one the colonel decided that he o'toid aft( r each tnea1- Drink plenty of nut di,p(•rse with giving audienl•t' tinter 1.1•1tteen nerals and tthen to the elan wlie made use ief this To tiring. No. 11 telt this. tre:tttticot sign, and ceettld shorten the inter . reetilarly and tri a certaittt% fleet view if the �lthject seemed nest (,rte to three pound, will he added worthy •rf his attention. t.. the weight each week. :(ries the g ri.,' t :11 health will etel► Wirt lea'. must rdlot'bo affirmed that hi d• promising him his Sup) tt 1s 1: aceumpalticd by a►. 1 Carmol was r t r 1 h f tt 1 rice of his Silence 111 1 e•t m aD Tor 6•11ing riusv.r and Vag, wtabl. Beads. l.•..►•r.t•-1 511. • r 1• =h, 1 Mans t: at t• (.•► $.11n.r nr.ir r « w.„th of fl..rer and resit sta. a.•da. guy `o Ilse sot rakes. r4 u. eats, ar:J afdr•as ae.4 wed Gail Y� r tea 'sada to 1,11 at 6.: art.ii and 14c r -.elves Ps. hi**. 1t'rits at on'•,. A t -,ale tart m:11 4 e. ettefer. .e•r�♦ 11 ta,o'1 1 .114 1 Tb• *•ilabl• 1Pr•ttalttis Co.. LhpL .. tYIUrt.•.• on, Ntop a Liinp change that limping. ,,e res 1:,rst Otto a ,,earl. Fra!Ihy horst, wIlttag mad eager 1•• too • good day's work. r)us't let a Sparta. Curb, Splint, Spr.tn. Rirogbone ur any other 1.1nte• fess keep your horse In the •tabic. Cure 1t with Kendall's Spavin Cure it , e:res ,, Oh i1t leaving a s -sr, bletntslt •,r whhe hair! be..use it Joe. dor blister. Port watt•, It.0 . Jane 11th lfii "Nave been using your t.isttn►at f•,r yeas and And It .11 that you repr.*rnt. lily sot h..o witho•et It for P.yesrs.•• (.PORt:P r.op t►oN. 11. • bottle -6 for $.S hri-ellent for houKttei•1 use 5.1.1 by ai: dealer.. A. far ire• txolt •A Treatise Oh The (tors. cr write us for copy. !,e OR. II. J. USRUL CO. Sweetltars Falb. VS. necessary. Ile poissesseel a 8111 r. .•1 IOUs stipplt'nt' s iii 111E1161g %Olen once he discovered lline-o if to be 'on th^ wrong track. .1nd he 'low be Kath to ask himself if lie NV Mid r.tt; d'j well te16Aiircl t•1Zi't'h, re fes the acct:ftiplice of the thieves. 11t1tt some one in the hatiker's house was in league with them was certain, but what pro‘..ti this to. be M. (10 Comm.' 1 11'h.% not 4t•Ille other? Suspicion alight rest upon the cash- ier himself as well as upon i n • see - rotary. MAPLEINE A ft&Porin` vied the same as lemon or vanilla, HT dissolving (Rrannlsted sugar ie water and •'Mtn!" ltttplein•, a delicious sfn•p is made and s syrup better than maple. Maplrine is sold by grar.rs. it n•t sand 5(r for 2 ns. bottle ar.1 renpe• book. Crescent Mfg. Co., S.attlot Ws. ernAssurancce� Company :1VCORPORATED HE.AD OFFICE, A . 1851 TORONTO STATEMENT FOR scarf EN01NC DEC. ,1, 140". 1 ;.16; a2 1. 1,;..5,;11 l t A•,ti. . 1 e c:,rt:.d Pr.,n,une• and •••hc, Ourplus 1„ 1' •lo ) h,.tdcra l.o-rem 1►;1id'11111' e,rz••tnii,t:ie,'l of l!le 0em10lII . '►''.111.1;2 11 Fire Prrnoium. -... 1 ore 1'iten•ce •t .rime Premium. !: •r Mt, Intl•ac• *Satin(' t:ttpenere St.•^( 175 S-4 1.3,121 SI $tit.1ec6 16 1'.0 614 SS It•t• r/ -t and ••$her Pere ipt• . I !prow on 1 eat'it Trading W R 4t:1E1.1. (lertetal M*nagrt. l,lieetttofls for Agencies at 62)c ,sl d to Ike Serretnry. 8 :.1!1•!;9 •s 61.99; 47 1 658.1:6 61 546,01 It $:4(,7112 17 11/.t -s t» t4,m77 !'13.5!6 ! r ('. 1'(►s fF.tt. Secretary ant( presented 1-• into 14. he attl ('11 51:111' 1:1'Zt:N.1 FAPIA 1\LI) Nt (:c•tino 1'ester in the Skin and Blood . is' Steak. Nave yetis butcher Cure• are Impossible. cti: a 11etin11 •;f steak one inch thick, ...Atter years of dehat•• medics, alt- :1.111 as much as th( number you �t rte`. Se:iteeit v11111 'Alt and ,e ►- thorities are now Agreed that I:e• 1 f Tema and other skin diseases are I."•' 1'• nr►11 8' Winch 11' lir into the 11ati, seated in the blood. hitt are •st'Ilk "II 1,e•111 sides as i, p05111le caused by germs in the skin. \)y. to get 1n. Have your spider hitt rindo of microscopic animals gnawfrith frying,: in it, And put the the ilr"h just below the epidermis. tltt•ak its 111st A minute to sear 'l.c►aient • I''rfeetly Itcitlthy, it()1a r, then tarn the sante, then turn ify on1ly'ti the skin that is di11c'AQed. on 'tater, nttd lot cook slowly tin lienee, scientists are now agreed (:1 tender. adding water as it that yon must cure the skin through (.. oks down in (,rder to have enough for your gravy. Pork .1pple Pie. dike a fairly ric 11 paste and line a shallow- square (taking ,an. Fill with pared and sliced apples and add as much su- gar as 111e apples need. ('11t two slices from a pound piece of salt, pork and cut that into thin shav- thi' itch and soothe the healthy tis- ings and 'Tread over the apple. sue is that mild, clean compound Dust lightly with white pepper, be- ef oil of wintergreen, thymol, poly- ing sure that too much is not uccd : ecrine, ete., known as I). 1). 1). the,. cover with paste and bake; Prescription.`serve fresh and partly cool, kilt The instant you wn'lt with this no.; cold. at 1•thirtg liquid yertl will fi'td the itch: Meat Dumplings. ----Tient, well re lie ted. 11'c 1N:siti‘••lh assure, three eggs with a little salt. .four you of thisint) the beaten eggs one-n1Nl one - Write the 1►. 1►. 1). ).ab,•rnt.•rio•, half cupfuls of beef brut Ite1,t. W. 1.., 1:i .1,,, (1341 it Tee- Tette (feeble boiler. L revile. for a free trial he•ttle. and stiff : when done. to pr, ve it pouts(''''. (rut little dumplin s Fur sale by all druggists. soup. the skin. The Medicine must he in liquid form in order to pellet rate 1)roper- 1;;, as salves and ointments clog the pores eitht.:It rr:tellirig the in- ert skin. The remedy that will search out and destroy the disease germs, stop Sind light it took till spoon and and put in GOS11EN, IND., U. S. A. 1 11.P Semi•Portnble 1•".nginc with Evaporator Tank. Theme Engine( are the mane as the Standard Iloritontnl F..aperator Kn rinett, o'X't ,t that they are mounted on skide Walt gavnitne tank placed in bat'o of the engine, t• here it iP a ell protected. making' a very neat. com►,nrt, eelf•a•ontatne •1 outfit, ng' can he seen from the illu.tration abov-ee ••1 the 3 h p Gasoline Engine. I'ir;t•e• • rt ••:•t tit+.• tnpiere :, l.• :ti. nrrnt •:d •;en's 4,1 ••t,1•. It 1' • . THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY, Limited• MONTREAL, ST. JOHN. N. O. r0R0*ITO, tVINNIPPC CALCARY, VANCOUVER Fairbanks -Morse Semi -Portable or Skidded Engine Equipped with Evaporatcr Tank. Designed especially for general Farm Wort Auttt in 5 rend i i1 P Specially Adapted for Work in Cold Weather. NAVY._ /1.1111MIMINSEMI.11.1•••••••MOMI.O....- •••••• For Three at!Y...,- H'or'1'hrec iiceesive Yei'a The I:teat-V.' Life has written the largest Canadian busine's of any ('e.rt,paI . in 19119 the Paid -for leisinees (•S the ('oreeany in Canada limo tinted to *9,564,2(9.00 - -the larges• Paid -for Canadian business ever secured i11 a year by any Company. This prominence is readily explained. irl The (;Peat -West Life big)! interest earnings (7.05 p. r. net in 1909) are added to low expen- ses. and the result is--- low rates and unequalled profits to Policy- holders. 11 1 :te for buokl(1 showing det a 1 of th' -c profits. THE CREAT -WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, HEAD OFFICE, - WINNIPEG. The Natiollai Life Assurance Co. OF ClaAT.A.D.A►. A RECORD OF PROGRESS. Appltcnt,00s for New no 1.11, - 1 1l11tit :(.,111 1 9o2 . 1903 . 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 Insurance Received Policies .V 060.500.0o 0,. 1,,•.11) 4:, 1,:159,510. (N) 110)0 .... 1.456.500.00 1901 ).o 2,200.01' 1902 I , 6.1. 100.0(1 1903 . . 1.632.250.00 1904 •••. 1.►(l6,300.0(, 191)3 .... 2.01 1, 600 00 190(; 2,079.250.00,1907 3.2tl,0-10.0() 1909 .... :1.300.000.00 1909 Issued, Taken Lit tit 1t'- ) Assurance Record. Aspnrance Annual Prem. p.99 601,000 $ 22.954.60 1900 .. 1.792.509 62,603.96 1901 • 2.551, 901 92.0'29.911 Be O. :1.425,597 126,695. 21 11102 4.0S6,1 12 150, 64 4.64 1903 • , . 4.509.75.1 166,391.20 1904 .. t25,437 176.761.99 11105 .. 5,s0-2.3.55 190.22::.41 1906 6.67s,057 215,715.9'2 3907 .. 8,625 509 308.093.711190s 10.310.56o 370,671.14 1999 1499 (5 Mos) ft 1900 1001 1902 1903 1904 1905 1806 1907 .. 1908 . 1909 . . •. OS SS 1'4719 (5 11300 1901 1411'2 13104 1905 1906 1907 190+.1 10419 ▪ • 0041. Up and Pald for Si 040,0ot 00 1.350,004 .1)0 :,:178,75.''.:)g' 1.52f:.331.00 1 , 3(;9.000.0e 1.4;4.594.09 l ,';17.640.00 1,72-$.0 41.00 f!.001,34)4.90, 2,950.999.00 Mortality Ettpsrlsnes .. .... ......$ :0)(1;0.00 es" .... .... 11.50.00 .... .... 22.269.00 . . . , 0 0 0 0 . , • 41 ... 0 . . 9,251.100. .... 0000 0000 ...... 23.714.00 ▪ .... .... I4,s93.00 .... .... .... .... ...... 23.250.0() .. •. ...... 27,105.00 • .... ...... 4I,431.00 Inters** Earnings, Els. ASSETS. months) .... .... $ 1,794.21 1"').) .... 3.239 01 191)1) .... 3,431.-- 19(11 5,536.21e 1:111''2 7,360.37 1911:106.0 • • • • .... .... 10.041.24 1904.... .... 11,►• 111.91 I 1)(1:1 . . i. 16.I77.a: I!►07 l!HI,/ .11.1t1:1{ i J. It 1 I.' t ilk. 1:11 et111 _ I►1,• t• -r E1.1.1S Hill.I.11'. 1:'(I.. 1111\, J. J. 1111.. 1111. `I(►\3. I'll !it i Vier 1',,- 't rl 1 t• !'re • the National Life %%ants :t iirst.1-la•'o agent in this I.,oalil% to ‘01•1111 .a Miura! Ionli'atrl will he eiten. 111:AI) 411 1I('1:. N.1.1'1ON.1I. I III'. DIMMING, '10110% 11) il\ I. •. ••• 6000 • • . . . a 1 . . . .. •• . •. •••• • • 0 •