HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-17, Page 5r" The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital (paid up) Rest Fund - - $3,500,000 $3,500,000 Ras 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL NANKIN° BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current tate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. • DIOY8o& & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, Mo Yee `!lent stet Needs? It you will write for our Interesting new 1910 Catalogue we will send It free. and include. also free of charge, a pack. age of seed of our Burbank'd Glatt( ,Crim- son California Poppy. This Poppj le an entirely new creation In Eschschottzta for flower lovers. It grows Immense. beautiful flowers. It was originated by Luther Bur- bank. "The Wizard of Horticulture." Our 1910 Seed Catalogue is one of the largest and most complete ever issued by us. If you prefer, Instead of the Poppy, we will send a free package of ou Asparagus Beet or D. & [[.'s Excelsior Swede. Write to -day, if Interested. mentioning choice. mesas name this paper. It Is Import- ant to us. DARCH i HUNTER SEED CO, Ltd. Londe'', Ont. 6 Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost On 33 of a Cent a Day Ndbody ever heard of "stock food" curing the bots or colic, making hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds per COW a day. or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and rigor. When you feed "stock food " to your cow, horse. swine or poultry. you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. Your animals do need not owe feed. but something to help their bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get fat and stay fat all year round: also to prevent disease, cure disease and keep them up to the bestasible mit o •at y food" can do all these things. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It is Not a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" 0. -!ret tV, ser of any pacer ow !%,and Ci.c,nl. tai R')YAL PURPLE STOCK SPECT IC contains no grain. nor farm products. It increaser 1 of milk from three to five pounds per sow per day before the Specific has been used two ,creks. It makes the milk richer and aJJs flesh faster than any other preparation known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when (:J with ordinary materials aiien weeks ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to plumpness almost magically. Cures bots. colic. worms. skin diseases and debilit rmanently. Dan McEwan, the horseman. says: ' 1 have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC tin- a stently in the feeding of 'The Eel,' 2.04, largest winner of any pacer on Orand Circuit in 1))t. and IImry \Vinters.' 1.09*. brother of Allen Winters.' winner of 436.000 in trotting stakes in la)s. Fn:sa horses have never been off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago. and 1 will always have it in my stables-" oyal Purple � STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS One ;O:. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days, wnieh is a little over two-thirds of a cent ■ Ja Most stock foods in fifty cent acka es List hat fifty Jays and are given three times a day.ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC i . gi.en but once a day, and lasts half again as loos A 41 5O ail containing four times the am rant of the fifty cent package will last ietOd.tys. ROYAL PURPLE will increase the value. of y,ir stock 1.vt. It is an astonishingly- quick fattener, stimulating the appetite and the raish for Trod, assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. Asa hog fattener it is a leader It will save many times its coot in veterinary hills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI- FIC is our other Spe . He for poultry; not for stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty-five hens 70 days. or ■ pail costing 91 50 will last twenty-five hens OlOdays. which is four times more material for only three times she cost. 1t makes a "laying machine "out of your hens simmer and winter. resents fowls losing_ flesh at moultingtime. and cu::s poultry diseases livery package of iFOYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is guarantecj. Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other preparation on another animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will sayROYAL PURPLE has theca all heat to death. or else backcomes your money. PRRR-Ask your mer.hant or writ - us for our valuable 31 page booklet on cattle and poultry dit;ases. containing alas conking receipes and full particulars ahout RAYAL PURPLE STOCK and POUL- TRY SPECIFICS. If you cannot get Royal Purple Specifns from merchants or agents. we will supply )•ou direct, express prepaid. on receipt of 11.50 a pail for either Poultry Or Sto. k Specifics. Blake money a ting at our agent in year district. Write for terms. 1 Por tale by all updo-date merchants. W. L Jenkins 1111,. 04.• Lindon, Cue ROYAL PURPLE STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS and tree booklet• are kept In stock by W. J. IIEAMAN. EXETER, and HANLON & O'BRIEN °entrails The Most Popular Paper In Ontario The Toronto Daily Star The best proof that people like a newspaper is their willingness to pay good money for it. More people buy the "Toronto Daily Star" than any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly published in the Province of Ontario. Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily Star" is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. These things do not just happen. There must be a reason. In this case there are several reasons. The " Toronto Daily Star " publishes Market Reports 1 2 to 18 hours earlier than the morning papers. It is a Newspaper -not an "Organ" -political or any other kind. Not only the Woman's Page, but the whole paper, is attractive to women. It reports athletic events more fully than any other Canadian Daily. Its special features, such as the "Chronicles of the Khan", are most entertaining. Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star" better than any other newspaper. $1.50 A Year This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together fee ewe yw-02.20. Guaranteed fountain Pen given for SOe. a/WI to takeo trboriptien priest. 4 LotlICAL ECZEMA CCV F:NDOItSED 1l\' PFtYSI('l.\NS. 1):. it. .\. Fulyt.:ts. of tells of hie success In treating patients with D. D. D. Prescription : ' There was a Mian here our tering from ti 2(.1444 for the last fourtec.: sura, and 1 applied the D. D. D. treat 11wl.t. 1 also applied It to a Malt of West Duluth, Minn., who has been suf- fering with eczema in his feet. and the second treatment in both cases cleared tl:e skin almost absolutely. The first application is a balm. and its •ooth- inY effect le beyond expression. 1 &all l.Cvet b• v.'ithout it. a:,d shall use !t among toy oaticuta altogether " No matter how tcrcILly you suffe: :'O10 CC•1C111.1, salt :ovum. r'ingwornl, cto You will feel Instantly soothed and the itch allayed at once wilco a few drope of this compound of oil of wintergreen thyrnol. glycerine. etc., is applied. The ,•urea all sent to be permanent. For ftee trial bottle of 1). D. D. i're- ttcription write to the D. D. D. Labor- atory Department. E. A. 23 Jordan St. Toror.to. For sale by ail druzglets. I11' NSALL Iter. E. Medd o' Forest preached in the Methodist church Sun.ay.-Geo. Sheffer has returcei to Melita, Man. -Mies Jon- es of London has resumed her position as head milliner at the Blue Front. and 'Date" in the topic wilt t he ladies. - Robt. Lanlo:it, wife and children have gone to the West. -W. Sinclair and wife have gone to Chiselhurat to reside on the farm he recently purchased. -Robert Clegg is seriously 111 at the hospital 1:1 London. --Miss Mulholland of Tor- onto attended the funeral of her mother last week. --Andy Yungblut after a vis- it here and in \\'aterloo left for Ve:- nrillion. Alta.. with his cite on ;rl:ure- day.-Mins Jcn'ry Welsh nae 'One to Ole West IO v19it for some thtio,a-)Iies Melinda Orlweio aftor a visit in I3erliil and other poluts has returned home. - Dr. Fd. Ilaian is home Irons Wash- - NOBODY SPARED Kidney Trouble Attacka Exeter Men and Women. Old and Young. Kidney ills seize young and old. Come quickly with little warning. Children suffer in their early yeere- `c.an't control the kidney secretions. Okla are languid, nervous. sufter pain. Women worry, can't do dairy work., Men have lance and ac:iing backs. The cure for man, woman or child. Is to cure the cause -the kidneys. Booth's Kidney- Pills cure sick kid- tteya- Cure all Corms of kidney suffering. Exeter testimony proves it. Thos. Brock. of Huron St., Exeter, Ont. says, -'Booth's Kidney Pills t„ave given Mother more relief than .111 the other remedies erre had previously tried. She suffered constantly with a weak- ness and tenderness •Icrose her hark and at tines could :lordly stoop ovor o: etral;ltten herself up. Ifeadachea and dizziness were frequent and spots would appear before her eyes. Nothing ever gave Iicr relief until erre procured Booth's Kidney fills at Cole's Pharmacy and commenced treatment. She soon be g. n to feel better and stronger in every way, the backacho had gone and like. wino the headache and spells of dlz- zitleas. 1 can coneclemtlously recom- mend Bootle's Kidney I'ille as 1 know them to be a remedy or exceptional merle. ' Sold by dealers. Crl.a 3Oc. The It. T. Booth Co.. Limited , Fort E'te, Ont. Sole Canadian Agents. 0 CURES CATARRH; ASTHMA, Bronchitis. Croup, Coughs and Colds. or ,whey bads. Sold and guaranteed by W, S. COLE, EXETER. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRIP RATES i:ASAi,'d4 OAF= IfIC 001140 DATES Ape. S. 19 Inas 14.28 44 9.23 N ay 3, 17.31 Jaly 12.2$ Sept. & 20 TUIOIJO) SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEO AND "PCs? Leave Tweeter 2.00 s.m. en above doe• Through Finn and Reeood Clare Coaches, Cbtosist and Tourist Sleepers. Apply to nearest C P.R. Ageot or write • L .n10 r11 pane. P.A.. Toronto Asti FOR UOIFSiUJLW 'ARMLET r.liblABAILALIOS Manure Liners Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. 14 Beatty Bros: Load Binder These three things are great labor -savers for farmers and ne- cesaitite on a farm. icor sale by Itr:yton State to recuperate after an op- eratlo:: for appendicitis. -Geo. Scott at- teidei the funeral of his sister 111 Strat ford last we. k. -Theo CaIdwelt, dough ter of John Caldwell, lett for the Weat Friday. -Two of our citizens were fined ?5.50 and :7.50, rept tivc ly. last wecl: for allowing 1:.air dor• 'o :un witt.out 411U7.7 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORCASTORIA It1C:H `1 +• , \Vu:nr has disposed of Ma :atm • tai eo0 Louia.-Mtee Arletta \\ alper was lo Stratford last week. at- tending the wedding of her coush:.-Rev. A. D. Gisc!itor and Rev. E. I1. Bean ex- etiao.ged pulpits Sunda?. -Miss Colvin of Brussels halt returned to take charge of Preen rte millinery department. -Mrs. Louis liuraa.d, after ap visit with her parents. returned to her home in the West last week. -The baaeball officers were elected the other Might with the followlnar result. -lion. Pres.. Dr.Camp- bell , float. Vice.. J. P. Rau ; Pres.. E. Zeller ; Vice free.. J. Preeter : Manager, C. Fritz ; Captain, E. D. Wurm : Sec. Treas.. Andrew Hees: Exec. Committee, A. Ediyhoffer, T. L. \Vurnt, M. lt.Itan- :'it.-George Slenlon, whose death took place on Mar. 6th after a lingering illness. removes another old resident of this ecctlon. He was i:t his nuts-flftit ye .t. and leaves a widow, five sone a:,:t four daughters to mourn his death. T " deceased was of quiet disposition and was well -thought of by his neigh - bore and by those who k:few him beet. - Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Armstrong of the Goshen Liue, Stanley, mourn the death )f their son, Robert Milton, a bright yawn; fellow of ten yeare and 5 mon- ths. which sad event took place on Thursday of diabetes. -\ties Gilbert as again taken t ha rge of the millinery (I( .rtinen• at D. S. Faust. -NV, Mon- -:u; of Benmlher, daughter !� airs. fleury Ortwere died on Tuesday after- ,. o:1 and was burled on Thuraday.- Mr. John Gasci:o of the 1 4th Con., has purchased a half int rest in Mr. Moses Gascho'y flour feed and grocery busi- ness. USBOi4NE COUNCIL Cowl( II met March :.th. All the alien - here were present. The minutes of the last niceties were read• approved and s,Jned by the Reeve.. Thr followin;r Pathmaetere were ap- pointed for the curtest year; -Ward 1 - Jos. May. John Kerslake, Win. Costes, Joslin Harding. Ed. Keetlr, Francis Davie, Geo. Hooter. A. Penwarden, it. Cale, Wesley Parkinson, John Creosol:, Sant I1u,Oct . \t. Elford. Nat. Ogden. Ward .-Jas. Jeckell. Wel. Neil. Jno. ltowr•litfe. Wm. Jones. A. Mitchell, G. Ferguson 11. Strang. it. Kydd. C. l'ytn, J. Etherington, J. T. Allison. J. And - (Jerson. .1. Glenn, J. McQueen. W. Sonl- •_•rviltt•. Ward :4-J. Earl. G. Brock. J Herm, Jr.. F. Delhridge, H. Squire. S. Mille. It. C'unnr. F'. Brock. 1f. Copeland. T. Blake. \\ . Wig,:Man. W. Hazelwood. F. Johnston, P. litho. Ward 4-1), Coward. H. Francis. H. Pa senlo. C. F. C. Stewart. A. Iluakin, i). Alexander, J. S. lfallantyne, W. Stew- art, R. Scott. D. Brown, A. McCurdy. J. Duncan, Jr.. S. N. Shier. J. Shute, Alex. Frazer. On account of the frequent cases of theft In this vicinity- the Council offers a reward of $25 to be p.tld to any per - non wee urir.g the attest and conviction of any person or persons stealing grain, row]. or other articles from atir reef: dent of the nuuticip.tlity, said offer to remain in force until end of the prc•a- c':it year, unless sooner claimed. A few small act ounte were paid and the Couto ell adjourned to meet 0:1 Saturday. April 2nd. at one o'clock. F. Morley, Clerk. -- - - - STEI'HEN COUNCIL. The Council of the Township of Ste- phen convened 111 the Towel Hall, Cred- iton. on Mo. nday. March 7th, at one o'clock p. in. All members were rrest•nt. The minutes of the pr'evloae eieetinc were read and adopted. 'Anderson- Wuerth-That the bond of Serial Brown as Treasurer of the Township, be ac- cepted and filed with the clerk.--ear- rlasd. Yearley -Love -That the Aud- itors' report he accepted and that they be paid their salary. -Carried. The Clerk informed the Council that Ed- mund Zeller had tnade application to have the Council pass a By-law ton. powering his telephone Company to con- struct and equip a telephone line on certain highways in the townehin. The Counrll decided in view of the Legis- lature pteeing a new law at the pres- ent ae.slon to lay the matter over till the nest nit wing. A:.drreon-Wuerth- That fly -law No. iI.l, to borrow the sunt of 411),0411) to meet the current ex. Irndlture of dile multi.iyality. :1tv!nof been read the third tints be low poise eel ar.d signed by the Reeve .and clerk. and the sc.tl of the corporatlo:s attaen cd thereto. -Carried. Resolved that I'attnl:t•ters. l'oundkeepers and Fence - viewers to appointed at the next Council rncetin. for the ensuing year. The fol- lowlnt orders were passed :-C. Prouty, gratuity. 32:•, Sun Insurance Office.ln- suranre of Town ;tall, 11..41: Bantield et Suns. cow tags, $6 : Advocate printing 'r•s. re Mori loon dtaia 1 _7: Jon; E::g- .Irr., 1'2..447; Okkeut: & C.trlhtg, legal advice 416: F. W. Farnronab. McLel- lan award, 41 a ; Jos. Banes. Bailiff lige. work on Crediton Road. 50,-.: C. Farmer. removing snow on Crediton ltd 2.35; John ';eye. rep. St. C. Ocala bridle :.etc. • 3. \\ ilhrlm. o'rnoving snow on Crediton ltd.. 5.51) : (k'.). )tawhlnney removinl avow. :s.ttn ; Ge). F'ahner. dlsklrJ road. 41 t1'): \ticheel Heaver. re- rtl)vlag snow C. Rd.. ::.:,n : W nt. Swett - zer and others. remov::1R snow C. 114.. ; 11. Yweltzer. audi'or'e fees, C. 1:. Itluett. auditor's fe: e. 9.00 : W. Finkle -doer and others. removing snow C 1(.. :,.00: John Wood. gravel. 1.7 2 Total 249.91. The council ady)ur• ed to meet again in the Town iiall. Credl'on. on Monday. the 4th day of April. at 1 o'clock p. m. Henry Enter. Tp. Clerk Wm, Gig pies Exeter ` Children C r y E 51 FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SEND ME ANOTHER BOX OF "LITTLE DIGESTERS ft '1'hrt'a what Mr. E. S. Glasseo, of Toronto, wrote us last May, after he had tried and proved "Little 1)iges tern" for Indigestion. Ile said: " I wish you would send me another box of your " Little Digesters." .\I1 the members of sty family have linen using them and have obtained the most satisfactory result,. "1 congratulate you on your :stion,,s in putting up a tablet for the curs' of Indigestion. 1 suffered for years and tried everything that was recommended to me. Nothing gave me relief until 1 was persuaded to try "Little I)tges tern." Now I never suffer from Indi- gestion. I enjoy my meals and am not afraid to eat, lamas I know a "Little Digester" after each meal will digest my food. "I recommend them to all my friends who suffer from Indigestion and woul.1 further say that you may publish the above if you wish. I know there are thousands of people suffering from In- digestion who will be glad to know there is a safe and sure cure for them. " " Little Digesters " are positively guaranteed to cure or money is re- funded. At your druggist's or by mail from Coleman Medicine Co., Toronto, at.,y,+er per box. 33 FREE TO YOU -MY SISTER GOLD MEDAL - FOR. - Ale and Porter AWARDED JOHN LABATT AT ST. LOUIS EXHIBITION 1904. Only(ssal foe Ala in Canada. PIKE TO YOU AND EV[RY SISTER SUFFER• IND FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. I am a woman. I know woman's sufferings. 1 have found the cure. I will mail, Ire* of any charge, my home treat. Bent with full instructions to any sufferer from women's ailments. I want to tell all women about; this cure- you, my reader, forourself, your daughter your mother, or your sister. I want to te11 yon how to cure yourself at home without the help of a doctor. Men cannot understand wom- en'ssutreringa. What wo women know from ex- perlence, we know better than any doctor. 1 know that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for Leuceerbo:aorWhitish dischar e.Ulceratton,Uls- placemeatorPallingof theWomb, Profuse. Scanty or Palate& Periods. Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or Orowtbs, also pains 1■ the bead, back and bowels. bearing doe nervotwiess. creeping feel- ing hp the spine, esetanekoly, desire to cry. bet Makes. wearlaaas, kidney aid bladder troubles where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. I want to rend you n complete le days treatment Mtlrely free to prove to you that you can cure yourself et home. easily,gnickly and surely. Remember, that it will coot yea teething' to give he treat went a complete trial; and it you should wish to continue, it will cost you only n bout 13 cents a week, or less than twocoots a clay. It will not interfere with your work or uccupn t ion. Just swedes* your acme an d address, tell me how you suffer, if you wh.p, and 1 will send you the treatment for y'ourcaae, entirely frac. in plain wrapper. by return mail. 1 will also send 3 on free of coot any book -••WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL AD VISER 'with explanatory illuetrat lou.. -how Ing why womunsuffer, and how they can easily eurethemeelveeathome. Ea cry woman Wu:edit have It and learn to think for herself. Thenwhenthedoctorssyr-"Yon'mist haceanopera- tion," you can decide foryrourself. Thousands of women have cured them,elveawith my hoot.) remedy, Retiree a11. eider young. To Mothers of Daughters. 1 will explain a simple hone treatment which speedily and effectually curet l.uucorrhor:a, l:reen Sickness, and Painful or Ire ulcer Men.rtrnetion In Young Lausier. Plurnpnens and health always result from its- use. Wherever you lite, 1 can refer you to la,iiea of yo'ir own locale y who know and will gl:,dly tell any sufferer that this Mo nee teat meat really cures all women's di.eaaoa and makes worm n Well. stintim plump and roburt. Just send tie your address, and the free ten day9'1reat,uentI4 `- )our+, alw thabook. Write to -day, as you may not nos this offer again. Address MRS M. SUMMERS, Box H 840 WIND80R, OI.T. For Your Dough Hadn't the Courage to Rise You remember, Madam, that bakeday a week back -6r was 1: . month -when his folks were coming to dinner self -Invited. And you arose bright and early, 2nd ran over to y3ur mixing br.wl to knead that glorious batch of shapely golden -domed loaves -- And astonish his folks with his wife's breadmaking You reltletnber: that was before you bought FIVE ROSES. And how the dough had forgotten to rise / Or had quickly risen overnight and fatten again. to rise nevermore. How aggravating to be sure. And how kis mother gazed solicit ousiy at Aim. saying in a stage .e*isper: Poor John I Don't yet Mink As looks • Ws hod, emaciated t And John's father reviled • No wonder- rock broad - suck easing. wow l" Don't yew remember t • • • • But the explanation is most stupe. Madam. Your flour was wok i4 gAtsrrr. er+nm. tonertybrwe. may be. Never so with F IVE ROSES- because It's cassis/err (lour, clawless as the sun or a mother's love. 11 sswryingly possesses that glutinous strangtk which makes 1t rise to the delight of the particularhousewife - and sfry risen. because It has the r.^cessary colsr,trncy and e/oars)'. And w'!20 you begin to knead it. Madam. you find the dough quite springy and you hear it squeak and crack as you work. • • • • And It gets reinter and sedum, under your hand till at last It deals our own dazzling Canadian snows. Then think of It. Mistress House- wife, YOUR bread is never sour. never lumpy. never dark or dis- colored. nor soggy nor heavy. No baking accidents when you retest ovet success. Because you are using FIVE ROSES. and cannot kelp ,t. And It keeps fresh for days - its delicious nutlike flavor grows until the last slice disappears by dint of second helpings and smacking of ups. What, Madam, you doer use FIVE ROSES/ 'Melt. you knot, It's never too late to mend. I Mie M tet 41'Mi IMLMS £S., L1S.. MNIINIAM Buy Frost Coiled Wire-- And No Other We now flak. •nd Galva.,,• our own Wire. So, when you buy Cale& Wire, tell your dealer that You wast Prost Coiled Wire --and no ether This new frost Wire ,s the same bled which we use for both the Frau Pen. es. S,, you can be ours that it it tow best Wire in Canada Because we have figured out the c,srrect reason why nearly all Wire fails to ,hake good in this country And we hate iaatatted • process of A.nneal- :ag ad • process of Galvanienti 1.1 0.81- eoaso this vital weakness. Prost Wire is Annealed to ibis only degree of temper which will weak. good .n Canada Ad it is galess.e.d tee per rsnt. thicker than any other Wire. Yet it will not scale or chip of. Loral Frost Wire will .taal a greater .trsig, and fight orl rust longer. than why otitis Wire made. Ws inn,. a free 'Booklet on Prost Wire. it tells all about Wire. it sables you to bey the right hind o(Wirr. at the right prOa Any man who once reads this new Pres" Booklet will be aMe to buy Wire iat.11igentle, without taking anybody's word for i1. W. should really charge fee this Booklet, ire so valuable. But if you 11 write fee It to -day. w. II sed it to you free. Write fee it eon. The Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd. Hamilton, OMarlo. w Agents Wantel is Open DMtteds TOS tFence [)r niers-T. iftwkl s t SL) . Es "e' A:, tr' w Hodgen Farquhar