HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-17, Page 4abetter glbtiOCttte,
lt3anders & Creech Props
THURSDAY, Mar. 17, '10
Mr. Daclel Hodgson has sold his tine
Norm to Mr. David Johnston of Gran-
ton. Mr. Johnston moves In on the 1st
of Apr1l..-Mr. and Mot. Samuel Gun -
eine attended the wedding of their niece
Miss Bertha Cooper at F.11invllle on the
9th. -Mrs Marshall of St. Marys Dis-
trict Organizer. was present at our W.
M. S. meeting last Thursday and made
all arrangements tor the annual con-
vention of that society to be held In
this church on Thursday. May 121h. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Millson are on an
extended visit with friend* at Port
(lope, Toronto and otter places. -Those
tun.htg out to church here on Sunday
last were disappointed as no preacher
arrived to take the service
The report of 3. S. No. 12. Usborrne,
for the month of February ;-Sr. V. -
O. Morley 129. Jr. V. -W. Hodgson
141. Sr. IV. -V. Morley 133. 0. Gun-
ning 1.32, G. Arksey 128, M. Squire 121
H. Ogden 120, J. McCarthy 90. Sr. III.
T Gunning 146, C. Morley 143. A. Mc-
Carthy 138, E. Hodgson 123, P. McGee
57, N. Squire 56 (missed an exam-)
Jr. III. -J. \Vhcllhan 142, M. Gunning
105 Sr. II. -M. Million 158, Be Gun-
ning 105. Jr. II. -P. McGee 90, J.
\Vhelihan 77.
0. J. McNaughton, teacher.
Mr. Hector W. Charlesworth, city ed-
itor of the Toronto Mail apd Empire
and one of the [twat widely known of
Canadian newspapermen. to shortly go-
ing to Tononto Saturday Night as as-
sociate editor. it was In 1891 that he
started his Journalistic career on the
publlcat'on to which he is now return-
ing. Youthful as he was, the journal-
istic instinct was even then well devel-
oped lit Mr. Charlesworth, combined
with real ability as a writer. From
Saturday Night he went to the Empire
and later o i was on the Mews and The
World, finally going to the Mali and
Empire, where he has been city editor
for six years. For a considerable per-
iod he was dramatic and musical critic
on the papers with which he was con-
'nectel and his non[ d: plume. "Touch-
stone," became familiar to many thous-
ands of interested readers. On aasu,n-
irtg his present position he dropped his
nom de plume, though continuing to do
considerable dramatic and musical crit-
icism far the Mall a,td Empire.- The
Globe. Feb. 21t' .
For Settlers
How Made and How Reached
with r.ixe
Stock ani Effects
Special Trains
:cave T:•orta
Se::lers and Farniies
w,thout Ltve Stock
should use
Regular Trains
10.10 :.m. daily
38 hours to Win}i1Rg
Through Touri}t (Jars
la which Berths are Free
Aprly to nearest Agert for con e "Sett ,rc•
Guide." "Western Canada," •Yount La...'
or write
R. L. Thompson, D.P.A.. C.P R., Toronto,
You can't sow thistles sod
re_sebbetII you plant
re's Seeds you
grow exactly what
roe expect and in
a rolusion
ties sever
years et
study and
Make them re-
fiabk. Fu elle
1t everywhere. Seedd Assssail
tree co re est.
Write us et once lot our ire• ratabevie and
!earn the nature of our course. in
Commercial, Sbortbsod & Telegraphy
department. We has the Iea.hng, pre." ti. at
training a•hool of Western (interio. ('our•es
are thorough. instrit•tors experienced and we
sent graduates to position". 9t1dents are ere
tering en. pry .eek Yon.hould enter N. /V1.
Raw Furs and Skins -
of all kinds of -
We Guarantee Honest Assort-
ment, Highest Market Prices
and quick returns.
.t h PAY 1Z\rRpci CHARGI)F
. nd fee owe 1909,1910 PRICE UST
134 •, 131 11,0111 sr., PMsfrsee.
How's This P
We offer One hundred Dollars @,want for ant cue
• Catarrh that ,•annul becure.l by Hal:"a Ca, arm
Y. J. CHENEY s Co., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney toe
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
in all bootie.* tr.a,s hone and 1nurcially able to
sorry out any obligations made by his firm
Wittily,. Rims 4 Maavly,
wbuleaale Druggist, Toledo, 0
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di
reetly on the blood and mucous aurtaces of the
system. Testimonial. sent free. Price 75e. per tet•
tie. Sold by all Druggists,
Take Hall'. Pamlly Pills for constipation.
SEEDS FOR SALE. -•We beg to an-
nounce to the fanners requiring seeds
that we are cffcring for sale a large
stock of Red clover, Alsike. Timothy,
iilu_• grass. Alslke and Timothy mixed
and Alfalfa, Clover seed which were
'apes ially selected for our retail trade
and cannot be surprised for purity and
germination. Get our prices bet re
making your purchase. We have also
a quantity of "King Giant" ;seed oats
:or *ale. This new oat' is front
Lusden and was tae admiration of all,
who saw it growing last season. It
Is a heavy cropper, stands up well and
In sections were conditions were favor-
able this past season yielded 85 bus.
to the acre. It you are. going to try
a new oat procure a few bushels of
thla variety. A call solicited.
C. ZW1CKER, Crediton.
A meeting 08 the Crediton Athletic„As-
sociation is called for Friday peening
hog. etch. 18(h, to discuss the' subject
of having a celebration on 5fay 24th.
All are cordially invited. -A meeting of
the baseball club will b± held in the
Fire Hall, on Wednesday evening Mch.
23rd, tor the election of officers and
other important matters. All who are
Interested are invited to attend.
Rev. Giscbler of Zurich exchanged
pulpits with Rev. Bean of the Evan-
gelical church Sunday. He is a fluent
speaker and made an excellent impres-
sion on hie audience.'. --Samuel Kuhn
is wearing a very broad [-mile these
days. It's a boy. -We are pleased to
see that Thoe, Trevethick is able to
resume his work in the shap after his
attack of the grippe.-RetviIal meet-
ings commenced in the Evangelical
church Monday evening. We trust
they will ' be a good success. -The
Town Fathers have received the new
suction hose for the fire engine from
the Gutta Percba Co. of Toronto. It
is expected that as soon as weather
permits a test will be made with the
engine. -Mrs. Winer is hoLling en
auction sale on Tuesday. April 5, an
account of which will appear in an-
other column. -Mr. Samuel Brown
is making large sales of bis timothy.
clover and millet seed to local trade.
He has splendid quality. -Jos. Habit
intends building a brick chimney for
his brick -yard engine. He has been
drawing the scaffolding poles this
week. -Welter Dumatt of Berlin was
in town Tuesday. -Harry F. Either
spent a few days in Sarnia last week
on htrsiness,-Mr. and Mrs. Rivers and
son of Sombre sent Saturday and
Sunday in town, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Vw. lxwin•.-H. Eilker. M.P.P.,
attended the Director's meeting of the
Ilay tp. Insurance Co. in Zurich Sat-
urday.- Vtdding h.11.. are to ring in
our burg next week. More particu-
lars will follow.
Rev. A. D. Giscbler accompaned by
Mrs. Gischler of 'Zurich were visitors
at the parsonage Tuesday. -Mr. Dan
Schroeder. who recently sold out his
butcher business to Messrs Joseph and
John Eidt, has since hold his farms.
the north one to Mr. (leo. Schroeder
and;theone nearest the village to Mr.
Henry Guenther. The purchaser's get
possession at once. Mr. Schroeder has
since purchased a farm on the fifth
concession of Stephen frust Mr. H.art'y
Hamilton. He alset gets immediate
possession.- Rev. E. H. Bean of Credi-
ton palmed through the villege S sou -
day afternoon. -Mrs. G.'dtreid Oes-
treicher had rig Iles Friday after-
noon. --Mr. John Triebner of Exeter
spent Numbly here. - -Mise Catharine
Fittkh„ Tyner gave a birthday party to
her friends Thursday afternoon. -Mr.
anti Mrs. Dennis Dirstein of Bad ARP,
Mich., is at present visiting among
friends in this place. -Mr. J. K. Goetz
was in Goderich ou htl'lines* several
days during the week. -The milliners
have again taken their positions in the
stores here for the spring trade.-- Rev.
1.. K. Kidt has been assisting Rey.
Bean iu Evangelistic work at ('reditnu
several nights during the week, -Mr.
E. M. Brokenihire wee in Zeri h Sat-
urday evening.
h'ir)elnT suekrra Is the order of 'le
•''v They say they are rutuiltix well
this spring. -Jos. Sharrow has got
settled In his ut w home 0 Grand Rend.
-Sleighing Is going very fast and bug
ele3 are out again -Tri- fere weather
of last week made us tnink of staple
syrup making. -A !erg( number loft for
tee west last Monday. -Mr. Ireland is
getting the materiai ready to build a
new house the coating sunln.cr.-Don't
ter worried about th gre nolle In
P. linker', snoods. it Is Just W IDI lin-
ker and Will Mettles a e'er; t wood.
--- 9a
Mr. John Patton of Moray. 1.. Dlsjar
d n^ and Fred Stephen left Parknlll rnr
M esday f,,r Saskatoon. Sask., where
Ploy I•.tend necking their future home.
`Ir. Paton to)k with him a : arload of
;et'ler,' effects, Mrs. Patton will also
Mane for that piece. shortly.
Dr. W Ilienn of I•arrchlll was Lr our
burg Monday.-rau'te a number around
herr tapped their frees for making
syrup last week. --The Oovertt tent eng-
ineer wag here M•r.eday lo)k J over
Htay•er has bought Mr.
11 )ht. i'o!lork'9 house. Mi. and Mrs.
P3!leck Intend going west shortly. -M:,
Ai:. Tiedentan'e doe bit Ware Oliver on
tee lee on evening last week. so poor
d'y; le was kIbel and Ills head sent to
¶''rout I.-tlulte a number front Shlpka
we -e herr Satu.'dty sucker fishing. -
M'.s. M. Calk arrived herr last week
and has (thar;e u' the mllll:Pry for the
treason. -Miss T. Oerni^tie le visiting at
11. llamllt gin' i o . the f:(th of Stephen
.71-• a few days. -Writ. Devine of Us -
b) is. wag here on bust' ess last week.
-firs. M. Om. wt.o nas beer visiting
•- P,veter slid l'ets,rn-- tor three months
err:••el herr Wed:eredhy-.
sir. Itobert !lice of this township had
a narrow escape from being bitten by
a mad doe on Sunday. Mr. litice and
the hired boy were engaged doing the
choirs at the barn, when suddenly Ills
dog becanme toad. The brute succeeded
In tearing Its (nutti.le to pieces and that
ntadc for Mr. Rice. Noticing that things
were getting serious sir. Rice artned
hlntstt( with a piece of gag pipe and
beat the dog off all the wry . bo the
house. On arriving there he opened
tete window and put an end to his dog -
ship wite a gun. Luckile err. Rice
had means within his reacts .o protect
himaeif, otherwise the result might have
been very serious.
Andrew Hart of Saskatchewan, who
had his feet amputated some Yew weeks
aeo, as a result of being frozen, died
mn Wednesday night, and the body was
brousht home for burls i lit(has a son
In Logan, a brother, John- Hart in Ful-
lerton, and a brother-in-law, R. Harris,
in Mitchell, besides twe daughters hi the
Nit. Samuel Pearson, of tt'e•)t
McGillivray was ta.cen 10 Ailea
Craig and lodged in the village lock-
up. where he remained to be ezamin, d
by the village doctors. 1t Is alleged by
his relatives and nelshbore in McGil-
livray that Mr. l'earaon has become vio-
lently ineane and dangerous to be at
large. On Monday, it Is said he went
to a neighbor's louse with a gun And
threatened to shoot the intnate,.-Mt'.
and Mrs. Richard England of Hutchin-
son celebrated their Golden wedding an-
niversary ash Mol.day, March 7th. They
were surrounded by,'thelpeithildren and
grandchildren and '-a-most enjoyable
ttmc was spent.-:.lr. George etc -
Vicar, who has been upending the win-
ter with his mother. Mrs. 11. Twedile
at West MrGil,ivray left on Tuesday of
last week fur his nontestead near Ca:: -
ley. Alberta.
The funeral of Dr. George C. McIn-
tyre. M. P.. of South Perth. and deputy
speaker of the Ilouse of Contrtons, who
died at Montreal on Saturday, at the
age of 28 years, took place on Wednes-
day afternoon and was very largely at-
tended. Interment 1st St. Marys cemet-
ery. -Mr. and Mrs. Daigle' Hawkey
gave a pleasant social party to a num-
ber of the youhg people on Thursday
evening of last week, In honor of their
eon. Joaeph. who lett
this week for the West
lc was furnished by 3
►n Tuesday 01
o reside. Mutt-
. John C7anter-
o11.-On Friday night T. Mac-
cabees gave a box sorlayin Aberdeen
Hall. The principal entet'tainer was \tr.
G. L. Money or Stratford. who has lo,t
none of his old time ability to please
the public. A large crowd was present
and a good time spent by all.
The Rev. Mr. Yellow of Exeter occu-
pied the sacred desk on Sunday and he
preached one of the best sermons that
have been delivered In Klrkton for many
-t day.
Miss Lantra Mt ibpine has bee:i vt9it-
i,l?. In thl3 nelgttborhood,-Sleighing Is
very bad. -The Misses Boyle of Kin-
cardine have been visilit.g friends at
(Mooresville.-\frs. Thos. Ellwood and
Mrt. Albert Morgan spent Sunday with
friends In F,xcler.Fred Simpson ellen'
a day last week with friends at Kirk -
ton. -Erste Cowan Is visiting in ,Wyont-
Inr.-W. H. Simpson has his' store,
which he purchased from Nr. George
(Bloomfield, rururing at fait' blast. \\•c
wish Mr. Simpson every ,sere,,. -Mr
Bloomfield (tweed his household effects
la Byron last week. -Mrs. T. Simp-
, :1 Is visiting frlcnds In West MrGill-
Ivray.-Miss Ida Dale visited here on
Fedi>. and Saturday. -Mrs. W 111 Shoul-
der: visited in London a couple of days
during the week. -M, Armitage and his
wife were the guests of A. Nell and
wife Thursday.
tt M. CO..H,te an llivigot itor that
Make." Hale Grow in Abundantly
Or \to;,ry Bark
1t you, hair is t l:,n.ng out gradually'
It won't it lorg be'.): ' the bald spot
a p pe.r r n.
The time to l,ak • carr re toe hair is
A,‘141-, , YOU have hair to ' tie carr of.
For thin failing hair the best tum-
efy known to ntat,kind Is Parfslan Sage.
ft ie compounded on scientific prin-
ciplee and furnishes to rte hair vont a
•tourlmhneett that acts quickly and
promptly and caused the h 1.0 grow.
But remember this, -11 klljp•t'.ie dand-
ruff germ, the pest that appropriates
411 the natural nourishment that should
go to the hair root.
PerI91ar1 Rage it sold by W. S. Cole
ander a positive guarantee to banish
d,ndruff, stop felling hair and Itch-
ing scalp in two weeks or nonoy bark.
It gives to women', hair a lustre and
radiance that Is most fascinating and
•tu.l0s a to grow ahundantly.
1'.rlei.an Plage in now sold in every
first-class town in Canada. A large
generous bottle costs 50 rents. and
the girl with Auburn hair Is on rv.•ry
Auction Sale
Of Valltabie
Real Estate and Household Furniture
S. Phillip'., 1,i•eneed An ti�n•.r, hue t. .n in•
eructed by the uml •rsig le 1 to sell h. ;,a1.li • Mnr-
tion at
Lot 4, Con. 2, STEPHEN
ore Tl'E..MDAY. APRiI. 5th, 1910
at 1 o'clock p.rn. sharp. the following:
Ilnl'lSHOl. , F('Rs:Tree -Berl Room suite, 2
Ned .pre3.1...pring and mattress, centre table, e
cane chair., drop leaf tahle, agitate table, clork,
Lees burner. roti. ,• v,k, wood or .`oat: alaw eup-
boart,l. dr.hes and glassware, tea wt. a quantity/ of
carpet. and mats. ptr 'ire*, tahle y'1 th. and ta'.le
napkin• and a .piantity of bedding, to hen. and
gnarl/Sty of Maple Wood. awe., garden tools and
oth.r article. to. numeron. to mention.
RE a I. V. tT l TR There will also he offered Inc
Gale at tr• Same Am• and pl.re the Ni wee' of land,
being part 8 y of the .Dove mentioned IAA. There
to on the premises a good Nick hemp, barn fess;
1t., .. sel•h•d hen hour., good son and hard water.
never failing •e11, gond orchard, '. mi • from
srhenl, 11. miles from eherch. roases"ion given at
T1: My Real Estate mule tn'wn on 1*, of "ale.
Chattel...11 Sum, Mf V and tinder. stets. over that
amour.% • month.' ' relit w 11 he g ..n on hRei.Ring
•pprnsed joint notes
B. S. 1'IIii,L1PM M1tM. WiNER
Auctioneer Pretprietrrea
CLINTON.-The spirit ot Anna McCau-
ley'. beloved wife Alex. Grainger, took
its fllgr.t at the age of 631 years and 9
months. Deceased was born in tiara.
Scotland, on June 15th, 1844, and
stem(' to Canada in 1854, ween thej-(ant-
Ity located at Southampto4, 1n 1964
they moved to Hayfield an she was
married to her now bwrett husband It,
1873. t
SEAF'OltTli.-Mr. Joseph Lowery, one
o: the pioneet residents of Seaforth,
dte4 at the honte art his daugh r, Mrs:
John Powell, on Sundae'. Lowery
was a native of Ircla„d, but when a
boy came to Canada. Mr. L3wery was
74 years of a';ee and la amyl -ell by
four children.
Auction Sale
Mr. B. 8. Phillipa, Auctioneer, has been instructed
torten by Public Auction at
SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1910,
at 2 o'clock p.m sharp,
the following valuable property
LOT 7Y and 79 on Andrew street, LOTS 14 and 31 on
Main. on which fa a ,mall brick house sad frame
baro, • gond well and s choice lot of fruit trees.
Also Part LOTS 10. 11, 10. the old Woollen SI01
Property, on which is a good frame house, rontain-
fog 8 rooms in first-elaae condition, small stable,
good well of water and a . ery good orchard. all in
good state of repair.
TERNS: -For terms of sale apply to 0. S. Phillips
Auctioneer, or will be aide known on der of sale.
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements. Bees
Household Furniture, Rto.
The undersigned Auctioneer has been nstructed
to offer for sale by Public Auction on the premises
Lot 12, Con. 2, Tp Hay, on
Wednesday. March 30th, 1910
At one O'clo'k p,m., the following, viz
11O1tHFS-Iteavy;dralt mare, 5 Years old, in foal;
driver 4 yrs old, and filly I tear o11, both by Non
Parole; heavy draft filly 1 year old. filly 2?ears old,
Roadster 2 years, driving mare,/ years old.
CATTLE -o cows in calf to thoroughbred bull. 2
newly cahal Coos, 7 deer. rising 2 years old, 8
spring ..ti
Implements --Frost and Wood Linder, Sylvester
Slower, Veering drill, new; sulky rake, corn binder,
walking plow, pair diamond harrows, ecumer, new;
pulper, cutting Loa, horse power. Jack; single cutter
new; lumber wagon, pair bobsleighs 1 wagon racks,
wheel barrow, Coekshut disk, sleigh box, sugar
kettle, a number of swarms of bee., 8 tons of hay. a
quantity of household furniture, forks, shovels.
spates, chains, and a quantity of other nsetul arti•
clot too numerous to mention.
TERNS of Hay. Cash; All onus of #5 and under
sash; over that amount tt month+' credit on furnishing
approved joint notes. A di.rount of 4 per cent per
annum MR for rash on credit amount..
Auctioneer Proprietor
Of Farm and 1tnplentente.
B. S. Phillips. Licensed Auctioneer, has re,•eis eri
instrurtlons'rom Mr. John Ilawkahsw to sell to.
Public Auction on the premises,
Exeter, on Saturday, March 19th, 1910
at I o'clock p.m. sharp, the following property, viz:
CATTLE -4 farrow c)ws,ye*ding steer and heifer
IMPLEMENTS. -McCormick binder, mower, disk
harrow, nearly new; 2 -furrow plough, new; steels
plough. cultivator, Diamond harrows, s-uftter, horse
rake, seed drill, lumber waggon, light waggon, tole
,'sigh, top tU1 gy' open buggy. cutter. pleasure
Weigh, set of double harness, set of light double
harness, nearly new; set of single harries, nearly
new;set of scales, fanning mill, buffalo role, 2 other
robes, gravel hoz, hay rack, sugar kettle, grinding
atone. Tubler separator, and other articles.
74 acres of farm land In the village of
Exeter. 13 acres !n fall wheat, fall
plowing nearly finished, well fenced.
well drained and watered; good 1 1-2
storey brick house, containing 9 living
rooms, hard and set water In the
house; good barn, number of fruit trees.
situate north of the station road, Exeter
TERMS #5 and under, cash; over that amount s
month.'. redit given on furnishing approved joint
notes. S per rent. per annum off for cash on .•relit
amount. Terms of real estate ea.) and made
known on day of sale
John tlawkshaw, Prop.
B. S. Phillips. /tort.
Auction Sale
Of Heel Estate. Farm Stock & Imple-
The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to
sell by public auction at
at 12:30 o'clock sharp,
Tau following valuable property:
IIORSIES-Oenen, purpose man rising 10 yrs, in
tl! kney mare ►ising • yrs, ia4�6a1; Heavy colt
s•gg yrs,
CATLLS S cows due to Ogle* In May, sew alit•
ing cow, milk row, steer co rising 1 year, heifer
calf rising a yr., call,
P108-2 Berkabtre pitgg.*
IMPLEMENTS Lumber waggon, gra.el boa,
wood racks,MnCornie le disk harrow, set of diamond
harrows, 2 walking plows, hone rake, fanning mill,
bargee east, seed drill, pulper, grinding ,loge, pair
of bobsleighs, nearly new; hay fork, cross -cut saw,
15 gs Of more of potatoes, forks and rakes, 2 set of
whimetrees, wheelbarrow. set of hoes- yy double har•
new, 2 sets of stogie Aurae shovelbtg heavy
block and rope sheet 75 feet Tong, THRPJ4HINO
NACHINF, IWHiTE RROINP, in good leaning or-
der. ('IIALLISN(1F 9F.PARATOk in good it -uniting
seder, TANK, : ('1STESN PUMPS, 1 -Inch HO!.1:
15feet long, 6 in• h BELT 125feet Ioeg, chalns, red•
a, poets, IllaxweU binder, hart t Wool .ower, Or -
elder sew, all household furniture, Nagle boned
sow, and other things tee numerous to mentina
Real rotate 25 iota* of land: 3 scree of Yell
wheat. 5 acres of ploughed ground and rest WI In
gr.. R01101 Li of L•oT `• on the 7th (30VCF8810N
oP Ilay. which will he sold on the emus date sod
a• the dame place, 11 not sold before.
TERM:; All sums of SIO and under, CASH; over
that amount 9 months' credit will be given o• Oro -
1 hing appro. ed Joint notes. a per rent per annum
off toy ca►h on ••relit amount,. Terms of real estate
mate lino in on day of sale.
Positively 411 will be soli as tb• Prsprl-
•ter 1, seise west
B. S. Phillips, Jabez Stacey,
Auctioneer Prep.
in the Metter of the Elate of Doro•
thy McDoncII. late of the Vill+ge of
Exeter. in the County of Huron,
Wid.rw..1 'Cetased.
Y•irree ',prefab,. "leen th,t .0 joeem• ha.inz
any Assn. or demand. *11air..t th. late Dorothy Mc.
Irnnell,who .1.M on or alwet the ith day of P'ebru-
ary, 190r. at the Vi1l,0. of Exeter alore.9id. are re•
gnlrcd to send by pet prepaid or to deli sr to John
P. M.•- nnen. of Hen .111. not . one of the Y.te.•nton
of the Iasi .01 .n.1 te.ta•nent ne the aid o'e••.a"M,
their ernes and addre..rs and full partkulars in
writing n' their clams and a,atemento 01 their ac•
counto and the nWire M the eeeuritir., if env, het 1
Ivy them.
1NO Ynrtl'E is further given that alter the
let 1)ty e.f Ar+1iI. 1910.
the ui.1 R.e.•ut- r. i.l pe .need 14 dtdritntt, the
asset• of the awl d« -sawed among the (person* entit-
led thereto, has in,t ',van! only to the elaime rat
whish they .8111 then has. had notice, awl that the
said Eve.'.tor. w.11 ort I 11.81. f,N the •a14 a -t.
or any part thereof to any perwws n1 ohms claim
they •hall mot then hap. rewire
Dated at Hensel! the Ith 4,, 011 11aMh, 1010
J K Mtfx)YF.t.i., Ree •.0,,
Te• t'iltaz• Prop•rtsr of 18. late 1)e'th• Me. nee -
ties, .ale of wall 1.e exeh•ryed Inv Parra Property.
Apple to
.1 K Mrtw)YI..L, Renee!!
or A.( J. Mcl►OSKLte Etetere
BEAD ')I'1'ICF., T0R')Ml•r
B. E. WALICI R, President ' Paid up Capital, $10,000,000
ALEXANDER LAIR!), General !gannet ' Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
Branches throughout C..rij�ij, d:l1 in the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are re:eivet) and interest allowed at current
rates. Accounts t* tt' he opened in the mines of two or
more person, .1:1.1 withdrawals made by any
One ,tt titrrn Jr by the survivor, 114
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at (?editor,.
Auction Sale
The undersigned auctioneer has re•en.r4 ms:ru•-
tion* to aellby public auction on the pretrr:,C.
Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp,
the following valuable property', viz.
Horses -Horne rising 7 years, by Lord Zetland,
horse rising 4 years, Percheron; Aged mare, hose
and mare rising 3 and 2 years, respectively, by Non
Parole; aged team ,by :tampion; &king mare.
Cattle - 3 cows rising 7 6 and 5 years, resivect:%e1y
and 4 2 year old heifer, all In calf; 3 2.yearold
steers, hull 3 yrs old, bull 1 Tear old past, Jersey
heifer, ri.ippg1 year, 2 steers rising 1 year.
MiLCELLANEOUS-About 15 Toes ot !fay, De
Laval Cream Separator, a number of Bee Hivet.
There is a " right
way of doing bus-
iness and there is a
" wrong way " of
doing business.
The Itit,uT WAY of doing bust -
nese is to bring yourlold truck, ecu7h
as horse hair, rubber, iron, copper.
brays, wool pickings, etc., to
Main St., Exeter
Where you get the highest caret
price and honest dealt:rem
FOR SALE -A lot of Ir , pipe o::
hand for fence posts. etc.
Positively au reserve a+ the proprietor has ren:.•1
his farm.
TERMS, -All emus of 43 sad under, rash, oyer that
amount li nsoeth. Credit 'given on furnishing ap
proved jntht notes. 6 per cent per annum off to
cash on credit amount..
Auct. Prop.
A business education is the
greatest legacy you can leave
your children. We get down to
the bed -rock foundation of liv-
ing business science, and assist
worthy graduates to the choice
Enter any day. Individual
instruction. Home study conrs-
es in Senior Teachers' Matricu-
lation and Commercial subjects.
Send for particulars.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
Easter Term Opens
March 29.
Write for particulars,
li Cleariug Sale oI Piauos
In order to rartice our large stock of Pianos we are going to offer to the
Public for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS the BIGGEST VALUE for the mon-
ey that was ever offered in Exeter.
Below will give you an idea of some of the BARGAINS !
1 Blundall Piano Walnut finish, 4 ft. 1 in.
ebony keys, guaranteed
for an unlimited time. Regular Pt ice $450.00 Sale price
1 Dominion Piano Mahogany finish, 4 ft.
Levee, specially de -
high, ivory and
0 in. high, 71 or
signed in the highest style of art. $200 00
Regular Price $450.00 Sale Price ill!•
1 Morris Piano Mahogany finish, 4 ft. 7 in. high, guaranteed
for 10 years, ebony and2
ivory keys, Regular Price $500.00 bale Price...... . $240.00
1 Dominion Piano Pure Walnut finish, 4 ft, 8 in. hi h,
This is the best piano manufactured by
the Dominion Organ & Piano Co. Has bees rented about 215 00
0 months. Regular Price $35Q.00 Sale Price. •
1 Ennis Piano 00 Mahogany finish. 4 ft. 7 in. high, Colonial de-
Regular Price $300.00 `isle Price $225 •
We will deliver to your home anyof the above PIANOS complete,
with STOOL and HANDSOME DRAP. on payment of $20. and you may
pay the bylance due at $2 a week.
Regina Watches, when sold
without an Official Guarantee,
and by other than an authorized
agent, are liable to be Second -
Hand Watches, taken in trade
or procured in some other
second-hand way.
I am the only authorized
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issuean Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada.