Exeter Advocate, 1910-03-17, Page 3New Health and Strength for W'r'eak and Ailing Girls Can Be Had l hreugh the Rich, Red Blood Made by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pecpie. Tilers comes a t:.,:r in the life of ent, and I grew pale and d• :.1 est“: 1. almost every girl when sickness at- I was dizzy nearly all tit • 'one, sill tacks her. The strain ups.] her pimples broke nut n rn► facer 1 tIt arc was altogether in a miserable een- blood supply is too great, and dition and it seemed impossible for comes headaches and backaches. tree to continue my s.0 lies unless, 1 1')b'1 of appetite, attacks of diz•'ineas found a speedy cure. 1 tried tcver- and heart palpitation, and a gen al tonics prescribed by tho decror, era: tendency to a decline. Tea bit' they proved useless. My luu- on;y thing that can promptly and titer urged me to try Dr. \1•illiates' speedily care these troubles is 1)r. Pink Pills, and I finally conter•ed Williams' Pink Pills. This :s tlrs t) do so. I had hardly finished the on!., medicine that actually makes second box before a clieng: for the 4.;, rich, red blood, and it ill.illt.- better took place, and the use of a fol supply of rich blood is the one few boxes more fully re"tur:d my thing needed to maintain the health health, and 1 have since Leen wc'l of growing girls and .wont ri of ma- and strong. 1 feel that 1 cain ti turf years. The truth of this state- say too much in favor of I)r. \\'it- nt'nt is proved in the case of Stiss Hams' Pink Pills and l strongly re - Esther E. Sproule, Tru,ulanville., commend there to u:tier F ;ling N. S., who says: "At the age of girls." sixteen years 1 left any country You can get. these Pills from any home to attend high seh»l. The medicine dealer or by rnail at 50�. cls Fe .•.,nfinemcnt and lot., hours a box or six boxes ter b? :O ft' m of study nearly broke me lre,wn. Sty The Dr. Williams' Me'liciae blood supply scented -o is dcfiri- Brockville, Ont. HOPING. 'She's living in hope." "What is it?" 'Mat some day a style -in hair dressing will come in that will real - 1y become her." HEALTH FOR BABY CrAFORT FOR MOTHER,. The mother 11 ho has once used Baby's Own Tablets for her chil- dren will always use them for the minor ailments that come to all lit- tle ones. The Tablets give a guar- antee of health to the child stud ease and comfort to the mothct•. They cure all stomach and bowel trou- bles, destroy worms, break up solids, and make teething easy. Mrs. H. Lavoie, St. Felicite, Que., ta4s:--"I have used Baby's Own Pallets fur indigestion, constipa- tion and other troubles with per- fect results. i think so much of the Tablets that I use no other me- dicine for my c•l)ildren." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 rents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A MAN'S CANDID OPINION. "Are you," site asked. "one of those foolish people who think man 18 superior to woman 7" "I am not," ho replied. "It is my opinion that if rn.tn had to have his clothes hooked up the back and - A writer for the medical press weir compelled to wear his heel states that coughing is responsible udder his instep and keep his hat for the bursting of blood vessels on by ramming a pin through his quite frequently. A cough or cold hair. he wouldn't amount to half means inllam tion (fever) and as much as woman docs. congestion, t>Z these in turn indi- I All wa.wen anew w5111 t. M haysvlolent Patn catc that the body is full of poisons Pem. tak..•0. thing alt .ome another. Oar ad- and waste matter. Simple relief, vice t., place • chs D & 1." '.ith,l rla•ter ns found in patent cough medicines, e'went the e,t ••f t!... pain: it will do more to glee you comfort than .anything. anal whiskey, often result in more - ,harm than good: as they cause Andy Carlo :sir says he made his more congestion. A tunic -laxative start in life by borrowing mone}.'et,tigh syrup will work marvels and; \Ye may seat be able to ward off here follows a prescription which poverty. is becoming famous for its prompt, - relief and thorough cures. it rids - unto one "IIROMO QIrI? i? tt" the system of the cause. except it =Teat 1• FA 'I aTIYR PROMO ql'1\IYK 1''k be consumption. Don't wait for for the •ianatu,e of K w OKOVF. I'..I the world mese to Cu.,a ('old in tens nay too consumption to grasp its victim, but begin this treatment, which N(YF A \IODEf. FAMILY. cures some in five hours. Mix in a bottle one-half ounce fluid wild cherry bark. one ounce compound esstnec enediol and three ounces I know that," nnswered the pre- syrup white pine compound. 'Take c.•. ion'! juvenile, "But things I twenty drops every half hour for (oto hones. Then ono -half to one A LONG R'IN'ITER. If the testimony of one who knows is to be credited, life in some of the high mining -camps in the. Rocky Mountains is about as hard as at the top of the earth. Marshall Basin is a mining region twelve thousand feet above the sen e -a huge, bowl -shaped area formed by erosion and disintegration at the summit of a mountain peak, where the snow drifts and packs re - 'mains the year round. A miner from the place was a witness in a suit over a title. "How long have yon lived in Marshall Basin ?" asked the lawyer conducting the examination. "The best part of one winter," was the reply. The lawyer, who was an old - tinier, would have been satisfied with the answer. but the judge, who was a "tenderfoot," broke in testily : "That's very indefinite. What do you mean by the best. }:art of one tvietcr " "\Yell," replied the witness, slowly and thoughtfully, "I've been up there about eleven months." COUCHING BURST BLOOD VESSE... Sats 1)aneer .%voided and ( urea Coughs in 5 (lours. "Your father doesn't think you have been especially well-behav- ea," said the small buy's uncle. hate hear,' ►neither say makes me think he isn't any judge of bigh- class deportment." 1 OWE MY LIFE. TO CIN PILLS. if you want to nee n he tip,. .1%1A11. jest call on Mrs. Mollie 'Dison, S9 liotkiu Ave . West Toronto. tDer ten year' o1 entfcrinx from Not!'.y it;•w.sr. 1 bel.ere 1 owe my lite to 1.11) P111. i1,f•.re 1 berAll osier Din Pill• my hark ath*'d an mue'h that timid not put nn my ani a. but otter taking thus hoer. of (lin P114 Ho !is troubles are all gone. It is a pl.•a.ure for me to add one more tr.tinlenial t•1 the grand reputation of 'Gin P111• - Mr.. 11. D gun. r•0.•. a hut. 6 for 12.50 at all dealers. Sample free if you write National Drug A Chemical Co.. ilh'pt. W. L. Toronto, Jot Ht ed of fluor mill company say* ter.spoonfiti three or four times a day Clive children less according to age. '1'---- -- PUNCTUALITY OF ('OMFT. POSTMISTRESS HAD NERVE. I'r•esencc of Mind Resulted iu 'Ilio '1'hictes Being Caught. A remarkable instance of bray - e .% and presence of mind on ti : past of an old lady has occurred at Eaton, England. Mrs. Ann lice vc, the post- inistress, a '.soman of sixty-eight, was sorting the mail -bag '.'.beim she heard noises in the shop and saw Gr iw•1 men ransacking the drawers. c; N auGus / CDLDS She at one pushed of tht rel itde and was going to tackle the: other when she was struck to the - groutid with a violent blow from Black velvet slippers will be %% sin seine instrument, which cut- open; with the dainty lingerie frocks of ht r forehead. She got to her feet, ; Inc spring. however, rushed out of the shop, - ---- ant!, after locking the door on the. Do It Now. --Disorders of the di- itrangers. roused the whole til-; gestive apparatus should be dealt lags. The house was quickly sur- with at once before complications arise that may be difficult to cope with. Tho surest remedy to thio end aid one that is within reach of all is Parnielee's Vegetable Pills. the bet. la,atite and sedative om the market. Do not delay, but try thein now. One trial will convince anyone that they are the best sto- mach regulator that cam be got. A wise man sat just enough and then puts the llidon. iso is the word to ref ember when you need a remedy rounded by the villagers. One of the two morn was caught in the shop. The other tried to force his way through the roof. Ile mane a hole and put his head through. only to find one of the villagers standing guard with a thick stick. He was warned net to come through and on persisting, received a blow which senthim to the floor below. The villagers handed both men. se- curely bound with cords, to the police. ea A 1.11'1.1.1: COLD. He caught a little cold - That, was all. Se the neighbors sadly said, As they gathered round his bed, When they heard that he was dead. He caught a little celd- That was all. (1'nck.) Neglect of a cough or cold often leads to serious trouble. To break up a cold in twenty-four hours and cure any cough that is curable, mix tv o ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com- pound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. Take a teaspoonful every four hours. You can buv these at any good drug store and easily mix them in a large bottle. Velvet ribbons and bincl- feathers r the some of the enrli'• t 'Tuscan hats. PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method Montt Atter Mentha cold etteYe. and seems sn Mar 5o!6a in roar throat. Are you aware that anon a etubh•.rn and long neglected cold is cured filth Allen's Lang Kal•an+l Any man who has money enough to be in right on fond these days must be all wrong. Fres to Our Reader's. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago. Cor 18 -page illustrated Eye Book Free. 'Write all shout Your Eye Trouble and Marl they will advise as to the Proper Applicn• nit's Hair 1�r(IIl1ULC1' Hon of the \tonin' Fyn Remedies in Tout Crows Hair on any /Said Head Fpeclal ('ape. Tour Drugrlct will tell you On 'air ret the Knot Simpenn•. Iln,r nr• that Murine Relieves Fore Eye.. Strength• too weak Eyre, Doesn't Nmart.'oothe! partm.•)rit, Tr;ontm, fart, or the. Marlatt Eve Pain. end acne Inn 50e. Try It in }lair "1": 1,.; 1'o • Toronto, the. Tone Eves and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelid, and Granulation. Plain Talks toWomen. INJURI[S R SKIN SORES -QUICK CURE. •A little child ran crying to her mother the} other day with alt nasty flesh wound and asked far Zam•ltuk. T There lies a more powerful argument for Za_I..}3:!:: than even the scientists can bring. The child had had Zam-Buk beffore and knew it cased pain and healed. Zan -Buk works in two directions. Pre- vents worse results from a skin injury or skin disease (such as festering and blood p3isonin2,) while it repairs the damage already done. Zam-Buk is entirely herbal, is pure, contains no trace of animal fat or inineral coloring. Surest and qukkest known healer. FATHER AND SON BENEFIT FROM USE OF THIS BALM. 9 Mr. Wallin Adams, I77 Railway Are., results. Ia • tow weeks Zan Buk Stratford, says :-" My son, %% itliaro, healed the wound S0 nicely that my sun while playing barefooted •bunt the b* -k. was sbb ones more to Ro about, and also yard, cut his little toe en the sharp edge to wear hue shoes witiroal tae slightest of a riecs of tin. The toe was cut at the Inconvenien^o. Nut only is Zane}kikfirat joint, and almost severed from the 'tamable for wounds and cats,k:, used as foot. My wife harriadiy bathed it with an embrocation. I have also found it warm water, afterwarde applying some eEectire for rheumatic pains•" d lint thickly spread with 'Lara-Buk. The healing balm quickly checked the tow of Lae•hat ewes cute, Duras ocarina: Harriers, blood, eased and soothed the pain, and rakers, .std cracite, and all skin dt.ea.aa fires. prevented infku(mation and mere serious and soma' . t Dai' er Past ()ee tam rhe P f. e., Tomato. fur Price. EDUCATIONAL Edward C R O N V N Co. 1 I' %TIN TRF, a tenre Tr tnF: vete •a•..trm rnnitn•'t prar•err; rrrefnl Members Toronto Stock Exchange. Inrtrnetion: few wink• rmmnlete e,uree: Sate Investments ‘t,i10 (or our weekly tool. free! Cradnr',•• enrn to -Ice to ,•4re•llIaron aecontie, • richtnon dollar* a-reklr- write r"r ratq. Refer as 1...eundu,g 4.. any bank. 1nettP. tinter narher CDuerr. ^^l queen We have rum e1 t • 1 Past. Toronto. our new building, 90 Bay 5t., Toronto. :1nd if a worm dues turn, what ,h.,es it benefit him? The Real Liver Pill. -A torpid liter means a disordered system. mental depression, lassitude and in the end. if care he not taken. a chronic state of debility. The very best medicine to arouse the liver to healthy action is Parmelee's Ve- getable fills. They are compound- ed of purely vegetable substances of careful selection and no other pills: have their free qualities. They do not gripe or pain and they are 111' YOUR PiANO BY SIAM ASlONO our cath bargains in used upright pianos. some in use lees than fix months one Ileiut,m:ul, 5125. Nordheimrr, 5140• Melton & Rigel). 5195, Leach. 5195 Each instrument warranted. $5 extra for box• ing Write immediately for porta mars. l its I..... h Naos es. see It. d, Montreal. DO VOU WANT TO KNOW it rnr•m,+ emo5tic untold) fa,•t' about Human Nature T Read Dr. Foote's' • .V.,•rder" honk on the ()Oleo le Fnhirr•tq r -r Love, Marriage, Parentage. Health. Disease, and Freaks. i. i4 1 h fruit of 50 t ears' experience of a eitecMFful author and praetitineer. Full of ndeto' nerra- •ary to every man and woman. Contains' more vital Nets than your doctor would rice you for teal dnllara. in 3 eeetlnn., 710 pe.e• end 40 illnvtr^tin•... Price foe. L. L. Hill Cook Co., 129 E. 25 St., New York sl ayreeable to the most sensitive Is Your Hearing Good ? If you suffer from bleeding, Itch- ach. fig, blind or protruding Piles, send 11',w much louder it sounds when The IIEAWO PHONE will give you the benefits of good hearing. Send Ior r re me your address. and I will tell some one else slams the door! booklet. gla'itu Iturliculars and nnl'r. of salisncd u••ers. Also sou how to cure yourself at home I --- Sr.eclal Offer for a Month's Home Trial. }•,: the new absorption treatment; TO CURE, A Co1.11 IN ONE VAT THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, ::11(! will also send some of this ass.I.txsitvp mosses enjoins Tablets I'ruicistr nfnml m,nec i( it"fait, to cure. ti W tome treatment free for trial, with (4ROVIS'`I •iguature 1a 0u e�rh box also. if requested. Immediate relief and Two heart.. that heat as one references from your own locality eel PILES permanent cure assured. Send no doth keep time tory lung. money. but tell others of this of- ---- fel. Write to -day to Mrs. M. Sum- Minard's Liniment Cure; Dandruff. niers, Box 1'. 719, Windsor, Out. --- Heels are getting In the midst of conjecture eon- narrower. eerning Halley's comet, one thing is certain about its tail. If it hits mu., A Few Shares for Sale Cie earth there will be some inter- Cure' ( •tit:g by-products. .4 Spadina Avenue, Toronto lister; toes von tried Holloway's Corn It has no equal for remov- ing these troublesome excresenees as runny have testified who have j tried it. r Blind, Bleeding, Itching, Protruding Piles quickly and permanently cured by the .4.0.1 \,'.,ilii t• Ruud P.' I,10111i.:11 te111('dy LYLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES Pri a S' f4 6 for f' 00. mailed on re- ceipt of prise LYLE MEDICINE CO., 111 Qu.en West, TORONTO. Mlnard'a Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, Theodore Dnrnto, a mein• mer of mine, wee completc:y cured of rheumatism after five yea,• of pull(r.i.g. by the judicious use of 111N ARIES 1.1x1 - t+ E N T. The shove fn. f• can he yrrrrd by writing to him. to the Parah Pr.est or any of hie ne,rhbore. A ('OTE liner hent. 3t. Isidore. Poe . 1. May. 111. Semi-precious stones, •et in ex- quisite filagree w'errk. are in high fat or as dnytinle ornate• rets. Mteslewsrtee M An swede are friend* et flats - killer 11nmlre-l4 of lettere t«.tit!• t•.' the feet, {{alley's Comet which i' the most V aponalant•e, ii.tntn*t•amdI'll br•ure..ddenshomhn«ate111; allu;sht 11r►a1er.hhru.. (anions in history, appeared In A`•dd,,4n1.tuter. then i. but one "Painkiller', Perry Davi,' Ise sad LOC. 16`,2, and was given the Warne of • Halley because of that astronomer's Embroidery that looks like rat profound investigation of it. Ile tall braid is be employed quite fixed its period of revolute'n effectively on linen tailor mades. around the sun at about sewents - ___ __ five years, and predicted that it Minard's Liniment fcr Sale Everywhere. would appear again in 1759. He dirt not live to see his prophecy fol -J .\ NEW I1IS1:1`;1;. filled, but it till• returned - the, first body of the kind to verify such' A ht(11 girl one day came' in the a prediction -and was detected on sitting -room with a little sick chick - Christmas Day, 173e. it appeared en in her hand and said. "Do seine - again in 1835. passing within 5,-, tiling for blast quick. 1 am 'fraid Datsun for high cost ..f living is to 000.000 milts of the earth, corn-' `l4).fe and in the filet that people d(' Partitively all calculations. 1 n (1 was to apphen, ear , ra eat ene'ugh bread. Naturally. twain to the oak^d etc in elle ▪ 11.••(1 be roll '•f a job if he th'ntrht otbcrwi•t•. Spring of 1910. Good Ncws for Dyers Don't Miss It. Th.(o.et mood ONt D e for ALL GC .'s Just Moto of it f W,t5 the SANE Dye )ea.. nrol..r ANY kmr..lel/loth Pg,tSSMy•-Nr (AA 0. of enet.,kse. All..dnr• re rents Ron, • ye1•r Ornegtat or Dealer Sampler Card and Hookkt Free fr, •n The Jo8neen•Richoidson Co., Limited, peat. M. 51 ..trrcl, Que. ONE GLE.1M OF J)Y. ,iohnny had two presents at the •alae time - one a diary. which he ki pt sere enrefully, and the other a tun -tile ting pup -gun. which he fir(4i in! '1 IIIIIIIatell' Oil all twee - Ge, 1 , his mother found the i ,llf•... _ roe reeord in his diary: 't'ai'l' . „1(1 ttnd slopl)y. Toesdt' r.l•l •III .Ioppy. Wens'}' sold and !Al. P1-: 'hot l;ranu'a.., Ilat elf the moment include Tus tail straws tt ith wide cavalier brims all dowser trimmed. I T N Ci yladras in the heavyweights. is making up great numbers of chil di -en's wash dresses. NEW TRADi?IZS BANK BRANCH ES. A Branch of the Traders hank has been opened in Erskine, Alber- ta, and we are advised that one will be opened in Matheson. On- tario, about the '21st instant. This will make 106 Branches of the Traders Bank in ('ann(la. after antique styles fashion. Necklaces are high in __- Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. i ' '('ttes of soft satin ril,hr•n are 11141(411 used for trimming gowns. Trial Proves its Excellence. -The he. t tevtirnonia! one can have of the t•ittno of 1)r. Thomas' 1 -electric Oil in the treatment of bodily pains, coughs. colds and affections of the respiratory organs, is n trial of it. If not found the sovereign remedy it is reputed to be, then it may he rejected as useless, and all that has been said in its praise denouftc•ed as untruthful. he's got the perrin jercitis (appen- 411. 1t i•)." Vsc the safe. pleasant And effce- tun! worn) killer, Mother Graves' W. ern Exter►ninater: nothing equal. it. Procure a bottle and take it home. ('ONViN('ED. "i have figured en the proposi- tion." said Mr. Wiggins, "and I find tint I cannot afford to oa n an atit•,mObile." "But you de. Coil one," "Yes. that's how I know." :1ER1.11. NO1'RiSIIMI':NT. "Orchids live on air." said the botanist. "i (can't. know about that." re- plied young 11r. }''Timm. "lint if i keep on buying theta, 1'11 have to." yr one of the best l..an t'ompleslea b, , .nada on eas) tenni : Duly $10.o0 down Money to Lend at SI; on approved 'e.nril :e. Apply for p.uticulsr• to 51. .1 KI:N 1-, Box 4;11, I.,ndon, Out I►un•t be too anxious to grasp an opt ortunity that is sizzling hot. if a mug)) makes your nights R1(epless and weary, it will worry yet. a good deal, and with good cause. To dispel the worry and give yourself rest try Bickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup. It exerts a seething influence on the air pas- sages and allays the irritation that lads to inflammation. It will sub- due the most >;tubburn cough or cold, raid eventually eradicate it horn the system, as a trial of it will prove to you. And the sweetness of some wo- 1t)erl rerninds us of sugar-coated 14111'.. "A grave yore decants" 1s the ery of tortured emir for mercy 11.•r, there merry in the f•'rm .1 shoo -e Lurie Balsam. which i• wile! with each 1 effect even in consumption's early stages. Nerer ueclect a cough. Girl with two voices has gone to Paris to study singing. (111055 we tw,•rl•t take our holiday abroad this :outliner. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. THE itl•:.- I, .SOLUTION. In that old nursery tune i)id real life lie; The cow jumped over the nie.,.n That made beef high. _s Sick Headaches are not caused by anything wrong In the head. but l' constipation. I,linusne1 and indige.•tion. Il. ad• "the powder. or tablet.' may d'art Pei hut cannot cure them Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills do sure sick headarl+r In the .en.lble way by removing the constipation or aiek stomach whirs r"n..d tbern Dr. Morse'. Indian Root Pills are purely se•retable, (tee from any harmfnl drug, safe and sire. When you feel the headache '.mils ing lake Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills FARMS FOR SALE. j� 0 YO1' w' ANT TO SEL. YOUR A)) Farm ? 1,ist it with toi. Wt' will 0d you a buyer. No Pale, no commis. Bion. J. Martin .5 Co., Hamilton, Ont. STOCKS IHANDLE'( Y. AND COMMA' SlorKll nn ennnn44Finn. Am on the spot and know what i- going on. Write for da':• market better H. J. Kanarv. Room 00 13 ':, oft '4t . '1',r.•nto MACHINERY. lr'Ar ,,INERY IiEAnQrAItt:F:R 4 - lr iron and woad -working. machrnrrv, engines. ti,. !. r.- steam pumps, 1a,s. nn eugirlee. el.'tris motors„ contractors' machinery. et.• Send for ceteloweie of over 1410 machines. II. W. PET itIE. Limited. Toronto, Montreal, yanemiver. AGENTS WANTCD. NVAN'1'i D LO, Al. AN U OLNEitA[, Agents Liberal (m•trarta to good men . apply by letter. Continental fife Insurance Company. Toronto ('nrr4. pun• deuce r"uldentinl • DENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. /1 Fast selling household specialty. Credit e,tendc.l No capital rrg.rired. Hundred per tun's. profit Write )turkey, RtatioD D. Box 31, Montreal. • DENTS WANTED MAKE. 1110 l'RO- • flt, selling our HpeeinIty. Write now for free partieulnra ,laek+.on s Sale. AFe•tev, itgd.. Box 35. Station 11. Montreal. ' , 4 REE1 LAMES! We want you to try nur exquisite Toilet Prepnrutione. Write um and partietpetr' in our free in- troductory c.:mpsirn. 110me 5periahten. Trani)", Avenue, 'roront... CAL VES RslssThemklrt wrtere.aout Milli u .. >lee ••1'.r.gx• Need Co. Ltd ., Toronto,;0a1. THE LIRDMAN TRUSS 1.4115•,'4 rq red❑ Ih4 (e'ai, End..r•e.l 1.1 forcmo•t +.'dieal mea, tilt« t•.r particular.. It. 1.1N1111A0. tlteg'd) Dl, teal. 111 OPE FOR THE 0E51 -IN ACOUSTICON - .•ne .,f thy' ma velol the et,t,i.-a4 2,0. les u.e 0.11%4h01t the world. write f..r rttw. bogus °eneral Acoustic Co., of ('ane.la. MO Y eams'tr.et. Toronto. APPENDICITIS Cored without ope•ratinn• A11 who are al% Ilirled with Ih1, A,.rn'e .r,.1 wi.b to be cured permanently. safely and quo lily with Ilia great Ilmrneopath1' ren.edv. whirl will he •rut post paid ans. where in the world with full instructions for n•Ing •o as to effr.1 . permanent rare. Prier i2. Address John T. Walt, Homelnathle Pharmsey, Ai -antler. Canada. MD OD Y • • i COARJ err.) pVIWYONIA,111'Djlr ALL lanAi Wwr1' auf ,5l heo wee le "chilled Beeson, - or somas from Sore theta*, l.c Pains, Tooth '(�toay Luml>waa. Tooth so Neuralgia. Sctarl (1, psaroonla, Ton+tl itta.InMnlutattnn of the 6emsehiel'1 ui,e.. flow M or Lut'rautps. bornt+. e Muscles. or Paine of any kind, use asdwala • '� Ready Ruler. er LA GRIPPE Arrested, and Consumption Cured Mr. G D. Cowell, oI \C,!Ler,,'ie Ont. wet stn ken .town with 1.a Gtrrl. 1, N906 and it left 1, m 1n eery ba.lcond.l.rm 1 le ray.: 1 was all rue do•• a and bordehrp on (•onsumpt.on. I could not sleep at n 51 41. had &wt./I./eats, and ,•reg}.ed nearly the VI 1,014 time. Thir hots 1 was when 1 tips to lake Psyching, in a lay. nervous ttxte; but from the frit b•11'e 1 Ltion Io ifrpti rr, k.14 marvels for me and Lrou1'd Ile hack to health in no time, militias oe A- mes of me. It to•tifise the 1.04 'r. r.0 the envie of La Grp(', and is *gulf re - rents, re. 1 always take D.% chow t1 11•,) • (..'•1 .'.mm1 on and it pals Ina Ilia to • o /inv..- For im•.• FwN}AaM Ha0OO.pFFsI1O0UtT4n Ea 11WIrriuPSYC'IE pr 5.'d. . Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMITEDTORO, NTO 'SYCH Nt PRONOUNCED Sl -KEEN