HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-17, Page 2•
The Meaning of the Prayer, "Give Us This
Day Our Daily Bread,"
"(:i•:.' t:- this day .,1:r daily thoughts, then he has in hint god-
brc'ad. '---Glatt. vi., i 1. like capacities. Then to him prayer
In the prayer that men of almost beeonses not simply a possibility hut
ev. ry creed and those ut none can a necessity which con►peie the habit
. [ - w4►r t' gttste tl r ►e 111 a a! 1
)ril in praying we ask for the gift of aspiration. uvti. oJ,portunitie's of he`ar1I1g uutl
of daily bread. 1)•►es this mean This is the prayer that human.: seeing Je,us. the l{ussiun Embassy fur :u)y in
that any are so feulish as to yup- ivy has been breathing in all its,formation they desired concerning
p'.s.,• that by )miraculous intruen- art its music and poetry ; this "as 1 10..1t ureal in the housev--- From I•in,. He proposed to return the
ti+ 1: in answer to that petition our been the root of religion, the sense Luke we learn positively that It font -mime dav, and, everything be
mu, Matthew',; house, and a great to take away the
table., will be: spread and our na- of the unsatisfied Iife and the un- Int; satisfactory, 1 � un -
multitude" were there. dittmunei.
tural appetites satisfied! Perhaps ceasing endeavor to find that which! Publicans -A class hated by the
it has this childish me tniftg to meets those needs not catalogued' 1, ws. To this course the jewellers,
alone.1 J K 11►e gathrrinJ; of taxes way
in our )lr siolu ies nor ma b. our :. , agreed, and, inquiring at the I{us-
i fat•nted out' by the government
But to those wh+, enter into the in:•rkets, Because roan is a spirit at Rone, and was under the con liar: Embassy, were informed that
universal ,significance of this peri- he cries aloud for the life unci light t t.r•al of I rwel tel capitalists. Ex Ceuta Sacha was unquestionably.
tit n it has a finer, greater content. that lie beyond the dust and clay. 1- what he himself claimed to be - the
i tuition was the rule. The tax c" ",n of a wealthy prince, and that.•
It stands for that of which we are The reason so u1:tny even pro- lectors of the Gospels were :went.;
always cousciutls when we cum in- feesedly religious people live such „f the IIe)nu )ulists and 'lore the; Messrs. Sparkle and Shine would
t� the presence „f the infinite trite' brutish lives is because they are f hatred, being classed probably be safe in Biting hint ere
brunt u
fin+) ourselves in the light of truth, et -tithing down this longing; thee' ' wit', cutthroats and rubbers. The , div ft.'. even [core than the amount
and that is that we are never eta are too busy with tht' trifles and mentioned.
type most obnoxious of all were j'hry did not know at the 1'.mbas
ttic lent fur any day without the tools of litinr tt) protide for the ,the Jewish publicans, of whom 'tIat-
hre.a'1 that must. be given to us, needs of life itself, or they foolieh-;thew was one. Though a Jew, `•tae st• that. Sacha had practically been
the feed that strengthens the inner ly hope to satisfy and uurish their •dis►.wned by his father --and they
life. souls by weekly, predigested meal . l had hired himself to the Roman wort agreeable to the ('aunt's own
intellectually and spiritually ritually we No man makes a greater mistake
:government to do the heathen's suggestion, that a member of the
t1 work for the heathen's gold, prof- l•'i nbacsr • should offend at the je��
have not grown much beyond the than hr who neglee•t• the up!,etites y
high chair if our life has not deep- of his heart,who perhaps thinks toI htlnK by the shame and oppression ellen: next day, formally to idcnti-
g ' st! f ' of his country►nen.!' With such fy him. This was dune, and ('aunt
er and more constant needs than himself' men, and with sinners of equal dis- Sacha received the diamond.
those of pleat and drink, if we have 1 AM A PRACTIC.II. MAN; rel;ate, Matthew invited Jesus to Tho same day he called at a big
net conte to know that man does •rat, in order that hc' in part -I have no time to waste in moon-might,pawnbroker's, and, mentioning Air -
n.)[ live by bread alone if we have
net conte to feel that, no matter shine, in poetic or idealistic dream_ int►, with them, make open cunfes- ily that he was in temporary ditfi-
ings. The most impractical lives! sion of his new allegiance. c:ultics, pledged the diamond for
ate those that have no time for I 11. 11' hen the Pharisees saw --Ac- the smaall sunt Of £50..
dreams and the emptiest those ' cu► dins to the custom the banquet The next day found Count Sacha
whose hands are go full they hal' would stand open to the pub• once more at :Messrs. Sparkle and
)tate no time for their hearts. i li.• gaze, and the Pharisees had fol- Shine's. His sweetheart, he said,
When you get back to the secret lowed him[ with set purpose. was enchanted with the diamond,
of all great livor you will find this They said unto his disciples -- lett --oh, the extracag'tnco of these
always true: That their roots:,114hy not to Jesus himself ! Perhaps women -nothing would satisfy her
struck deep; from far below the they were still stunrtillr from his now, but that she should have an-
sttiface they were daily securing' recent exposure of theme and other diamond, absolutely matching
feared further embarrassments. the first.
.Another suggestion is that they 'flan jewellers explained that to
th..ught by their scorn to draw iiuttch such a stun. would be a mat -
some from following Jesus. ter of great difficulty, and the price
12. He said --Making himself of the second genu would be enurnl-
spokesntan for his disciples. 111 one ot.sly increased; in short, for such
swift sentence he discloses his syn►- a pair of twin diamonds they would
panty fur the outcast, and .pit°- have to charge £:;,000, a fancy
r[iizes his mission as the physician price, but it %%els a fang order.
of those who are morally and spirt- Count Sacha shrugged his shoul-
tlutlly sick. dors --the price was stiff, but he
13. Go . .. leaen-They knew this c ulc! c.eny his sweetheart nothing--
word about mercy and; would Messrs. Sparkle and Shine,
Verses 9-13 treat •►f still another' mounted diamond, and desired t,� Duster -A bag made of soft
challenge te, the Pharisees. be sheen n ssunte speciutene. * outing flannel with a ruffle at the
bottom and a drawstring at top to
ill tit over the broom, w ill be found
excellent for dusting wally and
the bull of Alphaettu. certain remittances being delayed, ceiliT•g*.
At the place of toll--Taaee were : he was not in a position to complete * ******* , * fleapit hole-- By drinking a Klas-
collected from goods imported urs the purchase- at the moment, and,
of cold water et ere. nturtliug Un-
exported, 4 and ('ap.rn•auut w+ -old ; i:t any case. he wished first to sub -
9. Matthew --This seems to lit' the From the glitering tray he select -
adopted name of the 'man a ho lig- (•ti a beautiful stone. price £&tw.
ures in the other Gospels as Levi, He then explained that, owing to
1'l ii'1'I:U RECIPES. mediately after rising and just be -
be a suitable) ,lace fors a custom-; net the stone to his sweetheart's fore retiring this relieves a disor-
1 e .)re''al- one i•: Devil's Food---.\ two lay deied stomach and liver, or tee
boos., drtu.►te d as it was on the 1' ! 1 er devil's food cake ct'ith only
one, Ile added suavely that, of course,
chronic constipation Prem which su
lake and on the great caravan route i•. the
egg- Take yolk of ons egg,
between Egypt and Damascus. tae he was unknown to Messrs. g K13 many persons suffer.
Sparkle :tncl Shine, he could not put ene -h,ilf capful of
milk iik and nuc'- Cooking Help--- One-half hour h,,.
hollow me -His itnnittli:tic' re halt cu ►fu' of cocoa, heat well and sponse clay be expiaii,t1 by the eepec•t them to parr with the gent 1 fe.l. .meal tinge take ntacaro,ti t.
);et on 1h4• stove to cook slow until'
widespread farce of Jesus, mitt his without making. inquiries, but they l R rit► . tm fact, any cetealr, rank for
p liberty l • ► )ly to a little thick, take off and all one-te%•, minutes, then cover tightly, set
ho••e great the abundance of things
mat be, unless we are nourished
mid sunplie,l within we are in mice
entitle poverty sial fanlitit .
That is the bitter tragedy of many
lives, that- they never (eerie to know
• hunger not satisfied by the
they live and die in a world einem-
B el ileel by things. Neither this nor strength, endurance, courage to at
a),., other prayer can have any rea- tempt high things and faith born
li:.e to them, hceaust their hands of a sense of the things that do not
car. grasn all their hearts serol to tltai[gr-- the eternal verities.
need. Th .y may use the phrases We must find time to nourish the
of aneethc•r life. but they are wholly :lifections, feed the Haeme 4ef high
lin•ited to this one. faith, satisfy life's inner longings
The meaning of this prayer may for food that never was on tab:e;
well be the measure of a man. If nor on board or we shall die at the
it means but bread what is he more roils, and, while maintaining all,
than a Iligesting animal ' But if it th" other forms of life. shall be but
mean: 11enging after truth, hunger welkin, forms from which the soul.
ft,.- het.. the passion for perfection, has fled. '
the desire feer the presence of great
dot our daily bread" to reach out
our hands to the infinite. to be-
lieve that in some way the great
Father of spirits knows our spirit.
( ►111 speak with us ; that the life be -
eel, that larger, completer life
We need to pray, "Give us this'
for tt'hi'h w•r: are horn, may be seen
at totes; its fa'r fruits n:ay sumo-'
tinese bo our 1' 'rtion and in the
strength of that food we may live
our days as those who live for0ver.
HENRY 1'. ('OPI?.
1YTI:RN.1'1'lON 11. LESSON,
they represented the Sanhedrin. !
This ratan blasphemcth- To elan,'
to be able to remit sins was te
throw down the gauntlet to his cep
punentss, for it was an assuutJ►tion
of both the 'incommunicable power,
M 1 R. 211. a.1 1 the right of God. .111 the xeeu-
sat1otts of blasphemy bought
against Jesus (three in number)
were of this character. 'fc. speak
blasphemously was to r•ctider enc
self liable to the extreme penalty
of the law. + A DEAL. !mond. Summoned be an assistant,not put ►addles in ; it will make kitchen table is too low for to
•1. Knowing their thought - CI the proprietor himself appeared. ,eared. ! , 1 ,ee; ►ir to work on. 'Enke four rem-
-1. 1 f1,t 1 1 11 !eve: eem4 gallon.
1 1
Verse 1. Entered into a (,oat.- pare John :.'. ��:,. tail three' aeet1)111* 11� D'111�V1rDS Ile had had aJrss=rs. Sparkle and • (nun doorstops which screw into the
1eeeding to the request of the pe•o make it plain that knov.IcdR...f the Shine's letter, and, remembering wainscoting to prevent doors shtrik-
;Ile of (:era sea. He had gene tali reasoning of tale scribers carne, not the beautiful diamond pledge d with 1 i':SSF.I{TS. inq the wall, and screw one te, the
tae r for retirement. but events heel from %%hat they said, but froru ♦04.0♦0 0.0♦O4.e�.•O4.O��ear hitt n clay or two before, he had' I'4'anly S:a110r. Sauce for 1,44_ing th t•f each table leg. Thi? .the
thr►,•t hint once more into the thre k !►hat he saw in their hearts. Another ;examined it, and, naturally, ('414ntl drags, not hard to meet., eert:ninly ri the table x!►•,ut three inches url(1
of the crowd, and he terneti 1.ae•k evidence of a power not hniniut, fount Sacha Reubletsky Was on, that it met all •'f Sparkle and p makes it mud. tnuri' convenient fur
re ,I., „oil city (Ce ►ertiaiim . Gem- ot expensive, ive. e11td e o lid( 1•t d the tall prt'son. The (1 vr.s(°� r
I ' ills beam ends. Ti.•. the world be was �1.111f''S requirements. th••e,
which is easier there could 1 fitlret. shaucr in the world f„r tourr
j still u dashing roan Hussein oust.- Cream half a cup look like finished portions .,f li'e
}►;'„ the Adclitiun:ll interesting de- b • ro doubt !hitt it was easier to g R I 7'hc Count redeemed the stone, ; or fie,. persons. '
ferias of the story et the demoniac 'I'h�' sins are forgiven. ;\c. mean, Brun of nn itn1)0')) elv wealthy ane! chem the pawnbroker inyuir('d f;ll of butter till soft, a(ld one cup -'legs, are neat. and could net be de -
'a•` •prince, but its point of fact he was i
iu Hark :►, lK .U. cordis to a strict tardition, no 1 1 w) a tl,e r le, .Nance he would care to fall t.f gtanulateel sugar by fret-; tec•ted its being rather than parts
R financially at hi: Inst Ka,l►. a►�1t it ' I ' of the Ings; tlsemmelves. They can
2. '11i brought t••him --Froin man ceeuld get release from disease 1: spoonftl1s. then :141,1 half a cupful ,
a studs- 4.f the ace .tints in the first ttt til all his; sides had been remitted. 1 Monte Carlo, the gaiti0s of Paris, Oh, nes. it was a family heirloom: „f liquid by lrasl,o.eniuls; th. licjuid. be h„usllt for a few emits and
faire. Gospels it. 15 imp4„sible to If Jesus could heal, that in itself nncl now rt succession of disesteems ill, customer would not drrnnt of i, made of hull and half tepid water screwed on in five minutes.
tell whit was the exact situation
--whether Jesus was in the syn.a-
g•eaue (David Snrith), or in the mice. Leh.. should say, :arise, and a'• had cleaned hint out. 1 broke r; he had chewed to shoe the tense the rest of the liquid. l'nt it or grease', one-half peilr11d heroic,
h11ts,e ..f Peter, or on the covered w;llk; whcrens anyone c„ul(I et1y, l'elrtlrr, the most serious I►,•tlt of cliarnund t„ his wife, and she had ill a china pitcher, in which it is, to eight gallons colt) water. Melt
veranda of the house (K'Irrsheim)• sr•ithotit fear of his sham bring dr- all, his father tired of itis continual; taken a violent fttiey to it, so 1111101 !r• served, fetal and narrow is brat.1grrase .►r drippings and s;t,rnin;
At any rate, the talion}; was so tet ted, `'The sins are forgiven." extratatigances, ha•l put hiss foot so that, to gratify her, he was per l ,t„ hr made thus: fAr in the roue" wl:cn c. ell enutsh to hear the hand
great as to make access to Jesus 6 Son of man .1 phrase occur- dc•wn, and siren hien the choice be ! pared to give a fnnc� prier -he •►f ill.; and set in the ire h..t tititil din-' in it, then add tate 1y4� and stir
impossible except through a hole- tier eighty-one times in the (los- twcen returning to Russia and rug. fe re:I .1,300. ill.; . dset wthe i l have :( sadin-' with e1 s4t 1. !, until all is disnd fir
in the roof. pets, best tiled invariably by our beating on the, family estates. anti' ("mint Sadie laughed and shook 1►,1 , with yit;ore,us boiling wetter add horns and stir. 1\'hen alt le
Lying on n bed anything like it i,crd himself. An Old Testament shifting for himself. j avis (lend. Ll,t)clel . Oh, no, hr rent- ,and set the pit4•Itei in ; do not stir, well blended add eight gall'•ns of
modern bedstead ons carr among till(. which Jesus'= hearers. to- Count Sacha had no mind t-• r•• Iy did nut want tel sell it, and he set') Iry it cut,k, sits. half .111 h(►ur cold aster (buret or soft) an,l stir
the ancients. Uedeltas a titin stat- gether with all Jews, world under- tin 11 t„ Russia. On the ej !4e•► must. be gains!. ►111 offer of i;l.as><►.'it should be all foam; serer ilnnlr�'eltc.ut five or ten minutes. In three
tress, sometimes supported by a stand to refer to the Mesai,(h. By; Iiaiid, he must have Money. ! however, IIIaIIr hire hr'(IIatc'. •\t diatrly: better wait f •r it than Iet or clays it will be lira, like
Relit we•„den portable frame, auf- using it to designate himself .le.4 i .1ptirt front his perscomil extra- lat,,t, nft.r J►ral.)nJ3;cd chaffering' it wait for yen. Snowy white, sit- jri four making an will be firm
heed. , eng:tncee. he had designs on nn 1u, ) ....tit yn0h;, passed back thee. dia �) o
proclaimed himsrl� Ian! :1nointed of pelt. (fir plum o► an% title pie) ling. 'wiling clothes, making them white
Sterner their faith--- 1n example Gee, Fulfilment of Jewish hope, j eric•nn heiress, temporarily resident mend t„ the j►nwnhrokrr, and re -I Date I'te.icling. Excellent date arse sweet. .11sho good ter wa: hi1,R
of .rryailin ► interces_•,r� f;i Ili. Theclosenessin Lomita), whom he had met on the crit. 1 (,'l.:)OO in exchange. I fielding. 'fake e,ne• p4•u►Id of entre, d'>b4•+ 11nc1 scrubbing.
prevailing while cmphngizing the oi. � ()nee outside, he jumped into a Sponge
. ---A • beim; slick of the p:alssy, w'c►tl(1 his relation to the human enc('. It Riviera, and it was necessary that , j 1 l,ne (,int .'f .milk. Place in double i'lowcring Sponge. ---•1 fl.►,ceri•)g
included the deeps „f hutniliatie,n! 1' should hr able to support his. ":l t,. and drove els fast as he cunld j„.ilrr and cook until thick. Sent. spe•11J;e makes n pretty seta 4,(
haidly hese the mental alertness 1
and the heights of kingship. character of :t rich young ►can. i to Messrs. Sparkle and Slcine's•. 4 i(114 r hot „r cold with wlhil►pe(1, ((re,•n In rt winter morn tied is
Count Sadie was a bit of rt :1rti%ed these, he explained, w 11 11 Hath authority ur, earth \• well • ' crr:l"'. . 0•,,''4 I. ba'.c. Gm a well sized
n:: in hent ea. He had not logit his; "wrong 'un," but he was n courte-' fenny regrets, that his stwe'rthenrt 1'runr 1W11ip. 'fhtee• "11pfuIs (►f •p las'' ,lith quite large pores,
right to forgive by condescending to • ou• rogue, He wanted men"- had- had changed her %Mill ; she n1, 1011- t befehi fhe} air belled ri4•i-it it and place a few bye
t It , And was nut vete lenticular titular Ag ice.' wanted the second diante�n(.
bis feels- litimen estate. 1 Wren well 41, OW , h•ep fin.. „nr rujt- r ileal. 1►uii)1i in for inner rllanrhrrst.
t.. how' he Jtot it, so lung as ate' Hail tate jewellers yet found it .' NIP, fell ..f not ' ch'1pie'1 line, three- S1►, ink le the (mishit. with mustard
mean, dill not bring him within ale that was well. Still. he feared` ,
marl •,f the law's arm. h' had pelt them) to much trouble. fourths cup of u;ear, whitee of four d et fine grass steed. Hang it.
„ Ile was de•s:eleted. Hee-ever, he egg" I►e"Inn stili, gift inti, a hilt- in :4 stouts- window and keep it.
tHr wanted a to thel(1 or so f w:.K glad to sal hi remittances (eyed pudding dish. T31ke it•in n-cicttllt, all the tiler. The rercl, toil!
n ,thins. That wa. the problem h disli of water half hour. Serve i grow and form with the hyacinth ar`
debate:) as he sat its hie Jenny', arrived, :arid he hall new tn11(11 plea- ,
wit!' e•reaui. t b•':..itiful fle►w(1 ing (,all, entirely
Street lull it► smoking ci -trate sure in handing ',ter 1;500 in par
• R K k K --- ---- �, •' 'paling t 11 c sponge.
.A Paralytic Forgiven and Healed,
313(1. 9. 1-13. Golden r'e'el,
Matt. 9. 6.
sacrifice. But, apparently, they please, at once set about procuring
had not learned its meaning. Jesus
hat; often upon his lips this thought
that was so present in the utterance
of the prof)hets. God wants net
the %sin sacrifices into which men.
rut no humility and reverence, blit'
Ile wants worship that issues into
IotaF cupful of milk, a piece of but- i,; but water. It will In' thoruugl,ly
tee the, size of an egg, one cupful 414 ked, lighter and nicer than any
of sugar, three teaspeeoifuls of bak- ether way.
ink; powder, one and one -loaf e:tp- ('leaning l leee h. Satttrute :t
Rats of Hour, sifted twice., mtakt.
one-half cupfuls of !lour, sifted Titre of cote m u isrgt' as an egg
to ice, make' in two layers.
with coal oil a eed put on the flour
to make filling take the white c,f a►f the elo0k and ..lost. tightly ; in
foul or hte days yon will se_t' the
rel; left, beat light, take one cup ,
works clean as new and the cotton
ful of granulated sugar, put ot► to h:uc•k with particles -of dirt, which
bait with a little water; let buil
have been l.,„'ellt d by the kerosene
ur til threads. 'Then pour on t1141 levees.
beaten egg and tla� „r to taste and
Kilehen Soap. --Take esixpounds
% ou hate enough f••r filling and! � 1 1 akt
ire•sti^g. l of grease melted and strained, one
Pigs' feet L„af.- Take six pigs' • (•:111 Of potash dissolt('(1 In one
feet and buil them until trader. quart of water, and wait until
11'l ile warn[ take the meat front the. the.roughle cooled. Add five cents'
boles and season with salt, pepper, worth of hurax dissolved in one
and sage to taste, then grind itt a Pint of water. !sIis the three in
neral• grinder, then put in a pan gi''•(lients together and stir until it
with a plate en top to press duwtl fiidJ;es. Pour off in large dripping
with a weight until cold. 'Then J,:111 a'd cut in about sixteen bars.
slice ,1114) tail, in a gig, well beaten, 'fhe' longer the soap stands the
and roll in cracker !meal and fry in hnrdrr it becomes.
butter. This is 811 excellent dish' Potatoes. -To snake potatoes
for lunch. v lite and mealy, after straining
Italia[! Spinach Pie. --Take leaves the potatoes, instead of keeping
from a peck of spinach, put in a them covered, which makes them
kettle of salted boiling water, boil! watery, uncover and toss up and
three minutes, strain thele dry, and down in kettle until they become
cue up. Add to it six beaten eggs.! white and • mealy.
six tablespoonfuls of Italian ►!,lite Most people understand ((tat the!
u.l. One tablespoonful of chs 1 j e placing of a marble in a kettle pre-
(1alsley and garlic, salt and pep yer•ts furring, hut few seeut to
per to taste. A little grated nut-' know that a large clean marble
meg, a little union juice, % cup of
boiled in milk, porridge, custards,
grated parmesan cheese. Mix all sauces, or ste�ys will autouutitleally
we',: in a bowl and pour in a bak- : d.. the stirring as lht liquid c•ouks.
int; dish, and bake one-half hour; Ar,y chance of burning will be Ke-
hl a slow oven. It is good cold fur vented, and thus the fatigue of
picnics and (makes a delicious dress- i c„r'st:intly :;tiering and the cook's
tng for baked spare ribs. 1 time can be saved, as by this means!
Lemon Dumplings.Macke baking the cac,k can he attending to sever -
powder biscuits some • shorter than ; al things at once instead of having
ordinary biscuits. Place in bottom to give her whole time and atteu-
of baking pan three-fourths of a t tic))) to one.
emoted of granulated sugar, thea Pressing Velvet. -Heat a i Irge
grated rind and juice of one lemon,' Hrttiren, turn it face up on the
ever this dot thickly bits of butyl • !
limning board, then spread a wet
ter, and cover with a generous,
K s rag oyer the flatiron, immediately
eprinkle of Hour. Place leuscuits, potting the velvet on this face up
the second diamond, which, he in -:on top of this (about twelve), not and brush the nap while the ste:anl
sli't.r(1, trust be an absolute twitch' touching, then pour into the pan, i iq gene t rettiiig ; continue until the
in weight, cuter, shaJ)e•, cutting and gently, boiling water until they ttliol(' dress or coat is steamed,
et -few J,:articular. , swim. This .makes: the sauce to •thc_n after the operation hang it
The jewellers, being unable t:)'sore with the dumplings. Bake in to dry. It. will look like new.
nnntel' the diamond themselves, 1 a quick oven. 'This makes a Fine' (;ndt'rtyrnr Help. When new
► wrote round to the leading dealers tart dessert to serve with a rich woollen underwear is purchased if
fair piny. 'These Pharisees. knew ai.d pawnbrokers, describing the:dinnor.
hew to quibble -over the minutiae ,t• nr. they wanted, and intimating' Salrtd I)ra,.ing. 'I'«�, quarts a piece of Button flannel is neatly
e.f the law, bttt they knew notting that they` were prepared to go as' er(.ant whipped stiff : them take the fitted and !hewed into the ;rents of
.•f the compassionate treatment of fa: as £i,000 fee a perfect. speei •volks of six eggs, beat ,tiff. add to drawers and under
th. 1111115 of
tl,cir fellows. !men. Anlo11g those they wrote tee then) three and ons'-hAlf coffee cup -
it will crate patching and
Not to call the righteous --if the!' was the pawnbroker with w Ih�41Ir fats of maid(' syrup, four and one- n,.nding fur quite awhile, bring
were the righteous they had no ('aunt .Sacha had pledged the e,ri hale cupfuls of sugar, metal to- als., neater. .1 uv material will do,
sinal cliarnund, which wase jtttit what gelhr.r, and cook until thickens in nit cotton cotton flannel is both soft and
that ingenious rascal had intended a (•elle•' boiler; then 14 t get. cold, strs:ng. Sew patch on inside of
should happen. i acl•I thi, garment with twilled side ..f geed,'
to your whipped tl cream,
,a few days later Cotint. Saehr1 3)4td then brat whitest stiff anti add; clown, leaving side with imp t'►
called at the pawnbroker's, 1111(1,p -et in fre.zer, 'thing plenty of salt, touch the skin.
sa�>1 he had-emne to redeem his dig-, ;Intl let ,!and several hours; do kitchen Table. --'fate ordinary
more need for hire.
w•:i : proof of Itis power to forgive.
.1 1 imrlee•`t•)r would be detected at
evenings at it London \Westend a pelting with it.1 . '►
club, where high lay was winked; Tiro was a pity, said the pawn-
and wine. 1f nn appearance. .•f i \\'h;te Soft S.,n) -Ont ran per
R P1 1 !curdling sets in, stop stirring, :old filmed lye, five pounds drippings
renuisite to an act 4►f faith. Still,
it nma% have been at his own insti-
gation (hat the four frit 'ids had
ble.i,ght hitt! to .Tes,tie.
Ile „f good cheer On hie face
must hat t• been signs of the deepair,
Arise That alone might not have
e nd probably also the remorse. bes n runyiucing. }litt that he was
which wan in bis heart because of I able to being into play his entire;
the sins %hid) perhaps were respon-1 I,,,dy in the net of gathering up }tis;
icihh' for his helpless ce'ndition. 11:1, }red, and th( n to pest' throng), the;
bodily weakness had driven h11ine' dense press .ef penl:le in getting to
the seneee of hie guilt and made him his !tense, WgIs ,a (-empiric tindira- ;
ewere that itis! first need was t(, be, tion of the claim 4•► ,i(sue. By this
forgiven. Jesus sae this and went miracle Jesus vibe. s himself to go'
ie the root of the trouble at once. •,o record as de cla► ing hi. equality'
:t. Scribes-- Tradition has asei1111- with G1.d.
ed thein a threefold task : (1) To s; 'fh>'v git•::ft••el (god who had;
study and develop the law' : (:) t„ given 'etch :ltlth,erir' unto then ---'
trach it ; (3) t'► act as judgee in the ?Julrn;esed the •igniftcanee of the
practical ndrninistrati,►n 4'f the law. ineern.atit►n. 'fhi: w:t1 not pee ori
They were present on this t►ecnsion delegated 10 a mere than, but pow'- nig wee, and that he had conic' to
fie critics of the method of Jcsuc. els inherent ill .frees Ae the Son .►f select son,e jewellery for his %wet t -
They had been deeply o)Yrnded by thee tied olid commit to specialle heart.
its praise of the Gentile centuelon, t,r(lained teen the power of feergi '4' Ne a'Itled that the lady wee a '•ol- 1c•ut4'r with white chee,.e el,'t'h, t.trk, two parte of magnesia, t►oede.:(d, •'i'r• thi- 1•e•
anti were other% ice suspieiuu_s of n,'sw, hitt n ,•onditional, net :an ah- lector of Retms, end that be prop.,.- and y,)u 11.1v4' :t 1►etter stinoiter Jol.• part 4.f ['revel' chalk. Sprinkle An 1 yeti .-
Jesus. It is not imNrohable that' solute power (John 20. 23). el to present her with a fine un- cover than you can lMq. in olives. it.
after cigarette. At. last he rte!', 'tient for the original dinntond
with a satisfied emile en his Tartar which his sweetheart lied decided i.iT'fLE 11(-.1.1'$. Pat, hint; with Machine. I'1
fart , 1 toe keep. t ti,, thieknes'es of nrtvtpn up•
t:1,ep. to tate good, ('aunt Srtchtt 'I'e He,nove Rust Kerosene n runehinr, put hat'•h er 11)111,
* * • * *!soured on a rest N huh or screw 1 ht -t, Els- hole t►trr Itch. slice 11
left the shop, hating •'brought off- '
Next meriting Comet Sacha Trutt►• th,I) refuel... 1.► 1itl'rr WWII rernut•e 3r end t%%ie.', one quarter Melt
a nI„st ingenione swindle'. 14 t can
letsky called on Messrs. Sparkle' attu'e•nr ts1� wh.rr I►e enn'r within th • rust and the bolt nese be en- avers, reti e.te• IMP t•, trim patch
and Shine, the well known Ile►nd' re irh 4 f the law ' 1'e�ars:4'n'se 1Wrek. !sc`)rtrrtl ••xsil} .
on (,ne side and h r 011 the other
Street jewellers.
He ! xplainecl who 1`.
'tender Feet. Many persons arc close to Qlitchin Whet) turning
tr,.tthled with tender feet-. The , corteers, lift fo , leaving needle
f,•Ilowing is 1 permanent and Itnrrn-lilt the work ant turn the paper, the
(:)ld Blankets. Wash nnL;+'rich les,:etre : lior'tci0 acid, two j►:1rts, f,re•.' will fell ., without a wrinkle.
're you lose this p:le,•r
never regret of forget