HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-17, Page 1clef II Out TwzNTy-THIar) YELP. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARC!! 17,1910. NDERS & Canal The Old Reliable >- a last Week Ended Our ,BIG SALE and will now prepare to get in line with Spring. which will soon be upon us. Our New Spring Goods are coming to hand New Laces New Tins New Carpets New Fmbroideries New Prints New Rugs New Curtains New RfuElins and in all the latest styles and colorin's. New Dress Goods New White Near New Squares New Shirt Waists Shortly we will bare in our new line of Shirt Waists -the nicest up -to date we have ever goods o Aea very fine lliine of own. F Also ancy White Underskirts Highest Price Paid for Produce. CARLING BROS. 0000004460.00201/446 WALL PAPER lommummsommw This is the season for wall paper and this the place to I,uy it. All going at Half Price and all new paper LACE CURTmsoommENNEsAINS We hare a nice let o Lace Curtains from 45c to $3.50 a pair All her Goods Going at Cost Price Ismo for the next two weeks. -naso- Come here for BARGAINS Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. We Keep Nice, Clean. Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE -- ONE DOOR NORTH OF POMT-OFFi('E ----- T 1000000000000000-301%)024064 w PHONE 22 reeTemlesel Cards. DR. 0.P. ROULSTON, LD.S.; U.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto University. DENTIST CedarOuDicksones,.-Or k.on t ('cling. Law Otfes.Closed Wednesday afternoons Posts for t Eeter. T.Iepooe No. 5. \1ONET Tu LOAN ON F.\IOI AND VILLAGE 1'ropertiee at lowe-t rates of ,irl,terert. ERNEST ELLIOT, OctsOpposite Central hotel, Exeter, Ont. �DIL A. IL KINSMAN. L. D. 1., D. D. 5.. e•or graduate of Tweak) Ueherlety. DENTIST, ilesei extracted without say pals, or say bed *Sects OMs.TerQWmaa a 'cookery's elks, Niels street itadleat Esa 111101sT. 11. D., W. C. P. a e. HONOR Oedsele of Tonere University, two pan t WskMlaa Rolm Alexandra Hospital, etc. ad ReM nee, Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew utast, STITES. DA. T. BOND, TOHONTO, POET ORAUUATE of New York Poet (1rastuate College. successor t0 practice of Dr. A. F. Malloy, Exeter. Reaidence- totNy ed 11 Or Yalloy, Andrew ht. OTve - 1'ormerly the Elliot Law 011, e. 0ppoalt. Central Hotel. D1. T. P. 1t1oI.At'GIILIN Has resumed practice after spending a year (Col• tege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General practice with special attention to Eye, (with refrac• :los) Lar Nose and Throat. Orli.. Dasbaood, Ont. Legal. DIOLSOS a CARLING, BARRISTER.", SOLICI ten, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners golleftorsfor Ilobon* Rant, etc. s*a•y is Lsss at lowest sato. of ',wows Ogees, gats street, Exeter, 1. Oasum, E.A. , L. 11.1 acs 2011 ili O/1IT TO LORA. We Mvs a large amount of private feeds to lose R�fel me rinser* properties at low rates of Inter OLADl1AN a 5TAXIURT,1 ltarrbt.n, eelkitem gals et.. teeter O• -. B. S. PHILUPM,, Blunt& ��`\ Skewed Aectl•a••e. tlLlei st.ttes4s 1s all Arte. aattehctlea rusran• Md sem Tsease rweemble. all .Nees jaw will be sresptly'Resoled M. J. ezxuos Agent Cont.d.ration Life Aswan.. 01mIts y iris ho FIN British Oompaniies. Bair-1lt., /Utter. LICENPED ACC 'IONESR WM. ANUShSC)N. Lice need A*rtieneer ter Heron County. Terms reaeor,aNe, Date* ran be nude at it a Advo •ate Sreter, or ilenry rtIber's Oftlt•e, C -ed: ROW 1111-111111 We !.ave tt.c finest quality of Cedar Post at moderate -prices. G. E. HICKS, CENTRALIA PIANO AND CUTTER FOR SALE. MMEIMMINIM A new first-class Piano for sale chap; aloe cutter. Apply to W. Arnold, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE. One cf the fir.est farms In tlsborne Apply to SANDERS & CREECH. Exeter ASSISTANT %faTltON AND NURSE WANTED Aelecat:Ons for the position of second assistant matron and nurse' for the iturc:l County house of Refuge will be received at once by John Torrance. In- spector. Clinton 1'. O. Aplfrarts will be required to furnish references. Per- sonal applications pereerred. A liberal salary will be paid. By order oe the committee, JAMES WATSON, Chairman. Dated Marc'n 2. 1910. FOR SALE Cottage and three lots to Exeter, being lets Noe. 55, 56, and 57, on the • South cede of Sirrcoo Street. On thi• properly Is a frame cottage (brick foundallen)con telrarg five rooms and • good cellar. Also a good well and a large •table. Good garden and fruit trees. The pro- perty is to be •old to wind up the estate -Apply to (MADMAN & STANBURT, Barristers, Exeter, Ontario. SEED BARLEY 4"u bue'.r1• of Manchuria sed barley grown from selected seed f three year also 10') bushcle of se'd fess. Prices c• spit atter.- W. D. SANDERS. Exeter, Ontt HEREFOi1D DULL FOR RALE. Thoroughbred Iler.tord Bull for Sale. 22 monies old. Pinot-claim •nlrnal. .k lac Miil take a -,umber of cattle to tend et raw. S1IF.RWOOD HUNTER. Let 1. Co'. 4. U•borne ; Centralia P. O. CENTRALIA The Saado property was all dlsposel of at the Assignee's Sale here on Mon - Jay. Wm. Moffatt bought the UO acres for $5,400. Thos. Oliver got the 2 acres by the railway for $223. Wm. whits bought 50 acres oe the 4th con. of Stephen for $1400. \Wit. Anderson was the ..0 Ounce!' and he deserves credit for the able metier in which he conducted the sale. -Chicken pox 1s very plrrlifui aurone; the chi,drt.n at pres- ent. -Mr. Thos. Willis, sr., Is reeover- It;. front an attack of la grippe. -Rev. Ss!ten is vtsitins iris daughter, \Ira. E Ctleill.-Mr. ".V. Cave and family have de_laed to remove to the Northwest and have sold their horns to the village here to Alex ! lcrgott.-Thos. Willie has moved into Dr. Ornte's hose and J. HeJley has moved into F. Abbatt'e house. vaca.ed by Mr. Willis. -The W. "1 S. met at the residen••e of Mr. It. Handford last week -Mr. J. Eeg11.h pf Corb.tt has neave3 eater Anthony.Nc- vin's farm. -John Smith has been tee gages to work Thos. Ei.ton'a farm. - An outbrea, of measles has prevented a rile of our village pupils from .,:•, K the Itigh Scheel at. Ereteri ARE '.CU GOiNG WEST If so, erception.;l opportunities are •;ew being oefere4 by the Grand Trunk Railway System eve' Chicagol, in the way of "Col Met •Excursioie," " Set- tler's E:y ions," and "Horneseekeri' E•ceu t s." The former rates are one way cond class applying to certain points In California. Mexico, British Columbia, Oregon, Washington, etc., daily well Apre 13th. The Settlers ra- tes are also one way second class and apply to principal points in Saskatc•hc wan and Alberta (Including certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way), and Ln cffe:t March 1ei, 22, 29, April eel and 12tli. Tet: llomeveekei s rate" are . round trip second class ap- plylnJ to principal points in Wfaiitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (including certain points on the Grand Trunk Pac- ific hallway). April 5, 19, etc, and range from Whutipeg and return 332, to Edmonton and return $42.50. Tick- ets good for GU days. Secure tickets from Grand Trunk Agents, or address J. D. McDonald, Diet. ('ase. Agent. To- ronto, art. SITUATIONS VACANT A few more machines will be added to our Exeter Factory at one c. Young women wishing to earn t err n hv- in: and dealrous of g.au eady em- ployment, operating rnachl, s on boys' clothing. Apply at once ta.G. W. Davis. Foreman, Exeter, The Jacki on \t't'g. Ch. TURNIPS FOR SALE About 500 bushels of l hl first class condition. Apply to'�I. ELWOR- THY, Exeter. TP. Ole USBORNE CONSERVATIVE MEETING A meeting of the Liberal -Conservative's of the Township of Ueborne to to be held in the Central Hotel, Exeter, n SATURDAY. MAR. loth. t 2 k for the purpose of appoint' egates to the Conservative Convelit t in Ot- tawa in June next, and other important twtelrean. By order of Executive, SIMON HUNTER, chairman of Com SALE REGISTER Saturday. Mar. 19th. -Household ef- fect, etc.. the property of .fins. If. Jones. John Street. Sale at 1 o'clock. FOR SALE. Choice Plymouth Rock F4gsefor In- cubation, 50c. per 15, $.I.Qi) per 100. Also cho:ce Red Clover seed R. J. HOGARTIi, Exeter P.O. EGGS FOR 1IATc1l!Nt0/ 1 1om selected Harrell Rocks. Male birds Model Farm Need. (x:L2e per lG0 or :,0c. a settinj. Also pen of Mod- el Fern' Barred ;tuck liens. specially bred to ley, $1.e0 per setting. will in- cubate ergs for you at a rrateonable grin.. It,iby : hicks for sale after the 20th of .rpt fl. Ten Ilreredcre and some Barrel (cork nt elts for sale. A call sol- lrhei. Orders taken now. --WILLIAM A SAMRROUK, CIIEDITON, ONT. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undernancd Is offering sale that desirable Village property. being lots 13. 14. 1,-.. corner of \William and Waterloo etrees. There le on the prem- ises a splendid brick house, small stable and other conveniences; also a number of choice fruit trees. The prop- erty is first-class In every respect and is well situated. WWill h' sold reason- able. Aptly on premiere. ALFRED 11OWEY. Exeter P. O. FARMS FOR SALE That choice faun, being part itei 114 and 19, Cott- 1, Township of Usborre. In the Village of Exteer, containing 100 acres. On this property there is an up-to-date brick dwelling with all con- verlcnces . large hank barns. with water In stable•, silo, drive house, iee house, and all kinds of fruit : tt.1 acres in hay and grass, d acres tall w.teat, balance Floweret sat fall. Property In a high state of cultivation and well adapted for • man doing a dairy butanes or general farming. Also R. 1-2 lot 5. Dan. 1. Hay, contain Ing 50 acres, 2 acres hardwood bust', 15 acres in grass, balance plowed. On the premises there is a never falling supply of ware' with whidmill and tanks Thl• property le well adapted for grat- ing or general farming. Possession In March. Sway terms of payment. Must be sold as proprietor's health has fail- ed and he is retiring. For term. and particulars apply to ALEX. DOW, of Exeter. or T. CAMERON Auctioneer of Farquhar. Local Items Revival meetings are being held in \laln Street church this and next week. DEATH OF' Mite. l'(tES'LCATOR.- After a ions and trying illness anoth- er of Stephen's most rerpected residents was cal'ei to her lou; home on Wednes- day of last week. We refer to the death of Gram Sanders, widow of the late John Preszrator. Deceased was a vi: - t in of cancer and her suffering. for 'rimy weeks at Huish were excruciat- in; and alneast unbearable, but with all elle hors h..r affliction: with great eour- h:e and reeienatiou, and while death s sad andbritnes tears of bitterness, oes cannot ,turn that death has releas- el her from the pain and suffering she had to endure. Deceased was a na- tive. of En:land, being born in Devon- 't'tlre tet 1632, consequently she was in her :9th year. When about ten yetre of a -.^.e she reeved with her par- ents to Canada., first settling in the township of Stephen, where she has rcadee contlituously ever since. At about 20 years of age she was mnar- r:ei to Jolut f reszcator who predeceae- ei her about five years. Deceased was a member of the Main street Methodist church and when 1n health and strength wag re uler in attendance at worship. Niro. Preszrator was a kind friend, a good wile and nwttier, always solicit- uoue for the welfare of her family, by w: (int she will be much missed. A 'amtly of five survive -two .,ante and three daughters -Samuel and John of Stephen: Mrs. Chris. Luker, Exeter ; \ire. John Tran„ Stratford, and Mrs. Wen. R'I1 o:t. Tuckei smleh. The funeral too piece• t t the Exeter cemetery on Friday. The bereaved family have the symp.ttey e: thr:r many friends. FARQUHAR. Early last winter the two barns, con- taining a number of farm implements o: Mr. William Kinsman of Tucker - smith. •were burned in the absence of ?Ir. Kinsnatt, who was then le Essex and as no one was living on the glare the origin of the fire must have been o: an incendiary nature. The barna and Implements were insured in the Ueborne and Ilibbert Fire Company for $t000 v,leh is hot nearly equal to the loss sustained by the owner. The Company however, witheld payment of the stoney and on Friday last in Farquhar, be- fore Pollee Magistrate Davie of Mitch- ell an investigation took place, the re- sult of which has not yet been made known, although it seemed to be evi- dent that air. Kinsman was perfectly Innocent in the matter, and consider - Ina tee value of th-t burned property and the amount of Insurance no other opinion could well prevail. Our tenon wits ell alive last Friday and Saturday. On Friday the Bale of Mr. Simon Campbell was largely atten- ded and a Iaree ara..u:,t of stock was disposed o1 at good prices. -Ori. Satur- day Mr. Wm. Kay wan all senile., the cause being the: arrival of a bour."Ing boy at his ;tome. IiAY TOWNSHIP Death o: Mr. Staccy.-Few are Oft to claim the distinction of being the p1- oneer outlets of this community. Last week saw auothe: of •he oldest resid- ents of Hay numbered among the zee' ntajorlty. We refer to the demise of Joh!. Stacey, who passel away oil Tirure day last at the great age of 90 years 2 menthe and 13days. The deceased had his usual health and faculties till the last. He was up and around all day until about 3 o'clock in the atter- noon, when he walked across the floor oe the house, was stricken down and without a moment's warning expired. The deceased was born In Cornwall, E:ail.urd, In 1819, and came to Canada when about ;25 years of age Ile Bret settled in Whitby and some years later moved to this nelghbort,uod, where he has lived en.rilnuovsly ever since. He Is survived by a wife and nine (0.1- W it -James, Jabez and Jcseph of (fay Simon of Petrolea ; Daniel of Saskat- chewan; Mrs. John Cudmore of Crystal Cly, Man., Misses Annie and Lena cf C`ticago. The funeral took place to the, Exeter cutietc ry Saturday. STAFFA-It is wit,' r Bret that we chronicle the ■erfous illness of Mrs. \stun. Woiden. tier eicy.eciao hells out 413 hope for her and says it is only t ntttte: of a short time. FiRE AT GODERiCII,-Fire did some thcusands of dollars of damage Satur- day afternoon to the interior of St. Pet- er', (tontan Catholic Church. The ed- ifice Is of stone otherwise the loos would have been mucin greater. it 1e supposed to have started from the sac- ristry lamp. RRCCEFiELD.-Foiluwing arc the prize winners at the Seed Show 'teid there .-\Wnite oats. It. It. Modeland. W. Smillie. A. El: oat : six rowed bar- iey. A. Elcoat. Il. 11. Higgins. George Brock: two rowed barley, W. 11. Snt11- Ite : field eras. Jas. Itos• ; bcane. (leo. 11111. Robe. Watson, Jas. Ross . enrn in ear, W. R. Stnfllie: timothy seed, Robb. Morrison. Hugh McGregor. B. 11. Higgins; early potatoes, Mr.. Martha Diehl. Jas. Pattereor:: potatoes for gen- eral crop. Ja.. Ross. W. It. Smillie, Wm. Murdock ; Dutch sets, Jas. Patter tenon. Mrs. Martha Diehl; full grown onions. It. Mor118011. KiPPEN-T:)e home of Mr. W. Mulhol- land was blued with Borrow when Itis wife diet last Saturday. Death followed • seriouP operatkai performed two or three days before. The late Mrs. Mul- holland was a sister of 0,1. Moir of Hay and Dr. Alex. Hole of tfi.nitotu. She leaves a husband and a nunstxr of grown-up children. FARM *FOR SALE. 100 acre farm in Ueb rix, two atd one MU miles from Suter, also a br1 •k house on Stain -street. Euler, WM. 11. MATCH} ORD ELIM V ILLS Ester Supper. -The antaverset y ser- vers of the Ladies' Aid Society of El- invville church will be held on Sunday, March 27111, when Hey. Robt. 110 ke of Crediton will preach at 10 a. nt. and, 7 p. mt. On Monday following a grand supper will be given and an excellent program /teetered. Admission 25e. \VeJded.-The house of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cooper was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, March Uth, when their daughter, Mary Alherte, was united in marriage to Mr. Melville F. Skinner, sot of Mr. and Mrs. N'nt. Skinner. The ceremony was 'performed by the ltev. W. 11. Watson in the presence of about 75 invited tluests at five o'clock hl the afternoon. The bride looked charming In a dress of cream crepo de chene, trimmed with dub hese ribbon, and she carried a beau- tiful bouquet of white carnations. The bride was assisted by her sister, May. who was simtllieray gowned and car- ried a bouquet of cantations. whil Mr. Fred Ford performed similar duties for the groom. The bride, who was given away by her father, catered the parlor while the wedding march was being played by Miss Blanche Mills of Wood - hunt. The parlor was very prettily de- corated with silver and red bells and the surroundings looked beautiful and cheerful. The ceremony over and con- gratulations extended the guests ,at down to a tnuntlful spread prepared for the ot'easton, to'which all did ample jus- tice. The presents formed a magnifi- cent array and comprised articles of usefuetese, beauty and value. testifying to the esteem in which the young couple is held. They will make their future home ur. the faros the groom has tented from Josh. Johne. We extend with their many friends the heartiest ron3catula- t:ons attd best wishes for a long and happy wedded life. BIRTHS Johiston.-In Toroito, on \tar. 10, to Mr. and airs. E. G. Johnston, nee Stella Spackman, a eon. %Wilson. -in Exeter, on Mar. 10th, 40 Mr. and Mre. Win. Wilson, a daughter (Carroll -In Stephen, on Mar. 10th, to Mr. and Mre. ltobt. Carroll. a daugh- ter. Stanlake.-In Stephen, on Mar. 13th, to Mr. and Mre. W. J. Stttnlake, a daugh- ter. x Kay -At Farquhar, on Mar. llth to Mr. arid Mrs. \Win. Kay, a son. Andrew's -At Elimville, on Mar. 1t! to Mr. and Mre. Albert Andrew, a son. Sttecrc -In Brantford, March 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Garfield She're, a daughter. MARRIAGES Gould -Matin -in tiny, .. :dar. 91h; .lam es Edward Gould. to )fist' Cora Isa- bela. daughter of Wfr. and Nire. Pr ter , 1.1 1, relict of the late John Fox. Munn. T .t US tieeelON S..LF.S PILI t ATE SALES WANT ADS., a:td At'(TION and PRIVATE SALE NOTICES to THE AiV(X.ATI: theme tetter restets than are obtainable through any other medium in this dletrkt. Why? Because tate .Wd- vocah• goes into the hatede of a Lar large: number of p=opee than any oiler medium. Very few homes In many utiles fall to re- ceive The Adto•ate weekly. If you want ax,,tttlug, o: have anything to sett you lose more than we do by not placfn_t an advertise- /tont in The Advocate. We are ready to print your Bale bille on slorteet rot!ce and at meet reas- onable rates. CI,u!:t.-I)unsfoid.-At zit. rectory, Ex- eter, on Martel 1 0th, by Rev. Collins, Melvin Gould to Miss l'larenc r Duns - ford. daulhter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duneford of Stephen. Webber -Dearing -In Lucan, on Mar.12 at the home of the bride's sister Mre. Chas. Isaac, Mr Percy Webber of Us- borne. to Miss Reade M., daughter of Mre. Wit Dearing. Exeter. Skinner -Cooper -At Ellmnvtlle, Mar. 9th, Melville le. Skinner to Miss Mary Al- berta, daughter of Me. and Mrs. Jon- athan Cooper. Pappte.-Monk.-At Egntondville, on March 9th, David G. I'applu. eon of Mr. and Mrs. E. Papple. to Mies Isa- bella Monk. daughter of Mrs. Robert Monk. all of Tuckersmtth. Dent. -Gleason. -On Feb. 24th Frank Delft of Fuflartot, to Miss Mary Glea- son. East Nissouri O3dett-Wilson-At the parsonage. Lu- ean, on Mar. 1st, Sarah Annie, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mre. Sidney J. Wilson of Ellmvllle, to Janlea Ogden, Whalen DEATHS Stacey. -In Hay, on Mar. 10, John Ste.- cey, aged e0 years, 2 month., 13 days Plvtszcator-in Stephen, on Mar. 9th, Grace Sanders, relict of the late John Preszrator. aged 77 years, 2 ntonthie, 21 days. • Campbell. -111 Fullarton, on March 10, James C7atit bell, aged 00 yeare. McMIllan.-Iu Tuckcremith, on Feb. 10, Anna Catharlt,e, daughter of Dan Mc- Millan and Margaret fierce, aged 1, year, 1 monte. Grainger. -ht Clinton. ort March 4th Annie McCauley, wile of Alex. Grain- ger, aged 0.1 years and 9 menthe. Lowery. -In Seaforth, on March 0th Joseph Lowery. aged 74 years. For• -1n Lucan. on afar. 1.1, Jane Mit- Your Easter Clothes will be absolutely correct if you insist on hating our woolens and our sway of making them and place your mart with its now. Made As You Want Them 812 to 820 Delivered When You Want Them Smaller tailors have to ask very much more for the same satisfactory workmanship, cloth style and 1t. Beautiful new TIES and SHIRTS for Easter wear. New HATS, SHOES, GLOVES. Everything for the Man Who Cares SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER People Going to the West will find it to their advantagre to get our prices on "1""1 - Hardware, Stoves and Ranges RANGES, with Tank, High Shelf and large 20 in. Oven, for 42.00 Y t♦ a it • 44.00 These Ranges are especially adapted for the West. ALSO - GARLANDS, OXFORDS, SOUVENIRS & JEWELS FOB SATISFACTION AND FUEL ECONOMY. Nails, Glass, Lanterns, Locke, Pumps, Paints, Etc. Wanted, Second Hand Wood Cook Stoves. HEAIAN'S HARDWARE & STOYB STORE