HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-10, Page 8gpm A Dog with a dazzle'►T0C,1. :11747N1IFG17s71 and a ruin with an ill•fittieg sit of clothe.' are in the settle heat— Both Haadicappod ! 1: ',oa area roan with clothes troubles lave TAMAN diagnose your case. Ile quite likely %vie prescribe A SLIT OF DEC NTLY MADE CLOTHES at a pop- ular price. }le does not send his good. to out- 11•)thing manufacturers to be THROWN together and Palmed off on you for a CCSTOM )LADE SUIT, but mikes the sults I.r hie Own Ctlatenlwork shop Maur leg you a PERFECT TIT asci BEST\WORK). NSHIP. NEW SPRING'SUITINGS OVERCOAT I NGS AND PANTiNGS ARRIVINGARRIVING DAILY `lira �'e 'I'_k MAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Iuslnsss locals -- Read Them Ladies' New Spring (.'oats art here, in black and fawns. Just the kind youwant for Spring, $6, $7, $8. PIANV. ANTED A faun handat thio office. New S/rriny Shirts for men in 1910 patterns. These shirts are made to fit and are good crashers. Prices $1, 1.25. wanted at once. Apply HOY \,"ANTED to learn harness-neek- ittg. Apply to P. FRAYNE, Exeter. New Black Silks just arrival, lovely soft tajetta, antra fine finish, suitable for coats and dresses, 36 in. wide—price $1, 1.25, 1.50. Two ,:niturn sized, comfortable housesfor sale. Apply at this office. PETS & RUGS—Tette largest assortment of carpets and rugs ever shown in 1•;xeter at prices: Carpets 35c to 1.35 per yard, Rugs 6.75 to $40. TFUR GAUNTLELOST.—On Mahn et.,Exeter, on Feb. 23rd, a brown fur gaunt let with glove inside. Finder will con- fer a favor by returning sante lc •he Commercial House, Exeter. IVALL PAPERi—Our neer wall papers surpass any we hate ever shown. All the newest ideas and design,t erre shown. 5c 8c 10c 12ic 15c 20c 25c. UUSiNESS BLOCK of the best busineee—known as the Poet particulars apply to Exeter. Ladies' and Men's "'outwear. WI'e are sole agents for MISS (.'A.V.1D.4 shoes for women and i/o 13ENESh'ORDshoesmen.for nn. Eery pair guaranteed. !'rices >j3, 3.50, gll, 5.00. 2:,o CEDAR POSTS and 228 bunches of ehlezles for sale. Apply to DICKSON & CARLING FOR SALE.—One blocks in Exeter Office Block. For WELL.ELL. JOHNS, CLEARING OUT SALE OF' BABANK- RUPT STOCK at the Exeter Ilargaln Stcre Ribbons, laces, embroideries, waists. fancy collars, tilts, etc. 150 rnen's fine top tallies, all sizes at 115e.; 28 donnemen's neckties at 1:r and 30 cents; rubber and linen collars at half price; 27 men's sults, ■lzes 33 to 30 Tess than half price; 240 pairs of shoesv,umtacturer's sampler,. at less than wl.olesale prier. All these goods must be hurried out to make room for anoth- er stock. D. W. F. fiEAVERS. Successor to the late J. W. Ilrodcri k Mr Wm. Taylor, who has bren vc:y ill. rs improvl'lc, we arc leeaard to ray "doryry A, hes..r . who ha. be:n 1)1 forsone, time. had euflicientlY recoviredas to be :His Ic b: cut again. CHURCH DIRECTORY J.\NIES-ST MET11ODIST CHURCHtier. Richard Hobbs.obbs. Pastor Sunday Public Worship-10.30orship-10.30 and 7. Class S.tyles-9.30 a.m.:arrd atter Morn - Ing Steatite and Wednesday nicht. You .g eteri'x Criss and Catachuntens — Su :day at 2 p. m. Sunday School and Bible Classes— 2.30. Epxor':a League—Tuesday 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting—Thursday 8 p. m 4 4+++++++++ • rqe shop fo► piono We have the finest lines of Fancy Suitings Overcoatings --AND Trouserings We are filled11ed up witb thenew- est and best goodsood• for the mak- ing of clothing, and we do the making in the beat of style. W. JOHNS Meroka.t Teller. Rueter • 4 4 4 ,• Ikl Allr/ek i 4116. Alai&ALAI' elk Mrs. Yeeer to visiting in ClandeboYe. Mrs. Geo. Fisher of town is qulte 111. Mrs. John hunter is under the dor- tor'tr care. Mrs. Geo. Thoma Is 111 of pneumonia at her home. Rev. Collins was 111 two or three days of last week. Mr. J. \Yelper o1 'Lurie., is clerking with Jo:,cs a May. Pronounce rabies thus—re-be-ea, the '•.' bong as in ate. Mrs. Win. Rowcliffe, Loudo:; It sad South, is on the sick Hat. Earl Cookson is learning t.ai:,.se- makinz with Mr. W. J. toter. Mr. Join Colwlll is 111 o1 p:•eunio::ta at the home of err. A. J. Ford.. Niles Cora Wilson of near Hensel! Is learning dressmaking with MIs&* Torn. Mr. Trios. Ilawkine was confined to the house with a ncavy cold the latter part of last week. Mr. W. E. Sanders, Lake Road, Ste- phen, 1e confined to his bed with an attack of plcurlaY. Mr. Thos. Flynn has been off duty J11 the 0. T. It. section for several days owing to illness. Messrs. T. Ilawklane & Son are this week moving to their new premises next door north of Dr. Browning's. Mr. Davis, o' the Jackson Manufactur ing Co., has moved 'rom Clinton into etre. Perkins' residence on William -et. Mr. Earl Spackman has been transterr cd from the eiolsons Bank at Alvinston to the branch of the same bank at Ottawa. A little nephew of Rev. and Mrs. Sharp and who is at present visiting at the manse, is very 111, and was operated o:, Ole week. Mrs. Wes. Redden has purchased the dwelling owned by Mr. Wm. II. Jones Jchn street,. The price paid was $680. Mr. Jones intends going West shortly. Mrs. John Preazcator•, Sr., who has been suffering from cancer for sone time, 18 at present in a low state of I'ealth and the end ie expected at any time. The mild weather ue last week has reduced the depth of snow a very great deal. and the water got away nicely. Tne roads in the cou:rtry are in a ter- rible condition. Trios. Curry, the Indian, who was at- reated here some weeks ago for steal- ing clothes from the store of J. M. Shepley, Falkirk. was sentenced last week to three years at Kingston. This Wednesday evening Rev. Mr. Bo- wen, agent for the Western Ontario 13ible Society, delivered an illustrated lecture in the Town Hall on the work in Canada from Halifax to the Yukon. Masers. Wes. Stone and Robt. Wilcox until last week employed with Messrs. Jones & May, and Alden Johns, who has been with Mr. Jos. Senior, are visiting at their homes in Colborne, prior to leaving 'or the West. The Advocate refused last week to en- ter Into a big advertising contract with the Simpson Co., Toronto. Sonne mon- ths ago a similar offer was refused with the Eaton Co. We often wonder if the local merchants appreciate this action on the Advocate's part. The farm of the late James Ford was sold at the Auction Sale last week, the purchaser being Mr. James Willis of the 3rd concession of Stephen. Mr. Iierb Ford intends leaving this Thursday for the West to reside. Mrs. Ford may possibly take a trip west In the sum- mer. Tile funeral of the late Mre. Wm. II. 1'. Hooper took place on Friday last to the Exeter cemetery. Among those present at the funeral from a distance wero Mr. Geo. Pedder of Chicago, Fred Pedler of Pigeon, Mich., Samuel l'edler and Geo. Sutherland of Ailsa Craig,and John Hooper of Pennsylvania. Rev. Morley D Madden, 13. A., one of the best know:( of the younger minist- ers of the London Conference, died at Pine River. near Kincardine, last Wed ncsday. ile was one of the several young men who were ordained at the conference in Exeter in 190e. The body was taken to London for burial. The treatment 'or rabies at the I'ae- teur Institute, New York. of which we hear so mu;•h In these days of t he mad dog trouble, Is very simple. The pat- ient is Ir:oculate3 with a virus to counteract the poison. or.re a day on both sides of the body. Just above the hips—czccpt in children when the Inoeul ation is made only on one side. No) at- tention is paid to the wound. Patients are Instructed to abstain from coffee, tea and tobacco. The treatment Is kept up for eighteen days. The doctors claim that one who takes the treatment 1s inamu:iv for a year. Treatment Is now being given In Toronto. The following apear•d 1n the Mail and Empire on Saturday ender the hcaa of alai queries arid answers ;—A. C., Ex- cttr.—Qu.—A certain town lot was sold several times, A. selling to B., and 13. subsc luently selling to C. When C's solicitor searches the title it was found ttutt In a preceding owner's deed it was •rot stated whether he was married or a bachelor. It cost 11. 440 to have the title made goof. Qin l3. compel A. to pay all or part of the cost 7 Ans.—it Ilse obJeetion to the title was a valid oee C. should have taken the obJcctiou at the time he purchased from A.. and and then he might have had some r Igl.t to claim that A should pay t he expenses of making the title, perfect. Ile has no etch rig',t :.ow. lie cannot compel A to pay ai.ything. nor on any reasonable ground ask hint to do lke. 11110K H!S LEcI.—Lloyd Glanville. of Londo::, formerly of Exeter. broke his let by jumping from a rig owned by the Parisian Lau:,dry Company• while going his rounds the rear axle broke, and Glanville lumped out. 1t1s foot turned on the icy road. breaking the bone between the knee and the ankle. lie was taken to his hone and will be laid up for sonny, weeks. MARCH WEATHER—According to Rev H1. ke a reactionary storm period is traI on the 17th, 10th, and IPth, ,..i•,. moon at the eztreme north decline - Coe. The storm chart also shows that V.I. period Is near th^ center of hath the Earth and Mars etuinoxes. it is a to'nelde•.re not then In ages 'hat they ahould fall exactly together on Mar. 21 V loient storms may or may riot occur a1 tele I it ne. but on and teurhleg the 17th. 10th and 10th Is another time to PURI ter faint slid prudent watchful. •te•• std Lara'. C.,anee to rage barom- eter and mute colder w111 route out of tee nn•1OMeet blend these storms. 1 Mr J. I1. Scott spent Friday in Lon - doe. Miss Edith Moticur ::as returned after a visit 1n Guelph. Mr.. Wit. Dauncey left Saturday to visit in \Wyoini,rg. Herold Glerie *pent Sunday under the ptre:ntal root at Lumley. . Mr. i tee• Winnipeg x ) ouvisited kir. 13. McInnis over Sunday. etre. D. t^.rittelldc•t tcturtx•d Monday to I'lyth, after a visit here. etre'. \\'sir 1)u:,ca:l of \%'inch,t,ea Is the guest of Mrs. J. 0- Jones., Mics Auld of Eirc- has resumes her millinery duties at J. A. Stewart's. Mrs. Perttard Thompson of Ifensall el/Wei Mra. Thos. Hawkins last week. \lids !toes I•'.nkbel.,cr of Berlin is the eueet eer s,sl 1. Mrs. Beit Heywood. Miss Edna 1' o.l.ek reluracd last week font a visit 1n St. Marys and Arkona. Miss Ethel Sweet left Monday to re- eunie her millinery duties in St. Marys. Miss Spackman of hayfield visited her uncle Mr. John Spackman last wcee Mr. A. E. Bennett left Tuesday morn- ing on his return to hie home in tZil- gary. 1 Mr. a:.d etre. Ceas leniget of St. Thomas spent Sunday with relatives in town. Mr. A. E. I'yrn and family left Tues- day morning for Car levale, Sask., to reside. Mr. Samuel Charley of Detroit is upend Ing a few days with his mother, Mrs. McCombe. Miss Lulu Cud:nore is spending two weeks with her cousin. Miss May Davis at Clinton. Mre. O. Francis of Tavistock was tl,c guest of her brother, Mr. J. II. Scott last week. Mr. Oto. Weekes of New York Is here spending a few days with his brothers and sisters. Messrs. Roy Luxton and Leslie Ford lo't last weak for the West to spend the summer. Mr. Thos. Russell spe:.t a few days with friends in Clinton the latter part of the week. Messrs. I. Armstrong and Harley San - dere are in Coderich this week, eery - Mg as Jurors. Mr. George Weekes of New York ar- rived here Saturday to viett his broth- ers and sisters. Miss Mary Carlin¢ returned last week :rem a visit with her sisters in Nor - wirer and Toronto. Miss L. hunter of London was here this week attending the Sklni,er-Comp •r weddlns to Usbornc. Mrs. Wm. Turnbull of Farqunar via tied her sister, Mos. Beavers, and other reletivo3 In town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morley and daugh- ter Enuna of Sedley, Sask., visited at air. T. M. Kay's a few days last( weak. Miss May Armstrong left Monday for Luckr:ow to re.)pen her millinery store. Her sister, Mise Ethel accompanied her, Garfield Hodgert, soli of \Ir. A. E. Ilod`tert, and Mr. Janes Gould of flay leive this week with a carload of ef- fects each for the West. Mrs. Wm. Mace of Toronto and Mre. Reg. Elliot of Norwich arrived Saturday evenhne to visit at the home of their brother, Mr. 1. It. Carling. Mr. and Mre Mace leave Toronto shortly to reside hi Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. England arrived here Monday night from Sarnia, where Mr. England has sold his business. Ile left Tuesday morning for Calgary while Mrs. England will retrain here with her parents, Mr. and airs. John W. Taylor for a time. Mr. R. N. Taylor Intends leaving for Calgary to a few weeks to reside In the hope of getting relief from asthma from which he Is troubled duri:is (he winters. Mrs. Cinae. E. Locke o' 03 Keleyth Road. Brooklyn. formerly Miss Oke ,pf Exeter, announces the engagement of her daughter, Florence Mildred Stewart. to elidshfpman Harold Dc Forest Bur- dick, U. S. N. of the U. S. S. Nc. York. Mr. 1. H. Hamilton of the 5th oon. of Stephen Bold his 150 acres one Tues- day last to Mr. Schroeder of Dashwood who gets possession on Mar. 22. Mr. Hamilton is having a sale on the 16th and is then going to Vancouver island to reside. At a nadirs of the Wnccrvahvice of Hay Township held in Zurich on Tute- .fay, J. J. Meitner and J. A. Williams were selected delegates and Dr. Qintp bell and Johh Consit were appolntei al- ternates for tic. Dominion Conve.itlon to be acid at Ottawa le Jute - Mr. E. A Foliar k's horse ran aecay on mond.ay wills Mr. Colhngwood was de- livering bread about town. it ran up ei.trn street ae far .ae Mr. S. 13awden'e former, when it turned cast u block, then north, .t.ottly afterward losing the top of the rte. The horst, continued its ruff about (lace macs ou' the Thanics' ltoad. Little damage, however, was done. CARD OF THANKS—The family of the late Mrs. Oke doslre to thank the friends for their kindly assistance dur- ing the time of the illness and death of their mother. KF.STLE—Ii.1LL.—A pretty wedding took place ou Wednesday, Mar. 9th. at 2 o'clock p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Halls Exeter North. when their daughter, Mies Emma Ilene. be- came the bride of Mr. Henry John Kestle of the 2nd con. of Stephen. The ceremony was p trfornred by itev. E. A. Fear in the presence of about twenty- five Invited guests. the young couple heine ,tattonei hi front of a beautiful bank of flowers in the parlor. They were unattended. The bride. who was given away by her father. wore a princess these of white mull, trimmed with lace an,1 in,ertlon. Mr. David hall• brother of the bride. played the wedding mar, h. The ceremony and congralulatlons over all partook of a sumptuous wedding dinner. atter which thr young couple took the eaten; train for Windsor. De- troit and Kdlerllsioo, where A rerrp- line will he held. Tn• t-ide's fol:, away dress walk of navy blue with' :eat to match. On their returri they will mike their hent, on the 2nd 01 Stephen. Mr. and Mr.. Kestbt hav • the hearty con;ratulatlnes and brat wishes of The Advocate. REDUCED ONE WAY RATES TO CAL T, ORNIA. MEXi(tO. I*RiTIS11 COL• (MPIA, OREGON. WASHiNG- TON. ETC in site t rle Grand Trunk Beltway System daily until Apr 1 1510. secure tickets and further Information from Grand Tru•tk Arr•.ta. n• addreas M' Ise•..tld. D. 1'. A. O. T. ley.. Terve, ., Ont )IOOIIESVILLF.. Mr. W. J. Hodgins has reetcd Ole tarn to Mr. McDonald of Him and will have an ezle,uivc axle this epting.—Mr. Wnr. Slrnpstm has sold tur tarns on the 2nd of lllddulph to Wilbur !tering- ton and realized a handsome figure for sold, — Ile it. Mr. John Bloonif1c13 has slo='e and property adJoit:in* to \\'tllla.n Hirepson.weir. and Mrs. Geo. Bloom- field are moving to Bytoit where 1 tray will still contit.ue the store bustnees. We all wish theme succeaa.— elisres Petri and Bea `:ntpiO*: attended tate welling of Mus Cora Muir of Herman on \,'eine:day last.—M1. Irving Nell left :or 11...- Northwest last week, where he intends takiol up land. We are sorry to lest him ftpnl our midst but wish tint eecry success.—Mr. Sutton of Wy- onun: ie visiting friends in this Vicinity.—Mr. Jas Park of Lucan is calcine; stock in our general store.—Mr. Free Sin -me -el Is rushlm8 things 1n the gorse e:.e at pre !tit.—ells! Gharlott: Ely/aids is on the sick list. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A GRAND TRUNK SY's EM HOMESEEKERS' Excursions to Western Canada (VIA CHICAGO) including certain points on GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY. April 5, 19; May 3, 17, 81. June 14. 28; July 12, 20. August 9, 23: September 0, 20. WINNIPEG} $3200 and return $ EDMONTON 42.50 and return Tickets good for 60 days. Proportionate rates to principal points in MANITOBA, SASKATCH- EWAN and ALBERTA. For patuphlete giving llstand partic- ulars of "FREE HOMESTEADS" •' Lands for put chase along the (iratid Trunk Pacific Railway," apply to J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent. Exeter or address J. D. McDONALD, D.P.A., G. T. Ry., Tot unto. OUR GLASSES BEAT THE WORLD Why? Because they never go back on us. We have an unbroken record of eat - lofted patrons. IT IMPAIRS EYESIGHT to wear glasses improperly fitted to your eyes . We never allow that to happen. Theta why our customers have good eyesight It isn't damaged by worthless glaesee. W. S. IIOWEY. Phrn. B. Chemist and Optician. Exeter, Ontario. Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY busines, of MR. WM. ARNOLD, 1 desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that I am prepared to give you the best of satisfaction in work connected with the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF. iCE. PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech PLEASE THE C>;X)K Arid benefit yourself and fantily by us- ing MODEL flour. it bakes so much better and go'. so :nuc* farther that ordtnnry brands. THE USE OF e1ODEL FLOUR means totter bread. biar•ult.. cake, pit. etc.. in your home. and more of therm too. Order a pack to -day. Tt.e 12111 time you need flour you'll Insist on have,/ the MODEL braced areal If it cost more. But it doesn't. ' Mannfaet'Ired by HARVEY BROS. EXETER• ONTARIO Miss Myrtle Cook of Clifford resited Mr.. Quance Tuesday evening, on her w.ty to Grand Bend to resume her rnlli- ir,cry dut'er wl h Mr. Antos. 1 1 4 All the BEST GRADES of flour always an hand. Breakfast Foods such as OATMEAL, WHEATLETS & TOASTED WHEAT FLAKES Oatmeal, i lbs for 26c Poultry Foods & Feeds such as PANACEA, OYSTER SHELLS, GItIT, CRUSHED BONE, LIN- SEED MEAL, 011.. ('AKE and FLAX SEED. 1 illsAls.//mAka >1kAllketilLs i1, FLOUR Breakfast Foods Feed and Seeds 1 t 1 1 Wm. Rivers 1 Old Stand • EXETER, OireMwee ic CCCirefIC CiwireL THE BEST Bread Can ably b. gotten Irom the lest floor - Ths t01108 int treads are uueicelled -Try, *hundred ,,ext time fou Tale Try One of These : JEWELL (Ontario Blended) PURITY (wester. Caeals rout Mille) Lease )our order! oe •••11 up Phone R. G. Seldon, Exeter MaaaaaaasaateaaaaaaaaeA EXETER UAREET$e CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 105 105 Barley 50 5(1 Oats, :.,5 Peas 14J ! Potatoes, per bag 50 Hay, per ton 1:1 00 14 00 Flour, per cwt., family 2 00 Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 1 55 Butter 20 Eggs 24 Live hogs. per cwt 8 90 Shorts per ton..... 24 00 Remit per ton 23 00 Dried Apples 11 Remember the Name --- liiil� Rowe & Atkinson Bear in mind that at their store is the place to buy FURNITURE. We have a fresh car load in now and every- thing will be found at the RIGHT PRICE to SUITE the purchaser. Give them a call ... Undertaking and Embalming a Specality ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Magnificent Display Of Spring Dress Goods You will be surprised to see the immense display of New Dress Goods. surpassing in variety and value any previous year. All the New Weaves are shown in the very ne\c- est shades. You should not fail to see them before the lines get broken. At 25c Yd. Good Black and White Checks or Colored Plaids, all 40 in. wide and an especial value for 25c. At 75c Yd. This is our popular priced goods and comes in all the best shades, plain or shadowed atrin• ee in the best 75c goods on the market. New Spring Coats Our first shipment of the new Spring Coate are to hand. `ice striped covert Coating or beaut- iful blacks. Have a good look at them and see the low prices. At 50c Yd. New French Worsteds in all the fashionable shades. Also a 54 in. all wool Panama in Black, Bine. Brown or Oreen. At $1 Yd. Immense collection of Novelty Suiting, in solid or two -toned effects. You will find in this lot some exclusive suiting in the very ewellest shades. New Waistings We are showing a very dainty line of new waisting! for Spring. All kinds and all colors. A very special line of silk and wool at Only 50c Yd. Gents' Furnishings for Spring New Spring Shirts Just arrived. 20 dozen of the bestet. We are sole sellers of the W. (3. & R, Shirts and our patterns and colors are abeai of other seasons. New Easter Ties Ycu will need • new tie for Baster. We have just opened up the niftiest bunch ever shown Exeter. All the oew Botllab and American ideas are shown in them. New Spring Suitings We are known for the good quality and style of our tailored suite, This Spring our array of Suiting, are worth looking after The pekes are right. Don't you want one P NewSpringCaps We book heat on Oaps, and no wonder, for the amount we soil. Our cap trade Is on the jump, Celle boys and see the Rood stuff for Spring. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing t fl