HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-10, Page 7100 AVALANCHE VICTIMS' CONDENSED NEWS ITEMSITIIE WORLD'S MARKETS HAPPENINGS FROM A1.1. 111'F:R itLi'onrs 1lt011 THE Li•..ADIN(; '1111: 01.013E:. Lying Beneath the Tightly Packed Snow and Debris. TRADE C1:\THE'1. 1'ele;;ra;►hir Briefs from Our Owe Prices of Cattle, Crain, Chccre Sall Other Dairy Produce at and Other Coutitrie' of Home and Abroad. A despatch from Wellington, Wash- those of electricians who were div- Retell( l:veins. .1 despatch from Ottawa say 3 : E. ,ns. The Yukon gold output Iasi ington, Favi: Eighty-six name, are ing in a cabin at the edge of Wel-L'It1:.1DSThFFS• The roto) value of the m'uerul ,ro }•';1,' is estimated at $3.9€0.000, an i«;' tuts en the list of dead and ,Hiss- lie tun, and who were carried three CAN.11►:A. 1 l q Toronto, Mar. 8 -Flour-Winter duction of Canada during 1909 was 'r" reale of $360.000 over 1908. The pas,;( tigers and railroad and hundred feet down the slope. Arrangeutents to gi.e Pasteur wheat 90 per cent. patents. $4.t',, to a little over ninety million dollars, total production of nickel from the postai e.,rnloyees. who were carried All Thursday a stream of men treatment in Toronto have been $a,3U in buyers' sacks on track, 1b- Sudbury deposits was 2ti,815 tons, down l,. the avalanche which de- with packs strapped to their back+ cutnplet�d. coaly, and 84.10 to 84.20 outside in an increase of nearly five millions valued at the furnaces at *3,913,- btryrd two Great Northern trains wound about the mountain path Lord Stratttennu has given $7,- buyers'sacks. Manitoba (lour, first a5 compared with the preceding 012 An increase of twenty per 1 gy on Tuesday morning. Statements from Skykunnish to Scenic and Wel- 000 fur the purchase of tunics for patents, $5.70; second patents, $5,• year. Nearly all metals show an cent. is shown in production of of the number of laborers fighting lington, carrying food and supplies Toronto cadets `20 to 85.30, and strung bakers', $5 increased output, according to a pig iron in Canada last year as cour- tly)snow, who were sleeping on the for the injercd. Some are digging Mr. Murray Pettit, one of the pig- (,,, track, Toronto, pr I)Iulnary eslimuto contained in )►red with 1908. The total pro- illfated trains vary from _0 to 30. for the bodies of friends oe Tela- neer fruit-gruwers of Winona, is Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern a report by the Mines Department. duction was 757,1C2 tons, valued at An estimate of 100 dead is e(erser- tiyes. Sightseers were told that dead. s $1.13, Bay ports, and No. 2 North- Ito total production of silver dor- $3.531,864, as compared with 630,- vstiv.'. All the dead were residents they were not wanted. :A Nut of liquor was seized at ern, $1.11, Buy ports. ing the year is estimated at 27 • 833 ions valued at the northwest. Of the injured, :A laborer was taking, AV'uodstock, N. in barrels label - 310. 2 ti 3,590 ounces, valued at $14,358,- of$Bre prJt in J caught Ontario 1\'heat-\o. mixed red190`3. (nal and coke wore produe- unl. Rev. Bishop W'inget of Cries- trinket:; from a woman's body, and led groceries. Winter or white, $1.07 to $1.05 out- 310. of which nearly thirteen mil- ed to the extent of 10,411,955 tune go t31'' from the east. No one who he was compelled to start down the Part of Mr. 1'. Bray's farm slid side. lion dollars is credited to the Co- valued at $24,431,'551, a somewhat has seen the wreckage has the trail at. once. One hundred and into the Nation ]riser, near Cas- Barley -No. n, 56c outside; No. 3 batt mines. There was a slight de- swatter production than in 1904, slightest hope of finding any of the fifty teen dug for bodies in the de- seines', cares ing some farm build- - uild extra, 53 to 54c; No. 3, 50 to 51c, crease in gold production, which owing to labor troubles at the Nova musing alive. The explorations' kris all day. Among the bodies logs and stock with it. an feed, 48c outside. totalled about nine and a half mil Scotia mines. have uncovered none living, and found on 'Thursday were those of Mr. .McCurdy made a number of Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, 39 to 4E -- some some of the bodies are shockingly ex -Prosecuting Attorney it. M. sttccessful flights with the aero- boots c outside, and 42 to 42'on 1, 5t� • -"' m n mhat made angled. An avalanche of dry Barnhart of Spokane. Conductor foron Bane, B fdd'ckNo. 1, at Baddeck track, Toronto. Canada West oats stock II3ittols, err ]b.c; sero ri r hoots l ourselves, elbus' those and were always alit. , butt thc,e yo �eeat 111ts victims J. ellingtu► f ,o L. Pettit, cfikyku, niish, went back to The mineral production of On-4l%e fo2r No.f 3, Ba • No 2• , and 41 t•• tilch cows, $60 to $65 each; other noiso and creaked as we twalked, to J ! cows and springers, $30 to $55 our great, delight and the admira- is packed tight with wet snow, ice, his post, and Mrs. M. A. ('using- rano for 1909 was valued at $32,- Peas -No. 2 for shipment, 82 to each. Calves from $4 to $15 each, tion of our pupils. huge trees and glacial boulders of ton of Olympia, who left Spokane Ce ,072, nearly $7,000,000 more than 83e outside. en,.rnions weight. to celebrate her olden weddin ► in in the preceding year. or 5c to ,c per lb. Sheep, about 5c 6 b b Lord Mount Stephen has laced Rye --No. 2, 68e outside. per Ib. ; lambs 6'.z to 7c. per 11). Two _________.e____ f.io of the bodies recovered were Seattle un Thursday.! P' Buckwheat -51 to 52c outside for Spring lambs sold for 820, or a lit - securities worth $300,000 in the \r.t 2. 01111 MINERAL PRODDCTION $90,000,000 Worth of Minerals Produced in Canada Last Year. GOOD .1('T LED TO .1Ri3ES•I'. 1 DIPHTHERIA EPIDEMIC. One School at Sault Ste. Marie closed. A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., says: The diphtheria epidemic has become so widespread ]ter` that one school has hcen wanted en .t charge of being an ac- closed and others depleted of pu- cessory to the murder of John pits. The disease is gradually Davis, of Parley Sound, on Monday spreading through the Soo, and the present mild weather, it is believ- ed, has resulted in an increase of cases. Considerable alarm is felt. It was suggested on Wednesday that moving picture shows and other places of amusement bo closed. Steelton is also in the grip of the dreaded disease, it. being even more prevalent there than in the Sou. Tramp Found Broken Rail and Flagged Train. :\ despatch from Sudbury says: There is 11 tinge of romance in con- nection with the arrest here on Wednesday of James 1)onaldsen, night. 1V'ithout fund;, Donaldson, after assisting in the arrest of the alleged murderer, fled to Parry Senile!, walking the C. P. H. tracks towards Toronto. Fourteen miles from Parry Sound, he discovered a broken rail, the danger of which was plainly apparent. He stood at the spot and flagged the first train that carte along and doubtless averted a wreck. The grateful con- ductor brought him to Sudbury, and the circumstances was reported to the local superintendent. in the hope ,f getting hint work. It was while waiting in the C. P. R. sta- tion for some work that he was ar- rested. F:AND CHILD LOST. *. 1f. Dingnian'g House at Ent- wistle Burned. A de;pateh from Entwistle, Al- berta, say i : The little dwelling of F. N. Dingman was burned last Friday night, and his wife and tit- tle child perish(d. The fire broke out about midnight, during the ab- sence of Mr. Dingman from the vil- lage, and when the unfortunate woman aw'ko she found her es- cape, except by a window, cut off. She grasped her infant child and endeavored to reach the window, but became hysterical and let it fall into the flames. She was res- cued through the window, lint was unconsmotts when found, and was so teriiblr burned that ,he died the fol''i v1ng evening. TiiEF'T 01' (GIRL'S 11111t. Bold Itu'►hrr) in a Large Store in •rnroulo. ter returned he bound his brother's .1 despatch from Toronto says: bones in the centre .,f a circle of A fifteen }ear -old girl who lives on ti•.e de:rcl wolves. while an empty William street, gloried in a beauti_ reheating rifle showed that he had. fell head of hair. Two long, black been overpowered b.•feie he could' braids fell down her back clear to reload the weapon. - t DIED FROM EXPOSURE. Inmate Wanders .t t ay Froin Lin- coln Industrial Home. A despatch from St. ('itt ha 111105 says: The body of an old man was found about noon on Thursday ly- ing alongside of a fence on the farm of John Emmett on the St. David's !toad, about three mile,' front the city. Coroner .Tory was notified and High Constable Boyle was sent to the scene, and the body was later brought here. Late in the afternoon Caretaker Nelson. of the industrial Home, identified the dead roan as a former inmate of that institution, named 1%'illia'11 F. Muri hy, aged about 60 years. EATEN IIY WOLVES. James Smith's Mangled Body Found is Mi'youri Wood*+. refit of humanity a large part of 19 to -0,:,e. .A despatch from Springfield, the wealth of John D. Rockefeller. bard Tierces, 15'; to 16c ; tubs, Neter having had shoes on be Mo., says: James Snaith, a woods 16 to 16,4c; pails, 1614 to 16,:e. fore, we began practising in our dormitory that evening. None of man, was eaten by wolves in the GENERAL. wucds near Ally on 1A•edneuley, BUSINESS iN MONTREAL. us could move a step after lacing after fighting a desperate battle for .t general strike of French rail- up our feet in the unwieldy arti- his life. The wolves attacked him road men threatens. Montreal, Mardi 8. --Oats -- No. elec, and consequently we were ob- while he was alone. awaiting the Indications at present are that 2 ( anadian Western, 44;% to 45e; jests of laughter to our pupils. return of a brother. When the lei- Marshal Hermes Fonseca Inas been N. 3, 4:3?; to 4tc; Ontario, No. 2 An idea struck me at once, which elected President of Brazil. hand t of trustees at Montreal to , C rn-Kiln-dried No. 3 Anteri- encourage the immigration of poor can, 72e, and Nu. 3 yellow, selected, British boys. 69 to 09'/..c, Toronto freights. Cana - The Dominion Government has than corn, 64 to 05e, Toronto decided to remit tonnage dues ort freights. American vessels at lake ports, in Bran -$22 to 422.50 in bags, Tu - return for similar action by the runtn, and shorts at ?t24, in bags, ['t ited States. Toronto. GRE.Vr BIIIT:AIN. Mr. Percy H. Illingworth has COUNTRY PRODUCE. been nppointed a junior Lord of the 'Treasury in Mr. Asquith's Cab- inet. ..- UNITED STATES. .Avalanches and mountain floods have rendered the railroads of n..rthwest Washington helpless. Three railwaymen lost their lives Baled straw -x7.50 to $;.;, on in R. fire which destroyed it Y.M.C. track, 'Toronto. * A. building near Schenectady. N.Y. Potatoes -45 to 50c per bag on A woman committed suicide at' truck for Ontarios. THEIR FIRST SHOES. ('i.( saving, Mich., rather than go 1'ouliry -Turkeys, dressed, 18 to �•' with tier daughter to the Canadian 19: per lb. ; ducks, 13 to 15c; geese, (lots an :lfriran Iles Managed With west. His First Pair. New liquor regulations make it 13 to 14c; chickens, 14 to 15c, and fowl, Apples -$2 to $3.50 per barrel, according to quality. erg were active, a few extra choice Hears -(jar lots outside, $1.85 to mild) cows selling up to $75 each. 81.95, and small lots, $2.10 to $2.- Sheep and lambs firm and unchang- 20 per bushel. ed Bogs advanced another 15 Honey -Combs, dozen, $2 to $2.- cents. Selects were quoted at $8.- 50, extracted, 10;9 to Ile per lb. 90 f.o.b., $9.15 fed and watered. Baled hay -No. 1 $13.50 to $14.- Some dealers think that hogs will 50 on track, and No. 2, 812 to 813. reach the $10 mark hetero the mouth is out. tie over 20c per lb.. live weight. Hcgs, 9% to 9a;c per lb. Toronto, March 8. -Business was dull and draggy, except for prince butcher cattle, for which there was a'good demand. All the choice stuck was quickly absorbed and realized from $5.25 up to $0 for picked, well finished steers and heifers. Good cows and bulls were in strong demand, and realized high prices. Milkers and spring- 11neee;sary for everysaloon in Chcl to 12c. Samuel Adjai Crowther, an Af- rican slave boy who became a sea, Mass., to have a car aunoulc 'THF: DAiRY MARKETS. bishop, delighted to tell to his chit - e1'• dren the story of how he put on The United Stater naval pro- Butter -Pound prints, 21 to 23c; his first shoos. In "The Black gramme for the present year in- tubs and large rolls, 20 to 21c; in- Bishop" Jesse Page gives the story elides the construction of two bat- ferior, 16 to 18e; creamery, 99 to in the bishop's own words. Four tleships and four submarine=. 29e, and solids, 26 to 26!';',c per lb. of the pupils in the missionary's The Amerieau Sugar Refining Eggs -Case lot, of new laid, 30 school had been promoted to the Company has been ind eted for con- to 31e per dozen, and storage, 25c position of monitors. This was at tempt of court in failing to fur- per dozen. Fourutt Ray College, under Rev. nislt its books when subpoenaed to ('hepse---13e per ib. fur large, Charles Haensel. do so. and at 13,e for twins. .e young man was hypnotized at Saginaw, .Mich., by long-distance HOCI PRODUCTS telephone. The hypnotist has de- clined to revive hien until the end Macon -Long clear, ll% to 15e of a week, and an oder has been per ll). in ease lots; mess pork, $27 issued for his arrest. to $27.5nn; short cut, $29 to 829.50. :1 hill is before the senate at Marne ---Light to medium. 15'9 to Washington to incorporate the 10C , do., heavy, 11!; to 13e; rolls, ltekefeller Foundation, which is 11 to 1.11;e; shoulders, 13 to 13%c; intended to administer for the be- breakfast bacon, 18 to I'a!;c; backs,, T.. give effect to our position, we high, that signified good weather were allowed to wear shoes. Strong, it hi, skimmed the water that stout shoes, with very thick soler, if tI e. had weather. There is gra whey were c ed and given to us ; dually spreading among the Rea - they called Blucher shoes. On a Saturday afternoon we were Rea - men a superstition tbst if nn ani - called, reeeiycd a pair each, and oral is aboard n vessel 1,1.1 weather were told to wear them every Sun- n'a be deferred --even if tf,e birds day to church at St. George's Ca-, are flying dose to the water if the thedral, a distance of about three head of the animal is pointed alt utiles. and is held in that direction for some time. SEAM EN'S Sl'1'EItS1'1'1'IOx S. Minister .Aboard Ship is a Jonah Sign. With the advent of wireless tele- graphy there has come a supersti- tion that bad news may he warded off if the mast that is a part of the apparatus is patted thrice with the palm of the hand. "Co and ask the cook" --a sea- mae's inevitable reply to all irre- levant. questions --has been elabor- ated in the last year to "Go and ask the cook's sister," and it is re- lated that Capt. Turner of fire Lu- sitania went, so far recently as to alter the time-honored reply to, "Go and ask the ship's cat." A minister aboard ship has always been taken as a "Jonah sign" by seamen. In recent years, however, this superstition has been modified to a, certain extent. A young min- ister, the seamen believe, will not bring as much of a "Jonah" with hint as an old one. Men on the sailing vessels have alv.•ays held that craning or scratch- ing the mainmast would bring a long period of good weather. Men on the huge modern steam vessels now similarly believe that seratoh- in;; a smokestack with the linger - nal will insure continued fair wea- ther. One of the oldest sea supersti- tions has been connected with the flying of birds. If the bird: flew the .caist. (toing thiouglt one of - ..1. - - th • large down -town stores, on i11SI 001i 1'11.1,5 1'Olt ('.1ND1'. 11'tdnesdav, ;lime per+on unknown. -.- deftly clipped thele off above her I bird Child to Ilii in a 11 `.•4 l'rutn 1•Irit ('ante. .1 despatch fron, it tawa says neck, tiking the silk ribbon which tied them. The little girl did not di.coser her loss until her return home. Then there were tears. ;ire. The sugar eeating of strychnine era! other case; of the same kind pill, with whish she war platting, have hrnn repotted and the police tempted Marjory ?tiny, the four - are on the .• item for .•renders• teen months' old da«ght 'r of %tr. Other eases of the same kind are and Mrs. E. .1. lileakney, 24 .Avl-. alt, ged to have taken place in et Aself ite% to rat several of them some of the nickel shows. alit a}r.• t,, feed them to her pet ----+- ---- dog The clog died in a few min Th••ne are too many who want to stand en the /ere mark. neither ir.us nor plus, in the moral f;N MII.I.iONS ('.11'11.11,. barley, `(s Flour- Spring wheat .1:•oul F'ifl)•sir ('nnningF'arlori" patents, firsts, $0.80; cin.. seconds, inn Merger.$5.30; Winter wheat patents, *0.- 55 to $3.60: Manitoba strong hnk- white. 44e: Ontnrio No. 3 whit., i put into execution. Crawling to 4.'4.; Ontario No. 1 white. 12e. liar-. a corner of the room, 1 first. knelt Icy --No. :t, 60e; No. 4, 5Se: feed Mown. then holding on to the wall fo' support, 1 stood up, and still being supported by the wall, I s(epped round the moot many times. the others following my ex - $5.10; straight rollers, 90.10 ample, till we were able to leave to $5.20; straight rollers, in hags, tite wall, stand nlonr. er move $2.10 to $2..'U. Feed -Ontario bran al,out without support. 8.2.50 to $.23: Ontario middlings, You can well imagine what a bur - $2:i.50 to $21: Manitoba bran. $22; den this was to its. and after losing Manitoba shorts, $23; pure grain sight of the college, we sat on the nt' uillit', $31 to 833 ; mixed tnouillie !tarass, took off the shoes, walked *i•2t'. Cher.,•- 11'rstr rots 12'„ refooted, anti put them on only to 13; casterns. 12 to 12';r. htsttrr theporch "( the church. 11'r. -Choicest creamers -.90 i, to 26c. slid the Raine on returning to col- - Eggs - Strictly new laid, 30e per lege. :After some months' practise dozen. we were able to move better in them, but rempla'ned leas• they hurt ff et, and with - UNITED STATES M.1ithEIS. tier would rather be with out theta. But after seine months .1 despatch from Tlamilten says: 1t was antiouneed here on Wednes- dnv morning that the merging of nearly all the canneries in Canada was completed on Tuesday in 'To- ronto. The new company will he known as the Dominion Ca WIN'S. 1.1d., and will have a capital of $'x,000,000. Its headquarter` will be in this city. The merger was brought about principally through the Canadian Canners of this city, eel will take in alien( :.0 canning fnctories in this part of Canada. .',f.. J. .1. \airn, present manager tiles and the child WAS soon ttrick- of the (,i,, ,l an Canner', and It. Buffalo. Mnrt•h 8.-- Wheat No. en with eenvulsion,t and died on 1•.. inns "•• retnry, will likely how 1 \orthcrn, carloads store, $1.231,1; scale. Thursday morning. then:e •;3; • Doini«iou Canners. Winter, nominal. ('urn- Weak ; {._ Ne 3 yellow, 63%e; No. •t yellow. SI(Illl. 'I(1\t:1• IN CANADA. 61e. No. 3 corn. 63c; No. 4 corn, Oats --No. 2 white, 53e; No. Itepo-its Shots Ilig Increase 3 white. 51c; No. 4 while, 50c. Bar - During Past Fear. ley -Feed to malting, 71 t.. 77c. •2 on truck. *eke ( hicagu, Murch 8. -('ash wheat-- \ '2 ted, 81.22', ; No. 3 red, *1.- 1., to *1,2:: No. 2 hail, 81.1') to tt'.1:rSa: \o. 3 hard. $1.12' to SI. - EXPLOSION IN 1VtAGAINE :��, Killed Twenty -Three Men in Alaska Mine on Wednesday Night. 1 .1 despatch from London says: :At a meeting of the Bank of British \•.tth .1tnr►•it:1, E. A. Hon rr. pre - maid money war plentiful in .:t ads, as shown try the fie( that total deposit+ in banks had in creased by $12'i,(ro0,900. He also A despatch from Juneau. \'..ittkn. fore the Hien were as'.cnnblea It the referred to the impossibility of g•, clevntur to ) g• measuring the vast potentialities of says: Twenty-three tuners we- re on lo1 • The uta a ntrnl ('anada. killed on We Ire,dny night by an 'ire, which contained Y7:. pound: of powder was ::0 feet from ill.111101T11► 1)F'1111\ 111 OFFICEOFFICEext,losion powder magazine in of a Mare where (he men were s•stel Cie 1.100 foot level of the Mexican in:,, but every man no% kille•I, i . I •. I.+r of I al N. seine, one of the group of Tread- it juied. Most of die miners air.• will gold properties on Douglas Is- fat. ignets. The tui 11 in rl.arg.' of land. 1':ight Inco were serionaly in the ningavine hal !,..ked the 1•.nr' 1 ; • •... . 1, .1.. N. S.. 1': No. 1 Northern, 01.1714 to $1.- tti;, ; No. 2 Northern, *1.1:, to $1.• 17. No. 3 Spring, $1.13 to 81.151.1. ('urn -N... :. (:2c, No. 3 white. 62 G. 6"2'.•• : No. a yellow, 1111.1) PROPS OF (' 1N %DA. inure:isle from 1'410 In Present Rep- resented 401 Per ('ent. .1 despatch froni Ottawa says: The Census Statistics Bureau has prepared a statement of the valise of the field crops of Canada at four statederiods. It .bows that p in 1'.60 the total value of the erops wits $90,701,613. in 1940 it had in- creased lo $158,403,533; in 190') it grew to 1205.071.911. while last year it was $03.2,99',100 or an in- crease of 431 per cent. itt 49 years. BRIT! 11 tltltl' ESTI II VIES. Total for 11:tintcu;ince for the fear Nearly S11'1,0011.1)09. 1 dr-I,atri. f,• ,, L,.ud••n says: Toe army e:,tiu.xt' , for 1910.11. is- sued us, 'Thursday, show a total for rnnintenanrc of $1::'.,8011,(010. This is an inrrcate over the estimates •e int eat ed in the purchase of of the preceding year of $1,625,000. IT IS BEOOtING A TORRENT The Stream of Immigration From the United States Is Increasing. A. despatch from Ottnest says : steads take:n up. 'I lo' total number The influx of settler% int the ('an*. ' of entries for January was 2,498, as dian west this year promises to compared with 1,3tos in January of Inst yearan increase c,f 1.349. .1m - 62'..e ; No. 1, :,5' _, to 57c : No. 4 greatly surpass all previous re- • client'. Ie 1. with 913 homestead en - white. 57 to 0ge; No. 4 yellow, 57 colds. Report- received by the lin- ttiei, and there were, in addition, to 09:•. (Zatz- -Nu. '2. 41';c: N°-..3, rMgration Department indicate that 1 13 ►(•turning Canadians (rem the 45'.c to Ific; No. 3 white, to to 1.e; the arrival• front the American' United States. Entrirt by ('anadi- \0 1 whirr. 43 to 413` ; standard' States, particularly from the North- ( net totalled teal. English immi- west, will exceed the inc hundred grants took :1.31 homesteads, Scotch !AVE 'iTO1 K 11 111K ET. thousand stark. During the first 97, and Irish 29. The remaining jilted and four of these may .lie. %'here the explosites were st•,rrrl ;c.. I. h 1 ?l k ,''-, eolleetor o/ month of the }car there has been 41'. home -(cads taken up during The last shots had been fired i.v aril was staielingt .lith the title r s' • i.er. . •` 1elea rl in his pri• Montreal. Ma ret, M. Prime an increase of over one hundred the m,•nth were In• people from Le night shift far oily minutes be-r,u n. Ile was killed. i. ate •.91•e en Ta •)444► afteros'1-. bee.cr:, 5'; to 6;,c per ib.: pretty lit cent. in the number of home- other Europa an countries.