HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-10, Page 6iNE A'YSTERY CLEARED HP;
( 11.11''1'1•:1{ I V. - (Com 'd)
"That M. Dorgeres should have
suffered himself to be carried away
by his bourgeois prejudices,"' she
went on ; "that he should even have
seized on the single pretext which
offered to break a project of mar-
riitee that. displeased kite, need not
greatly astonish us. He wished at
any price to get rid of M. de Car -
noel, and did not hesitate to dis-
honor without hearing him. Your
uncle is an honest man in the
strictest. sense of the word, but
there are sentiments he is incapable
of appreciating. As to the Rus-
sian, who 1s in truth only a spy,
it might well be expected that he
would throw himself with ardor on
the first trail pointed out to him,
ani: in default of any other victim
pursue M. de Carnoel without re-
spite or scruple. But there is one
whose conduet in this sad carie is
absolutely inexplicable."
"'Who?" stammered Maxime,
more and more out of countenance terdav he received me almost cold-� Jtadetnwselle, she said, in a
"Do not ring," raid the couiIT
ntess,T.6 vv BE SO rr1TT1wy o ••T i\ .1 (.0t1Et'S '1'.111•. ! lit RING ERUPTIONS
quickly, whu had star .J at tlri.;
r r!•.
"It was, I thought, a w ,:rl•u►'s
voice," said Maxime.
"It is a woman, but way the calls
s., l cannot tell."
"1 did not think she celled. It
was rather a cry of fright- or of
surprise. If she wanted ad the
w•fuld have rcpeuted it."
"There is nothing to !!incl 'r her
(rem coining out. The pour lien-
municating with my chamber is i of
locked. Some one is •unteettcd
.se there who wished to avoid meet'1q
1 you, but who will forgive uie ftr
word he took good are not to pro disregarding a childish fancy. En-
nounce. The intention to injure is: ter, I beg, and bring with you the
evident. In acting thus this man' person you will find there.'
yielded to a base sentiment-jeal-! Maximo, completely puzzled,
oust'." ! obeyed without, comment. Be op- so,
"1 should he pained to believe cued the door and found himself
it. I think that even now if I asked face to face with :!lice Dorgeres-
only or
him to relate to my uncle the ad-' Alice, pale, agitated, trembling. ight eyes, pink checks, and lips,
venture we concealed he would not! He was undoubtedly the mune and rigorous carriage w}oeh acecm-
refuse." I astonished of the two, for he had early a Kell -nourished body.
•'Take care you do nothing of the no suspicion that his cousin was in
sort. This tardy confession would the countess' house., while Alice, on
not benefit M. de Cal•noel, and it the contrary, was very well aware
is of great consequence to me to of his presence there.
act without the knowledge of the' "Weil, yes, it is I," lie said,
future son-in-law of M. Dorgeres. laughing. "Yon cried out so that i help's absorption, digestion and em-
it you persist in your generous de -t Madame Yalta was frightened, and similation : helps distribute the
sign to aid ale to end M. de car- wished to know if you needed as blood and nerve elements which
noel, I roust exact of you a prom -1 istance.� Speak. What has hap- make sound flesh. act the ingredi-
ise to snake no sort of enufidence petted ? eats sett snake it at home. and see
to Vignory." I "Nothing, stammered Alice,
g ".1 nervous shock. Take me hew very fast you gain in weight.
"It will be very easy. He thinks In a half pint bottle, obtain
only of his approaching marriage three ounces of essence of pepsin,
and recent elevation to the part-. :Maximo took her by the hand, three ounces syrup of rhubarb.
e and led her to the countess' bed- ,
nersbip with my uncle ; so much so, Then add one ounce compound es -
that when 1 took Georget there yes_II . „ • • Beier cardiol, shake and let stand
two hours; then add one ounce
tii:eture cadornene compound, (not
caidamorn). Shake well and take
a teaspoonful before meals and one
after meals. Also drink plenty of
water between meals and when re-
tiring. \Veigh yourself before be-
er?" axked the countess, quickly. be -
Clan, whom I am expecting, an ginning.
"No." replied Maxime, earnest -I who has forbidden me to see any _____3.
ly. "It was after a visit to the of- one to -day. et is important to us AT TAF. BATHS.
fisc that I passed with Gcurget by both that your visit should remain
"No, but Vignory told me him- t:i» Russian's residence. We part- unknown; and it is probable that
sols the same dad, and he is ineap• ed almost angrily, and I have no we shall not meet again unless the. lady) --"When I came here first, I sLowcr of shooting stars, ethereal
able of lying. Besides, how could need of your instructions in order situation should be altogether hadn't strength to utter a word, I glimmerings in the upper regions of
he do otherwise than defend M. de to be reserved on this point." l changed. I have said all I had to hod scarcely a hair on my head. I tie. atmosphere, while the obser•-
Carnoel, who was his most intimate "Thanks. 1 see that I may count say concerning M. de Carnoel, couldn't walk across the room. and e -s on the other side of the globe
friend?" on you. However, I shall not put Year cousin knows more, and is a had to be lifted from my bed.'' study the passage of the nucleus
"And his successful rival." your services too much under con- position to advise you if you need Sick Lady -"You giro me hope before the solar disc.
"That is not exactly the word. tribution, at. least at present. Ti ad1 ice. Soon, i trust, the truth kind sir. How were you cured? It is probable, however, that the
first point is that Borisoff should will appear and M. de Cornoel will Robust Old Gentleman -"I was elements in the cornet's tail will
saved. He uu15t hear no speak for himself. Before we part, hero here." �' be so rarified that, though living
for a short time right- inside it, the
BE REAST Thfrill: inhabitants of the earth will be un -
HORSE ILMEN'1'`r able to discern any difference.
faith's Inhabitant. Likely to spend
Thinness is l:nlbarrassitie. l nhcal• ! a tilt lluw..
Ito and Not Natural Formula
\011 l'Sed 1{ lith .tdd.. Fselll out• C'amille Flauunurion, the emits.
Three Pounds a \{ cc;;. eat Frcuch scientist, Writes the the worst kind of an itch. We puri.
European edition of The New York tiveiv know this.
!;very one ought to Lace fume Herald. giving some interesting Oil of wintergreen, a mild. Booth•
tea tical on the bone structure
facts ie aiding Hailey's comet, int; liquid, combined with such heal -
the body, both for the sake of int; substances as thymol and gl•-
alth and self-esteem. serine, will penetrate to the inner
Most thin people are sensitive to skill, kill the geniis, and heal. The
harsh, unfeeling criticisms
1), 1►• 1). Prescription, made at the
lith are constant's Leing hurled I). 1). 1). Laboratories of Chicago,
them by the more h•rterltttc well
gored eel sons.
cerins to be just the right e'117 -
Every one pities a thin, bony
Hemel. as thousands' of rcuiarkablu
cones prole.
rhe, but- horses don't know it - 1l(.n't go on suffering from ec-
lilc titin people are both I,iti• .1 full daylight 1 venni or any other itching skin dis-
ease, ridiculed. it ought not to be ease, a hen relief is so easily ob-
but it its. � tunic d.
A well rounded figure, be it man Just write the D. D. i). Lahore-
wotnan, excites ndrniration: not torics, i)cpt. W. L.. 23 Jordan Ht.,
for the figure but for the Turnuto, and they hill send yon,
free, a trial bottle. This sample
will relieve the itching at once, and
prove to your satisfaction that Il;•re
at last is the cure for your tc�r�,Ire.
Write for a trial battle to dal.
For sale by all druggists.
(11 Rid 1' ('001.1:1)
Just a few drops of the famous
1). 1). I). Prescription applied to
the skin will take away instantly
Strength. health, beauty and
sound flesh abound. if the blood
and RC ryes get enough nourishment
eat of the food eaten.
This prescription aids nature;
"The cashier, Vignory,' said l•. 1 understood, from his attitude, voice could erious su aid agitated,
ed,in that
Madame Yalta. that this old story interested him'longer
!" no longer." i room, which I regret, haying made
"Vignory exclaimed Maximo. "He is not aware. I hope, that you enter. But it is better you
unexceptionable.I assure you Heduct has defended M you know, or think you know, that sthand to be out,
surprised by
our mv cousin
P M. de C.'arloel is Borisoff's prison -1 . p y • I
de Carucci warmly."
"Were you present when the
scene occurred?" asked Mme. Yal-
ta, cc:ldl•.
Robust Old Gentleman (to sick
which is approaching the earth at
the rate of 115.000 miles an hour.
(in April 19, it !till arrive at its
greatest proximity to the sun, and
a month later, on May 10, at 2
o'clock in the morning, Paris time,!
it Will pass directly between the
earth and the sun. The Pacific
Ocean, Asia and Australia will be,
in a at the tine. The
nucleus of the comet at that time,
will be l,i,(X0,000 miles distant from
the earth, and as the tail of the
cornet has a length of more than
:5,000,0011 miles, it will reach to our
globe and beyond. The result will
be that for several hours the earth
will I* immersed in the great gase-
OtIE caudal appendage.
Halley's come t, says M. Flam-
ma rten, is not a- big cucn: t like those
of 1!+11, 1858, 1861 and 1882, for in-
stance. It is a medium sized corn-
et But its former appearances
show that it is extremely variable.
In 1456 it stupefied all beholders.
In 1682 there was nothing extraor-
dinary about it. especially as it ar-
rived after the prodigious comet of
1680. In 1759 and 135 it scarcely
impressed anybody but the astro-
We can as yet affirm nothing as
to its extent this time nor as to its
chemical composition. What is
most probable is that our terres-
trial globe will traverse this gase-
ous tail as a cannon ball traverses
a light fog, this tail, being, so to
speak. immaterial, especially at
such a distance from the head.
Perhaps there will be noticed in-
teresting electric and magnetic
phenomena, manifestations of polar
aurora. storms of a new kind, a
11' had long had an inclination for
any cousin, but he perceived that.
Hebert- de Carnoel and Alice loved
each other, and kept himself aloof.
He is the most modest and also the
most loyal of ,men. Had it been in
his power to save the honor of M.
de Carnoel, ho would have done
more of you. He will think vonmademoiselle, I ask only one thing,
acted yesterday without cunsider.n that you will speak to no one, under
tion, and that you will not re- any pretext, whatever, of what you
turn.'' l have seen or heard here -to no one,
Because a farmer has to warn
"It is a painful enough rule that you understand-- neither now nor with his horses and have their ser•
yen impose on tile, said Maximo,• ••; will be SIifllt lllw'ay3," mar- vices nearly every day in the year,
with a smile that was rather forced.!it is absolutely necessary that he
"Why ? Your altercation with inured Mile. Dorgeres. ,� be posted on their common ailment;
"Really? He is, then, deficient the man (lid not go far enough tot '' •rely upon you, made►noiselle, nor! know how to treat their injur-
in intelligence?'' asked the countess render a meeting the necessary said the countess, "M. Dorgeres; ire
abruptly. consequence- And you have ter br so good as to ring. It is not nut of place to suggest
And as Maxime, stupefied, made tainly on cause to fear any provo-` • The duenna appeared, and Max- that it is wise to have such a thor-
ns reply. she went on : cation on the part of Borisoff. He till(', leading Alice, followed her. - °uglily good and reliable horse re -
"He is stupid. then?" „ They walked side by side in Si-endall's Spavin ('ure
P wishes only panel. 1 medy as
"Stupid, why i" selffiince nc t. touu wish it I disturb him. Bunt nay, Muer Beanjon, when Maxime ey reached the end
al constantly
Kendall'sun S Spavin Cure is now
"I clic! not think I should need tor
explain. Here is a man who deers I ask how I can he permitted tuiabiuptly: And for a long series of years has
his hest friend charged wit.h an in- serve you r' I "Why did you not confide in MC 1 been a standard horse remedy. it
famy. Ile knows a fay t which would "By abstaining from taking any Had I known you had decided i." este hardly be too strongly recom-
change entirely the • whole face of measures." I see the countess, I would have mended,
things. The accusers are ignorant "What ! you will not allow me spared you the embarrassment of In this connection. we want to
of it. He hes only to speak to mo- to assist in the delivery of M. de gc.ing alone." commend to our readers an excel-
C'arnoel'f" "My •resolution was taken last
"If I succeed it will he to you! !light, and I wished to execute it
I owe it, for without you I should( immediately. It was the comer -
not have known that M. de Car- sution with you yesterdny which
dib• their ideas. It was even pro-
bable that in bringing together
and comparing different cirelnn-
stanees his friend's inneeence
lent little hook called •A 'treatise
on the Horse and His Dim rises."
This hook and Kendall's Spavin
Cure ought always go together.
would be apparent. And this roan noel was Borisofl's prisoner. But led aur to wish to interrogate for The (took can be had free at the
is silent:" it is I alone who can act effective.' Il!! self this great lady who comes drug store where Kendall's Spavin
"What do you mean Y" stammer- ly--i alone in all the world." Iso late to the succor of the absent.' (tire is sold or it clay he secured
ed Maxime. "In the condition you are in :" 1 Sete Swore to methat she w•olrld by writing to the Dr. B. J. Kendall
"M, Vignory is cashier. On ar• "Some one will take my place. Rat hint. \\lint is her vow worth? t, Jnpanv, at Enosburg Nalls, Ver-
one morning he finds the safe 1 shall not appear, but, will divert ;)les she even know whether RuI;e,t nlont, iJ. S. A.. if you enclose a
open. He sends for M. Dorgeres
all. Von do not understand. It' de ('nrncel 'i� in Pari whether, two cent stamp to pay postage. SAN ADIAM SWEMSONS,
wli, cries out: 'it is M. de ('ar is however, impossible for me to' he is alivei -- ,1,
If a man is too lazy to think kr
himself he should get MMMRrried.
Kills Bone Spavin
Valley. Alta Yds)
"1 have used your Spavin Cure for •
tong lime and would not he without It
vase klo:c`t a Lone Spavin by 1b use."
cl,r CAkr,SON.
Thal tells th• whclr story. And
hundreds of thousands have had the
tame esperienee iu the past dU years.
For Spavls, Rtlegboae, Curb,
Splint, Swellings ad
- an Lowness,
Kendall a Spavin Cors teres the
trouble -wales the horse sound and
well --and saves tonne) for the nwot,
because It removes floe saw of the
Fero a bonne err as s at hand - jl or t:
for $L Good for roan and beast. ASIC
y,ur •' - for free copy of o,tr book
'-A ' ..tin en Tbr horse• or writ,,n.
SR 5. ). SENDAI.L Cs. Enodarg leas, Vt.�
A litvorinir used 77, reale as lemon yr vau:llr,
civ Aiss',Ivtng granulated ',war in water vat
adding N.,ple,ne, a d.licious syrup to mottle u'd
a syntp better than map's. ktap'eine Is vld by
grocery. 1t act send 51'r for 2 os- bottle ran
recipe book. Crescent Mfg. Co.. Seattle, Ws
(a„ be handled Herr e•.(:y, Th. yo, k arecored.and all °then ft
•,•sealfl.:c..,n 'lustier h,•vr"et' ped "kept from bas lug 'hod!s.
case, by unne 511)71\7t 1.101.111, I'I (l?.ell'L'n MINK. Ube °n
rte 'mottle or lofted. Alla ere tkebl 1 and etpele genn• of sa
(urns of dietomper. one Mottle aoanuteed to rare ov rv.-. [t„
•ad el a b.•ltle: V, and Co doyen? drdgglet. and hairy
dealers. eat •ho:vs hon to poultice throats. Our free 1 enk:et
sloes er•rythlnr. lnr•,.rt selling hors. remedy ,n ens(eaca--
tlfteeL , car... OlnlalBLTONS, All wadesale Dna nowt.
SPONN MtWCAI. CO., ck•■at. as/ bacter(eles/4u, Goshen. Ind.. U. S. A.
'Nenson's Malleable Stump Puller
e Slumps and Trees, We Pull
Them as We Please.
noel :' And M. Vignory sloes not say more. Moreover, you will nett "She did not know, when you ar-
reply : 'No. it is not he. An at- retrain long in uncertainty. et rived. She knows now."
tempt has been made before this to this moment, after the warning you' "How• is that'' ' Jane -"Henry, what, would y' II
open the safe. A woman has left have given. the colonel is making' "Von did not hear our conVersa-1 do' if ye should go to the post -of
her hand there. M. de Carnoel his arrangements to rid himself of tion':" fits, buy a stamp, ask the man to
lrnfl nothing to do with this first M de Carnoel. 1 cannot affirm' "You do not ask that seriously ?"I stick it on for you and he refused 1'
attempt since he was passing the that he will not kill hint. but as,ur_ "It is absurd, I confess. it is, Henry (who is very serious) -
cse'iiI \ with you ; therefore M. de cells- he will not keep him at his not your habit to listen nt doors. ! "What would I do? Stick it on
('arneel took to part in the sec- house. I have not an instant to Well, it is 1 who have just inform- I myself."
rind ' What would your uncle have lose In threo days from now you ed the countess that. Hobert is not Jnne-"I should stick it on the
opposed to this statement ? As- shall know whether I have sue- {lend and that he has not left letter.,,
',tiredly he would not have persist- cfcded.i iris•" '1' i
e•1 in accusing his unfortunate see- "How shall 1 know ?" (To be continued.) A USEFUL INVENTION.
relary on the pretext that he had "By coming to Fee me. If my ser -
ill chosen his moment for leasing cants tell you I do not re; eive, in_
the house." i si.st on speaking to my femme de TO .1 1 IsI1011.
"1 do not know." murmuredehambre who has always shown you
iinxinie, feeling all the jn-tice of in. Site has my orders, and will ad_ Matthew ::,: 40.
the countess' reasonings. '•Ms 1!n- nut yon."
de is very determined in his ideas, "At least if 1)r. Villagos dots In days of weary weakness,
and had resolved to get rid of M. not oppose it."And night when I was sad.
de Carmel. I doubt if his opin- "Villagos' yes. you are right : he With Christ -like love and meekness
10:1 would have changed. It is might do so; above all if he suspec- lou came and made me glad.
noir the less True that Vignory ted M. de ('nrnoel to be in qurs•
s.1 old have dune better to speak--- tion." And often now with pleasure
Your visit I review ;
Fe r gratefully I treasure
Your words so kind and true.
1.. tell the whole truth, He failed "And his authority woul.l ccr-
threngh wane f i ,'1,ce of mind: thinly be stranger than mine."
it is pardenal.le 711,'I, 1• cireum'tane- "i will indicate to you how- to
es that mint have so disconcerted make him yield. You have the ring
him." 1 gave you yesterday 1"
• I de not believe it. 1t was ••1 shall never be seper.a'ed fr to
thr.,ni(}, f, ar ' f eotnprolni'ing him- it u.'til you reclnim it,"
rte?f. He ma afraid of being re- "Slues it to the doctor in east
hhi' at he (I - fol . between telr`••'l%es, , lie undertakes to hinder v' it frill.
h, we II deserted it : for the fact seeinst me -ill that case folly "
of hi-.hal ink Lett silent as 1', the And like .Madame 1'iriee he
se%ercd hard in inexplicable and will obey this talisman'"
unfelt(1.rlable.'' "He will obey it. Perhaps he will
"I had seiertlling 1,, du sill' the I ask some questions. 1)o not an.
pat! 'signory took: 1 had het/gullswer them. .Ind now that 1 have
14101 to keep silence. and has',ng al- 1 Fait' all.'' added the countess, 'do
was exercised ,a certain influence i ipe the favor to ring for my femme
trier 111:1. 110 rulllIeili((I. ' tle (balitbr(' wh', tell! show von i lit•
'Ostye more. you were IIIA M.' 1 a(1) expecting this %cry liila'z,,'.
tie t'arnoei's friend. M,reuter. , and die tint care to hate hill' find
you could not foresee that he aen'el ye 1 here.''
be aeen'etf. But your Vignory ha+ I Maxime reached out his lead to
only to open his mouth ler the of-. do. silken cord when n ery tette :n
fair to wear quite another aspect. ; hi.; ears which pro^er•'r^d f'• in the
Long may your days he lengthened
By Him to whom von cling:
Long may your soul he strengthen-
hor service for your King.
Hi+ sacred word obeying.
May you His servant be
Until you bear Him saying
"Ye did it unto nee."
Granthurst, Ont., 1910.
Hobby--"i've been an awful good
boy since I started )!'ring t., Sun-
day -school. haven't 11'' Mother --
"Yes, dent, you'sc been very ges.1
indeed." Hubby -".Ind you don
With a word he c(ul(1 'at 170 ,ie, M'(h r ' any dear."
do you -�
1/•har.ibrr in which Vies had talc( li Uother--"No. clear." Hobby
friend outside the case, and this i refuge. ' t Then why de you hide the jam?"
One of the latest inventions along
the lines of gas and gasoline en
gives is a harvester engine. '1'lii
consists of a 2'f I1.p. air cooled
engine which operates the machin -
cry of the binder. and relieves the
horses of so much work. This out-
fit will doubtless be a very familiar
object on the Western plains in the i
near future. (it is manufactured
by the Gilson Manufacturing Co..
Port Washington, Wis., and
(i::,•11.h. Canada _)
Meple Syrup
At:ontlon 1
flow can yon reaannably espel't to make
even a fair finality of syrup uaint out•of•
date pots and kettles and pan. for boiling
your Maple Syrup. Write for booklet on
tt' "r'hampl-'n" Evaporator to
ft, Weilln^ton £t., tar,ntr,al,
f.r,• C t(L•F cry •s' /s► d�eesr
Sr 11'. 7 PC 11(r% $gross
at1.L5 iva , �../*of
F R,Tr g.e'r..-,
3epsr,ree..C,vres 1%•,1Mt-
aksY. •.e. h., •real.
JS rk S(.. (.1LL1I1. U\-7.
We manufacture the largess arcnrlment cot
Stunlp•1'ulling Jlachines made any rbcs•. We
yell them no a guarantee that they will ttu:k
taster, last longer and are more convenient
than any other machine Mads for that our re
i'co know there can only he one REST. 1' t nn
'5, ile for catalogue O you will know all :.1•o t
it. 1 hey ltre tree for the asking. \!'rite to
div, nc this 010T rot :,ppear again.
S Remi portably Feaine
Evaporator Tank.
11 P
Fairbanks -Morse
Semi -Portable
or Skidded Engine
Enulnned with Evaporator Tack.
nes(Cned es^,cirlty for )ventral Farm
11,.,11 in ' .,00l E 11 P
Specially Adapted for Work In
Cold Weather.
There Engines are the same as the Standard rinriuortal F aporator vn
pinta, en, rpt that they are mounted nn skids with gasoline tank plaid In
Lupe of the engine, where it is bell prole( ted, making a very neat. rompaet.
pelf -contained outfit, as can t„' tern from the illustration shove of the 5 h.p
Oapoline Engine. PI••.,•ecrton, PO. ;.phisad,e111t,n,tntAft t•wadt•,•r•,t3,h.ew't't•.
4 nna Fat
ma.o(tl-eel Ian story gra proof addillea 1. lust beteg t►nop,.t.J.:.Ltlse 741, far -.
teeth,• the oseort ant mere up 1115:e of Atlart,e t' t, Iin71i. .t see feat 1.. is eke aa, •.
rase of the bed reoe,, a,eraslne ;9 feet square.
laser, r,ou (.,tamands as •.e5ae Blew. bath at:ecM.l •1tk sea sat f-erb water (" r .
(:w to freer ebensber ireperslari r•sa:alM b, r7rtaoelade. the late.% Aare lyres t s
Maui b.attag 1 rel) ,us to every rants Neif prlsi;ese. ('tope.:t, s,-,,. W".141 fort"art:a:.1
CHARLES 0. MARQUI:Trn, TRA\MORF 110111. C0hI'-sNV,
Manager. U. 8. V• i 1.1 F: , Fess