HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-10, Page 5The Molsons Bank Incorporated 185.1 Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000 Rest Fund - - - $3,500,000 Hae 05 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Oities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. interest allowed at highest cut tent tate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DfoettoN & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, Now to Get Free Seeds We want to send everybody interested in gardening or farming our new free 1910 Seed Catalogue. If you will write us to -day. we will Include. free, a package of our Aspara- gus Beet. This Beet Is most delicious. You get two distinct dishes from one vegetable. Use the ribs as Asparagus -the leaves as Spinach or greens. Our new Catalogue Ls one of the most complete published this year. If you prefer. we wilt send free package of our Burbank's Giant Crimson California Poppy. or D. A H.'s Excelsior Swede, In- stead of the Asparagus Beet Let us know to -day which you want. Kindly mention this paper. It Is Import- ant to us. DARCH d HUNTER SEED CO., Ltd., London, Ont. 4 Make Each Animal Worth 25010 Over Its Cost On 3i of a Cent a Day Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the bots or colic, making hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk fie pounds per cowa day. or restoring run-down anianals to plumpness and vigor. When you feed "stock food " to your cow. horse. swin• or poultry, you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. Your animals do need not mare feed. but something to help their bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get fat and stay fat all year round; also to prevent disease. cure disease and keep them up to the bei possibpl1ee condition No stock food" can do all these things. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It is 1E:.' ient !a• -••t ft' . err of a •v O.:t,r Os G,ead [;•cert, 'a! Not a "Stock Food" But a "Conditioner" RV/AL PURPLH STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grain. nor farm products. It increase., yi •I 1 of m:llr trom tires to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two was. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known. Y wie catves ted with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when fel with ordinary materials • Seweeks. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK n SPECIFIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to plumpness almost magically. Cures bots. colic. worms. skin diseases and debi!ittypermanently. Din alcEwan, the horseman, says 1 have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC n tr;.stently in the feeling of 'The Eel.' 2.021 largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1114. tad 'Henry Winters.' 2.091. brother of Allen Winters.' winner of $36.000 in trotting stakes i t 11)t. These horses have never been off their feed since 1 commenced using Royal Pu•ple Specific almost a year aaa. and I will always have it in my stables." oyal Purple STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS One5Je. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days. which is a little over two-thirds of a cent a da Most stock food; in lift cent packages List Nut fifty day: and are given three times a day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC i • its:en hat once a day. and last; half again as tonj , A 51 50 Tail containing four times the am ant of the ttfty cent package will last 2W/days. ROYAL PURPLE wilt increase the value of year stock 25{. It is an astonishingly quick fattener, stimulating the appetite and the relish for food. assisting nature to digest and burn feed into flesh. Asa hog fattener it k a leader. It willsave many times its cost in veterinary hills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI- FIC is our other Specific for poultry. not for stork One 50 cent package will last tteenty-five .a 711days. or a pail costing $1 50 will last twenty-five hen; 2y0days. whish is four times more rt t:.rial for only three times the cost. It makes a "laying machine " out of your hens • ^.mer and wint••r, revents fowls losing flesh at moultingtime. and cu::; ltr • diseases i:.ery package of ROYAL PURPLB STOCK SPHCIFpoultry IC or POULTRY SPECIFIC us guaranteed. Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other prtoaration on another animal in the same -onJiti int after comparing results you will sayROYAL PURPLH ha; them all heat t,death. nrelse backcomes your money. FRI?P.-Ask your merchant or write us for our valuable 12.page booklet nn cattle and poultry diseases. containing alio cooking rete; s and full particubar; about ROYAL PURPLE STOCK and POUL- TRY SPECIFICS. If you cannot get Royal Purple Sprit:..‘ from merchants or agents. we will supply you direct. express prepaid. on receipt of 51.50 a pail for either Poultry or Stn.k Specifics. Make money a t,n.g a; our agent in your Jistri:t. Write for term.. Par sale by all up -to date merchants. W. LJenkins Mfg. Co., London, Cia. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS and free booklet• are kept In stock by W. J. IIEAMAN. F.XETE:R, and IIANLON A O'BRIEN Centrads You Can Even Do Your Toronto Shopping Through "The Star" The Star's "in Toronto Shops" Depart- ment describes new and attractive oWerings seen in lits- Shops day by Jas, with the Toronto Dass• Star's offer to roeshase any of these articles for out-c.l-t•,ssn subscribers who send the mores-. Many are taking sat artage of this Department. "Of lntere,tto" omen" isthewell-deserved heading of a special page in the Toronto Daily Strr. it is one of two and sometimes three pages devoted particularly to women's tastes and is independent or the "Social and Personal" and 'Madge Merton's" pages, for years popular features of'the Star. 1.01 interest to Women" includes scores of little hints on health and beauty; the newest fashions in dress and house furnishings; talks on ethical matters of particular interest to women; i'oir.ts of etiquette; suggestions for home entertainment; recipes; daily menus; advice and suggestions on all the matters that lie dose t.) a s ornan's heart. They will help solve household problems, an:1 better still, stimu:ate and interest rhe mind. On .he Woman's page, and throughout the paper, cunei• topics are treated in a bright. newsy way that apl'cals to the snide -awake woman. You'd thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star $1.50 A Year This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" to7eMer for nes yea,. $2. 20. Owe,'+snfeed Feenfmn Pen prim for 50e. added fa abore svbscnpharr price. 1 CAUSE OF ECZEMA EXPL.(INED I G.-rnes rester i.. t:.,- Ss.. .. .1 Blood Cures ate Impossible. Alter ytars of debate medical auth- orities ere t.ow agreed that F.czenta and other skit diseases are not seated In the blood, but are caused by germs to the skin. Myriads of microscopic ani- mals gnaw the flesh Just below the epidermis. The patient is perfectly t.eeltlty, it is only the skin that is dte- eused. Hence e•':eetists are now agreed that you must cure the skin through the akin. The medicine taunt be In liquid torsi in order to penetrate properly, as salves and ointments clo? the pores without reaching the inner akin. The remedy that will search out ul:d destroy the disease germs, stop the Itch and soothe the healthy tissue Is that mild, clean compound of oil of winter- green, thymol, glyceride, ate., known as 1). D. D. Prescription The instant you wash with this wroth - :ng liquid you will find the itch relieved. We positively assure you of this. Write the D. D. D. Laboratortea, Dept. E. A., 23 Jordan St., Toronto, for a free trial bottle, and prove It yourself. For sale by all druggists. F1 EN SA LL The Ladies' Aid of Carmel church field a concert in the churc:n on Mionday even- ing, Match 7th. The program was furn- ished by the Imperial Male Quartette. --Mr. Donaldson received word on Sat- urday of the death of Ids brother Alex. of Chapelle, Alta , where he has been trming for some years. The deceits - et visited his brother here last tall. - The following from a distance attended the funeral of the late Joseph Elit's,- %Ir. \Ici:Ay and Mr. Williams of Goie.- '.ca : Ben. Grey and wife. John Gilders .arid daughter te' Toledo. Ohio. Tnos. Mil- lion, wife and Mies Alice .Million of Getertch.-toles Martha blunter has has gone to Tonawanda. New York, to visit relatives. -Thos. Hudson's little daughter Is recovering nicely from an attack of pneumonia. -Miss St. Clair has returned to town and resumed her pos- ition as head milliner at E. Rannie's.- J. Dona'deen is being visited by his brother and wife front Montana, where he runs an extensive sheep ranch. The following le the correct report of S. S. No. 4, Usborno. for the month of February; -Sr. IV.- T. Coates, A. Skin- ner, C. May. A. blunter. 1. Coates. L. }foreleg, g, V. Coates. Sr III. --M. May, T. Skit nes, I. ford. Jr. I1I.-V. Pin- combe, G. Hunter. C. Thomson, R. Ttic•n'son, H. Hunter, R. Webber, F. Coates, V. Hicks. Sr 1I. -W. Culbert. H. Cortes. W. Thomson. Jr. II.--:. Hicks. A Harding, M. Skinner. Pt. I.. -V. Coates, E. Webber, E. Thomson. Honor Roll -A. Skinner. L. Harding. A. Hunter. H. F. Swann, teacher. MI -O -NA Relieves Stomach Misery Almost Im- medlatcly. if the food you ate at your last meal did not digest, but laid for a long time like lead on your stomach, then you have lndigesticn and quick action should be taken. U: course there are nsaay other eyn,p- tonis of indigestion, swab as belching up of sour food, heartburn. dizziness, slop tncea of breath and foul breath. and 1r you have any of ttiean, sybur.stem- Is out of order and should bo cor- rected. Ml•O•t:a tablets iave cured thousands of cases of tndigestiott and stomach trouble. if you have any stomach dis- tress, M1-o-na will relieve instantly. But Mt-o-na unlike most so-called dys- pepsia remedies, does more than relieve; it permanently cures dypepela or any stomach trouble by putting energy and strength into the walls of the etomack where the gastric juices are produced A large box of Ml-o-tta tablets costs but 50 cents at W. 3. Cole's and are guarantees' to care or money back. When others tail Ml-o-na cures. It to a producer of flesh wt.en the body is thin ; 1• (letuses th^ stomach aril bowels purities the blood and shakes rich red blood. tIYoOfitioctv law-o'/w) CURES CATARRH; ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or snooty tuck. Sold tad guaranteed by W. S. COLE, EXETER. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women : I will send free, with full instructions, my ,home treat- ment which positively cures Leucorr- terra, Ulceration, Displacements, Fall- ing of the Womb, Painful or Irregular Perini., Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or growths, also Hot Flashes, Nerv- ousness. Melancholy, Pains In the Head. Itack, Rowels, Kidney and Itladder troubles where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can continuo treatment at home at a cost of only ahnut 12 cents a week. My book, " Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent free on request. Write to -dad'. Address Mrs. M. Sum- mers, Box 940 Windsor. Ont4 Manure Litters Beaty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions 4 can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder 4 These three things are great labor -saver!, for farmers and ne- cessities on a farm. For sale by Win. Gillespie, Exeter iriviipriwaryiltrIlF111.1rIrgonlit PstoNR 51 WHALEN g to the (Aad co:,dittos of the r ;.ds uur mail man misses several of his deity ruutts. We do not see why he c culd trot come as the roads were traversed well every day. -Mrs. Joan lira*. sr.. who has been seriously 111 1s rapidly recovering. -Mr. Thos. Kin. *14 1e very Ill at th!s hon: In St.Marys -Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Freeman. w::o have been living .at Markdate, are at rresent visiting with her parents.- M . and Mrs. J. V. Stlllso:t vent a few days of last week with friends at Park - Harvey Sutherby was nsarried on Weeeesday of last week tea Miss Sar aft E. Wells at her uomtc in London. We wise them every sus cess through 21:e. -Mips Lottie Squires, who at- tendel the wedding of Mr. Sutherby, spent the week with friends in the city. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gumming visited with her sister who is seriously 111, at her home in Blaiat.,.t'd -Mr. Henry Os- ier. left this week for the west with a c sr of horses. (Too late for last week.) Hector Mlllson has returned home af- ter an extended visit with friends In London, Mitchell and outer places. -Mr. Samuel Gaming sold one of his fine horses to Thos. Tapp for a large figure. Thos. Morley and Wm. Brooke also sold . onto of their horses to a St. Marys buyer, and delivered ;hem on Monday. -Invitations were received in this vic- inity for the marriage of Mr. Harvey flutherby to Miss Sarah E. Wells, at her home on Rldout St., London, un Mar.2. -The ladles have arrange'ti with Mrs. Marshall of St. Marys to be present at their next meeting un Thursday. March loth, at the home of Mrs. J. Hazlewood -The funeral took piece on Saturday o f Mr. James Heinen, ers, who died at his home here on Thursday_. Mr. Heinen was well known and highly respected. A large concourse of friends and rel- ativea was in attendance, Interment be- lief made in the R. C. centetery ' near Lucan.-Moat of the farmers around !sere have secured their necessary help :or the coming season. although then are very scarce. -Mr Thos. Morley re- ceived a nasty cut on his hand while pulping roots. It necessitated the doc- tor's attention. SCHOOL „REPORTS iteport of S. 8. No. 1, Stephen. for the month of February ;-V.-Flossie Davey. Sr. 1V. -Ella Baker, A. White, M. Halst, H. White, E. Anderson, R. McCurdy. Jr. IV. -E. Bowden. M. Ell- iott. C. Davey. 11. Nell. W. Baker. I. McCurdy. 111.-A. Robinson. M. Jacob, V. Nell. E. Wilson. M. liogartis, W. Smith. II. -L. Heist, E. Bowden. E. Jacob, J. White. Pt. 11.-J. Whitting- ton. C. McCurdy. Pt. I. -L. Brown. F. Bowden. M. Brown, G. Jacob. Dorothy Cooper, Teacher. The following is the report of the Re- view e_snsination held in S. 8. No. 6, Usborne, during the month of February 8r. IV. --E. Ileywood 430. Jr. IV. -J. Brock 358 ; E. Coward 302. Sr. III. - E. Kellett 429; T. Creery 394; R. Goul- dine 251: E. Coward 213. Middle 1ii.- 1. Heywood 467 : H. Garnish 444 : D. Careish 312: M. Clarke 289. Jr. 111.- 0. Duncan 346; L. Johns 325. 1i. - M. Washburn 282: L. Cornish 283 ; V. Ileywood 221 ; M. Wilson 95. Pt. 11.- M. Bell 271 ; W. Routley 255; F. ifey- wood 218 : O. Delbrldge 219 ; W. Skel- ton 216. 1.-M. Chnini 161 ; G. Johns 150 ; P. Coward 1411 ; A. Andrews 142 ; M. Heywood 141 ; W. Heywood 86; K. Reeder 62. Jessie A. Hamilton, teacher. The following is ttic report of S. S. No. 5, Usbor,e, for the nnonth of Feb- ruary ;-Sr. I V.-Ilonurs, E. Fisher, It. Kestle, L. Moir, F. Perkins, A. Ford : Pass. A. Moir, V. Moodie, W. Kernlck. Jr. I11. -Pass, M. Moodie. G. McFalls, C. Johns. Sr. 1 i. -Humors, T. Ford, II. Moir, O. Keane : Pass. I'. Higgins, 1t. Perkins. Jr. 1L-ilonore. .i. Boulter Pass. G. Perkins. 1'•. 11. -Mooers. M. Ford, C. Fisher : rase. O. Moir. A. Fish er. No. on roll ::2 . average 28. L. M=PPherson. Teacher. Report of S. S. No. 3, Osborne for F'ebruery.-Sr IV., total 4nu, A.Cope- land 185. O. McCurdy 148; Jr. IV, total 400. L. Harris 274, E. Doupe _"it ; Sr. 111., total 400, I. Irvine 227, R. Doupe 207 ; Jr. IiI., total 400, T. McCurdy 258 M. liodgert 244. D. Balfour 242. F. Francis 226, O. Copeland 193: Jr. 1L. total Son, II. Shute 217, R. Fletcher 168. G. Copeland 149. L. McCurdy 142, G. liarah 97; Pt. II.e, total 200. B Mc Curdy 11e.. H. Shier 106; Pt. L. total 200, It. McCurdy 112. No. on roll 19. average 19. E. M. treason. teacher School Report S. S No 1. Ueborne :or February. Tho marks indicate per - ccntage obtalted at esantinatlons and also general proficiency. -V„ J. Strang 81). (I. Oke 71. J Strang 62. N. ilow- eliffc 6l, Cecil Down 56. iV.. T. Dou- gal 76. A. Rowclitfe 71. 1t. Down 49, F. Flan 63, J. Dou;a1 61 ; S. lir.. W. Strang. E. Harvey, W. Dougal, O.Row- eltlfe. IF. Down.Jr. IIi.. C. Harris. e'. Nell. II. Nell, R. Dick, G. Moir. (leo. Moir. Sr. i1.. E. ltowcIttfc, F. Jarrott V. hell. M Strang, Si. Dew. K. Sanders J. Dougal. Jr. If., A. Dick. I. Mitchell L. Nell. C. Moir. L. Oke. Pt. 1.( C. Nell It. Mee. No. nn roll 39, avetage 84. W. B. Rydall. teacher. School Rep,rt of 8. S. No. 3. Stephen tor February. -IV„ V. Hogarth. C. Par- sons, A. Willis. J. Willis. Sr. 111., it. Parsons, M. Willis. Jr. ill.. L. Sanders C. Trlcbner, G .Stanlake. Sr. IL. C. Par eons. T. Willis. L. S.s idc-re . Jr. 11.. f'. ganders, 11 .1'reseeator, M. Trletxter I. 11111. V. Preszcator ; V. Box. Sr. Pt. 11.. A. Hamilton, C. llansiiton. Jr. Pt. I1.. A. Shapto:n. R. Parsons. E.Ilogarth. Mr. Pt. 1., E. 1'reszcator. E. Stanlake; Jr. i't. L. 1. ilamilto.t. V. Iloearth, C. %V1111s. F. i'reszeator. Win. L. Triebtter. Tearhrr, ?.ION Report of 4. S. N t . t'eborne. for February. Total number of marks ob- i iin'ible was 590. -Jr. iV.. I. Penrice. 440. W. T. Brock 404. M. Lingard,396. Mt. 111.. W. R. !frock 407. W. Penrlre .189. A. ]fart 278. Jr. 111.. A. Pym: Jr. I1.. E. R. Pyrite E. Horne: Pt. L. Gar. }fro^k. ?!Innis (tall. teacher . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA The Ideal Beverage ASK_ FON ( LONDON Now when chemists announce its judges its merit, ono need look A I ALI' ALL palatable, Rill of the virtue. •ot malt and hops. aid in sparkling ;,.ndi- tio,, i, the ideal beverage. purity, and no further. Z1'111(11 Messrs. Samuel Geiger and Daniel E:- lenb.auns of Michigan ',tutted relatives in town last week. -Mr. Jacob Kegler of the Gosi:e:. Line is laid up this week and is u•der medical treatnlent.Mr. Ben. C.:arrott of the Sauble Line killed r Is HE FEARED TO EAT TIU "Little D aura" Cord w Like many another sufferer from In- digestion, Mr. E. Tbody looked forward to mealtime with dread instead of pleasure. Writing from his home at 141 Yorkville Ave., Toronto, on June 12th last, he says: "For two years I suffered with In- digestion and obtained no relief from anything I took, including several pre- scriptions from prominent physicians. Every meal was followed with acute pain until I feared to eat, consequently became run down for lack of nourish - meat. " "Little Digesters" were reeom- mended to me by a friend and I tried them with remarkable results, two boxes completely curing me. It is three months since I took any and have not suffered a pain no matter how heartily I eat. I would certainly recommen.1 them to anyone suffering with indi- gestion." Thy allow yourself to be handicapped and your life shortened by Indigestion or Dyspepsia, when you can so easily avoid it? "Little Digesters" are gtt:Ir anteed to cure you or your money will be cheerfully refunded. 25e. at your druggist's or by mail from the Coleman Medicine Cu., Toronto. 32 dog a few days ago, as it showed un- mistakable signs 'of rabies. -Mr. Itobt. Armstrong's son Milton la seriously ill with diabetes. Children Cry FOR FLETCMER'S CASTOR I A OMES For Settlers 15 MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Readied LOW SETTLERS' RATES Sett:ers with Live Stock end Effects Special Trains leave Toronto 10.10 p.a. Iuesdays during MARCH and APRIL Settlers and Farr! ; - s without Liv- tot's should uta Reifular Traics 10.13 ..m..'a ty WINNIPEG FL8E1 38 hoer: to sins:p+•, Through Touri-t Ca: COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS in which Berths are I rte Apply to nearest Agent for cory rf "F, -••'e•,• Guide." "Western Canada." Touciat or write R. L Thorr;sows D.P.A., C.P P . Tsronto. By the Way, Madam, What's An Ideal Food Once, Madam, a June Bride asked the heroine of three,' matrimonial ventures the secret of " How to be happy though married?' And the Experienced One's startling recipe was "Feed tha'Brute!" Many a hous,'aife feeds the partner of her joys and Cares with mere filling concoctions without nutrition. The poor man is fattened by the process about a§ i uch as the chicken which swallows sand and thinks it is being fed. What -did you speak, Madam By the way. Mistress Housewit what's an !deet Food? Dr. Root. Hutchison (t:: ern;ne: t authority en such matters) has at• ready defined It: "An Ilea! Food uou'd contain about ort port of Proteid b 4.2 parts sJ Carbohydrates." Sounds very scientific, eh? Protein for bore, and brain. and brawn building; Carbohydrates for tat just to 1111 out the hollows and prevent the corners from hurting. Once. Madam, a fellow who loved statistics evolved the Idea that the awror'Han or moderate work requires about .28 Ib. of protein to .28 Ib. of fat and .99 Ib. carbohydrate In his daily food. A woman takes care of eight -tenths as much as a man. W • • • • EDDlailkt fl 01bread-made from FIV our eon talfit these three classes of nutri- ents in the rf '*, proportions. Therefore. feed your man on this ideal food: FIVE ROSES rolls and breadstuffs Such bread contains thehlghestn:- tri,nts the prime Manitoba spr;:.r, wheat consistent with pproperei;mi- natton of the hard outside skin. But a man won't eat your bread simply because it's udoleso„a �r because it's cheap. You know that. don't you, Madam, he wants it aapetizoli and tasty as will. • • • • Would you Ince, Madam, every bakeday to take from your oven piping hot a batch of rolls fetid loaves with an aroma, color, flavor which are your own monopoly : A crisp, tooth-tesaing crust that breaks with a snap; an elastic snowy crumb that springs back Into shape after being pressed with the finger ? Lofty. well -piled loaves that bring that glow of pride to the maker. All yours for the asking, Madam -If pow ask FIVE ROSES from your g• -^r 1401 Or TR *0009 tlAAI% c0., 110., tonortrAt Frost Gate Frames Are Welded - Not Coupled P ...t (.,n,. ..,e n.aJe of Steel I..n,n;. In every other Geo this rub..{ it tonne:fed by threadn,i ; s ,'e T; .•• •M.aJs rut ha:'•war .,to the 7 .ne. E•ers inch -hinges. lei. snJ •:t- are tot through this Same Gal.anu.ng pr(xr.s. 1 he Prat Gate will now fight off rig This Jeep threaJ.e,. t 1 , n leprivet it of one -halt ,d its firmer st&'n nth. .4n,l when se's. ,erred to strain. away go those threaled joints Out the Frost Gate bas no couplings. 1t is WetJ.•J totetlsee. The severest strain will not separate tela WetJ,ng ileetest the joints. the weakest parts of other Gates. are the strongest parts of the Prost. .%11 Prost Gates have a Galvanised finish --net as imitation paint. Thi Frame. when best or shaped. r. s.-,uned clean of grease and sea:e The Z;nc Gala .t.ng •r : n.ra whose momently to this thoroughly Neared Gate Fraena And the 7..ne not only spreads over the , .rface but goes into it, beoo•usg a part at the Pips itself. Or many. •catty years. and lot longer than any other Gate we know of. The finish 4 the Frost (.ate is beautdu'. It is smooth and e.l•rry. snJ makes the Prost ornamental a. w,-11 AO u9,C11. When .•rJering, isn't merely ask for a meal Gate. Say you want s (late. The Wire used in the rr..at Gate is No. - Tieis \i'.re is made snJ Gat•anire1 by our• sel•es. it is the str.segest Wire of its site in use. (Irop ut a c _r! to slay for free Booklet I' ore Gera -tired The Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd. Heoutt,n• Ontarit dl Agents Wanted to Open Districts Loc.ti Dee:ers-T. itawklne & Sari. ates Fs •:e-. Ands-. a 11 Age--• F'arau.'tar. ,