HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-10, Page 4teaeter
'Aini l> `ate, � 1a1tE\S'aTER.
Sander* & CleeCA. Props.
TH U1tbDAY, Mar. 10, '10
That a member of the House of
Cbnunorts teprele at:.ig old South Hu-
ron should give utterance to sentiments
of disloyalty to Great Britain is the
last thing tho people of thla riding ex-'
petted. Yet M. Y. McLean list week
made a speech on the naval 'tuestion in
which he etatcd that Canada In a mater-
ial sense owes Britain absolutely noth-
tnc-that she has invariably given a
full dollar's worth for every dollar
she has recelved, etc.. etc. Ile was cer-
talnly a long way oft In his statements
as J. E. Armstrong, member for Lantb
ton immediately Infornm,d hint by show-
ing that Great Britain has 'pent out of
her public treasury' in Canada at least
$ .000,000,00satee
Why McLean should stake such state -
,n n's. evi-n If absolutely' true. is be-
yond us to understand. as they added
nothing to the debate on the naval bill.
But tats we do know that there are
mighty hew men in South Huron who
will agree with hint, and in euclk state-
ments he falls entirely to express the
Sentiment of the people he represents.
However, he seems to be getting the
cold shoulder from both sides of the
House on account of It, as was 'shown
Tuesday when he made himself very
objectionable by attcmptlne to Interrupt
Mr. Clare and was repeatedly called to
order by the Speaker and mentbere of
both parties.
Uodgi:•s-Currie-A quare but pretty
wedding took place at the parsonage, in
Parkhill. on Tuesday. Mar. Nth, when
We. Annie Currie was united In marr-
iage to Mr. Ite,inald lioig;ns. liveryman
of Parkhill. The groom was support-
ed by his brother, Mr. Harvey Hodgins,
while the bride was assisted by Mies
Debbi of Parkhill. The ceremony over
they drove to the borne of the groom',
parents, fir. and Mt s. r.: ,a. ltodgine
eon. 4, Biddulph, where a reception was
give, them fo.lo +•'c d b; a no at plias n;
prcSratn. consisting of songs, recita-
tions and other .unusentents. The enjoy
ment concluded the bridal party t ook
farewell of the party to take an cntm-
stve tour to eastern party, and the beet
washes of many friends ac.ompany !hem
for their future happiness and pros-
Died In London. -There passed away
at Victoria }loepi'ai, London. on Feb -
27. Geo. Armitage, who aa.l gone there
for treatment. lie was aged 71 years
Wedded. -Ona of those pleasant ev-
ents which cause more o- lege e -cite
meat in a community took p'l'e at the
home of Mrs. James Hodgins on Mar.
2nd. when her daughter. Mise Effie was
united In marriage to Mr. Elieha Car-
roll of this township. Tate event was
celebrated with the usual formalities
ar•J quite it riumbnr were present to wf:-
ne3s the interesting ceremony, af'r
which all indulged in a fre3 and easy
goo3 time. The prese:tt3 were many,
uscfu' and costly. among them being
cheques for goodly sums. Tne young
couple will have lite, best wishes of n
largo circle of Mende.
(' M. RROKENallIke, I eetiot. etieeeY
L` . ENCEK. Deeds, sews, Mertes*s and all
Legal (Mourne t.earetulh and prouq,tic prepared
Charges moderate. looter of ►arriaue License..
GiRL WONTED.-l'ar lignt house
work, fancily of three. •lxhest wages.
Apply in person afro (Orel Ilr4g'it,
The home o: Mr -s. John Schroeder
was the scene of it pleasant surprise
party on Monday evening of last week
when about 45 o: her relatives and
friends (o..,tregattd at ata nomc and
spent a peasant cveninj In the utak:hg
oe speeches, rendering of wongs. etc.
During the course of the evening an
address and presentation were male.
Following is Ole addiess,-
Dear Mott er.-%%e the thtidren, rela-
tives and [r'end's. have come together
this even:tag to show our love toward
you and to sow you that wca still have
a longing In our hearts to spend a joy -
Lel everting with you. hoping that you
will enjoy our visit which we are en-
Joying very much. We desire to present
you with thls rocker. hop'tig you will
enjoy It very much and remember us.
as we will remember )oar a t trends and
(ttelation as iote4 as yr,u live. -Signed
or, br!talf of the r hlldr. n and friend,.
Write us at once for our too- • ell sg,'le and
learn the nature of nor course* in
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
dspirtmenta. We hi.. the leafing. pr*••t. 3
training .. hool of ('*stern Ontario. ('ossa
are thorough. tn.trnctore experienre.l and we
&wast gra•tna:.s to positions Students are en-
tering every Ne.k Von .hruld enter NOW.
Revilion Freres -�
rsr*etu•rso nes
The largest .lealcn in
ran and Akins in the world.
We pis). the
for all kinds of
Raw Furs and Skins
Honest assortment, Quick returns
.1.k tor our 1010,1010 PRiCE LiST
pens awn ••ows.on.•
134 •nd tee Meflull at M•Mr.isl
tt'tt rAy /'\POET CIIARGF..
Mr. Thos. Kandy of Crystal City, Man.,
is visiting hid brother -:r: -law, Mr. P.
!taker. -Mrs. Wni. Turnbull. who was
on the sick list, we are glad to say 1•
neoveru.g.-Mrs. Ilse still continues
very ill -The roads are in very bad con-
e dltio:t at present and travel Is almost
Inhpoastb;e.-Mr. Gordon Turnbull Is
netting the cave ready :or the bird -Mr.
P. Baker entertained a hew of his
friends on Wedeeeday to oysters. -Mr.
Doeclitan had on auction ..to on Thurs-
day and prices ran very nigh. -Mr. P.
Baker Is confluell to hie room through
illness.-.\ goodly number attended the
service un Friday at the Preebyterlan
church. There were nine baptisms and
about a dozen jollied the church. -The
crows are flying around and It will
soon be sp:ins.-The fall wheat in this
Beetle:t has wintered well and promises
to be a good crop. -Gordon Turnbull
,hot a fine specimen of fox on Lake
1turon.-\Vum. and Alex. 'login have gone
to Londo:, to work. -When Mrs. Thomas
Turnbull, sr.. and her eon Gordon were
driving to Dashwood owing to a pitch -
hole the: were thrown out of the cut-
ter. Mrs. Turnbull breaking her arm.
A doctor intntediately set the limb. -We
had a heavy thunder storm over the
lake on Sunday. and our spring like wea
then has turned to a blizzard.
How's This ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'. Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned hare known r. J. Cheney rot
the last 15 years, and believe hint perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and enanetally able to
marry out any obligations made by his t;rm
Wat,otxa, Ki*sax a Magvrx,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di
redly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
evstem. Testimonials sent free. Price 71o. per bot-
tle. Sold by all Druggist*,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
School Report S. S. No. ll, Steppeo, for
February. -Sr IV., E. Cunningham and
T. Yearley, equal, J. Wilhelm; Jr. IV..
.1 Mawhinney, E Wilhelm. E. \Vtttcl,
J. Rebter, L. Johns. M. Hanover, R.
Johns, F. Hartman; Sr. III„ F. Flynn,
J. Crnninehani; Jr. IiI., G. Mawhinney
V. Hanover, W. Hartman; Sr. II.. A.
Hanover. P. its;ter, I. Mawhinney; Jr.
I1.. F. Cunningham. B. Hartman, W.
\\'.t•log, E. Flynn. Pt. II., J. Hanover
E. \t twhlnney.-M. E. Sherritt, teacher
The annual Public Examination will
be held 111 Shlpk.a l'ublic School on Fri -
lay afternoon, Mar. 1 lth. Parents and
:,-:ends of the children are cordially In-
Report of S tlpka School for January
and February. N ). on roll 50. Average
Jin. 41, Feb. 4:1. Names in prder of
merit. -Sr IV.. A.Finkbelner, 11. tank -
Plainer, 11. Lo.:uter, L. Patton. Dora
O'Rourke. Jr. IV., V. Sharp. S. Keogh
R. Itatz, M. Pickerinj. E. Lynch. Thos.
Keogh. Sr. III., J. O'Rourke, Alice
Galeer, P. Bay:Mont iant E. Robinson. Jr.
III.. V. F'it,kbelner. E. Finkle-incr. 11.
haynaam, W. Urophey, M. Pfaff. Sall.
1. Schroejer, E. Webb. equal, Andy
Keogh, M. Gower, 'E Hutchinson, Ivan
Sharp. G. Clarke. W Bay'nham. 11. Loch
n^r. N. Arntstro,g. Jr. II., M. haynham
L. Schroeder, iI. Lynch, O. Pfaff, D.
ile3terd. Sr. Pt. 11., E. Webb. L. Fink-
belrer, W. Williams, John Lynch. Jr.
Pt. 1L, D. Armstrong, E. Baynham, S.
;ta . ecriny. Sr. Part I.. E. Lochner. P
S.'troeder. J. iioulahan. 0 Pfaff M.
Pickering. Jr. Pt: L. L. Galser. Lloyd
It:ophey. 1i. Broplcey.
J. M. Robertson, teacher.
M-. harry Nor:ts of Davlds)n. Mask.,
`tae teturia?1 hone• wet' has b Ide.-Mr.
:1aod Clifford. V. S.. has retuined to
Fort Wayne. Ind.. alter spat►di,tT a few
welts here.-Weddit,t belts will again
cat: in this vicintty •)an.-Sfr. Wnh.
ft'atl'r has sold Itis tele four year old
Uelil,i t to Mr. D. Doan )van of Seafor-
th, fo- the handsome sura of 9200 ; he
also dieposei of a floe on.' to Mr. John
4r hath for •23,.. William Is a lov-
P:• 01 fine florets and delights In keep•
Ins them. -Vise are pleased to hear
that Mr. Will Martin will soon be out
again. -Miss Nettle Rob(it,on is
'pending a couple o: wteks with her
slater. airs. itobr. Chittick of Monett-
nrd -Mr. (Ito. \Nilson. asaeeeto. ,a ('11
t et shove these days.
Mr. Taos. Mtewardson and Sties \tat•
tle spent the past week with friends in
Erste: -Mlle Mae Wilson Is visiting
felead.t In Thu: ntl.i c.-aIuss Styrtl^ Stin
e.311 returnei this week from a two
'nonlhs' visit at her hone In Hayfield.
-Mr. H. Purdy hat. *:,gaged with Mr.
lite' of (landeboye to work by the year
and will muve out next •acatk. Mr. and
Mr". Purdy 'pave been kind and obliging
ne'IJhbers and will `e greatly missed
by their many friends. -Mr. W. J.
.Stinson of hayfield spent a couple of
days at 5V. J. Wilson's. --Miss Eet:.er
Mcrters':. spent SuttJ.ty evening w,th
'mer :Plead M1SA Ergllsh.
SEEDS FOR SALE.-•'.Ve beg to an-
n)unce to the farmers requiring sends
(slat we arc c:f(ring for sale a large
stock of Itcd ek.ver, Alsike. Timothy,
Biu• grass, Aleike and Timothy mixed
and Alfalfa. Clover seed which were
'spa tally scot( teal for ,Pur retail trade
and cannot b. sulptasei for purity and
germ:natiotl. Get out prlces before
nttklns your purrriase. We lave ala)
a qu•ntay of "K,;:g Giant" seed oa's
:)r sal'. Teta nee oat Is from
l.ueden and was Cie admiration of ell.
w')o saw It growls, last season. it
Is a to try cropper. st tilde up well and
111 scet'ons were condi:Ions were favor-
tbi • tale putt setsar. yl4ded 9:. bas.
' ) tnr acre. If you art going to Ire
a aew o't prccure a f:'w bushels of
t le ve.tlety, \ call sollc[hed.
C. ZWICKER. Credtton.
C:arlea 'lwlckcr Shippd ac:4eload of
,N'.1 to Rannl^'s of Toronto on Monday.
T in p ;, e of seed is dropped with the
-eau:* t'tat the farmers. who have been
ofd tet these nu reserve' are ativio'ts.,
ly trying to dispose of Ir. -Mrs. W. A.
S.•nbrnok has returned home after a
pels sat vl31' with relatives 1:, Toronto
a.t.1 1''rk%ale.-Ileo. B Ii. Bean and Rev
G.e-'ticr of Zuric h will exchange pul-
pats treat Sunday. -Tae mild weather the
latter put of last we k wad a treat.
Everybody got busy wit•, lila pick and
shovel, with the result that our walks
are nearly cleared of the snow and Ice,-
MUa9 Me Nabb of Otta ova has been e:,_
;ages to take charge of the millinery
department at Chas. Zwlcker'3, while
'ors. Link will again be the milliner; in
charge al S. Plow: a, -Joan K. Schroe-
der 1s in Goderlt':i title week ad, a mem-
ber of the jury. -Council meeting war
nee) 1n the ;fall last Mo:tJay. Conelde:-
able stoney woe paid out for shoveling
snow off the roads. It was stoney well
spent, -Dr. Orme Is having a telephone
lino constructed from the Village 'south
to the Town Line, to connect with the
company's 11t:e runnln3 from Mount Car
not to C.eetralia,-Garnet Raker of
Woodstock was In town f3urtday.-Miss
Cirrle Kuhn is learning the millinery
alta: airs. Link. -Mrs. John Chambers
and airs. Gera. Chambers of Arden, Man.,
visiting relatives In our midst, -W. T.
Eastland end wife of Sarnia were to the
Village on Monday. Mr. England Inas
disposed of his bubliiesa interests in
Sarnia and left on Tuesday morning
for Calgary, Alta., whale he has se-
curei a good position wltt, the Gurney
Foundry Co. Mrs. England and family
will visit friends here and in Exeter
for .t few weeks and will then follow
her husband \Vest Billy's many
friends wish him all klud, of success
and hope he will make good in his new
'venture. -Milton Harris of Parkhill is
ependiao a few days in town. -Mrs.
Couyllit:', wale of farm chattels was
a great sureess last Monday. James
Stanley, the auctioneer o' Lucas, had
charge of the sale. Stock sold for a
good figure. -Harry Beaver was award-
ed the contract to clean out the tanks
use 1 for fire p:ouctlon. The town fath-
ers have sent the old hast" to Toronto
to be repaired, t0 that in thei nieantinte
tate good old pail will be the only means
of fighting the fire 1f one should oc-
cur. it Is collected that the new hose
will reach here In a few days. With
these new additions and the engine re-
paired our fire fighting appratus will
be A1. -The heavy weight of snow roue -
ed the roof pf the warenousc of the
J. Eiltx'r & Son store 1.3 cave In. The
near wall is beginning to lean and it
wouldn't be surprising if it collapttel.
;airs. Henry Shcardown was taken down
on Saturday last with a severe attack
of bronchille.-Mrs. (Dr.) Orme is ill
with tonsilltia.-Mrs. Kreln is suffer-
ine front an attack of brhonchitls,-
Mrs. Will Hewett of Detroit spent a
isvv days last week. the guest of Mrs.
le. Adair. -Miss Vivian Beaver spent
Monday -In London. -Mise Lizzie Wein
is visiting friends in Dashwood. -Mr.
and Mrs. Veal of Pennsylvania, who
have been visiting Mr. Thos. Chambers
returned home Last week. -Mrs. John
C.tamb_re and Mrs. Geo. Chambers frau
tate West are here visiting their sla-
ter. afro. Jas. Clarke, who Is eerious-
ly jll.-Mr. John Lawso., lost a two-
year-old colt last weak thnou3h death
from inflammation; value $12',. -Mrs.
Wilson Anderson had a quilting bee wt
Friday last, and a number of ladies
were present. They all had a jolly time
-Mrs. Nelson, from the west, who nas
been visiting Mrs. Jas. Lamport and
other friends for the past three mon-
ths, returned borne on afonday.-\Ville
dellvering flour Monday Mr. Harry
Sweltzer'a horse ran away, making an
e_.:Ping time for a few minutes.
The following Is the report of the Con-
tinuation Class for the month of Feb.
Class iII.-Junior Teachers -E. Geiser
84, E. Trucmner 133; G. Short 62 ; It.
Kienzle 52; M. Brown 50. Jr. Matric,-
R. 11111 52 ; E. McMurray 51. Class 11.
-S, Gainer 73: L. Ftnkbeiner 58 ; M.
Oestrel:•her 57 ; 13. Sullivan 511; A. Flnk-
bEner 5'; E. Palmer 49. Class I.-1.
tiodglns 55; le Drown 54 ; S. Finkbeht-
er 51 ; M. Wenzel 47 ; E, Fahner 40;
E. Sims 41.
C. K. Dluett, teacher
In tate following classes 75 per cent.
t e
rewired for honor. and 60 per cent.
:or p.a4s standing ; names in order of
Auction Sale
Of !reel E,tate, Farm Stock & imple-
The undereioned Au-tioneer has been Inetructed to
sell by public au'tion at
at If 10 o'clock sharp.
The following esluable property:
H0RtL'1 General porome mare rising 10 era, ,n
f al; Hothey mare rising 6 yrs, in foal; Heavy colt
rising ^ yrs,
CATTLE- 3 rows due to calve in May, new milt•
ini row, milk cow, oil ell? rising 1 yeas, heifer
calf rising a yr., . a1f,
P108 2lserkshire pie
iMPIKMENTS l.um.t»r wafv1n, grate) Met, S
woad reeks, M• Cornu, k disk harrow, set of diamond
harrows, 2 walking, plows. horse rake, fanning mill,
Mirror'. ca t, seed drill, put .er, i:rir*fing stone, pair
of bobsleigh., neer', new; hay f..rk, .:ro'rcut saw,
25 hags or ni re of potatoes, fork. slit rake., ° set of
whitRelree.. .heelbarro,, set of henry dmit4. harm
nem, ° sets of sing!. harper•, .h.,...., big holier
block and tops atr.nt :'. feet lane, TURF-4111Na
MAt HI • F:, w11Ir1: I:s(IINE ir, ,;o.d running or-
der, 4.1AI.I.F.N0l sI:P.\RATOR in gnn.l runuing
order, TANK. T t'ISTE'.S PU'Mi'S, •z -ire h Hose
15 feet long,, t• in• h IIF:I.T 1 fS feet long, / hdns, red
arU. Maxwell Moder, Fr,..t a Wood mower, .•1, -
emir saw, all hmtsehAil fnmilun, !traat. mom
dor. and other thing% ton num.lel4 to mention
Real rotate V. acres of land 3 sere" . f Fall
wheat.'. sores of ploughed grr.unl and teat all in
grim. Smith's of 1!'? 5 on the 7th ('ON E,4Ml'ON
of !lay, Which will he sold on th. same ,tate and
a• the atone place, 0 not sold before
TERMS- All monis of 110 tn•1 under, CASH. o, er
that amount 3 month.' reedit w111 4.. 'Li, en on fern
i hing apprnced Joint notes 11 per ,ant per snnnm
off for rash on credit an.n.uit. Terms of real .gnat.
made no•' nor, da, .t •.J.
Positively alt will h_ veld se the Propri-
etor is gels, West
B. 8. Phillips. Jat et Stacey,
Auctione,r rets.
in the Matter of the E•'a'e of Dnro
thy Mcnont.I1. late of the \'ill •g.' of
Exeter, in the County of Huron.
Wid.•w, d•'cese.ed.
Nt)Tli'l' is hereto given that ail pen m. ha. 'no
any claims or demand.• against the late D,x,thv Mc
Donell, who died on or ahont :he Rh day of 1`.5rie
ary, I!►". at the Villaze of Exeter aforesaid. are re•
gutted In send by post prepaid or to deliver to John
F. Mrrnnell, rat lien sap. Ont , one of the Executors
of the last will and testament of the said •'*cased,
their names and addressea, and hill particulars In
e sting n' their • Emma and statements m' ths rr are
cnnnts and the nstnre of the seouritlew, If any, 50.1
by them.
AND N.ITiCR is further Kisco that atter the
bit Day of Aotil, 1910,
the mid Executor, will peened to dietrit' i. the
asset* of the mit deoeuM among the persons entit•
1..1 therrtn, ha, m,( re{ani only to the claims of
•hi•hthev .5.111 then have had nothr, and that the
mid Exr-etore will not be liable for the mid awet•
nr env part thereof to an remorse of whose •lain,
lh.y shall not igen have re•ei. e.) notice
Patent at Henson the 4th div of March, 1010.
J. R. ltcDONF,LL, Rset atter
The \ iltage Prnp.rt y of t' a late Dor •the Mr nnn.1
is for male or will he rt. -hinged for Farts Property.
Apply to
r 6. McOe)NELI., !leant'
ae A..4 McM)NRL' , Exeter,
111`.4 it. DIV. Ill. -MAYO IV Sr.-ilo:lora.
V. Holtnnann, 11. Holtzmann. E. Bluets
M. Clarke; Pass, M. Drown, E. Kienzle.
\V. Hoist, 11. Halst S. Dlnney. Class
1v. Jr. -Honors. C. Hill. G. Benedict,
E. Ewald. H. prows, E. Beaver; Pals,
R. English, 5. WeIr:. Class TTi.-Pass.
ii. Finkbehier, It. Motz, C. Ot'strelcher,
(1. Guen' ter.
Miss Kienzle, teart.er.
Division II. -Clara III. -honors, L.
Moist, K. Swcltzer, V. Kestle; Pass.
G. Lamport. 1. Wolfe, A. Sambrook, M.
Nicholson, G. Bluett. L. (lean, V. Geis-
er. Class 1I, Sr. -Honors. E. Wuerlh
and V. Iledden equal; Pass, A. Geiser,
M. Brown, O. Eilber, N. Sambrook. E.
Swettzer, L. Iioltzn►tu,n. Class II. Jr.-
l'ass, 1t. hili. R. Clark. L. !leaver. Pt.
11.-Ilot.ore. M. King ; Pass, W. Pean,
M. Benedict.
Miss Love, Teacaer.
I)iv. 11. -Class IL -Honors, V. Hoff-
mann; Paas. C. !tau. C. Heist, E. FInk-
beliter, .5. Holtzman!), A. Fiukbeincr, M.
1.9w,on. I't. 11.-I{onors. L. Lawson
!'ass. It. Heist. If. Iiedd_•n. Pt. I. (a) -
It. Brown, L. Sambrook, L. Ellber. N.
Galser, L. Redden, G. Weiner. F'. 1{ill.
1't. I. (b) -K. 1lowald, L. Law,o;:.
Short, E. Guenther, A. Hoist. l't. I. (c)
-1'. Lawson. G. Sims. E. Lamport. L.
F'inkbehier, S. Kine.
Miss Stowers, teacher
Farm Stock and implements
The undersigned Auctioneer has been natructed
to otter for gale by Public Auction on the premises,
Lot 18, Con. 5, Stephen, on
Wednesday. March 18th, 1910
At one O'clock p.m., the following, viz
torsos -Aged mare in foal. driving mare, 4 yen
old colts.
Cattle --Cow due at time of sale, 2 cows due in
June, 3 cows due In July, farrow cow, 6 heifers and
6 eteers coming 2 years old, Durham bull 2 yrs old.
Poultry --A number of hens.
Itspleueats- Veering binder, nearly new; Mc-
Cormick risk drill, new; Frost and Wood cultivator,
disk harrow, 2 -furrow plow. single plow, "outlier.
manure spreader, nearly new; roller, buggies Mikado
and cart, three wagons, etc. Also a quantity of
turnip' to be sold before or at sale.
TERMS -All sumo of tJ and under cash; over that
amount 10 months credit on furnishing approved
Joint notes. A di.'ount of S per cent per annum off
for cash on credit amounts.
1. 11. Hamilton, Prop.
Henry Bossenherry, Auct.
Of Farm and Implements.
R. S. Phillips, Licensed Auctloeeer, hw received
instructions 'rem Mr. John Hawkshaw• to sell by
Public Auction on the premises,
Exeter, on Saturday, Match 19tb, 1910
.11 o'clock p.m. sharp, the following property, viz:
CATTLE --2 farrow cows,yearling steer and heifer
IMPLEMENTS -McCormick binder, uower, d(ak
harrow, nearly sea; 2-turrow plough, new; single
plough. cultivator, uiamond harrows, scaler, horw
rake, seat drill, lumbar waggon, light waggon, bolo
s eigh, top buggy open buggy, cutter, pleasure
sleigh, set of double harness. set of light double
harness, nestle new; set of *Ingle harness, nearly
new; set of scales, fanning mill, buffalo robe. 2 other
robes, gravel hoz, hay- rack, sugar kettle, *grinding
stone, Tubter separator, and other articles
74 acres of farm land In the village of
Exeter, 13 acres In fall wheat. fall
plowing nearly finished. well (enced,
well drained and watered; good I 1
storey brick house, containing 9 living
rooms, hard and soft water In the
house; good barn, number of fruit trees.
situate north of the station road. Exeter
TERMS -its and under, rash; over that amount 9
months' credit given on furnishing approved Joint
motes. S per cent. per annum off for cash on credit
amounts. Terme of real estate ea.) awl made
known on day of sale.
John Hawkshaw, Prop.
B. S. Phillips. Auct.
Clearing Auction Sale
Slue Tho.. Cameron has re, Ms ed instructions to sell
In public auction on
Lot 111, North Thames Road, i'shorne
FRiDAY, MARCH lltb, 1010,
at 1 o'clock p.m sharp,
the following valuable property:
Moria I4 -trued mare. eligible for registration,
draft; Lair of first. las%Feldings 4 vicar. old, ager ;
gelding, Tyr., drift; dr. er mare 5 yrs old, quiet and
reliable; aged dn. er, quiet and reliable; gelding a yn
carnage, broken to heroewr; gelding 2 yrs, carriage
l'ATTLE- Cow newly caped, 7 rows due in Man h
and April IS steers rising 3, good grasser.; teem 2
yrs. 6 choice heifers, 2 yr.; 4 calces.
ilck:S and POULTRY --t aow,Nith 11(1., at hot,
3 sows due in Mardi and April; a number of fowl.
TKRM9- 9 monthscredit given on furnishing ap-
proved Joint notes. S per cent per annum off for
rash on credit amounts.
No reserve as the proprietor has gl. en up farming
Simon Campbell, Prop.
Thos. Cameron. Auct.
Auction Sale
Mr. Thos. Cameron has been instructed
tos•Il by Public Auction at
Saturday, Marcs i2th, 1710, at 3 o'clock p.m.
Tkat r•holce 50 acres being compose! of the East
ltaif of Lot 26, (tin 1, Township of t'aborne. On
the premises there Is a nice up to -date brl'•k
ling, with w ith all conveniences. large hank bar. and silo
also pig,, hen and drive house, 10 acres of good hard
w 04 nosh, with 2'n maple tree.. S sere. in fall
wheat. 10 acres in gram, and the balance all plowed;
also a good , ming orchard of apple, plum and *malt
fruit; never failing supply of good spring water.
This is a lovely home, in good neighborhood,
convenient to rhumb sehonl and market, being 4
miles from Exeter and S miles from lle•null.
Terms of NOP -Flay terms of pa }}went, but must
h. sold Pn...eion 11,en mn romplotioe of purchase
Terme amt Parti. Mars made known on day of sale,
or oo appli. ati m to the under.igne1.
Wm Wikton Thos Cameron, Fanpuhar.
Proprieor Auctioneer
Assignee's Sale
Of valuable Village and Farnt Proper-
tiea in the Village of (.,itralia and in
Township of Stephen. in the muter
of the estate of \WILLIAM H. SAN DO
There will 1 . offered fir .ale be Auction nn
M0NI)A'V, Ilth day of March, 11110
at the hour of to'rlock, p m , at Moffatt. Motel,
Centralia, the following desirable sillage and
able farm proper:in. namely.
is1 io.ts nnmbere.l from 111 t. 15, Toth In lusire.
in the said 'Village of Centralia, lying between the
Inalnn,llurnn .2 Detre Railway and Prima Leopold
?erect aid forming Darts of original lots Numbers
F'11'5 and FIVE, in the Firs! Con',a,lon, of the
Tnwn.h'p of Stephen.
-til Toe !tooth Hail of Lot Number Fitl'R, in the
reruns ('nneeminn, rat the sai 1 Mown.hi , of Stephen
ex,•eptint therm', tho front t.n acr..th.reof,here-
tofore s •1,1 to one .1.m.. Wil son, and all that por-
tion of the North half of int Nnrnber TH555 1yinz
of the said Inndon, Iluron and nre-e Railway.
h, the mai 1 First Isom ...ion. of the Township ••f
Stephen, a•g.t'.r ,with 4,11axe Lots, numbered
from lir to lot, both in •l'ta.ve in the said 4 i1lace
of Centralia, Icing Wept of the said 1. .ndnn, If iron
h fine a Rapt. -ay and forn.ios part of original lot
Nun." r r.n'R in tit- a if First Cm -is -ohm of the
Township of Stephen
to) 1h. South half M Lot Number FIVE.. in the
Fourth I'..mw cion of the sold Township of Stephen
TERMS OF OALR - D. per cent. of the purchase
m stay cash on day of sale, the balance in ro de) s
th•retlt.r Other term, ms.b known nn day M sale.
For farther pxrti oiler" apply to
DICKSON ilk f1,(RLiN°.
.Kilts. for Aweign.e.
1:xeter, (Ent., or to
11 :NI1Y El8lot-:it. , a.gne.s
. Bion, Oi.1.
e. s. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager , Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries.
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 143
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton.
Auction Sale
5 ST('RUAY, MAR. 12. at 3 o'clock
0: !louse and Lot just outside the
arporaticr:, south, consisting of part)
,: the South West Quarter of Lot 14
•oil. 1, Usborr.e, ct,ntaitilng two acres of
land. on which is erected a nice ^ont-
:ortable frame house of eight roosts
with good cellar, a small orchard of
ct oice fruit. good stable and well )f
ipri:u water,
TERM6 a :d particulars on day of sale
or on application to C. E. HACKNEY,
Prop., or T. CAMERON. Auct.
There is a " right
way " of doing bus-
iness and there is a
wrong way " of
doing business.
The R1tsiir WAY of doing bu,:-
rtess is to bring your old truck. sue-.
as t.orse hair, rubber. Iron. copper•
brass. wool picking H. etc.. to
Main St., Exeter
Where you get the highest ca+1.
price and honest dealntgs.
FOR SALE -A lot of Iron
'and :or fence posts. ere.
pipe 0
100 acre farin in Usb rne, two and 0: ••
half miles front Exeter. also a brisk
house on Main -street, Exeter,
A business education is the
greatest legacy you can leave
your children. We get down to
the bed -rock foundation of liv-
ing business science, and assist
worthy graduates to the choice
Enter any day. Individual
instruction. Home study conrs-
ea in Senior Teachers' Matricu-
lation and Commercial subjects.
Send for particulars.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
Easter Term Opens
March 29.
Write for particulars.
Cluck Sale oi Pianos 1
In order to reduce nor largo .;tock of Pianos we are going to otter to th*'
Public for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS the BIGGEST VALUE for the mon
ey that was ever offered in Exeter.
Below will give you an idea of some of the BARGAINS !
1 Blundell Piano Walnut finish, 4 ft. 4 in. high, ivory am!
ebony keys, guaranteed $17500
for an unlimited time, Regular Price $250.00 Sale price •
1 Dominion Piano Mahogany finish, 4 ft. 0 in. high, 7i oc
taves, specially de-
signed in the highest style of art. - $200.00
Regular Price $250.00 Sale Price •
1 Morris Piano Mahogany finish, 4 ft. 7 in. high, guaranteed
for 10 years, ebony and $240 00
ivory keys, Regular Price $800.00 Sale Price •
1 Dominion Piano Pure Walnut finish, 4 ft, 8 in. high.
This is the beet piano manufactured by.
the Dominion Organ r Piano
Has Sale Price about $215.00
t3 months. Regular Price 5
1 Ennis Piano Mahogany finish, 4 ft. 7 in. high, Colonial de
Regular Price. 5300.00 Sale Price $225.00
We will deliver to your home any of the above PIANOS complete.
with STOOL and HANDSOME DRAPE, on payment of $20, and you may
pay the bylance due at $2 a week.
a M. Ac&cam
Regina Watches, when sold
without an Official Guarantee,
and by other than an authorized
agent, are liable to be Second -
Hand %L•atches, taken in trade
or procured in some other
second-hand way.
am the only authorizeu
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issue an Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada.