HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-10, Page 3A TERRIBLE SUFFERER ! A It)RT.I„41 31.11tOONED. A VO{CE FROM ICOR THREE WEARS ?rrihle i uff rinse f a Ship. The crew of the London sailing But Health Was Completely Baster' vessel Deccan, which was wrecked near Cape Hurn in December last, cd by Dr. Williams' Fiuk Pills,t( Id a thrilling story' of adventure Pills,,t( privation when they were land- Extcetee anguish; pains in the 'edi at Liverpool recently by the l'a- ji:nts.tltat all but drive one crazy- i title Line steamer Orcoma. thus may intlein latury rheumatism , The Deccan left Port 'falba with Le described. The victims are to be a cargo for South America, and pitied -to them life is one long had on board a crew of twenty- tortere i they Puffer by day and seven, including six apprentices. cannot sleep by night. Such was When the vessel was near Cape the euntdition uta Mise A. Mercier of Hort' the master. Captain Parnell, Ottawa, Ont. Fur three years she 'was taken ill. He was put ashore was a vie tint s>f this trouble and at Port Stanley, subsequently re- t'sued no relief till she began us- turning to his horns at Portmadoe, tog Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She %there he died. Nes s : -`'For three years 1 was a The ship proceeded on her vete.- sufferer Froin inflateiv atory rlieu- a€•e, but encountered seas of tre- rrtatisrn. During that blue i con- mendous violence, and was driven sulred and was tirated by some of ashore on Mess Island. limine ti the best doeturs in our city, but I atety she struck, her mainmast found no relief in their treatment. stunt overboard, and, being badly 1 began to despair of ever brink damaged, the vessel began to fill well again, when oue day a friend rapidly. The then took to the advised Ire to try Dr. Williams' boats with a few biscuits and some Pink Pills. I procured three boxefii tinned neat, and the vessel went and by the time these were used clown a quarter of an hour after - there was enough impruve;ncut in war's• soy condition to enceuraac me to A landing was effected on the Is- soatiatte their use. Three more land of Terra del Fuego, and here boats corrlpl.t'ely rutted me and to- the crew remained marooned for clay I am as well as ever 1 was. )j thirteen days. The food supply a)Waes keep a supply of Dr. Willis gave out, and the then had to sub - Ansa' Pink Pills in the house and slat on tnosses and shellfish, Ram wota11 recommend all who snffer as and sleet foll almost incessantly, I did tee rive theta a trial.” and the only shelter the Ines had It was the new blood that Dr: was a tent made from pieces of the Witliages' Pink Pills actually made ship's sails. that Testred Miss Mercier to In their explorations of the is- llea)th and strength. There is no land the men found several human nirdiaine to equal the in retaking skeletons, indicating that ship - sew blood and in this way they w reeked mien had previously per - cure anaemia, rheumatism, heart iahed there. palpitation, indigestion, neuralgia, At the end of thirteen days a 8t. Vitus dance a.nd many other sealer was sighted. and the crew troubles. Sold by all dealers in were rescued and landed at Pun medicine or direct at 30 cents a bolts 1 l Arenas. from which port they or Rix boxes fee Se.50 from The stifled fur Liverpool. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock. I vitt*, Ont. _-__ ,� - 4 A GOOD COUGH. MIXTURE. "FAITHFUL AND WILLING. " -- Pike, which stand:: 110 yard' high She ---"I don't see why a woman The (Mored man referred to in Simple Home-made Remedy That i4 and is situated near Hebden she uldn't wear a man's clothes if this little story must have been Frac FilmOpiatesand HarmfulBridge.England. has a remarkable Clic wants to." He -"She'll oars' Drugs. history. It was built in 1514 to want to. They're too inexpensive." NOVA SCOTIA STATES TlA'Jr DOU11'S [SIDNEY PILES ('t UI S 1`111(.11 I'S DISEASE. Ellie J. Milk Suffered from this Terrible Ailment for Four Years, hut t'odd'y Kidney fills 31ade Her a Well Woman. i �,1� ' ovenproof brands•. .44 0 CIJRE telt atS7 'MIX* FOit @uta lit4IS Is as safe as it is effective. Guar- anteed to contain no opiates. ft is very palatable too --children like it. All Druggists. 33 Cent R (.II.I,S OF BRAN FAT.tL Men Helped '1'heutseltee During Owner's .tbseuee. An inquest was recently held in :Wigan, England. upon four men wht, had died uudcr very exttaor- dinar• circumstances. It appears !that the landlord of a hotel had en- gaged eight men to remove a num- ber of eases of spirit from one cel- lar to another. For some reason or other he Left the men alone and t}ae:. helped themselves to some belie d '1 ( drat tend for tree sample to Dept. W. L., Na. Uiscou }`arbor, Gloucester ('o., It ih e u %e t tat the men Venal Orua • chimes' Co.. Toronto. e RONYN 'about four gills each. The result S., Feb •28 (Special). -That any "Ward ; a ` A �0• ' ia was that four of them died of acute EDUCATIONAL cu o e isoning, w u e t lc of hers remedy that will cure Bright's Ihs- l h l 1 •1 1 J Disease • . •.has .�rv•b cwn admitted by Po ease will cure any form uf Kidney Members Toronto Stock rzchange sArEINvisi !Arc tor eklrecovered. A postmortem exainui- I U 0 r;ti••. ation showed signs of the medical profceder, ad this Bete, sttntuz to any an irritant ,! : poison in the stomach. ► place furnishes one more undoubt d tt•eh ire mote 11,, r proof that Dodd's Kidney Pills wit ""''"w r"'",t =• 90 Day St„ Toronto. The medical evidanee was to the cure Bright's Disease. For Ellie ieffect• that those who had escaped i J Mirk, well known here, ha( i bats probably been better fed than i Bright's Disease, and Dodd's Kid -I APPENDICITIS : t1"' others who died, inasmuch as ney Pills; cared her. "I suffered for over four years from Kid ey Disease which de e' p• e 1 into Bright's Disease," Miss Mirk states. "I had pains in head and back, and stiffness ad the jeilits. I lost my appetite and suf- fered from dizziness and shortness of breath. 1 was weak and lan- guid all the time. "1 was always nervous and could not keep me thnughls front wander- ing Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. To day I have not one of these dis- tressing symptoms." Neglected kidney Complaint de- velops into Bright's kiseaee, heart Disease or Diabetes. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills euro any and all of these. But it's easier and safer t. eune Cho earlier symptoms by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. 1 F'T:N TItE. RaR1iFR TtlADE NEW water' sonata. t ',re, fl,e careful instruction. few week. tort p'.te 'ourse, tools free: gratin:•t,s es r,, twelve to eighteen dollar• w,rhey ',rift for , ata - logo. ]1r•).r Parber College. f21 Queen rpo. Toronto FARM FOR SALE Cured without n oration.. All who are af• the effect of aleohol till the stolnach' OR SALE tilt trestle we ellosH nese p dairy fern in II tt•,n County, bank Karn tlit`!,•d s,th ail. derea.e and ,tele to be 1s lessened by the presence of food. yenning water. ..artrntrut t•, elation. rural ant eurnd permanently. safely and ()utility Taking into consideration the Ila- Jut di.tar,-.. t<trphu,r• 1'aelicu'ar., apply to with this gnat flonreopathi+• remedy. i it i '1't'd'R. 1/,+ner. jtornby. sant. which wlII be sent post-paid anywhere tore and potency of the SpiIIL, It is t in the world with full iostruotinns for i a wonde r that any human being rising rn ye. to .)tart a permanent cure. j could h.tt r , u1 % I\ ed the •�dCal Price 92 .ddre.s s . John T. Walt. Homeepathle Pharmacy, I Arsprler, Canada. i SHE HAD '1'111S SORE FOR FOUR LONG YEARS! 'T'OMMY POINTS A MORAL. --- Tlott 7,;1.-tanktfc;1 , 1 It mend my hobby -horse? ! Yon can't equal Zala-i?uk for Papa --Yt, Tommy, w'he't 1 get gores *1 all kinds, whether reeent time. And I'll mend the dining- r,r of long standing. That is the room sofa, and the armchair, and .•nini'Wilson.n of Mrs. Wilson. of 110 the clothes -screen, and-" \1'ickinson Ave., Toronto. She says: (entity -Gee! 11 on't you be busy, "About four years ago a sure T puha, when you get time spot appeared en the right side of try face, just about the angle of the NEW TRADERS BANK jaw This spot increased in size uetil it Lecaaie shunt half an josh BRANCHES. io diameter, and very trenblost.me. A Branch of the Traders $ank i went to a doctor, from whomat has beets npened in Erskine. Albers different times during Slices' years I had received treatment. but the Tommy-- Papa, will you please, ' STOODLEY i'IKE'S HISTORY. la. and we are aelsised that one 'wilt be opened in Matheson, On - Structure was Built Near Ilebdeu tario, about. the 21st instant. This Bridge. }:ngtagd, will make 106 Branches of *be Traders Bank in Canada. A structure known as Stoodley the marl who was so good a "pro- commemorate the Peace of (silent. end, so I nrchased from Mr eider" that he provided his wife An effective remedy, that will i Singular to relate, however. it -- f A with three new plaices to •wash at. usually break up a cold in twenty B th Meat M frac AutN roeels M tae eel* hittnld, Druggist, ficullard aad A frentleinan, seeing him start off tour hours, is easily made by unix fell on the very day that the Rus- a �{r, aad theeka•ge.atsuae.eghfag. tet \-(,ti a Streets a supply of Zan, scan Ambassador left England prior w10br •elda isosis etre: uiiau sae AnesY i pP on a tishiu excursion, thought it ittg together in a large bottle two' as >talww, ♦ e44'1"d eo b trout esome I111k. Eaeb bee did me more and g e to the Crimean War. Rebuilt by aad esoeati more good, and to my deliore be R:1 his Iaent time to reprove hiw ounces of (glycerine, shalt-otulce ('t public subscription, it withstood ---- fur his laziness. Virginp fire 1 had been using lain BI k oiatraent I get did not have ant gond effect on the sore. I had it cauterized, -tried peultiees and all kinds of salves. but it was ne Roud. and this continued for four years. .\ steeple of 'Lam-Buk was one day 'eft at eur house, and I used it. "Although the quantity teas se small, it seemed to du me some 011 of Pine compound puj o r, ( - i • a of ore \Whisky. strrm and rain for half a century, That horrid, ill-tempered little three weirs. I saw that it was go "Rufus, you old loafer," said }ie, and eight -ounce P bot on the same day that the Boer "do you think it's right to leave This mixture will cure any cough ntheGiven-orient euda itsh ultimatum your wife at the wash -tub while you that is curable, and is not expel, ' to Britain was struck by lightning ':ass your time fishing?" sive, as it makes enough to last the "Yassah. jedge : it's all right. steerage family an entire year. Vir- : and badly damaged. These coin - ]fah wife don' need any watching, giv Oil of Pine compound pure is local enCeeollle a strangely perplexed She'll sleds wuk jos' a!: hard as p►epared only in the laboratories. ) P if I was da}t.'' of the Leach Chemical Co., Cinciu- --t,___---- Kati, Ohio. 11ETHB ,! rilL• SCFZ ._____+______ WITH BABI'3 OWN 'TAEJI TS \\ Hill: BRE.1D Bil4) N. DEEP-SEATED COUCH CURED IN 5 HOURS. Monter, won hare :'sed Tlaby'n i:uch Has Uislinelive Advantages New Home -Made Syrup. Own Table:e say they feel safe Over the Other. (Cut this out.) when they haze this medicine in the house, as the Tableta are a A curious fallacy, says The Lan- From Illation Press. Rover -falling cure for Ilse ills of ee', has been goingthe round of Progress in medical compounds babyhood and childhood. And the certain English political squabbling never ceases, and now it is stated mother has the guarantee of a recently to the effect that the term, by a prominent medical man that goyernmeut analyst that this medi- I "black bread" implies a kind of an: deep-seated cough or cold on cine contain. no poisonous opiates. , famine food. whereas in several tie-' the lungs can be actually cured in Mtimed countries it is just as rnueh: five. hours by the clock. Opium and U, a,( (at treats Barr. y Intl( boy the staple and normal nrtiele of :morphine have been resorted to in suffered tet r;bly when teething and ' diet as is oar white loaf. There ' the peat, as relief measures. But trunl constipation. Nothing 1 gave , is very little difference between the nor it is learned that the system biro did the leant good until I gave nutritive value of the wheat and, must be treated to rid it of inflam- Wln Bahr's Own Tablets and these the rye loaf. In some respects rye illation and congestion. A tonic brought hen speedy relief. Ever; presents oertain advantages over laxative cough syrup docs the w t'rk mother of young children shoulrj wheat. and in others wheat may he : so quickly and thoroughly as to be keep the Tablets in the home. j better than rye. Rye contains al almost magical. What heretofore $r'ld by utrdic'ne dealers or by mail rather greater percentage of solu-1 }i;as taken weeks to cure can be sc- at 25 cent* n box from The Dr. bit' carbohydrates than wheat, but:complished in hours. Get this for - Williams' Mr dieioe Co., Brock- somewhat less gluten, although. ! tllula filled or inix it at home and ville, Ont. the total protein matters amount' always keep it on heed: One-half _ Money that a man burns seldom to the same in both flours. Chemi- ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one Ito cal analysis shows very trifling dif „Ines compound essence cardiol helps to enlighten the world. ' ferenees of composition between the' and three ounces syrup white pine _ _ two cereals. One distinctive ad- compound. Shake the bottle and T'ickle's AntilTonitumptiye Syrup ye reeve of rye bread is that it, keeps take twdnty drops every half hour 1s sn unpsrti'leled remedy for colds, fie sh longer than wheat bread. for four hours. Then take one- teutth., influenza and diseases of itye ln•end also has distinct Iaxa- half to one teaspoonful three or th ! throat and lungs. The fame of five properties• four times a day until the system the n:'.Heine rests upon years of , ` - - _-. —' is purified and tones up. (live successful use in eradicating these School Examiner -"What is the children less according to age. One affections. and in protecting man- meaning of files doctrine?" filling will usually cure a whole kind from the fatal ravages of ern- Schoolboy-"P1es-e, sir, it's when fancily, as the close is small sttnlptinu, and as a neglected celd the doctor gives the wrong stuff j —NI, Beide to consumption. one cannot to the people who are unwell." 1MISTOOK Itf.1NGSRY. Le too careful to tight it in its early ----- stages. t'ickle's Syaup is the ttca- A Soothing Oil.--Tn throw oil' "Well. they've elected Blingsby pun, use it. i upon the trembled waters means td to Parliament." - - - j subdue to calmness the most bilis., "What ! Did that soulless, low - People arc attracted 1-•. their op- ! torous sea. To apply Dr. Thomas' down politician-" positcs, Thats why a soman ad-, F,ctectric Oil to the troubled body ''Yes. and he told me he would mires a man who is a good listener. ' when it is racked with pain means push your name for local postnias- ae Sorg von pot He Idol you ni•e always saw. speedy' subjugation of the most re- ter." 'TF° 11 A L-?t.nthnl Piaster, vn- rbcs &tt, . fracture elements. it cures pain, '"Oh, Slingsby 1 Well. i didn't •eur.t'eL"tc• "'thin"belter. MA" "17 b' ,';eats bruises, takes the fire from understand the 'lanae. That fel Leese Lawrence Company. , biting. and as a general household low's all right. anal I've :fleas - said 'I'.1KiN(; :ADVANT,\(;E. - medicine s useful in man: ailments. so He's got the niakines of a It is worth (much. statesman." "flow is it your friend Braggit is so cocky°" "Ife has unusual chances to RS - sere himself. His wife has an itu• per;4nrent in her speech." THE DIFFERENCE. "Fnlintain-pens," snapped the nagging wife, "remind me of some husbands •' .__. "What is the resrnlblanen1" ven- Goad'-ti'etl the meek little man. i• ._ Don't "Expensive. cnn't he depended News e1 �'•, ' Miss 'upon. won't work, and half the time for f,_ ; hey are broke."ry n l { +. '"flint•s ' yy•i.l`S �t pretty mulch, Martha; I.'tt pet couldn't compare n faun- • ii:' -pen with rotne woolen. ' I should think not." j g'eGua•sn:rr: ONL n}e fo: ALLGcaal "; n fountain pen will dry -rip, wriw�•.�st,s..Paws 1 ..'•.I St'I1IC lyttas ir011't l" Jual Yt'nk of It! W'th 1"^ EAUT Die yen can.: •:or ANY kind circlet) Psrfostl•,.• ' et chance of ev—a►r•. All calor. 'o rr.,te i -o:.0 Bu- Dr:•gg-ii or Dealer, Sampl+ •ad and 4Oy.,ntl. t Free iron, The Johnaon•Richardson Co., Limited, The difference between skin-deep 1.entity anti the other kind is than get the other kind at drug ----- i • now believed to be well on the s. man is always boasting about, his wife. He told me yesterday she was hard to beat." "Ile ought to know. He'd tried it.' If year el-ildre•n moan and are re'tlets der mg sleep, coupled, when awake. with a less uf appetite, pale countenance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend upon it that she primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother Graves' Werin Fx- tei minister effeetuallt' removes these pests, at once relieving the little Suf'fr;ers.— ___- Vanity in a wt•man is almost as bad as conceit i11 a man. ing to heal the sure. In less than a month it was healed' It has now been healed for almost a year. To Zane fink for et-zerna. nlaer� skin eruptir`ns, fere spots, balty's rashes, inflamed pliie'•S. piles, bin'.d-poisoning and all skin he juries and diseases. 50c all drug- gists and stores, or post frcn from Zanl-lluk ('u., Toronto, for price. Anyway a square meal is as broad as it is lung. A Safe Pill for Sufferers. -There are pills that violently purge and fill the stomach and intestines with pain. I'armelee's Vegetable ('ills Re Reseetlakle Man esra•ts kn erre • se leete4 are mild and effective. They are Mid in a 4ty. nut tiles and Allen's noes Rat.ata purely vegetable, no mineral p''' soh •s•n- sue thy cold tad.tave oft ennsumptlon cot;h wttl tease antiuugs W sound •e • new 1e.' gRl lt'C entering into their compo:' _ tion and their effect is soothing and Even the pessimist doesn't seem! beneficial. Try them and he Ion- to be in any hurry to 'lust this t•inced. Thousands can attest their con - world. Sleeplessness.-- Sleep is the great} restorer and to be deprived of i1 is vital Toss. Whatever may be the cause of it, indigestion, nervous derangement or mental worry, try a course of I'artnelee's Vegetable Pills. By regulating the action of the stomach, where the trouble lies, they will restore normal conditions and healthful sleep will follow. They exert a sedative force upon the nerves end where there is un- rest they bring rest. Sometime'; a girl imagines that she is in leve when all she needs is a square heal. • Only floe '•850510 QI1'INli" That t. 1.ext1lig steno Qt I'I,P Lank fee therigestate et ► w' (:ROVE.. Used the world *tor Is (:1•e • t'014 in (Fee Day 2,1. Tea trays and other japanned goods should be washed with warm water and soap, and then polished with a leather dipped in dry flour. fres to Our Reader& writ., Marina Ere R.•n•Ay ('o. eb!eagie, Mr e.8 tinge illn.lrat.d Fr. honk Free. Writ' all a►nnt Your t:r. Tr.uhle nod they will .dvtse as to tie Proper Aprtit'a• the of the ►tuna• Eve R.mrdjr. In Ynnt elpeeit.l (at, Your Druggist will tell yon great curative qualities because thousands owe their health and strength to timely use of this most excellent medicine. People who mean well are usually people of limited means. WOW to Me Sone? A tesappnrnsfut of Palw killer in • cu of hot water swretrete 1 will warns you arid layer a could. Atl.I q ab,titote.. there 11 TIM o•e " Y•takUler "—Ferry Deri.'—ttSe and s0e. The less a hat looks like one the better a woman likes it. PILES CURED IN 6 TO to DAYS. £ %V m eIll y.'' 1. asarantesd to core lay ecce ntltchint. Hlin1 n,ee.lint nr I'rotroding Files to 6 to 14 days ur messy refunded. Wo. And many think of going fishing if it didn't afford such a geed excuse for be- ing a liar. a man would never Nothing looks inure ugly than to see n person whose hand are cnv- eted over with warts. Why have these disfigurements on your per- son when a sure remover of all warts, earns, etc., can be found in Holloway's Corn Curt`. Pa ---"Yes, my son; the Egyptians were the most intellectual people That ilnrtne R.1irr,. !tore F.7►., Streudth• „rl the fncc Of the ca'l'l at ono enc weak F.ye•. Doesn't Fenart. Peetbee Ere rain. end we for 10c. Ire It In time; but finally the nation (teeny - Yens Eye. and in flaky'* Erea for Bialy eel," Tummy -"And what caused I:yel.de acd arosulatioe. them to decay, pa " 1'a ---"Stook- ( I'Rl: BY MUSIC. ing too many Egyptian cigarettes, my son.' Medical men are watching with eirat interest a series of experi- Dr. Morse's merits which are being made at the State Asylien for the insane at Indian Root Pills Massillon, Ohio, with a view to de- termining the possibilities of music ns n cure for insnnity. The first experiment was 'rade recently by means of a piano, and its beneficial effects exceeded all expectations. Orr of the patients. a girl of sev- enteen, who was considered hope- leasl yin',ane, has made extraordin- ary progress towards unity since the experiments on her began. She s 1'' 1 E \ 1). 10 111 road to recovery, nae their .ing'alar cRectitr•nee• in curing ithrumati'n, !ambler, and Retain'a to lbelr power of stitnul:ct• it,g and strengthening the kidneys. They enable the.• nresn•; to thor• (nghly 511cr from the blood (ho Uric acid tie prodntt of waste malt'' ' w)irb eel. Into the )(lint• •nd mn',lr■ and cause., these pain- ful di•ea.e•. Over half a r.ntnry nl ron•tant n,•. ho, pre%ed eon. elusively that Dr. Horse's Indian Root Plll. strengthen weak kid. Rey. and Cure Rheumatism MACHINERY. tit M'1IINFRY. 111:ADQI'ARE:Fats -- i iron and Anon -working mc,-hin.ry, engines, boil,-rs, .Lraru pumps. gasoline eugi ne., electric anot.•,,, contrertore' machinery. etc. Send for cal alnene e,f Oyer 1100 muehis:e. R. W PF.•I'RIK. Limited, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. GAL VES ads. Tees, w heat ■tl* ttteele,,nri,, klet omat pas need Co.CLad., Toroa1a. 0tt6, THE LIR OMAN TRUSS win h„'dan re4uelhle rernia. 'indorsed by forewe-t mer�lcal mes, {Bets for partleulare. B. LINDHAN. tkeg'd) hiealreal. _TOPE FOR TNT DEAr-111 ACOUSTICOR _ J1 one of o use throughout eh t Ihewerld Write for sato. i&,,,., ee•.rel Aeeestle Co.. el Cana.la, Ltd, T oasis Street, Tomato. Marlatt's Hair Promoter Crows Hair on any Bald Head On pale at the Rnht. Simpson ('e., Tovon$o, eanaeta. or the Marlt.at Rehr Promoting Co., Toronto, Canada. SEED POTATOES. Grown from pure bred seed imported from England, St t•ttand and ('nited States. /extra First Early, First Early, Second Early, Medium and Late. For prices, etc. address W. P. RILES. • Wellingt.a, Ontario. (ironer of Seed Peas, Bans end Pot as -s .. A Few Shares for Sale In one of the lest Loan companies In Canada on easy trans ; only $H).uo don n• Money 40 Lend at s;', nn approved .eeurilles Apply for partir•ul.tr, to M. J. RENT, Box 419, 1:)4don, (Lit PI LES Blind, Bleeding, Itching, Protruding Piles quickly and p.•rneanentle cured by the most .: ientific and economical tt•medy LYLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES Price t'.'t) 6 for 3 00. wailed on re• trio r f price. LYLE MEDICINE CO., rte Queen West, TORONTO. ?meAto1A,nw,taw. 70077htarc•es'Au Rodway'• Reedy 1b' fief euro. the wart pato. in frn'n c5• 10 twenty min,e.a F11 1*. (whor.:h.er• sl ke or1 a. he, •e Tooth- g P.•A0. \ee1nlFea �J 11hesm•tlmr. I•nrnbs r, in and weakness In the hack• ei•!i.r or kidney.. around the liver, pleurisy, .welling of the Joint.. aryl pain• of all Allah, kW. lt.Aitr Relief will t• a flow dans el. feet • pS'm•a"nt cure. 1909 was the most prosperous year In the history of the National life Assurance Co, Of CANADA, largc gain. hcinK ni:t de in 1\el lt.t\(1: IN FORCE. .1 ssi:Ts. Pit 1:m 1I INCOME. INTER EST I\(11M i;. ANIS SL ItI'I.I S. A Special Agent is Required In this District. Apply to The National life Asiu;ance Co. OF CANADA, Head Office: 2S Toronto St , Toronto Ravages of Consumption ALL HER lur.LATiVI:S HAD DIED OF CONSUMPTION 1, the rear 1892.18 )?•an ngn. Mn. G. S. Geraer, c1 13-11e 1,'e, f'. w es in a tad cond tion. All but relatisr: i•ad d .d of eo7./7rn tion, aadthele w .l t tory .nr::t slim that she was rine the same way. Attie' poirthethcsl•ard iuggeitedt:try Psychiae. TI!e dnrioi who a:te :t',ed said Ps)•chine was vnrtL'ers; but it effected a wonderful eve Gvhtsen )eau after ,n a leer bearias dote Aug'st 14, 1908. Mn. Eisner sa•,e, "1 am heti.-: than 1 hair leen for year.. My tun;s have not troah!.rl sae .'nen 1101,1 our t•ct' mint My pllvs'ciaa told M. 1 cnal.1 lot take a bef•.r tonic Ileo PSYCfIIi:E, a:.•11 r-rornm•ad 11 to all ,v1to se! tuff.rirg from Lung Trouble an•l Gin. era' Dse try•." fsr sails try el Druggist, SR• R t1 ser Dr. T. A. SLOCUM UMI7ED, - TOPONTO SYcHilft