HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-10, Page 1TwsxTY-THIav YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MARCH 10.1910. z NDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable Last Week Ended Our BIG SALE and will now prepare to get in line with Spring. which soon be upon us. Our New Spring Goods are coming to hand New Laces New Fmbroideries New Tias New Prints New Carpets New Rugs New Curtains New Mut;lins and in all the latest styles and coloring's. w'i11 New Dress donde New White Wear New Squares New Shirt Waists Shortly we will have in our new line of Shirt Waists -the nicest up -to date gooAlsoea very fine have ever lhine of Fancy White Underskirts Highest Price Paid for Produce. CARLING BROS. 6141060000000000100006-300666011 LOOK ! Another Big Cut in Prices for 30 days at R. N. ROWE'S BIG SALE Ooods Must Be Sold! Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Faint Produce. We Keep Nice, Clean. Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE - - -- gi000 000\'0 2-300". 0s7` 0►f4•S rr.r .s.aa1 Cs,4s. ,�ONEY TO 1.OAN ON FARM AND 1ILf.A(;E 1'roperttes at lowest rates of inter. ERNEtlT ELLIOT. Office Opposite Central Hotel, Suter, Out. pR 0 P. ROULSTON, L.D.e.; D.D.B. Honor Graduate M Toronto University. DENTIST Offices: --Over Dickson .i ('uling'e f... Of -wee. Exeter. Telepbooe No. 5. dosed Wednesday afternoons. `DL A. A. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. s.. Moser gradeot. of Toronto Usls.risty. DENTIST. ealteet.4 without any pals, of say bad effect'YM s aslit Oladsaa a Stucbury'e .Sc., Mals street M•dicel 11 4 BRIGHT. M. D., M. C. P. 1 8. HONOR • Graduate of Toronto Univenl1y, Two years reddest phr0clan Royal Alexandra Hospital, sic. Osco and Raeldsnce, Dr. Amos' Old Stand Andrew street, 9111 TELL D9. A. T. BOND, TORONTO, POST GRADUATE of New York Post Graduate College, successor to practice of Dr. A. F. Malloy, Easter. Reslderre- Lately oecuphd b • Dr Malloy. Andrea tet. Mee F'ormerly the Elliot few t'i 'e, opposite Central Hotel. DR.?. P. McLACORLIN Has resumed pratk'e after spending a year (Col. 'ego) at Briest and Continental Itapttals. (Icneral gtactice with epeeist attention to Eye, (with refrac• tlos) Ear Nae and Throat. Osce: Dashwood, Oat. Legal. DICKSON a CARLINo. RARRISTRRS, SOLICi tore, Notartee, ('one elan. -en, commissioners gollettor. for Mottoes Bank, etc. Met#ey le Leaf at lowest rateeuf inters* Oleces, Main street, Euler, R. Oaa.tare, 11 A., L. R. 1..casos MONIST TO Load. We bays alums amount of private hus`s to leas Wes .4, Olio's properties ot leer rates Of Wee O1.►DMAN 1 STA*IU8T, f Barrister, asllcitoes,MeIa se., Suter Os B. S. PHILLIPS, Rumen, Lk:owed Aaetlettls.r. is *111.4.41. .11 parte. latlslaetloe gswas teed et se pay. Terme rsabsable. An .Men left et AdveeM.Ores will 14 promptly att.sdsd N. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance pp��y. also Fire insurance in lead- ins Oanadiatn and British Ooopaoses. Main -At., Rioter. LICENSED ACCTiONRER MM. ANl)EA50N. Licensed Aecti•n•er ter Huron County. Tereus rea•o,able. Dates can he made at ire Adv•ate. INSINcr. or Henry Etibcr'• Office, Cred- NIS. . •e. 1111'811// Cedar Posts for Sale \sc lave t'tc fineat quality of Cedar l'.at at moderate -prices. G. E. HICKS, CENTRALIA PIANO AND CUTTER FOR SALE. A raw first-class Piano for sale cheep; also cutter. Apply to W. Arreed, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE. One of the fluent farms 1n tfsboree Apply to GANDERS & CREECH. Exeter ASSISTANT MATRON AND NURSE WANTED Arp))rat:ons for the position of second esslatant matron and nurse for tree Huron County house of Refuge will be received at once by John Torrance, In- spector, Clinton P. O. Apiicants will be required to furnish references. Per- ennal applications per'crrcd. A liberal salary will be paid. By order o' the ,omr,eitttc, JAMES WATSON, Chairman. Dated Mare's 2. 1910. FOR SALE Ceottage and three lots 1n Exeter, belt icte NCP. '.5. 5e, and 57, on the }butt: exile of Sirlcoe Street. On this prcperty Is a frame cottage (brick foundation)co:t enlr.trg flue rooms and a good cellar. Also a good well and a large stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The pro- perty is to be sold to wind up the estate -Apply to OLIDMAN & STANDURY. 13a: meter., Exeter, Ontario. )'AR11 FOR SALE. Choice hundred acre farm. beteg 2-ot 3, Con. 1, U•borne, London Road, 3-4 mile from Centralia. 3 tniles from Ex- eter. On the premises there 1• erected a good brick nO.re'e, all conveniences. large bark barn Hot4, tinl•heA in Latest Improved •tyle; drive house. good orchard. raver falling water, well in barn and house, 12 •ere• fall wheat. All p;o'wl'g done. if not sold privately on or before the 20 day of Dee. will be sold by public auction at a date to 1* fixed later. Meer terms of payment. Ur: term• and particulars apply to Jae ilandford, prop., Oentralla, or to T. CAHteron, auctioneer, Farquhar F. 0. USBORNE THIEVING RAMPANT. -The number of thefts that have bzen committed in the Township of Usborme of late is be- ginning to cause alarm. The township council has taken the matter up and on Saturday last at a meeting a resolu- tion was passel offering a reward of $25 for the apprehension or conviction of the party or parties committing the thefts The following have suffered losses thus tar -Wes. Parkinson, Con. 6, eight bats of clover a.. -ed; Milton Gregory, con. 0. three turkeys ; Mr. Jacque/. S. E. Boundary, harness and gorse blankets, Jas. Wilson, (bn. 6. three pigs; Thos. Motley, Whalen, two pigs; Rich. Canon, con si, 2 pitch forks Samuel Hunter, con. 7, three turkeys; and there are others. SETTLERS' ONE-WAY EXCURSIONS To Western Canada, \Larch 15. 22, 29, April .', and 19, via Grand Trunk Railway System, from stations in On- tselo, Kingston and_ west, to certain points In Saskatchewan and Alberta. Particular attention is called to the fact t'tat low rates apply to pants on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, a new territory full of "Golden Opportunities." Secure tickets and further information from Grand Trunk Agents or address J. D. McDonald, D.P.A.. G. T. Ry.. Toronto, Ont. WINCIIELSEA M'. Ed. Le)c•r:.ous: )e:t with his t:oece hold effe-es for Raneunvla N. Y.,where he will In the future realde.-Flank Bal- lantyne's sale on Thursday was largely attended and goof prl?es were realized. He left for London on Saturday where he will remail for a Willie prior to leaving for Saakatv;,n, Sask.-Mrs. Ida Duncan is spending a few day. with Mrs. J. G. Jones ht Exett?r.-rTttteves have been at .vork In our neighborhood t.ast Friday night Mr. John Herne Jr.. lost a valu One bet of single harness and two horse collars. -Mr. Thos. Dut•- dle and wife left Monday for \Valla2e- town, being called there an aceou•tt of the severe illness of Mrs. Duo-dlc's mo- ther: Miss Sella Ileywoed os St.Marye High School spent Sunday with her parents. -Tic debate licks at Ellinville on Wedne3day of last week proved a de- rided success. Quite a large audience listened to the deba'e-s ehost addresses were very interesting shed highly appre- ciated. Ti,e subject of the debate was "Reeeeved that circumstances have more to do In ae-urinet success In liter than abtiity." The decision was given by Judges in favor of the r.esetive, the t.,u:ds being wo:1 by Mt•sers. Medd an'l Kerr. SALES REGISTER \Veineaday, Mar. 50 -Farm stock and l :• :t cats. the property of John Pen • l,ot 12, Con. 2, }fay. Sale at 12.30 B S. Phillips. Auct. Saturday, Mar. 19th.-ifousehold ef- fects, etc., the property of \Vet. H. Jones. John Street. Sale at i o'clock. FOR SALE. Choice Plymouth Rock Eggs for in- cubation. 50c. per 15. $.t.(lt) per 100. Also cho:ca Red Clover seed and Potatoes S. 3. 1IOGARTI I, Exeter P.O. SEED BARLEY ,u bushels of Manchuria seed barley grown from selected seed for three year also 100 bushels of se:d peas. Prices o t apliratlon.- W. D. SANDERS, Exeter, Ont I EGGS F1'n HATCHING Front 'sleeted Barred (locks. Male birds Model Farm breed. $3.25 per 100 or 50c. a sett:tie. Mao pen of Mod- el Farm Parted hock liens, specially bred to lay, $1.00 per sct'Ing. \VII! in- cubate eggs for you at a reasonable price. Baby : hacks for sale after the 20th of April. Teo Brooders and some Barrel (tock nttlen for sale. A rail eol- icite.i. Orders taken tow. -WILLIAM A SIMBROOK, CREDiTON, ONT. IHEREFORD DULL FOR SALH, Ti.oroughbrcd ilereford Bull for $ale. months old. First-class animal. Also will take a ;lumber ot cattle to feed straw. 81IERWOOD HUNTER. Lot 1. Con 4, Usb3rne ; Centralia P. O. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersiencd 1s offering for sale that desirable Village property, being lots 13. 14, 15, corner of William and Waterloo streets. Teere ie on the prem- ises a splendid brick house, email stable and other conveniences; also a number of cioice fruit trees. The prop- erty 1s drat -claps in every respect and is well situated. Will b' sold reaeen- abic. Apply on premises. ALi• i1ED IiOWEV. Exeter P. 0, FARMS FOR SALE T: at choice- fare, bring part L.t and 19. Cot. 1. Town.hlp of Umborne, in the Village of Exeter, containing 100 serves. On this property there is an up-to-date brick dwelling with all con- veriencts , large bank barns, with water in @tables. silo. drive ;louse, Ice house, and all hinds of fruit ; 6.► acres In hay and grass, a acres fall w,teat, balance twat -C. est fall. Property in a high Mate of cultivation and well adapted for a nun doing a dairy butanes* or general farming. Also R. 1-2 lot 5, Coe. 1, /lay, contain int 50 acres, 2 acres hardwood bush, 3:. acres In grass, balance plowed. On the premiers there Is a never falling supply of wate- with windmill and tanks This property It well adapted for drat- irg or general ling. Possession In March. Easy tern, Ot payment. Must be sold as preprtetor',s health has fail- ed and he Is rettr , For terms and particulars apply t '1►. DOW, of Easier. or T. CAME euctloneeer of Farquhar. 1A Local Items DEATH OF MRS. OKE. There parsed away to the unseen world on Friday last, one. who for 11lny years has been a most beloved sad worthy reeIdent of Exeter, In the person of Mary SJ,e_•re, widow of the late Janice Oke. So unexpected was her 1• mise that the event has east a gloom over the whole town, and when the news of her death spread on Friday ''act it scented almost Incredible. De- •eeee3 had been in her usual health, un- til the Saturday previous to her death sea contracted a cold, and this coupled wit's an attack of brottchitta, developed Into pneumonia. }Ier condition seemed eavorable for reeovery until Thursday when she took a tutu for the worse and de.1pite all that medical skill could sug- Jest and careful nuraln,f the disease wade deadly ptogrene until Friday nr,: r,log. when the end cache. The de- t'csteed was a native of E. gland, being born in Devonshire in the year 1912, cohacquently she was in her 68th year. In the fall of 1862 she came to Qaaada end first settled in Fleeter, where she has continuously resided ever ainee. In the year 196:3 she wa mashed to Mr. Jati;ee Oke, who predeceased her nearly, twenty years. Mrs. Oke was a woman of admirable qualities, bang poeaessed of a chcer.ul, lovable an•I kindly diapo- sition, and see leaves behind her the freeramce of a pure life that will rerealn while memory taste .A family of one son and four daughters survive- Tnntras of London; Mrs. Charles E. Locke of Brookline, Mass.; Mrs. W. T. Act eson, Mrs. Billings of Exeter and Miss Amelia of St. Thorttas, all of -Neve!, ezceptiee the latter, where at 'ter bedside when the end carne. She also leaves to naaurn her demise one sister. Mrs. \Vrm. Treble, and one broth- er 1n England. Tate fu;ural, whim was p.lvate. took plu•e on Sunday to the Ex- eter Cemetery and was conducted by the Rev. D. W. Contuse reeler of the Ttivitt Memorial church. The floral tributes of affection and eetec;n for de - ca :tet laid upon the casket mere merry and of great beauty. The bereav- ed have the sympathy o' a large circle of friends. DEATII'S DOINGS. 0a Wclnesday evening of last week the death took place of One of . Exeter's axed residents, In the person of John J•a'ttr Lenallacombe, aged 79 years, 1 month and 10 days. Deceased load b.ea faille; for the last six months, end a week previous to his death he Mav taken Ili of pneumonia. and his coodll 'n'at once essuieel a wrtous as- patt, death coming gradually but ewe- ly. !Torn in Tarlctun, Devonshire. Eng., ne was in 1850 there married to Mies ilarris and came to Canada in 1853. settling first in Woodstock, where he wotkei at tailoring. Niue years lee he moved to the boundary of ilibbcee Towt,shlp, and afterward to the 7th con - :east on of Usborn e. T t'rty veers 'tgo he retired to Exeter. where his wife died nine years afterward. Some years lat- er he merrled Mrs. John Sntallcontbe, who passed away trine months ago. Since her demise tIr. Snlallacombe had lived with his son George. Ile was a flee old gentleman and highly respected He was of a quiet and retiring distils - Rion. high morale and strict integrity. In religion he was a member of the English church and In politics an In- dependent Liberal, exercising his own opin:oa as to how he used the franchise. Two sots survive, Thomas of Crustal City Man., and George of Exeter, the latter of whorl Is now quite 111 of pecurnonla. The funeral took place on Saturday to the Exeter cemetery. _ LAST OF THE CHILDREN.- There died at hie late residence on the 2nd concession of Ueborne on Sunday morn tug last, J.31111 W. W. it',d^son, aged 45 years, 3 months and 7 days. \1r. 1(odgeo:t had been in failing health for several years, but was able 'o he up and around until a few days Ago, when he ■utidcnly beanie worse and drath came very quickly. Mr. Hodgson was the last of a family of six -five broth- ers and one slater, all of whom passed away within a few years of each other of lung trouble, having the aged mother as the last leak In the family circle. Iles sorrow has been great and she has the sincere sympathy of the whole community In her bereavement. A few weeks ago Mr. Hodgson had a sale of the farm and stock. and they intenlcd movlriJ to lawn In the spring. The late }tr 11od:soot was boat at Lllchmond 11111. near Toronto, but had been a res- ident of Osborne practically all his Ilfe. 110 was ot a quiet disposition and nighty respected. The funeral took place to the Exeter r•rnactcry on Tues- day afternoon. K I IIKTON. Invitations are out annou:.c1: g !Lr ntarri:tge of Miss Sarah Doupc to Mr. Kennedy of Saskatchewan. -Mrs. Thos Elliott, who has been maimed to het bed all winter. 1s at present very low. ,-Mr. Wesley Balfour, who has teen seriously 111 for several months and not expected to :feovcr, was able to go to his barn for the first line on Satur- day. -Albert, son of Mr. Thos. McCur- dy. who has been very 111, le now Im- proving nicely and his many friends are nisch pleased to know that he i. reeve - cuing -Pert). and Albet ta, son acrd dauzhter of Mr. Robs. Doupe, have been obliged to quit sceool at Suter o*lrtg to the latter having an attack of measles. Meth of Mrs. Shier -Another of the pioneer residents of this village has passed to her reward. We refer to the death of Mrs. Adan) Shier. who spirit took Its flig'at on Monday night last. Mrs. Shier had been In poor health for some tine. suffering from a compile& tion of dlseases, *Merl coupled with the infirmities of old age, was too great for her advan'ed year* and weaken d constltutIon. De -cooed was aged 7 seers, :; months and 21 days. Fu-tcral to ttaKirkton cemetery to -day, Thurs- day. THE EXETER Ci•t'NCiL. A Ieeu er nte= tee of " le council Meas held in the Town Hail on Friday, Mar. 4th. Absent, Councillor Luker. The ntinutei of the previous meeting were read and approved. A contmuni.ation from Mr. Farncomb regards Smart Turner Co. account for extra, was read and laid over until the council members see a ropy of ugree- ment. Mr. Marchand, local manager of the I:ell Telt phone Co., laid before the coun- cil letters front the company regards opening a portion o1 Main Streit for undc rgroumd construction, also for the purpose of crecttmg poles and )Ines alone Main and Wellington Streets. The acting reavc and clerk were named a committee to answer communications. The foilowine accounts were read and passed, -Win. Rivers, flour for 1). Gillis as charity, $2.90; A. Westman, London, water proof paint, waterwoaks ace., $6.00; J. Senior, expreas charges waterworks ace. 45c.; Telephone Oa. messages, :3Sc.; Electric Light Co'y, lighting $101.40; Geo. Cudmore, labor, .2,011 • Thos. Brock 5.75 ; T. Brock, Jr., 3.40; W. Welsh 60c.; S. \Vest 45e; A. Etisaett 45.25 ; G. Atkinson 60c.; H. Quance $4.88; Wm. Gillespie $2.25; T. Cornish $2.8e; R. Davie 44.08; C. Sanders 41.80 ; J. Cookson 60c.: W. J. Bissett. pt. salary, $33.00; C. W. Cross. pt. salary, cemetery ac., $29; T. Brock, Sr., $1.50; T. l loulden 54; J. Weekes, Fire chief, ee ; amounting in all to $219.06. Passed on nation Of Levott and Balkwill. J. SENIOR, Clerk. BLANSIIARD RAILWAY AGAIN QUASHED. Tae »lanshard Railway By-law to grant aid for the extension of thc\C. I'. R. west from St. Marys, was quashed by Justice Britton at Obgoodc Hall. This probably means that the C. 1'. R. will have to undertake the work, as it is doubtful if another favorable vote could be secured from the township. CENTRALIA The Sando property is otfered for sale -Itev. W II. Butt gave the League a picture talk oe Japan Tuesday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, who have been vtsiting 'he latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Daynham, have returned to their home in the Northwest. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. \\' %NT Alt. .11 ('TION s..LES PRI a'ATE SALES WANT .t1)5., and AUCTION and PRIVATE SALE NOTICES in TILE ADVOCATE bring better results than are obtainable through .any other medium In this district. Why? Because the -id- vocate goes into the hands VI a tar tares: number of people than any o'hrr medium. Very few homes In many miles tall to re- ceive The Advo: at,r weekly. If you want anything, o: have anything to sell you lose more than We do by not placing an advertise- ment in The Advocate. We are ready to print your sale bills o:: shortest notice and at most reas- onable rates. BIRTHS Wcods.-In Ueborne, on Mar. 3rd, to Mr. and Mra. Wm. Wood, a daughter. Balfour. -I» Fullerton, On March 411). to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Balfour. a daughter. Cann. -In Crystal City, on Feb. :let to Mr. and airs. C. \V. Cann, a daugh- ter. Wickert. -In McGillivray, on Feb. 27th to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wickert, a dauzeter. Pierce. -At Drinsley, on Feb. 28rd, to ?Ir. and Mra. Ernest Pierce, a son. Ilotg&ns.-In McGillivray, on March let to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hodgine, a dau:; titer. MARRIAGES Kestle-Ball-In Exeter North, on Mar. 9th, by Rev. Fear, Mr. Ilenry John Kestle, to Miss Emma Ilene, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Hall of Exeter North. Carroll -Hodgins -In I3iddulph, on Mar. 2nd, Elijah Carroll to Miss Effie, daughter of Mrs. James 'lodging, all of Blddulph. DEATHS Hodgson. -In Usborne, on March 6th, John Ilodeeon, aged 45 years, 3 months and 7 days. Smallaconrbe-In Exeter, on Mar. 2nd, John Smallaeontbe. aged 79 years, 1 month and 16 days. 'Ike -In Exeter, on Mar. 4th, Maly sheerc, relict of the late James Oke, aged 67 years, 7 months, 13 days. The Kind You Hare Always Bought, Armitage. -At Victoria hospital on Feb Boars tho Signature of 27th, George Armitage. aged 71 yearg Shier. -In Kirkton. on Mar. 8, Mfrs. /i�^�:;1y j Acton Slier, aged 78 years, 3months and 21 days, Your Easter Clothes will iie absolutely correct if you insist on having nue wurien' :end net way of making thou anti elace your nide' With 'i, n(r.3'. Made As You Want Them , 812 to 820 Delivered When You Want Them Smaller tailors have to ask very much more for the same satisfactory workmanship. cloth style and fit. Beautiful new TIES and SHIRTS for Easter wear. New HATS, SHOES, GLOVES. Everything for the Man Who Cares SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER People Going to the West esmaggillipie will find it to their advantage to get our prices on 11.11. Hardware, Stoves and Ranges RANGES, with Tank, High Shelf and large 20 in. Oven, for a ti a 42.00 " 44.00 s u These Ranges ane especially adapted for the West. A LSO= GARLANDS, OXFORDS, SOUVENIRS & JEWELS FOR SATISFACTION AND FURL. ECONOMY. Nails, Glass, Lanterns, Locks, Pumps, Paints, Etc. Wanted, Second Sand Wood Cook Stoves. ULI&WS IIARD1A ' & STOYB 81'098