HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-03, Page 8Uncoil TAILORING
is eceettones tee secret of business sur-
Our long experience in tailoring and
our acquaintance wltin the bee dines of
goods has given us a perfect know-
ledge of what co letitutce
The clothes must be made to fit the
elan, and Iu that respect they are quite
different frau the ready-made article.
Let us take your measure for a new
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, Ontario
kslness Locals -- Read Them
The best cine of Wall Papers we hare
ever shown is ready for your inspection
—5c, 8c, 10e, 15e, 20e, 25e—Stewart's.
Goderich hockey team tied the score
with London at Goderich on Friday in
the game that was ordered by the O.H.A.
to be played over again. About fifteen
from here witnessed the game. London,
however, won out in Stratford Monday
night 5 to 2. London now plays Con-
ing weel . -----
Heavy Worsted Stocking, suitable for
rough wear for boys and girls, wide rib
and extra heavy, reguler 35', for 25c.
Two medium sized, comfortable liource
or sale. Apply at this office.
Special for this week, about 12 doz.
Ladies' [lair Baretttt in many styles
and shades. 1;eqular 25c to 35e, for
20e. Stewart.
Dr. Ovens Corniest.
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Surgeon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel, Exeter, Saturday, March 5th,
all day. Glasses properly fitted and
diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose treated.
Hours 0 a.m. to 1 p.m.
.1 special line of Dress Goods suitable
fur ladiss' odd skirts and children's
dresses, regular 50.• and 65e, to clear at
29e. Stewart's.
of the best business blocks in Exeter
—known as the Post Office Block. For
particulars apply to WELL. JOHNS,
Rrerything new in Prints, Gingham,,
(.`hambrays, plain and striped Linens,
Shirtings. You will want so►uc when
you see them. Stewart.
RUPT STOCK at the Exeter Bargain
Stere. Ribbons, laces. embroideries,
waists, fancy collars, belts, etc. 150
men's fine top shirts, all eizee at 65c.:
28 dozens men's neckties at 13 ar.d 30
cents; rubher and linen collars at half
price; 27 men's suits, sizes 33 to 39
less than half price; 240 pairs of shoes
manufacturer's sampler., at lees than
wholesale price. All these goods must
be hurried out to make room for anoth-
er stork.
Successor to the late J. W. Broderick.
in another column will bo found a
new ad. for the G. T. 11. From time
to tune It w;11 costae) valuable infor-
mation for the travelling public and
should be consulted whet. a trip is con-
itev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Public Worship -10.30 and 7.
Class `service -9.30 a.m.anci after Mo.n-
Ing Servlee and Wednesday night.
You•.► Mitt's Claes and Catechumens —
Sul:d.ty at 2 p. m.
Sunda) School and Bible Classes— 2.30.
Epworte Leagut—Tuesday 8 p. :n.
Prayer Mccti g—Ti.u:aday 8 p. m
Tile Slop for @eo
We have the finest lines of
Fancy Suitings
Wt. are filled up with the new-
est and best goods for the snak-
ing of clothing, and we do the
making in the best of etyle.
Maraksat Tailor. Exeter
leer 11.ss3 ��SSSSS
alludiuditills 46. .111s46.4111. tAlla
d: s i , 1 Hector la vary ill.
\1'. \Wee Taylor Is quite in et pre-.;
Mrs (Ur.l Bright has been suffering
for the past two we -k• from an attack
of Lroncrltts.
Mrs. Jas. tyke waa taws:. down 01
Sunday rnor, ieg last with a severe at
tack of pneumoi.ta and bronchitis.
Mr. Geo. Armen,, has taken a Poe
;tion with Mossrs. Hawkins & Son to
:earn the hardware business, his duties
contii encing this week.
Mrs. M. J. Hartle, who met with the
ac_ident of having her arm broken and
tier hip fractured some time ago. 1s
able to get out around again.
Rev. A. L. Russell, a former pastor
of James street church, preached in the
Main street church Sunday The pastor,
Rev. Fear, preached at Sunshine and
Invite tions are out 'or the marriage
flet Mt reit 0th, oe Miss Emma Ilona,
au¢hter of Mr. and Mrs. !safari Hall,
Exeter North, to Mr. Henry John Kesae
1 the 2nd of Stephen.
The committees of the two Methodist
hurchea met Monday evening to dis-
use church union bit nothing definite
was effected. Propositions were made
ut not yet accepted, as the committees
ave not yet reported to their official
The roof of the Trivitt Memorial
L.urch sheds fell in too Friday night
owing to the great wclgnt of sno•ie that
had accumulated on tnem. In all prob-
ability the sheds will be erected on the
church prcpe:ty north of the street,
which will be an improvement.
:Alas Mary italkwiil is visiting in Clin-
Mrs. Hobbs rctur..ed unit oc ltunday
-ver h;g.
Mrs. Douglas ie visttir.g in London
and Toronto.
Mr. and Mr.. T. Oke of Lon.wn are
visiting at the Central.
Mr. J. A Stewart went
on business Monday.
Nerve, Elliott has gone West, Inlend-
:n3 to go sae a ranch.
to Toronto
Mrs. J .t. Stewart was in London
• las: week 1):' a few days.
alias Etta Kerslake :eft Saturday to
visit In Ciathant fur a time.
Mrs. R. Daniels la in Underwood OW.
M.; to her mother's Illness.
\tr. and Mrs. Wm. Amy te-turrud on
Friday to their hone it: the west.
Cipt 11. J. Stephens of London spent
a day or two here during the week.
Mr. and Mra. Samuel Parsons return-
ed Monday from a visit with Bowman-
ville friends.
Mrs. Newton Baker is visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Jas. Clark at Crediton, who
le seriously ili.
Messrs. John Atkinson and Wilbur
atone* are attending the Auto Exhib-
itloe 1n Toronto.
Miss Lida Quanee has accepted a pos-
ition as milliner at Newbury, and Mies
011ie at St. Marys.
Mr,. Ed. Howard of London and sor>_,
itus. of Sarnia, visited here this week,
art iving Monday night.
Mr. Herman Prior has returned to 1:1e
!tone In Portage La Prairie, after a
visit with his parents here.
Mr. Fred—Willis of Marlette, Mich., le
,baking hands with old friends in town
while visiting at the home of Mr. Alf.
Mrs. I'odler of Ailsa Craig who wa
here attending the funeral of the lat
John W. Puler, is spending a few day
with friends.
Milliners who returned Tuesday night
from the openings in Toronto were, --
Misses Phillips, Armstrong. Meakin,,
itollins, Hawkins and Jforloc•k.
Mr. and Mrs .1'ra,Sk Dew and children
who have been visiting in this neighbor-
hood since Christmas, returned to their
home in North Dakota on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra \Vnt. i'rodgere and
children of London and Mrs. Fred 11111
of Toronto aro visiting at the Monte of
Ws James Ford on the 2nd of Stephen.
Mr. John' J. White, who recently re-
turned front the Cobalt, left last week
for Parry Sound to accept a position
on one of the newspapers in that, town.
Mrs. Wm. Davis. who has been here
for some time since the death of her
mother. Mrs. P Fisher, returned to tier
home in Hamilton on Saturday morn -
hoe .
Miss Millie Hyndman of Pembroke
spent a couple of days with relatives
here last week. Mies llyndman's visit
was necee.arlly short owing to the fact
that she has rurchasei a millinery bus
Ines. in that town.
Norman, the five year old son of Mr.
Wm. Sanders of the 3rd con. of Ste-
phen, was painfully injured on Saturday
last. lie was playing with a pitch
fere, w•I,en one of the tines which was
rusty was run into his root, Pauling a
painful wound and It is feared it may
turn to blood poisoning.
icelary storm period falls on the l;th,
7th and 8th, with itndications that un-
settles if not stormy weather may fill
'flu^'t of the early part of the month. A
ne5ular storm petted extends from the
tote to 13th. The barometer should be
carefully herded throughout this period.
Watch the llth, 12th, 13th and 14th.
A blizzard out of the northwest will be
natural on the western flank of these
storms. The 10th to 13th is also a
dct tted seismic period.
WEDDED.—On 'Wednesday, 23rd Feb.
the home of Mr. John Willis. Stephen,
was the scene of tt pleasant event, when
his only daughter, Miss Sadle, was un-
ited in matrimony to Mr. Wilfrid Law -
eon, a prosperous young farmer of
C eilton west. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Hobbs, pastor of James
street church. The bride was becoming
ly attired in a charming eult of Copen-
hagen blue lady's cloth and entered the
parlor leaning on the arm of her grand
father, Mr. 11. Leathern, taking her po-
sition wider an arch of evergreens be-
side the groom. The young couple were
unattended. The ceremony over the
guests repaired to the dining room, and
all did Justice to the sumptuous repast
prepared by the hostess. Among the
gifts was a solid silver tea service,
winch was presented by Sir. R. Leathern
Her gcing away suit was of brown, box
cloth with hat to ntatch. The Advocate
extends heartiest congratulations to
the young couple.
last regular monthly meeting of the
Carnaelan Order of Foresters the fol-
lowing officers for 1910 were installed
—Chas. Dirney, C. R.; C. J. Luker, V.
C. R.; R. N. Rowe, Treas., F. W. Glad -
man, Rec. Ser.; T. 11. Mf:Callum, Treas.,
Wm. Harding, Chap.: G. H111, S. W.;
Wm. Creech, J. W.; S Powell. S. 13.;
11. Gould, J. B. The C. O. F Is one of
our beat fraternal institutions, purely
Canadian; membership 72,000. Since its
organization In 1880 It has paid out
to lxreficlaries over #4,500,000. The
reserve fund for death claims only flow
amounts to #3,031,159.87, and last
year 25 per cent of the death elalnie
were paid from the Interest alone. A re-
matkabbe feature is that while the ntent-
berehlp has Increased from year to year
the der.th rate has remained about the
seine, showing the care with which its
risks have been sei:cted. Tne Iiigh
Court meets this year in Montreal and
it is expected that the Annual report
will be the beet in the history of the
—Mr. Thos. Fitton and Mise Harriet
Lomas, of whom we made mention last
week as celebrating the fiftieth annlvcr-
Bary of their wedding at the home of
their son, Mr. Saxons Fitton, oti Thurs-
day evening last, were ►narrled on Feb.
25th, 1860, In Glossop Church, on the
estate of the Duke of Norfolk, Derby-
shire, England,—the sante church In
vrich Mrs. Fitton's ntother was mar -
teal. neatly afterward Mr. Fittoa'e
brother in the State of Maine advised
tem to come to America, 1 n reply to
w-Irh he stated tent th' trees had not
h'e•t planted the timber froth which
would build the ship that would carry
slim to America. However two year,
rater he suddenly decided to erose the
ro 'ean, and landed In New York. The
(hull War breaking out at that time
the Goverr.nicnt drafted all the English-
men they could. and not wishing to en
cage in war Just at that time )tr. Fitton
:•ante to London, Ont., and was two
years later Joined by Mrs. Fitton. They
;vnahned In London about five years
and in the year of the Confederation
of the Canadian Provinces, 1867. they
,am' to Exeter, making this their home
over since. Mr. Fitton Immediately op-
r•,e.i up a watchmaking and jewellery
business. first In a frame building
eeich stood to (1.0 south of Mr. James
tiould's present residence. then in the
huildtng now occupied by the Advocate
onfice. and later where tis .V.t r•ow ra'tli-
ducts the business. The business proe-
r•rrj under his management and fob
acme: years now Its has enjoyed a re-
erement which was well earned. Mr.
and Mre. Fitton have always been high
ly cate,rned residrt.ts and the congratu-
lations at:d best wietres of the commun-
ity are extended to !tem. Pes!Ccs im-
rnejlate relatives, resident in Exeter.
Airs. Fltton's brother and his wife. Mr,
a -td Mts. Jo:ecp•t W beret, of Hamilton
-e prc x nt Thu: sdav to site id the (er-
ne with t he -n,
Mr John 13 ItoLrrin of Albana. Ore-
s -on, brother of ?fes. Wm Drew and
Mr. Geo. Holman, whose health has
failed, has retired from business and
says the hopca to visit Itis old friends
here durintt the: coming summer .
Messrs. W. O. McTaggart and J. A.
McTaggart of Toronto spent Sunday and
Monday with relatives here. J. A., who
is attendant; coilege of dentistry, has
purchased a practice in Blyth and will
take it over -on completing his course
at school in May.
\fr. and Mrs. Ernest Buswell left Mon-
day for,thc• West, where they will make
their future horse in Kindereby, Sask.
Ern. will go Into business for him-
self. Mr. and Mrs. Buswell will have
the best wishes of their many friends
here for their future prosperity.
The week of revival meetings in the
James street church closed Sunday
evening and were very successful.
The consrt 'ation of the Presbyterian
church le electing two elders, 'so as to
treses the ttum`er from three to
MIs, Lizzie Sanders, after being con-
fined to her bad for some time through
an attack of plerrisy, is able to be
out around again.
Mr. John Smallaeombe, who resides
with his son, .tr. Geo. Sntallacombe, he
lit a critical condition, suffering front
an attack of pneumonia.
Mr. Robert Leathern le circulatl;tg pe-
titions in ward No. 1 of the %Silage for
presentation to the Council and license
Commissioners, tcepectively, asking that
that the license be restored t o (he Man-
sion licuse, of which he 1s proprietor.
died In Chicago, on Feb. 23th, John \V.
Peder, son of Mr. George realer, form-
erly a resident of Stephen, at Sharon,
at the age or 3(1 years, 9 months. De-
reasej had been 111 since the firet of
the year. The remains were brought
tore Saturday. the father aeconnpanyl'ng
them, and the funeral took place on
Tuesday afternoon front the residence
of hie uncle, Mr. John Pedlcr, Main
street to the Exeter cemetery.
DEA TIL—The death octurrcd or, Sun-
day. Feb. 21te, of John A. Ferguson.
In hie 79th year. Death was due to
pneumonia of which he had been 111 on-
ly two days. ile +vas born on the, l2t11
concession of London Township in 1831
and thirty years ago went to Clandettoye
where two years later he married Mies
Mary Kewektlly of London. Slx years
ago they came to Exeter, where (he
family has since resided. Resides the
wife awe daughters. Mrs. \Vm. homey
of Cabcrne and Miss Nellie of London,
and four sons, all at honk, survive.
The funeral took place Wednesday af-
ternoon front tho family residence, Ann
street, to the Exeter cemetery.
IIA Nine—Since Mr A. \t• Dorrell bought
the i'ickard Block. and the Bank of
Ccmn•ercc part of t'te Treble property.
W. J deer has puree's -A Tne bill(
building occupied by MIS! Mortoek from
Treble Bros.; J. G. Stenhury has pur-
c'tastd Won. Kunz's residence on An-
drew etre •t and made a deal of same
to 1'. F'rayne for his residence, retain -
Ind part of the land ; hr. Boylston has
purehasod from Jos. Davie 30 feet of
frottage next south of W. J. Beer's
stew stand, on which he will erect an
office and house r',tnMned • C. E. llark-
ney has void his farm in Usbornc to
his uncle, Alec. ilacktney. and ham pur-
e'.avej Moore's Hardware store In
K!rkto•n ; and A. E Pym nae .told hie
restdeece to Elezler Williams. When
the new buildings are erected on Main
et est. the a tat e'de will be toneidtrably
!rep-avej. it would 'ook as though the
to we we r o . t , b.on.
Niagara, Ilobt and Frank Treble _tad
an auction sale of their farm etock. Int-
plimerts. household effects. etc., on
Saturday last and are now making prep-
arations to move wen the !amity 10
Manitube. The farm was not sold.
Mr. and Niro. Fred Bawden arrived
home from their wedding trip to De-
troit on Monday night, and are now
comfortably settled in the residence va-
cittd by Mr. Mark Mitchell. As announ
fled by The .advocate last week the
mirriage of Mr. I -'i -cd Bowden, son of
Mr. and Mrs. P. Bowden, to Miss La -
vett, dauotitcr of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
L ttk of Dashwood. took place a t the
hem: of the bride 'a sister. ells. Bert
1 ;lkey at TN -Alford, o: Wednesday. Feb.
;ted. Mn. and Mrs. }tawde: have the
con:fratulatlo:;e and titbit wishes of their
many friends, with whom the Advocate
Dr. 11. M. Cowan, who is spending a
short time with his father, Dr. Cowan,
et London, called on friends here this
week. He is acting physician on a
large steamer on the Pacific, and will
return to his duties shortly. For sev-
eral years the Doctor was editor awl
published or the Exeter Reflector, but
later took up the study of medicine. lit
has seen a good deal of the world r,bu c
and intends seting a great deal mar•'
of it, health permttting. He has not
Jost much of his avoirdupois and looks
as though he had not missed much of
the good things of this world. Ill.
many friends here were pleased to
hrcet hint
Grand Trunk Railway System
Settlers' One Way
to Western Canada
March 8, 10, 22, 29.
April 6 and 15.
From stations in Ontario, Kingston
and West, to certain points in Saskat-
chewan and Alberta.
Particular Attention
is celled to the fact that these rates
apply to points on Grand Trunk Pa-
cific Railway, a new territory full of
"Golden Oppertunit it -e."
Secure tickets and full information
J. J. Knight,
Depot Agent
Why? Because they never go back o::
us. \Ve have an unbroken record of sat-
isfied patrons.
to wear glasses improperly fitted to
your eyes .
We never allow that to happen. That,
why our customers have good eyesight
it Isn't damaged by worthless glasse,.
W. S. IIOWEY, Phm.•I3.
Chemist and Optician.
Exeter, Ontario.
Having purchased the HT'S
and DRAY business of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, i desire to announce
to the Public of Exeter that i am
prepared to give you the best of
satisfaction in work connected
with the business. For the pres.
ent orders left by phone or other-
iCE, PHONi: 2.5, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
The High Cost
of Living
easily solved by eating tnore breed
MODEL " flour
it has the nutty flavor always
desired. Within the past week
several have told, they
Manufactured by
Tnc S. O. E. D. S. waa visited by ;lair 1141111CCACCeOOtirtrfi
D. D. G. M.. R. 11. Mew, Tuesday weeofH E BEST
last k. After the meeting an oyster
supper was told at W. J. Stathann's. i
silludlisau! Aarl ask rd al
Feed and Seeds
All the BEST GRADES of
flour always oat hand.
Breakfast Foods such as
Oatmea1,71bs for 26c
Poultry} Foods& Feeds such as
1 Wm. Rivers
Dxvib' C)ld Stand - EXETER
'WAIF lir 1111 11.1T-TIVIlir
Can only re Molten from the Last flour
The lollo t ins brands are unetcelled
-Try a Lun.lrr4 rrtt time you
Try One One of These :
JE .VELI. tOntario Blended)
PURITY ( Westerly Canal' Flour Ytlla)
Loa,c your omit re or -.a1l up
flume 2
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
Potatoes, per bag 50
Hay, per ton 1:) 00 14 00
Flour, per cwt., family 2 90
Flour, low grade per cw 1 S4.) 1 55
Butter 21
Eggs 27
Lice hogs, per cwt 8 55
Shorts per ton 24 00
gran per ton 23 00
Dried Apples (1
1 05
80 8:f
Remember the Name ---
Rowe & Atkinson
Bear in mind that at their store is the
place to buy FURNITURE. We have
a fresh car load in now and every-
thing will be found at the RIGHT
PRICE to SUITE the purchaser.
Give them a call ...
Undertaking and Embalming a Specality
Tne Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Magnificent Display Of
Spring Dress Goods
You will be surprised to see the
of New Dress Goods. surpassing in v
any previous year.
All the New Weaves are shown
est shades.
You should not fail to see them before
get broken.
immense display
ariety and value
in the very new-
At 25c Yd.
Good Black and NVhite Checks
or Colored Plaids, all 40 in. wide
and an especial value for 25c.
At 25c Yd.
This is our popular priced
goods and comes in all the hest
shades, plain or shadowed Ftrin-
es in the hest 2t1c goods on the
New Spring
Our first shipment of the new
Spring Coats are to hand. Nice
striped covert Coating or beaut-
iful blacks. Have a good look
at them and see the low prices.
the lines
At 50c Yd.
New French Worsteds in all
the fashionable shades. Also a
54 in. all wool Panama in Black,
Blue. Brown or Green.
At $1 Yd.
ln►rneose collection of Novelty
Suiting, in solid or two -toned
efTects. You will find in this tot
some exclusive suiting in the
very swellest shades.
New Waistings
1�'e' are
showing a very dainty
line of new waiting, for Spring.
All kind. anti all colors. A very
special line el silk and wool at
Only 50c Yd.
Gents' Furnishings
for Spring
New Spring
Just arrived, 20 dozen of the
best yet. We are sole sellers of
the W. G. & R. Shifts and our
patterns and coma. are Rhea! of
other Pea/Intik
New Easter Ties
Ycu will need a new tie for
Easter. We have just opened
up the niftiest bunch ever shown
in Exeter. All the new English
and American ideas are shown
in them.
New Spring
We are known for the good
duality and style of our tailored
suits. This Mining our array of
14uitings are worth looking after
The pricee are right. Don't you
want one l
We book heavy on Oaps, and
no wonder, for the amount we
sell. Our cap trade is on the
jump; "lime hays and see the
good stuff for Spring.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing