HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-03, Page 71
Many Women Suffer
Untold Tortures in Silence
They Can Be Relieved by Keeping the Blood Supply
and Pure With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
sA roman needs a blood -building
medicine regularly just because she
is a woman. Front maturity to
middle life the health and happi-
pcss of evicey woman depends: upon
her Flood, its richness and its re-
Iitlnrity. 1f her blood supply is ir-
tegttla►• she suffers fromheadaches,
meLaeiies, sideaches, and other
sespeakable distress, which only
Auction know. Some wellies, have
ii own to expect this suffering at
jJegular intet vale and to bear it in
hopeless silence. lint women
would escape much of this misery
if they took a box or two of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pill, to help them
aver each critical period. These
Pills actually make new blood. They
help a women just when nature
makes the greatest demand upon
her blood supply. They have dune
!hie for thousands of women
throughout Canada, why not kr
&Ire. Jor-eph. Kinney, Gilbert's
('ove, N. S.. rays :----"For ten ycara
I suffered front ner•ouoneas and
those troubles that make the lives
of so many women one of almost
resistant misery. At titres I would
Le confined to my bed for weeks.
t spent sleepless nights and seemed
It Will ('or:t Germans$7.500.000
When Completed.
flans for the new great naval
Lase of the Gcriuu'1 Empir, at the
Rich western end of the Kaiser 1Vil-
helm (-'anal, at Bruenshuttel, hate
teen finished and work will be
begun immediately. The total cost
will be in the ueighburhood of tje7,-
to !use all courage. I tried severs: 500.000•
electors, but they failed to gine the When the work has been finally
an% relief. The last. doctor 1 con completed, which will re quire massy
stilted told me frankly that he could years, it will be the greatest lea -
not undertake niy case unless 1 s't.l base on the North Sen• The
would undergo an examination. It new base will rank with Kiel, with
was then I decided to give Dr. \Til- its great natural harbor at the
liatns' fink Pills a trial. Atte: north-east end of the canal on the
talking six boxes I was much ire- Deltic. As long ago as 1403 the
proven in health, but 1 continued
t'i take the Pills fur a couple of
months more when I felt like a vete
woman, and was enjoying such
health as 1 had net, experienced for
ten years bcfere. i have had no
return of this tremble since, but I
Mire used the Pills once since that
time fur the after effects of la
grippe. and the result was all I
lupe-d for. 'These are plain fact.,
ham my own experience. and I
have always kit that I cannot too
strongly recommend Dr. \t•illiame
Pink Pills to the ninny women who
suffer as I did.''
You can get this great blood -
building, health ret -tering medicine
from any dealer in medicines or
direct by mail at 50 cents a box,
(:r six boxes for $2.60, from Tho
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
the deepening of the Kaiser Wil-
ville, Ont. helm (.'anal throughout the entire
length, snaking it navigab!e by the
largest German battleships now ex -
WONhi:Rl'l'1, CURE B1'
i) 0U h'S'SIDNEY 1'11.1.S.
Mark Southern Tell% How They
Raised Him From u Bed of Sick -
:tree, Cured itis Kidney Disease
and Made Him a Well Man.
Skipton, Duck Lake, Sask., Feb.
21 (Special).- After thirteen years
sufl,•iing frern li,dney Disease
brought on by an accident, Mark
improvement of the small harbor of 'Southern, of Hralaker Tann near
BruenstiutteI was planned, but the here, is a well roan, and he is not
matter was not made public. At slow to state Chas be owes his cure
the time an appropriation of only to I1odd•s Kidncv fills.
250,000 (narks (8e2,500) was made"It began with pains in my
back.' Mr. Southern says, '•and
for the preliminary work.
Full details of the plans of the acir'" my loins. and of late years
great naval base aero not thea i bee. Ile very weak and for days
completed, for it had not then been
1 had to keep to my bed. 1 had all
de (ermined to create either large kinds of advice and tried a great
dry or floating docks. The entire rnauy medicines. but all to no pur-
harbor mill extend from Brutus-
rut us- pose'
butte! north-eastward to A smn1J "Reading an adterti.cment in
duced Incto give [)odd', kidney
inke which connects with the canal.
Pills a trial, and 1 wrote for six
It will be divided into harbors for
hears. After taking the first box
the largest warships and for mer -
I began to feel relief, and after us-
ebant vessels 1esj ct:rely, while ing Ave boxes t festt quite well
the plans are for a general depth again. I am now able to get about
of eleven metres, my work and fool no effects what -
The construction of the new nay- ever from the old complaint."
al base carries immediately with it Dodd's Kidney Pills clean all
Kidney Diseases and all diseases re-
sulting from disordered Kidneys
right out of the system. That's
low they cure Bright's Disease,
isting or to be built within the .Diabetes. Urepsy, Rheumatism and
next decade. Backache. They do it by putting
'I• I th, Kidneys in good working order
AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. and they always do it.
Eighty inmates of the home of
testfor horses at Cricklewood,
Eng., were given a special feast
fast week. At precisely 3 o'clock,
Max, a veteran horse, 33 years old,
thrust bis head from his box. seiz-
e] a bell rope and announoed with
1 slang that dinner was ready. Im-
mediately the grooms served up a
dainty repast. Each horse was re-
galed with four pounds of carrots
mid apples, with brown and white
bread, bireuits and sugar.
There are thousands of mothers
throughout Canada who have no
31esitali 1a in saying that the good
Valth enjoyed b% their little ones
)n entirely due to the judicious use
1•f liaby's Own Tablets. And there
ate Many mothers who do not
hesitate to say that ut a critical
period Baby's Own Tablets have
saved a baler's life. Suit it medi-
cine should always he kept in (eery
Jieme. Mr's. J. A. Porter. 1'nituct-
e:lle• N. 11., rays: ---"\1c gine
Baby's Own 'tablets all the cleda
for keeping our little one well.
ffhey are an excellent n:eche:isle fur
thildren," Sold by medicine dent•
er" ur by snail at 25 cents a box
floret The Dr. 1Villiams' Mcdiciue
Co., Brocksille, Ont.
Many a man (lees more kicking
with his tongue than a mule does
w itb his two hind feet.
Mothers. Clue the Children s Chance.
Spanking does not cure children of bed.
welting. There is a constitutional cans*
for thi• trouble. Mrs. M. 14un,mei s, Dox W
psi, Windsor, Ont.. will send tree to any
another her successful home treatment.
with full instructions. Send no money,
but write her to -day it your children
trouble you in this way. Don't blame the
Shill, the .bance• are it can't help it.
Thi• t.es!silent akotare., edull•and aged
people u.iubled with urine d,8ieu;ties by
day or right.
"I wormer what the women do
at those afternoon teas(" "Oh,
the V just sip and gossip."
Mils D.tlgh drtre• tlesp •n4 emotes,
*way. ,••n ran ooncputr It wIth AI en•. ',urns
iasiess• wh!rh renew.. bard t.e..lbleg, freely to p+.: ha
chestus the ot.ilJ .atoa of the ant thrust O
Don't expect year fri' leis to null
yon ant of a hole mils yon rhnw
some disposition to help yt'ur'•,If.
PII.iis citizen IN 6 TO le DAY%.
Pun 01% f'tr.N r t. satr.antee•1 t" care nay
els. .l0.•hiat. Hliat ll•,hnt nr 1•rotru-htg
Piles is a t. 14 days or ,natty refvrlsd so:,
Serf ant 'There's ne e:.al, mune,
an' the tire is grin' out,
Mistsets --- Why, Norah, you
'Mould hese told tie that before.
Servant 1 eouldn-: tell you t' e;e
w'as no ee.al, n1111U, when the- re was
THEY NEVER (x ET 8I'.\1.1.F:!)
Have ye '11 eter see-) a •now
hlorka.lt whirls was ser bad that
the hrr'wrry waggons couldn't get
pie nstet is '
It is Wise to Secure Due Front
Ferner Employer.
A great many people taboo the
letter of recommendation as worth-
less in getting a job, but the av-
erage business man regards it as
a pretty good hien whether the ap-
plicant for a job is worthy of a trial
or not.
The record is important. People
are judged in the future greatly by
what they have done in the post.
Many men of affairs will not hire an
office bey who cannot show a clean
record for his /hurt career in the
world. ..
The worker Who leaves the em-
ploy of a firm without securing a
letter is foolish; the letter is the
best indication that you are idle,
not because of any fault of your
own, bot on account of i i dations,
where, if one asks for a yob empty
handed. the prospective employer
wonders tvhy you are now out of
we•rk, and regards your own expla-
natie,us as that of an interested
Recommendations should be
prized and kept safely from year
Will Break I:p a Cold in Twenty- JACK S1RAIi-'S CASTLE.
('OLD OF EARLY c'EvruniES.
In 12h9 the entire width et the
Baltic Sea was crossed by sledge.
in 1389 a great many pe.•rsuns were
frozen to death in Englund. In
1409 the Danube was frozen up
from her source to her estuary in
the Black Sea. In 1.419 all since
in France were killed by frost. In
14,00 and 1(i:.9 the pert of Marseil-
les was frozen over, and there was
great suffer'ng and distress. in
1701) France w•us icebound from
north to south. the ice extending
ft r miler, seaward. Birds and ani
teals died of cold.
Revive the Jade( condition. ----
1'ihen energy flags and the cares
of business become irksome ; when
the whole system is oat of sorts and
there is general depression, tel
tilt I41.51 MtOtfl*t TDlt'`4•tif:115s1s$1..1)5
litic for chddren ansa adult. verb h•'etmant
to t.ke and tree (rein opiates. It soothe,
and heals thea hot thrust and•:sas c-JLl
r.yi,u to 1) h clothe: aai eLihi
AU 1)ru•wu. 25..tta.
hili f t aa11.. ilatntkeniV*An-s
1 EARN TRr H:sRt'1'n 1'R`:rw
11A PC. tem eonc'a^t ornerier.; careful
leo rnet ion: few week• Complete. course:
lila fens: graduate. earn t0.,1TP 40
i•Itrhterr• dollar• weekly: write for rata-
lneup Moler Barber Collie*. 4."1 Quota
Parrnelee's Vegetable Pills. Thft. Feet, Toronto.
will regulate the action of a de-
ranged stomach and a disordered
liver, and make yon feel like a new
plan. No ono need suffer A day
from debilitated digestion when so
simple and effective a pill can be
got at any drug store.
Mr. Golding—"So you want to
marry my daughter. Do you thick
that you can support her in the
style to which she has been accus-
Jack Winsome -"No, sir, but i
ran support her in a good Ileal bet -
ti r style than you lived in the first
fisc years after you were married.'
s Ot'THERN A1.n1.1t7A FALL WHEAT land, 640 acres, o.,t hi tie i„•t1/'r.
-Will tell cheap. or eschangc ter (total to
farm. PE1t TttEs$, 54 Don Mills Road.
11 R41 To It l'.41 hatwr.i.'rr.r'•r,t •••4 nerei
';.,n.n1.Ter e,,nn.Ire-In-r,, T,,ter•-n't•r'.inn,
Tl".• pa•Inr• faun h.•.. and •0..1 rr'I,n'.I linea
J. W. 4e Whitney. 25 Teront • ytr..t 7or..nto.
ll� Ar•HINERY II 1•Lt)Qt'Alll.ERS. --
,IY iron sod woodworking mach:nerv,
engines. boiler., steam puling'', gasoline
engines, elcrtrio motors. rontractore'
machinery. etr. Send for cntalntu, of
over 1400 macbi.ere. 11. W. PETRIE.
Limited, Toronto. Montreal, \'aueouver.
THE LINDMAN TRUSS gill held any miscible
(plata. E11416.0,041 by femme It rn4Alcal read
flit• for particlean. K LISUE;AV, taeg•J►
Any man has sufficient will pow•- Cay VES
er to enable him to give Smek st.ot•sae salary t.siu
ing—if he has a wife whet is strong e,tartaptleed Co. Ltd, Taeeeo o.s
branded enough to mrtke hire quit.
,F__� I �1 oae of the iaatwel. of the electrical al'
rr use lhrougbout tb• .ossa. Krtte Mr eats,
''ERY SORRY --AFTERWARDS. iso . O.nn.r.I A a��C... el CeenJ. Ltd.,
In a town not fifty miles from; w
here a lads' went into a store and ; 1MFlrlatt S tltlir Promoter
four Hours and Cure Any Coughasked for A box of Zam Bok. She,Crowe Nair en any Maid Nese
Rouse in Leodea Which RcealhtOn nate at theCO., Toronto, Canada.
atw.nenw (' Toronto.
That is Coracles was told that it would cost fifty
The following mixture is often Dickens and Others. asked
and that a larger hex of an-.
preseribed and is highly recom- According to the legend, the other ointment could be bought•
mended for coughs, colds and other t3j►aniard's inn, still in existence,in cheaper. In a moment of weakucss
throat and bronchial trouble: Mix London, was a rendezvous of hick she took the. cheaper box. When
two ounces of Glycerine. a halt Turpin, and it is sat id that in the she had used it she still nes ded rho '
ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine cone !stable there he stalled his Black Zan Buk as badly as before, and
pound pure, and eight ounces of ; Bess. But the Spaniard's has otOer' bought a box.
pure Whisky. These can be bought' Associatious. Its tea gardens was The Za►n-Buk did what she need.:
in any good drug !,tore and easily.' certainly the spot that Dickens ed, hut as she bad bought the use• •
mixed together in a large bottles chose for Mrs. Bendel] and her less ointment, ton, she paid just na
The genuine Virgin Oil of Pine prrty to take tea in. Jack Straw's much again for the benefit derived:
compound pure is prepared only In castle is quite as well known.
the laboratories of the leach Che-
micryl C'o., C'lneintiati, and put up
fox dl_peie ing iv hal!-ounce 1jaI .
Many a successful business has
been overthrown by side issues.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterulie
ntor has no equul for destroying
we•rn)P in children and adults. See
that you get the genuine when mir-
y) year, presiding one changes the chasing.
plate of cnlpluyment. it is better
not to heves to get letters. Peppy' 1►on't worry if you are crowded
who remain in the same job for , if the siri''s';tlk; there's snore
years nee usaally better off in every room its the ru•cldle of the road.
way. -- ---
al--- (tt►adr.n ilnll C. II.Irl wg, 1T,ey enM hems
eat•rat w11b.m.w Ila,' n te.t•p-•enlnl of hoe_
MOS. gabs -t of Eglington, says .flier l i bot eweat.nid w .ser well pint any
iD.fleet.. Avubt .ub,Otut••, then i. h.1 uM
"1 have seri .sed ten corns from • "ratukuter—torp Datn_sx..od5ua
my feat with Holloway's (born
Cure.” Reader, go thou and do m And ,nab V a young man doesn't
know he is in love until the girl
i 1 the case hands him the informa-
tion in a diplomatic way.
ilrpe for the Chronic Dyspeptic.
- 'Through lack of consideration of
the body's needs many persons al -
•e Substitute for 'The D • t." Menthol Mate;
oa' disorders of the digestive np•
.Ith•r''h•.meun"rrupnl•eu dealers moaysay tf.ere 1 flrat11" t.• endure tltltlt they beei,;r'e
Ia. Itrr..mrweu•s.1 by d••ct•'• h.orpttab, clergy
sued everyt'ody for pleurisy..t•itueea, etc. ch. r.•nir, filling days and piglets with
• offering To these a course of
P: rrnelee's Vegetable Pills is re-
•'ommendeel as a ante and speedy
"Now," said the teacher. ''the wry tt' rewrap health. Thee pi119
peitulntnin tet our t'•Wn 1S 12.000 all's Ppet•ia!IV eu►nponndeet to com-
"Twehr thousand and one''' In- hat elf sfrrp• is and the many ills theta
rpolated a int -tuber of the clnss. (,•II•.tt its its train, and they are
Bobby Giles has got a new baby ,11,4ecfful a1w'ivs.
blether:" =--
[)on't blame the rel. No doubt
a canary bird looks as good to hint
as n watvrnielun does to a eruntry
The man who gives his business
A family And just sat d'•wn to proper attention has but little time
ttble when tidings sere brought of fess side issues.
the death of an nuns. fieddenly
little Emily inquir el, with a long- TO CURE A COt.n IN ON8 DAY'
ing glance at the well -tilled dish- 'r.ke I.sx s i sve. Nn etln eosins Taklet..
1►ra,r;•t' nfnn I m n,.y tf ft f.'I. toY, tv
r "Pit la, insist w( cry now. or
1 ItkUr K'` rignatarg i. en a teh M.t Y c.
wait till we have finished dinner?' i•_
• Annenolie. N.a. (tae 14. t9tw. Fathrr (left in ch;lege)—"Nn, you
"1 a.. mer eights, scare r•1 nee meld can not base any more Cake."
hoer suffered from Kidney aril madder (Very Aerionsly) "Do you know
Tr,n:hle foe fatten. y.ae.. 1 tn.,k doctor's %.lint I shall have to do if von go
r••nd•rire here r help. I want to
thunk eon I • • .1 • ,• me tee sample nn tank ne that dreadful noise?"
tee of (lin 1'.1'. .,t: rh helped me. l.'ttle (lift (stlbh'ng) -"\'ea •'
•'i have trkeo ••t torr• of flip Pi11•
ettwrether. hal got Mlief Asters i hod rather --"Well. what is it 1"
L hen ns•'r fhnf nm.:,'." 1 hod to ref Little (;Irl—"Give me some more
ren mile nt*l.t. rv•re filler n'Inntn• en•f eke :•+
hod fn n.. an Instrument 1•,•fere 1 multi
nrenrte `Kim. f ran tie in bed f„nr tr t.t•d 'lie wag quite ti :ht.
Ave ho.urr without grt!ie'• 11”
st' It Pir:Rrt'. —
R'rite v�"i.,rm1 Tern' A f stem. (',..,
n.nt t\' 1. 1'nenetri ire 'ere PPmnle
11. enlar sire. 00,• 6 foe 12 50
Ratter icing. 'il!rlt one and one
half tahl:•speenfuIs of butter, add
three tnblcspeenfuit of milk, and
.f.,•; -,nosy' sugar to stiffen Na-
('arnntcl Icing. To make choco-
late nr csrame! icing c•reamv•and to
prevent it (rem cracking. use a
iiui'ken•ng of deur and water plated
110.6 it— .• ONE i • r •r AIL +,:,,d• I ; a
�•••����•.����. e, A tel' cricallly i e•
Just Thank el,i! ', • SAME ilii
yea ran eclor ANY k.ad: t. •' P.r/eee,r••ti•. rr
chary. of mittakrt. A. • In cent. frcri I t() DEMAND i•(111 i l'•
yprr i)rny git! or Dealer. .x.I.i,!• Card aa4
Bentiet Free from I A rolling stone pothers ne moss,
The JNrnngn•Rioh•reseh e.• Llmu•d, hit there's mighty i:t:Ie demand f• r
De �Q�' atontrealrQue.
leek nt'w-A-ditto.
lee( I. Nt*. 9 10.
Washington [eying mentions it in
"The Sketch Bonk." In "The Tales
of a Traveler" Irving makes Drib -
bit. the poor scribbler of Grub
street, say that during his rambles
he visited Hampstead and occasion-
ally took dinner at the castle. his
with Dickens, John Forster, Mao-
lise and their fr'esid however, that
Jack Straw's castle is most inti-
mately associated. In the bedroom
which Dickens occupied play still
be seen the chair in which the nov-
elist used to sit. --Westminster
A Few Shares for Sale
1a one of the tom Loan t'ntep,nlos in
t•anada on easy tarsal; oats gtu.6tl d•.w u
Mewey to Lend at /i% on approved
aecu.itie.. Apply fur particular• to
M. J. KLN•I', nes CP, London, Out
` Blind; Bleeding, Itching.
as if she had bought 7.am-lluk in the'PILES
Protruding /ilea quickly
first instance. She was sorry -- , and permanently cured by
afterwards. the meet scientific and economical remedy
Zinn -Bilk has years of honest re•LYLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES
commendation behind it. People Prier 51.00-6 for 5500. mailed on re•
have proved that it c,re.. Imitation! tetpt of price.
fond contains no nourishment, ar e1
imitations of Zinn -Bilk fail in theTORONTO.
one essential feature- they never A GREAT DEMAND FOR
work 7,ant-iluk eurea. Whet; you PA P E R STO C K
ask for 7.atielluk don't 'lake any'•
thing else. The name is protected
by law and is clearly shown on eachpogPioROALLRGADER.!aHnrot
Package. I Adelaide and M..d Sta..
�. I E. PULLAN, Toronto. Ont.
DON'T. Phone for particulars. !lain v
It helps no hard luck tale, i vouch, rte you WANT
Free to D... Reeeers To KNOW
Wr't, Murine Eye it•mrdr ('n., rklrsgo. Reheais.tlg it ; Ifwlt rnr'.m.. (-nate nrfnldi farts r*nut
for 45 rage iIIti.trnt,vl l:y• Rook Erre. H "ran Nafere! Rrrd Dr 1'.+•te'e
Keats all stout Tour err Trouble and And n't one ever cures :1 gentle(( ew..n.l..'• 'ant r 4,h• dr''r.tr a•^•r••'t•
Iter will nd•arn n. to the Proper Applire• Bt' Ila rrlUg Ii.
lion of the Monne Fare Rrmedie. in Your
eyelid mane Your Druggist will tell a •nu -- —
that Murine Holley.. Here Eyre. Htreucth•M Me flesh "'Mir u • banal*" "'Ilkern WPO\ lire-. D.•ssn't Smart. Hooke! nor*
P.tln end n'IIe fpr aor. Try 11 rn 1b6
tr .u:'Ii p..• fr a brut t•. were ■ase« eberk•
Tour Fji'. and ,n l''h,'a EyH for (teal) e'1 Allen'+ hood tta;.a.n our•■ the w..r.t 'f
17elade and Granulation. gulls. it allar•,uflassatiost a•d clean the air
I you would know just what}
Trouble i the thnroufih I
people ray of you behind year beck,'
listen tel whattheyey ray of others.
, I fetcher in the whole sch'tul of ex !
I periene •. I t•errd without nneretinna All who err at
flirted watt 11,1. rli•ra•e and wish 1.. he
rDON'T WAIT until vntir nei.I.hne 14 ' treed n^rmsnemi7. "fel, end qm±rkty
..,,. ...• n•,•• fl.." stn..•.r'4 Deo. with thi. go 'U ilomron•
thle rrmrde,
KFITM...At.-.•$O1's. Sent Merchants. Toronto, whish will he root pn■t-geld anvwhcr.
err offering, O.! r' Nn. 11 nnrlev end In th• world with full inetrurHm.' for
lar,'. t, e.ing Co s. In effect • rrrwtanent cure.
Grown Rea s• reefed Amnmer A•t.. price e: A.Idrr+e
tw '. hn•b. in... at il1.G5 per boat., bate Jahn T. Wa1L Hemeaoathle Pharmacy.
PRF1:. Rend for semplr•, atop eatalugut. Arnprler, Canada.
of Lev.. Mn•,laee. Patwttsw.. He+lt5,
Dlseast. and Freaks. it 1. the f••ttt of 50
veer.' rrnnrience of 1 sir -resent author
Plitt nrartittneer rn'I of Peek,. pees•
Imre to ever'. mar• end women tome("!
r•nre vital fret. th.ri your d,vrne would
w'we ern fpr fon ,lntlnr•in t re.•Ince,
n'fl p..ne* and d't t1'n.teetin•-• Price ISe.
L. L. Hill Reek Co.. 129 E. PI St.. New York
The ('rick in the Rack "Ono
touch of nature makes the whole
woild kin," Pings the poet. But
what about the t..tic't of rheumatism,
anti lumbago, which is so common;
now 1 There is no poetry in that'
touch, for it renders life miserable. 1
Vet how de lighted is the sense of
relief when nn application of lir.
Thomas' Eelectric Oil drives pain
aware. There is nothing equals it.
('fill.i) 1VORKERS IN ('HlN.A.
In China's big cotton mills many
children tend the machines, and
their pay is •t cents u day. One
big mill in .Shanghai employ's 30,000
p: ople.
A woman is never se happy or
unhappy as =1-e think' rhe i •.
r.. cowl, a.. r *tiaras
n•r .wt. e.1.3•.. • F.:r rb..
From Si • re. a. lent,. '•..F.,...
rr-'•.•.e4, vol er ►ta. .a. t•md
f.•r A•.c-, rt... steely.
1 11! 1.1 w,tfir r. ictLLla,:� , e, .,.. r. r•e' •n.
\ foune titan sisitcd his doctor
end described a commit el:ne s the:t
had befallen hini. "The thing for
. • n to do," the physician said. "is
. drink hot wince an hour h •fore ,
I,r,•akfatt every morning." "Well.
how are you feeling!" the (1oc1 .r
ask d a weak later. "i)id sou fol
inw ms nth ice and drink het war'
ter an hour hefert breakfast ►"
-'1 did my be -t, sir, lint i couldn't
keep it np more'n t^n minutes at a
-t retch.
Ills" slm•• sighed. "fur many
cars 1'Vt• Suffered (roln dsbpep-
5;11," "And don't yeti take any-'
tt.mg 1"r it " Ler friend asked
"1 ou look healthy enough.
"011.-" site replied, "it's my 1.11- .
bated that has it."
The elan whn boasts of haying
money to burn will soon have ash -
ch to th •ti away.
Many patent rnedicines have crane
and gone, but Biekle's Anti -('on
sieeptite Syrup continues to occupy
a foremost place among remedies
1' r eoughs and colds. and as a pre-
ventive of decry of the lungs. It is
is standard medicine that widens
its sphere of usefulness year by
Year. If yen are in nr cd of some-
thing to rid yourself of a cough or
Id. von cannot do better than try
Belle's Syrup.
Cuntomor - -"and is this chair
really an antique niece of furni-
ture Dealer --"There's no doubt
about that. 1Vhe. it was sn woral-
eatcn when I bought it that I had
tet have a new hack, and a new
seat, and three new legs made for
I aa'lt a hair -cut," said the
middle-aged reran, as be dropped
int'e a }inrb(r's chair. 'la -. •sir.'.
' ^" OW •1' .•t.•r "111 i('ll' n
is certainly one of the meet dies•
greeable admen's which flesh IP
heir to. (boated tongue - bitter
taste in the mouth --nausea detai-
nees theta combine to make life a
hnrden. The scum le s d,anrdrr.d
liver the cure Dr. Morro a Indian
Riot Pi11.. They go straight to
the r.ed nl the trouble. put the
liter right, cleanse the stomach and
bowels. Arae the tongue are tut•
away the bitter lasts from the
ninon, At tb. Brat sign of ba-
imi•, , •• tate
Or. Morse's
Indian Root rills
Mae,, Nk7MoH1731, ropeirun$
Iliad 11 , i,VTc-utnrA?:
nr ILLII R 1.1s•
roe Io tate "441r-
t Pe a Nlitti
,.e no tree,, hat go:
•' one* a Sin' tin "f
taanwYAr• Siert'
It►:L4PV and pr. %dont
ne•,n.nata. or r„ro 1'
1f al-ea4y rnaal••st•
is the 1'nfal'.ngg
nethel1 Rern'd-
for (*.rush,.(*.rush,.C o 1 d ..
pate Thre.t. Hronehit s.
"Ilei V• 1'iettaw. a •n•I
I'atn.".' al. kilniA
1'31'CI:1NC" 1 as 4, •!,r,11 the,::urs %
of people to buoyant h.ah!► and strength
,vl.ae. opsit on had 1,•en rsyarcedas hepe.
lr�, knot.,ni- and f•th.hu.Yet coal-
tara;ug temarig:De pop-r-ri=a-Akiti
purifier loud g'•rm fid-. It will s!a s
a. oral Cut weak brio, fpr. e c lite
i Isle m_ and drive away 1110 ZeJjh, nn
n•mres of how levy stand rg.
" I'yl Cl UNE. tones up tke „bol•
system and drives nut disease, heals ts.-
decay.d targe • id re:for.11%1 etnjy. Ito
use (laity w.11 frevrat and wr.•J of t%at
mutt :u1•Il, daea'e tnmrm',rnft.
Writs for a Free Sample.
i.r sot ►r .fl Dretti.r. A D..'.'.. ;t, 1 t1
per `seri..
Dr. T. A 5 UM