HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-03, Page 4(fleeter AbuorateJ $ow's This P
t we offer One llundrxd bullate [teasel for any •'sae
Sanders t Creech. Propo.
'THURSDAY, March 3, '10
The Ontario Agricultural College hay
again announced that they will seed a
roan to eaglet farmers in dralnlun, lot
his travel:leg expenses, one cent a mile
euch way, and steals and cartage of int-
atrunteets. The surveyor would also ad-
dress a public meeting on drainage.
Where several fainters combine In se-
curing a man the outlay would cot
extved front $1 to $5 cacti for hie ser-
vices. )'
SA (NTS130011Y
Win. tea,tc is laid up with a cut foot
which ho received a couple of weeks
ro.-Thos. Quinton had a wood bee
last Friday and got a large amount of
wood cut. A dance was given at night.
-Mrs. Alex. McDonald is confined to
tier bed wilt: pleurisy. We hope to see
ner soon restored to health again. -Mr.
Daniel McDonald and sister, Mies An-
nie of London are visiting their broth-
er, Alex. this week. -Aaron Davis la
canvassing for an American Sugar
beet f:rtn. lie is securing a lot of cote
tracts for tete sununer trade.
The Ban field In Inc Hall here last
weekeiven by the baseball club was a
success. excellent music being furnish-
ed by Messrs. Bolton and Horton, Lunt -
ley. -Tree new' stoves placed In the hall
and also in the school house are a great
improvement on the old ones, more heat
being produced with leas fuel. -Mr. Jas.
Gardiner has had quite a tint^ gettlttg
his brick horse from Exeter, owing to
the depth's of snow on the roads. On
Saturday several loads had to be left
on the roadside, with sleighs upturn-
ed, pre venting quite a spectacle. We
don' thiak ae have ever had so miucli
snow on the Thames Road. The mall
carrier is also having difficulty in get-
ting through. -Tee Foresters gave an
oyster supper oa Friday evening to
Foresters and their friends only. An
exec' -lett supper was eaten. after witicn
a good program of music. songs, res -
Rations. etc.. wee rendered. Mr. Mack
-Vincent of Exeter and Messrs. Bolton
and Horton of Lumley taking an able
part. All spent a very enjoyable even-
ing• -The lecture which was to have
:teen given on Monday evening by
Rev. hurt of Centrally in Bethany chur-
' ell was postponed on account of the
.bad roads after tate thaw.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always 'aught
Bears the
Signature of
by; ',v Absorption Method.
If you sutler front bleeding,
itching-, blind protruding
Piles, ::end lite yo::r address, and
will tell you 11.,W to : ore your-
self at home 1 \• the absorption
treatment ; and will also send
some of this 1: etc treatment
free for trial, \t th references
from your oxen localitv if re-
quested. I1:lmcdtate relic f and
perillanent Cure assured. Send
leo money, but tell Milers of
this ofTer. Write to-tla\' to firs.
AI. Summers, L'ox 840 Windsor,
5���� Tn grow thesnI
ect flower's Md
m oat lu•,cen.ts
veeetablM, plant the best
seeds. Ferry's seeds arca beet
t'ecatwthey n••ver fall in 3 geld
or quality. The tea garden
ere and farmer. es rr'a here
know Fere) • seed. to he the
hlgheet standard or quality
vet attained. For sate
ei •rya bore.
/WITS its Seed basal
Free on re tucit
Imola. est.
ne*TroR*, oNT.
N rite lie it ,r. , f n 'rtr fr••e caiiiheue and
learn the nature ••f o,r .ores• In
Commercial, Shorthand d Telegraphy
departments. We have the lading, praeti••al
training shoot of Western Ontario. (sense
are thorough. tnntructors expetencel soot es
ambit graduste• to pewit I. n.. Students are en•
'enng etery %frig Vo, ,hnubl enter NOtt,
Hunters and
Rest Market Price,
Honest Treatment,
Correct Assortment,
Quick Returns.
by shipping their
Raw Furs and Skins
,s.,e '••s
the old reliable Finn of the
Fur Trade.
11i4 est i!• .le lilt st flostteval.
Ask foe our Free I4O°•lal0 Peace Wt.
el Catarrh that eauuot be cored by Hall's Catarrh
1. J. CItt:IkV L Co., Toledo. 0.
We the undersigned hair known F..1. Cheney (0,
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
m all busurese tru.w_twne and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by his beer
Wat,Dtas, 1►usas t Mamas,
wholesale t)ragglet, Toledo, 0
ifell',C'atarrh Cure is taken internally, seting di
re.tly on the blood aril mucous surface' of the
"teen.. Testimonials sent free. Price 75e. per bot•
tie. sold by all Druggists,
Take !fall's Family fills for constipation.
L' 51 BBUIiENSlliltl:, I't 11tVOOD CONVEY
r,, ENGEN. (*eq., wills, Mortgages and all
Legal Onetime, U carefully and promptly prepared
Ch tree* moderate. bleier of Marriage t.irensee.
On Friday the teachers in our school
availed themselves of giving to the
parents an opportunity of visiting the
school and thereby taking note of the
work being done by the teachers and
scholars. We are indeed glad that so
many accepted the invitations seut
out and we feel sure that their pres-
ence at the school was a great inspir-
ation to all the teachers as well as to
the pupils. We fully believe the work
is being well done. The order was on
a whole very good. especially when we
let our Mind wander back to our
school days and think of the many
things we used to do, generally to, un-
known to the teacher. Of course once
in a while we would be caught. We
hope a like occurrence will take place
soon and that many more will be pres-
ent at the occasion. -Messrs. Jonas
Ilartteib and E. M. Brokenshire were
in Exeter on Monday afternoon Last
-It is reported that a business change
has or will shortly take place in our
burg. -Mr. John W. Graybiel of jur-
ich spent Sunday at his home Iii his
place. -Mr. John Eidt ie at present
visiting friends in this community. -
The I. O. F. of this place metlfor their
regular monthly meeting on Saturday
night. The members should all keep
in mind that the last Saturday in each
month is the time appointed for re-
view and that at such meeting the
dues should be paid and thus save sus-
pensions.- William Heldt was in Lod-
don for a few days during the week.
The Mad Doc. -A great deal has been
wt Itten and said of late about the m..t
dos or rather the mad bitch that at-
tacked Mr. Isaiah Tetreau'e stock re-
cently. and being that the reports have
been so varied. so exaggerated and die -
torted Mr. Tetrcau has taken the
trouble to give us the correct circum-
stances and facts concerning this !em-
otes canine. Early in the morning of
the 27th, of January this strange dog
came onto the premises of Mr. Tet-
reaU and on opening the door 111 the
tnoruin3 it was seated on the doorstep.
Ile kicked tate brute thinking It would
go away. but 1t offered no resistance
and on Mr. Tetretu'e gong to the
barn it followe- hint. The bull was
standing in the barn and the dog see-
ing 1t made a savage 'testi at it and
t 9tened 1t♦ teeth le the gull's nose.
Mr. Tetreau at once struck the brute
we. 1 a fork and kicked it out of the
barn Front there 1t went Into the
t,ouse again and 01/ being kicked out
went across the road to a neighbor's
it returned again shortly and at once
atteekel two of Mr. Tetrenu's colte and
Liter bit two cows, another one getting
out o' [t4 way. Mr. Tetresu noticing the
strange actions of the dog got an axe
awl at once kilted the brute. It has
been sail that Mr. Tetretu had harbored
'he dog, but such was not the case as
+'te do:; bed not born there two hours
bore it wax killed.
Mr. J. C Horton. oxen of .1r. K'n,. Icor
rift of ilutondalr, who about four years
ago was c'shier in the Sovereign) Dank
ti thee:tn, and since that lime has been
•ercunta/nt in the Unto.' Dank at Indian
Heed. Sisk.. has been promoted to the
nraltton of manager of the Southern
leder I:ank at Southey. which le about
4') mile" from Regina, Sask.
Derr Mr Editor,• -toll you kindly al-
low a little apace In your valuable pa-
p'•• teat we may express our sincere
t',acks to our many friends, who ae'em-
bled at our home on the evcnlne of Feb.
2.trd, as a aurprise. to spend a socia)
evealis and to bid ue farewell previous
to our icavin.1 tor our future home in
the West. We fee! grateful to our
many ir:cnds. and atter listening to the
touching address which was read by
Mr John Moir, and the presentation of
those valuable eine front our warm-
he.trted fri 15(11. we were unable to reply
to we wished We appreciate your kind
nest". and those presents will ever bre
kept lit re:n ntbranc'e of'your g•,od will
toward us: we apptcelat,c them bee auge
of their value but store so because, they
were presented to us by the community
in which we have lived for so many
years. Lear (Weida, our departure front
the neighborhood and the,soclablllty we
have enjoyed for so long will be keen-
ly felt by us all. Our object in going
west is not to seek better and kinder
neighbors. We do not like to think
that we will never nett again but life
is uncertain. but we trust that we may
soar live so that it we never have the
privilege of meeting each other face to
face In this life. we troy meet 1n that
him^ where there Iv n) parting. With
beet wishes to each and all. -Mr. and
Mrs Robt Down.
ceremony the gut eta about sixty in
number, most of ale:n were relativee
sat down t0 all elaborate supp'r L:• [tie
dining roost whi_ti was prettily de,wt-
ated. The gifts were eiutnerous and
costly, showing the esteem In wheel the
happy couple are held. During the ear -
1y pert of :Lerch Mr. and Mrs. Klatt
leave for their home in Tyner. Sask.,
weere Mr. Klatt has upeut the past
four years. We all joss in extending to
them best w'shea for future happiness.
A Match thaw has set is and as a
result the roads are in an almost im-
passable condition. The pathtuaaters
have called out the men on the differ-
ent divisions and have plowed up the
snow and in some places have thrown
out the crusts with disks. It is itupos-
Kraft-Wets.--At the hon,' of Mr. and
%tea Louis We:n. Crediton. Welnesiay.
afternoon. Feb. 23rd. a very pretty
•1dtt: was solcntnisel when their
. n
e••: ontd dauShte.. . \ f x,11 fa. wee utillei I
:i,irritee t3 M:. Sia:n'lel Kraft. former-
ly of Dashwoad. the Rev. E. It. Bean
affiliating. The bridal party entered the
parlor to rhe strains of etc:idclsaohn'e
wcd•Ile: march. betutefulty Played by
\rise Lauri Kraft of Dashwood. The
bride wore a handson' bridal gown of
w.ttte pont d'esprit t.et with baby Irish
Isee aged Insertion trimmings 'ever silk
tad t,rrie1 a cluster of whote
•• n s. her vel, beteg fastened with
o:ane blogeoms. Thee bride's tr.kvollieg
ma in brown and hat of fur with a
n,'ts'Ls golden creeen. The bridesmaid
Hen Mark Kraft. sister or the groats.
-e) e a pile Diu' princess of silk mull.
• termed with silk dusty lace teed inser-
t n and curled pink carnations. The
;,dont was attired in conventional black
ttr. D. Wcln o: London. brotter of the
bxlde. octet as groomsman. Attu the
bible to drive a hot'sc faster than a
walk, The stage is obliged to leave
earlier than usual. --Fred Clark and
sister Mrs. Brett of Albe'ta, who have ITCHING
been visiting relatives here the past
month, returned to their home in the 1
West Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. John Just u few drops of the famous D.
Finkbriner have moved to town and to i>• I'Io criptto:t applied to the skirl
are now comfortably located in their will taut away instaittty the worst kind
joys and sorrows. The esteem in
which they are held was shown by the
beautiful array of presents which they
received. Mr. and Mrs. Chappel leave
in a short time for their home in Bo -
harm, Sask., carrying with thew the
beet wishes of all for their future hap-
piness and prosperity.
51r. Fid. Mara has puree:awed another
flee t orec.-Elmer Mutely has returned
Lome alter ependtttg a week at \Vyont-
ine.-The roads are almost impassable
in this neighborhood -Mr. Thos. Shad-
•1tx'k and wife spent Sunday at Wel.
leenton'e•-a. Simpson Is doing quite a
rusttle bustnese to exchanging horses
this winter.
home. We welcome there and family
into our midst. -We are pleased to
state that Mr. Matthew Winer's health
bas improved some. -Mrs, Charles
'!.wicker is visiting friends in London
this week. -Thos. Trevethick has been
obliged to lay ori work this week on
account of an attack of the Grippe. -
of au itch. We positively know they.
011 of wintergreen a mild, soothing li-
quid, combined with such t•ealing cute
etaoces as thymol and glycerine, will
penetrate 10 the outer setn, kill the
germsand heal The D. D. D. Prete t ip-
tion, made at the D. D. D. Laborate•r-
John Schroeder and daughter were in les of Chicago, seems tobe just the
right ccmpcwtd, ass thouosands of re -
Toronto Tuesday.- Ida Ewald of (Cin- mit Willie cures prove.
ton spent Sunday at home with her Don't go on sufferlteg front eczema
parents Mr. and Mrs. August Ewald. or ;tett other {tel:ii.li skLt disease, when
-Miss Ella Link has returned from ,diger is mu easily obtained.
Exeter where she visited her aunt, Just write the D. D. D. Laboratoeles,
Mrs, Kunz for a few weeks. -We are Dept E. A., 3:3 Jordan St., Tor't)nto,
pleased to state that Miss Bertha Fink -
tett they wilt send you, free, a trial
Heiner and Mrs Frank Snell who have bottle. This Sample will relieve the itch -
been ill with pneumonia, ate rapidly ing at once, and prove to your satisfac-
recovering their health. -Daniel and lion teat here at last is the cure fol'
Wm Wein of Detroit spentafew days tour torture.
in town last week. -Kenneth Harry Write for a trial bottle to -day.
Wein, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John For sate by an druegiets.
Wein, Dashwood, was christened at
the home of his grandparents, Mr.and
Mrs. Louis Wein on Wednesday by AUDITORS' ABSTRACT
Rev. E. H. Bean of the Evangelical
RestEM11HREU.-On Monday even-
ing the children and other relatives of
Mrs. Louisa Either gathered ather
home to congratulate her upon having
attained her 77th bit thdey. A beauti-
ful cane rocker was presented to her
by Mr. Geo. Finkbeiner on behalf of
those assembled. The following is the
address as read by Mr. Finkbeiner:
Dear Mother. -We, your children,
relatives and friends, have suet in
your homes this evening to congratu-
late you upon having reached your
77th birthday. \Ve are glad to know
that you are still in goad health, and
it. is our prayer that God will grant us
the privilege of having you in our
midst for many years to come. Al-
though we, your children, have new
reached a mature age, we still look to
you, as the mother. for guidance and
help as in our youthful days. We do
not wish to let this tippi)rtttnity pass
without showing to you our love and
it tins our heart with joy and makes
us thankful to God for His guiding
band, which has kept its all togethet
up to the present day. We give you
this chair, hoping that you will live
many- years to enjoy the sante and we
pray to God that he will bountifully
bless you with good health and that
finally WP, as an undivided family will
all gather in the Houle above.
Mrs. F.ilher made a feeling reply and
thanked all for ttlt'ir kindness and
thoughtfulness. Several other ad-
dresses were made and the evening
was spent in a pleasant way by sing-
ieg old time hymns and relating ex-
perience's of the past years. it is 541
years since Mrs. Eilber came to this
part of the country ttud she was one
of the tar ly pioneers. The ladies of
tete assembly had prepared a splendid
lunch to which all did justice before
leaving for their respective homes.
We congratulate Mrs. Eilber upon
having attainecd this .advanced age
and trust she will live to enjoy many
more years of good health.
Mr. Mood Clifford of Texas, wbo has
been visiting under the parental roof
for a couole of weeks, returned to Tex-
as agaio on Monday. - The many
friends of Mr. Will Martin, son of Mr.
Oeo. Martin. feel very much alarmed
oyer his present serious illness. He
bas been quarantined in for several
ke this winter owing to diphtheria
of which he got better and the quar-
antine was removed. Hc' made a little
ton freely by going out in the ccld too
won and is now back with pnetlmonin
and it is thought his chances for re-
covery in slim.
ClIAI'1•BL-Bt'TI.E1t-One of the soc-
ial events which stir the hearts of the
Kyoung took place an March 2nd at the
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butler,
when their youngest daughter, Laura
Nanette, became the bride of Mr. O. Ta►I',eeta 254 713 •3
T. Earl Chappel, of Boharm, Sask. At Total testae,. e. 29.1v.9 94
To ltal.nee, as per Aud. report Irani 1905
Money II)roieed for la cal impprovemen s
for Witter Works .....
Arrears of Taxa, 1903_ ............._..__....
Interest on Arrears 01 l axes ..
Taxes Collected for Note pal Purposes
License Fund
Fines and Fees......... .........
Streets, B gages, Public Property, (Lte
Poll Tax...
Extra 1 og Tac .
Rents of tillage Pr.perty ....._ ._.
Railway Taxation
Legislative orient to School .
FuLlic School Board
Non -Resident Taxes from ('.o. Treasurer
Mlle Payable (Money Borrowed)
lutere• t on Investments and Deposit•
Uranolitnic Frootage Tax .......
Street Waterlog
l'eme'ery .. ....
Total t;t•c.•ipte
County Rate ........... . .
Streets. Drains, Etc
Town Hall..
sesta • and Commissions
water Supply and Fire Protection 39:1 58
Printing, Stationery and Postage 302 99
.,... •.,.. 31 73
........ 900
100 60
13 20
21.596 77
73 40
3 t5
3.26 67
5 50
_15 50
143 ;tri
3,120 97
3 46
23 41
17 60
297 35
630 43
89 75
235,5341 42
41,77'4 13
1,621 33
233 67
l.cstal I. tee
Board of Health'
futile Libras
charities .
Bills Payable -...... .. .... 4,450
Interest Other than Debenture interest.... 93 31
Street Lighting ... 1,330 37
Mille Payable a Interest, re Cement Walks 1,012 bio
Insurance .. 13 be
Street Watering .. _. .. 322 54)
krfund (error in aseesameata) .. A 78
!:lection Experse, 49 00
Exeter Canning & Pre.entng Co Deb. Debt 931 10
Itailase Debenture Debt 7e0 70
liranolithic Pavement Debenture Debt ....- 810 33
Fire Engine Debenture Debt ..... _... 270
Cemetery._ 957 32
local Improvements re Pavements .7,339 99
re Water Works-- -- 5,660 02
Miscellaneous 113 94
Public School Teachers' Salaries . 4.539 55
•• Secretary and Janitor's Salaries 31? 51
" Fuel, Etc .......... _........... 215 06
•' Miscellaneous.. ..... .. .. .. 938 7d
Total Fxpenditnre ............ 235,614 93
Total Ite, eipt• 3.5,536 42
Debit italan.•r 2 82 51
Taxes in arrears . ... . $ 165 52
land Including Parka .... 1,600
Buildings, Furniture, Pito . (eseloalve 01
S.•hool) .- .. 6.541)
& hool Property 10,5/0
Water Works (old) •.. 1,900
(neer, improvements. Ste) 7,360 ret
(rranolithie Pavements (new)...-....-- - • • 7,179 99
Fire Halle and Appliances ... 4,000
Public i.ibrary . ..
Exeter Canning t'reeeriin1T Co, Mortgage
Market Building and Weigh Scales
Band Tnxtntments and t'nifortn,
Total Assets
Doe toTown Treasurer 2 +2 61
Doe School Board .. 4.395 01
U -.s ng oe [tel.enture:
riranolithic Improvement' . 2.619 96 Principal
Railway 1►ebentirt 2.707 ?
teeter Canning and Pres (0 9,n16 1,• ,•
Fire Engine .... 1.50
Bill+ tayahle (re gran. patements) 5.700 ••
(Re Water Warks) 1,400
Total l.ial.illtie• 229,16• sot
254,:15 wt
tbe hour of a0 o'clock, to the strains
of the wedding march played by Mise
M. Luxton, of Eden, the young couple
entered the parlor, the bride leaning
on the arm of her father, and stood
under an artistic arch of evergreens
and }towers, with white bell overhead.
The bride looked handsome in a edit
i•f white silk mull, ttimrned with Mal -
tepee lace and insertion, with the usu-
al bridal veil, and carried a briquet of
white carnations. The young couple
were unattended. The nuptial knot
was securely tied by itev. Mr. Brown
of Staffs in the presence of about 60
invited guests, being the near relativ-
es of the bride and groom. The cere-
mony ended and congratulations over
the company repaired to tbe dining
room. which was beautifully decorat-
t•d foe the occasion, where a tempting
wedding feast awaited them, provided
by the hostess, of all the latest viands
of the season. The display was very
One and Sits the whole it might easily
be said that the affair was one of the
prettiest that has ever taken place in
the community. The evening was
spentsod illy. The bride's going away
dress was one of Old Rose Satin ('loth
with steel grey coat and hat to thatch
and set of American sable fur•.
The bride is one of Ilihb'rt's most pop.
tiler voting lsdiee And will be much
missed in chofeh circles, having been
sl member of the church and chair for
a somber of vears; also an active
tsar kcr In the Lentile. The groom is
hie hlv spoken of an•d „ great favorite
aith the young people. having lived
her" tor a moots., • f TPalS before
making hi• hurt,• in the %Pet and is
to he congeiattilst.d nn w inning sorb
an estimable young Indy to share bi-
Italanre 222,546 h9
w•, the undereirtned I/unirlpai Asxlitors do rertt
fy� that a have audited the foregoing aren,nte and
held them cnrteet, end the t alence of Eghty•two
dollar" an.1 fifty-one rents (e2 511 owing to the
Town Tress,rrr, se on the Mot day Deeem ,er, 1909.
W. D Clarke, Jos. Davie, Auditor'.
Assignee's Sale
B. Z. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager ( Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
others cfor ythe otransaction ofrded to ytheir
banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection.
way with equal facility.
Accounts may be opened by mail and
monies deposited or withdrawn in this
Exeter Isranen--O. W. Ilarrison, 5f sneger. Malice also at Crediton.
Jtr. \Vet. Buchanan tried himself to
Michigan the other day where 1,1s at-
tentions have been turned for sometime,
and It is now reported that he complet-
ed the object of his desires by taking
unto himself a wife. They will occupy
Mr. Smith's residence shortly.- Mr.
Itoberts was tit Ooderich for a few
days last week. -Messrs. Maurice I3ren
!ter and Janes Hannon and families
left for Oantroac, Alta., Wednesday of
this week. -Mrs. Antos, who has been
sick is on tete mend. -Frank Statten
has rented one of ilolt & Tiedentan's
summer cottages and stowed thereta on
5ir,tday. Rather early to camp.- Miss
Rogers and Miss I'axntan of Parkhill
visited Mfrs. hat 'last week -Quite a nuns
ber attended James Wilson's dance at
Greenway last week.
tt•ebb-\Valper--A quiet wedding was
solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. Walper on Tuesday, Feb. 22when
their youttzest daughter. Mies Loretta,
was united in the holy bends of matri-
mony to 5tt. Delbert \Vebb, only son
of Mr. Richard Webb of this place. The
ceremony was perfortned by the Rev.
Mr. Carriere In the presence of only
the immediate relatives. The bride en-
tered the parlor on the arm of her
father while the wedding march was
most beautifully rendered by Niles Edna
sister of the bride. The bride looked
very charming in a dress of white
silk trimmed with lace and insertion,
and carried a beautiful bouquet of
roses and carnations. The groom's
tftft to the bride Was a beautiful brooch.
The best wishes and congratulations of
their numerous friends are theirs.
(TOG late for last week.)
Sant'I Ilse. who has been visiting his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Ilse, re-
turned to has hosts in Pigeon. Mier.,
Frl('.ay.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Daliewill of
Exeter yietted friends here Thure•taY
Of valuable Village and Farrel ['roper -
ties in the Village of Centralia and in
Township of Stephen. in the matter
of the estate tit WiLLIAM H.MANi)()
There will be offered fol sale by Falai, Ao• tion on
MONDAY, lith day of March, 1910
at the Amor of 2 o'clock. pm , at Moffatt's 110.1,
('entralia. the following desirable vitlare and valor
e: 1e farm prnpertle., namely
la) lot. nnmMtel from 144 in 1'.n ('.18 in• rtisi•e,
in the said tillage of Centralia, lying between the
ton.lon,ltnrnn & Ont ie Railway and Prinee Leopold
Street a,.1 forming parts nt orrgiaat lots Neater.
"ewe and ►1t le, in the Vint Conetesion. of the
To wn.hep ni Stephen
b, TheSo,th Half of Lot Number F(s('k, in te,
se. and ('enreeeinn, of the wi.1 ftnan.hllt+ of Stephen
exreplinl thereo,ut the front ten sere. thereof, here•
toren.n1.1 to nn. Jamre Wilson, end all that por-
tion of the North hall of i.ot 5 1 nhet?Hitler, ton,
W.t of the said London, Huron and Brae Railsay,
in the said Fleet Cnn•..,tion, of the Township of
Stephen. together ,with lines' lid•, numbered
from 175 to IA, both gr, Metre ie in the said tillage
of Centralia, 1.•ng west of the said 1.'+n•Lm, Horan
•3 Brno. Rails es and forn.in8 part of orhginel Lot
Number Fh)t-R in the sa •I Fleet C.•'.• e.sion of the
Township of Stephen.
(.) she a.losh 5.11 of Lot Number F'IVF:, in the
Fourth ('erre-'inn of the said Township of Stephen
TERMS toe SALF. 1 ' per rent. of the purr has.
money rs.h on day of sale, the balan•e in 3) days
th•reafrer other tern, male known on day of tale.
Fnr further part' elan apply te
DIeHSr►N h ('.tltllNO.
Soiree for Assignee.
Exeter. tint., or to
{{F:tiItY RiI.TIER, A.saignee
t'rediton, Osit,
and Friday. -Quite a t umber from I:et
attended Mr. itannon'e sate at Shtpka
Friday. -edge Lottie Pomeroy arrive.[
here atter holidaying nearly two ntont`.'.3
at Fullerton. Her natty friends are
pleased t'o see her. She le clerklt:;
with Mr. Antos• -Mr. Wesley Mellen tela
gone west with Mr. Sfollard.- It le
reported that sonic one has a gill ret
set [tear the old dant. Be careful.- A
number of doge leave been killel h.r.
lately owing to the orad drag scare. Tl'.e
dogs scent to play havoc with Mr. Ifea-
nlan'o deer. There are only rive Left. '
\V ill Make Canada a Baldheaded Na-
tion 1f Not Checked.
M. Pasteur, the great French Phystc-
lan ut Paris, once said; "I believe Yee
shall one day rid tho world of -all dis-
ease caused by germs."
Dandruff is caused by germs. a fact
accepted by all physicians.
Dandruff is the root of all !Lair evils.
1f it were not for the little destructive
germa working with a persistency
worthy of a better cause, there would
be no baldness.
Parisian Sage will kill the dandruff
germs and remove dandruff to tw)
weeks or money back.
W. S. Cole guarantees it. It will stop
itching scalp, falling hair and mako tree
hair grow thick and abundant.
It puts Info and lustre into the hair
t.:td prevents it from turning gray.
It is the hair dressing par excellence,
datntly perfumed and free from grease
stickiness. It la the favorite with wo-
men of taste and culture who knew ttto
social value of factnating hair.
A large bottle costs only :to veto,' at
leading druggists everywhere, and in
Exeter by W. S. Cole. The girl with
auburn hair is on every package.
Buy a
Piano for the Home
Surely there is nothing better than a Piano. It is something the
whole family can enjoy, something that will last a lifetime --tend if bought
right can he handed down for two or three generations.
You do not take any chancre on any piano you get here. The standing of
this establishment is it surety that you will get your money's worth --a GOOD
Then on top of this you have our guarantee -so why should you take any
Come Here, Pick Out a Piano That Pleases
You in Appearance and Tone !
You will (Ind our prices reasonable arid the terms of payment can easily
be arranged to your satisfaction -.and the inetrnment will be ABSOLUTELY
RELIABLE in every respect.
We are now displaying an
Unusual Stock
of the Finest Line of Pianos on the Market.
PIANOS from $200.00 up
ORGANS " $66.00 "
tow- Be an early caller and receive ono of our Art Calendars
South Huron Agricultural Society
The ann,sl Seed Show, under the amp' w or the
So,th Huron Agrr•< iral eo.iety, will be held at
Bossenherry's Hall. Brucetteld, on
PRIZE LIST -The following petrel will le. swanfet
on the beet *ample, of seed eahibitel in sword.
ante with the rules governing the seed fa'rs.
2 hush Spring Wheat. S ot'h Plfe a O N ee 7",
2 bush. spring N'heat, any •anety 50 On 75
2 hush. White Oate, any variety 50 (1) 75
2 hush BI& k rats, sn) variety 50../ I') 75
2 Mrh. Barley, six -rowel 50 n) 75
2 truth. Bole., two•rowel 50 (l0 7S
!bosh Field P.a. 50 00 75
1 btah. Field Beans 50 00 73
1 bush Corn in ear 6) 00 75
1 bush Timothy Seed SO Oil 76
1 )etch Red C10' et Meed 50 00 75
1 hush Alsike Seed 30 00 75
I bush. Potatoes. any soli. variety 50 en TS
1 hush. routine", for general re" 5') (r) '.
1 Perk of Onions, Dntrh Set* h) 50
1'e, k of 5111 groan Onions b) 50
Rules and Regulations
1. .511
competition (
nn m)N1
been crown by the exhibitor within ons year preei-
our, to the exhibition. All sabibite of seeds shall he
hell to be repptesentstir• of the total .1 ,antity of
eu.h'eed *lend fee nal• he the exhibitor. The
Seeretary of the S ciety may take and prefer,.
samples from ea^h exhibit for ref.renre in rase of
d,.r&te iris ng from the safe of seed by any exhibit
or. C,mpetit ors must beroee members of the eta
riefv, kr Paying VI the Treasurer thereof, either
pre!Inue to or at the time of making eatrisa, the
rum ft 51 .arh,
3. t5 prersturn• shell he swsnlel no exhibit'
thatl•ontain weed seed, which. in the opinion of the
-hods, are of a notiru rile ore.
4. !to exhthltnr shall recetee more than 011. pries
in .eyrie's.
e A11 samples of seed must be rarr+•-tty labelled
wrth the name and address nt the •,hihitot, the
nates et the vwitty' the emeont of see -1 for su.- and
the reline print [)rain, not i4414 than S; Mshele,
for sale, Madge. Timothy and Closer, n•.t less then
t bteawls, for eel.. 'tarty Potatoes, not lege they
5 bodes, for aa1. Tate Pntotnee. not lam than ti
toishel+, for Isle. 01548, nn( lea. than 1 freshet for
6 in •:w et diep-ata, a katut0ry J,clareoos bat
the shoe a rule, have Men complied with may
reel ired from each or any exhibitor of seed.
All exhibit- for rompetition for prices must '•••
delivered at Roseenberr) 's i1a11, Bna. efeei, not to,.
than Ina. m., and shall not be remosed until •t -i••
Nese of the Fair at 4 p m
405188100 PREP,
The Ann,sl Spring Show of Stallions sod leu' s
will be held at Brure8eld, on Friday, April loth.
1)10. Particulars later
W. D. SANDERS, Exeter, President.
W. D. likLEAN, Secretary.
le at choice farts, being part Lal Cil
and 19, Con. 1. Township of Ueb)rne,
in the Village of Ri•ter, containing 100
acres. On this property there 1s an
up-to-date brick dwelling with all c0n-
ve:Ientcs: 1•trge bank barite, with water
t: stables. silo. drive :rouse, ire Muse,
and all Miele of fruit : Il.( acres In hay
and grass, R acres fall w,:eat. balance
I'cAec ast fall. t'roperly a high
state of cultivation atei well adapted
for a man doing a dairy buterPes or
general farming.
Also S. 1-2lot 5.3�n1 Pay, y,contain
1 ng:U aerrv. 2 acreshardwood
35 acros in grass. tx►1aocc pioxed. Oe
the prem! errs there is a never falling
supply o: water with w!a 1nd'1 and lank!.
This property is well adapted for grat-
ing or general farming. Possession Ir•
March. Messy tern's of payment. Must
be sold as proprietor's health has fail-
ed and he is retiring. For terms and
p,rtieulars apply to ALEX. DOW, of
Exeter, or T. CAMERON. Auctioneer of
1')0 acre farm it Ueb rite, two awl Orse
halt reales from Ruder. 4150 a brl,k
e )use' oe 'taln-stres t, F.seter, and a 'Av-
iad of green c«;ar
SVM. M. PI, L S T(1 l 1. ORD )