HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-03, Page 3it nutil thseat ►nthoel, vlalost eir uable bete wassix TiloilsAND
GREAT sllipBunffiNGwast• .i ey thlives by
1 have found the 1.:1711t. die t. when -
al•utce directions were carried out II
carefully, equally successful in in-
Arrangements Are Nearly Completed With creasing the weight and ttc�i`Ioltose run dowel
a British Firm.
A despatch item Ottawa says: val in capacity anything in North
Negotiations betwee 0 the ('anaJi•u: America. B} wry of further en -
Government and representatives of couraging the By,
of such
several of the world-famous Brit- an industry in Canada, thus tann-
ish ehiphuilding firlus, including pleting the scheme of Canadian
Harland fi. Wolff of Belfast, and Naval defence, the Governmeut
Vickers, Sons & Maxim, fur the es- will. it is understood, shortly bring
tablislunent of Canadian shipyards down a bill increasing the present
and drydoeks, capable of construct- subsidy granted for building dry-
ing and repairing the largest ocean- decks. It is now three per cent.
going vessels, and of building the per annum for twenty .ears, on a
proposed new vessels of the Cana- maximum expenditure Of $1,500,000.
dian navy, have been under way Parliament will he asked to make
for several months past. It is ex- it three and a half per cent. per
s•cted that an autnouneement will annum for twenty -live years, un a
••rtly be made that arrangements total expenditure of probably three
have been completed for the estab- millions.
Is Pone
1 hm nt other r t fthese
byor h � A l ssteel t shipbuilding plant for the
companies, of a steel shipbuilding Pacific coast is also centernp,lated
plant at Montreal, or one of the by a firm of Canadian capitalists at
Atlantic coast ports, which will ri- Eaquimalt, British Columbia.
CURE FOR CONSUMPTION Minutes rt. an dlydrink encore and anrd
___ again, and so on until a full quart
ha., been takes' as aeon as it can
DiE1' OF "STRiPPIN(;S" IS .Ili, be conveniently. In about fifteen - _A.__ _
CREAM, NOT MILK. minutes the patient should cat at, DRAGGED 50 FEF:'1' ItY HAIR.
the table such articles of food as
are known to agree with the sto- Shaft of Runaway Penetrated Coif -
Dr. B. J. Kendall Geneva. Illinois, reach. At noon eat as usual.
%Viten the strippings are not al- Pure of a Woman.
Ilas 'Tested It With Best lowed to cool below blood heat, and A despatch from Brockville says:
Results. taken immediately after it is milked Miss Mary Smith had a miraculous
a fall quart will be transferred in- escape on Thursday from be'ng
The most certain method ever to the circulation in a remarkably killed in a runaway accident. She
adopted for the cure of the "Great short time. was overtaken on a crossing by a
White Plague" is through the diet i never have seen a case but emelt!. horse attached to n cutter. The
used as per directions given below take the strippings without any dis- point of one of the shafts penetrat-
which can be taken at home and comfort worth mentioning when ed her hair, which was firmly dune
conies within the reach of the poor above directions were followed up in pads. Banging by her hair,
as well as the riche strictly, althuul;h some have dcelar- she was dragged fully 50 feet he -
The modus operandi is to force ed they could not before trying it ; fort. the horse came to a stop in a
the body to take on fat. a desider- but when they delayed taking for snowbank. Miss Smith, who es-
atum long felt by the medical pro- half an hoar and the milk had caped without a scratch, went. her
Pension but never before attained cooled ten degrees i have seen half way quite unconcerned, after ar-
to. a pint make them very sick. ranging her toilet in a near -by
[luring the last fifteen years I THF. GREAT SECRET store. The driver of the burse was
have prescribed this diet in hun- nn Ottawa Street. Railway conduc-
dreds of instances and where dirce-i of success with it is in taking it tor, visiting in Brockville.
The first division in the new Brit -
tions have been followed strictly it immediately after milking and not
has raised the weight and increased allowing it to cool 10'00 blued Feat,___ - '1'- i;h House of Commons result •1 in
the. strength and vitality of the pa -:taking a full quart morning and a vote of 245 to 2'51 in favor of the
tient rapidly up to a normal condi-: evening and having milk that is Mr. Winston Churchill ana towed
tion, thus enabling nature to assert very rich. Train Derailed on Brink of Stec ►
het ,sovereign right to be the domin-! The following is a typical ease, 1 in the British House of la mese r.
sting force in the body and the germs st rs. A. E. was suddenly startled Rocky Bluff. that the Government would stand
causing consumption have been to find her weight was forty pounds .1 despatch from Kamloops, B. or fall by the veto bill.
Mr. Joseph Martin, in a letter
from other canscs.
BIG I:CPI:\11'1'1 RES.
Estimates of the Brilis). Columbia
A despatch from Victoria, 11. ('.,
says: Estimates for the year,
brought down in the British ('o-
lumbia legislature on 'fhrusday,
show that the Government intend
to eteeel over seven million and
three quarter; this year, as com-
pared with an estimates expendi-
ture of four trillion six hundred
thousand last year. The great in-
crease is tinder the head of road:,,
bridges and wharves, representing
two million eight hundred thousand
this year. instead of one million
fou' hundred and eighty thousand
last year. According to the esti-
mates, there will be a defieit of
ever three-quarters of a million un-
less the revenues are much increas-
e•I. Land sales are estimated to
give one million and a half instead
of $750,000 as last year.
11'1'1: \ I \ t; s 1•Itll11 .11.1. 01 lilt
'1 IIF: !:LOBE.
Tclegraphi•• Briefs From Our Own
mud Other Countries of
Recent Events.
A ce,mpany has been formed to
build docks at Victoria, B. ('., to
cos!. four tinnier's.
The Ontario Government may pay
the passage of immigrants ready to
take positions as do,uesti s.
The estimates passed by the Ham-
ilton Board of Control provide for
a tax rate of 21 stills, the same as
last year.
Port Arthur is sending a deputa-
tion to ask the Ontario Government
for power to have the city govern-
ed by a commission.
The operation '
c# b}-
tl•e Manitoba Government re.: tit -
ed in a surplus of :1372,000. A lot
of new lines are to be laid.
Men who took part in the recent
labor riots were sentenced at Syd-
ney. The ringleaders were given
taro years each, and about forty
others were fined.
Air. C. T. Connor will sae the
Hamilton Hospital Governors for
the death of his daughter from
scarlet fever, contracted, be says,
while in the hospital.
A bill has been introduced to the
Manitoba Legislature to sancta in
marriages performed by stulerts
an I other missionaries in the re
mote districts of the Province.
The Government has made ar-
rangements with the New Zealand
Steamship Company for a mon;.ily
service from Montreal, Halifax and
St John to Australia and New
The Montreal Board of Trade has
passed a revolution in fav :r of 1 av-
is„ labor organizations inelydtd io
the law for the investietatian of
monopolies and trusts 'n reetraint
of trade.
overcome and the cure accomplish- below normal. She was coughing ('., says: C. 1'. R. passenger train
ed. Some have gained a pound a terribly and soon had a very pro- No. 96 struck a broken rail while
day and would gradually take on fuse hemorrhage from the lungs rounding a carve three miles west
tless until they would not increase that carne near taking her life. I of Spence's Bridge on Wednesday
is weight- more. at once began the use of the milk night at II o'clock. The engine
THE ALL IMPORTANT THING strippings after hemorrhage was and baggage car passed safely, but
stt pped and in a few days, al t the balance of the train. about ten
is to drink large quantities of ten or fifteen, she had gained near- ears, left the track, and only the re -
milk strippings (the vert last of )y a pound a day and was Coon able, taining well prevented thein bring
the milking, which is all cream, to get nut of bed and go around l percipitated into the Thompson
i when a proper cow is selected).: the house. She gained quite rap -1 River.
Thi-: seems so simple and easy that idly and as her weight and strength There is a steep. rocky bluff at
many have refused to follow direr-; increased her cough decreased. that point and had the train gone
tic ns and demand medicines to cure When she had gained thirty pounds! over the lone of life would have
them; but there has not yet been' in about. three months her cotig't , been appalling. No one was hurt
discovered any medicine that is a let' her. i had her continue the area the Pullman passengers slept
specific for consumption. !same diet for 6 or 8 weeks longer n11 through the wreck.
To get, hest results a healthy cow, end she gained ten pounds more
should be selected. one that does' end then would not take on morenot cough and one that gives very flesh. .She was then as well es site STEELWORKS .IT ESQf'1H.11.T.
rich milk. A Jersey c•ow is prefer-' ever had been and continued well , . .- -
al:lc. Tho milk should always be after the strippings were disetn- Rel►et•Ied That 11ac•kenzie & )lane
tested, to be sure that there is a tinned. +t are Fat nring Property.large per cent of cream in it. f SHE TOOK NO MEDICINE 1
The last qua rt should be milked' 1 .1 despatch from Victoria, B. C.,
into a separate dish which rests in after the hemorrhage was stopped; sats: it is rr'pnrtcd that Miteken-
t a larger vessel containing warm excepting a little pepsine and some' zie & Mann tire :requiring a site
water just sufficient to preevertt the other dige-ti•.e to aid digestion 'nt 1?squttnalt harbor and iron pro -
strippings from cooling below blood and a simple• cough remedy to ease. perties on the island, with the idea
t ► The Times states that he con-
siders Mr. :Asquith has re paciiat.ed
hit pledge made at the Albert Hall
UNITED STATES. Apples -$1.50 to $3 per barrel,
according to quality.
Three boys were shot and plobrle. Beans -Car lots outside, $1.M5 to
ly fatally wounded in strike tiots $1.95, and small lots $2.10 to *2.20
in Philadelphia. per bushel.
The Commercial ('able CompanyHoney-Combs, dozen, i 2 to $2.
intends starting immediately to :ay.,,►. extracted, 1(:),', to Ile per lb.
a new cable across the Atlantic. Baled Hay -No. 1 timothy, $13. -
,lames Leonard, a reformed 50 to $14, and No. 2 at *12 to *12.-
cracksmnn, was shot and killed in ;,o on track, Toronto.
New Volk by an old comrade wheel Baled Straw -$7.50 tm *8 on
he betrayed. t reek, Toronto.
Eight directors of the Milk Trust Potatoes --15 to 47e per bag on
have been indicted at New fork for track for Ontarios.
conspiring to raise the whelet al. poultry Turkeys, dressed, 18 to
price of milk. lile. per Ib. ; ducks, 13 to 15c; geese.
Representative Boutell of 1ilinoie 13 to 14e; chickens, 14 to I5c, and
says there is absolutely no danger ices.) 11 to 12•
of a tariff war between Canada ar.d
the United States. --"-
President 'Taft, speaking at Ne- 'f118 11.1IfiY MARKETS.
wark, said the actual coat !or en-
gineering and construction of the
reira ('811111 would be $19',OC9.
heat. The cow she,uld be thorough- the cough: but tar. lobelia, opitnn, ! of establishing steel works. In 000Pa.
ly cleaned to pre►••nt any dirt get- (attar emetic and such medicines this ennnectio"t Mr. H. F. Bollen 'fhe United States naval pee.
ting into the milk so the patient na disturb the stotnach and inter- of Mullen ilros.. proprietors of the gramme for the coating ve•zi will.
can blow hack the froth and drink fere with digestion were carefully • Murine Railway Company, Esqui- it is said, include two battleships
at once without straining as this ayoided. I melt. is new at Ottawa negotiating of 28,000 tons each and ..,sting
cools it too much. - ! it is e ass for thele oti it farm to' with the Government for increased $11,000,000 each. e
tint this
HUII' MITI !if T(1 1)81N K. I rot !eraltocca,iins purtics' and on •lt,, lived o in cernttan contta.-ttril fot'tng se his e
building war- GENERAL. -
Begin by dt•inkitg nearly a pint the city purchased a suitable cow' ship. her the Canadian navy.
in the tnerning and the same at /inn after complete rec•everv, in. Over four hundred ntet► were kit-
night and increase the quantity every instance. the: sold the cow 1 -- + led or wounded in a hattle in Ni -
gradually so thnt in 10 or 1:, days f neatly as much as wins paid for' earagun.
a full quer,. will be taken twice a her ('%11,1 1'� tl(11'Illlt �1 11'llll:ti, Sugar cane cuttera on strike in
day. it-honitl be taken immediate- f do net remember any ease that :ede Mistake in Dia Ilrt Guadeloupe have created a serious
ly after milking Indere it has had followed the directions strictly 'hat situation.
time to cool any. All should be w.t net cured, but several pct • ist -. Iinj^sly's Illness,
taken that can be without t ,n much,
,:! in deelating they could net t eke .\ St. Petersburg despatch .ars: 1 't111'N(; 81111).
-- DrBetkin. the Czarina's private .
' physician, diel suddenly a short file -year-old Roy Carries Brother EGRO'S
i time ago. It is discovered that From horning Ilome.
file tl••e•tor ensntnitted suicide he- a despatch (rent i.undot. Ont.,
TIMBER cause he h.•t'1 maule a serious mi.- silo.: Roy- 11uwa,d, aged five rear•.
take in diagnosing the malady trm, preyed n seeing hero on Wednes-
t - which the ('farina ia suffering and, any meriting. when he carried from
.Lost rlhirtS-Five Years Ago, flow Located int''calle•It'in. " The ehrr Czarina'sseon old brother burning l'tbefortese e 15 help aired. Opens Fire on Party of Young S.tUfleiif9
Tlie Magistrate Says Hudson's Bay Coin_
pany is an Old Offender.
.1 dospateh f:um Sudbury says: offence, but the Magistrate took the
Geo. 'I'. S. Train, manager of the view that the real offenders were
Risco branch of the Hudson's Bay the Hudson's Bay Co., who a.• -
('o., on the main line of the C. 1'. septet! the furs, and as this was not
was fined by Magistrate Four- their first offence he imposed the
nice in Sudbury on 'Thursday, a fine. Crown Attorney Clary, for
total of $6,150 and costs, or twenty the• prosecution, explained that
years and six months in the peel- Train WAS only a figurehead. and
teentiury. Tbis is a fine of $50 and the Hudson's Bay 1:,,. were glad
costs fur each of tho 123 beaver to get the furs. They had been con -
pelts seized, or two months' irn- victcd time and again without ef-
prisonment on each charge. the feet. It will cost the Hudh:ot's Bay
terms to run consecutively. The Co. about 87,000 for the 123 beaver
lawyer for the defence pleaded for pelts, valued at about $1,000, and
leniency, as this was Train's first the furs will be confiscated.
Prices et Cattle. Crain, Cheese aid
Other Dairy Produce at
Houle and Abroad.
Toronto, March 1. ---Flour --- On-
tario wheat 90 per cent. patents,
$4.25 to $4.30 in buyers' sacks on
track, Toronto, and $4.15 to $4.20
outside in buyers' sacks. Manito-
ba flour, first patents, $5.20 to 85.-
30, and strong bakers', $5 on track,
Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern
$1.12%, Bay ports, and No. 2 Nor-
thern, $1.10'.4, Bay ports.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 mixed red
\Vinter or white, $1.07 to $1.03
Barley -No. 2, 56e outside; No -
3 extra, 53 to 54c; No. 3, 50 to 51c,
and feed, 48c outside.
Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, 39 to
39%c outside, and 42 to 42%0 on
track, Toronto. Canada West.
oats, 43e for No. 2, and 42c for No.
3, Bay ports.
Peas -No. 2 for shipment, 82 to
83•s outside.
ilye-Nn. 2, 67 to 68c outside.
Buckwheat -53 to 53'/.,c outside
foe No. 2.
Bran --$22 to *22.50 in bags, To-
ronto, and shorts $21, in bags, Tu-
Butter - found prints. '21 to 22. ;
tubs and large rolls, 19 to 20e; in-
ferior, 16 to Fe: : ere atnery, 27 to
lye. and sullen. 25 to 26e per Ib.
Eggs --('ase• lots tf new laid, 30
to sic per dozen, and storage, 25c
per dozen.
Cheese --13c per lbe for large, and
at 13';c for twins.
Bacon ---Long clear, 14,E to 1•f'.,c
per Ib. in case lies; mess pork.
$27; short cut, $2`1.50 to *29.
Hain.- -Light le medium, 15 to
154e ; do.. heavy. 14 to 1 1%e: rolls,
II to 14!;e; • shoulders, 12% to
13%e; ; breakfast Nice'', 17% to 18C;
hacks. 1t to 191.;e.
lard-• Tierces. 1.3' :c ; tuba, 15'4e j
pails, I6c.
Montreal, Mar. 1. -Oats - No. 1
Canadian Western, 4534 to •16c; No.
3, 14% to 45e; Ontario No. 2 white,
43!:; to 44c; No. 3 white, 4.2!;, to
43e; No. 4 white, 41!s to 42e. Bar-
hcv---No. 2, 59'4 to 60e; No. 3,
54',...,c; No. 4, 561/;c; feed barley,
51' _e. Flour -Manitoba Spring
wI.at patents, firsts, $5.s0; do.,
seconds, $5.:10; Winter wheal pat-
ents, 85.50 to $5.60; Manitoba
strong bakers', $3.10; straight rol-
lers, $5.10 to 85.23; straight roll-
ers, in bags, $2.10 to $2.50. Feed --
Ontario bran, $212.30 to $43; On-
tario middlings, $2:1.50 to 82.1 ; Ma.
nitoba bran, $22; Manitoba shorts,
$20; pure grain mouillie, $31 to
8:33 mixed tnouillie, *97 to 820.
Cheese -Westerns, 12% to 18%o,
and oasterns, 13 to 12/,c. Butter
Ch. icest creamery, 25% to 26e, and
fresh receipts, 24 to 25c. Eggs -=-
Strictly new laid, 31 to 32'. Se-
lected cold storage stock, 28 to 30e,
and No. 1 'candled, 24 to 25e pee
Minneapolis, ,liar. 1. --Wheat --
May, *1.12%; July, $1.12%; casts
wheat. No. 1 hard, $1.13,% to 81.-
15%; No. 1 Northern, 31.13% to
$1.14%; No. 2 Northern, $1.11% to
$1.14%i No. 2 Northern, 81.11 a to
$1.12%; No. 3 Northern. $1.05%
to $1.11%. Bran --In 100 -Ib. sacks,
8.29.50 to *23. Flour- -First patents,
$5.50 to $5.70; second patents, *5.-
39 to 85.50; first clears. *4.45 to
$1.55; second clears, $3.20 to 83.50.
Buffalo, Mar. 1. -Wheat --.Spring
wheat. unsettled; N•t. 1 Northern,
carloads store, 81.20; 1Vinter, No.
2 white, 81.26. ('urn --No. 3 yellow,
Ole • No. 4 yellow. 62e; No. 3 corn,
63 to 63!•,c; No. 4 corn, 61 to 61%e;
No 3 white, 64!+e. (ata -No. 2
white, 52%e; No. 3 white, 51 %e;
No 4 white, 50%e. I1arley--Feed
to malting. 71 to 80e.
Montreal, Mar. 1. --Prime beeves
solei at 6 to 60.,3 per pound. pret-
ty good an:ma)s, 4.4' to 5'..4c per
pound; common stock. 3% to t'Tat
pe,• pound. Milch cows from >1<30
to $55 each. Veal calves from, 4
to 51,e per pound. Sheep about
5t.; Iambs. G', to 7r iter pound.
Gond lute of fat hogs, 9% to 9%e
per pound.
Toronto, March 1. ---The quality
of the cattle offering was not up
to the stark, there being far too
many of the half -finished vnrirty.
These were hard to sell and cle.
dined fully 20' before they changed
handle. Everything of the choice
class were nuiekly caught tip and
realized as high prices as at any
time during the pest two months.
A few well•finished picked! steers
and heifer•t sold at $5.80 to 8(1.35,
but the:c were exceptional. The
greater number of ,;ales ea good
butchers' were made at the 85 to
$5.50 mark. Medium quality. Itt-
t•hers' sold at 8.1.30 to $4.95. ('owl
and bulls were likewise easier.
Sheep, lambs, and !legs, owing to
the small supply, were firm.
clition became worse. and the Czar The children were alone in the
in Lake Erie. reproaeli. d lir. Il,ttkin, who he- !muse and it is thought the boy was Train.
crane so dist re'sect in mind that he playing with the fire. When the on a
took a dose of poison. house caught. the youngster grab -
A de=petch from Port Colborne ,,:,t on the Inge to fish found it _- e. . --- . Ins: up the baby And carried it etit- :1 deapateh from New York -:t' ' ie:e1 ting , ' teen of . ' •,$
says • Thirty -live yearl ago on a al.out one mile from shore fro,ett X1'1('1111: 1'T 1:11.1'. ride as neigh!) •rs can -e hurrying up. t Harrison Higbee and Leslie 1.••rd, tenet riot ah • 1 woman. el
dark and stormy tiaht :t tug was in the ice. They immediately came i ,1,__. _ shoat t• ,1' but High'''. 1. ,.1
bray. seas of to ,ort and broke the news. The two young Yale graduates, and so g
battling with Ibe' { n :e to keels 'solei.
Lake 1{rie. In tow she had an ins timber is ell ,close,d oak, while II. B. Firers Shoots Millets!, in Ili• 1-11.1, IIi:1II IN STORE. !eially prominent in North .Jersey.
,netlae raft of oak timber for !'ort is very yalunble. Experts !levee soy, Route at Iroq:tois Hotel. .. `--. were wantonly shot down and pro.' f►on't yen tell nu to keep
foo' 1V out:,n's g''dd••n Ent, 1lbile � 1 quiet,- yehle+I tip., m 1[r•• n. her
(:.lhu,ne, bring Irmught from the it is worth one hundred thousand \ ,pesp;tteh (tour Galt says H., bably fatally wounded on Wednes leaped to his• feet :,net drew a re-
Upper Lakes. Th ' heat' v seas ,art- dollars. 1t will lee staked, lo:•ated, ig ; Her Hay ilorne.
pp I B 1eers, about a5 .ears of age. day by all infuriated negro in the yelyele el 11 gnk1 ytri. net•! ht+
eed the raft. which was only fasten- and as seat as th•• ice breaks upi wh . came out frotn England about :1 despatch from Sault Ste. .making car of a Jersey Central :el. red fire ,.n the fern .„.ti„...; ni•n.
et together by pine. The the part hieught to Port Colborne. T to l a oeenth ago to work for the .Man .Jnrie., Ont.. says : Mr". Harris, train in which they were riding tee' Ileger Vi ling 1,31,01 1 •r ti,,,
was brought safely to shore. bet ti;oi is creating much exciteene'it Hell: Edge Teel Company. eom- a ife of C. it. Harris, formerly turn- their homes in Newark �ne:ro. who was p•,•ve fn{ tl,it.
the other disappe:red• it if it had he re The timber at the time it was; ,,tilted suicide in his room at the ke;- in the jail here, on Wrdne.day Aeee•ntpnnying Higbee and 1.4,111; 1;e d►agK• •I Young t•itft hits I•. the
beet astAlloyycd up. chi. P1ey,d hest wn. .allied at fifty thousand 1 Ir. guois Hotel at 5 o'clock on night entered a store on Queen were kale Voting, e�f New Fe•rk. end ►lat1.rio- \'our he ltl n. I,nwever
a heavy loss to the ow ners. Ne dollar.. !'rices hale deuhled since( Thursday afternoon by shooting- Street while returning home. Al- hit tetren. Roger l•uung, of \e 'ant! alien the near) leaped tre•tr this
amount of se tolling emelt' find the ilia' time. The many year. in the l',int.rl( threuul, the te'nple. N.i ,east immediately she fell to the work, both Princeton graduate'.rttate sbile. it 'tat mal int tr.enty
timber. Now, after many year:, et, water he. not damaged it to my 1 r•ea:en is sesisieel f •r the rash a-•• finer and expired. Her two sees Senn after the train left terse,.' nee • an ►tour, S'u:tteg yt ares «ith
appears it he. bar. found. The • es tent. it is said the timber Ire -1 1;en. If,, •,.• ,..,".,,Italive strait -I weer on the 11 • •r immediately above City, the negro. who aa, ace••
nt hires. (n .1rihing the entb:rnktn,ent,
immense raft has been lecatcd near lefties 1•e the estnt,, of the fat . 11a1- R,., sa (:+'t mei had sh.,w:a n•, sign. her. Attending the Oddfelluws' - panied by another man •.f Isis race- °I Y. link's 21 was leteken and the
Gull [slar.d. Scyer+l farmers g,iug ,tun M t art'''. j of t..•,cw,.,lt ace. I lodge meeting. ; and 4 mulatto we,man, accused the ae-retade isateorortd.