HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-03, Page 2THE MYSTERY G1ERFD UP ; OR, THE t1[ RtrAG[: OF MADAME Y A LTA. ('HAPTI•.It IV. n( ertt'd) acted for the hest: Tell inc now the interview tt minuted." "A none which will tell you no- thing. It, was Ladislas. But 1"The Russian denied the charge know the man." with di: tiain. I threatened hint wires recourse to the commissionary of "Alt:" said the countess, tran- quilly. "\Chu is he •' "He is a foreigner, n Slav who led a rnvsterieus life here, and sud- denly disappeared. He lived in Nue Jouffroy, and had for compan- ion a marvellously beautiful crea- ture who vanished with himself. I)r Villagos pointed her out to me at the Rink." "And no doubt, you made love to her i" said Madame Yalta, sinil- inK No. I accompanied her to her door, where I narrowly escaped be- im; murdered. It was Ceorget who saved inc froin thele. Being their accomplice he was aware of their plans, and manoeuvred so as to de- liver me from there without de- nouncing them." ''`1'e see now that Ceorget knows Letter than any one what has trans - d, since he knows the thief. Let us return, then, I beg, to M. de Carnoel. It is he alone who in- terests me, and whom 1 wish to find." "I think 1 have discovered hint." "You have seen him "No, but- I know where he is. It chanced that, on returning with Ceorget to his grandmother, he re- cognized a certain wall, from the top of which he had fallen, and re- membered at last why he had climb- ed it. He had in the morning seen Robert de Carnoel enter a house, you think I should initiate you Into the garden of which was enclosed Env most secret projects? f have by that wall, and having watched no other friend on whose aid I could before it all day, ascertained that rely: Dr. Villagos least of all." he did not leave the house. An in- "He fears for your health. and atant before his fall he Paw him he is right." again, holding u torch which he 1 "Not only for my health. You waved as a signal. I shall give you have never reflected on the danger a surprise when I make known to attending an attack on Col. Boris-, you that this house is occupied by the Russian whose casket was stolen from my uncle's." "Burisoff: ah, the wretch: He Duly would be capable of so infam- OU" 8 proceeding!" "Then you believe as I do, that eyes, a striking illustration of his' the colonel has made use of a ruse mode of proceeding with a French-; to get M. de Carnoel in his pow- man who incommodes him." er, and of violence in keeping hien V' "M. de l'arnoel's ease is peculiar.) "1 think we may esteem ourselves' He was accused of theft; he had fortunate if he has not. killed hint. taken flight. It was probable that This man is a iecret agent of the no one, unless it were his accusers, Russian foreign police. He wishes would concern themselves to know at. any price to discover by sheta what had become of him. The hit papers have been taken. M. ' colonel would scarcely undertake de Cartier] was ate ,sed. He began ...eh a game with you or roe." by obtaining possession of his per- "He would find some mode of at - sou. and has nla.!r frightful threats taek. 1 tell you this elan is for-; with the hope of inducing hien to inidable, for he shrinks from no tenfess what has been done with means of seugeance, and in this af- tite casket. M. de Carnoel has fait he has a great vengeance to net been able to Pay. since he did r'.'ruse. He has been userreaehed not know, and Burisoff, having coot h'. those who hay.• taken his papers, promised himself by this arbitrary and if he could annihilate thele pretest. rennet set hint at liberty. (eery one he would nut heslta:e." Itoriseff will make an end of hien' "You believe that this theft had if he has not already dole so. 1 only a political end. But byl bare not 8 moment to Tose in sac- whom?" Ilse the ,Infortunate yl'ung mon, •'ll• prescrile d unfortunates, Dint it i- 1 only who eau. 1 beg probably. Enrope is full of exiles 11;•-,••i,•te. t•1 ab=lain front 'who, having suffered from Musco-• itakitie i„\ -tee." site despotism, make war upon it ' 1: ,I. .,t-.! Maxine-. '•it is- 1 horn afar. I have the good fortune ' ,• •'eti•I, taken "Ile.' net 10 be a Russian subject. I have. \t• 1. a :" asked the counts", thrl'efere. nuthitig to do with per-' ,it. • ' sons of the Burisoff species. But I: 1; e. ' natural. After huv• a.11 always of the party of the weak, in • , ak•'n t •• •let t to hie grand- and therefore it is that 1 interest pee- r, I r••, .l' d quickly to Rue self in those ;'hent this spy per- t_ani., 1 • 1 !.,. 1' .1. Ilorisoff. `ieclltes." • 'It wit- i• 11- did not etc ")'hen if M. de Carnoel had aid - rite 1 supl'•• ed the persecuted in getting posses- ' i Leg ,'anion. madame. He Pion of this casket, yell would de- fend hint still "Ye s, certainly: hut it is not tette. We know who committed the theft since Ceorget has designated a certain Ladislas. 1t is a Polish name emu,. refugee. doubtle5s" . ' Before placing myself at your, disposal. lel nie enlighten you fur- thet as to the history of the tae:. I4 i= well you should know all. (hie \t'ednesd:ty evening. 1'i'nory and 1, Alio were g'.ing to pass the evening nt my undress •.i.-rrtr.1 :t light in the ufltce, end I'll g.'llig ill made a frightful disevery. The safe is de- fended by an apparatus se eon- strueted as to seize by the nim any on" alio shall attempt to open it withent taking certain precautions. \Yell. a wunIahI halo) was found rern»ining in the lice. To avoid being al rested, she had caused her tied ha•l hotel seen to enter hi, i.nnd tet be amputated." Hens(•, that he had not been seen t.. time out. and that lie tuu't• he still there.' ".Ind in pre( edinl thus t i1 hopes) M. Berisoff eeold cents•- {L.' first this Intermit at tinct had a hat he had done and � itl.i up hi' a special motive. Afterward. when isener t.• sou ' ' 1 kennel the disn►tpcar'►nee of the • 1 ,enfes•4 I had net rt lleeted iluseiiln's casket, 1 was convinced n'.,.•;i 1 followed the first untwist, of it. We c'nnceivt l - Vign•,r% and w hi. -1, 1 regret, since 3,•u drat' 1- the unfortunate ide.t of kee;,in:; j.r••t of it.- added M' �i,ue. si.II . what we had learned, secret.. 'h,, feeling r..n4(108' ti, it hi- conduct attempt was not repeetr11 by ti• epi earrel absurd in Malian, Yalta', st. loan. who nutst hose been 'inf ever.. , faring the c• nsequcnces of the am 'Oh, I do not refry nth j'ou; yen I let/wee." police. "Nothing more was wanting - "I was irritated, else I should not have gone so far, especially as I have no idea of mixing the pollee up with this affair. And the colon.') did not seem to attach any imeort- ance to this menace, for he aeteni- ed a haughty and contemptuous tone, which exasperated me. 1 re- doubled my urgency, he requested me to leave, and 1 went out an- nouncing that I should send hiul m%' seconds." fN PAIN FOR YEARS "FRUIT-A•TIYES " BRIMS RELIEF 4.155. FRANK EATON Franks tile, Out., Sept.. 7, herr). "I suffered for years from headaches and pain in the back, and I consulted doctors and took every remedy obtain- able without any relief. Then I began taking "Fruit -a -fives", the famous fruit juice tablets, and this was the o,tly mctliciuethat ever.iid me auy real t:ood. I took several Loxes altogether, and now I ate entirely v:e.11 of all my dread• ful headaches and backaches". (Signed) MKS. FRANK BATON. Soca box, 6 for f 2.eo or trial box. 250. At dealers or from Fruit -a -tires limited, Ottawa. "If she did taut die of it," mur- "But you have not done so, 1 mitred the countess. hope I" "It is certain that she had an accomplice -this Ladislas mention- ed by (,eorget--and the next day "And I hope you will not look this accomplice succeeded without fn • them." accident." "Borisoff expects them." "You say that there were two at- "Borisoff knows well enough that tempts at theft, arid that the first an affair entered upon in seen a took place during a soiree at M. manner will have no consequences- In•rgeres'. M. de Carnoel was And he has his reply all ready in: doubtless in your uncle's salon at case you send two of your friends.lthat time?" :Forget, then, the false sten YOi { "peg, certainly ; he never missed made yesterday, and let us consult the Wednesday reception." as to the best, means of repairing "Not yet; I have not had timet•, look for them." "He was not, therefore, with the it.""So," asked Mnxime, timidly, 1 thieves. It might. be said he had "you judge me still worthy of see- I gnn ethein instructions. It is in- onding you in your generous en- f adnrissiblc. Information, furnished I by the secretary of M. Dorgeres. terprise'1" 1the intimate friend of the cashier, "Do you doubt it If I had not 1 an absolute confidence in }you, k- would have been more complete. • Theunfortunate woman, who was mutilated, would not. have lost her hand. He who took the casket the paid. Including cash, dividends next evening understood how to and dividends applied to the reels' --- avoid its terrible embrace. Do you tion of premiums, with annuities still maintain that in this interval at total payment to policyholders M de ('arnoed might have warned amounted to $347,274.43. The as - them 1 It would be an absurd sup- snranees carried now amounted to position. The secretary, initiated $21,049,322.31, into all his master's secrets, must ,6. have long known the existence of the trap, and had he been in league Fringe is being used .,n ninny with the thievt:, would not have of the tin hal.- of dray• d 'craw or waited for a grave accident before sill.• pointing nut the means tos avl,icl it." off I" • "I confess I have not. We are not in Russia, and in Paris I do • not see how this Russian agent can exercise his occult powers." "Von have. however, under your fro • 1\ ell ter itlllllediately. 111' 1!0 .Lhl i waft sent by my uncle." • - %l.•n then what (lid you say 1" • 1 nsh%,1 whet he bad dont, with .1•• Carmel.- .111: arm el. - .11E: nulrulu►e'i the countess. 1'::11 it now lost.' •'What : ' ex.•laailed 11axinle, if 7 ha 1 net gene direct!): to the point Its a1.i have had time to prepare 1..•• 1' ply. 1 belied 14, •url,rise and collo; lyssa 16111." 1'., tfilt Ilallt•r 4.I,4''lf th t • ••tll•rc'et,•d • 1 cannot atlirin that he seemed t:. rplr,,'d. 'These Russians have a malt' (lens 'anl4 freid... • • \\'ha( tta- hi, reply ' • .It. 1egan by a -king wiry I ap- i,lle.l 1 •, hint fir nee-. .f the ? "mitt man. .yeti feigee•l igii. lair,. Then 1 told 111411 plaints that M. de Car - 1. a believe an ordinary thief woi11.1 have done the( e" asked the (';.4lI.t,'•-. 1,4 it quivering v1'Ict'. . ....linens- not. I thought from cashier had received the yolulg roan's confidence after the 4 went took place. and the itussian wits! made by them aware of the situs- 1 tion. No nutter -these gentlemen forthwith decide that M. de l'ar- noel is the last of scoundrels; that he has dishonored himself to ul,1igo an enemy of aI. Burisoff and to ap- propriate n few bank macs. And lest: ad of delivering hint to the wi- th. this F. W110 444 blit at least have ii/1., trd him a chance to .-indicate himself, they agree to abandon him to the int cstigations and the ven- an: ( of a loan interested, and teusequetitly partial. In truth, one appears to be dreaming when Ito exumines calmly the strange fea- tures of this affair." Jlaxime, struck dumb as he lis- tened, lowered his head and spoke not a word, hating no reply to make to the close reasonings of the countess. (To be continued.) ,I, - 'f TM: FEDERAL LIFE. Results of the Past Year indicate Cool! Progress. Tile annual report of the Ftderal Life Assurance Company of Canada celtains sere. satisfactory indica- tions of progress. The report, which is given in another place in this issue, shows new business con - sifting of 2,600 applications for in- surance aggregating $3,663,590.66, of i h:ch 2,501 applications for $3,- 51'1.-35 were accepted. As in previ- ous years the income of the com- pany shows a gratifying increase and the assets of the company have been increased by $329,032.88 and hate now reached $3.6V,949.53, ex- clusive of guarantee capital. The security fur policyholders ineluditlg guarantee capital amounted at the dc -se of the year to $4,513,949.53, NA ter and the liabilities for reserves and all outstanding claims, including $50,000 set aside as a special add'tion to policy reserves, $3.351,254, showing n surplus ,if $1,162,695.53. 1 Exclusive of uncalled guarantee cit- the Federal Life i.ital, the surplus h, p('licyholders was $5292,695.53. Death claims to the amount of $200,406.07 were "SALADA" is the same wherever or whenever you buy it -always of unvarying good quality. Its native purity and garden freshness is per, fectly preserved in sealed "SALADA" (Packets. PLEI A 2apotiric uscJ the so -a• as lemon cr vauilt:. (ty granulat,,J sugar ,u wain a..+. ii: C 11ap:eir', a drlicitur syrup is rnsae a a syrup baler than Foss `e. ltap'due a sold 1 grocers. If 2. .4 send !sec fut 2 oa. taster f.1G teripo boo's. Crescent 11,1s. Co.. Suttle, Wss • H.P. Semi•Portrhlc i:naive with Evaporator orator 'Tank. These Engines are the same RI the Standard Horizontal Evaporator Kn- tines, except that they are mounted on skids with gasoline tank placed in base of the engine. where it is well protected, making a very neat. eompert, golf -contained outfit. se ran be seen from the illustration above of the 1 b.p. Gasoline Engine. ►•i-a.se cat out this un,upiete ad,erttsament and send furevtalog W.P.C. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY, Llmlted MONTREAL, ST. JOHN, N. O. TORONTO. WINNIPEG CALCARV, VANCOUVER Fairbanks -Morse Semi -Portable or Skidded Engine Equipped with Evaperstor Tank. Designed es;lecially for general Farm Work }4 ''t in 5 nod 3 H.P. Piers. Specially Adapted for Work In Cold Weather. A nnRV.s "All that is very just," lnurnluicd Maxitne. "So just," resumed the countess with energy, "that I am lost in arnarement at the blindness which struck you all at. the Moment the theft was discovered. To accuse a ►ran for the simple reason that he is absent is something unheard of." "It, was not 1,--I did not accuse) Ihim, -I was not present." "No; Georget told inc there were only this Russian and the cashier. The Russian was in the waiting - room. The cashier was alone when h' discovered the theft." "True ; but he called C'ol. Boris- ,,ff, and sent immediately for my unele. 1'ignory verified the con- tents in his presence." "And they recognised the f'r'arllnce of the casket. The cash- ier also made known that a sum of money was taken -I don't. know want, sonmething comparatively in- significant,- and it was believed on afrtrmation. •' "Bute -unless it could he suppos- ed he had taken it hiulself-" "No such question was raised. The case is simply this: Here are three men brought together by an event which touches them all in dif- ferent ways; and without reflection, it bout- investigation, these three ler n agtee to impute the misdeed tea south whose life hitherto had been irrepro'tchahle." "Appearances were against him, hi .4 abrupt departure---" "But they knew the cause of this departure. Your uncle knew very well that he had dismissed M. do Carnoel, who was in despair. The sea_ Camphor Ice FOR CHAPPED SKIN Mai LIPS COLO SORES, PJSitDRUIN, 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tu c5 Oap.Ienm, Perorated. \tenth"'ntrc. cori.o- lated, camphorated. while tot As. et 7..,'.0, etc. Each for special purpoats. R rite for ire Va(Lois ONEI IRNOUONseline MSO. 00. (Oons'd) 370 Orals It. W.. Montrenl Assurance Co. Of Canada Tlis T11►•o ne-eighth Annital'ltteeting of the Shareholders of the Federal Lifs 'Assurance Company of Canada was held at the Co,npany'e head Office, In itani- Ilton, on Tuesday, troth February, 1910. at 2 p.rn.. Mr. Day Id Dexter In the chair, Mr. W. 11. Davis. Acting Secretary. The Annual Report, as follows. was read and adapted. on motion of the President. Mr. Dexter. seconded by the Vice-Preeldent. Lieut. -col. Kerns: Your Directors have the honor to present the Report and Financial State- ment of the Company for the year which closed 3)st December, 1909. duly vouch. ed for by the Auditors. The new busInesp of the year ern -notated of two thousand six hundred appli- cations for insurance. aggregating $2,663.696.66. of which two thousand ave hundred and one applications for $3.50/.236.00 were accepted. As In previous years, the Income of the ('.:I:pang shows rrntifying In- crease, and the assets of 11,e Company have been increased be (:129,092 58, an,t have now reached $1.645,949.63, exclusive of guarantee capital. 1 1 The Security for Pollevhntdere. Including gnicrant4 a capital. amounted at the close of the year to $4.613.949.63. and the Itabilltiee for teaen'es and ail out. 'tending claims Including (20.000 apt aside as a ane,•ial addition to pone,) re- serves. $1.151,254.00. showing a surplus of $1,162.49'i F,1 S xclii•lve of uncalled guarantee capital. til• surplus to Polleyholders wer $292.695.51. Policies on one hundred and fifteen lives berarne ,tams through death, to the an,nnnt of 8200.405.07. 1nelu'ting cosh Dividend. and nlvldende mantled to the redaction of premt- I ums, with ennnitles. the total payment to Pollcyboldere an,e.li:te;i to 1317.214.4?. Careful attention bite been given to the Investment of the company's fn• •1•. In first-class horde. mortgage seenrtttee. and loans on P.. I•on:panie'e pnlIMes amply secured by reserve.. Gar investments have yielded a very satisfactory rate of Interest. 1:vnen.es have heen cenfthed to a r•asnnnble rtmlf. conel.ten' rruh dile pt. forts for new bootees*. The re,n'ts of the seer indicate a moo al erntlfYina pr"- rrre••. Compared with the prcredinir year the ngnres .ibmiO.-'i ha- the Direct- ors for your •peroral ehow nn adynnee of nearly ten per rent 'e n•••t• The as.tranr.s, carried ley the ConlnAna- "ow amount In 8^1 019.222.11 open trey 111•111 whleh the ("employ holds res.: v•• to the fall amount required by law. and. In 11nw.rai net/Wool thereto a eonld•rahle romping. Mable a.. `''.•, Ire to 1,• r"ner^,.,!ated nn the fart that the aurones over e'opltsl an4 •..aa:e.d 4411..'1 a'1 tepei!Itle• lee-ee.e4 $4^.G24.8R Former the past year from which a special far •1 !fflo er an a441t'nn of ten,n0(4 w -a• made to popes- r•a•rves. for s.11lnr o•Ir µe1 Tho 0.14 officers nod agent. of the Coninsns• are Int•11I' en( and Inst. and wvl� M flower u• 4 vegetable seed& lies? are pn/pled fo ranch e'.r1!t for their .Lir r.nrer-Matter et rt•.. r oeipent-'• frt.r- r ue• sat saw ••t•. Th• member of 41-• office staff have also roved faithful to the Cnrn- $.'i v. y<•e aarn.l 1' sad ,lad:eq a�A rn t< Pant•'• eat•teP. set•Iyo„u.sMd.ty year T>lrrrenr •try ntrn.•d fn b• afi1• t' !foto ebur rL• ho•Ine.• of the tel at ae .men ace (.,.,.,pan,- for (1'n yore"t '•r -,r hn. b••,1 n1 • mn•t ratlefaclo"ry eharsetr•r. and I4' -.large 1'. ,1 ,* an,.st.n.c.. A1.•..4., that the outlook for the future 1f most •nrnnreeleg hb .,1 d^te ,5 4. r, n4%•In r eeee"n. ,senilis `eisi 1 Preeldent and Managing Director. relnra On to y► -• M aw 100 1i.j IVIelplo Syrup Maker* At::entlon 1 Row can yea reasonably •:pert to make even a fair quality nt syrup tieing nut -of• date pots and kettles and pans for belling your Maple Syrup. Write for booklet on the "Chstnplon" Evaporator to TU CRIMM MAHUFACTURINC Company, Si Wellington it., Montreal. PAGE WHITE FENCES Tete Pea;•!. w-ar Rest-9fviea fir Lasa. irks, Freie Pr F.lir'..,'. 44 (IRI rn!'e4 r4 rate Yrsces a.•d ''.MA' Peke (..7.1 ries 1n a •r e: lea^a1.. u..r Isle r -sleet are Miter tbaa e'er. I res Ga'cs ft I;N) 111.e Gah,wlsed Frames. (.(t''.7 latest tri.c.1 end t.r'iet. TH? PAGE WIRE FENCE CO., LIMITED Irrt•.t fe_ce ae.t rat'- r,a,:ahcture-s 1i Canada 691 :'. AU:FrtVU Z. TORONTO I►MOYTRF.AL ST. JOHN WiM• : LO VICTORIA DISTEMPER Pink foe. f'plroellc, Shlppins reser • Catarrhal f Cureenre and positive preventire, no matte. how horses at air age are .nfected or "Pfposed." LI,luid• gn en on the tongue; art. on the• Itl'•d and a •.,end.,•apets tt•nt.ol•onaI) :•t•rmatromtt••Tv.ly. Cores PnMrl 110f4 rad',Wry •nel ('hn:(In PP Iit•e. T.arg.•t w-Ilingllv•atrrk yeas ly. C11744 La Grip... among hu1oen being• :it'd 14a an. Klan; (0mes-r. fat and (1 :t heal.: 16and 111 a dnsa. l ut th,, out. K. -.p it. show to Fon, .Irs i5t. -rho w.11 get It t'1 feu. Free Ihxkt.t. "1iffeirs•r. Caue,. and ldres:. DISrnieueoPS -AIL WHOLESALE DRUOn'.TS UPOIIN MEDICAL CO.,tktalela see tlattalale•Isq, ••SEtl1. MIL ILEA. A! nrrnn�• nr.ronT To 1\or r'-.•14rnf e.'4 I'4,pclnree "'1 the federal 1.Ife lea.•. ^- r...•.ne•••, G.neleren.--Ree have'ra rrfnllt• ^r, riff•? the he -,h,. •,r ! • - 1 ' , ." (M.A. Many rut .' e ,-ear e'.11nx sI•t December !set. and h.r• • r.•tt'-1 'n r,...., 1.1rurn•v, The r'"•h aro Journal Vouchers have been elceely rxnmtn.d and ngree with the Petrie., recorded. The Debenture.. Ronde, Pte.. In the ne••••441nn of the (so••sonny Ione. bee11 lnan'et•d, whilst Donee don/spited with the Government 1.nve hype '••r'''^.1 by ;certificate. the total ngreelig with the amount as ehoscn in the Stal -n ,'t t of lAtitost •. Tt•o sceon,nan'•Iner ftot•n'e.'t. t•I4. Tles'enne and r.••.•n'litnr•. Ae-et. self Y.lab(1ltlrft, phos. (1 10 result of the year's opc•rst!ons and sten the financial pesN Don of the Company. Ifamhltos, 1.4 February, 101!1. R••pectfully aubmtlted. ('H 4Tt.4•1 . 5'T'' . r A. 1 Auditors. C. S. SCOTT. 1'. C. A. J !'INS \ ft 41. '(•1' 1i1:1 111.1 •. Premium end lir•• 1• , ..... 5-1:4•: SA interest. fleets ai.•t 11 r•. S! 1'4111 114(.0. Pellet 1•' )'eltr)•h":!'rs A11 other palm,-. t. Rale nen In•nl Il4l:s11:3•r•. (*411Tee irt:('i:Itnrit 31'IT., imnp- I:eh...Wares Ansi none. ongs$,• 1 :4.n;' 42 1517.274 4'1 '11 i 49 P4 412.4'021 $1.443.4;5 3: S)S.09ti 77 ,Dans on Prattle'', Ilond44 Stocks, Rte. 486.846 91 A11 other Aare* 766.014 60 (.1lnll.iTILee. e..rvo Fui.1 pecial Addition to Pulley 11•ao rte. teeth !mases awaiting Proofs )cher I.Iabilities rplus on Po11ryhni41Pre' Art- .' t 12.216.510 00 24.(00 00 83,030 00 125 00 252,65:' 18 --.-- -- .1; 411.912 IV Ae gra $3,442.949 81 Itcarantee capital 87oc. on 1lotsl f7P•nrfty $4513911x61 I'"IINe$ were le.ur4 A1•ur'r g t . •r i I?, pA Tote, lneurance In Fares '' 3i T. 811 lha retiring 1>1r•etolra w.re re- rt•etrd. n. f. ,:' - st t .l.5', • M.fl Asi l Dester. Ilon. ileo. Y:. Eyster. 1i'm..1 M. (:11 "•n. T ' 41'-.'' 1 ' L1,•54. 1 nl. R•m. K•: na, Jubn O. Scott. A . 4. It'•t=. of A , 3' ,► • '1.. • ' 1' ; and A. e h r t t P 1 f f f. .. N{1`. I.•r �• I At a suhaequenf TnP•t.r.R of t.. i it c a , foo., 1 l.ete4: Uatfd i>aytsr. Prr.1J•nt anA MAr.alttrR 111rrrtt•r 1...•, f..('.2 't .:.m 1 terns and T. C. Itaslett K.C.. Vic• -Pr'. 4a1 .l.: i)r A. tl..';tr,rt.n A•• ),cal' .8101'. $t22 $}: • .t1; 1 i 1