HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-03-03, Page 1TWENTY-TR1BI) YEAR. bet EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MARCH 3.1910. `t. NDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable This Week Will End Our SIG SALE and will now prepare to get in line with Spring, which will soon be upon us. Our New Spring Goods are coming to hand New Laces New Tias New Car•pete New Embroideries New Prints New Rugs New Curtains New Mullins and in all the latest styles and colorini s. New Shirt Waists New Dress Goods New White Wear New Squares Shortly we will bare in our new line of Shirt Waists -the nicest up -to date goods we have v er shown. Fancy White Underskirts Also a veryfine line of Highest Price Paid for Produce. CARLING BROS. • ye. LOOK ! Another Big Cut in Prices for 30 days at R. N. ROWE'S BIG SALE Ooods Must Be Sold! Highest Prices Paid for all k;:,Is ..f Farm Produce. We Keep Nice, Clean. Fresh Groceries -- R. N. ROWE PHONE '2.2 -- ONE i)OOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE --- v aest,ferts/1111 Cards. v4°NIS TO LOAN ON FARM AND \Ii.LAGE - -- - - 1 . Properties at lowest rates of Interco:. DR. 0. to. ROULSTON, L. Dili D.L S.(a ERNEST ELLIOT, Honor Graduate of Toronto l'nhersity. _ _ � _ Opposite Central Hotel, Eye tip r, Ot,t. DENTIST Uter. Over Dickwn d ('arling•. Law OK, ee. Cedar Posts for Sale Exeter. Telephone Ne.:. Closed Wednesday afternoons. `DIL A. li. KINSMAN. G D. 1, D. D. g,e Honor graduate of Toronto Uslverlstr. DENTIST, two extracted without goy pato. or any bad ideets over Oladman a Stenbury's ofllce, Main street We have the (those qu,el.:y of Cedar Post at moderate -price.. O. E. }LICKS, CENTRALIA HORSES FOR SALE MedicalMr. A. Dow has a number of good _ colts -lilies and gelding -rising three R BRIGHT, M. 0., M. r. P a S , HONOR and four ears old, which be is offer. Ing for sale. Apply at .tables. .111• Graduate of Toronto Unitersay3, Two years resident phJJdcian Ro)al Alexandra Uoee)ural, ate. O/ce•radRe+ldenc..Irr. Amos Old hood, Andrew FAitM FOR SALE. Street, Malt . UR. A. T. iN1ND, TWHONTO, POST GRADUATE One of the finest farms In liehorne of New York Post Graduate College, surressor Apply to SANDERS & CREECH. Exctcr to practice of Dr. A. F. Malloy, Exeter, Residence - Lately occupied b Ur. Mallon, Andrew St. ice-- Formerly the Elliot (M ot IAw ()lice, opposite Central FARM FOR SALE Rotel. DR. T. P. McLAL'OHI.IN Ilse resumed pro fire after 'pending a year (col- lege) at Br$ieh and Continental Itospitats. General practice wi.h special attention to Eye, (with refrac- tion) Kar Nose and Throat. Office: Dashwood, Ont. Legal . DI(11841N a CARLING, BARRISTF,RS, WWI tors, Notaries, Cooveyan, ere, ('ommiwtonere Mottoes for Molsoss stank, etc. /.ass Its Less at lowest Wee of Isfetee4 - Oloee, Main street. Rxeter, 1. Oeettss, d.A., L, B. Dentate MMONET TO LOAN. J 11e gave a large amount of private footle to loam grid sad village properties at low rate. of inter OLADMAN a ttTANBURT,i Earrietere, Solicitors, Main it.. Exeter On B. 8. PHiLi IP/4, EXETER. LIcoosN Aactlesssr. Salve attended is all parts. Satisfaction gn•ras• toed ase pay. Terms reasonable. All orders left st Advocate ee will t* promptl) attended to. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire insurance in lead. Ing Osnadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER pit. ANDERSON. Llcensrd Awtioneer for Huron County. Term. reaper .ahie. Dates ran be nladr at tie Aieo•atr. Fitter. or Henry }lllb•r's Office. Cred- lten. , say 11111111 74 acres of farm land t• -i the village of Exeter. 13 acres in fail w;acat, fall plowing nearly finished. well fenced. well drained and watered ; good 1 1.2 etetty brick house, containing 9 living rooms, hard and stilt water In the house; good barn. number of fruit trees. situate north of the station road. Exeter For particulars apply to JOIUI HAWK - SHAW. Proprietor, or 13. S. PIIILLIi'S, huctloneer. FOR SALE Cottage and three lots to Exeter, being lots Nos. 55, 56, and 57, on the South nide of Simcoe Street. On this property ie a frame cottage (brick foundatlon)con tatnhtg five rooms and a good cellar. Alec a good well and a large stable. Good garden and fruit trete. The pro- perty is to be sold to wind up the estate -Apr:y to OLADMAN & STANBURY, 11.; sere. Exeter, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE. Choice hundred acre farm. bring Lot 1, Con. 1. Usborne, London goad. 3-4 mile from Centralia. 3 miles from Es- ( ter. On the premiers there is created a good brick house. all conveniences. large bunk barn 80145. finis)ted In latest Improves' style; drive t.cuse. good orchard, never falling water, well its tarn and houet' 12 e. res rail wheat. All plowing done. 11 riot sold privately on or before the 20 day of Dec. will be told ry public auction at a date to he flied later. Easy tern -.a of payment. } or terms and particulars apply to Jan. Handford. prop.. Clentra;ta. cr to T. oarneron, auctioneer, Farquhar F. O. READY-TO-WEAR DRESSES. l:adica, call and sec those ready-to- wear dresses, all the latest style and design, at Miss Tong's dressmaking rooms. if you wish a ratan -tailored suit, Miss Toni repose:nes .t city tail- or. Leave your order and measure and and have it ;hack in the city. Mr. Witt. Davidson of London was in town Wednesday shaking hands with old ft -Scads. Auction Sale OF CHOICE FARM Mr. Thos. Cameron hu been instructed to sell by Public Auction at CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER, on :,aturday, March 12th, 1910, at 3 o'clock p.m. That choice 50 acres being composed of the East Half of Lot 26, Con. 1, Township of ('.bonne. On the prewiaes there is a nice up -iodate brick dwell - ling, with all conveniences, large bank barn and silo also pig, hen and drive house, 10 &errs of good hard wend bush, with 25u maple trees, 5 acres in fall wheat, 10 acres in grass, and the balance all plowed; also a good young orchard of apple, plum and small fruit; never failing supply of good spring water. This is • lovely home, in good neighborhood, convenient to church school and ntarket, being 4 miles from Exeter and 5 wilrs from Itensall. Terms of Sale -Easy terms of payment, but must be sold. 1'0a4e1sio' given on completion of pus hasc Terms and particulars made known on day of sale, or on application to the undersigned. Win Wilson Thos Cameron, Farquhar. Proprieor. Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale or • VALUABLE FARM STOOK. 51,. Thos. Cameron has received instrucllonsto sell by public auction on Lot 16, North Thames Road, Cahorne FRIDAY, MARCH AMARCIH lltb, 1910. at 1 o'clock v.ui sharp, the following valuable property: HORSES -Brecon mare, eligible for registration, draft; pair of first•class ge'dings 4 tears old, aortic.; gelding, 2 yrs, draft; driver mare 5 yrs old. quiet and reliable; aged dricee. quiet and reliable; gelding 3 yrs carriage, broken to harncs; gelding 2 vrs, carriage. CATTLE -Cow newly calved. 7 now' due in Manch and April 15 steers rising 3, good grassers; 4 steers 2 yrs. 6 choice heifers, 2 yrs; 4 calves. 1101;S and 1.OI'I.Tkv-2 sows with litter at Lot, 3 sows due in Man h and April; a number of fowl. TERMS- S months credit given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. 5 per cent prr annum oft for cash on credit amounts. No reserve as the proprietor has given up fanning Simon Campbell, Prop. Thos. Catneron, Auct. Auction Sale Faim Stock and implements, and Household Effects. Tte undersigned Auctioneer ha teen i nstrmttted to offer for sale by Public Auction on the premise., LOT 11, Con. e. USBORNE, In the Village of Winchelsea. on THURSDAY. MARCH 3rd, 1910 At one O'clock p,m., the following. via STOCK -1 brown gelding 7 ors old, strong driver, sound and perfectly reliable; 1 mare, `3 yr. old, strong driver, sound and reliable; 1 aged gelding general purpose; 3 heavy draught colts, coming 2 vrs old: 1 cow due in Larch; 1 young sows due 10th �iarch, I111'1.4:MENT8--1 two -seated democrat wagon, nearly new; 1 good open buggy; 1 goal top buggy, 1 cutter, wheelbarrow, new; set single harness, 2 sets collar and hames, robes, blankets, rugs, oilclothce halters, forks, etc. HOUSEII.ILle FURNITURE- 1 coal or wood cooking range, nearly new; 1 coal heating stove, nearly nes , a number good stove pipes, sideboard, e vtention tasta ce tore table, bedroom set complete 1 Led steal, al l Of mattresses and springs, couch. 2 rocking o hairs, ani . hair, half dozen kitchen chain, 15 yards carpet, numb. -r wall pictures, win• dow blinds and curtains, 1 dinner set of dishes, 100 quarts and half gallon rule es, crocks, pots, pans, ;i galvanised iron pails, water.ails, set carp. niers tools and numerous other articles. The abcne mentioned Lunit..r' ;s all nearly new and in first-class condition. All wast positively be sold an the pre- prletor In sofas Most. TERMS -- A11 corns of 15 ted malt r cash; over that amount 1 months' credit on furnishing approved Joint notes A di.count of .5 per rent per annum off for cash on credit amounts. Frank Ballantyne, Proprietor T1108. CAMERON, Auctioneer, Farquhar, Ont. TP. OF USBORNE PROCLAMA:'ION Dogs Running at Large Prohibited Pursuant to ByLaw No. 2, 1910, and a resolution of the Municipal Council, 1 hereby declare that all dogs. within lheTownshipof L'st.onte,-hall be•dther securely chained in an outhouse or other building, kept under lock and key or efficiently mauled wlbh metallic tnuules so as to prevent them from biting or slapping in accordance with the regulations of the 1'rrn!twist hoard of health and order of the tM).- nty Minister of Agriculture of Canada, durinit the period of time,rommencing on the 21st slat of }ebur ars 1910, and ending on the 21st day of )Isy, 191st, both days inclusive. Ali constables or other perm/is are hereby author- ize -deo kill any untnuuled dog found running at large during such period. .tny person owing or hatborinft a dogiand permit- ting it to min at lame without being rnuu'ed as afore- said, shall be liable tnthe fine provided by the sta- tutes. OIven ruder my hand tit i• 16th day of F' bruarv, 1•'1 • John Moir, Reeve T(' THE }•AR\IEIt!t 1 will arrive with a cal load of horses on Friday. Mar. 4th. and the sante will h: on sale o t Saturday. \tare h 7.th. A' number o1 gaol mares in foal. also young mares and heavy a:,4 light work horses. Ser them at Wm. Arnold'a Yale Barn. \VM. .LIINOi.D. ViLLAGE 1'11r)PEitTY 1.'1)11 SLLE. The u:tderet: turd Is offerlt,g for sale that desirable Village property, belong lots 13, 14. 17'. corner of Wllllam at,d Waterloo suet.. There ie cn the prem- iers a splendid brick house, small stable and other conveniences; also a number of c;:oiee frust trout. The prop- erty 1. first-class in every respert and to well situated. Will he sold reason- able. APrly on premises. ALFRED }OV.'EY. Exeter P. O. PIANO '.ND CUTTER FOR SALE. A new ft st-class Piano for sale cheap; ale tatter. Apply to W. Arnold, Exeter. Local Items CURLERS TOOK TRIP. -Two finks of curlers, consisting of Messrs. Edward Jones. Alf. Taylor. Geo. Anderson, 11'y Gould. It. G. Scldon, I[. E Huston. W. W. Taman and Rev. Culling, took a trip to Ailsa Craig, St. Marys and, Lon- don on Thursday and Friday last and are .Ararat in (heir pra's^ of the treat- ntent they received at the hands of the home teams. Each rink played two games in Ailsa Craig, losing in the morning and wittning in the afternoon. They lost butts in St. Marys Thursday evetiin3, and won one and lost one 1n Londo7t Friday. DEATH OF MI1S. WM. IIOOPER.- The dra'': occurred on March 2nd of ,Maria G. Pallor, wife o: Mr. William H. 1'. 11oopor, at the asp..! of 66 ,years, 9 ntcntha and 8 days. The late Mrs. lioepor suffered a second etr3ko of paralyssa or; Friday ntot-nir,' last about one cal 'am k. and rrtna',ned u Icons:lows for many Hours. !'allying somewhat col Saturday, but afterward gradually s'nk- ing until death claimed her. She was horn in Cornwall, England, and canto with the family to 'Janada when she was nine yeara of age, settling in Stephe:t towlahip at Sharon. In 189:. she was tntrried to Mr. Wal. 1i. P. Iloop:i• a::0 resided at Khiva until about two years ago, when they moved to Exeter. Dctcased was a member of the Methodist church and highly esteem -al. Iteaidej the husband she is survived by four brothers -Jonah Pcdler of Oil Springs; James of Pigeon, Mich.; Geo- rge of Chicago and John of Exeter. The funeral will be ite•Id to the Exeter cem- etery on Friday at two o'clock. TROUBLES NEVER COME SINGLY. -Last week nt.ntio:t was made in these columns of the accidental death of Mr. \Vat. Taylor, a former resident of Us - Ultra'. Strange t0 say while attending the funeral Mrs. Taylor, wife of the deceased, and Mre. Johns T. Taylors a dautthter•tu-law, met with an accident, its a result of which both are lying at the point of death. They were be- irl conveyed in an automobile, and• In some manner the car was overturned, the left wheel having broken. The t wo women were caught under the car and were rendered unconscious, and it was with considerable difficulty that titcy were cztricated. When taken out Mrs. Wm. Taylor was a mass of bruli.ea from head to foot and 'there seemed to bi evidence of internal injuries. Mre. John Ta•-lor was gashed about the head and iiet t. Physicians stttcd that the chances for recovery are small. THE E\EPEtt Ce'UNCiL A special tne'ttnz of the council as colied by the acting reeve. was held in the office of the clerk. All present ex- cept the reeve. Tne minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. S. Ilardy addressed the council in re- gard to fire insurance on the water- works plant. l'er 13alkwill and Luker -That a committee consisting of the acting reeve and councillor Levett ef- fect the insurance taeceesary.-Cowled. After the motion was put ar.d carried Mr. Heantan desired that Messrs. Balk will and Luker should act as the com- mittee. -Allowed. The instructions be- ing to place $5000 o.1 the machinery'. $and ?limo on the power :muse. The Municipal Auditors read their re- port and after being full., discussed the sant^ was accepted were paid $12, with an allowance of $3 extra each for ti:rir labors, on notion of 1.cvctt-Luker. The matter of municipal supplies be- ing removed from the Town 1 tall prop- erty by the c•Itiacrs. without first get- ting pei'nixsion, was discussed Per Lcvctt and Luker, that Councillor ilalkwill and Itecvc Heilman, with the Mu,.icipal Auditors, be a committee to meet with the School Hoard to adjust the difference in the financial reports an submitted. -Carried. Mr. Eli Snell asked pormisslon to trim a certain tree in front of his prop- erty on trling 'street. Councillors) ltalkwlll and Luker, with the Comm)s- stoner, were appointed a committee with power. The following accounts were read and passed : G. Atkinson, labor, $1.65; J. ltrintttell. labor and supplies, $:lir : P. ltawden & Son. labor and supplies. $33. passed on motion of Luker-Balkwill. J. SENIOR. Clerk. EXETER SCHOOL. ItEPOHT FOR FEBItUARY It. S. Department Form 111. -Honore, L. O Watson 78. I Marchand 77 ; !'ass, W. Monteith 74, R. Hooper 73, A Pickard 71, C. Pick- ard 70, A. Dow 64, L. Martin 67, E. Copeland 67. No. o:1 roil 30, average 27. W. ill. Wcldenhantmer, If. A., Prin. 1 ..rat 11.-C Wood 78. R. Deaf-1•tg 77 1' lice/garth 75; Pass, E (lase. 09.4. S. Petty 80.2. C. Clpe:and 6'.4, W. Welemiller 67, 11. Puke 65, O. Pass more 6:1.:.: E llunkin 11:1.4 ; 1i. Sweet 112.6. No. on toll 28. average 21. E. ?f Robb. Teacher. Foran I. -Honore, e, M. MacQuern 84. A. I)oupe 93. 11. Doupe O8. F. WOW: 79, V. Geiger 79. A Morg.t:t 79. 1 !tannic is 77. ii Bissett 77. C. Pickard 77. 11. Glenn 76. M. r:arling 77.. 1'. Brown 75. rase -it. Wood 74, h' Teichner 71, M. Darch 7J. A Willis 7U, A. Brokenshlre 70. H. May rig. 9. Geiger 69, 11. Mee 68. W. Shapton 66.8 Soothe -cot 65, G. Ilr,garth 65. P Guhr 64. L. Harvey, 63. C Heywood 63, L Butt 60 Cottony. la' Senior-Iio:nors, \V. ilradt 85; Pass. S Glll;es 69, G. Hooper 65. C'omnxre ial Junior -M. Jewell AA. C. Harvey 64, 1'. Dearing 61. No on roll 51. average 45.'.. .v N. Johnsto;t. it.• er P. 3. Department Room IV. -Sr. [V. -honors, I. Rivera 81, J. Davis 711, L. Harvey 75. M. Mor gam 75. 1). Hall 75, B. Guiles 74. (1. 1(isec:t 74. It. Balks/III 73, W. Snell 70. Pass. J. Walker 68, F. Arnold 63. F. Me1'Ierson GO. Jr. IV. -1101101- , 1. Sweet 75, M. Jones 74. M. Cube 74. V. Rowe 74, O. 'lodged 72, L. Taylor 7u. Pavia F. 11111 67. 13. Quance 6(1, E.la.av 61. No. on roll 41, average ':8- C. Vosper, tache r. Sr. III.-lio:,ora, W. Ma:,twt, H',, 11. liodgert 81, L. Redden 80, A. Knight 79. M. Ileywood 79, 3. hb:lick 77. Pass J. MrC'ulla:h 7:3, L. Kest it' 72. O. Mac- do:tald 69, A. Day 69, O. Davis, 67, 11. Rowclitfc 63, E. Itowey 62 M. Knott 62 W. Mack 61, Jr. Ilia -honors, MMus - ton 8o, 1'. Jackson 79, A. Mack 79. Pass, M. Seidorl 73, H Parsons 71, P. \Voud 63, E. Davis 62. N.. on roll 38. Average 31. J. Murray. Teacher. Room VI -Honors. L. Zuefle 95, 50: Vincent 90. M. Gladman 86. B. Harney 84, K. Weidenhamnter 83, G. Fitton 81 G. Ford 80, A. Johns 77, D. White 75 D. Kunz 72, D. Houlden 72, G. Ortwefn 69. Peoria II. Sr. -honors, II. Corn- ish 96, A. Taylor 82, M. Pickard 791 L. Walker 73, C. Dearing 73. E. Johne 73, M. Walker 72, V. Welsh 70, W. Jacobi 68, M. hardy 67, M. Day 63. No on Holl 33, average 27. II. N. KinsO:an. Teacher. ltoont VI1.-Jr. 1I. -Honore, M. Stat p 94, A. Cornish 91, II. Hoyle 91, V .Mar- shall 87, B. Rivera 83, M. Morlock 82, V. Sweet 81, I. Easter -brook 78. C. Mor- ley 77, W. }crown 76; Pass, P. Colling- wood 70, W. Davie 69, L. Palmer: 69, D. Charlton 6:3. Sr. Part 11.-Ifonore, 13. Jackson 94, G. Harvey 93, V .Jones 92, M. }fartlelb 85, M. hackney 84, A. Delve 83, V. Mallett 84. W. Knight 82, Si. Marc'itand 79, 1. Zuefle 77. Pass, N. Sorry 73, J. Ferguson 70, C San dere 7O, F. I3rimacontbe 63. No. on roa 44. avera,e 36. A. Sleeth, Teacher. Jr. Pt. 11.-Itonors, V. 11111 94; E. Wells 84; 1'. Connor 82; \V. Gillespie 80; E. Magee 70; E. Taylor 76 ..Pass, M. Heuldcn ;4; J. Davis 72. Pt. I. - Honors, C. Neaman 91 ; M. Harvey 83; P. Harness 79. Pass, E. Yellow 74. No. on roil 49; average attendance 28. 11. Pennock. Teacher. BIRTHS Hunter -In Usborne on Feb. 23. to Mr. and Mra. Geo. Hunter, a daughter. Leitch -In McGillivray, Feb. 21st. to Mr. and Mrs ltobt. I/titch, a daugntel. \1'yttess-At Ashville, Mat.., on Feb. 22ttd, to Mr. and Mre. G. A. Wynees nee Erntna Ye.un , a daughter. Dietrich -In Ilay, oa the 18th Feb. to Mr. and Mrs Simon Dietrich, a d\ulhter. IMA IIRIA(1ir.13 C:aappcl.-Butier.-At the residence of the bride's parent:, Cromarty, on Mar. WANT :11)3 AUCTION SALES PRIVATE S.A1.FS -- WANT :RDS., and A t'CTION and PR1!' ITE SALE NOTICES in Tllh: LDVOCATE bring better r. :ono than are obtainable fist out!, other medium In this dislike. Why? Because the Ad- vocate goes Into the hands of a far lame: number of p:.oplo than any oilier medium. Very few hones in many utiles fill to re- ceive The Adto.ate weekly. If you want at,ytning, 0; have anything to sell You lose more than we do by not plactnj an advertise- ment in The Advocate. We are ready to print your sale bills .011 shortest notice and at most reas- onable rates. 23.1, Mr. T. J. Earl C,tapoci. to Miss L:.ura Mavetta, daughter of Mr. and ora. William Butler. Laweeon.-Willie.-In Exeter, on Feb. 23rd, Mise Sadie. daughter of }fr. John Willis, Stephen, to Wilfred Law- son of Crcditpn. Webb -Wolper -At Grand fiend, on Feb. 22, Mr. Delbert Webb, son of Richard Webb, to Mtes Loretta, daughter of Mr. and Mra C. Wolper. • Kraft -Wein -At Crediton, on Feb. 23 Samuel Kraft to Mise Matilda. second datYihtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Louts Wc!i. DEATF[S Hooper. -[n Exeter, on March 2nd, Mar- la G. Pedlcr, wife of Mr. William 11. P. Hooper. aged 66 years. D mon- ths and 8 days. Funeral Friday at 2 o'e lock. Thomson. -In Henault. on Feb. 20(h, Bernard Thomason Pedier.-1n Chicago. on Feb. 25th: John W. I eOlc r, son of Mr. George Pcdler, aged S9 years. 9 menthe. Ferguson -On February 27th, John A. Ferguson, Lt his 7Dth year. Beacom. -In Clinton, Feb. 20th, Mre. David Beacom. aged 81 years. Lee -In Clinton, Feb. 21st, Mre. Thos. Lee, aged 20 years. Butehnrt-in Stanley, Feb. 23rd, John L'utchart, aged 89 years. Wolf. -At Brucefield, Feb 15th, Cathar- ine Wolf, aged 57 years. Kew -in London, on Feb. 25th, Jantes Kew, formerly of Nissourl, aged 76. E11ia.-in ilerasall, Feb. 28, Joseph El- lis. aged 6'► years. Paterson. -Lt Ilensall, Feb. 28, 'lire. Jas. Paterson, aged 72 years. Your Easter Clothes will be absolutely correct if you insist on having our woolens and • our way of snaking them and place your order with tt'i now. Made As You Want Them $12 to $20 Delivered When You Want Them Smaller tailors have to ask very much more for the same satisfactory worktnanebip, cloth style and fit. Beautiful new TIES and SHIRTS for Easter wear. New HATS, SHOES, (GLOVES, Everything for the Man Who Cares SANDY BAWDEN Main St., Exeter THE CLOTHIER Stoves, Ranges and Fnrnacea Easy on Fuel, Good Bakers, At Low Prices. Imperial Oxfords with Reservoir $25.00 "ee w and Shelf 38.00 44.00 Garland N w 38.00 without a 33.00 Souvenir with w 35 00 Steel Range with Closet and Reservoir53.00 Heaters at Cost. New Idea Furnaces for coal or wood. Tinsmithing and Plumbing of every description at reasonable prices. HEAIAH'S HARDWARE & STOVE SPORE