HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 8• GOOD TAIL.O1t1NG is ecn,clanes the secret of buaii e•• sure (este Our lou: experience in tailoring and our acquaintance with the be■ dints o1 goods has elven us a perfect know- ledge of what constitutes CUItRECT TAILORING The clothe3 must be made to fit the man, and in that respect they are quite different front the ready-made article. Let us take your measure for a new suit. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario 1 sf111F1.111118'11P^OrlIFIIIPIIPIP"IPe Mr. Win. May Is In Ye:onto this, wok Miss Alite Dell of lltnsalr visited Mrs. Goderich won out against London In 1 1 o t bushtess Alt Taylor over Sunday• t..c semi-finals of the Intermediate Lca- su • last week, by losing in Lohdo.: bw winning in Goderich 7-2. fleshless Locals -- Read Them The bat line of Wall Papers we hare icer shown is ready for your inspection =5e, Sc, 10c, 15e, 20e, 25e—Stetrart's. SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and get all the news. floury Worsted Stocking, suitable for rough tear for boys and girls, wide rib and extra heavy, regular 35e, for 26c. Stewart's. Two medium sized, -comfortable houses for sale. Apply at this office. Special for this week, about 12 do:. Ladies' flair Barettet is many styles and shades. lityular 25e to 35e, for 20c. Stewart. \HICKS' FORCASTS.—A raular storm period Is in progress as February pas- ties Into March. The moon passes ov- er the eeleetial equator on the 20th, indicating rise of temperature. falling barometer and renewed storms ot rain, wind and thunder, on and near that date, These storms will reach their culmina- tion the first two or three days 1n March. Tau second probable se:amic period In February is central on the', '23rd, covering the 21st to tit 26th. et special line of Dress Goads suitable for ladisi odd skirts and children's dresses, regular 50e and 65e, to clear at 29e. ct, er'art's. I•.rerythi)nf neer in Prints, Ginghams, harnbrrys, plain ane striped I.inens, Shirtinys, You will want some schen you see thea. Stewart. -- Mr. Win. Phair left Monday on hie return trio to his home hr Lethbridge, Alta. He was accompanied as far as Port Hulot by Mrs. Clan. \'rout. who will visit trete for a time. • Branrh o Children's add and Humane Society for Exeter Formed.— A public enceinte wag held in the Town hall on (Monday treeing. Feb. 21st, to or,lan- ive a bran- h for Exeter of the Children's Aid r n•1 tfu-nene Society. The Rev. ',Hush Ferguson of Stratford, county - i'erth. addressed the meeting on ' C! Ild Saving and Humane Work." and also set forth the alms and conetit- ution of such a society. After the ad- dreis the society was organized wlt't the fo:lowlni ot(:cera; (ton. Pres., Wnt. Bawden, re ve ot Exeter; Pres.. W. B. Welders!'"n :ea., 13. A.: ist Vice, le. W Olaimm. 2n.1 \'Ice., M:.. 11. Kinsman: Sc._ airs. S. Fitton; Treas., G. W. Har- rison; nucleus of Exec. Ont., The reales it nil Istria. (anva.sers and col- Ic.toes. to It appointed by ministers in t'ac't ehurc i. ('tIUItCII DIBFA'TOitY JAMIE.: -9T \1ETIIO1)i>T CTIC1ICH Itci. Richard Robbs, Pastor Sunday !hauls' Worship -10.30 and 7. Gass S •lutcc-9.10 a.m.and after Mom - Ing Servile and Wednesday night. Toon a ire ('lade and Catechumens — 1 ty .it•J.D. m• ida) sc tool and Bible Classed— , League—Tuesday 9 p. 5t. Prayt: atccthtg—Thursday a p. m Te Sftop tor ! We have the finest lines of Fancy Suitings Overcoatings AND Trouserings We ere filled up with the new- est and beat goods for the mak- ing of clothing. and we do the caking in the beat of style. W. JOHNS dfltlitt+l.ue TsII.i. e:Nnr �+atiLOCAI. 1)()INGS. ««•• �� alftdellarillafatillk ate! Mr. and Mrs. W. W Taman speet Fri- day last in London. Miss Phillips, milliner. is jn Toronto ,et+ending the openings. .11ss Arnold returned Monday e' : 1, g iron: a visit In Kincardine. Mitts May liawkliia la in Toronto :..- tending the millinery openings. Mrs. Adam Whiteford of Virden Is visiting at Mr. Thus. liawkln's. Niles Louie llyndntan is attending the millinery openings in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Delbridge and wife left Sat- urday morning for liamtota, Man. Mr. Jesse Smith left Saturday torDetroit, where he intends remaining• Miss Hammond of St. Marys Is visit- ing at Mr. Nelson Vale's, Exeter North Miss Winona Howard of the London Normal spent Saturday at her home here. Miss Minnie Sanders le't Friday last to attend the millinery openings in Toronto. Mr. and Mee. Thos. Dayman left on Saturday evening to visit in Kipper for a kw days. Miss Madge Stewart of Seaforth re- turned home F'rlday after a visit at the home of Mr. Jos. Peart. Miss White, who has been visiting Mrs. W. W. Taman, returned to herr, hone in Woodstock Thursday. Misses Merle Gould, Tillie Yager,alaud Rollins and Katie )laklns are attending the millinery openings in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Dew, who have been visiting In the neighborhood for sev- eral weeks, returned to their home ii Wales, North Dakota, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Shirley I3obier were in London over Sunday, visiting at the home of the latter's father, Mr. Drink- water.Mr. A. E. Bennett o: Calgary, Alta.. is I:t Ontario on bustaeaa and is at pres cart vieitin; at the horst.' of Mr. L. 11. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stanlake left on Monday morning for their new home in Alberta, their post office beans Red \Willow. May prosperity be their.. Miss Winnie and Mr. Melville Brown, who have been spending the winterwith their grandmother, Mrs. Martha Hawkins, returned to their home In Cal- eary Monday morning. Mr. \Vatter. Connor was in Woodstock over Sunday. flee. Dealei Kenrick. who 1s visiting Flt :. Mica., is ve:..- 11. following a v:rokt o: paralysis. Mies Arnie Isissctt, daughter of Air. Trios. Bissett, has be confined to her bei fru:n an attack 01 pleurisy. Miss Cora Prior treated the Sewing C. tele to a pleasant sleigh ride and a tuee't at hc- gone o•: Wednesday tv. oaring. ' El. Kay, of Farquhar. Out., arrived In S:'owflakc Saturday, where he pro- poses opening up a harness strop.' — .?: ystal City Courter. A number of friends were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Jury on Thursday evening, an oyster supper being served, atter which the evening was pleasantly spent. A number of the Epwor'h Leaguers o: James Street Methodist church drove to Iiensall Monday evehing to meet with the League- there. The visiting League furniet:ed the program. The curfew will b_ rung at Windsor henceforth and every child found on the (3treets after nine o'clock at night 1s to be taken Into custody. It 1a the proper thing and Exeter would do well to copy the example. Mr. Mark Salter has sold his prop- erty, London Road South, to Mr. C. E. Hackney. We understand Mr. Salter in - •_,ds going west. For the present he will occupy )els father's residence. the Latter being on a visit to England. At the next meeting of the licenee cernmisslcners to bo held on Saturday evening. March let, the transfer of the liotel Cecll from W. P. Handford to Thomas Oke, formerly a itotelkeeper at Exeter, will come up for ratifi at:on.— London Advertiser. The t:nlforrn Promotion Examinations for the Public Schools of the County of Huron will begin on \larch 2"2nd, 1910. Teachers should notify their Inspector at once of the numbs of papers,requlrcd :or each i lass In II., I11., and (IV. books The papers ordered will be sent to the 'archer's address before March ]8th. (regarding the appearance of Mr. Mac Vincent of Exeter at a cmicert in Gran- ton recently, tile St. Marys Journal says 'That tar -fared comedian, Mr. Mac Vincent, was present and in the beett of forst and the arequent enchores that he received showed the appreciation with w•.ich t.19 selections were received.' A petition has been circulated and la -,sly deed. by those receiving their mill at Hay i'. 0., asking. that the gov- ernment arrange the mail route so that they receive the same evening. mall ar- deltic at Exeter Station on the evening tre.in. At present stall coming here at nicht is not taken to Hay P. O. until the following morning, which Is very inconvenient. There seem to be muzzles and ntyzzles itt Eteter—some answer the purpose. others are more or less simply orna- ments and would no m'nre stop a dog from biting than they would a cat froth scratching, while others are so loosely put 0:1 that they simply Itang,arounl the neck half the time However we un- derstand that Chief Bissell carries his 'revolver and if a few of them are shot not much harm will be done An eight day revival meeting is being conducted in James Stre t church this! week. The pastor. Rev. llobbs. preached Sunday on 'How to Pro:note a Revival". and 'The Son of God 1n Tears." Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday nights the meeting were taken by Rev. Fear, Rev. Y elland and Rev. hart, respectively : while Thursday , Friday and Saturday they will be conducted by Rev. M►llyard Itev. Hicks and the pastor, respectively. MARRIED 50 YEARS —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitton. on 3'rlday next, will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. in the company of a nuts ber of their Immediate relatives, at the home of their son. Mr 8 lritton. They will have the heartiest congratulations of their many Meads on attaining this golden anniversary SUCCESSi•'UL CANDIDATES— .throng the successful candidates In tate music- al examinations of the London Conser- vatory we notice the following front this tistrlet,—E. Robb, Clinton, S. Stcrritt, St. Marys. O. Trevethick, L. F'auldt t . M. Antos, Brinsley ; M. Brown, Crediton M. Quanta:), Mt. Carmel; P. Ganser. Cre into!). E. \\'flue, C,intou ; M. Pickett. St. Mary. : G. Brandt, Hensel]; E.White iicaeail. C.1NK I1:It('i1ASEL) PROPERTY. — Ltst week t:.. ('tnadian Bank ot Com- merce pure haetd t. ori Messrs. Treble 13:os. the land and buildings on Mahn street, now reins occupied by Mr. W.IJ. Inter as a harness shop and by Mise Treble as a dressmaking shop. The (Sank will tear down the old buildings ai:d erect a fine block to be used as res tank, and to cost In the neighborhood of $10,1100 or $12,000. DEATH.—The death occurred at her home in Exeter North on Friday last of Jane Ilay Entrie, wife of Davld, Glbb, In her :leth year. Deceased had leen III about two weeks of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Gibb had been residents ot Ex- eter North only a few months. having :novel here front Usbor a last fall when t'Mr. Gibb became mail -carrier on the route between Exeter and Mitchell. Mrs. Gibb. was esteemed by all who knew her. Morelos the husband a little son of seven or eight years of age,survlves, and both have the sympathy of the corn - mu. Ity tai their bereavement. The fun- eral took place from the family resi- dence ea Monday at 10 a. m. to Kirktone which the remains were Interred under the auspices of the C. O. C.. 1•'.t ACCIDEFNT.eL DEATiI.—Mrs. John fli:.tembe wild Mrs. William Delbr1'14e received ire sad new ot the accidental death of their brother -In -taw, Mr. Y'lt- iiam 7sylor. who was kliirJ In street rtr accident In Atlanta, Ga., on Febru- ary !nth. \tr. Taylor had Jutnped from a car. but did not notice another rorn- iag in an opposl(e dire:lion on a "deter track, and strikit.g hint witl+ terrlb:o force he was killed almost Instantly. The c:e<saeed was a former resident of t'sbor ne and for several year• works, as a fraraer in the township. While re nestdeet of Csboriw ire married Mist/ Salina Palnun. daughter of the latef Tr.en•a• Balman, who survives him. to- gether with two Ron.—Jotrn of Antlatrta and Henry of New Tork. The deceased visited fr'ends to U.borne about twb years are a',d was nice `, rtep.-cted both tete and where '.e trended. 11" was ag- ed about 70. LOCAL OPTION STANDS.—Tit re- count of local option ballots In Tu.kcr- smith has increased the majority for lora) option front three to four. CARNIVAL.—A large crowd enjoyed the carnival at the rink on Friday, night and the costumes were good. Muvh In- terest as usual was centred In the races which were fast and well contested. The eollowing Is a list o1 the prize winners —Lest laey's character dress, Gladys isienett ; Beat gent's character dress. H. 1 'issett ; Peat comic. E. Elliott : Best teeke-off, E. Harness; mile race, Ed. Anderson: half -mile, O. Anderson. GOiNG TO elALT.—Mr. L. C. Flenthtba is regretfully severing 1.'a cermet:•loci with the Huron County Y. M. C. A. and with the people of Clinton, having ac- c•eptei an appo!ritmettt to the staff of mac, erg of the Galt Collegiate Insti- tute. where he begins duty March let. The Y. M. C. .'i. o' Huron County will Indeei be sorry to hear .af Wei but the church people at large have not gone into the important work. hence the in- terest is not being kept up and it would only be a mailer of rim' when Mr. 1.'1211 inc would have to look elsewhere for a position. Mr. Flentine nas done good work and all will wiei: him success in his new Feld of Cabot.—Clittton New Era. AGED RESIDENT DEA I t.—One o: E:-- eter's oldest residents passed away on Saturday In the person o: Henry Powell at the agc of 87 years. . months and 19 days. Detth was caused by a gen- eral breaking up of the system. du. largely to his great age. Deceased had been a great traveller In his day and had lived In various parts of tho globe. During the last few years he made hl" Lome with his son. Mr. Stephen Powell. and until just recently he had been able to be about as usual, being at all tines a person of Interest owing to his vener- able appearance. The funeral took place from his son's reslde,rce on Tuesday morning, Feb. 22ndto the Exeter de- pot, and the rtntaine were taken to London and burled In Siloam cemetery. The late Mr. Powtll was born o:/ lot 4, cots. 9, London Township. on November 23, 1823. He was married i:' 1849 to Miss Catharine McCutehcoa, who prods motel hint seventeen years, shortly of tet he had moved with his fancily to Or- ceert. He was a loyal Canadian, a Con- servative and a Methodist. Ile attend- ee Main Stre-t church regularly. The were bora to h'ht titlttcc!. children.' seven of whom survive, Robert, 3Iliton : Wat- son, Oregon; Errest. Wisconsin; John. Nevada; George. London Township; anti Stey!-:en. Exeter. ON ItALIES.—The cause of rabies is a virus or poison transmitted through biting. The wound heals rapidly, and the disease develop. in one or some- times two months. The first sign Is sagging, hawkit:g. pawing at the neck. Such symptoms would also ba produc- ed by a bone In the threat. The first indication of the grave malady in a dos Is characterized by unusual affect- ion for his master ; the' t sleepiness,with sudden starts of alert watchfulness; lila manner becomes crour ping and fright stied: ire loses the power to recognize people: his eyes become reddened, and he weirs a vacant look : b comes sleepy does rot eat much but is very thirsty. and his mouth is dry and tongue parch- ed, he takes o:: a ferortous, sullen and terrtife look. and shows a strong de- sire to bite: tris voice becomes a howl, short, hollow. dismal and croupy; his brain gets on tire and If at large he runs wildly. biting and *tapping ar everythirte, rarely turning front his course and deaf to all .:routs and yells. The attack gette;aily lasts three days: the dog rapidly fades away and dies. A bite should be well sucked at once. In c.nsc one has been blttrn by a dog Gnaw the wound freely to make It Neel well. rinsing the mouth often with water. A handkerchief or cord would be tightly bound between the wounded part and the body, until a doctor au- lerires it, or a red hot iron may 'be repelled. and the burn should be deep: To these who cart afford it a visit to the I'asteur institute is cite safe course. it waterer, the Ontario Government may* waive from the It •titutt a quantity of scrum for tote t:t Orttario. Mr. Facey of lfarrietsvlllc '+cas t:.t guest of hlr. John 11. Scott Last wt e. Mise Kestle had recovered ttively from her illness, and in able to be out of bed. Messrs. Leroy and Chester Coultas toe et Sunday with friends at Ellmvlllc. Miss J. Murray returned front a two weeks' visit with relatives in Toronto. Mr. P. Card\ ler of Blyth is here this went., owing to the illness or his broth- er David. Miss Charters of Egmondville was the guest of ler aunt, Mrs. G. A. K. tfcLeod last week. Mr. Charles Wood has been forced to abandon his duties at tho butcher shop for the past week through illness. Mr. Ilichard Welsh returned Tueslay evcr.ins from the West, where he had been with a foal of Gorses. He will stip another load next w.'ck and will accompany them. Mr John Hunte-, wife and son. who have Lein visiting ai the home of Mr Simon Hunter, L'aborne, and Mr attd Mrs Thos. Hodgson, r..'e Edith hunter, who were recently married, leave Thurs- day for the West -to reside Nit. Franklin Coritleh, barber. sradu- ate at Messrs. Penprase & Burke's, has acrcptei a position in London and left :or that city on Monday. Mr. Frank Rennie of Zurich has filled the vacancy with Messrs. I'enpraste & Burke. Mr. Frank S'•.ea, was o:; duty a Sew days t!•19 week owing to ilhtesa. A robin of premature instincts made Its apietrance in \ir. liurdon's teach yard yesterday (Wedheeday.) It ee-_nr ei to take in the situation philosophical- ly. notwith.etardine the fact that the wintry blasts blew watt more than the ulna: fury. Smoke pouring frtont the doors of the baggage care of the London, Huron and !truce train at gent o'clork Thursday morning last at Clinton gave the fire- men at the central station a run. The :ire stetted iu a cupboard containing the chalice of the trainmen. It was stated in goad faith that mice gnawed at snatches in the pocket of Brakeman 'Priestley's coat. When the fire war( aistovered tl.e car was rut off front the train which was just about to pull out, and the firemen put out the blaze Tare at was considerably damaged, and was replaced with another for the trip to the north. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A MES For Settlers IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached LOW SETTLERS' RATES Settlers with Live Stock and Elfec:s Special Trains :rave Tcu tc 10.10 p.m. Tuesdays MARCH and APRIL. Settlers ar.d Farr.nes wahout Live Stcek should use Regular Trains 10.10 t .tr. da:h NINNIPIG t Ll t:R 38 he :r. K.r'..ter COLONIST CARS ON AIL TRAINS In which Lcrths rue Free eze.y t• rearest Agert for eery cf "Settlers' C_ c.." "Welter-, Canada,''Theist Cars." cr write 7:.c r;ccr.. D.P.A.. C.P R , Tercr.tc. Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, i desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that i am prepared to give you the best of satisfaction in work connected with the business. For the pres- ent reyent orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- iCE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech The High Cost of Living easily solved by eating more bread —THR FINEST FOOD " MODEL " flour MAKES THE MOST APPETiZINO LOAF it has the nutty flavor always desired. Within the past week several have told, they NEVER USED ANY LOUR EQUAL TO iT 111 1111.110110 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 trALALAI �alttr��� FLOUR Feed and Seeds �► 1 f Breakfast Foods All the BEST GRADES of flour always os hand. Breakfast Foods such as OATMEAL, WHEATLETS & TOASTED WHEAT FLAKES Oatmeal,7 lbs for 26c Poultry Foods & Feeds such as PANACEA, OYSTER SHELLS, GRIT, CRUSHED BONE„ LIN - SEE() MEAL, OIL CAKE and FLAX SEED. Wm. Rivers THE BEST Bread Caa only b. `otlen from the best dour —Th• following broads are unexcelled -Try a hundred nest time you hake Try One of These : JEWELL (Ontario Blended) PURITY (wasters Casale noun ]stud) L.eate your orders or call up Phone 2. R. G. Beldon, Exeter INININIMPOIHNINNIO EXETER UIUEET$. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 1 0:; 1 U5 Barley 51) 54) Oats, .. . . . :15 35 Peas fat) Sl Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton 1:I 00 14 11 Flour, per cwt., family 2 pis Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 1 55 Butter 21 Eggs '37 Live hogs, per cwt 8 35 Shorts per ton 24 00 Davis' Old Stand - EXETER Bran per ton 23 00 ____ ���v Dried Apples 11 Remember the Name --- Rowe & Atkinson Bear in mind that at their store is the place to buy FURNITURE. We have a fresh car load in now and every- thing will be found at the RIGHT PRICE to SUITE the purchaser. Give them a call ..- Undertaking and Embalming a Speeality ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Our Bid Febrnary Sa1e � ,1 of the New Spring Goods We have no old stuff to show you, but the brand new up-t'n-date Spring Goods. The New Dress Goode, New Prints. New (itnghams, New Cbamhrays, New Vestings, New Linen Suitings, New Carpets, Rugs and Curtains are now open for your approval. Scotch New Prints Ginghams The real goods right from Bonny Scotland. They are al- ways the beet washing gibgbama and are known for their beauti- ful patterns. Prices 10c to 124c yd Chambrays All the new shades are shown in these goods. They make up lovely ladies' or children's sum- mer clothes and are real goad washers. Price 121c yd Our Spring Prints are very fine. No better can be found. The patternN are all new in the light. medium or darks. Price, IUc and 121c yd Linen Suitings A great hit this year. Our colors and fabrics are the very newest and come in plain or striped. Do not fail to see them Prices 15c to 40c yd New Embroideries and Laces You will say our Embroideries and L'tees are the hest ever shown in Exeter. We. are very proud of them and want you to see them. New Flouncing Embroideries From 10 to 15 inches wide. This is one of our very beet lines and will delight you to see then, 20c up to $1.40 per yd New Corset Cover Embroideries 40 broad new pieces of the daintiest patterns we have ever bought. Every piece nice. tine work. 25c to 50c yd Our New Laces and Insertions Will Tickle You to See We have everything you can ask for from 2c per yd right up to the top notch. Have a look at our laces. The New Dress Goods Are Selling Every Day We want every lady in and around Exeter to wee ournifcent showing of Spring Dress Goods. An the new shades and fabrics are bore and we think they are the best yet. Special for This Week ! 10 doz. good LINEN ROLLER BLINDS complete at 25c each Manufactured by 1 i JONES & MAY HARVEY BROS. Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing RxETRR -