HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 4ezetcr Abtioctite,
Sanders d Creech. Props.
',4 '141
The !allure of the large uud lutluential
deputation which waited upon the Pro-
vetclsl Government with a view to se-
turine provincial aid for the Western
University at London cat.not but be re-
eelved with regret by a large number of
people in Western °uteric. The policy
of the Provincial Government In the
'pis' as well as at the present time, in
centralizing higher education In Toronto
and Kingston Is a mistake. because It
denies the advantages of such Instit-
utions to the larger and more populous
part of the Province, with the result
that tnatty o: our braittest etudeule
• cross over to Detroit or Ann Arbor, and
swell the list of successful Canadians
in the United States, whose sweetie Is
always a matter of congratulations, but
who are too urgently needed at home •to
meet the great problems confronting the
Dozninlon sat Catuada. It is to be hopel
that the smaller deputation, which will
wait upon the government to again press
the claims of Western Ontario and the
Western University, wit, receive more
favorable consideration at the hands of
the Provincial authorities.
It Is possible that many et our headers
are not tanilllar with the history of
this University. and therefore a brief
resume may not be out of place. The
%realer') Universe.' received its charter
about thirty year.' ago. as an ec'ucation-
al institution under the control of the
Church of England In the Diocese of
Huron. For a number of years the
faculty of Arts lay dormant, but the
faculties of nueilchte and theoloJy, the
former in a well-equipped bulldint of
their own, aed the latter in Huron Gal -
lege. ccrtinued their work of teaching
and conferring degrees, in their re-
spective faculties. Marty of the prae•tle-
in; prystclans In Western Ontario and
the clergy or the Diocese of Huron are
graduates of thle University.
In 1900 the faculty of Arts was again
argar,tre3 and the Ueiversity took on
u new de's- of life. It was still a sec-
tarian institution and although good
work was accomplished it lacked the fin-
ancial support of the district it served.
Many influential citizens refused to re-
cognize or support it because of this
dencrnlnational influence. The present
Bishop of Hunan. recogiezln(4 the im-
possibility of continuing the University
.under the auspices of his diocese, with-
out greatly hampering Its influence, sug
Kested to the people of Loi:don and
---,a: 1;,;;t,- Ontarlo the advleahelty o.
taking over t Tarter o' the Unlvet--
etty and continuing it undenom-
inatlonal institution. 'i,tl. sugg 'art
wag acted upon with the result that the
.Western University is entirely tree of
denominational influence and le a civic
Institution supported and controlled by
the City of London and adjacent parte.
—the first educattotal institution of its
kind in the Dominion of Canada.
That this University thorougr.ly equip-
ped is much needed In Western Ontario
cannot be dented, and it is hoped that
municipalities and citizens generally will
rally to Its eupport and in every way
endeavor to assist and promote its in-
fluence for the upbulidine of the youth
of this part of the province.
While we are on the subject of higher
education let us not fall to recognize the
need of preparatory schools, provided
for In the Collegla.tcs and High Schools
of the Province. These are the institu-
tions where the real foundation of an
education is laid, and the generous treat
mcnt and support they receive at the
hands of the Provincial Government
makes 11 possible for every town blithe
Province to support one. It is greatly
to be rezretted that steps were not
taken yeere ago to establish a High
chool in Exeter. Geographically Pieter
has the estates! territory of any Iowa
in the County of Ilur,n to draw from.
For Infants and Children.
Kind You Hare Ahrays Bought
Bears the
Signature of zre(
Write us et en. a for our tree catalog.te and
learn the nature c1 our courses in
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
departments. We Awe the leading, prat; al
training .:hoolof Western Ontario. Courses
are thorough. instructor, eaperiem ed and we
awed graduates to pwition' St.>.lente are en•
tering every week. You should enter NOW.
Quick Returns —
Honest Assortment
Correct flarket Prices Paid
for all kinds of
Nene your collecttons to
f.r. el..we0 t.sa
The Leader in the world's
Fur Trade.
134 et 136 MOM 3 , fl.atrssl
Our 190,1'410 PRICE LiST FREE
fix the asking
Ftt.e t our Co rtit.uctli.1 Uepatemote hatn-
p� e] as it is by luadequate quarters
ani ah uncle -teemed staff, owing to the
goo] work o' our efficient principal, Mr.
Welcteutiarentoe and his staff, has a
large. eft-nlatict than in sny of the High
Schools in the surroutidiag towns and
villages. While this arrangement Is
ve'y gratify Ing It c•aunot much longer
m -et the den•ends made upet it, and
sooner or later the citiee.is of Exeter
will either hey., to .'take provision for
this rapidly Iiicreislne attendanne or
.'Ise our advanced and ambitious etud-
eats will ba compelled to go elsewhere.
Already there are several obliged to
leave home le order to take the mord
advencei work, welch our school here
nc'ght just as cosily undertake. provid-
ing the bolding was adequate and the
staff incre.ecd.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach
t tic seat of the disease. Catarrh :a a blood or coneti•
tuhonaldisease, and in order to cure it you must
take internal remedies, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally and sett directly on the blood and mucous
,urfares. Hail's Catarrh lure is not a quack mesh-
. Inc. It was pre,teribe.l by out of the test physician.'
in this countr)' for years and is a regular prescrip-
tion, It iacowposed of the test tonics knows, come
bitted with the test blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces The perfect combination
of the two ingredients is what produees such wonder
fol results in coring Catarrh. Send for testimonials
F. J. CHENEY A CO, Prop., Toledo, 0,
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Tak, !fall'+ Family Pills for constipation.
lie ea of Mra. Ctirrbere.—Once more
it Is our melancholy duty no write of
the utwertalnty of life. In which the old
proverb, 'In (10 ntidat of life we are
are in death" is again verified. We re-
fer to the demise of Mra. Thomas Cham-
bers. who pagee] away on ;Saturday
merlins Oast at the age or 41 years,
8 mel els and _8 days. The circum-
etancee surrounding her death are In -
dee] sad, see belt.- sick only a few
;ley,. About a week previous to her
derrese she contracted a cold, but it
.shortly deve:opcd into pneumonia. at -
ter which she only lasted two or three
d'.ys. Dete.esed was a native of Eng-
land, coming to Canada about twenty-
five years ago. Seven years later she
married he: now bereft husbatnd, be-
side.' v'hcm she leaves two cltldren, a
sO:1 and daughter, to mourn her death ;
alio one sister. Mre. Gee. Veale. of
Pennsylvania. Deceased was a mem-
ber o: the lfethodist church and was
most devote lis her professions. She
was of. a lovable disposition, kind as
a mother and friend, and her death
will be profoundly ree:eltvl by a large
circ!^ o: treads. The funeral task place
the Fset•ter cemetery on Tuesday and
was • rgcly atte:tded. The bereaved will
have ;' le symptelly of the conunutlty,
The,` telly desires to thank the nelgh-
l 9 .Ilid friends for their many worsts
and acts of kindness erteuded to there
during the illness and subsequent death'
of the wife and mother.
Mr. Tees Sando of Mattltobe li ppe,,.l-
ln w days !n oqr Midst the guest
of Mr. and --7111:- Robs. Sweet.— Our
In owner.' were busy people the past
vett. T till doge were brought to get
Vale ' hats" at the hardware and the
,,rite 1 1 rnsker'e- Dogs of all colors
.Ind desc riptioes were In evidence and
tee howls they Int out of them made us
think that a pack of wolves had struck
town. The value of the four -footed
friend Inas decreased at a remarkable
rate. One ii stance is known where a
certelti owner wanted $2 a week ago for
a pup and Is now willing to sell him
:or tete price of a nozzle. A dog with-
out 1 Is hat is a rare thing to im Been.
Everybody Is anxious to do hie part
and obey the rulings of tete Govern-
ment and Township Board of Ifealth.—
A spetlal me:ting of our Tuwnshlp
Council was held stere on Tuesday to
r•e:e:ve a dcputattun of Temperance peo-
ple, who doalred to have a by-law pals-
ied to reduce the licenses within the
municipality. The hall was well filled
and several addresesed were given In sup
pa-' of reduction. The council, how -
eve'. took is) actlen In the meter. —
Ric.a. Howsen spent last Sunday at his
'torte :n W.:.gham.—Miss Adeline Ratz
of New Hamburg spent a few days teat
.v'4 ( In tow;t the guest of her sister,
Mrs. C. ZwIciter.— A sleigh Toad ot the
young people went to Exeter rink on
N1orelay night and nad a tine tinge. The
untimely upset cooling home wit wilt rel-
1s'ted very Hauch but the present shako of
the roads le eaeliy accountable for tete
Walz up.—I1. Ellber. M.P.P.. of Toronto
spent Sunday at home with his famlly.—
Albcrt Morlock has received the earnings
for his automahtle and Is now busy get-
tinz the en,Slne set up. it will be a four
cylinder engine, welt sufficient power
to knot all requirements. Albert will
nuke teit:lrs hunt with his Pally this
Summar.—Our seed naeoetanls have been
mtk►nR shipnte,)ts of seeds to outslae
n,ints lhls week.—Rev. E 11. !kart at-
tc rale! n nrtcting of the Dominion Alll
ance in Toronto last week.—There are
over fifty pitch -holes in the road be-
tween here and the liver. Wouldn't It be
a good Idea it the townehlp Council . of
busy and started to shape thetas for
rear travel ? To have a rubber -ne'c'k
these drys would be fine. We are pleas -
el to learn that Nfrs. henry Kuhn has
recovered from her recent Illness.—Mr.
Daniel Oe.strrlcher itas been making
sante needed improvements to the inter-
ior o: his dwelllttg.—Sylvester Weenie,
w ;) is attending the bualnesa college
:n Welchem. spent last Sunday at home
with his parent.. We are ple.teed to
!errs that he Ie ,.:kart: excellent heal-
wayhisstudies.--Will the roone
in et P"'
r o)
who stole 1 he horse -('011e s from Henry
Fe nor the othe r evening. please re-
turn them before action is taken to re-
rrer U ern by law ? The parties aro
known and It would he well it they
would consider the seriousness of their
trtloi s.—Miss Lllii.alt Robinson ot Ex-
eter visited Mre. Charles Zwlcker a few
d^ys last week
T u: home of Mr. and Mre. John Fin:t-
b leer on the loth cont. was the scene
frlecdly gatherings last Wediv's.ley
,and Thursday. On Wednesday night 711
1: the neI3hbors and friends cane to
their norm o t a contplits. surprise in 0'-
1'r to bed them farewell prior to Iea+-
.r t r :•e''rhh:,rho'd Th^ tott.'•8l:tg ad-
dress was read by Mr. Wm. Yeariey.—
Dear Friends,—it le with regret that
we learn of your contemplated depart-
ure from among us. after being num-
, r • as our clo4 81 trlende aid netg`t-
., )
du -Ln' your post life. Your re-
moval Is a distinct loss to our hetSh-
be...e recd sad otter (hat will be hard to
fill. and we pray that 1,1 your ever home
` you will be bountifully blessed by the:
`Giver of all Good. We are, however,
pfeasei that you are not contemplating
a r(•mev.al to a dieta;tt point, but to
where we tits oftffect, meet you :end
e:tjey the hospitality with; which ypu are
both gifted. Although ee will be sep-
arAtei more than In the past we know
that your thoughts wit! otte:t revert to
the old home and the long aseoceetions.
To express a elt•-ht token of your aeso-
lat'oe with us during these long years,
and not wiahitte you to go away. even
such a short distance, we desire you
to etccpt these chairs, which we hope
may be enjoyed by you for many' years
to ccnne."
Mr. David Mawhinney and Mr. John
N'lJLelm presente ( handsome rockers to
elf.. and Mrs. Fltikbelner, to which Mr.
leinkbriner made a suitable reply. Mr.
Geo. Mawhinney acted in the capacity of
cete.irntan and all had a pleasant time
Lunch was served afterwards and the
company broke up in the bast of spirits.
On Thursday afternoon the relatives
of Mr nd Mre Flnkbetwer gave them e
surprise. Michael Finkbelner read an
address of presentation as foliows,—
• \Ve have gathered here this after-
noon on the eve of your departure from
your homestead in order to show you
in same tangible way our regatei fol
yuu and your fancily. We regret that
you ate obliged to leave our midst be-
cause we have lived together front our
childhood, and when we consider that
we, cite by ort', are obliged to trete
up active life on account of declining
years, we feel that Time is short. We
pray that you will be blessed in ::our
new home and will live many more
years to enJoy life after your years of
labor. We are pleased to learn that you
are not moving to a distant point, but
will go to where we may oftlrned tweet
you and enjoy the hospitality with
which you are both gifted. We ask you
to accept these gifts as a mark of our
regard tor you and we trust that' while
you are enjoying ate comforts, your
thoughts will often revert to the long
associations and the old home."
Mathew Ftnkbeincr and Jacob Fink-
belner prcsciatcd them with two beaut-
iful upholstered chairs. Mr. Finkbeiner
made an affectins reply. Several of
those present spoke and in their dis-
courses instances of their past life
were related. Old time hymns were
sung and taken all in all it was a hap-
py old time reunion. Tl,c party stayed
for the evening and enjoyed the lu•tch
the ladies brought with them.
Slate Quarries on Lake Huron.—Slate
quarries have been discovered at Kettle
Pant, or. Lake Huron. The assay skews
No. 1 geoes, which have bear; taken, out
by the use of dynamite. An Ellglleh
syndicate, with an oil baron of Petrole.t
ere interested. A diamond dull Is to
be forwarded from England, and if final
tests a9 to depth and quality are sat-
isfactory, a company will be formed,
veil's poll up capital of $I,f.•t
T.'e:n the G. T. R. will lay a sidin ;
:-om Forced to Kettle Point.
Dr. R. A. leolkcrts, of Duluth. Mht'r.,
Oita of his enc: ess in treating Patten!n
with D. D. D. I'resr iption ;
• There was a rnau here sufferin ;
from eczema :or the first fourteen
years. and i applied t t' D. D. D. 'real
erect. i also applied it W a titan of
West Duluth. Mien., who has been Buf-
ferin; with eczema In his feet, and the
second treatment in both cases cleared
the skin almost absolutely. The first
Application le a balm, and its Rooth-
itac effect le beyond expression. 1
le ,a11 never be• Without it, ar.d 911311 uac
It amore my oxticuts altogether "
•Ne matter how terrible you suffer
from ecrentn. salt rheum, ringworm, -etc.
you will Leel instantly soothed and the
Itch allayed at once when a few drops
of this compound of oil of wintergreen
thymol. glycerine. etc., is apPlled. Tee
cures all ae'rrt to be permanent.
For free trial bottle of I). D. D. I're-
Ocriptloe write to the D. D. D. Labor-
atory Department, E. A. 2:1 Jordan St.
For sale by all druzgists.
Tt.cre pissed aw.ty at :ler home here
on Feb. 12th, Mrs. \Vol. Whiteside (nee
Teesie Turner) atter a lingering M-
ertes of several months. Iter •wryly'e
lit the Boston 'Ietlwdtst enure!: In the
pest were greatly appreciated. she hav-
ing cheerfully fIlIrd the position of as-
sistant organist tit the eetcureh awl .ee• -
tet.try of the S. S. She wan els.. a
1altbful worker i.t the Kpwortn Leo -
gut. The sympathy of the cotntuu:city
are with the bereaved hutiband and farn-
Ily to which she belonged, this being"
the first bre.tk in the fanally circle.
Just one year aeo last July. itovi T.:\.
Stesdn:ata married the above n.inte I
couple and conducted the funeral sere -
tree. After the service a large number
followed the remains to Parkhill cem-
If you have lndlgratlna, your fool fer-
ments In the stomach and bowels. it
does more; it decays. and the nutrltloun
matter which should go to naake :tow
blood decays wlth it. and t tis leads to
;et impoverlehed condition of the 1lootl.
to nervousness. biliousness, conet:pati ) 1
stek headache, bad breath which ,11.-
gu.ate your friends, and otter dhoti..
able and unpleasant condlilons.
And all this trouble Is eaueei by tee
food that doesn't digest. but ferments
o stomach.
and oftlmoe rots in t
And fermentation is c ue•'c1 by the
stomach not being strong enough and
energetic enough to thoroughly mil the
food with the digestive juices.
M -1 -0 -N -A Is responsible for tens of
thouaands of cures. In fact. it is such
r. positive cure for indigestion ar,d all
stomach troubles that it Is guaranteed
by W. A. Cole to cure or money back.
The price of a large box of MI-o-na tab
lets Is 50 cents. and they are sure to
promptly relieve the worst ease of indi-
gestion or gastritis. Try them.
w. R. COLE.
(mstuUP N,VM#MI)
Bronchitis. Croup. Coughs and Colds, oe
I sone, tach Sold and guaranteed by
w. s. (VLF:, F.XKTER.
Miss Melvina Koehler re;ureed
\Ve]:.eaday evct,fng from a five o• -.':kis'
visit with her sister. Mrs. Studer, at
Tavistock.—Mrs. Daniel Koehler re-
turned on Thursday evening from De-
troit, accompanied by her sister, Nils.'
\-ercy Witmer. who spent the past
year and a hall in that city.—Mr. anti
Mrs. Fred Itickbell left on \Vedttesday
for Exeter and will leave there in a
week or so Lor their home dna; Lonna, N.
D., atter several months' visit with
their parents and other rclallves.—The
South Ifwon Tcicphooe Company. lint-
ltesd, Inas been formed to take over the
present system in Zurich and the rural
lines connected therewith: The provis-
ional directors o' the company are. Dr.
Campbell, Messrs. P. Lamont, E. Zel-
ler, J. J. Merner and J. Platter. Sub-
scriptions for stock are now being tak-
en.—Ifarvey Coioskty, who has been c•nt-
ployed in a Blyth hardware store, is
ttonte.—M;•. and Mrs. Solomon Kuepfer
have returned from a visit in Waterloo
rouhty.-Mrs. Ileyrock and Mrs. Ethel
Williams and Ella Rennie was In Toro-
nto last week, attending a temperance
convection.—eieserb. Bernard Mittel
holtz and Alcz. Foster left on Tuesday
morrina for tl:c Rest by way of Lk -
trolt.—OwIt.g to continued indiepeei'f)tt
Mr. Delgaty, principal of the public
'3(1 Dol, has been forced to .cult and his
place is tx411t taken by Mies F'ingland
of Goderich.—elra, isertthardt of Pres-
ton is visiting her parents, Itev. and
Mrs. Maass at the Lutheran parson
ip�olal Notloo.
Spanking does not cure children of bed-
wetting. There is a constitutional cause for
this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box 840
Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother
her successful home treatment, with full
institution,. Bend no monoy,but write her
to -day if your children trouble you in this
way. Don't blame the child, the chances
aro it can't help it. This treatment also
cures adults and aged people troubled with
urine difficulties by day or night.
Farmers' Institute
Tho Supp:eui ntary Meetings of the mouth Huron
Farmers' Institute will be held a.. follow.
Varna, February 24th
At the Tt,WN HAI I.
Tuckersmith, February 25th
Hensall, KcrsrNKI.I.S HALL Feb 26
The regular waivers for the abive dare will be
Mr. F: (ward Jeffs, of Hood !teal; Mr Jeffs will speak
on any of the following subject., to to decided by
any of the above tueetings.
sriuJE: Ta: Tile Drainage. General Cultivation
and Rotation. Sinter and Hemmer Feeding of Live
Stock. Improvement of our Flocks and Herds. Im-
portance of Good S -ed. Lnrerne aril tither ('lovers.
EVENING dl'BJECrd: F:•onone t:'ovation of
fanners' Son..
LiK'AI. SPEAKERS: W. D. Sandere. ot Exeter,
and the president Alex 'Instant. Both gentlemen
are well gnalifle•t to give practical addresses on se-
lected +ubje.•ta. A prograrn will be given at the
evening meeting..
Afternoon sleeting* begin at 2 sharp Evening
meetings at 7. -of sharp
A Cordial levitation is Extended to all
Alex Mustard B. S. Phillips
Assignee's Sale
Of valuable Village and Farm Proper.
ties in the Village of Centralia and in
Township of Stephen. In the matter
of the estate of WILLIAM H.SANDO
There will be offered for sale by Public Auction on
14IO DAs',
lith day of March, 1910
at the hour of 2 o'clock, p.m., at Moffatt'. hotel,
Centralia, the following desirable village and ralu•
able farm properties, namely.
(a) Lots numbered from 144 to 159 both Inclusive,
in the said \iltage of Centralia, lying between the
London,lluron & Bruce Railwayy and Prince Leopold
Street sad forming pars. of original lots Numbers
FOUR rill ME, In the First Concession, of the
Township of Stephen.
(b) TbeSouth ilstf of Lot Number FOUR, in the
Second Concession, of the said Mownahlp of Stephen
excepting thereout the front ten acres thereof,here-
tofore sold to one James Wilson, and all that poi.•
tion of the North half of Lot Number TIIRER lying
West of the said London, Huron mei Bruce Railway.
In the sald First Concession, of the Township of
Stephen, together ,with Villose Lots, numbered
from 170 to 191, both Inrluslve in the said Village
of Centralia, Icing West of the odd London, Huron
t Bnice Railway and forming part of original Int
Number FOUR in the sad First ('oncesaion of the
Township of Stephen.
(c) 'The South hall of Lot Number FIVE. in the
Fourth ('oncerwion. of the said Township of Stephen
TI:KMN or SALE: to per cont. of the purchase
mosey cash on day of sale, the balance In 3t1 days
thereafter. Other terns made known os day of sale.
For farther particulars apply to
tiolrs. for Assignee,
Exeter. Ont., or to
Crediton. Ont.
Auction Sale
Of Farm, Stock and implements.
The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed by
the tAministratrix of the estate of the late James
K Ford, to sell by PuMie Auction, on the premlees
at 12.30 p.m. sharp. the follo'ving
vault.' ole property
HORSes 1 draft mare rising .' years; 1 draft mare
✓ ising 7 ))ears; 1 draft mare rising 5 years with foal;
I agrleultural gelding rising 4 years; 1 carriage mare
✓ ising 7 yeas; 2 draft fillies rising 1 year: 1 draft
hone rising 9 y ears: I ,aaggri, littoral horn' rising 4 yrs.
(TATTLE. -1 thoroughbred ihurham vow with pedi-
g ree: 1 row doe to . all Mac h 15th. I Jeny' vow newly
calved; 1 th„rnnghbrt.1 Durham heifer 1 year; 1 steer
rear,: 1 "leer 1 year; 1 heifer calf. Ahart SO hen..
IMPLEMENTS 1 Maae%Jhrri• hinder nearly
new: 1 Moore, McCormick Steel rake, 1 di.•, 1 well
drill, 1 roller. 1 seiTer, 1 walsing plow, I twin plow:
1.nikr plew,l'errin; 1 farming mill,('linton:2wagnn'
Cream Separator: gravel bra, 1 .et bote•leigh• nearly
new. 1 o t diamond harrow., top buggy, 2 cotters.
one • nearly new: 1 democrat, pea Asn eater and
hwncher combined. Chatham ine'alt.ator and brooder,
runt polp'r, number of cedar s's-ste: Bnffab, rots.. gen •
Hine; 2 .et double harness; 2 set single harners, some
collar•, oak .tore, heater, coal store, churn, 2 brv1
.teed., hay fork., rope argil .ting., .•hair• forke are,
other article. too nnmerru•to mention. A quantity
of hay: quantity of straw 1•, be fel on piney, quantity
of seed oat. " $enation."
Kl:.tl. ESTATE Alm, that excellent lot acre fano
known a' LM le. Con 2, Stephen townshipon the
pusipert r is a good Mirk h.w•e, bank !Urn with stone
and brick fouradatinr, frame Arlie shod and ehicken
hare.. There ix a einaoi bu•h. a rov er taring creek
and a ynnng orchard, 'trot 3 scree. 12 leer. are in
wheat. Fall plowing dem. an•I all in gntel state of
,situation. Property i• only 21 nide. from Eteter
and within one mile of echnol.
TERMS FOR FARM-10,ereent,on day of vie
balance in 30 day. F of a'e pr1ee mat be left on
nt•,rtgsr(e •''unity at : p.r cent per annum.
TEAMS B. lied tinder, ca'h: over that amount
moHtth'•credit eiy.n on fnrni.h,ng spproved join!
notes. 6 per cs4t per annum off for .'.• t o,t credit
amounts Ha and flat•. rash.
''•trthet tenni. awl conditions will h. made known
lay nI sale Or may be had net appikatwxt to
O 'seise t tetaahary PI ! Phillips
. •b iters for Adsini•tratria .\n'to.rt-,?
B. Z. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital,110,000,000
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
$5 and under 3 cents
Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6
$l0 $3044 10 cencentsq
$30 ..I.$50 15 cents
These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Canada
(except in the Yukon) and at the principal banking points in the United States. They
are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland.
They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety
and at small cost, and may be obtained without delay.
Exeter Branch—G. W. ilarrlsoe. Man.ber, tlrsecit also at Creditor:.
Regina Watches, when sold
without an Official Guarantc",
and by other than an authoriz;d
agent. are liable to be Secora::-
Hand Watches, taken in tr'ac'e
or procured in some other
second-hand way.
1 am the only authorizcu
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issue an Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada,
Buy a
Piano for the Home
Surely there is nothing better than a Piano. It is something the
whole family can enjoy, something that will last a lifetime—and if bought
right can be handed down for two or three generations.
You do not take any chances on any piano you get here. The standing of
this establishment is a surety that you will get your money's worth—a (IOOD
Then on top of this you have our guarantee—so why should you take any
Come Here, Pick Out a Piano That Pleases
You in Appearance and Tone!
You will find our prices reasonable and the terms of payment can easily
be arranged to your satisfaction—and the instrnment will be ABSOLUTELY
RELIABLE in every respect.
We are now displaying an
Unusual Stock
of the Finest Line of Pianos on the Market.
PIANOS from $200.00. up
ORGANS " $66.00 a6
mop Be an early caller and receive one of our Art Calendars
South Huron Agricultural Society
The annual Need Show, under the susp es of the
South Huron Agricultsral 'society, will be held at
Bossenherry'e Hall, BruceHeld, on
PRIZE LEST - The following prates will be awarded
on the hest samples et seed exhibited in sword-
ance with the rule, governing the seed fairs:
2 bush Spring Wheat, Scotch rife 6
2 bush. Spring Wheat, any variety
2 hush. White Oat., any variety
2 bush. Black Oat., any v ariety
2 hoeh ilarley, six•rnwed
2 hush. Barley, two•rewwt
2 hush. Field Peas
Mush. Field Bean,
bush. (Torn in ear
bush. Timothy Need
bush. Red (ins er Seed
hush Alsike seed
bush . Potatoes, any early variety
bush. Potatoes, for I
R ,•top
Peet of Onions, Unte'h Sets
'eek of fall grown Onion.
o9 73
00 75
00 75
00 75
00 76
00 76
00 74
00 76
00 76
00 75
00 75
00 75
00 75
Rules and Regulations
All asset entered for competition must have
been groan by the rthibitot within nue year previ-
ou. to the exhibition. All exhthita of seeds shall be
held to be r.prewntative of the tete! quent;ty of
.nth see.1 offered for ale to- the •ahlblt,r, The
Secretary- of the Sa, tete may take and preserve
samples from each exhibit for reference In ease of
dispute ariang from the •ale of see.t by any exhibit-
2 Competit are must bemuse m•mters of the 80•
(-tete, byteetng to the Treasurer thereof, either
prealon, to ne at the time of making ••'ntriee. the
sum of 11 each, stges e
s. Nopremiums 'hall tie awarded on ezhrhIU
that contain Trend e.erl. %table, In the opin; in of the
Judge, are of a not toile na'ure.
4. No exhibitor shall recent more than ons prise
In soy claw.
6. Ali samples of met must 1.e ,')rtectiy !&'naiad
hitJt the name aryl s.11r..a of the exhibitor. the
Seise of the variety, the amount o1 seed Inc sale soil
the selling price Oes, n, not I... than 21 bo shale.
for 1011.. Alsike. Timothy and Plover, sot :en then
. ME,hels, for sale: Bart,. Potatoes, n.,t fess the,
5 bn.hel., for este. l.st• l'ot.atnem, not leas tem,
ieehets, Inc sale: Onions. not ler than 1 heshe4 for
6. le case of dispute, s statutory deniarsbw That
the above rules have been compiled with our b
required from each or any eahl(titor of seed.
7. AU exhibits for contpetltloe for prises moist tr
delivered at Boseenberry's !tall, BroceS.M, not later
than 10 a. m„ and shall not he removed until the
claw of the Emir at 4 p.m.
The Annual Spring Show of Stallions and Bull*
will be held at Rrucefkld, on Friday, April ?eh.
1910. Parti• tears later.
W. D. SANDER.s Exeter, Presiders
W. D. McLEAN, Secretary
That choice farts, being part Gat 14
:old 19, Cott. 1, Township of Usbonne,
in the Village of Hester. containing 100
acres. On this property there Is at.✓
up-to-date brit k dwcllln3 with all con- I\
etwier,ccs ; large hank barns, with watt •
in stables. silo. drive house, Ice house.
and all kinds of fruit ; 0.) acres III hay
and grass,
acres fallw
eat. baa =
1'tcwdt est tall. t'ropertY In a hlge
state of cultivation and well adapted
for a man doing a dairy bulginess or
general farming.
Also S. 1-2 lot 5, Oon. 1, Nay, contain
Ing 50 acme, 2 arren hardwood bus!..
35 acres In grass, belaneo plowed. On
the premises there is a never falling
supply of wale: with wlndm111 and tank,
This property le well adapted for grat-
ing or general farming. Possession le
March. Easy terms of payment. Mus!
be sold as proprietor's health has fail-
ed and i:e le retiring. For terms and
ptrticulars apply to ALEX. DOW, of
Fleeter, or T. CAMEiL' iN Auctioneer of
Ferree ar.
FARNf F'Oit SA1.R.
100 acre farm in Cob rec. two and one
tall rr:les from Exeter, AI SO a bei 'le
house o't Malt -street, Exeter, and a 'a-•
load of ft•ern cedar poets.
WM. Si. B1.AT(•IIt Otto