HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-02-24, Page 3n 'GOIUEISI:D 1Eh'S I•fE�IS ,TWO L U'CNI;xI\cS ITIOK AL.l. 011:11 'r:':: (J.or.L:. Serious Fire in the Gurney -Tilden Stove `Yorks at Hamilton. A despatch fr. Hamilton. Ont., s, rat : Uatlsel, it 1s presumed, by an electric spark igniting some chemi- cals in the lacquer loom, fire broke out about 5.;;0 en Thursday even- ' e in the e'tornlous plant of ,the 'urney-Tilden ('. inpany, rause manufacturers, resulting in the death of two n:('n, serious injury to three others. Iescer wounds to about 75 startled employes, sled hair-raising experience for them al!. The dead are :-- Henry Baedcn, ferenlan grinding -toe in; Albert Me- (Illly, helper in stove mouuti tg- r .om. The more seriously injured are - Fred Wilds, hand and arms burned; S. Holesel, wrist broken; Percy Woodbridge, oterconte by smoke. To over 70 (nen caught in the up- per storeys the only safe mode of escape was the greasy elevator cah!es, down which they swarmed, hand over hand, by dozens. Others c..uld not maintain their hold and slid down like deal weights, land- ing on the head of the ether men at the foot of the shaft. Malden and alcCully endeavored to reach an- other part of the building, but were ove:coute by the smoke, and were discovered, Bing dead, half an hour later. The exact cause of the fire has not. been ascertained. but the fire .epartment authorities believe that the electric wires, probably influ- enced by the fall of snow, bc: anie crossed and caused a spark. The 1' cation of the spark was the lac - titter room, where there was stored a quantity of highly inflammable •:heluicats, which ignited in a burst of (lame. The loons is un the ground floor, anti the men in that department had to du some quick Telesrseele Criers stunt Oar Ottu sail Other ('ountrice (I {tercet la cuts. l ANADA. The New Brim swi.k Legislature was opened on Thursday, M chigan Central engineers hate been given an increase in pat, 'TiIE WORLD'S MARfit f5. RI:1'Olt4s i It011 'l11l: I.I:.tuI\t. TII.tDE C1:\1111:e. Prices of ('Tittle. Grain. ('Meese :tut Other Dairy Produce at Horne and :thread. 1111.11>.' 'I'l•F1•.. Toronto, Feb. 22 Flour -Ontario wheat 90 per cent, patents, $4.25 to $14.30 in buyers' sucks on track, Toronto, and $4.20 to $1.25 outside stepping to rearei safety. Inside of 311.. J. C. Eaton has given *250,• In buyerssucks. Manitoba flour, sue minute the entire room was e'1- 00.1 to the new 'foronte' Huspltal.. nest patents. $5.70; second patents, teloped in a cloud of punge'tt _% v;unpinv has been formed at g5.20 to $5.30, and strong bakers', smoke, which escaped to the up•'•1 Montrcll 1. censtruct..a boulevard *5 on track, Toronto. fluor; vie the elevator shaft and a ten utiles I'.l4 to Bout de 1.'1le. Manitoba Wheat ---No. 1 Northern flight Of steps. ` Mrs. H. St. George Beldwin fell S'.13, Bay ports, and No. 3 North - The grinding; room on the third en the sidewalk, at Toronto, burst- can at £11.11, (lay ports. tour got most of the smoke. It was ing; u blond teasel and dying short- Ontario Wheat ---No. 2 mixed red ebselutely impossible to inhale the iv afu'rwar:ls. 11'n►ter or white, *1.07!'. to $1.03'.2 vupi r and live, and the seen Inco John lIi!1,' , was; sentenced at outside. and two buys who worked in the Niagara Falls t" three years in Barley—No. 2, 57e outside; No. grinding moot "lade quick clashes 1.enitsutiary, on Thursday, for :3 extra, 55e; No. 3 at 50 to 5_c and r +, t' liberty. The uuljority of them robbing a jewellery _tures feed 48c outside. rushed to the s ind•.w•s, which they bloke. Huh.on and several Oats—No. 2 Ontario white, 39 to others jumpand tended in a life'- 40: outside, and 42 to 42,.,c• on u1t 1 sating net held by the firemen. track, Toronto. ('anada West oats, Others went down a ladder. Haw - den 4::c for No. and •Lc for Nu. 3, den and Nir('ully tried to escape flay ports. Peas—No. 2 kr shipment, 82c out- side. liye----No. '2, 68e outside. Buckwheat -53 to 54c outside for c.. 2. • (:oro--Kiln-dried No. 3 American 74c, and X. 3 yellow, selected, 71c, Toronto freights. Canadian corn, 66 to 67c, Toronto freights. Cana - (ban corn, 66 to 67c, Toronto freights. Bran—$22.50 in bags, Toronto, and shorts at 8.24, in bags, Toron- to. (:I{ EAT Bit ITAIN. The Loud.iit Daily Chronicle calls the Gerinano-('anadtan agreement u sensible arrangement. The Chairman of the British La - t} staggering into a different part Of the building. That was the last hoe party has intimates that the seen of them alive. Halt an hour need expert tie Labor later their bullies were recovered unless the veto emotion later pressed to an issue without dela by Fire Chief Tenlyck and some of his leen only a few feet outside the door of the room from which they had tried to escape. They had been overcome by the smoke and were carried downstairs, where 1)r. James Anderson, aided by some firemen, with their first-aid-to-the- injure(1 outfits, worked long to re- store them. Their efforts were fruitless, as the two unfortunate men were evidently dead before they were found. SIX COSTLY Mi('E. EIGHT-HOUR DAY BILI.. Shipped From London to a Boston Protestor. A despatch frurn Boston :says: Huddled up asleep in a small wooden box and appearing not un- like the white mice so common in this country, six little orange -col- ored rodents. valued at $1,666.66 each, made up the most interesting oonsignment aboard the steamer Anglian, whieh arrived here from Lenclon un 11'ednesday, The ani- mals are for a college profess ,r in this city, who is to use them in ex- periments. The *10.000 mice are a eapeci• s of dormouse, or sleeping ,nude, that live out cf doors in the summer x111(1 remain turgid duri tg Trost of the winter season. Their high value is caused by their great scarcity of numbers. They are about the size rend build of a semi's-, rel. 4-- - MI:IIA1r 1'(111 REYNOLDS: 11ame of I:enduetnr in Wehbeoed 1Yrnek Sent to London. A despatch from Ottawa says: In the Senate on %Vednes:lay Sir Riche r. 1 •artwright said that the St cretaty of Stat -e had forwarded to tate Imperial authorities details of (ondt:ctnr Resit td's gallant eon - dust at the Sptr.isl► River raileds- w reek. As to M rs. Lindell, while her courage, coolness and useful conduct on that occasion were r( - c: gnizecl, it was (luubtful if her case risme within the scope of the regulations gorelning the distribu- Von of the E•lwitr:I or the Albeit medals. Howe ver, that would be inve'tig'ttrd. 11011 I: \ 1.011 '111E Bliss Kinnie ('(:Irk Would Illnblish 31r. hubreuil Say's( 1Yea1 is llakiug More Progress Than East. .1 despatch hem Ottawa says: Ontario Added 10 Her Railway Before the Common's Co:t?nlittee (u Trackage by 260.23 Miles. ll r. Verville's bill in respect to an 1 despatch from Toronto says: eight-hour day on public works, According to the report of the mita- li,. Victor Duhreuil, Fair Wage jster of public works Ontario has Officer of the Labor Depart•nent, gave a cidence on Wednesday morn - ins as 1._'..14.-. conditions with remeect to hours of employment at various parts of the country. Ile said that the t ndenc•y toward a r.• 1ii tine in theh�,urs of labor was mush more i?otuytable in the west then in tho easX: In Alberta and British Ce- lt•,�t1S►bia several branches of the Year Eleven steel and 20 timber Iii,ildings trades were already work bridge.; were completed in the same tug( on an eight-hour basis. Th.. 1 art of the country, the largest be- (• intuit tee decided to hear further • e', , d' wrecat ks the set rl e of the lsi nob - lo esidenee along this line at it, next; g span of 200 feet. The development meet ing. 4 e f 40,000 horse power will be pro- vided for the storage darns con- t AR I'I.1•NGED 1)OW\ RANK. structed at the outlet of I)og Lake, fear Fort William. \menti I-st-ape of Tao Passengersate.-- al 11,_al London. i COPPER REFINING. UNITED STATES. Five men were killed in an explo- sion in a gunpowder plant in Cali- fornia. A ten -year-old buy was attacked b,,, two great eagles while on his way home from school at Laporte, I'a. • (:l•:N IIL L. Soldiers with fixed bayonets at- tacked rioter; in the Prussian town ei Neumuen'ter. \E.t8I.Y 901111 MILES R.t11.11.t1. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -81.50 to $2 per barrel, according to quality. (leans—Car lots outside, $1.85 to ;;1.95, and small lots at 83.10 to $2.20 per bushel. Honey—Combs, dozen, $2 to 82.- 50, extract: d, 10% to 11c per Ib. Baled hay- No. 1 timothy $13.50 to $1.1, and N ). 2 at $12 t:, 811.50 ( n track, Tor '',tt.. Baled Straw --$7.50 on track, To- re•nto. Potatoes -47 to 50c per bag on now tti6,0.49 utiles of - railway, ea track, Toronto. which 260.2 was constructs dur- Potatoes• --17 to 50c per bag on ing the past,' year. The Grand track for Ontariiis. - - _ Trunk Pacific aecoents for lee of Poultry --Turkeys, dressed, 17—T0 the new mileage, while the Algoma ISe per Ib; darks, 13 to Ise; geese. Central is constructing 110. New 12 to 13c; chickens, 13 to 14c, and Ontario had 1.16 miles of new col- fowl, 10 to ile. onizntion roads opened during the A despatch from London. Ont.. says: Springbank car No. 11e with Nell Process for Lowey (:rade Ore two passengers, Frank Elson a /1'1 1nt(•ntg'd al Mcliill. ' William Hart, of Brun, Ont.. Nos' .A ("Patel' ft.'" Montreal says: badly wrecked at 7.20 o'clock (.n alenlhers of the chemical staff of Thursday morning, when it left the rails of a point about halt a mil. ' gill and a New fork chemist west of the 11'harncliff:• road, and have been at work on the reduction shot headforemost d ten 9n embank '' ''"('per ore, and have suceee(le(i "lent into the ricer. No one was in tit ,ling a new method of treating injured. The n:•cident was caused 1 weir grade ere, L'p to the irre- by about half an inch of ice on the ' �' t't no ore was profitable under f. nr per rent. By the new process toil¢. three per cent. ere will be prfit- e) le. The tests were undert iken at the 11 %1) 1I 1 I.I. 111 0\ 11 %It 1' "IL trot:ulr7 of n number of New fork — cepa:dists who have large holdings111zi Deer of Ilrrti.he� hillin and .1 clipper which were of too low a Ihu•nin_ ju euutillilaitl, grade ie• pay. Now they expect to .A drttpat -h front Aden. .'trabi•t, start work on them immediately. It School to Train Thcol, say~: llehauune(J .'bdul!ah of Su- ntear:s a geed deal to ('auada, and A despatch fr tin 10,11.1,01 says ":Iililnncl, the "ma's" N1•111• 11, is the 'ere ninny of the mines in Miss !Catnip ('In:k, a Indy farmer. again on the warpath. .% big force Canada which could not be made 10 hopes to rnise 1:20.ttt0 to form of dervishes has r•Ii.Irt1 the Sults- pay which will now pay handsome- ec•hoels of ngrieulttire for \tome') in nal: of the \Net -tato killing and ly te:tir,ns of Canada. aliss ('bark burning in all (little '''is. Thc• — erggests that the ref eulty of ob- slaughter of the ttibesnre et was arty 1 I101 1 111 1 ON 1.1111 on. raining sufjeiesit reliable tare" 1a- !wets. (ler whole town was gut- ___ hon could Le evetcetne by training tee' ht' file and 1t,eal) caramels take t ai,•i.slisi. in 1..1 ,:.In•, I)bj,•e1 In women in the handling •:f firm im- by the crersishee. The ndurni-tea 1':1)ius: the %Icohul Ta s. pletneets• She urges the eat ll:lis?r tion elf the Sultanate of the Mijer- ptent (.f (:oternment elet eters at tins is entrusted to the Government •.. ' ' t•„t Itt•rlin says: evert wheat teen. . f it:ilinn Monts' Inntl. T .1 hr - i cots null • cicnNcd t--- tax sI?at • •• t s 11 considerably the 4- --- MILLION DOLLARS A X10 [ncrease )n the Customs Revenue During Last Fiscal Year. 1 con-unll•l . n .t (,randy in (,crmeny. S'ne • October I the production of alcohol in all forms has: (lcrlined b\ i e:se,0(Nn willow). The Socialists nre• nlnintaining the boycott to pre- test the empire from souring; the it ten'le:f revenue from the alcohol tits and to rob the agrarians of the be nefit% which they would secure through the sl:ec•inl discriminnti-'n in their fetor contained in the law. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butte r- Pound prints, 22 to •'".c; tubs au.l large rolls, '20 to 21e; in- ferior, 18 to 20c; creamery, 27 to 28c, and solids, 24 to 25c per ib. Eggs --Cale lots of new laid, :30 c r in west Elgin. had a fine bol. to :31c per dozen, and storage, 25c and two horses bitten by a dug r -in- ning wild the other day. On Wed- nesday the bull developed hydro- phobia, and had to be (lestr(". (•(I. The two horses are now under treatment, and it is feared that Bacon, long elver, 11'•; to 1 !1._(• they, loo. will have to be shot. The per Ib. in case lots ; mss, p ,rk, x17; Township Council of Stephen, in short cut, 828.60 to *29. Hams—Light to medium, 15 to I5 c; do.. [wavy. 1.1 to Wee; rolls, ,i -cans For coping; ty:th the alarm- ing l to 1-1': c ; shoulders, 13 to 13%e;ing. eondit'ons in the'r I c•tlity. Sey- boeakfnst bacon, 17 to 17- a hacks, Bial read dugs have hetet killed and Is':. to !Woe. others got away. Many cattle hate Lard • Tierces, 15':,c; tubs, 151,e; been bitten. pails, iee. INOBEASEDOF LIVING Results of Special Investigations Carried Out by the Government. A despatch from Ottawa says: 11'ilh the current issue of The La- bor Gazette the department begins the publication of the results of the special investigation, %%bleb has been in progress for sonic truths, into the increase du 'sags the past few years in the cost of living. In sltbsec)uont issuee there will be giv- en statistical reviews of the trend ..f wholesale and retail prices dur- ing the past twenty years in Can- ada, with comparisons as to the trend of prices in other countries. The investigation will cover sonic 2.5 commodities in general use. This month a statistival statement ie given :Is to the wholesale prices •,f animals and pleats from 1890 to 1909. Averaging the prices for all Meats, the stat •u,rtlt ~!lows that during the year 1:(i') wholesale prices were approxintat.'ly 48 per cent. higher than during the ten- vear period from 1'90 to 1899, and that, c.,nlpared with 1906, they were fully 77 per c.'itt. higher. Tao issue alto contains a table showing the prices of thirty-four commodi- ties which enter into cost of living at the snore important centres of population throughout Canada. 1t is the intention of the department. t•' publish quotatio'1s for a similar list of commodities from month to month in The Labor Gazette, thus making it possible to ascertain by comparison the changes in r:'tail prices and the cost , f living in the various parts of the Dominion from time to time. (1)1-.e; No. 4 yellow, 60'.: to 62c. Oats—No. 2, 49c; No. 2 white, 49% to 50e; No. 3 white, 48 to 4t''/,e; No. 4 white, 47 to 48e; stan- dard, 49 to 49!.c. --- LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Feb. 22.—Prime beeves to over 6!.e per pound ; pretty good animals, 4% to 5'e, and the common stock 3'/._ to 41.,r per ib. Milch cows from $30 to $60 each; springers, $30 to $50 facia. Calves, -1'.. to 8c per ib. Sheep, about 5c, and Iambs about 7c per lb. Good 1.ts of fat hogs sold at 9'/, to 9%c pt -r Ib. Toronto, Feb. 22.—Evreyth'ng was Nought up for local killing. A few picked. well finished steers and heifers sold up to $6.25. Straight loads of good butchers sold at $5.60 to $5.90; medium at $5 to $5.50; lulls were strong at $4.50 to $5.- 30, and butchers' cows at $1.35 to r5. Manitoba feeders realized up to $4.65. Sheep and lambs were firm at recent advances-. Hogs— Selects, 88.25, f.o.b., and *•.50 fed and watered. . '1'11E 11.111IES EPIDEMIC. Loral 1)jslrleta Call oil Provin- Boii d of Ile:Ilth-fur-.'t'e.tlilanc•e. .% despatch from Toronto says: I•'.tHM DRAINAGE PItOFI'I'.%RLE .4ssislanc•c by Ontario Agrietllural College. Thorough drainage of lands need - ;ng it will increase the yearly re- turns from the land by about $20 pct acre, as shown by reports of men who have drained. This is the salient fact broughtout in Bulle- tin 174 just issued by the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Toronto, en- titled. "Farm Underdrainage: Does It Pay?" During the past five years the amount of drainage being done has doubled, and thorough drainage, that is with lines of tile every four rods, more or less, is rapidly in- creasing. Manu areas are so flat er so irregular that it is impossible without a surveyor's level to tell just what is the best way of drain- ing: them. Fur the encouragement of farmers having such areas the Cntario Agricultural ('allege is re- nt -wing its offer of assistance in drainage. surveying. During the summer the College bias a special-- dlaivage staff engaged in this work. Anyone having drainage problems to solve may • _--'Tt;e' assistance of of t ese draj.- age a eters by applying for the , ;lie. At the copclusiun of each survey a public meeting is held in the ijelel t:' discuss and demonstrate r the best methods of finding the fall, The epidemic of rabies is rimming dcterm:Wing the grade, digging the s( sloes proportions, according to ditch" true to grade, etc. The reports to the Prot -metal Health roily outlay to the farmer is the Department on Thursday, which travelling expenses of one ratan, will be transmitted to the Federal cr',siating of meals. if -any. cartage f� dcpurtnient. Isaac 'Petro, a faro)- of instrurne"t:=, of any, and railway foie at a cent a mile each way. As several surveys are usually trade on the salve trip the actual cash outlay for (ac•h man is small. fre- quently being under 81 and seHern over S2, though in case of an in- dividual survey in a remote part it might reach 85 or more. Tho farmer is also expected to meet tho College representative at the sta- tion and return him to it, as well as accommodate him while on the Miry( y. Those wishing to macre applies - lien fur a drainage survey should v rite ti. Prof. W. H. Day. Depart- ment of Physic , O. A. ('., (Juclph, whereupon a regular application form will be sent. per dozen. Cheese -12%c per lb. for la rge, and at 13e for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. the county ..f Huron, held it special s( ssion en Thursday to devise BUSINESS IN MONTIti;.%L. :Hunt i eal, Feb. 22.—Oats-- • Nu. 2 Canadian Western, 15% to 46e; No, :i 44% to 45e: Ontario No. 2 white, 43% to 44e; Ontario No. 3 white, A desltatc•h from Montre•tl says: 42'/, to 43e; Ontario No. 4 white. .1 floating dry -clock for Montreal, 41% to 42e. Barley-- No. 2, 59', to capable of arennttnodating vessels CtIe N(.. 3, 5`;'..r: Nn. 4, 5o!,,c: feed of 20.000 tons. is the latest pert barley, 511-_c. Fluor --Manitoba equiprne..1. It is understood that A despatch Irene Montreal s•tt -: Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; n considerable part of the capi- Figures compiled at the ('ity. Hall sceentls, $5.440; Manitoba gal for the dry-do:•k will los pro- go to show that Moitreel has a Spring wheat patents, secorl•Is, *5.- tided by the Vickers, Maxim and salary list which yearly absorbs one 3.1, 11•inter wheat patents, $5.50 t•, tickers ('otnl•any, one of the bug- million dialers, or este-sixth of her $5.00; llnnit•,ba strong bakers, est shipbuilding concerns in Great revenue. The last 4ou'teil was *5.10; straight roller!, 85.10 11/ Biitain. who will invest probably very generous with salery ilterees- 5..25; straight rollers. in bags, $'•.000.000 in the propoeition, and et. and also greatly over-nlanneei 82. " to *2.50. Feed --Ontario broil, will operate the dry-dock nntl the the vnr'ous departnunts. %Virh a $2:.50 to 0.12.3; Ontario tnid Ili'1gs, aecompalty•ng shipyard. The Brit- million dollars paid out in siderite; $23.50 to $14.00; Manitoba bran, tall first do ata confine their mai- and e1.4(111.0n0 in i-itcrest charges *32.00: Ment 'be shorts, *23.00; v:tis•s to shipintil.tinc;, and it is ex- it is little wonder that Montreal's pure grain monillie. 831 t.• $33: I e(te I that they will operate the fir.anc•es were its a bad way. Mr. mixed ntonillie, 8.27 to )?29. ('her se M. etre al g.lht:it 'during the Whiter J. Guerin, hr. titer of the M•tvnr, - Septe•nhar and Octebcr make, '•1:•nth when t.:lvigatio•t i-' at n ha • been asked t•, till telnportrily 1.2 to I2',c and rastcrris at Il'- to t Indstiil, f 'r 1' • 'output of rlilwny lb• duties of Secretors- 1., the 12c. Butter—choicest crenniert . e. of v011 n- kink Beare .f l .•nl sols t.. 26':te, and ire sh tcc'ipts e6 _+ Egg' ---Strictly new laid. :;::t• per dozen: selected cult see - :tee stock. `1*+ to an': No. 1 cetedl •d at 24 to 25,2 le.r d. -ren. DI:1-1101'K 1'1111 11ON1ill:1l,. 1 irSere.11:lsiut l'untpnny 1% ill vest Same )Ifllions(. In- MONTRE.1L•S S11,1it1 (.INT. (•it le heparlmenis 01 ernt:l need, and Pay is on (;e:wrens elide. 00D ALOOIIOL'S YIOTIMS UNITE!) tT.1TES li'HKETS. ' llilwneker, Feb. 21.---11'heat-- a and r `( T % (Irsl•aleh foe)) Ott:l .t i sats . 1!.. 1 hale l• 'ailed *:61r1,(►:►Ii,Ii07, 1n i Nettle rie SLIM t', ::1_19; No. 1 Father His WO Sons--- Cra�e(i Near r,nada's trail- for Jnnuar} tett' i.:,•cof*to,tExports11 t1\'I (►111 �I.II:All.1 Northern, ,ti.l; to al.lr ,; May. �( )M7,.15. of , Ftt1.1►' Its. Ne. 1. sl'. ('stn-- Castor. Alberta, led *51,500.1112, 811 inel'P8'e of l(1_. 1• hr -• prteltiet2a fur rte ten , t 1 1 q, I)er,s,o,l .•1 1‘..1-,.-,-;83., I oauni.don 11nt, 6r;.,' . Illsley - Standard, rs2,627, or n(itrly thirty per cent. tnotlt1 hied 8211,s75,•2lt►, nn in_ , peer the c•'rres mulling nt.'nth of crease ••( !3I, 101,7944. Of this in- 1 i- %gains! the 1'roposul. ' I to 72^ ('Iticngto, Feb. �2. 11'heat <'asb, ' A despatch free, •;ler. %!iter-1tidal; they 11,111k i• Inst pelt, and e••nstlttltil e a record 2 ereeei', aln,llt $It6.0.p1.tf) was ill ex_% ,I, _1 „hal f1'ont Buffalo „43.s: I' , 1 `'•': Ill•' I;,r the month. For the fleet ten 1'l8 of agricultural ,t+Idllet<. 91111 Ne. 2 sed. 81.11 In K1.26: N.,. 3 reel, ta. says: Weoe ills •l.••, 117•+ 1•renl �rlll w!•it) 1 . stle•e•p, nese► t 11 B 1 The I ', ., says: The propose, to 81.15 to *1.21; Ni. 2 hard. 81.131, the eatise of n stage-I' nr Ir 1 aaI •r+'Che fat' r nft••r.tards lir l !south! .1 the pre'eitt fiscal year) Setell rind a half millions 1'1 extorts stunt Niuig,lra Rater to rnjs(• 111^ to 81.11'., : N . 3 hard. it1.13', to 11t Nhl('h hie let(. 11:►t, been lent ,,aIII. '.1•t eel be f..;e 1.,, i Ibe tottl trade has been $reet.956.- of the forest. Experts of meeitfa(•- water IPtcl ..f the rent lakes is ,+ 'rthcrn, *1 16' to tied e thirst is in slur' R . I:; . : N:. 1 Nto ter. ,,It'll the other i.:,.. „.I,,. ,,, ,K :i•ulgr•r. The its. an increase of *95.610.931. or t,ire rb..w ,1 J1 increase of tteaiIv (ICfa ..r..\1.11 by 111(` internale, tat \ 7' •• ,. e ' r ► 1 1, I It 1. , : N. _ N rth rn. *1.11 to sating were a father :Intl tRo tons. els° st,fi' lits fit r:• Its,• r't t . 4 abut twenty per e"Ili. The int)e'rla a. milbr•II.. The custom.. revenut` P'a(rrN7t\A l'Vt11r1,Lal.rn 111 its ten) •If 81.1:,'�,: No. :S e6rrlllg;. 011 I•11.y to earned 111pe1r, eh., ata b -•1"e dear;• 611•. '1►IIL;. tor rl '1(1- .' -'• ' r last month totaled *3').253.' 2. an tor the month was ft.ti0:;.1111, an in. •ybllljlted In the se(•retnry el aAr mile, Iru"I t'a't •r. Tier 11(rl'nar "( *7.1N,,33:• o\er .I.Ianary crease Cf *9(1,0:3' For ten months i•1.14. (son N••. G:r, N• 2 i' > zl.( 1 • , retair.crl bin• nt the t•61igr ', .,• . hr, 11'nshimtlon, and the miniker of white. t6(6(•: No. 2 yellow, 666; N hail Mien in the tjiilgre last tiater :•• 1909. Expects et domestic pr.rtitete the etltt 'ill`; ret emir has been *leo rl 1 1(. le . L.,N' rr e;,t r, s h. I..t IRP eta I" ,lit• stork. at (Malan. Pfd' pro- 3, 133. to 61 c: No. 3 white, 61 to day and Aurelia-ed a .slinrliit. of tear. en. deed whet. eiss resree tt•tallocl i90,270,406, an increase of :sits.):,9, an inert sae of *10,:331,311• e•e•: bar horn elder COnsidej tion (;1t a \o, Y',r , d I trete n t'1.(miat e'en -a-11 1 1 P s 3 yellow. G3 to Ql; c;• w'e., nlcoh" teilrluol hie /,o•n••. jlc• p•lice sire • $4,11,0+1. 1-ir the tee u,'•nthy int l l 8 litter o'er a million a month. far lib eit situ ears.1. I+ N .. 4 white, .1ft.•r g•-ttin•' back :•• ''.e'r y Ne. 1, f><J,. to (i�, c ; • (_ a .. ; r •t1l,9tlagl. • •