HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-01-27, Page 8The
Janitary Si
Odds and Ends in
Suits and Pantings
is Now ON
Suits worth $24, $22
and $20 for $14, $13 &
Pantings from $2.60 up
eilksIkollsollo Agaa
f:, 1875 there were 201 liquor 1 c-
• yes La Huron County. May next ti:e:c
be but 52.
Tee engine has tacit installed In the
teesemer:t of the Jackson Factory. and
to row ready for work.
It is understood that there will tx a
recount of the Local Option vote in
Tut-kersmit!, where it carried by 3.
Tes Juniors of Eseter and Iiensall
play a game of Hockey I:ere this Wed-
eesday right. A geed game la assured.
Owleg to a mad dog scare the mayor
of Mitchell has ordered all dogs to be
muzzled or tied up for two months, on
penalty of being; shot at sight.
Rut few people ventured out to church
Sunday morning, many of them being
too busy shovelling canals to the front
Rates, the coal bin and the wood pile.
A large number of cattle were brought
in Saturday for shipment but owing to
the snow blockade they had to be kept
is ti.e different hotel stables until
Mrs. Wm. Hooper, who some weeks
ago suffered a stroke of paralysis, is
now able to be up and abouts her, house-
nold duties, althoug.1 r.ot yet as well
as fcrtnerly.
Every knock a boost. That is the way
knocking affects a man's business. The
knocker gets the worst ot It. When
you knock you simply hit yourself a
wood swift kick and you deserve it.
The bush seems to be full of travell-
ieg salesmen these days. One night
last week there were so many la town
that The Central and The Commercial
could not accommodate them, and one
at least had to find private lodging.
Chas. Dyer got a crack on the chin
with tee puck when watching the game
Friday night. A stitch or two were
needed to close the wound. Rus. South-
cott also got hit on the forehead while
playing the game, giving him a slight
cut and a black eye.
Mr. Jas. Dearing sold his matched
team of grey horses last week to Mr.
Andrew Rubinson rot the West. They
re-e-ris:ng four years old and were con-
sidered by competent judges to be one
of the best teams in these parts. They
wee hed 3290 and Mr. Dearing receiv-
ed tee handsome sum of ;560.
Wcrd wee received here Monday of
the deat`n in Clinton on Saturday last
of Miss Trick, sister -In-law of the
late George Samwell, and a frequent
visitor i:t tow,,. In fact, much of the
past year sic spent here at the home
of Mrq. Samwell. Sho was Sia years of
age. The remains were taken to In-
se'soli for interment.
There scenes to be no end to the now
fall. Seturday it came down all day,
and many of the roads were once more
almost eomplctely blocked. while the
evening train from the north was five
hours late. arriving about It) o'clock.
'Tis said that much snow means a
bountiful harvest. If so, we may look
for a bumper crop neat year.
Monday was not a particularly fav-
orably day 'or Mr. Thos. White to
make his first mail trip to Kirktoni and
return, on account of the heavy snow-
fall of Saturday. Ile leaves here after
the morning mall is distributed about
10.30 and returns about 4 p.m. in
time for the malt to leave on; the after-
noon trains.
Herbert, the yound son of Mr, Fred
Hector, Huro.a ttteet, was painfully in-
jured on Thursday last. lie was hang-
ing on to a cutter, when his Loot, wat:h
v✓ag resting on the runner, catre to con-
tact with the •now and he fell, hie foot
catching he the brace of the runner, he
was dragged for some distance, with the
result that ono of the banes in his foot
was broken and he su ctalned other In-
Mr. C. H. C Fortner of Tpronto oc-
cupied the Main and James street pul-
pits Sunday morning, and evening re-
epcctively, and preached missionary ser -
terns. He dealt largely with Christian
Fteeardship and the giving of one-
tenth to the Lord, supporting his ar-
gume:.t well. )fr. Taylor of Lucknow
was unable to be present owing to the
s:.ow blockade. Rev. Fear was in the
James street in the morning and Rev.
Robbs was at Thames Road.
The funeral of the late Mrs. P. Fisher
took place to the Exeter cemetery on
Saturday. The day was a very stormy
one. Among those from a distance at
the funeral were, W. F. May of Mitchell
Miss McLeod. Woodstock; T. Maker of
Lo;.dos, Niles M. Butt of Mensal!: Mrs.
E. Tcmlinson, London : Mrs. T. Wark,
Pcplar 11111: \ir. and Mrs. W. A. Davis
of Hamilton. The floral tributes were
very nurncrouq aed very pretty, testify
ieg to the kindly failings towards the
(iv( xs'•d .t:.d gre:at refiret ,at her de-
:\t the Presbytery of Huron January
netting last seek fn Clinton F. 11. Lar-
kin was appointed moderator for the
ensuing six months. and the clerkship
was resigned by Dr. A. >icLean of Blyth
after forth years of service. Mr. J. lia-
metoe was elected to surrecd him. Bay
field :ea., announced as reaching the
stage ct full self-support. A committee
tot,alse:1g of Metiers. Larkin. Carswell
and Shaw ware appointed to consult With
Chiseleurst eongrv6atlon so that regular
supply might be obtained for Chisel-
Merchant Tailor,
zeter, - Ontario
Mlaess locals -- Reed Teem
Any Girls' or Ladies' Cloth Coats
trill be sold at greatly reduced prices.
They must be cleared out. At Stewart's.
SALE AT BEAVER'S.—All the present
Steck must be cleared out to make
room for a new stock of goods. A big
assortment of Ladles' collars, belts,
Laces and ribbons; men's ties, collars,
shirts, etc.
Successor to the late J. W. Broderick.
New Cotton Delaines in fancy stripes
and plain black with white spots just
the thing for an odd waist. 3 yards for
20c at Stewart's.
1 1-2 story Brick House, on William
street, owned by Mrs. Perkins. all in
first-class state of repair. AWAY to
S. M. SANDERS. Exeter.
See Stewart's New Prints and Girty-
harns. Everything new in stripes, spots
and fancy patterns at lOe and 12 1-2 r.
,. Ovas Cowles.
Dr. Ovens, London. Eye and Ear
Surgeon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel. Exeter, on Saturday, Feb. 5tb,
all day. Glasse* properly fitted and
diseasee of Eve, Ear and Nose treated,
Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p.m.
26 per cent discount on every Fur in
this stere is what we are giving. Some
special rallies in fur lined coats .for
ladies at Stewart's,
CART) OF TIiANR9.—We desire td
onvey to tI.c citizens of Eseter our sin-
cere thanks for the many kindnesses
shown Up dudes our recent bereavement
Mrs. W. A. Davie
Levine Fisher.
1,000 yds. of 10 cent and 12 1-2 cent
Embroideries with Insertions to match,
extra quality, good patterns. Special
Bale Prig, 5r. See centre windy a at
Mr. Rich. AtkinsOn has returned from
a trip to Winnipeg.
,\ town wt:ose citizens have no public
aspire. 1s on the way to the cemetery.
The citizen who will do nothing to help
the town fa helping to dig Its grave.
The citiic:n who growls about h1s town
being "the worst ever" Is assisting In
Its burial. The business man who will
rot advertise Is driving thc hearse. The
(111700 who "knocks" and howls ' hard
times" preaches the funeral sermon.
Itev. it:ceard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Tutsis Worship -10.30 and 7.
Case `er.ice-9.30 a.m.and atter Morn-
ing :4t•t.i(e and Wednesday niet.t.
You•,g Men's ('lass and Catechumens —
sunday at 2 p. m.
Sunday School and hible Classes— 2.50.
Epa'or'h League—TucsdaY 9 p. nt.
Prayer Woe.:g—Thursday 8 p. to
Jan. :ti, -}acv. .1. J. Thomas r1(:iiinS
and cvcei+hC.
behind a suit is not confin-
ed to other clothing estab-
lishments. There's a love-
liness about our garments
that will simply delight all
who come to us—that's so.
qlV.us of
M.rabeet Taller• Exeter
Mixte drti,ks are respo,,stble for a Ion Mts. Attains ot 1'arkh:il is visiting Mrs• A. Taylor
o1 mixed Ideas. Mrs. Jacobi. i this week.
A talkative ma:. is just as opt :u be Mrs, elaikltam is visiting in Brumfield Mete Wool and
S. 11uro:; Agricultural Societe.— The
annual meter::: of tee Society was held
in Brumfield on Saturday, Jan. 22, for
the tt'ttivins' of Ire financial statement
and t:.e election of officers. The r.'port
s,':owed the society in a fairly good
standing. The following officers were
‘e,c. teci—Pres., \W. 1). Sanders. 1st vier,
Jas. Patterson( 2nd vice, John Murdock
D.rertors, E. theistic. Thos. Russell. T.
Fraser, \Wm. Dickson, Wm. Berry, Wm.
Murdock, David McIntosh, Henry Snaith
Delegates to Toronto Convention. Ed.
C'.rlet;e and John Murdock. A meeting
ot tit directors was held at the close
cf tee annual meeting, when 1t watt de-
cided to hold a spring show In Rrure-
fie el. comprising stallions. bulls and
sends : and In addition a horse show
comprising draught teams. agricultural
tnam:e, carriage teams and singles and
roadster teams and singles, all In har-
ness. The resignation of M. Y. Mc-
Lean. M. T.. who Nutt acted as secretary
for 25 years was read and accepted.
and a letter dratted regretting hl• res-
r::atl•n. Hie son, W. D. McLean ipf
9eaforth was appointed secretary.
1'10 CLEARiNG S.ALF..—We purpose
having a Pig ('.earing Sale. An oppor-
tusty of is Ute time to get cheap geode.
narnaless as foolish.
Give the boaster a chalice to :rake
good and watce him fade away.
Tee I'rovieclal Legislature opened on
Tuesday. The sits eion Is expected to be
a short one.
It you did not succeed In your last
attempt try again. You eie deveioeiry;
character at least.
Try your tint in a fair and Leanly
way, and if you get Cie worst,of it, just
quietly make the best of it.
:\ man can stand a lot of that boy-
cottins, persecuting business', but even
the worm will some day turn.
Do not leave that house o1 yours emp-
ty when it small advertisement In the
Advocate will bring a tenant.
>fr. and Mrs. A. Hastings and daugh-
ter, Lula, returned Thursday night from
a vlvit at the former's old home. Cross -
James Sullivan, for vagrancy and
being drunk, was sent up to Goderich
for 60 days by Magistrate Kay Tues-
day mcrning.
When a girl asks a young rnan if Le
know. anythine about palmistry, Just
hold her hand lir a spell—that Is what
she is necdin,.
Some people look as though they are
doing you a favor when they speak to
you They have that "Give -me -a -receipt"
lock about them.
Rev. Fletcher of Thames Road weact,-
cd in the Preebytertan church Sunday
evening, Rev. Sharp assisting in the
Anniversary Services at Thames Road.
The suit of Miss Halls against Mr.
Hewer of l,.ondlon for $45, a payment
made on a piano and not Credited, was
decided here Monday in favor of ens,
Halls, Hewer to pay all costs.
Mr. Luther Howard, chief engineer on
a large Atlantic liner, and son of Mrs.
\Wtta. }coward, Exeter, was married re-
cently, and when writing home the
young couple were staying in Scotland.
Mr. harry Elworthy reports that at
wheat harvest time last year he beat
Mr. T. Routley's record, mentioned last
week, of 35 sparrows In one shot, by
shooting 40 off a wire fence by one
Two rinks of Exeter curlers went to
Parkhill on Wednesday to take part in
the bonepell. The players were S. San-
ders. Ic. Gould, E. Jones, A. Taylor,sk. ;
J. Grieve, T. Royle, G. Anderson, H.
Iluston. sk•
Mr. Thus. G. (Leech this week pur-
chased the bus and dray business from
Mr. \\'nh. Arnold, and took possession
Tuesday. Mr. Creech is prepared to
give the b:st of service to the public
and in another column makes hie an-
Hr. Art \Soul. rpn of Mr. John Wood.
v:lio has been in the head office of the
Ilemc hank, Toronto. for two years.
has received a well-deserved promotion
being made manager of the liderton
branch. Ile is the youngest manager the
hank has ever appointed, and Mr. Wood
deserves much credit for hie rapid that,
in the institution.
The oft discussed naso: of union be-
tween the James and Mai„ torr, t Meth-
odist congregations in tower is again
being discussed by the people. There
is little doubt that one Methodist church
here would be sufficient. and probably
the old saying, "Better late than never"
holds good here, but there have in the
past been much more favorable oppor-
tunities than the present for such a
move. Ilowever, tee matter is an open
one and the will of the people should
derts of Colborne who get their mall at
EIImvUlc, Winchelsea and Woodham are
clitulating petitions, praying that the
Goverrment will cause the mall carrier
front Kirkton to Exeter and return to
wait in Kirkton until the mall from St.
Marys arrives there, as this is the
way they receive their daily papers from
Toronto. By the new artangertaent that
went into force last Monday the papers
are left In Kirkton 24 hours before be-
ing forwarded, and Hauch dissatisfaction
in felt.
HICKS' FORECASTS—J. regular stoma
period, preceded by clear, cold weather
from the 2nd to the 4th, extends from
the 4tt: to the 9th. The storm diagram
shows that this periol leads into a com-
bined period of mercury, vent's, earth
and mare. From this time forward,
February will titin„ many storms and
much teaere and disagreeable weather
General rain, snow and sleet storms
w111 mark the prfloi 4t't to th : ,8th, with
bit/yards (to -n tare nor.hweat and change
to very cold at er the new moon the 9th.
.rt seismic period covers the Gth to 12th
central on ,he 9th. Watch current re-
pon s.
for two weeks.
Miss Mary Carling 1s visiting Mrs.
Mace In Toronto.
Mrs. .Yager and Miss Tillie etc vise -
leg In Clandeboye.
Miss Marjorie Broderick is viritiug re-
latives In Aliso Craig.
Mr. Collins of flanff is visaing his
brother. Rev. D. W. Collins.
Mr. flalsden of North Dakota is visit -
lee: at the home of Mre. Quance.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Evans of
London are vislitng relatives in town.
Mrs. Germaine, after visiting Mrs .F.
W. Gladman, returned to London !don -
>tr. Robert Campbell of Tiverton was
the guest of Mi. John II. &; tt last
1). ciartk•ib .attended the Hamilton Gun
Cub Shoot last we •k and did nom? good
Mr. and Mrs'. W.
oft Tuesday evening
moon trip.
R. W. F. Beavers left Tuesday on, a
business trip to Simcoe, 'I`)rontu and,
other points.
Mrs. Henry P.undlc is visiting at tete
',once of her father, Mr. John Kerslake
London Road South.
susses Ruth and I3ernice Dunetord of
plat -tette, ellen., have returned home of
ter visiting here for two weeks.
etrs. John Pedlar is in Clandeboye at
present, owing to the illness of her
brother -In-law, >tr. S. G Lamport
Mr. and etre. W. Coultls have return-
ed home after a couple weeks visit with
friends in St. Marys and Kintore.
Mrs Jehn Sanders and dau'dhter, Mts.
Nora, returned Saturday from a sever-
al weeks' visit with relatives in Toronto.
Rev. Mr. Mortimore of Klating. West
Ctlna, is visiting hie relatives. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Dunsford in Stephen at
;lir. Frank Samwell of Kingston was
here Thursday' and Friday visiting re-
latives. Ile 1s travelling for a Montreal
hardware firm.
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Dew, who ate vielt-
Ing here from Dakota. are row spending
time short tio with friends at
Middle -
miss and elsewhere.
Mrs. Fulcher of Vancouver, 13. C., who
has been visiting her patents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jae. Dennis, is now visiting in
in London and Hamilton.
Mrs. Wee. Huston and children of
Mcrr,ineslde. Alta., arcvisiting in On-
tario. and spent this week at the h)me
of Mi. Ii. E. Huston, Exeter.
Nee'. \Wylie, who has ben visiting rt
Mr. J. A. Stewart's, left Wednesday for
Watford to spend a few days prior to
leturnlne to her home in Omemee.
\ir. John Kerslake- arrived horse from
a three months' very enjoyable trip to
Eniiland cna)'riday evening. le honor
o' !Is ',turn l.onte hie c:Jldren tender -
el him an oyster eupp,r at his 1100101313
Tuesday night.
Mr. and >trs. Jas. Stapleton of Turn -
berry. near Winghanl, after spending a
few days here with friends returned
home Tuesday morning. Being a na-
tive of England Mr. Stapleton's visit
here was principally to ••.,_ar the chimes
of the Trivitt Memorial church. lie ex-
presecd himself as being highly pleased
with his visit, which brought back fond
tecollcctione of his native soil.
Mr. Alf. Taylor returned Wednesday
Last from a ten days' visit in Michigan
when the visited cid residents of this
section, such as Mr. Robert \Willi',\Irr.
and Mrs. John Wiles, >ir. and
Fred Wells, Mr. and firs. Wm. Cor-
nish, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
and Mrs. Geri. Tapson, Mr.
and Thomas Dunsford and son, Mr. 8nd Mr
Mat. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Bissett, all of whom reside in and rear
Marlette and Sanilac Centre. well Tay -
for says they are all looking
doing well.
A copy of the thetutUui picture en-
titled ' The Seel'. Awakening." size 19
x 24 incl:es. ready tor flaming. 1s still
L;uarante i to all who renew their sub-
scriptions or become subertlbers to
The Fancily Ileiald and Weekly Star
of Montreal. Teo much cannot be
said of this lovely picture. It de -
'serves all that I.as been said o' it and
more too. A copy should be in every
:home in Canada and those who fall
to retake sure of a Dopy now wilt re-
gret it later 11 1s safe to say ti.at
no one who has a copy would care to
sell it for twice what he paid, for The
Family Herald for the year and tee
picture. Dee dollar pays a whole
year's subscription to that great
Weekly, and thc picture is presented
to each subscriber. Don't miss ,t.
Having purcbsaed the BUS
and DRAY business of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, I desire to announce
to the Public of Exeter that 1 am
prepared to give you the best of
satisfaction in work connected
with the business. For the pme-
ent orders left by phone or other-
ICE, PHONE 26, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creep@
W Taman returned
from their honey
Inaugural session of the Board, held
in the Town Hall, Wednesday, Jan.
19th, with all members present. The
following is the order of business duly
ordered and passed. Signing declara-
tion of office by F. W. Gladman, H. E.
Huston and P. Frayoe. Huston—Mar.
tin—that P. Frayne be cbairman.
Martin—Carling—that the Corporation
of the village of Exeter he Treasurer.
Per T. B. Carling and F Wood that
John Grigg be Secretary. The fol-
lowing are standing committees duly
appointed for the current year: -Wood
P. Frans,. per Huston and Martin;
Supplies. F. Gladman, per Martin and
Huston; Repairs, F. Wood and T. B.
Carling, per Huston and Martin;
Teachers' Supply H. Huston and P.
Frayne. per Coaling and Wood; Insur-
ance, Ili! Huston. per Wood and Mar-
tin; Grounds and Sanitary, T. B. Car-
ling, H. Huston and S. Martin, per
Wood and Gladman. Per Gladman
and Martin that the regular monthly
meetings of the Board be held on the
second Monday of each month on the
call of the chair. Huston—Martin
that the Inspectoral visits of the
Board be held on the call of the, chair.
Huston -Martin -that W. D. Weekes
be reappointed as the Board's repre-
sentative to the Public Library for the
full term of three. Gladmao-Martin
that Dr. Bond be appointed to fill the
vacancy caused by the retirement of
I)r. Malloy as the Board's representa-
tive on the Library Board for 1910.
Martin- Adjournment.
A special session of the Board was
held immediately after the adjourn.
ment, when the following business
was duly submitted and approved:
Martin -Huston --That the payment
of the special teacher's grant be held
over for further information until the
next meeting of the Board. Wood—
Martin—That F. W. Gladman be ap-
pointed to secure the information de-
sired as to "Permanent Thirds" and
time covered. Gladman — Martin —
That the time limit for the payment of
the H. 8. fees for the current term be
Feb. 1st, 1910. Huston—Wood—That
the Supplier, Com. be authorized to se-
cure the mage, pails and bells required
for the school, also the clock required
for Mise Vesper's room. Wood—That
the following payments be approved:
W. J. Heamao, oil stove. &e....r 2.06
T. Crews, labour .
R. Gould. " 100
Adjoornmentper T. B. Carling.
—.7. Ontoe. Seereta'y.
SFAFORf}1.—The death occur
tteatorth on the 18th of Mr. Ale
axed 06 years. lie was bora in
land and resided here over et) yea
was a builder and c,•ttracter and
many of tee ; aforth homes.
is visiting in Iceusall
Mess Veale et London
alta[ Mrs J. .1. Stewart lis:
Feed and Seeds
All the BEST GRADES of
flour always on hand.
Breakfast Foods such as
Oatmeall7 lbs for 25o
Poultry Foods A Feeds such as
Wm. Rivers
Davis' Old Stand - EXETER
WPWSrler‘l. 11.11Prier1W111,�
Cas osly be gotten trout the teat Sear
—'ria following breads a» unexcelled
Try a t.undted neat time) ou hale
Try One of These :
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
Pl'RITY (wester* Casale. rtour Mills)
Lea., your orders or . all 53)
Phone 2.
R. G. Beldon, Exeter
Dont Ionkoy with that
Cough. Take 441
Ihite Pine & Tar
Sold only at Howey's Drug Store
in 25c bottles.
Remember the Name ---
Rowe & Atkinson
Bear in mind that at their store is the
place to buy FURNITURE. We have
a fresh car Load in now and every-
thing will be found at the RIGHT
PRICE to SUITE the purchaser.
Give them a call .,.
Undertaking and Embalming a Spooality
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Big January Sale
Some Rare Bemfos in Meter Goods
Stock -Taking
over we find a
few lines that
require clearing
out. Everything
in the Winter
Line to go. Good
deep cutting is
our way of do-
ing it. Now is
your chance for
some nice cheap
This is a grand opportunity to
buyFur's. A New SCA,
LINED COAT at the very low -
eat prices.
For your choice of any Wrap-
perette in the store. Good pat-
terns and colors at 10c vd.
All to go. We want to clear
them out. Price no object. If
you want a coat this is your
Blankets &
Only a Lew left, hut each a
bargain for the first buyer.
A Few Real Down Ones
New Spring Goods
Arriving Every Day
Every day we are unpacking the New Spring Goods. Our dis-
play of New Goods for Spring will surpass anything we have shown
before. Come in and see them. We will be pleased to help you in
your selections for your coming wants.
Ears aro a few of the arrivals:
New Dress Goods
New Trimmings
New " Gia hates
New " Zephyrs
New " Waists
New Prints
New Ducks
New Cbambrays
New Laces
New Embroideries
New Carpets
New Rugs
New Matte
New Linoleum
New Lace Curtains
M►il _ Orders promptly attended to
uarters for the celebrated W. E. Seaford Clothing